Debt Rattle February 28 2020
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- This topic has 41 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by
V. Arnold.
February 28, 2020 at 10:37 am #54518
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterLewis Wickes Hine Gus Hodges, 11, instructs brother Julius 5. I found Gus selling as late as 9 pm, Norfolk VA 1911 • England Only Has 15 Beds F
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 28 2020]February 28, 2020 at 11:19 am #54520V. Arnold
ParticipantLewis Wickes Hine Gus Hodges, 11, instructs brother Julius 5. I found Gus selling as late as 9 pm, Norfolk VA 1911
Such a great photograph; it’s who we were…
The 2019 virus and today’s version of the Keystone Cops; if you’ve an operational brain, you’ve realized you are, in fact, on your own…
…no matter where you find yourself…February 28, 2020 at 11:56 am #54521Dave Note
ParticipantFebruary 28, 2020 at 12:00 pm #54522Dave Note
ParticipantI wonder how corona will effect the dating scene.
February 28, 2020 at 12:09 pm #54523Dave Note
ParticipantFebruary 28, 2020 at 1:40 pm #54525Dave Note
ParticipantThe West won’t be any different, except the governments response here will be totally inept, more so than China if that’s possible.
“Chinese officials in Wuhan and other cities within Hubei province, where the novel coronavirus outbreak is most severe, reported to their higher-ups in the provincial government that people are not able to secure treatment, running out of supplies amid restrictive lockdown measures, and feeling fearful and anxious about the spreading disease.
Despite such observations, authorities prioritized how to “control the society” and “manipulate public opinion” to view China’s efforts to contain the virus positively, according to internal government reports that The Epoch Times obtained….”
“…Even within the central government’s “Anti-epidemic Leading Group”—China’s top agency tasked to confront the outbreak—most of its senior officials are from the Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Public Security. There are no members from the National Health Commission…..
…Officials from different levels want to keep their positions. In order to do so, Party members try their best to maintain social stability, which is treated as an achievement”,
Tang added. “As for people’s lives, that is not important in the officials’ eyes.”
February 28, 2020 at 1:56 pm #54526Dr. D
ParticipantDay 90, still no one’s accused us. Strange. They accuse us of everything that happens on earth, every time. They even accuse Trump of causing the epidemic by not invading China. Just shows there’s a first time for everything. Or is it that knowing they lie about everything, always, it’s the sudden lack of accusation that’s suspicious?
Does anyone know how many dissidents and people with low social credit are missing in Wuhan compared to the general population? That’s the first place they were seriously tracking. How about Iran? Suddenly pop up there among areas featuring journalists and moderates, or is it real?
Fantasy football: we know Kung-flu has a very strange reaction: one you get antibodies, as soon as the count diminishes you reach a threshold where the disease attacks even HARDER, using the very antibodies against it as the vector. As I understand, that’s similar to HIV.
So way back when, China thought SARS was an ethnic biovirus. Although its attack on Asians is a truly amazing coincidence, it doesn’t matter if it WAS a weapon, only that THEY believed it was. So, knowing the problem, they had millions of their citizens vaccinated against the next attack. …Who now have COVID antibodies. …The very antibodies the virus uses to more successfully attack the host than the initial virus. And the question of engineering such a thing arises again, because now CHINA would be the one who weakened and indicated those people to a new, more clever attack. So only if you got the vaccine, you die of the virus? 90%?Which they would never admit.
And contaminated their vaccinated population by fooling around with a new virus in Wuhan #4 lab they bought/stole from Harvard via Canada that we knew all about and probably leaked to them?
Which they will never admit either.
Nor will anyone else, or they wouldn’t get Americans or Europeans to take +70 vaccines from birth either. Still trying to see Rorschach here. /fantasy football.
From our level doesn’t matter: it’s the economy/supply chain/idiotic over-reaction that’s our real threat. Dow scaring under 20k seems in the bag. It could probably be 10K and still be overvalued, but one must have standards, you know. The standard is: get in some shorts and then start printing so that burning them will drive up the market into the final re-set. But these things have both price AND time. It takes TIME to break optimism and run fear.
It also takes time to reveal the cure you had all along, or else people will catch on that you’re ALWAYS lying, and the whole thing – the market, the money, the government, the society — is a scam.
How about this: they’re not suiting up and not testing because outside of the zone, patients can all “have it” but have virtually zero effects or mortality unless you’re 80? In that case, testing WOULD be dumb, because it would cause a panic among people who will 99 & 44/100ths% be unaffected. Remains to be seen, but the other explanations make no sense.
Go the other way: Rosensteins’ sister is the one with the outsized message from the CDC at the same time California – who has done nothing – suddenly says they are “monitoring” 8000 people. Really? Do you have their names? Does even one of them have it? Newsflash: it’s a pandemic, we’re “monitoring” the whole United States, your words mean nothing. So why did you say them? Strictly for propaganda value. To light up the headline-reading trading bots. And suddenly seeing a lot of this. Same media who beyond giggling at the very IDEA – my word! What silly tin hats! – of a disease at all, who BANNED anyone who stated the obvious even if they are medical PhD’s from Duke, now suddenly jump on the administration for not acting sooner! Weird.
It’s almost like a) you were lying or b) are dumber than a goldfish and don’t remember what happened two seconds ago. YOU’RE the ones who told us this was nothing who DEMANDED planes continue to fly, infected people were brought home, until you were CERTAIN it had spread, and THEN you want tests and panics. Good job, Brownie!
So for the coup de grace, they want to “Mr. Trump, tear down this wall!!!” in order to pay for the epidemic which would be PREVENTED by the travel ban, ICE, documentation, and the wall. Europe follows, demanding open borders for maximum travel. “EU Experts: Closing Borders ‘Ineffective’ For Coronavirus (EUO)“ Ah, “experts.” #AntiLogic. The only logic we know.
Anyway, what patterns can you draw from this narrative? That the only way to stop Trump from dismantling the stealy, rapey, stabby Deep State is to crash the economy? Huh. Funny ol’ world. But I am a coincidence theorist and their actions are not suspicious at all.
So again, Dow chart vs 1929 you posted? Uh, yeah, that says “crash” to Dow 18,000. That’s what the Dow was before Cheeto was elected. Big deal.
EndoftheworldDogsandCatsWe’reallgonnadie!!! Fair value P/E is 7 with 3% dividends. Right now it’s 20.03. That means the Dow should be 10,000 to be low, but fair. Relax. 18,000 “crash” “1929” level is still way, way, WAY overvalued. By 100%. Oh and the Dow-gold needs to be 1:1, or $20,000.
So are they in on it, or capitalizing on the mischief?
“Locust swarms have been recorded in the region since biblical times, …. Warmer seas are creating more rain.”
So you’re saying it’s normal and the desert is greening there. Gotcha. If they can get through this, sounds good. The climate and food production is noticeably improving then.
“Whatever happened to Woodward and Bernstein”?
You mean the guys who worked for a CIA leaker in order to remove a President one employee (Mark Felt) didn’t like? Then lauded both the Bush and Obama administrations, one of whom destroyed more whistleblowers than all other Presidents combined? Those upstanding gentlemen?
“the whole thing – the market, the money, the government, the society” – and the PRESS — is a scam. A fairy tale they told you back when and you believed it. They’ve been Assanging since Pulitzer – of the “Pulitzer Prize” said, “Remember the Maine! Give me the photos and I’ll give you the war!” And 3 shiny new colonies. Does no one know “Wikipedia”?
This guy does:
“Nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies.” ~ Julian Assange
February 28, 2020 at 3:11 pm #54529zerosum
ParticipantHere is what Mike Pence and his flock of parrots will not see, speak, hear.
the Communist Party has decided to offer another 300 billion yuan (roughly $43 billion) in emergency loans to Chinese companies, particularly the SMEs who are in the most dire need of funding.
The dog of a coronavirus patient in Hong Kong has been found to carry a “low level” of the deadly virus, according to a statement from the region’s government.
you’ve realized you are, in fact, on your own…
stay home, don’t forget your aspirin, forget calling a dr. ( I know, aspirin is only a placebo)The cost to get tested for #Coronavirus with no insurance being $3,270 is the most USA thing that could ever USA.
In other words, the only other time the Dow Jones entered a correction this fast from an all time high was months before the start of the Great Depression.
Perhaps the most shocking development overnight was the surge of new cases in Germany, confirming the dire warnings of health officials. Europe’s largest economy has now quarantined about 1,000 people and affirmed “about 60” cases of coronavirus across the country.
Mexico’s streak of being the only country in North America to have rebuffed the coronavirus is about to end: The country just reported its first preliminary positive test on Friday morning, according to Bloomberg.
Meanwhile, in Japan, the Northern Island of Hokkaido has declared a “State of Emergency” following an outbreak.
Canada should find a way to prevent the parrots from escaping northward.
I got a big bottle of Vitamin C and I’ll plant more garlic.
If garlic is so good, why is China selling it when they need it?February 28, 2020 at 3:26 pm #54530zerosum
ParticipantWill political rallies be cancelled by CDC because of the coronavirus?
February 28, 2020 at 3:49 pm #54531lasttwo
ParticipantTrumps latest news conference to steady the markets. He is obviously listening to Pence. paraphrased but really really close — its going to be like a miracle and just disappear” It may get worse for a little while or it may disappear nobody knows. So is he admitting that the policy for dealing with the virus is a miracle
I for one feel much better now.
February 28, 2020 at 3:51 pm #54532my parents said know
ParticipantVia the Jerusalem Post (which freezes up my computer) and ZH: Israeli scientists say they will have a vaccine in three weeks, and may be able to roll it out in three months.
I was surprised that Bloomberg TV didn’t mention it- nor anyone on the Washington Journal (cspan) this morning.February 28, 2020 at 4:36 pm #54533Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterMPSN, sounds nice, but we’ve seen lots of those promises. No human testing needed first? Note: they’re ‘adapting’ a vaccine (against an avian virus), not developing a new one:
Israeli Scientists Claim To Be Weeks Away From Coronavirus Vaccine
The scientists at the Galilee Research Institute, known as MIGAL, are adapting its vaccine against the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus, or IBV, to work for the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19..
Its vaccine for IBV, a bronchial illness that affects poultry, has already been proven in preclinical trials conducted at Israel’s Veterinary Institute, according to the news outlet.
“Our basic concept was to develop the technology and not specifically a vaccine for this kind or that kind of virus,” said Dr. Chen Katz, MIGAL’s biotech group chief.
“The scientific framework for the vaccine is based on a new protein expression vector, which forms and secretes a chimeric soluble protein that delivers the viral antigen into mucosal tissues by self-activated endocytosis, causing the body to form antibodies against the virus,” he added.
Note 2: Dr. D talks above about antibodies turning against an infected person, (“The very antibodies the virus uses to more successfully attack the host than the initial virus.”), while these people try to “form” antibodies.
Note 3: I’m not sure it’s the antibodies that do the harm nor that it’s the virus that uses them. The problem I think is a “cytokine storm”, in which the immune system causes the overproduction of immune cells (and their activating compounds – called cytokines), which then attack the host body.
February 28, 2020 at 4:53 pm #54534Dave Note
ParticipantStephen Buhner, whose herbal protocol really helped me with Lyme, wrote a book in 2013 called:
Herbal Antivirals: Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections
Three bucks on Amazon for the Kindle version, the paperback is hard to find at thirty dollars or more
Not anti bacterial herbals, anti-virus herbals, there’s a lot fewer plants that deal with viruses compared to bacteria.
And although it was written 7 years ago, the core principles still hold.
Just search for: Stephan Buhner Coronavirus Protocol.
Very few people every bothered to research or study in depth antivirus herbal approaches much less write on the topic.
February 28, 2020 at 5:01 pm #54535Dave Note
Participant“Stephan Buhner has analyzed how corona viruses infect tissues, what tissues they infect, and the herbs that are useful to interrupt that process, as well as the herbs useful to shut down the cytokine cascade they create.”
“Buhner’s Coronavirus Protocol has used with corona virus infections, including SARS, it works well.”
Do your own research and decision making, cause the governments of the world don’t give a crap about you.
February 28, 2020 at 5:06 pm #54536zerosum
ParticipantLet’s look One of the most important unanswered questions is what role do children play in transmission? The go-to intervention in flu pandemic planning is closing schools, and that may be very effective or it may be totally ineffective. It’s a costly and disruptive thing to do, especially in the United States, because many people rely on school breakfast and lunch for nutrition. So we really need evidence that closing schools would help. We need detailed studies in households of children who are exposed to an infected person. We need to find out if the children get infected, if they shed virus, and if that virus is infectious. The second issue that we should be trying to get ahead of is the extent of infection in communities and in places that aren’t doing extensive testing.
GAZETTE: What do we know about for sure about how children are affected by this virus?
LIPSITCH: We know that the cases of children sick enough to get tested is much lower per capita than those of adults. And we also know that, in China outside of Hubei province, the difference between children and adults is smaller. Children are still underrepresented, but they’re a larger part of the total than inside Hubei province. That would suggest that part of the equation is that they are getting infected but they’re not that sick —
February 28, 2020 at 5:36 pm #54537my parents said know
ParticipantRIM, thanks. Are they all dying of a cytokine storm? Or are some “just” dying of pneumonia that gets out hand?
This new virus almost seems engineered (HIV? Ebola?!)- I would be as suspicious of a vaccine as I am of nCoV itself.
So is this an autoimmune disease? Are all those asymptomatic children (and adults) being set up for an iffy future?
“Let’s call it pure luck” seemed like an odd phrase for the researcher to use.February 28, 2020 at 5:42 pm #54538lasttwo
ParticipantWhy are we still worried trump said it was going to be like a miracle and disappear. Pence is talking to the big guy. no need for science. I for one am feeling much better. reassured even because my order of p100 replacement filters for my respirator are almost here.
February 28, 2020 at 6:05 pm #54539PlanetaryCitizen
Participant• Biden Treated Ukraine ‘As His Private Property’ – Ex-Prosecutor Shokin (RT)
More Russian BS!
Ukraine’s parliament voted overwhelmingly to fire Viktor Shokin, ridding the beleaguered prosecutor’s office of a figure who is accused of blocking major cases against allies and influential figures and stymying moves to root out graft.
Jan Tombinski, the EU’s envoy to Ukraine.
Mr Tombinski said the EU was also concerned about the resignation or dismissal of several “reform-oriented” prosecutors and reports that Mr Shokin’s office was investigating a “highly-respected” anti-corruption group – an obvious reference to Kiev’s Anti-Corruption Action Centre, which had fiercely criticised Mr Shokin.
In what appeared to be his last act before dismissal, Mr Shokin sacked his deputy, Davit Sakvarelidze, who had repeatedly called for his boss to be fired.
Mr Sakvarelidze, a Georgian who was also chief prosecutor in the Odessa region, said his dismissal by Mr Shokin was part of “a cleansing of people who are prepared every day to fight corruption and the old guard without compromise”.
February 28, 2020 at 6:07 pm #54540my parents said know
ParticipantCover your eyes, not just your nose and mouth. Wear gloves. Sell your facial recognition technology stock. Heh.
February 28, 2020 at 6:33 pm #54541my parents said know
Participant“Two Japanese dogs tested positive…” ZH
“Pets belonging to Hongkongers with confirmed coronavirus to be quarantined, says paper” Tass
Awww, man!February 28, 2020 at 6:45 pm #54542zerosum
ParticipantThe cost to get tested for #Coronavirus with no insurance being $3,270. Of course if you have insurance it will cost a lot more (10X)
If you can afford test your dog then you are rich or a fool.February 28, 2020 at 7:01 pm #54543Dave Note
ParticipantFrom back in January:
“Al-Mahdi is a prominent cleric who is well respected by jihadi factions, and who is known for his sermons and fatwas…
Titled ‘Fatwas from the Land of Sham’ – Al-Mahdi was responding to a question from Muhammad Abu Nassir, who asked, “Is it permissible that we express our joy for what China is experiencing – the coronavirus and the death of the Chinese people?”
“Yes, yes we should express our joy and pray for their annihilation,” responded Al-Mahdi.
Jump to this:
Not only is Iran lying through their teeth about Covid stats, but their Shia clerics not only won’t consider locking down Qom but are actively encouraging a packed attendance for the Pilgrims.
Wow, Jim Jones would be jealous. This is a true death cult. They’ve Jumped the Shark.
And the cleric at the top praying for “…Allah to “annihilate” the people of China” with Covid-19.
Well, payback is a bitch homeys and since Islam doesn’t believe in Karma, we’ll just have to watch Covid go nuts in Iran like it was a cruise ship that ran to ground.
February 28, 2020 at 7:03 pm #54544seychelles
Participant“….but unusual weather patterns exacerbated by climate change have created ideal conditions for insect numbers to surge…”
Don’t we all reflexively think “geo-engineered plausibly deniable warfare” these days after reading such phrases? Or is it all just an amusing game being played by opposing powerful Zioglobalist factions? The Wuhan virus will be non-discriminatory the way it treats the African continent and nursing homes in developed countries.
February 28, 2020 at 7:04 pm #54545zerosum
ParticipantI expect to hear the parrots encouraging everyone to attend church and get the devil cast out.
February 28, 2020 at 8:49 pm #54546zerosum
ParticipantIts a shout from the rich.
I’m going bankrupt If Powell doesn’t give me more money.
S&P lost $4T this weekFebruary 28, 2020 at 11:06 pm #54547WES
ParticipantMean while in the great white North, it is global cooling! A foot of the white stuff and still snowing!
February 28, 2020 at 11:21 pm #54548WES
ParticipantDr. D on quite a roll today! Hadn’t heard of the prior vaccinations of Chinese before! That might explain the sudden need for 40 mobile cremators in Wuhan with another 100 more on back order!
Would also explain why the CCP most ruthless security person was put in charge of Wuhan to clamp down on security leaks of which we have had few of recently.
Read that CDC employees have been complaining how poorly prepared they were for the return of Diamond Princess passengers to US military bases. They had no equipment! They mingled openly with passengers in aircraft hanger as if it was a reception! Naturally CDC bosses told them to shut up!
Just goes to show you how much preparation the CDC staff ever did while waiting for the call. None! Just like the rest of the government employees. Proves that you have always been 100% on your own!
And still no one is asking the question of why there are no test kits?
February 28, 2020 at 11:24 pm #54549zerosum
ParticipantHurry the coronavirus is coming
Trump urges Afghans to seize opportunity for peace
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is due to attend the signing in Qatar. The agreement will see thousands of US troops withdraw from Afghanistan in return for security guarantees.It follows a week-long partial truce with the Taliban.
February 28, 2020 at 11:30 pm #54550WES
ParticipantAbout the dogs! My wife has been following an American women who is trying to save the dogs in Hubei province somewhere outside of Wuhan. Naturally the travel ban has made getting dog food very hard.
Well it should come as no surprise that the Chinese authorities have been seizing pet dogs and killing them! They know the dogs are spreading the coronavirus!
So far the authorities have only drop by to inspect the American women’s dog shelter, but seems only a matter of time before her dogs die, either after or before starvation. Sooner would be kinder.
February 28, 2020 at 11:33 pm #54551zerosum
ParticipantI thought that dogs were used for food
February 28, 2020 at 11:48 pm #54552Dave Note
ParticipantWhen It Comes To Protection From The Coronavirus, You’re On Your Own
February 28, 2020 at 11:50 pm #54553WES
ParticipantI find it sad that the full extent of human stupidity continues unabated despite of the coronavirus pandemic.
Europe, let us keep our borders fully open!
Iran, Shia clercs, let us keep the holy sites open and encourage more people to come to be cured!
Scientists, let us keep promising a vaccine so we can get increased funding, even though no vaccine is possible!
CDC, let us only test those who meet our strict criteria! If you have the coronavirus, we will only test you if you have been to Wuhan in the last 2 weeks!
Canadian Federal health officials have already waved the white surrender flag! Since we can’t contain the virus, there is no need to cancel air flights from any infected countries! There is no need to test people! If you have the virus just self quarantine yourself! No need to inform us!
February 28, 2020 at 11:54 pm #54554WES
ParticipantZerosum:. That is what she is trying to prevent! If the local villagers get hungry enough, they might eat her dogs!
February 29, 2020 at 12:23 am #54555zerosum
ParticipantZerosum:. That is what she is trying to prevent! If the local villagers get hungry enough, they might eat her dogs!
Maybe she should be feeding the villager instead of the dogs.
February 29, 2020 at 12:44 am #54556WES
ParticipantZerosum:. Something tells me she will soon be proven to be on the wrong side of history!
In the wrong place, with the wrong beliefs, and the wrong priorities!
I expect the crazy central bank money supporting her delusional misadventure will soon dry up!
My wife has not said much about her of late!
February 29, 2020 at 2:03 am #54557VietnamVet
ParticipantThe first confirmed case of the COVID-19 transmission in the USA, a woman, is now under treatment at UC Davis Medical Center.
I attended a training junket at the University of California at Davis and visited my late Aunt in Napa and Sausalito. I have a feeling of familiarity with the area. But it sure appears that things have gone sour there. The North Bay region is in the bullseye for climate change wildfires, electrical power shut offs, homelessness and now the first Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak in the USA.
I am also familiar with Anthony Fauci who has appeared on NewsHour since the HIV epidemic. He is a face of American science. Now he has to clear all his public statements through the VP Mike Pence, a Christian Dominionist. On the podium announcing the VP’s appointment as the Virus Czar, the scientists stood off to the side with a visible gap between them and the President.
The Princess Diamond evacuation was a gigantic SNAFU. Known infected passengers were flown on the same plane with the persons already tested as negative to Travis AFB which is halfway between Davis CA and the Bay Delta separated only by plastic and duct tape. HHS personnel sent there to guide and settle the evacuees did not have the required PPE or training to use it. The US government has been flushed down the toilet. The White House is staffed with know-nothings who don’t understand science only how to con money for themselves. I am certain that the Federal government brought the virus to the USA and infected its own citizens starting the first outbreak here.
Anthony Fauci is a tragedy in the Twilight of the American Gods. He cannot say the truth without resigning. If he does, Trumpsters will crucify him as the judas goat who brought the Killer Cold to America.
February 29, 2020 at 2:17 am #54558sinnycool
ParticipantThe answer is very obvious. The world and in particular our leadership is quickly waking up to the fact that
a) +80% don’t get it badly enough to warrant closing anything down whatsoever
b) the leaders need that 80% to shrug and get on with life ASAP because *they* are the economic engine which sustains everything including said leadership
c) the rest *need* to go to hell-home in a handcart as politely as possible with much feigned caring and relieve the world of their burden. Right now.
There really is nothing more to see.
So lets move this thing along as faaaassst as freaking possible and get it over with. Use whatever opportunities get thrown up to send the most infected to the opposing ideologies camps, withdraw economic support from naughty regimes and use ownership of capital to exploit the returning boom after the giant dip.
It’s over folks!
February 29, 2020 at 2:22 am #54559Dave Note
ParticipantHere is a photo inside one of the air transports bring aAmericans back to the US. Note the plastic sheeting with duct tape to separate the 14 virus victims from the rest of the passengers, very high tech. I just don’t see how 25 healthy passengers got it on the flight back.
February 29, 2020 at 2:58 am #54560zerosum
ParticipantI guess that China did it better.
Wait until the troop rotate back to the USA carrying the virus.February 29, 2020 at 3:47 am #54561WES
ParticipantSunnycool:. That is pretty much what Canadian Federal health officials said! They have already waved the white flag so now they can go back to doing nothing!
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