Debt Rattle January 17 2025
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- This topic has 94 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago by
D Benton Smith.
January 17, 2025 at 10:57 am #179565
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterJean-François Millet The Gleaners 1857 • Netanyahu’s Office Confirms Gaza Deal Signed by Israel, Hamas, US, Qatar (Sp.) • Trump Played Key Role
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 17 2025]January 17, 2025 at 11:07 am #179567oxymoron
ParticipantI wrote a heavy track about the legal walls of the kill box that Katherine Watt has uncovered through US Law called Kill Box. RFK Jnr has been informed of the same things as I have by Sasha Latypova but I am a nobody and he is a somebody so I imagine there are forces moving against him I do not encounter. I hope he gives it his best shot. We need the military industrial complex to back the fuck off and they wont do it willingly.
It’s also for the vaccine injured and coerced. Part rock, part Shakespeare, part Trap, part rap. Don’t know how to put a genre on it but all the streaming services ask for one. 17, 2025 at 11:20 am #179568D Benton Smith
regarding your comment #179561 from the close of yesterdayNow what are you doing to DO about it?
Good situation analysis. Great questions. A bit shy in the answers department.
I think most of the answers, however, are going to come from our ostensible adversaries, both individually (Russia, China, India) and en masse in the form of BRICS+.
As for what we Americans do about it, both individually and en masse as a nation (and I use the term loosely) is practically mysterious. I guess we’re about to discover that answer the way we always have … the hard way.
January 17, 2025 at 11:57 am #179569Oroboros
ParticipantJanuary 17, 2025 at 12:06 pm #179570Oroboros
ParticipantThe Supreme Supine Leader
The Ritual Humiliation of Duh’merica
This senile buttplug lorded over the Empire of Lies the last four years and Duh’mericans ate it up with a spoon.
An his Satanic Spawn cashed in on it and skipped out without ANY accountability.
Mission Accomplished
Still Cashing In
January 17, 2025 at 12:09 pm #179571Oroboros
ParticipantThe Empire of Lies Military Mafia
On the Job and At Your Service, SIR!January 17, 2025 at 12:10 pm #179572Oroboros
January 17, 2025 at 12:12 pm #179573Oroboros
ParticipantPaying for a Do=Over
January 17, 2025 at 12:13 pm #179574Oroboros
ParticipantJanuary 17, 2025 at 12:14 pm #179575Oroboros
ParticipantJanuary 17, 2025 at 12:15 pm #179576Oroboros
ParticipantDemonrats Grill Trump Appointees
January 17, 2025 at 12:20 pm #179577Oroboros
.January 17, 2025 at 12:22 pm #179578Oroboros
January 17, 2025 at 12:27 pm #179579Oroboros
Who are you?
The Egg Blot Test
(5): OTHER
January 17, 2025 at 12:30 pm #179580Oroboros
ParticipantThe Patterns of Nature are Beautiful and Awe Inspiring
January 17, 2025 at 12:35 pm #179581Dr D Rich
If the confirmation is delayed, it is not clear who would fill in for Hegseth after Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin leaves office
Holyeee Christ!
Hahahahaha!Did D write that? There’s no one else other than fuckboi Pete and the health-challenged Lloyd the floyd Austin to fill the shoes of SecDef. Really?
The comedy writes itself.
Suddenly Pete and Tulsi have gravitas.
Who’s next for a gravitas infusion?I hear Ozempic and Adrenochrome are going for the same premium as Gravitas.
Well, then it goes to show you just how unimportant the job is, ceremonial to say the least
I can identify 4500+ guys and gals more qualified than Sexy Pete Hegseth….oops….Mr. Hegseth
January 17, 2025 at 12:40 pm #179582Oroboros
ParticipantI’m All Ears
In the Empire of Lies Even the Toys have Turned Orwellian
January 17, 2025 at 1:36 pm #179583Dr. D
Participant“London Council Orders Staff To Stop Using The Term ‘Christian Name’
What a relief. I’m glad they have priorities.
What was that in history? On the day the barbarians came into the gates of Rome, the Senate was arguing whether angels were male or female and how many could dance on a pin? What was that weird rumor the people of Rome let them in just to shut the Senate up?
“Against Russia Forever: UK, Ukraine Leaders Sign ‘Landmark’ 100-Year Pact
..commits £3 billion of British support each year, to be continued indefinitely”Wow, Britons are really gonna love that! Well, no more money for police in Rotherham, no home heating aid and 5.000 dead grandmas, no National Health. Priorities, I say!
This seems quite worth the read:
“”Humans are now hackable animals. The whole idea of free will… that’s over. Today we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale. Everything is being digitized, everything is being monitored. In this time of crisis, you have to follow science. It’s often said you should never allow a good crisis to go to waste, because a crisis is an opportunity to also do ‘good’ reforms that in normal times people would never agree to. But in a crisis, you have no chance, so you better do what we – the people who understand – tell you to do.” — Harari
“Religion Without Revelation” (1927), Huxley didn’t merely suggest replacing traditional faith – he outlined a new religious orthodoxy with Science as its deity and experts as its priesthood. … “trust the science” becoming the modern equivalent of “trust in faith.” This blind deference to scientific authority… has transformed science from a method of inquiry into a system of belief.
Aldous Huxley explained how rapid technological change could overwhelm populations, making them “lose their capacity for critical analysis.” His description of “control through overwhelm” perfectly describes our current state
“Most crucially, Huxley emphasized the importance of “gradual” implementation -… mirroring the Fabian Society”
When Cecil Rhodes died in 1902, he left more than just a diamond fortune. His will outlined a roadmap for a new kind of empire – one built not through military conquest, but through the careful cultivation of future leaders who would think and act as one. Carroll Quigley, in his influential work “Tragedy and Hope,” provided insider insights into the power structures he observed, noting how “the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country
Rhodes envisioned creating an elite network that would extend British influence globally while fostering Anglo-American cooperation.”
Yeah, I know. But others don’t. This guy is very placid and factual, which is not my approach, although I wish it was.
“Biden decisions expending Trump’s polical capital rather than” … Doing something for the American people. That’s their true and only enemy.
“Fire Erupts At California Battery Storage Plant
What a coincidence. Just like destroying unions that caused a derailment in Ohio, like sapping the oil reserve we must refill, like 6 chargers at $1B a piece, like $25B for one mile of railroad, one coincidence after another.
“If the US defaulted on its debt … the Bank of England would be the debt collector “
Huh. Now who would want us to to bankrupt? Burn down the U.S. so we do? Gee, dat weird.
“• Netanyahu’s Office Confirms Gaza Deal Signed by Israel, Hamas, US, Qatar (Sp.)
Note Israel and Nutsy are indistinguishable from London as far back as Balfour. Break it? In Lebanon, their ceasefire was indistinguishable from the war, “keep fighting”. The only thing they were attacking was the good faith of Hezbollah and the world. Hope it was worth it.
“• UK and France Secretly Discussing Troops For Ukraine – Telegraph (RT)
Who is this discussion and leak for? Feckless retards? Oh wait: for the UKRAINIANS, all clear now. They have no men, and they are not sending any. The 5k or whatever they already sent are dead. You’d think, 3 or 5 or 10 years in, they’d get wise that they’re being screwed by the sensations up their -ss. Why anyone puts up with Anglos, shucked if I knowd. Wouldn’t you be wise to them by 1650 in King Phillip’s War?
“• UK Promises To ‘Explore Options’ For Military Bases In Ukraine (RT)
Promises promises. So this is the base that can’t be reached by Oreshnik? Newsflash, retards: there’s no such thing as a “Base” anymore. A “Base” is a place you are safe.
“a nation where the strengths of our institutions and the character of our people matter and must endure,”
For whatever reason these eternal liars still constantly tell the truth. What he’s saying is, America is merely the Permanent Bureaucracy, and his priority is defending it: those are “his people”. They must endure prevail at all costs. Yeah, we know. American has nothing to do with law or with Liberty, unmentioned.
“Biden stated that although a positive impact of his policies and spending priorities may not be felt right away,”
I mean, no effect over all four years, but you just wait! By the time your kids graduate college, we might have some relief for buying diapers now.
““Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power, and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms, and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead.”
Yeah, we know. You gave them all Medals of Freedom in the same meeting. No one else was permitted to speak or bid on contracts.
“Six decades later, I’m equally concerned about the potential rise of a tech-industrial complex that could pose real dangers for our country,” Biden said.
So concerned, in fact, he gave them all medals and hundred-billion dollar contracts, like Amazon.
““We need to amend the Constitution to make clear that no president, no president, is immune from crimes that he or she commits while in office,” Biden said”
Uhhhh, I am unaware of this. Is that not the literal definition of “Impeachment”? You were also dragging up non-crimes occurring outside of their Office.
Anyway, Biden is so wonderful he’s already considered the worst President in 250 years, against some stiff competition. He says that’s because the American people are deplorable retards, and if only he could arrest more of them by skin color, they’d change their minds.
“• Pam Bondi’s Confirmation Hearing for Attorney General (ET)
Shocked at the unexpected. She could actually PAY ATTENTION to them while they were speaking. I hadn’t noticed that everyone more or less ignores and diverts from Congress, because they’re so stupid and vulgar, they’re not worth a few seconds of your valuable time. You know, like I do, since I respect myself. So her ACTUALLY listening really stood out. Then, therefore, she was able to respond to them actively and accurately, while the rest of us would be like FML, what evil constellation of choices has led me to this terrible end?
“• Trump Team Planning Roadmap To Ease Russia Sanctions – Bloomberg
Why would you want to do that? They make Russia stronger. So removing them will get you in political trouble at home, while fighting to make Russia weaker. Why bother? Put it as priority #997. Like, sure we do it ‘cause it’s the right thing, but I wouldn’t spend a nickel of political capital on it even if it DOES help the U.S. (it would). We can do other things without the price.
So what have we learned? Trump is just an ordinary guy. Ordinary douchebag politician, doing ordinary douchebag things. Surprise! What is it I’ve been saying for +10 years now? The Battle Royale (pun intended) is to do JUST ordinary level, douchebag, non-mass-murdering psychopathic things. Like to merely get UP to that level.
This is what you’d get out of a Tulsi or whatever. She MIGHT just tell them to knock off the illegal-for-1,000-years mass torture war crimes campaign, but she won’t actually indict anyone for it. That’s a pretty low bar, but all the other candidates around her are remarkably worse. Yeah, um, we MIGHT need to do better than that to get anywhere right now? Like Overton is now “We torture everyone we can think of, and that is unquestionably good and right” So moving it one chess square to the right isn’t really fixing anything.
What gets me is, not like PNAC and everyone didn’t know this for GWoT and their Reichstag coming out party. I think they might have openly published it. So piddling around the edges only back to SLOW Socialism, Fabian Socialism word domination of unelected murdering elites isn’t a win, it’s a loss. You need to shove them so far back they fall off the edge of the earth, so aggressively they don’t know what hit them. So deep back under the rock they came from no one dares lift it for 100 years. Even yet, no one is in the mood.
The mood for what, Herr Docktor? “To do what must be done.” Oho! What a tasty slogan! Whatever do you mean by that, you jackbooted fascist! Now you’re doing what we like and understand! What must be done, then, ho ho?
I mean to have FAIR JUSTICE, in an open court of law, whereby the criminals guilty of well-known war crimes and genocidal crimes against humanity, are all punished according to the law and due process, whereupon they are all taken out and shot by the hundreds, just as law and justice require. Then never thought of again.
You know, revolutionary stuff of mindless agitators. That we would ever have law, courts, evidence, process, and consequences again. This is what you won’t get from a Tulsi, but you might get the first step that allows the second. At the moment, we still need the first.
• Far Left UK Government Proposes BANNING “Controversial” Conversations (MN)
Everyone knows this has long been true, they are just making it official.
“in case the conversation you are talking about offends someone.”
Offends WHO? I am offended they’re NOT offended. Offended, I say! Don’t I get to decide? Oh I SEE! Both sides would report and the GOVERNMENT picks which side they prosecute. According to what suits and empowers GOVERNMENT. Got it.
“Labour view everyone in the pub as horrible, racist, xenophobic bigots… part of the crackdown on freedom of speech!”
Oh, no sir. What I’m saying above is far, far worse. IF ONLY that was the reason and result.
“• Sen. Ramaswamy? Vivek Emerges As Dark Horse Successor To Vance (JTN)
Well I certainly trust Vivek less than Tulsi. I actually believe Tulsi has good faith, but is a deadly normie. Vivek I wouldn’t bet isn’t a direct, known, mole. Dr. Rich will be certain to say I said the direct opposite of this, and Musk too, about five minutes from now. ‘Cause: Make Stuff Up!!!
“• Pete Hegseth Confirmation Vote Expected After Inauguration (JTN)
Can Hegseth now appoint his #2 and take 4 years vacation? Thanks. Someone like Chelsea Manning or Glenn Greenwald.
“• Trump Names Three Legendary Actors As ‘Special Envoys’ To Hollywood (RT)
Huh. Good idea. Why not? What otherwise, just cede it because there are sinners there? Firebomb all the cameras because a pedo used them once? F– that, take their stuff and the territory.
• The British Attack On The Skripals Didn’t Kill Them (Helmer)
Actually there was no attack and no Skipals. They just moved to Newcastle upon Tyne in a Uhaul. Everything else was just made up theatre distracting us all from, say, rounding up Starmer and the King and executing them. Worked great!
Same with us: Greenland! Cat Laser! Jewish space drones!
“stray dog carries a stray kitten outside the highway”
Just you, me, and the camera.
The Prophesy? Yeah, and that other Mark guy too. USA-Hunter. Here’s the thing: You guys are a joke. All those attacks are bunch of senseless vandalism. Arm the American people and let them figure it out, all solved in a weekend. Oh a couple get through? We’re 330 MILLION people over 3.5 million square miles. Come at me bro. So your master plan in to bomb one streetcorner in one city in one state and we hand you the keys ‘n s–t? How about no. How about you just pissed us off and we track you all down in the tunnels you come from?
Btw, the immoral killing of Soleimeni is how you get yourself open to this s–t. “Demonic curse” as Mark would describe it. If you’ve been perfectly moral, for whatever reason, you are protected, but you start jag off immoral actions, whatever they may be, the protection is lifted. Trump still has no adherence to the moral, like Cyrus, and is fading away from his death-scare. That’s okay, if he were at all Moral, the American people would disown him. But that means we get to take our punishment until we pick “Moral” again. #Logos, or #AntiLogos, your choice.
Anyway, his terrifying description makes me laugh. I feel like a young Marine hoping I’ll be the one who gets the .50 cal on top.
Did I miss adding this the other day?
“President Joe Biden is to remove the US designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism as part of a prisoner release deal, the White House said on Tuesday.”
Gosh I hope so. Biden gets to do all the things Trump would get in trouble with. Noting that Trump is backed by the party of oil. Oil will be knocked out if they can’t combine the light gasses we’re now down to producing with some source of heavy oil such as Venezuela. The money will be in the refinery, so that needs to be here too. So at the time they were trying to steal Ven – or die —
““The president-elect appears ignorant of the fact that there’s been an ‘external revenue service’ since July 31, 1789,”
Doubt it. What he’s doing is SELLING it, to us, as a concept. We are in the paradigm that all citizens must die, from the IRS, that’s good and right, and any other plan is crazy. That’s the same as if/when people point out the IRS isn’t real (quite possible, even probable) but it is absolutely behaving with no Constitutional due process. Anywhere. We’ll see if Exxon reigns them in,but from 100 years of data, the answer is no. They do not seem to be part of the U.S. Government, under oversight of Congress. Everyone says so, everyone knows so. So. How do you swap it? Ron Paul said end then, and that went great, problem is, there’s a brick wall at like 30%. You’ll never erase it and restore rule of law with that.
What if 70% of our taxes were Tariffs (he’s already said) and the IRS was a rounding error, as we were during Harding? (he has also said) Then who cares if we burn down the IRS or roll it into the “External Revenue Service” aka Customs. Which DOES behave as if it’s the U.S. government and DOES obey the rule of law.
This goes into the “U.S. Corporation” theory where the IRS was created to have income pledged to Fed Reserve bonds. Then the “U.S. Corporation” is bankrupt (again) and needs to turn back into a government. I think that’s crazy HOWEVER, they actually act that way, and this is one example. IF they are bankrupt and ceased to exist then we don’t need the mega-structures of the Corporation running around: they were designed to sap money out the U.S. TO somebody. Apparently we overcame that somebody, so we don’t need a fleet of boxcars to collect and deliver their money. That’s the IRS. So I don’t understand this part because it makes no legal or administrative sense, WHILE all their actions do indeed suggest this nonsense, this unnecessary fantasy is true. Hey, who’s at above-government-level who can tell me what actually goes on there? Not me.
January 17, 2025 at 1:37 pm #179584Dr. D
ParticipantWait, he made up what I said even before I said it!
“Good job, Brownie!”
January 17, 2025 at 1:50 pm #179585Dr. D
ParticipantMr. Rich: Makin’ stuff up and killin’ allies, and I’m all out of allies!
Gee, now why we no be able to get a leg up in this war? So mysterious. Must be some ethnic group or somethin’. Stabbing everyone in the foxhole makes the foxhole STRONGER!
January 17, 2025 at 2:32 pm #179586zerosum
ParticipantConfirmation hearings:
1. to verify that you think like me
2. to verify that you will not change what I don’t want you to change
3. to verify that voter’s wishes will/will not be respected/enacted.4. to verify that you can oppose/dismantle “Trump Proofing season 2: ” ( diverting attention away from required changes)
5. To be able to Discover the “Secrets and Lies”
————–Trump’s incoming Middle East envoy, Steve Witkoff, has reportedly managed to convince Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to agree to the truce’s terms in just one meeting (starting sunday,19 feb., before, monday, inauguration day of 20 feb.)
the agreement approved in Qatar involves a 42-day truce and an exchange of prisonersNearly 47,000 Palestinians have been killed and over 104,000 wounded in Israeli attacks in Gaza.
• Trump Played Key Role In Gaza Ceasefire Deal – Times of Israel (RT)
The 20th of Feb. 2025 is going to be freezing cold.
Moscow has vehemently condemned Biden’s last round of sanctions, calling them “illegal,” with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov warning that they could destabilize global energy markets.
———–January 17, 2025 at 3:10 pm #179587kultsommer
ParticipantPresidential farewell warning tradition.
Sadistic ritual in which they are allowed to let the stone go of their chest by addressing the problem that they were not allowed to fix.January 17, 2025 at 3:16 pm #179588Oroboros
Participant“Remote Work”
The genius of ‘work from home jobs’.
January 17, 2025 at 3:18 pm #179589Oroboros
ParticipantJanuary 17, 2025 at 3:20 pm #179590Oroboros
ParticipantOh Canazida, Oh the Humanity!
January 17, 2025 at 3:24 pm #179591Oroboros
ParticipantLimeyland Revisited
Words of Wisdom from Orwell’s Disciples
January 17, 2025 at 3:33 pm #179593Germ
ParticipantFrom Bat Shit Bonkers Britain …
This could be the toughest winter in NHS history. Here’s a simple way we can all help gems within …
“Patients are dying on hospital trolleys, and nurses are treating them in corridors. The very least we can do is get vaccinated”
“Only 18.4% of staff had their Covid booster – yet they are the ones who have seen so many Covid deaths in the last two winters. Surely they know that vaccinations reduce hospitalisation from infectious diseases …
Sorry darling. What these staff have seen is a death vaxx holocaust.
That’s what they know.TVASSF
January 17, 2025 at 3:33 pm #179594Oroboros
ParticipantHaven’t hear much from the TAE Peanut Gallery on this subject.
Any random thoughts?
The neighborhoods in LA that burnt down will never reform or be rebuilt again
January 17, 2025 at 3:41 pm #179595Germ
ParticipantThey know …
January 17, 2025 at 3:44 pm #179596Germ
ParticipantCome on Deagel …
Ivermectin, SV40, McKernan, …
Terrific interview.
Get ‘yer learnin’ on…
TVASSF – yes, they really are. Tick … tock … tick . tock …
January 17, 2025 at 4:08 pm #179597jb-hb
ParticipantTBOC from yesterday
jb-hb, what is your hat size?
hahaha how IS YOURS, man? You then try to bury me with a list, right, that if I “don”t know” because it isn’t – you assume – my Lived Experience then I have no access to my own reality or others. I get it, bro:
which one of you purchased your home for cash? had the assets to self insure your mortgage? are without homeowners insurance or some type of property or casualty insurance?
understand pooled risk and actuarial tables?Hat size, bro? ALL THE MORE REASON, man. All the more reason to NOT have this web of bureaucracy and overly complex infrastructure everyone is left dependent on, which actively prevents individuals from working solutions. HOW COULD IT HAVE BEEN ANY WORSE, the houses are ashes.
Bro. BRO. I will start simply for you. The houses were made of WOOD. The fences were made of WOOD. They need to STOP BUILDING SHIT WITH WOOD.
Stop freaking out that I might not be empathizing enough or do no have the right Lived Experience. Fire burns things. Wood is one of those things. Fire is a real actual thing in reality that actually destroyed thousands of real actual peoples homes. Apart from your abstract dogma.
Layers of government authorities need to back the fuck off and let people build simple, effective, non flammable houses. You can drop all those codes requiring special products, space-age materials, and methods if the house is made of adobe and the fence is cinderblock. I’m not proposing new requirements, I’m giving an example of something so stupidly simple, easy, cheap, and obvious that it SHOULD get a bell ringing in your head on just how bad the current state of affairs is.
you can be anti-marxist all damn day, does not mean you understand capitalism or liability or the cascade of debt or the fragility of the social contract.
Gee, like, 5 levels of self-avowedly marxist leadership just burnt down a city, so yeah, I think all of us can be marxist all day long and not run out of reasons to be.
the system is not exploding due to exterior forces it is imploding from the mass of unfunded liablities acrued since 1945. Debt to GDP, ring a bell? The economic vacuum and debt created during the offshoring of industry and corporate raiding of the remaining carcass.
“The System” prevented and still prevents anyone from building a cinderblock wall or cheap, simple non flammable structure and then made marxists burn down the city. Sure.
Again, if there’s a debt crunch, if there’s a degradation of industries and infrastructure, ALL THE MORE REASON to devolve power and problem-solving down to individuals who could have a fireproof passively-energy efficient home, preferably with some permaculture gardening in the backyard.
BTW, I’ve several HUNDRED in-depth conversations with Californians in the past few weeks regarding their homes, the fires, and their home insurance. Have you? I mean, if we’re going to have to engage in conversation-via-dick-measuring or something?
Why and how did you self-identify with my description of someone cunningly trying to defend marxism indirectly – which was clearly a response to kultsommer?
January 17, 2025 at 4:10 pm #179598Germ
ParticipantFor Dr. John Day, and other smart sciency folks here …
The improvement of the polybasic furin cleavage site explained
TVASSF – Deagel, it’s coming, tick … tock … tick … tock …
January 17, 2025 at 4:20 pm #179599jb-hb
ParticipantKultsommer from yesterday
Has nothing to do with ideologies.
You’ve always dodged away from saying specifically what you believe. Because that would open it up for discussion an there shall be no discussion. But you always jump in to, obliquely, defend current-year marxism
And of course there was that time when you scolded phoenixvoice for having the same beliefs as you but not getting into the fight. OH, so there’s a fight to get into! And people who like communism have a duty to join you in that fight.
But it’s not about ideology. Is this some sort of attempt at application of “hold-them-to-their-rules?” What’s the rule I have to have amnesia about you? Explain it to me for DISCUSSION.
I am just trying to save you from the embarrassment, that’s all.
See, you cannot stand on your own feet and argue your case. All you can do is try to re-frame perecption.
Given that we are currently dealing up with the tragedy that befallen on the tight communities of homes,
Hit them with “Community” amirite? Just keep repeating the word like it automatically makes them anti-community and you pro-community. Imply lack of empathy.
Gee. ALL THE MORE REASON to build non flammable affordable homes if you care about people being able to have houses and a community.
has anybody on this site tried to visualize the street-scape of the lined-up structures that you, with the mind just percolating the “ideas”, propose without thinking it all-the-way-through?
You really cannot let go of the dream of planned, top-down central authority can you? Just IMAGINE what a bunch of houses made by people who decided for themselves would look like.
Communists don’t want the people to have power, they just want the power someone else has. That’s why they never make anything of their own. Devolving power down to individuals would shatter the very thing you covet.
Yes, instead we behold the inevitable endgame of communists like yourself – nice tidy rows of ashes. Clean, pure, and uniform.
January 17, 2025 at 4:22 pm #179600Noirette
ParticipantThx to John Day, prev. thread, for posting a substack piece by Alex Krainer (who was on a Zoom Call with Bannon and wrote about it.)
I had forgotten about Krainer. I listened to an interview of him by Nima (Dialogue Works), 1 H 5 mins, Jan 16.
Krainer sees a ‘grand strategy’ behind Trump, his nominations, his aims, etc. Krainer fits seemingly scattered statements / actions into a ‘comprehensible’ mold, roughly, Globalists against Nationalists. Re. for ex. Israel, reigning it back in, to preserve it. ( = not controversial.)
He also says that Trump, as evidenced by Musk’s attacks on Starmer, the UK Gvmt, ruling establishment, will return to / join ‘a multi polar world’ abandoning the British ‘alliance’, ‘colonial system’, with its headquarters in London. More at link.
It is appealing because it makes sense of what others see as disorganised lashing out, infighting, leading to *at best* terminal decay, loss of power, etc. (USA.) Or much worse.
January 17, 2025 at 4:36 pm #179601Oroboros
ParticipantBuilding codes are merely an extension of politics and ‘special interests’
Big Yawn, ho-hum
Nothing will change in any building code unless ‘special interests’ get their piece of the cake.
Wood should have been banned from construction in LA decades ago.
Cement, steel reinforced adobe, metal and thick tiled roofs, etc….blah, blah blah
It’s not like this is high tech knowledge just discovered.
I’ve personally built several houses over the years, like nailed them together with my arm and a hammer, no nail guns.
Including hippie geo-domes in the early 70’s.
Sustainable housing is old hat and old school.
I gave up convincing people and contractors and building departments decades ago.
The ones not locked into conformation building bias are on ‘the take’ from special interests.
The Lumber Industry would NEVER allow LA county to ban wood as a structural building material, like EVER NEVER.
Quit being stupid about suggesting they do without slaying the lumber industrial complex.
Statrt lobbying for that in LA and you will find yourself buried in a shallow grave up in the hillsides somewhere.
Good Day
January 17, 2025 at 4:42 pm #179602D Benton Smith
Participantfor ex. Israel, reigning it back in, to preserve it.
What an elegantly concise bit of eloquence. I wish I had said it, because if I had then I would be tempted to brag. You just wrote an astute 10 page political analysis of Trump’s Israel policy in just 10 words. Wow.
January 17, 2025 at 4:47 pm #179603Oroboros
ParticipantJust like Maui, Black Rock et al will vacuum up all the burnt out LA real estate for pennies on the dollar.
And make a gated, guarded exclusive elite compound out of choice LA real estate.
Tended by illegal migrant labor thank you.
Poor white trash need not apply for employment in the New LA
Oh and by the way, Women of LA, listen up….your future beckons
January 17, 2025 at 4:50 pm #179604D Benton Smith
ParticipantI’ve personally built several houses over the years, like nailed them together with my arm and a hammer, no nail guns.
I just KNEW there was something special about you that I liked even more than your TAE contributions (which I also like a lot). You’re a black thumb builder! Me too!
Except at 77 the hammer has been mostly retired in favor of a DeWalt battery op framing nailer. One must must adapt to survive, ya know?
January 17, 2025 at 4:51 pm #179605Oroboros
ParticipantJanuary 17, 2025 at 4:52 pm #179606Oroboros
Participant -
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