Debt Rattle January 4 2015


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    Unknown Pontiacs being unloaded from freight cars, San Francisco 1941 • Germany Believes Eurozone Could Cope With Greece Exit (Reuters) • Greek Euro E
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 4 2015]


    The quandry of the west seems to be a refusal to admit how wrong ‘economic theory’ is, or perhaps how bankrupt is is as a cover for giving all the money to people that already have most of it. Why no grand politico-economic schemes for IAP (income augmentation programe), if the purpose is to boost consumer spending? Certainly the US Fed has already committed substantial funds to feeding the business side of the equation, with nothing to show for it except trillions in over-wrought business valuations, stock markets, and all the other debris of finance. All the world has played the game of continual impoverishment of the consumer and society and the earth. Do we think that this global freeze is just an imbalance in business conditions? Does the business world need a better deal to justify continuation? The concept of a mutally beneficial relationship has left the world of finance and humanity. Small wonder the wheels have stopped.

    John Day

    Matt Taibbi looks at the NYPD work slowdown, which stops ticketing people for things like urinating in public, and only arrests people “when it is necessary”.
    This lifting of the boot is what people want, and it seems to be the right thing, for wrong reasons, hitting NYC in the pocketbook with reduced fine-income from “zero-tolerancing” poor black folks.
    What a tangled web, when the solution is instituted as a political attack.

    CJ in VT

    Question about the helicopter drop of cash.

    They want to ensure that the money gets spent so they put it on a card that expires in a year. Couldn’t people use that for normal purchases and save their “normal” money? If everyone did that no new money would be put in to the system.

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