Debt Rattle January 16 2025
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- This topic has 75 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago by
Dr. D.
January 16, 2025 at 7:54 pm #179526
John Day
Participant Steve Kirsch notes that it took a lot of people a long time to not see vaccine-injuries. Official New Zealand vaccine safety analysis: Nothing to be concerned about
The only confirmed associated side effects are anaphylaxis, myo/pericarditis, and Bell’s Palsy. And maybe 2 deaths total 16, 2025 at 8:05 pm #179527Dr. D
ParticipantActually, you guys are coming up with some amazing points.
Codes, California? Well, let’s see:
Not a single stick is standing. So…your argument is, having single family people build their own homes on the cheap like a bunch of savages would be WORSE?
Um. No. It would COST less, but it’s literally IMPOSSIBLE to do worse than the Fire Chief, the Mayor, the Governor, and the code guy. In fact, as they say, the first 20 people in the Boston Phone Book would have been 10x as competent than —- ZERO.
That said, well we didn’t know, really. Wait: DID we? So your codes SAY they were 1:18 (great example) and now we’ve added some houses, added some square feet, doubled the population. …Thirty years ago. And then they did WHAT? A: That’s right, exactly nothing. For a human lifetime. Knowing the number was 18:1 is now 30:1
But it was because, hey, who’s going to volunteer more taxes, amirite? I’m a Libertarian, I refute higher taxes.
Oh, wait: THE TAXES WERE PHENOMENALLY HIGHER ANYWAY. So actually, in fact, the taxes DID go up. They went up for everyone, everywhere, for decades. 2x, 5x, 10x… Wait: that’s all the money we need to fix the dam, the reservoirs, the hydrants. So…they fixed it, right? They were just backlogged for all that work, right?
NOPE. Didn’t do a D—n thing. Didn’t even keep up with NORMAL maintenance. Where’s my money, Gavin? Where is it? They had unexpected demands from other needy citizens, right? NOPE. Only EXPECTED demands from NOT- Citizens. Even then they MIGHT have done it. What was it $23 Billion on ONE MILE of high speed rail? With +20 years lead time? Hey, put that money in the S&P, do exactly f—k all, and cash it out now. $230 Billion since ’08. Would THAT pay for a couple common water lines and hydrants?
Again, this was all unexpected. No one saw it coming.
NOPE. EVERYONE told them. EVERYONE told them about the fires existing. EVERYONE told them about controlled burns. EVERYONE told them about the build up. EVERYONE told them about the budget. EVERYONE told them about the lack of fire fighters. For 20+ years, every meeting, for a generation, 450 years. We only JUST had the same d—n wildfires, like TWO f—–g years ago, PGE. Was THAT not EVERYONE telling you, showing, you, demonstrating to you…anything?
Cmon, why we playing these games? It is IMPOSSIBLE for this not to be intentional. You can’t drill a hole in a ship, or wait for one to spring, prevent all humans on earth from acting on it for 30 years, WATCH the water come up day after day, nearly capsize, then a YEAR later claim nobody knewd?
It is IMPOSSIBLE for this not to be intentional.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for this not to be intentional.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for this not to be intentional.
For the love of almighty Christ save us. Please start swingin’ a hammer. Slay our common enemies, bring them to true justice.
Sooooo, it’s now January 16th. 200,000 people are evacuated, burned? Soooooo, not enough yet? Waiting for 250? 500 thou? When you gonna get off the tack and act? Do something? Well, not yet I guess. Everybody likes it. Jimmy Kimmel crying on TV bashing political enemies, THEY are the means ones. Why? Was it Cheeto snuck up and turned off your water, dug up your lines, fired your fighters? I guess so! Well, let’s not make this political! We can only be not political by bashing Republicans. …Who haven’t been in power there, anywhere, for thirty years.
January 16, 2025 at 8:09 pm #179528tboc
Participantjb-hb, what is your hat size?
“Yes, you DO always “misunderstand” or “fail to notice” the actual point of many anti-marxist posts here while knowing what to jump in and try to deflate – but evasively. By the feeelz or re-framing. No touchbacks, amirite?”
thats rich
which one of you purchased your home for cash? had the assets to self insure your mortgage? are without homeowners insurance or some type of property or casualty insurance?
understand pooled risk and actuarial tables?
you can be anti-marxist all damn day, does not mean you understand capitalism or liability or the cascade of debt or the fragility of the social contract. The social contract without which the majority would not survive.forty two years self employed in the construction industry, i will tell you yesterday’s discussion of planning, permitting and building was……well it was.
the system is not exploding due to exterior forces it is imploding from the mass of unfunded liablities acrued since 1945. Debt to GDP, ring a bell? The economic vacuum and debt created during the offshoring of industry and corporate raiding of the remaining carcass. All done by Marixits fer sure.
We had capitalism until Obama and now we are reeling from socialism.
Beggars mounted ride their horse to death across the milleniaJanuary 16, 2025 at 8:17 pm #179529Dr. D
ParticipantToo soon?
January 16, 2025 at 8:50 pm #179530Celticbiker
ParticipantYour local building codes aren’t local. They’re international, out of the UN, Agenda 21. The whole fuckin world stars lookin the same. Houses become too expensive to build or replace. Same shit with automobiles. They want you fuckers crammed into a smartcity, with a chip shoved up your ass. The international NWO was set up, codified, put into laws and trade agreements long ago. Manufacturing sent East. The West degraded, invaded, gutted and bankrupted. Just a matter of killing them off, which they’re doing 9 ways from sunday. A smallhat production, called Armageddon, coming soon to a theatre near you.
January 16, 2025 at 8:50 pm #179531those darned kids
Participanti play association football with romanians.
don’t mess with romanians.
remember, kirk and spok were always on the look out for klingons and romanians.
January 16, 2025 at 8:55 pm #179532jb-hb
Participantjb-hb do you live in a county with a population of 9.6 million and population density of 2430 per square mile?
TBOC, are you saying I have no standing? Shall I enter into a trial in which I give my qualifications and you judge? Shall we then, for the next year, put you on trial where I judge your qualifications to speak or remain silent? What if you are not an Expert™ on something? Or you might be not quite the RIGHT type of Expert™?
Your detailed list of concerns only illustrates and supports one of my major points.
Simpler, robust, passive set-and-forget solutions, preferably user-buildable and user-maintainable, with the enduser, the person there on the ground working the problem able to make decisions are preferable above increasingly complex rules, systems, and energy inputs.
You give a good description of how fire hydrants have this cascade effect of complexity along with material and energy inputs – YES
This is Peak Oil, Olduvai Gorge, Limits of Complexity 101 stuff here. Ol timey original Automatic Earth basics.
January 16, 2025 at 9:35 pm #179533kultsommer
ParticipantRon, good as always, discussing inequality, Economy and Bitcoin BS, hope placed on Trump and what may happen if he, at least in part, does not deliver:
January 16, 2025 at 11:04 pm #179534those darned kids
ParticipantFormer central banker Mark Carney launches Liberal leadership bid in Edmonton
(ain’t nothin’ left to hide)
January 16, 2025 at 11:04 pm #179535Oroboros
ParticipantJanuary 16, 2025 at 11:07 pm #179536Oroboros
ParticipantJanuary 16, 2025 at 11:18 pm #179537Oroboros
ParticipantIn the Empire of Lies, Big Pharma Has Your Back
Public Service Announcement for Duh’merica
Keep buying our shit
January 16, 2025 at 11:24 pm #179538Oroboros
ParticipantJolly Old England
The Best of Orwell
To Celebrate it’s Century of HumiliationJanuary 16, 2025 at 11:27 pm #179539my parents said know
ParticipantFor anyone out there reading this who might want a story: Minnesota is having a kerfuffle. There are 134 seats in the house and the vote ended with 67-67, except that one of the winners- a DFLer- was found to be inelegible for the seat (idk if certified).
I would look at it from the angle of Gov. Walz’s response, which seems to me to be unhelpful.
For those looking for bullets, dodged, and the answer to “what is a quorum?”.
It’s going before the Mn SC soon.A side note: despite being the VP nominee, my spellchecker doesn’t recognize “Walz”.
January 16, 2025 at 11:41 pm #179540Oroboros
We don’t want you driver until you’re 16 or drinking until you’re 18
But sex changes and face tats in grade school, that’s so cool!
January 16, 2025 at 11:43 pm #179541Oroboros
ParticipantThe Pyromaniac version of Greta….
January 16, 2025 at 11:55 pm #179542Dr. D
Participant“Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.” Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law
January 16, 2025 at 11:56 pm #179543Oroboros
ParticipantI love Free Market Capitalism, it show cases Duh’merica’s finest qualities
January 16, 2025 at 11:59 pm #179544Oroboros
ParticipantA Maui Coincidence
January 17, 2025 at 1:30 am #179545WES
ParticipantMark Carney is a WEF globalist snake!
He is rotten to the very core!
He is a Goldman Sach rat of the worst kind!
He is the one who personally killed the Canadian Royalty Income Trusts.
This act vaporized over night $35 billion of ordinary Canadian’s savings, back in 2005.
The Royalty Income Trusts gave ordinary Canadiahns the same tax advantages as the WEF’s very wealthy gotFor doing this dirty deed, Mark Carney was first appointed governor of the Bank of Canada, then later governor of the Bank of England.
This POS would sell you into slavery just to please his globalist masters.
As a snake he can never ever, ever, ever, ever, be trusted!
A true POS!January 17, 2025 at 1:44 am #179546those darned kids
Participantplease do not insult snakes.
January 17, 2025 at 1:58 am #179547D Benton Smith
ParticipantIt never ceases to amaze me when managers of the Blobosphere hire bastards like Carney to wreak merciless havoc upon humanity, and that Pieces O’ Shite like Carney aspire to that employment.
And then I recover my senses by remembering that, well yeah, they ARE, after all, the avowed Enemies of Humanity.
January 17, 2025 at 2:28 am #179548zerosum
ParticipantDon’t worry about Carney, and/or our Ukrainian vp.
The conservative will win.January 17, 2025 at 2:31 am #179549those darned kids
Participant” The conservative will win.”
woohoo! now,
January 17, 2025 at 2:32 am #179550those darned kids
January 17, 2025 at 2:33 am #179551those darned kids
January 17, 2025 at 2:34 am #179552those darned kids
January 17, 2025 at 2:41 am #179553those darned kids
ParticipantTonight’s Dystopia is brought to you by GUARDROCK/BLACKVAN, proud makers of nothing, suckers.
January 17, 2025 at 3:27 am #179554D Benton Smith
Well that’s sure a relief because I was getting sick and tired of the nothing that we’ve all had for so long. Any change of it would have to be an improvement.
January 17, 2025 at 3:33 am #179555WES
ParticipantCanadian Elections:
In Canada, the Liberals know they can win without actually winning.
All the Liberals need to do, is hold onto Quebec, half of Maritimes, Toronto, and Vancouver, to prevent the Conservatives from getting a majority and taking power.“Sadly, how the rest of Canada votes, is irrelevant.”
For the Conservatives to win, Quebec must feel that the rest of Canada is going solidly Conservative, so they also vote Conservative so as not to be left out of power.
That is their only hope!“Sadly, I see no such thing happening in Quebec”.
Quebec will vote Liberal.That is why the Liberals have brought Carney, the carnival barker, into play.
Once Carney is the new leader, there is still enough time for the MSM to make Canadians forget about Trudeau.The Liberal minority will join with the NDP to stay in power, as always.
That is the current situation.January 17, 2025 at 3:36 am #179556Dr D Rich
You got this California Medical Licensee’s attention. Thanks. I predict it will go away as the say “quietly”.
Kory should cite CA Med Board’s inaction on The case of Mitchell and Jessen as proof that CALIF Medical doesn’t take licensee misinformation and misconduct very seriously eriously or at all even regarding the use of Torture to exact false information.
Also, CA Med Board still hasn’t sanctioned Dave Tam and his subordinate Sandy Tomita two pediatric sub-apecialists for failing to act and or report General Mattis and his task force that laid siege to Fallujah and specifically labeled children as military targets during that siege……21 years and counting. D you couldn’t hang for a momentThere’s political aspirations for The stupiD.
There was never any there there.
That’s the Bamboozler’s gift.
That’s the Spellbinder’s talent.
You know, getting you dear “voter” to cast aspirations and all your miserable projections onto them.
If you and Patrick Lawrence didn’t cast things Tulsi’s way, then he would never have to write an article about his disappointments to assuage your Narcissistic injury. It hurts. It really does. It’s the worst kind psychologically. Mitchell and Jessen can tell you that, Ego Down slapping horseshit, as those 2 Pros from Spokane are said to have possessed the unique talent of reverse engineering SERE to Torture Folk in Defense of the Nation, ie. A higher Ethical and Moral Calling in Defense of Nation n Constotition than either a poem called The Hippocratic Oath and The Geneva Conventions.-
People with good minds, heads on their shoulders, are marooned on the edges of their seats hoping for the best out of someone such as Tulsi Gabbard — a figure who has done some good things but who, as is now evident, has no sound political principles, no intellectual discipline, anything that is not negotiable.
Patrick Lawrence: The Predictable Capitulation of Tulsi Gabbard“
As the Gabbard surrender reminds me, there is not a single voice of any consequence that can be called anti-imperial — how anachronistic a term is this? — or speaks seriously of the kind of radical domestic transformation that is all America has time for at this late hour.
January 17, 2025 at 3:58 am #179557WES
ParticipantDr. D. Rich:
Sadly, Gabbard has to be approved by the gang of 8, for the position.
The corrupt gang of 8, are the deep state’s gatekeepers.
The America people have no say in the matter.If you say no, you get no chance to make any changes at all.
January 17, 2025 at 4:57 am #179558Doc Robinson
ParticipantIrony? Deflection? The bigger question is will Israel get away with what they were doing.
The Jerusalem Post
Will Yemen’s Houthis get away with a year of attacks on Israel? – analysis
14 hours agoToday, Craig Murray wrote
“Israel has lost any moral authority for its continued existence. It has proven itself to be a genocidal entity driven by ethno-supremacism… the abolition of the terrorist state of Israel must be the goal, not an accommodation with it.”
January 17, 2025 at 4:59 am #179559Dr D Rich
ParticipantIs that a qualification, Wes?
I heard the same exhortation from my estranged wife, a bonafide borderline with histrionic and narcissistic traits ie. don’t display your ethics until your Admiral or you won’t be one to effect any changes.
And yours is similar?
“If you say no, you get no chance to make any changes at all”
I guess that’s a version of The 12th Dimensionalist Chess Champion Barack Obama’s advice to the People, “wait until I’m in charge and then I’ll show ya how it’s done”.
Barack showed us and he “came outta nowhere” from his “community organizer” roots which makes Mrs. Gabbard’s National Guard quals look like Leader of Free World material, but amount to delusions of Grandeur, capital G.January 17, 2025 at 5:23 am #179560Dr D Rich
ParticipantBtw, Tulses’ military quals don’t amount to squat.
No National Guardsmenwoman was ever near training, education entitled “Economics of Defense Management” or “Superpower Confrontation on the High Seas” OR debated pols, instructors and professors “…intended to meet the need for authoritative, yet prompt, public appraisal of the major changes in world affairs”. Enlisted personnel are not ever qualified to take a seat and need not apply, summarily rejected. Boo fucking hoo.So the Emergence of these NeverQualifieds, Ne’er-do-Wells and NincomPoops Is a remarkable, mindblowing phenomenon but pales by comparison to the ease with which the Masses have been bamboozled.
they’re rubbing are faces in it.Here’s a list of overly-promoted folk that never stepped into that arena in preparation for future positions of authority because they never met prerequisites or were just too chickenshit to take on the challenge or just bullied out of the room.
CNO Lisa Franchetti
4star Adm Michelle Howard
Bowman BLANTON Vance Hamel
Nor the Congressman Chair of House Appropriations who I advised
Kevin Amick
Dave Tam
Randy Morey
Catherine Wilson
Stacey Elliott
Don ArthurJanuary 17, 2025 at 9:37 am #179561Dr. D
ParticipantTulsi is a mid-level climber, a centrist Democrat politico, what they’d call a “Blairite” across the pond.
She can’t be trusted as has no principles, or they are easily distorted by events on the ground. What we have with her is what we have with Trump: they think this is still a time for legacy and incrementalism. We’ll change a few personnel, tweak the policy and carry on.
That said, we presently have a choice of Klaus the Penetrator and Harari, with a side of Newsom and a Biden giggling as he causes train derailments. There are chess moves, so make them. We don’t cede the game because I “coulda hada queen” and if only my rook were somewhere else I’d totally win right now. You’re a soldier: act like it.
Great, yeah, we know practically all the top brass, or at least 1/3 of it at a minimum, needs to be hauled before a short court on their way to the firing squad. Tell me something i don’t know. Now what are you doing to DO about it? Have a half good man in there? Or no men at all? There are strategies with either method, but tell us, let us know.
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