Debt Rattle February 7 2022
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- This topic has 90 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 1 month ago by
D Benton Smith.
February 7, 2022 at 8:41 pm #100297
ParticipantFebruary 7, 2022 at 8:46 pm #100298D Benton Smith
Participant@deflatiaratso But please don’t jump too soon. You’re our bullshit barometer.
February 7, 2022 at 8:52 pm #100299deflationista
ParticipantBut please don’t jump too soon. You’re our bullshit barometer.
Well, your barometer says you are all full of shit.
And you willing choose to live under those conditions.
February 7, 2022 at 8:56 pm #100300Oroboros
ParticipantAmerica’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: The U.S. aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia
Michael Hudson on the Saker
Everything is about money, keep your eyes on the prize.
“…The Iron Curtain of the 1940s and ‘50s was ostensibly designed to isolate Russia from Western Europe – to keep out Communist ideology and military penetration. Today’s sanctions regime is aimed inward, to prevent America’s NATO and other Western allies from opening up more trade and investment with Russia and China. The aim is not so much to isolate Russia and China as to hold these allies firmly within America’s own economic orbit. Allies are to forego the benefits of importing Russian gas and Chinese products, buying much higher-priced U.S. LNG and other exports, capped by more U.S. arms.
The sanctions that U.S. diplomats are insisting that their allies impose against trade with Russia and China are aimed ostensibly at deterring a military buildup. But such a buildup cannot really be the main Russian and Chinese concern. They have much more to gain by offering mutual economic benefits to the West. So the underlying question is whether Europe will find its advantage in replacing U.S. exports with Russian and Chinese supplies and the associated mutual economic linkages….”
February 7, 2022 at 9:00 pm #100301D Benton Smith
ParticipantPoor deflatulista. He (she/it ?) is so discombobulated by all the richly deserved ridicule that anything which even whiffs of the name is taken as some sort of abuse that must be countered with increasingly lame repartee. We could say, Oh, PLEASE don’t go away deflotsumester , we actually do LOVE you . . . and he/she/it would think we were having a go at ‘im and have to respond. I smile as I write.
Oh PLEASE don’t go away, DaFlatuMundo, we LOVE you !
February 7, 2022 at 9:00 pm #100302chooch
ParticipantIn general, I would not take a drug prophylactic ally. I am not closed to the idea, but there are side effects and their effectiveness diminishes over time. Think antibiotics, antivirals, even antiparasitics. No point in unnecessarily taken out the good with the bad.
Not to concerned since I have had Covid but it is an interesting drug and will keep some on hand. Certainly would take some if hanging with some black flies in Africa. Probably wasn’t a bad idea in certain health care settings/situations when fatality rates were higher.
February 7, 2022 at 9:05 pm #100303deflationista
ParticipantAll of you truth seekers, you self-described “former liberals”, who find yourselves cozying up to right wing propaganda like Raul posts here, are heading in a bad direction. You know, like book burnings and stuff. But freedumb.
Spoke with @farronbalanced about how documents we obtained show Ron DeSantis is weaponizing the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to surveil and intimidate activists who criticize him. They have a dossier detailing my personal information and people “associated” with me.
— Thomas Kennedy (@tomaskenn) February 6, 2022
Here's a short thoughtful rundown on what happened yesterday in Tennessee, burning Harry Potter and other "scandalous" tomes.
No matter how contrived & small this book-burning may have been, it is an act of fascism.— Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) February 3, 2022
February 7, 2022 at 9:07 pm #100304deflationista
ParticipantOh PLEASE don’t go away, DaFlatuMundo, we LOVE you !
Yeah. I’m not going anywhere. I will just keep posting evidence that counters your seemingly evidence free narrative.
February 7, 2022 at 9:10 pm #100305John Day
ParticipantQuoth Maxwell Quest:
“As far as I can tell, this pandemic operation was the starting gun for a run at total control. Now that their game is out in the open, I don’t see them backing down in order to make another attempt at some future time. I expect that things are only going to intensify from here, meaning that the psyop will soon escalate into armed conflict.”I mostly agree. The WEF have made their move, and western international banking and military are on board, though the WEF does not get to call the shots now, and can be peeled off as an entity, just like WEF global leaders like Macron, BoJo (may have jumped ship) and Trudeau are expendable.
The banking power and other finance behind WEF won’t go away promptly, but the format and vision to get to global electronic currency by smart phone, and options for individual exclusion and punishment, is not absolutely requred by the masters, just highly desirable, right?
I think Russia and China bailing Argentina out of the IMF/World-Bank juicer is the kind of thing to watch. China and Russia can cut out the current global banking cabal in time, like Jackson and Lincoln did for their moments, except they might actually kill it in it’s present incarnation.
Bye-bye London, New York, Paris…I can dream, can’t I?
February 7, 2022 at 9:26 pm #100306Veracious Poet
ParticipantD Benton Smith, I see you’ll fall for anything, as you lack the legal foundation to define/understand Natural Law…
Here is the thing about Natural Law insofar as it compares to any other forms of rule like laws, statutes, declarations, regulation, decrees, and so :
All of those other kinds of “laws” exist only as attempts to describe various opinions about what should be, and then scribbling down those opinions as strong words on parchment, paper or stone tablets. Those aren’t actually LAWS. They’re more like crib-sheets, reminders or “notes to self”.
Natural Law exists because it simply EXISTS, immutable, and regardless of anyone’s opinions. The hard part is figuring out what that Law actually is, but individual sovereignty is a good start. So is the innate knowledge of the difference between right and wrong, or that we are all somehow a part of something we call spirit or God , for lack of having adequate word skills to define it.
Decisions about such things remain ours and ours alone to make. No one else can do it for us, because ultimately we ARE individually sovereign no matter how hard we try to pretend otherwise.
Here is the legal foundation + definition of Natural Law, written by an English subject in 1690:
The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions ~ John Locke
This was his legal response to Hobbes’ arguments that the only pragmatic form government was the Divine Rights of Kings (Thanks Pope!), ie Absolutism, a system which placed control of the state in the hands of a single individual, a monarch free from all forms of limitations or accountability ~ A system that Locke LIVED UNDER his entire life…
At least he wasn’t drawn & quartered 😐
All of those other kinds of “laws” can be whatever the rulers decree, backed by overwhelming force, as we’re seeing attempted over-and-over again in direct contravention of the American experiment.
Are you even a U$ citizen? Do you really believe that fascist, socialist, royal sovereigns/rulers/dictators et al. give two pence about “Natural Law”?
Nope. Only a self-deluded fool would allow themselves to be beguiled by such notions, which is why in 1765 the Sons of Liberty used Locke’s legal precedent to declare their independence from the most powerful nation on Earth, to the point of torture & death…
Unfortunately, over the last 245 years liars-for-hire + apparatchik mercs, quislings & psychopaths have all but eviscerated the FIRST country that actually dared create a Democratic Republic under Natural Law, perverting it under “Emergency Powers” with equity (Roman) + Admiralty (British et al.) legal constructs, effectively supplanting Natural Law as underlying jurisprudence in ALL matters, creating nefarious legal fictions ad infinitum, eg corps being equal or greater to human citizenry. The utterly stupid “citizens” trained to live in childish self-centered trances all went DERP!
This is the last time I’ll speak of this topic, unless asked, the sheer ignorant, mendacious cowardice of the avg. human is a 100 ft. wall I’ll not bang my head against, again 😐
I’m sure you’ll have some self-important dribble to counter history, have fun!
Wanna see a clear manifestation of the #anti-NaturalLaw death CULTS?
Vermont Plans To Enshrine Legal Abortions Right Up To Birth
Words fail me,
February 7, 2022 at 9:56 pm #100307those darned kids
Participanton the good ship “dictatorship”,
it’s the sweetest trip to the fascist whip,
where jackboots play,
on the freedoms that they gleefully slay.jump, robots, jump!
February 7, 2022 at 10:04 pm #100308D Benton Smith
Why are you attacking me ?
Your overwrought diatribe, so filled with virulent ad hominem took me totally by surprise. Where in the hell did that come from? Obviously the axiomatically true things that I spoke of offended you in some deeply personal way, and for that I am genuinely sorry, but the only thing wrong in this case is your astounding absence of sense or sensibility.
I write a few paragraphs that are in most essential ways the same idea expressed within the quote from John Locke, and from that you conclude that I support the opposite? You call me some sort of Hobbesian royalist ? You draw some delusional link to support of the crime act of abortion ? I’m just shocked and left wondering what’s wrong with you. Is your brain broken?
February 7, 2022 at 10:15 pm #100309Bill7
ParticipantI think one of the primary purposes of the ruling class’s imposition of Wokery on the (demographically) bottom 90% of us is to destroy any ideas of joint action for the Common Good: hence the repulsive (to almost all of us) Drag Queen
Story Hours; hence Cancel Culture; hence the destruction of Joe Rogan, which I think is significant. On the last: at the Naked Cap comments section, we are informed that Rogan viewers are something bad and dangerous called “Bros”. And I thought I was just interested in what his guests had to say; nope! Now “doing your own research” is also a “dangerous” trope, according to the [sponsored™ content] Wokery..
February 7, 2022 at 10:21 pm #100310zerosum
ParticipantMSM and the public and Trudeau want law enforcement officials to lock up the freedom convoy in jail.
The adjectives and the adverbs, and the nouns used to describe the convoy are not acceptable in a democracy.Too many voices calling for “the firing squad”.
Unexpected changes will happen.
February 7, 2022 at 10:25 pm #100311Bill7
Participantcultivated controversy
February 7, 2022 at 10:32 pm #100312Germ
ParticipantFebruary 7, 2022 at 10:41 pm #100313ctbarnum
Participant“Over at the Naked Cap comments section, we are informed that Rogan viewers are something bad and dangerous called “Bros””
From Bernie Bros to Rogan Bros. And the irony is Rogan was a Bernie Sanders supporter.
Funny how the globalization neo-liberals have gone full circular logic. But logic isn’t what they want people to use, only fear.
February 7, 2022 at 10:55 pm #100314D Benton Smith
So I popped over to your TAE profile and reread a whole bunch of your earlier commentary. Just as I had remembered. They’re fine. Which just make me double-puzzled about WHY you tore into me so vehemently, out of a clear blue sky and with no provocation that I could see.
I have no desire, intention or purpose to fight with you. But I sure would like to no what sparked your effort to rip me a new one.Maybe you simply misunderstood what I wrote, taking some point I made in a sense opposite to what I had intended it to mean.
Please do me a favor.
Please re-read my post about Natural Law , and then “line item” the points that you think I got wrong and include WHT my point is mistaken or stupid or evil or whatever.
Just feed it back to me in a format something like : ” D Benton said : “blah” “blah” “blah” and he is wrong because the truth is “blah” “blah” blah” .
I promise to respond in a completely polite and civil way.
I like to be proven wrong, actually. Gives me the chance to change my mind about it and thereby become even more perfectly right about everything [joke] .
February 7, 2022 at 11:07 pm #100315Bill7
ParticipantI still read NC to see what stories they’re pushing, and for a couple of commenter’ words. The latter used to be five or six,
but the couple-three that are left who dare to go a little bit against the ruling-class narrative are primarily used as punching bags by the rest.funny old world..
Flora: you’re fighting the good fight, sincerely.
February 7, 2022 at 11:19 pm #100316Oroboros
Participant@John Day
The Saker’s article by Michael Hudson burrows into this.
America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: The U.S. aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia
The article is more directed at EU states jumping ship to the enticing Russia & China trade bloc but Argentina breaking free from IMF mafia extortion is as good as the Cuban missile crisis. It’s in the backyard of US mafia’s ‘turf’.
Ohhhh, feel the burn!
“..U.S. demands are driving its allies out of the dollar-NATO trade and monetary orbit
As in a classical Greek tragedy, U.S. foreign policy is bringing about precisely the outcome that it most fears. Overplaying their hand with their own NATO allies, U.S. diplomats are bringing about Kissinger’s nightmare scenario, driving Russia and China together. While America’s allies are told to bear the costs of U.S. sanctions, Russia and China are benefiting by being obliged to diversify and make their own economies independent of reliance on U.S. suppliers of food and other basic needs. Above all, these two countries are creating their own de-dollarized credit and bank-clearing systems, and holding their international monetary reserves in the form of gold, euros and each other’s currencies to conduct their mutual trade and investment….”
February 7, 2022 at 11:21 pm #100317Veracious Poet
ParticipantI write a few paragraphs that are in most essential ways the same idea expressed within the quote from John Locke, and from that you conclude that I support the opposite? You call me some sort of Hobbesian royalist ? You draw some delusional link to support of the crime act of abortion ? I’m just shocked and left wondering what’s wrong with you. Is your brain broken?
No my brain isn’t broken, I KNOW the absolute TRUTH about Natural Law, which is settled BLACK LETTER law, unlike your earlier contention(s):
The hard part is figuring out what that Law actually is, but individual sovereignty is a good start. So is the innate knowledge of the difference between right and wrong, or that we are all somehow a part of something we call spirit or God , for lack of having adequate word skills to define it.
Since you didn’t identify as a “U$ citizen”, you might have missed the part where Locke’s LEGAL precedent was transcribed into this:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (the core of the most important document in the history of mankind)
I’m so sick & tired of the rabble trying to boost their pride & vanity by having a hand in redefining “real reality”, but I understand the precept that Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver, which is how sociopaths have accomplished replacing Natural Rights with the absolute power of the State, bribing the electorate with free $hit from sea to whinging sea…
After decades of trying to convince sheeple to awaken to the tyranny enveloping everything, mutating America into U$ Empire Inc., I’m afraid I’ve lost my patience trying to explain how it all went wrong to childlike “Americans”, not to mention dumbed-down-to succumb subjects of royalty that hilariously think that what the Sons of Liberty established in 1776 somehow applies to their sycophantic nation too.
The Democratic Republic of the USofA, under Natural Law, should be the shining house on the hill for all of humanity to aspire to, not a global rape, pillage & murdering empire…
Funny how so few can see the difference,
February 7, 2022 at 11:54 pm #100318D Benton Smith
Thankyou. I see the point where our viewpoints diverge, and I also see why there is really no good reason why we should argue because right up to that precise point of divergence we are in close accord.
You are looking at it ( I believe ) in the sense of (as you expressed it) “…the absolute TRUTH about Natural Law, which is settled BLACK LETTER law…”I have no problem with your understanding of settled black letter law.
Where our paths diverge is on the word “absolute” . That is a very VERY strong word, and I think you would have to agree that black letter law (no matter how well articulated and written into human legal documents of any and every kind ) is by no means absolute in the absolutely full sense of the word. For example, truth is rarely absolute. It exists in layers that are truer and truer and truer as one moves in the direction of “absolute” truth which, as human beings, we can only assign to God. We know the direction, but as humans we can never fully get there. God is truth. Our laws are not.
February 8, 2022 at 12:19 am #100319ctbarnum
ParticipantI missed a step in the chain.
“From Bernie Bros to Rogan Bros. And the irony is Rogan was a Bernie Sanders supporter.”
Bernie Bro = Brogan Bro = “Far Right” to shitlib/Deflationista/NC/Vaccine mandate groupies.
But then, lying is lying, even if they think people can’t keep up with the lies.
February 8, 2022 at 12:20 am #100320ctbarnum
ParticipantShould read Rogan Bro. I’m not messing with the edit function today.
February 8, 2022 at 12:30 am #100321Bill7
ParticipantThis reader knew what you meant- in fact I didn’t notice the “error” until you mentioned it. Yes, the edit function here, well..
The WokeryCIAleft version of what you said seems to be “anyone who’s not onboard w/ the ruling-class narrative is a racist-transphobic-misogynist-self-hating-covid-denying-“vaccine”-denying [indeed!]-Putin-lover-and-worse!”
February 8, 2022 at 12:33 am #100322Bill7
ParticipantThe unpersoning of Joe Rogan seems like a big deal to me- almost like those doing it are carefully ginning-up Civil War, step by step. Add some inflation and >>food shortages<<, and..
February 8, 2022 at 12:57 am #100323Bill7
ParticipantIn an effort to understand where we’re headed I’ve been reading various things set in or about Los Angeles, where I lived as a young kid in the early-mid 60s.
‘City of Quartz’ by Mike Davis (who’s very unfortunately all-in on the ruling-class kovid narrative) has many
good leads.. it’s taken awhile to get used to his writing again, with its (as I see it now) fashionable Marxist
opacity, but it’s still very good. All those Noir writers, books, films; and the early LA socialist attempts are in there, somehow giving hope.. they knew what they were up against. The totalizing effect of consumer/digital “culture” and
surveillance is much stronger now.. perhaps by design.
A good book.February 8, 2022 at 1:28 am #100324sumac.carol
ParticipantI find it unjust to say the least seeing the protective sentiment towards protesters when policing gets up to the “normal” level experienced time and again by indigenous people and those of us who have protested against economic and environmental policies. (Still haven’t seen any tear gas.) To justify the light hand police used up to now by saying that police agree with the position of the protesters hands a lot of power to an institution in Canada with documented recognized biases. I can think of a number of reasons police may support the protest, aside from vax mandates.
Here’s a question for those who think this is a coordinated attack on our world wide democracy: why is it that Russia and China are using similar covid policies? Look, there is enough real documented crap going on environmentally and in the financial realm – no need to create a story around these things -they are right there for us to see. Why the need to speculate about things we can never know for sure (conspiracies to control the world population) when there are massive threats in from of us that are certain and massive threats?
No, sorry, my position remains highly sceptical of the leadership of the protest leadership based on their documented, evidence, facts of their past behaviour and affiliations. I will never align myself with these people no matter how many well-intentioned people line up behind them.February 8, 2022 at 1:34 am #100325ctbarnum
ParticipantPretty good article, though I have to add you have plenty of people who can read a map.
The globalists from the get-go seemed to be in a bind. They have no affinity toward any nation, so they want everyone to hate their nation (and plant people in politics to not protect the people in their respective nations), but they also know that absolutely noone is going to war for Amazon (Prime Overnight Bomb Delivery) or McDonald’s, or Pfizer, or Facebook. Governments being deliberately incompetent, war crimes against their own populations, and think people will turn to corporations for their “safety” and “security”. Hence, the Great Reset, but they didn’t expect blowback.
“”EVERYbody is fed up.”
My question: A “military takeover” that doesn’t appear to be a military takeover?
February 8, 2022 at 2:00 am #100326deflationista
ParticipantRemember when people here were saying that “the powers that be” will never relinquish the covid powers they have grabbed? Now, more and more places will begin easing covid restrictions, ditching masks, etc. and the dummies will say they did it in response to the freedumb convoy protests, or the Karens at the local supermarket who decided to take a “stand for freedumb” during a fucking global pandemic. Fuck the NSA spying on you for decades now, or the Patriot Act, or the goddamn cellphone in your pocket that tracks your every fucking move. The #KarenConvoy draws the line and asserts their rights only in regards to paper masks or getting a shot and that evil 80 year old man named Fauci. Every moron with a 90 IQ now thinks they are Ron Fucking Paul or Thomas Jefferson. F U C K I N G D U M M I E S.
I am guessing that with the easing of restrictions and mask mandates (just like last year when they said you could ditch the mask if vaxed, while Delta was spreading) the virus will go on a nice little run just in time for summer activities. Maybe it will even mutate into an even more lethal and infectious virus. I am sure we will do whatever we can to give it every chance it needs, “Becuz we are free. F, R, E, E and no little virus that you can’t even see is gonna make me hide like a sheep.” “Let ‘er RIP”. Your precious “natural immunity” doesn’t last as long as you think. But you don’t care, because “if Pierre Kory, Stew Peter, Mike Yeadon, or Robert Malone didn’t say it”, you ain’t listening.
You people like correlating things that are not correlatable, and will do the same now that the virus has burned through America like a California wildfire, infecting millions of people. Infections will drop, restrictions will lift, and the freedummies will correlate it to their “efforts”. The truckers will jump with joy, thinking that they “won” some epic battle, only to find that they are now a part of a lawsuit and have lost their jobs and that their “battle” was decided by common sense and reality, just how it was always going to be decided. Meanwhile, the world will go on, and the freedummies will find the next thing to be aggrieved about. Commence your pearl clutching. Set the controls for fascism.
California to lift mask mandate for vaccinated people in most indoor settings from February 15
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) February 7, 2022
February 8, 2022 at 2:01 am #100327deflationista
ParticipantThe unpersoning of Joe Rogan seems like a big deal to me- almost like those doing it are carefully ginning-up Civil War, step by step. Add some inflation and >>food shortages<<, and..
Whoa! As it turns out, it was Alex Jones who first used Joe Rogan’s “Planet of the Apes” clip to attack him during a feud they were having.
So much for the conspiracy theory that this is a “coordinated attack.”
— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) February 7, 2022
February 8, 2022 at 2:04 am #100328aspnaz
ParticipantWent onto to search for “gas chainsaw” as I know a lot of them – maybe all – are produced in China. I could not find a single price for a gas chainsaw: plenty of listings, but nothing in stock. I am not looking to buy – I live in Hong Kong and can get one from – but I take this as an indication that is having to prioritise its shipments from China and chainsaws are low down the list – something that won’t be noticed – while phones and the like are getting into the high priority containers or even moved by air freight.
February 8, 2022 at 2:15 am #100329zerosum
ParticipantGet real
We are not on the battle line.
We are just grey haired observers.
Social and economic Change is not happening because of TAEFebruary 8, 2022 at 2:16 am #100330John Day
ParticipantThanks for the Michael Hudson Oroborus, and on the Saker’s blog.
Cool juxtaposition!February 8, 2022 at 2:20 am #100331John Day
Participant@CT Barnum: That is a very hopeful article about the Canadian truckers, but time will tell if they really came in with trucks full of supplies to last for months… I suspect not, but I’d love to be proven wrong.
February 8, 2022 at 2:30 am #100332sumac.carol
ParticipantHere’s Pat King, who has now anointed himself as lead of the trucker protest, making threats of violence after he disrupted a press conference of the Black and Indigenous alliance: 5,000 km away while being threatened with a vax mandate maybe this guy’s saying he will support you seems like a good option. When your head clears and you come back to Earth, he won’t look so good.
February 8, 2022 at 2:38 am #100333ctbarnum
Participant@Dr. Day
Maybe, maybe not on the supplies. A typical box trailer can haul between 35,000 (older trailers)-42,000 (newer) pounds of supplies, times a couple thousand bobtail-trailer hookups, and one can easily conceive enough supplies to last for at least a month. Some trucks with additional axles can legally weight up to 108,000 pounds still, I believe. So add another 20k pounds to the above.
The fact everything has been so coordinated with farmers, tradespeople, etc., means some group has planned this out pretty well. And then there’s the military that seems like Trudeau doesn’t actually control (pleas for the military to go into Ottawa being given a firm NO). That’s what led me to think we’re seeing something not entirely what we think it is (a coup de tat to restore constitutional governance that doesn’t appear to be one).
I do agree though, time will tell and maybe I’m just being too hopeful.
February 8, 2022 at 2:59 am #100334₿oogaloo
Participantdeflationista is starting to sound like deflated roadkill on the side of a frozen Canadian highway.
February 8, 2022 at 2:59 am #100335ctbarnum
ParticipantThe Ambassador Bridge between Windsor and Detroit was blocked today.
February 8, 2022 at 3:09 am #100336ctbarnum
ParticipantThe Bluewater Bridge between Sarnia, ON and Port Huron, MI
Update on the US front: Sarnia, farmers block Blue Water Bridge on the US – Canadian border. After Coutts another border crossing is blocked. Rt and follow us for updates, link in our profile to support
— TruckersForFreedom (@Truckers4Freedm) February 7, 2022
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