Debt Rattle January 26 2023
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- This topic has 93 replies, 28 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 12 months ago by aspnaz.
January 26, 2023 at 9:45 am #127216Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymaster
Elliott Erwitt California, USA 1956 • Is This Western War On Russia Simply Stupidity? (Alastair Crooke) • What Heavy Weapons For Ukraine Will M
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 26 2023]January 26, 2023 at 10:49 am #127217AfewknowthetruthParticipantI recently posted a Maori Huka -ending with an extended tongue challenge- and suggested it may have been a reason The Scorpion resigned very suddenly.
Yesterday I heard a rumour, yet to be confirmed, that Adern was told to leave or face being removed via a ‘coup’ led by Maori.
Unlike on Airstrips Two, Three and Four, where indigenous people have largely eliminated and rendered powerless, on Airstrip Five indigenous people constitute a significant portion of the population and do have political clout. Also, Maori make up a high proportion of the military.
Today, a major retailer announced substantial job losses in response to deteriorating commercial conditions.
January 26, 2023 at 11:42 am #127218Dr. DParticipant“‘We know the pharmaceutical industry has a long history of criminal behaviour. We are here to protect the public”
We knew that in Jan 2020. So did the CDC. So what changed?
“”The masks were brilliant & pure theatre.” (i.e. NOT science).”
Yes, I was an alarmist at first, and I wore masks at first, because: common sense. …Until I responsibly followed up with ACTUAL data and studies, which are the CDC’s and Fauci’s own recommendations, and going back 100 years. Inexplicably, the culture swapped places with me on this at exactly the same time. I can only assume because as we’ve been saying they REJECT the data, studies, and recommendations and studiously, intentionally never look. People on my side tend to look, want to know, and say things directly.
You cared about masks Blue America? Then how did you never read how to use and care for them? Best practices? Never read on hospital containment for contagious diseases, or in this case, whether the virus is airborne or surface? Because if you’d read any of that, you’d know masks aren’t good past 30min which is a horror-show, and anything below and N95 is probably barely effective against viruses. …And then we found out Covid WAS de-facto ‘airborne.’ Didn’t look? Never asked? Never read, you college-university types?
As I said, I reversed myself, and I’m just astonished to discover not only did everybody stampede in the wrong direction en masse, but didn’t want the actual data that would keep them safe, like the effective time of damp masks, sterilization, and surface times.
From yesterday, it wasn’t discarding ME that was the problem. We all consider lots of opinions each day and call them stupid. That’s okay, that’s “considerate”. It was that an actual, living human in front of them was worth no consideration at all. Imagine you have a dog, and for no reason comes up to you, bumps you, follows you around alarmed. “What’s that Lassie? Something’s wrong? What is it, boy?” THAT is the kind of consideration I expected and perhaps deserve. What you would give to a houseplant. It’s hard to know a friendship is lower than a houseplant, while a known psychopathic poisoner has moved into their house instead.
“What’s that boy? Someone fell down the well? Who is it, girl? The VAERS data?” Yeah, we know. It almost shows who the “psychos” really were: our own friends and family, scrapping us after years of loyalty, following the poisoner to poison us instead. It’s truly supernatural, you could not write a credible book about it.
“Is this Western War on Russia Simply Stupidity? (Alastair Crooke)”
No but the psychos often consider themselves smart that you call it stupidity. It gets them high and is no black mark among themselves. Like the boy terrorist attacking police in Boston, then calls himself a girl to get leniency. Hang out with the chicks in MA prison all day? His mother doesn’t think that’s bad, it’s clever, ha ha. His friends think that’s smart and the police are fools and punks to let him, ha ha. Take whatever you can get, have a party! Screw the ACTUAL women in the actual prison you’re shouldering in on. We think that would be a bad mark to be seen as stupid. If I stole your eggs and convinced you it was really an invisible miasma, an evil spirit, so I just had to kill all your chickens and run you out of business while getting rich, we would all giggle ourselves to hysterics that you were so stupid you ACTUALLY believed there was a miasma called “Bird Flu” I only made up with my mouth and my pal hawking fake “tests” with the Stars upon thars.
Difference of opinion, as that lady said, of diabolic narcissists. Any time they can fool others and feel better, they must do it. Like Fauci, even to a fault, even if if exposes them. They can’t stop it.
“Government is stupid” is the same way. A lot of government IS stupid. But the actions we mostly see are intentional, self-serving, and murderous. That you can be convinced it’s mere stupidity and let them is like NPD heroin. Nothing could be better, feel better, no job or action could be better than this. NOTHING. Moths to a flame for “Government is FORCE. It is FIRE.” –Geo. Think your ex husband gets off on it? Imagine if he’s a SENATOR doing the same to every woman in the STATE. A Free rape permit, like Cuomo sold Weinstein in NY.
The reasons why it’s RUSSIA are also interesting, but I’ve covered them already. They’ve got the goods to continue the system, and they are the ethnic homeland, who beat up our ethnic homeland, frustrating our master plans for centuries. They must be stopped. Minions cannot learn.
“Great Britain and Poland have officially pledged an armored company each, respectively consisting of up to 14 tanks. Germany will supply a similar amount, while the US is preparing the supply of 31 Abrams”
I’m at a point where I say “good.” Nothing else will teach them, so be it.
“Transferring them one company (10 to 15 tanks) at a time would only mean that this equipment will burn on the battlefield without making any significant impact”
So again, why are all the military-levels trickling them in where they will certainly lose, NATO will collapse, and Ukraine will be transferred to Russia? Because they can’t count to 100? I don’t think so. Again where everybody but you is just “stupid” I guess and not up to something, a strategy and goal of their own?
As the civilian side is bought out and run exclusively by Narcissists, this is their Achilles’s Heel. You do what they SAY, as they are too stupid and arrogant to look into details. But what you DID directly undermines their goal. You are the call center rep who didn’t save the system from itself that day. You Gone Galt, only taking orders since that’s how they want it. 1,000 tanks? Yes sir. One tank at a time, don’t send the next one until the first is blown up.
“Zelensky has called on Western countries to supply fighter jets and long-range munitions, urging for more weapons”
What did you do with the weapons we gave you since 2014? Where are my weapons, Brian? You had 100 aircraft: where’d they go?
“Only these missiles will make it possible to destroy almost the entire infrastructure of the Russian rear army.”
…Totally sure that Russia won’t then blow up Kiev, Rzeszow, Berlin, and London if they do. Nope: they’ll just sit around and cry like baby-dolls. Incapable of thought. Nothing else will teach them.
“Moscow has repeatedly called on Western countries to halt the flow of weapons into Ukraine,”
Which obviously the German DefMin said yesterday “Germany is at war with Russia”. No, wait, worse than that: She said “All of Europe is at war with Russia.”
…But we’re not at war with Russia, how dare you sir? Even though The German Defense Minister says they are and the President of the United States says we are.
The West has made this existential for themselves and they didn’t have to. They are also going to lose and they didn’t have to do that either. The combined West could easily defeat Russia. But we’re a social, emotional, mental, physical, legal, industrial wreck. That’s what “death cult” means. That’s what happens when “Making America Great” is your arch-enemy.
“securing modern fighter jets from Western allies.”
Uh-huh. With NO PILOTS? I don’t think so. No Parts, ground crews? Yeah, no. All that is direct NATO boots on the ground.
“ Türkiye to Be out of NATO in Months – Erdogan Ally (RT)”
They key thing in war is TIME. Like the 1,000 tanks, but one-by-one. Turkey leaving NATO is a life-altering decision, and exists to add Sweden and Finland and put nukes 5 miles from Moscow. Things start moving too fast and no one is in control of what happens anymore.
“So the global cost of life from these vaccines is on the order of 10 to 12 million people..”
That’s not nearly enough. That’s a pinprick that just going to piss people off. We can add that 10,000 die each year for each 1% rise in unemployment. Voluntary and totally failed lockdowns raised it to 10%, another 100,000. Probably medical screenings and drug issues another 100,000. But that’s still a pinprick and it certainly pisses me off.
“It’s time to reinstate the Smith-Mundt Act and limit the federal government’s ability to surveil Americans without a court-ordered warrant”
That’s already the law, it always was, but nobody’s following it. Put everyone breaking it in jail, nail them up from Trenton to Sacramento and they’ll remember.
“Crushed Bug “Additive” Is Now Included In Pizza, Pasta, & Cereals Across The EU”
Why? It’s not for taste and it’s not for chemistry like preservatives and thickeners. Is it because the chitin slowly kills people?
“A shitstorm of high-energy particles currently deflected towards the poles will decimate/annihilate electronic communication.”
This has already essentially happened. Slowly at first, then all at once. That’s also why Russia has stolen the north pole, moving kilometers to the East. But they know that for decades. So what are they doing putting all their chips into a totally-global, totally-electronic, totally-fragile surveillance panopticon? I’m shocked it hasn’t gone off already, but if it does, they’ll all be blind. Only local will function.
Won’t that radically shift power towards us and destroy them? Like coastal flooding, bring it on as soon as possible. Also what’s a “Lighthouse” meeting?
“there are 8 billion (and counting) of us individual humans involved in the mash up it is impossible to get ALL of them to form a single, solitary, centralized hierarchical structure in which everyone submits to just one”
China has just proven this. Despite installing everything, even in a culture that supports authoritarianism, they have 200,000 riots a year. Yes, they can’t understand this as the mentally ill, or psychological outliers who aren’t human and have no feelings like most of humanity does. To them: they would obey and bide their time, be logical. Humans aren’t, and that’s also why we win.
“You can’t rationalize fact to people based on emotion” and we certainly are being run around with THAT one. However, you also can’t pitch logical facts to an emotional world as to why you should eat bugs and do what you’re told, or not marry the girl next door the Party doesn’t want you to. Humanity is like a deck of wild cards. They’re everywhere and stack in uncontrollable combinations.
“Libertarianism is callous, self-centered, and selfish” (Dept of Redundancy Dept)
Boy they really put on their stripes there to say who they are. Translation: “Not telling other people what to do is selfish. Telling everyone what to do is morally superiour.”. Of course, telling everybody else what to do, and MAKING them, is pure unselfish love. – The Devouring Mother.
Guys: neither is. Leaving your neighbors alone unless they ask your opinion is fine. Libertarians don’t live in the woods, they would then focus on the associations that are VOLUNTARY: family, clubs, organizations.
Progressivism doesn’t have to be exclusively callous, self-serving, and self-absorbed either. You don’t HAVE to tell everybody what to do. You don’t HAVE to think your way is better than everyone else. You don’t HAVE to commit violence against all humans that differ from yourself. You COULD just care, and offer aid without violence and condescension. So I imagine the root problem lies somewhere else.
Like being color blind, how would you know if you don’t have empathy or feeling if like this fellow, you grow up well and behave as if you do? Surgeons are top psychopaths, for example. Or Generals. And thank God or they’d never be able to do what they do.
Well, they are right: Fascism IS obsessed with Virtue. As in “virtue”-signaling and the Progressives which for reasons inexplicable have become openly violent, hard core Fascists instead of callously leaving the rest of us alone.
I can’t believe the thing with the Maori. Not that they wouldn’t say it, not that they wouldn’t do it, but psychos like Ardern are incapable of BELIEVING it, and would find themselves hung upside down with a side of salad oil first.
January 26, 2023 at 11:43 am #127219Dr. DParticipantWho could order her out that she would obey and BELIEVE?
January 26, 2023 at 12:10 pm #127220citizenxParticipant@Madamski @bosco
Why no, I do not like how Germ incessantly gloats over the body count. It’s useless at best, cruel at worst. Here’s a tragedy. I know! Let’s hate on the victims! Let’s.Make.It.WORSE!!!!!
One can share links and quotes of useful helpful data without gloating over the body count.
…the whipping of a dead horse:
Vaccine apologist bosco/madamski cross dressing attention seeking little NW liberal bitch.
Awwww, are your FEELINGS hurt madame bosco ? You poor thing. Kicking a dead horse? Fuck you.
The cult is still trying to inject children and deny any wrongdoing, while you whine for your pathetic bitch self?On the precipice of Medical genocide and crimes against humanity….still ongoing, with zero prosecutions, or accountability…. and you attack Germ? What a scum fuck weasel you truly are….
You’re just another Liberal pos who went along to get along, a coward of society, who now wants to move on and sing clap clap songs happy happy happy and forget all about it.
The Cult broke Societal bonds, destroyed lives, destroyed societal trust, show me your papers, vax passports, medical tyranny, hippocratic oath, no jab no job no travel…. lock the unvaxxed up, pandemic of the unvaxxed, the unvaxxed are murdering the vaxxed….LOL you fuck wit
Have you lost someone?…..booohooo we’ve all lost you fucking retard, while the Cult scum walk away and your FEELINGS hurt…. poor you. Another Libtard scum, time for you to put your big girl dress on.
January 26, 2023 at 12:48 pm #127221January 26, 2023 at 12:59 pm #127222DoraParticipantEdward Dowd..
“Bottom line: the governments of the globe will never admit the disaster that is the Covid 19 vaccine. What you are seeing is an elaborate slow walking back of availability. It’s a tell and they are hoping that this just goes away.”
January 26, 2023 at 1:03 pm #127223GermParticipantHigh School Football Star in Need of a New Heart After a Major Heart Attack
High School Football Star in Need of a New Heart After a Major Heart Attack
TVASF – yeah – you go citizenx!
January 26, 2023 at 1:10 pm #127224aspnazParticipantI wonder how long it will be until the government passes a law that obligates the peasants – us – to pay the big pharmaceutical companies if we catch one of their virus creations. You just know this is where the whole vaccination industry is trying to get to: make hundreds of viruses, release them, test people for antibodies, charge them for the test and penalty charge them for the unauthorised use of their technology.
January 26, 2023 at 1:17 pm #127225Dr D RichParticipant“Surgeons are top psychopaths, for example. Or Generals. And thank God or they’d never be able to do what they do.”
Said admiringly or self referential? Please explain.
I think you also have cause and effect inverted or at the very least f*cked up.
Flag rank (Admirals/Generals) is purely political and unlike surgeons, hardly if at all performative.
A society that thinks Psychopathy a necessary trait to be an effective surgeons is as our’s one impoverished society. At least Joel Labow pediatrician is in agreement with you, D.
I’d like to think the Cosmic rule should be surgically screw up one human being’s eye, you should pay with your license forever and move on to some other profession rather than be celebrated in society for psychopathic indifference.I can tell you this, the rare empath among the purported Leadership Class, and they are rarer than hell, possesses the charisma that everyone is drawn to including those very same psychopaths. And that’s when the psychopath(s) turn maximally Machiavellian with their wingman drawn in by glib manipulative charm rather than moral, ethical, referent leadership.
Megalomania and acquisitive projective identification in a pandemic.
January 26, 2023 at 1:36 pm #127226aspnazParticipantUkrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has called on Western countries to supply fighter jets and long-range munitions, urging for more weapons just hours after the United States and Germany agreed to send heavy battle tanks.
Why did NATO put the worst weapons into Ukraine when the Ukraine army is strong, then waited to put the expensive weapons into Ukraine when the army is weak and the mercenaries capable of operating this equipment are few and far between? Makes you wonder whether this is an exercise in theft: how best to convert the western governments old military equipment into financial assets that the oligarchs can get their hands on? Ship it to Ukraine, sell it on the black market. Only after all that gear is gone and the oligarchs have their fill will we send the real weapons over, but by then we will have run out of men, so we may just delay that phase. It appears to me to be a blatant exercise in theft of government assets. The west never even tried to topple Russia, which is why Russia has not overreacted to the USA’s army in Ukraine. Look at how the deal was set up, Kolomoyskyi puts Zelensky – front-man thief – into power, they then start a war, end democracy and start a thieving spree. Obviously a large number of western oligarchs are making a load of cash out of this. It is all part of the collapse of empire. Our rulers knew the military could not win a real fight, so they decided on a plan to turn all those weapons into cash.
Now Ukraine is asking for fighter jets. I doubt they will ever get them, the reason being that the purpose of this war is done, the money has been stolen, the old weapons sold on the black market, the thieves will now move onto the next scam and the Ukraine war will recede into the background. The oligarchs who set up this scam will not fix the relations between Russia and USA, they have moved on, like locusts in the field, they don’t care about the destruction they leave behind. That is why energy is also being torn apart, all part of the plan to steal, steal whatever they can, that is how you become a billionaire, to steal.
January 26, 2023 at 1:46 pm #127227boilingfrogParticipantI just had this mask conversation, again, with my brother. Masks, again, at their pre-school…masks, once again, in the facility my father lives in. Except, not in individual rooms, not in game rooms, not while seated in dining hall, and don’t bother to try and mask the dementia-addled (dad) nor folks stumbling about with walkers and candles.
The staff, masked, had an attitude like the old Soviets: ‘We pretend to work, they pretend to pay us’. Instead, ‘we pretend to wear makes, management pretend to believe these rules make a difference’. See how safe we are!?
The thought creeping up from deep within is: What are we missing?
I remember ‘seeing’ the crash of 2008 coming (thanks Illargi, Nicole, others…) but NEVER saw “QE” happening, especially to this extent. I didn’t go far enough back in economic history to read about the adventures of John Law, I guess.
So, they must have a plan…they have too many consultants, think tanks, white papers, “blue sky” meetings, NOT to have something…
Remember, “We’re going to supply liquidity JUST so, and until, the economy can reach ‘escape velocity’ and starts to grow again.
Escape Velocity…sigh…how quaint it all seems now…
January 26, 2023 at 3:06 pm #127229John DayParticipantIf we take this at face value, Nancy Pelosi is happy and relieved. She has sure looked that way. What don’t we know?
“I can tell you, in my 52 years of being alive on this earth, I have never had the kind of weekend I’m having right now,” she said last Sunday. “My mother is at peak happiness. I’ve never seen her like this. It’s like she’s floating through the air. It’s fascinating for my kids because they don’t know this person.January 26, 2023 at 3:08 pm #127230Michael ReidParticipant”
The FDA “major shift” = an annual cull of seniors, kids, and the disabled
”https://tobyrogers.substack. com/p/the-fda-major-shift-an-annual-cull
January 26, 2023 at 3:17 pm #127231phoenixvoiceParticipantThe WEFfers want us eating insects. So they vilify meat as contributing to climate change. Then, they cull so many chickens that there is a shortage of eggs. They also need to explain the blood clots, so they pin the blame on eggs to try to mask the egg shortage. Or, because eating eggs isn’t good enough, they want us eating insects. This is comical. Why can’t everyone see through this? Why couldn’t the people in the Emerald City understand that it was emerald due to the requirement of green-tinted glasses?
January 26, 2023 at 3:17 pm #127232KassandraParticipantcitizenx, whoa, that was harsh. True, but harsh.
Not sure if any of you look at LinkedIn or not. There’s some major carnage happening there. My theory is companies are not only laying off to save money with less people, but doing it right now, all together, to drive down wages (if you are in the tech world, you’ll know that the wages went stupid high over the last few years). Right now at my work (tech, but not corporate or in the tech field) we are running so lean, with wages 50-75% of typical market rate, totally unable to keep up with the work, I’m not sure we’ll see layoffs. At least I can hope. I’ll certainly feel lucky if I made it through the plandemic unvaxxed and employed (we were literally 24 hours from a vax mandate), and make it through the carnage to come. We’ll see.
We certainly are being set up for something.
January 26, 2023 at 3:26 pm #127233zerosumParticipantTanks were “Last War”
• What Heavy Weapons For Ukraine Will Mean On The Battlefield (Khodaryonok)A small number of these tanks manned by poorly trained crews and lacking full-scale maintenance and supply infrastructure support would most likely yield negative results.
Double standards as an excuse for war
• Russia, Now The South And East’s Counterpoint To Israel (Mazaheri)They, (Israel ), are dead-set on waging war until they get all the Palestinians’ lands, and they have made it clear that there is no place for non-Jews (non-White Jews, actually) inside this land they have stolen as if human mores had not changed since the 19th century. In the blink of a post-corona eye, Russia has become something quite similar.
A solution, (for peace), was found in returning to a ‘pure race.’”• Ukrainian Nationalism as a ‘Cold War Weapon’ (Chung)
• 217,000 Americans Killed By The Covid Vaccines In Just The First Year (Kirsch)A new peer-reviewed paper was just published that finally gets the truth out:
Over 217,000 Americans were killed by the vaccine in the first year after rollout.
NOBODY can give me the name of a US geriatric practice, (A peer-reviewed paper ),where all-cause deaths plummeted after the vaccines rolled out. In every case, they went the wrong way. The narrative is unraveling at an accelerated pace but the medical community is still fighting the truth.
They are actively trying to get the paper retracted because it destroys the narrative. I’m certain they will succeed because journals are under intense pressure to censor any anti-narrative paper.,.———————
• We Have the Evidence; Time to Hold Government Criminals Accountable (Tom Renz)
The data are clear: these injections are killing people at an unprecedented rate.
“…. the effective time of damp masks, sterilization, and surface times.”
I hang my home made mask from the rear view mirror.
It is an effective reminder.
Steps to failure – complexity
the actions we mostly see are intentional, self-serving, and murderous.
‘Going Galt’,
Quiet Quitting
Work to rule
Above my pay grade
Not my responsibility
I had a dream of scamming those that have.“securing modern fighter jets from Western allies.”
With no safe landing strips. With no ammunition. With NO PILOTS? I don’t think so. No Parts, ground crews? Yeah, no. All that, with no NATO boots on the ground.
How to scam.
Get paid more than once..
1. Build inventory military supplies
2. Collect storage fees
3.Sell inventory
4. Make new inventory
————————–January 26, 2023 at 3:29 pm #127234NoiretteParticipantOn sanctions, re. prev. post,
Only 8.5 percent of all EU and G7 companies have actually left Russia, i.e. closed their Russian Subsidiaries, according to research from the University of St. Gallen and the IMD business school in Lausanne, Switzerland. (orig. paper Link 1.)
Sounds about right (as in line with other stats) though the calc. is quite complicated: In a globalised world, what does ‘leave’ mean?
Sanctions are partly a propaganda show (like ‘cancel culture’…) With no means to enforce them, 90% of everyone involved being against, simply ignoring them is an easy option.
Right from the first Sanctions package, Russia authoried grey imports (not tracked, taxed, except for safety..) from a whole host of W Cos, so those good can still imported, sold, etc. Those who run the trade cannot be fined, prosecuted, etc. (Idk about up-marking, costs, etc.)
As for the change in Russian export destinations (the bulk of R exports is energy products, including coal briquettes, who remembers those? ..), the change in destination is wild but sorta
visible in the posted chart, measured in dollars (OEC data, link 2)
January 26, 2023 at 3:33 pm #127235boscohorowitzParticipant“Vaccine apologist bosco/madamski cross dressing attention seeking little NW liberal bitch.”
You’re such a flatterer!
January 26, 2023 at 3:37 pm #127236John DayParticipantHere is the Political Compass Test, again:
It does not take long. It’s kind of interesting. Go with your first feeling.
You might be Left or Right, Libertarian or Authoritarian. That is 4 combinations.
I’m always Left Libertarian, though nobody seems to know that’s a thing.
I’m not a psychopath.
There are a lot of misunderstandings and mis-groupings that protect people from having to think about things. Thinking about things, and consciously changing one’s behaviors is hard. It hurts the brain. It’s useful for survival in changing times.
This is a “Selection Event” we have entered. Evolution is not continuous. It is interspersed periods of population growth, environmental change, and selection for traits which facilitate survival in the changed environment. The environmental changes are “selection events”.January 26, 2023 at 3:54 pm #127237John DayParticipantI went ahead and took the political compass test yet again. Yep, still Left Libertarian, like Gandhi was…
(Not hard left or hard libertarian. Wishy-washy…)January 26, 2023 at 4:03 pm #127238Figmund SreudParticipantYou go, Chat GPT!
According to a study by Bloomberg, 30% of professionals have used ChatGPT to help with work.
The survey included professionals in tech, finance, consulting and more.
OpenAI, the owner of ChatGPT, is the fastest tech company ever to hit a $30B valuation.
Automation is real.
— The Kobeissi Letter (@KobeissiLetter) January 25, 2023
January 26, 2023 at 4:21 pm #127239zerosumParticipantCompare. Israeli peace.
Kiev’s recognition of it is a pre-requisite for any future peace talks.
Thus, the annexation of the four regions of Ukraine — Donetsk and Lugansk [Donbass], Zaporozhye, Kherson oblasts — and Crimea, is a fait accompli now.Kiev’s recognition of it is a pre-requisite for any future peace talks.Major Israeli raid on Palestinian city kills 9 amid growing violence
January 26, 2023 at 4:29 pm #127240zerosumParticipanta multipolar world
Make your own mistakes and live with the consequences.
If you prefer
Grow up.
Make your own bed and sleep in it.January 26, 2023 at 4:45 pm #127241NoiretteParticipantPromoted content, Ilargi, fills the screen with huge pics of breasts and lemon cures, tested from 4 different browsers, and stops one posting, as even typing one letter has to compete with scuzzy full screen ads. (from Switz.) ??
January 26, 2023 at 4:52 pm #127242BishkoParticipantEgg Shortage
Farmer: “I took samples of my chickens that you killed. None of them had the virus.
USDA: “You must have missed the ones that did.”
Farmer: “I took one hundred samples!”
USDA: “But you had fifty thousand birds. You must have missed them.”
Farmer: “Not one of my samples had the virus. I followed the protocols exactly. There is no virus!”
USDA: “You must have missed them.”
Farmer: “I did not. The sample size was adequate.”
USDA: “You said it yourself, you did not see any in the samples, so you must have missed them.”
Farmer: “You are lying to me. You killed my birds and there was no virus!”
USDA: “Do you want the check or not?”
Farmer: {…………}
USDA: “Thought so. Not a word,….remember, you must have missed them.”
January 26, 2023 at 4:54 pm #127243zerosumParticipantRetaliation Strikes: New 2023 Edition: Summary for January 26, 2023 as of 11:30 Moscow time
Since early this morning, air-raid alarms have been sounding all over Ukraine as the Air Force conducts targeted strikes in different regions of the country. After the missiles flew over, a number of explosions were heard in the cities, and pillars of smoke rose at the sites of the arrivals. In some regions, mass blackouts have already begun.
⚠️Confirmed damage to critical infrastructure in:
—Kyiv city ;
— Kyiv region (Kyiv state nuclear power plant)
— Odessa region (Substation near Usatovo);
— Odessa region (Substation in Mayakov area);
— Odessa region (Substation in Malinovsky district);
— Odessa region (Substation SS 110/35/6 kV “Chumka”);
— Zaporozhye region;
— Nikolaev region;
— Dnepropetrovsk region;
— Vinnitsa region.⚡️Emergency shutdowns in:
— Odessa;
— Odessa region;
— Vinnitsa region;
— Nikolaev region;
—Kyiv region.💧Problems with water supply in:
– Odessa.
January 26, 2023 at 4:58 pm #127244NoiretteParticipantTrial…On sanctions, re. prev head post,
Only 8.5 percent of all EU and G7 companies have actually left Russia, i.e. closed their Russian Subsidiaries, according to research from the University of St. Gallen and the IMD business school in Lausanne, Switzerland. (Link 1)
Sounds about right (as in line with other stats) though the calc. is quite complicated: In a globalised world, what does ‘leave’ mean?Sanctions are partly a propaganda show (like ‘cancel culture’…) With no means to enforce them, 90% of everyone involved being against, simply ignoring them is an easy option.
Right from the first Sanctions package, Russia authorised grey imports (not tracked, taxed, except for safety..) from a whole host of W Cos, so those good can still imported, sold, etc. Those who run the trade cannot be fined, prosecuted, etc. (Idk about up-marking, costs, etc.)
As for the change in Russian export destinations (the bulk of R exports is energy products, including coal briquettes, who remembers those? ..), the change in destination is wild but sorta visible in the posted chart, measured in dollars (OEC data, link 2)
January 26, 2023 at 4:59 pm #127245Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymasterPromoted content, Ilargi, fills the screen with huge pics of breasts and lemon cures
What screen, Noirette? laptop, tablet, phone?
More people have this experience?
Note: They’re not from Switzerland, but you are.
January 26, 2023 at 5:00 pm #127246NoiretteParticipantapologies for the double post…
January 26, 2023 at 5:07 pm #127247zerosumParticipantUkraine’s capabilities to support heavy tanks on its roads and bridges”
Slow moving target, to avoid a destructive bow wave
Simple example
Physics of waves under an ice roadJanuary 26, 2023 at 5:17 pm #127248OroborosParticipant• Ukraine Will Now Push For F-16 Fighter Jets
You mean a fighter jet that started service in Jan 1979?
You mean the one that’s 44 years this Jan
Oh, that one…..
The Russians will use them like skeet targets
Pull!January 26, 2023 at 5:33 pm #127249John DayParticipantI’m not getting huge pictures of breasts on my laptop in Texas. Did I do something wrong?
I don’t click on the clickbait. I know better. Rabbit holes of click trails they be.January 26, 2023 at 5:37 pm #127250John DayParticipant@Boscohorowitz: Nice picture!
Yes, I listened to the Firesign Theater yesterday. Still right on after all these decades.“Dr.D” aka “Porgy Tirebiter” has still not responded to my query regarding his identity and associations.
January 26, 2023 at 5:40 pm #127251John DayParticipantI’m getting little video loop ads for old people soaking their feet in Epsom salts and CBD gummies.
Is this stuff targeted? Do they somehow know that I’m not watching porn?
January 26, 2023 at 5:46 pm #127252OroborosParticipantJim Kunstler often refers to the monumentally stupid decisions people make as ‘having seemed like a good idea at the time’.
When debating Evil in the world there seems to be a constant tug of war between blaming either stupidity on one end of the spectrum and sheer premeditated malice on the other.
I think it’s rhythmic like most things in life.
The tide goes out, the tide comes in.
Events are blends of stupidity and malice.
Context is everything.
Many choices seemed innocuous at the time.
NATO getting to cocky with Russia
Other choice are more innocence of the consequences.
“Reporter Kelly Nash showed the perils of spectatorship by uploading this selfie while attending a Boston Red Sox batting practice…”
January 26, 2023 at 5:47 pm #127253Dr. DParticipant“Germany Declares War on Russia”
“Running our war models, 2023 was the start and January was the target. I wish these forecasts were wrong. If Europe is going to even survive.” hate to say, but given the long delay in action, and again a delay with the USSC and Brunson, Armstrong’s year’s-old prediction is turning into view (as usual). The elections will “happen” in 2024, no one will accept any results, leading to an acceleration of trouble and a “breakup” of sorts. A messy one that happens everywhere at once, if now is any indicator. If you can call that a “Civil War” remains to be seen, I doubt it has that intensity.
(sorry, in video, small)“Russia Prepared for NATO Invasion”
This is why they preserved all their troops, much to the mockery of armchair QBs: Their AI computers told them it would come to this. As Armstrong has listed: WWIII starts in January 2023. Past tense.
“I had hoped things would not unravel as quickly as they have. I warned that January was a major target in time coming up in our arrays. We also then have major targets in April/May and Panic Cycles in June.”
Our world leaders are willing to throw everything society has accomplished into the rubbish all for this quest to destroy Russia, then China, and create this one-world dream of Soros and Schwab.”
There is a name for this group. They also must have a war to hide their compounding debt collapse they knew, caused, and chose. These rocket surgeons want to do this war with a dead, unhealthy population of young recruits too weak, fat, and illiterate to enlist?
I’m going to have to start taking actions on this again, as it appears to be the future we are choosing. I have been in a holding pattern for a year or two. White pilled? If I were in level IV of the Social Media control, I might float white hat successes to prevent good active people from doing anything. Delaying all because they think somebody else is winning for them. It occurs to me regularly, especially as we have no 4th down conversions. (NFL reference for you non-Yanks) What’s the alternative? All Black Pill, no hope?
VP, if — I — am a White Hat, then there are White Hats. Therefore we exist. It would be astonishing to think not a single honest man from Bowling Green KY who enlisted and is now in the Pentagon isn’t’ either. That there are ZERO, none, Congressmen, aides, or businessmen-donors who are also mean well for the nation and/or the Constitution. We DO exist or they would have won already. If we’re not here, who’s been stopping Schwabby?
The question is How Many? And THAT, I don’t know. The Black hats don’t know either.
Am I a Grey Hat? I’m more like Sum Yung Gai. Clearly not white enough to be a white hat. And if I’m not at the top of the Pentagon, would it matter if I were the Whitest White Hat Lone Ranger, but only worked as shift manager at Olive Garden? Would it do any good (it would) but is that what we’d mean by the word?
I read that article on surgeons, for example, long ago. And I was thinking of General Grant and others, perfectly willing to throw men away when necessary, get a good night’s sleep, then get up and do it again. Reason to have the top person be someone like Montgomery, I suppose, but the people around him to be Sherman or Patton (no diagnosis on him, just willing to show blood).
I feel this is an excellent job for them. The people will exist anyway, what are you going to do? Kill them at birth? No. Same with people’s critique of the Wagners pulling Russian prisons: Are you kidding??? This is the PERFECT place for people like that. It’s like coming home. I’ve met all kinds that should/could only live there and perhaps we all have, but what else are you going to do with them? Bring them before the Judge every 90 days for some new trouble they got in? Screw that: they’re humans, and most often not very self-reflective. Solve their problem; find a useful place for them that helps the whoe human race. Wagner or Vietnam it is.
As a Doctor, sure they can be fine as the article or whatever suggested. But obviously a human with additional abilities would be better, especially ones like empathy and trust. A car with no 3rd gear would be fine, we can use that and get around and have, but a car with also a 3rd gear is better. So with empathy in some of these jobs. No notice as a soldier, butcher, line worker perhaps, doesn’t come into play. As a nurse, teacher, social worker, not so much. But if you have no empathy but are a genius, I don’t need to send you to the Donbass front. Being a scientist or Surgeon is just fine getting shot with a mortar is a waste of your talents.
There are breast pictures and I’m not getting them? What fresh hell is this?
They are not loading consistently, though, choosing different sizes and locations sometimes, and almost always overloading the computer. But it’s an old hand-me-down.
January 26, 2023 at 5:55 pm #127254John DayParticipantPaul Pelosi Hammer Attack Footage To Be Released To The Public
During the hearing, the judge repeated a point made by prosecutor Phoebe Maffei that DePape had come “to the Pelosi house to wipe out and teach a lesson to the people that he believes are corrupt.”
“I didn’t come here to surrender. If you stop me, it’s like stopping me from going after evil and you will take the punishment,” DePape saidJanuary 26, 2023 at 6:04 pm #127255zerosumParticipantGetting Ukraine to thank Canada is important.
4 tank for Ukraine Takes priority over the need of CanadiansJanuary 26, 2023 at 6:05 pm #127256DoraParticipantI’m seeing some ads on the sidebar. They aren’t interfering with the text.
Better TAE with some ads than no ads and no TAE. Servers don’t run themselves. -
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