Debt Rattle February 7 2022
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- This topic has 90 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 1 month ago by
D Benton Smith.
February 8, 2022 at 3:27 am #100337
those darned kids
Participantshoot, ct, that bridge is gonna collapse! you can literally see the river through holes in the pavement. and man, does it shake!¡!
to be honest, that looks like a normal day there ;•)
February 8, 2022 at 3:29 am #100338my parents said know
ParticipantIf “they” are war-gaming with AI then they are going to run into trouble because they are dealing with life: life contains AI but AI doesn’t contain life. Humans murmer like starlings: we coalesce; we break.
This, I think, is why “they” want data. They want to know when we will break; if they can break us…
Because when we break, “they” grow particularly wary, for we will remain like starlings and we will murmer again and again.February 8, 2022 at 3:38 am #100339ctbarnum
ParticipantI’m still trying to find information on the Peace Arch crossing (Blaine, WA and Douglas, BC) and the Pembina, ND- Emerson, MB crossing, but I haven’t seen anything. The Pembina crossing is the second largest between the two countries in terms of freight. So that one is an especially important signal.
February 8, 2022 at 3:54 am #100340those darned kids
ParticipantRemember when people here were saying that “the powers that be” will never relinquish the covid powers they have grabbed?
•• they never gave up powers they took BEFORE covid.
Now, more and more places will begin easing covid restrictions, ditching masks, etc. and the dummies will say they did it in response to the freedumb convoy protests,
•• no, there are elections in almost every one of those places.
or the Karens at the local supermarket who decided to take a “stand for freedumb” during a fucking global pandemic.
•• our karens demand n95!
Fuck the NSA spying on you for decades now, or the Patriot Act, or the goddamn cellphone in your pocket that tracks your every fucking move.
•• fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
The #KarenConvoy draws the line and asserts their rights only in regards to paper masks or getting a shot and that evil 80 year old man named Fauci.
•• mr. fauci is evil.
Every moron with a 90 IQ now thinks they are Ron Fucking Paul or Thomas Jefferson. F U C K I N G D U M M I E S.
•• poopoo caca.
I am guessing that with the easing of restrictions and mask mandates (just like last year when they said you could ditch the mask if vaxed, while Delta was spreading) the virus will go on a nice little run just in time for summer activities.
•• you should ask mr. baric about that.
Maybe it will even mutate into an even more lethal and infectious virus.
•• especially if we’ve used non-sterilizing vaccines in the middle of a pandemic.
I am sure we will do whatever we can to give it every chance it needs,
•• unfortunately, you’ve spent the last year advocating for just that.
“Becuz we are free. F, R, E, E
•• unfortunately, i am not free. i am a prisoner in my own country.
and no little virus that you can’t even see is gonna make me hide like a sheep.”
•• wait a second. there were 3,711 people on the diamond princess. 712 got sick. that’s a 19% infection rate. 98.2% of the sick people recovered. cruise ships are not populated with the most healthy of clientele.
“Let ‘er RIP”.
•• that’s idiotic. protect vulnerable populations.
Your precious “natural immunity” doesn’t last as long as you think.
•• longer than six weeks.
But you don’t care, because “if Pierre Kory, Stew Peter, Mike Yeadon, or Robert Malone didn’t say it”, you ain’t listening.
•• why are you obsessed with stew peters? jealous?
You people like correlating things that are not correlatable,
•• we’ve see that your comments and reality don’t correlate.
and will do the same now that the virus has burned through America like a California wildfire, infecting millions of people.
•• explain africa.
Infections will drop,
•• while mortality rises.
restrictions will lift,
•• will you miss your qr code? you don’t seem to understand sociopaths very well.
and the freedummies will correlate it to their “efforts”.
•• you are too bitter. that can’t be good for you.
The truckers will jump with joy,
•• in bouncy castles!
thinking that they “won” some epic battle,
•• epic, it is.
only to find that they are now a part of a lawsuit
•• ooh, scary!
and have lost their jobs
•• most are self-employed. the world is begging for truckers.
and that their “battle” was decided by common sense
•• ¿¡common sense!?
and reality,
•• brought to you by pfizer®
just how it was always going to be decided.
•• as history shows us. hahahahaha..
Meanwhile, the world will go on,
•• better polish that qr code.
and the freedummies will find the next thing to be aggrieved about.
•• naw, everybody knows the government has are best interests at heart.
Commence your pearl clutching.
•• i’m too poor for pearls. the last two years have been hell.
Set the controls for fascism.
February 8, 2022 at 4:05 am #100341my parents said know
ParticipantOn melatonin: this link from a long time ago, when some folks wondered if youth itself and its abundance of melatonin didn’t suggest melatonin supplements may be helpful. (march 2020)
This article is almost nostalgic.February 8, 2022 at 4:27 am #100342zerosum
(I don’t need to define or give examples on this forum)
Two guys look into the camera while setting something on fire in the lobby of an apartment building.
Of course. They will get caught and will claim to be on the side of the demonstrators.
The new media are not reporting most of what the freedom fighters are doing across Canada.
Today, There were convoys in BC. Perhaps, they think that silence will kill the movement.February 8, 2022 at 5:15 am #100343WES
Maybe Soro’s DAs de-prisoning criminals is just the pendulum swinging too far to make up for the pendulum swinging too far in creating private, built and run, prisons that were all the fad a while ago!
I remember not so long ago the California prisons were complaining that not enough prisoners were being sentence to prison, so California courts obliged!
So maybe these private prisons are going to be starved for inmates to profitably fill up their cells and go out of business?
Anyway California is known for doing stupid shit and maybe even more stupid shit is how they correct shit in their state.
In the long run crimes under $1,000, with current money inflation by the professional thieves at the Fed, will soon not even buy you a stick of bubble gum!
Just like today nobody bothers to pick up pennies on the ground. In Canada they abolished the penny!
February 8, 2022 at 5:21 am #100344WES
ParticipantRe-Truckers Protest:
The Canadian media are doing an excellent job of not reporting on the trucker’s protest. So good that most Canadians are not even aware that there is a protest going on at all!
Nice to see the Windsor/Detroit Bridge being blocked. Now we need all cdn/us border crossings being blocked. Only then do the big corporations start putting pressure on Ottawa.
February 8, 2022 at 5:53 am #100345WES
ParticipantSomeone here on TAE mentioned flies in Africa.
Having spent a few years in Africa, I remember the flies very well!
The African house fly is a very bold, aggressive bugger!
It doesn’t bite you!
However it more than makes up for this, by irrating the hell out of you!
It crawls all over you with heavy lead feet just to let you know it is there!
It crawls on your face, eye lids, and in your ears because it can!
So you can not deny it’s very presence!
When eating, it would hitch a ride on your fork or spoon into your mouth!
Usually it took flight before you closed your mouth.
But sometimes it didn’t!
We used to joke that was the only protein you got with your meal!Australia has cousins of the African fly.
From this comes the famous Aussie salute!
If you have such a fly walking on your nose, you tend to wave your hand to choo it away.
However the fly will re-land on your nose before you can bring your hand back!
Watching an Aussie politician being interviewed on TV, with a fly walking up and down the pol’s face, is hilarious!
The pol tries so hard to ignore the fly, while the peons watching are only waiting to see who wins!
All eyes are on the fly, no one hears a word the pol is saying!
The joy is watching the lying pol trying to ignore the fly’s presence!
Even a flicker, a twitch, on the pol’s face gives the game away!
Then the famois Aussie salute!February 8, 2022 at 6:07 am #100346WES
ParticipantTomorrow in Ottawa protesters are going to be bring empty gas cans downtown to keep the police exra busy!
That reminds me of when Americans visiting Canada used to buy a new gas can and pour their much cheaper beer into it, to avoid having their beer confiscated by Canadian Customs!
Hopefully protestor fill their new gas cans with fresh water!
For a nice touch, they can light up a cigarette as police approach them, then pour themselves a glass of water and then drink it!February 8, 2022 at 9:29 am #100359D Benton Smith
ParticipantThere is a mental, spiritual (and therefore COGNITIVE) tipping point in many peoples’ minds based on a single core concept or belief : are you a materialist or a spiritualist ?
There are a lot of ways to word the difference, but you all get the idea, right? Is the “Prime Mover” origin of the Universe basically physical or as basically nonphysical ? Material or spiritual? Are you “all in” one way or the other, or is it okay with you, in the final analysis, for the question & answer to turn out either way? That is an important question.
There’s a valid and important reason for my asking it, and that reason is not coming from any sort of a egotistical shade tree rookie philosopher kind of a place.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I am stone guilty of amateur flourishes, and attempted humor, but just because I get a kick out of trying to express my thoughts with a certain “style” doesn’t make me an egotist. It’s just a strategy to sooth the stress and pain of constantly addressing painfully stressful things. Like real life, for instance. Philosophy is an unpleasant job most of the time. The pay can occasionally be sublime but the work is generally a migraine. Please cut me some slack if I compensate with a little harmless word play from time to time.
Here is my important point .Events in this real world recently have just been beyond beyond in the stress and pain department haven’t they? Not to mention the Realty itself department.
What IS reality, anyway? Well, we are mid-process in finding that out in a very ungentle fashion and it is breaking the minds of those who have too much invested in an entrenched hardcore materialist position, because they’ve been rather wrong and Reality is rubbing their noses in it. Be kind to these injured whenever you can do so safely and the mercy is not actually destructive or harmful. There, but for the grace of God, go you.
All I’m trying to say here is that the world simply is what it is, and that the true nature of what it actually is may turn out to be much more spiritual than some folks have prepared themselves to accept.
When core beliefs get shaken to their foundation by inescapably obvious events (i.e. reality) it can break minds. Some are showing the strain right here on our beloved TAE. Be cool.
And be prepared to roll with a higher level of weird than you’ve been used to.
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