Debt Rattle January 7 2022
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January 7, 2022 at 5:21 pm #97273
Mr. House
Participant“You seriously think, for even one second, that hospitals, that have no space and are increasingly understaffed, are going to be admitting patients simply because they test positive? ”
Are they still getting paid to do so?
January 7, 2022 at 5:25 pm #97274Susmarie108
ParticipantHave been following Max and Stacy from the beginning…they are always ahead of the curve. Their interview with Mitch Feierstein linked above is excellent (thanks @Orobos). 1) Clearly we’re in HYPER (inflation) territory now – with no way out. 2) More stimulus for the peeps (with D’s in charge) + more bailouts for billionaires ahead. 3) Extreme excess – including buy outs/buy backs, money printing, extreme valuations of everything – will continue until it won’t; extreme excessive extremes mark the end. 4) “The GREATEST ECONOMIC PLUNDER IN HISTORY goes on”. 5) Currency collapse is inevitable, who/what will be blamed is still TBD. 5) Own undervalued assets like gold and silver, they will have a role in getting you to what comes next.
Personally not in on Bitcoin or stocks. Own some US Treasuries. Own physical gold and silver (held outside the system). Using available cash to buy tools, replacement parts, backup (portable and multi-source) energy solutions, infrastructure for garden and water utilization/capture, and to conduct aggressive fire remediation. Building a community network (new/additional engagement: running the Poetry Out Loud program/coaching team at the local high school), building a barter bank account with key members of my small town (traded my small beer manufacturing setup/equipment for engineering expertise and work on the house. Note: the guys/family who now have it are passionate about beer and were expert home brewers at the time of the trade; the new equipment takes their brewing to a whole new level in both quality of product and in volume; I have guaranteed life-time access to product/supply; am not crazy, haha – kept the kegerator).
Stay optimistic – best you can. Engaging in the community is an excellent Way of cultivating positivity so that you are peaceful and present in daily life. Find your own version of “soup kitchen” locally – they could surely use another hand. Appreciate the many contributions offered here. In gratitude – Ilargi. LOVE to All.
January 7, 2022 at 5:33 pm #97275slimyalligator
ParticipantTae community, unfortunately my dear wife has been gaslighted by her family to accept a booster. Does anyone recall Doc Day’s pre-vaccination post-vaccination protocol? We been taking D3, C, Zinc, quercetin, aspirin, Xlear nasal spray, lecithin, NAC and Pepcid for some time now.
Thanks, PaulJanuary 7, 2022 at 5:49 pm #97276upstateNYer
Participant“You seriously think, for even one second, that hospitals, that have no space and are increasingly understaffed, are going to be admitting patients simply because they test positive?
Or, do you think that maybe, just maybe, when someone is hospitalized, they are sick enough to warrant it? “
Well, um, Dr Fauci stated in an interview the other day that, for example, almost all children in the hospital who “have covid” are not there because they “have covid”. They are there for other things, like a broken leg or appendicitis, but everyone is tested for covid when entering the hospital so … they may be in the hospital “with” covid because of a positive test result, but they are not there because they are so sick “from” covid they need to be hospitalized.
So, yeah, that’s what we’re saying. Figure that one out on your own. You can look up the Fauci interview. Also, in case you’re interested in facts, go ahead and look up the case numbers on worldometer … then look up the death numbers.
January 7, 2022 at 5:51 pm #97277Mr. House
Participant“They are there for other things, like a broken leg or appendicitis, but everyone is tested for covid when entering the hospital so … they may be in the hospital “with” covid because of a positive test result, but they are not there because they are so sick “from” covid they need to be hospitalized.”
And they get paid for each one they do, i mean the incentives are sooo screwed up and have been from the beginning i’m surprised anyone bought this garbage from the get go.
January 7, 2022 at 5:54 pm #97278Mr. House
ParticipantIf we paid a hospital 30k for every person they found to have cancer, do you think cancer numbers would go up or down?
January 7, 2022 at 6:07 pm #97279Mr. House
ParticipantDeflationista logic: We must destroy the village to save it!
If you think about it, all actions due to “covid” are destroying the country and the currency and lead to BUILD BACK BETTER! 😉
““While Mayo Clinic is saddened to lose valuable employees, we need to take all steps necessary to keep our patients, workforce, visitors, and communities safe,” the Mayo Clinic said in a statement Tuesday in confirming the mass firings”
January 7, 2022 at 6:12 pm #97280upstateNYer
ParticipantWe humans have certainly put virtue signaling on steroids over the past couple years. It was ramping up anyhow, but good golly ….
January 7, 2022 at 6:13 pm #97281upstateNYer
ParticipantAnd the lord of all that is science, Fauci, DID say that about kids in the hospital. I saw the clip on Tucker the other day.
January 7, 2022 at 6:13 pm #97282Mister Roboto
ParticipantOf course not! You are the truth keepers!!! You KNOW you are on the right side of things! History has proven you are! It is everyone else who is the asshole!
/irony meter shorts out with a puff of blue-grey, acrid smoke
January 7, 2022 at 6:19 pm #97283zerosum
You got it. You are boosting your immune system.
Maybe , Defla., our resident snob can help you.January 7, 2022 at 6:19 pm #97284upstateNYer
ParticipantInquiring minds want to know … if someone is double vaxxed, and in the hospital with covid, are they unvaxxed because they didn’t have the booster?
January 7, 2022 at 6:21 pm #97285Mr. House
Participantthought this was a good comment
“I’ve not posted any updates for awhile, so here we go. For those who don’t know, I’m a 30+ year Emergency Dept RN. We’re experiencing a surge in covid cases here over the past 3 weeks.
The vast majority of the folks we see, I’d say more than 99% DO NOT need to be in an ED, but come in anyway for a variety of reasons, mostly just to get tested.
The few that DO need to be admitted are stacking up in the ED waiting for beds in the hospital. We’re holding over 40 every day in the ED and some of them have been in the ED for more than 3 days waiting for an inpatient unit bed (we have inpatient bed space, just not nearly enough nurses to staff them).
Most of these folks are medically complex and receiving inadequate care in the ED because we’re also taking care of a huge number of life threatening emergencies at the same time. There are a FEW of them that I cannot find a reasonable reason for them being admitted, but not many.
75% of the people being admitted for Covid, that I’ve taken care of personally, are fully vaccinated. I don’t know the overall numbers as HIPAA doesn’t allow me to look into the charts of people for whom I’m not providing care.
The view from where I’m at professionally is grim. We’re being asked to function as ED nurses, ICU nurses and floor nurses simultaneously and that is not compatible with being able to provide good care. These people, some of whom are labor intensive to care for, are not getting all that they require and it’s because there’s no physical possibility that we can provide for it, given our current staffing levels and the constantly changing ED situation. We go most days without any breaks for an entire 12 hour shift and at the end of the day, most of us walk out exhausted, angry, frustrated, in physical and emotional pain, and I’m increasingly seeing that “thousand yard stare” I’ve seen in documentaries about soldiers in the aftermath of terrible battles.
I think I’m seeing the demise of my profession and at this point, I’m starting to hope that I’m witnessing the death of the medical-industrial complex. This corporate medicine system has caused most of this disaster and it needs to end so that something else, hopefully something more effective or at least less harmful can take its place.Brother Josephus”
January 7, 2022 at 6:23 pm #97286deflationista
ParticipantWhat is the mortality rate of covid?
It depends on where you are. It also depends on your level of infection. In Mississippi, the mortality rate is 2.2% of all cases. If you’re sick enough to be in a hospital, it’s 14.9%. If you’re sick enough to be in an ICU, it’s 34%, and if you require the ventilator, it’s > 63% mortality.
How is anyone who is not jabbed and not lapping up the hysteria hurting you?
Lapping up the hysteria? Is that what people are doing? Or do you think maybe, people don’t want to get a virus that has the potential to make them really ill, or dead, or like you, with long term symptoms? Is that really difficult to understand? You think people like to be locked down?
If you’re jabbed what are you worried about?
Amazing that after almost two year, people still think that vaccine prevents transmission or infection 100%. Does any vaccine offer that? It does protect from serious disease and death to a greater extent than being unvaxxed. And it also diminishes your ability to spread the virus. But I suppose you only trust “data” from “reputable” sources that tell you what you want to hear? So just ignore those pretty graphs that plot the actual data that we do have that show the differences in outcomes from being vaxxed vs. being unvaxxed.
For two years, I was worried about contracting the virus and passing it on to my mother who was dying with a rare sarcoma. Sure, she was destined to succumb to death anyway, but being a thoughtful human, I figured I would do my best to prevent her from getting a virus that could cut her life shorter than it had to be and having it end by laying face down without me there with her. I took basic precautions so that I could spend at least as much time as possible with her before she passed. Silly me, succumbing to the “Scienz”.
My wife’s parents are of an age that puts them in a high risk category and they have several underlying health issues that put them at even higher risk. Seems callous to me to put them at unnecessary risk of contracting the virus so that I can play “freedom fighter”. So I err on the side of caution. Which means that when I need to interact with them I get a test. Or wear a mask. Is that 100%? Nope. But, it at least provides a level of protection for them that they would not have otherwise. It has allowed my family to insulate them in such a way that they have been largely safe from the fate that others, including yourself, have suffered. I guess that is just us “lapping up the hysteria”.
It seems like you blame others for the state of our current circumstances, why? What has anyone done to hurt you? What has anyone who doesn’t follow your guidelines actually done to hurt you?
Nothin’ much.
Woman horrified after 'spotting' fellow plane passenger's text: 'We have COVID'
— New York Post (@nypost) January 7, 2022
January 7, 2022 at 6:23 pm #97287those darned kids
Participantdeflationista: spend an hour on nine scrolling through this:
then come back with your heart no longer three sizes too small.
we may be a choir, but we’re singing ellington, and you’re preaching nickelback.
January 7, 2022 at 6:29 pm #97288those darned kids
Participantupstate: please no longer use the term “doctor” to address mr. fauci. this is the greatest blow possible to his ego, and if enough people get on board, we, the deploramensch, just might drive him as crazy as he has done to us.
January 7, 2022 at 6:30 pm #97289deflationista
ParticipantIf we paid a hospital 30k for every person they found to have cancer, do you think cancer numbers would go up or down?
Let me guess:
When you get the Publisher Clearing House junk mail, you really think you ARE a winner.
January 7, 2022 at 6:34 pm #97290Mr. House
ParticipantI rest my case delflationista is a saint and everyone else is an asshole for existing and not following the rules that deflationista’s side sets. Even though we’ve all been following them for two years and they keep failing and they keep adding more demands which history of the last two years would lead any thinking person to suspect will also fail. I find most of your responses to be waffling (like the overall covid response) and unconvincing. But keep saving lives cowering at home and taking your quarterly shot 😉
January 7, 2022 at 6:36 pm #97291Mr. House
Participant“When you get the Publisher Clearing House junk mail, you really think you ARE a winner.”
That is not a response and as usual you just muddy the waters.
Are the hospitals being paid to label people as covid cases? We’ve known that answer since early 2020 so it shouldn’t be that hard to answer
January 7, 2022 at 6:48 pm #97292Mr. House
Participant“It depends on where you are. It also depends on your level of infection. In Mississippi, the mortality rate is 2.2% of all cases. If you’re sick enough to be in a hospital, it’s 14.9%. If you’re sick enough to be in an ICU, it’s 34%, and if you require the ventilator, it’s > 63% mortality.”
I didn’t ask you for a weaselly lawyerish answer.
John Hopkins says your chance of survival is 98.4 percent.
“Lapping up the hysteria? Is that what people are doing? Or do you think maybe, people don’t want to get a virus that has the potential to make them really ill, or dead, or like you, with long term symptoms? Is that really difficult to understand? You think people like to be locked down?”
Once again you don’t answer the question and instead waffle about something else. Who is locking you down? I didn’t lock you down, in fact i argued against anyone being locked down except the very elderly (who are essentially locked down anyone if they live in a nursing home). The lockdowns didn’t work and instead of blaming those who instituted them, you take their word for gospel and believe its the people who won’t take the experimental jab who are locking you down.
The rest of it seems to be your personal exp. which you’re entitled to, and mine is just as equal and i’m not scared of this shit and i’m tired of your fear having an effect on my life. Please go away and spew your fear somewhere else. If i want your viewpoints i’ll turn on MSNBC
January 7, 2022 at 6:58 pm #97293Mr. House
ParticipantIn fact, why don’t you go over to Naked Capitalism, they’ll love you over that way. You can all bath in fear and repeat your covid mantras together
Here is the URL:
January 7, 2022 at 7:05 pm #97294Mr. House
Participantactually maybe don’t go over that way. They might actually be coming to their senses after two years
January 7, 2022 at 7:37 pm #97295deflationista
ParticipantOnce again you don’t answer the question and instead waffle about something else. Who is locking you down? I didn’t lock you down, in fact i argued against anyone being locked down except the very elderly (who are essentially locked down anyone if they live in a nursing home). The lockdowns didn’t work and instead of blaming those who instituted them, you take their word for gospel and believe its the people who won’t take the experimental jab who are locking you down.
The rest of it seems to be your personal exp. which you’re entitled to, and mine is just as equal and i’m not scared of this shit and i’m tired of your fear having an effect on my life. Please go away and spew your fear somewhere else. If i want your viewpoints i’ll turn on MSNBC
Classic. This dude gets triggered by posts that counter his narrative and then submits post after post insinuating that anyone taking basic common sense approaches to avoid getting sick is living in fear. He then ends up telling me to go away because he can’t stand to read what I post. Is this your private sounding board?
What a freedom fighter you are! FREE SPEECH FREE SPEECH. You are just like all of your pseudo patriot colleagues who cry over piddly liberals “destroying our lives”.
Who is living in fear, exactly? You can’t even handle words on your computer screen.
January 7, 2022 at 7:39 pm #97296Doc Robinson
ParticipantFWIW, the official Mississippi cases and deaths (deaths are in red):,0,420,873.html#ageButtonAccording to Worldometer, during the past 3 months, the deaths/cases for Mississippi has dropped to 0.5% (average for all ages combined). That of course is a 99.5% survival rate.
During the past 1 month, the deaths/cases for Mississippi has dropped to 0.3% (average for all ages combined). That of course is a 99.7% survival rate.
January 7, 2022 at 7:39 pm #97297boscohorowitz
ParticipantWatching the humans do whatever it is we do:
January 7, 2022 at 7:49 pm #97298upstateNYer
Participant@tdk: lol. I don’t generally refer to him that way, but I was attempting to post a respectful response and since some people actually think Fauci is some sort of dr … I went with that title. Trust me, that is not how I personally view the man.
January 7, 2022 at 7:53 pm #97299bpeptide
ParticipantIlargi – you said ‘WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus claims “The Omicron variant of Covid-19 is killing people across the globe..”. ‘
Not sure if this statement is intentional, but it will play well with the mis-informed Supreme Court.
Which makes me very, very nervous about the impending SC decision of the Biden OHSA mandate. I won’t be surprised they vote to uphold it, considering how the psychology of fear plays out – the younger justices have children who are most likely vaccinated, and the Court is part of the zoomer work-from-home class who fear COVID like it’s the plague.
I am not a religious praying type, but please, please, please ‘God’ help us and provide wisdom to the SC justices and shut this mandate down.
January 7, 2022 at 8:01 pm #97300upstateNYer
ParticipantDarn it, Doc Robinson, stop stating actual data and facts!! It’s simply too much for the mind to comprehend after two years of … whatever this is. /sarc
What difference does it make how many in the hospital with covid die? What was that stat Deflationista quoted, 2% die?
We need to go all the way back to the starting point before we can blather on about 2% in the hospital with covid dying …
How many people who got covid (hey – we’ll even use the official tested positive definition – how’s that for being generous!!) actually had to go to the hospital at all?
When Deflationista can provide that stat (no one can since not everyone tests) … then we can begin to have a rational conversation about this.
January 7, 2022 at 8:09 pm #97301upstateNYer
ParticipantWould be interesting to know how many people who are sick enough to be admitted to the hospital for ANY reason die. 2%? More??
As an aside, what was that stat? 63% put on ventilators die? I’m sorry that after two years we’re still putting people with covid on ventilators, administering Remdesivir, and killing them. Seems we should have learned something by now. Apparently we aren’t capable.
January 7, 2022 at 8:13 pm #97302those darned kids
Participantand how many of those people who died in mississippi got early home treatment LIKE THEY DO IN MEXICO?
January 7, 2022 at 8:15 pm #97303Mr. House
ParticipantI didn’t ban or asked that you be banned, i just politely asked that you leave, because you’re not so popular around these parts and can’t seem to take a hint 🙂
January 7, 2022 at 8:19 pm #97304Mr. House
Participantalso i imagine you were never a member of the debate team, because you’re really awful at it.
January 7, 2022 at 8:24 pm #97305phoenixvoice
ParticipantI had breakfast at the retirement center with my friend this morning and met someone new. Suzanne is very proud of still owning her family’s farm in Iowa. She is very concerned about climate change – and enjoys telling people about the wonderful wind turbines along the longest river in the USA: the Missouri. However, she has turned the farming over to a management company that puts corn and soybeans into the ground. She is ignorant of what GMO crops are, ignorant of round-up/glyphosate, so most likely the crops are GMO, the ground saturated with nitrogen fertilizer from methane and with glyphosate. So much for the intrinsic value of the cherished farm. At least Bill Gates doesn’t own the farm. Nothing will change as a result of the conversation, she repeated her favorite shareable facts multiple times – she is in cognitive decline.
This is, of course, one of the ways TPTB get away with what they do. Get folks super concerned about climate change, send quarterly reports about the managed farm, but mum’s the word about any issues surrounding using glyphosate. Meanwhile, get folks excited about wind turbines, they are hugely visible, and make folks believe that we are doing “a lot” about climate change while “back at the farm” it is business as usual, poisoning the land, stripping nutrients from the soil, and the small beans this year is blamed fully on “climate change.”
I found out today that my friend who died recently from a stroke (age 49) was not vaccinated — so no explanation for what occurred. At least I don’t have to think “I should have warned her.” She was suspicious of the Establisment, and was finding her own way.
I needed to get finger printed for a possible job with the city teaching seniors. I proceeded to the location and the sign on the door “mask required.” I entered with my mask in hand, not on my face. I had decided that if I were challenged I’d use the mask…but the masked young woman doing the fingerprinting did not display any concerns whatsoever regarding my unmasked face, and soon I put the mask away. Good. Every small act of protest contributes toward the fight against mass formation.
January 7, 2022 at 8:27 pm #97306zerosum
ParticipantTake a test to see if you got Omicron.
1. If you got symptoms – it will be positive
2. If you don’t have symptoms – after 5 days – it will be negative
3. If you don’t have symptoms – after 10 days – it will be negativeTake a test to see if you had Omicron and have immunity and do not infect anyone
I could not find any info
Who has found the info?January 7, 2022 at 8:36 pm #97307phoenixvoice
Participant@ Dr D
Thank you for this:
<< So…200,000 rioters and insurrectionists show up, 95% hard-core Republicans and Trump fans, so each owning 3 guns apiece on average. They go to the Capital to violent overthrow the government, having brought…Zero guns. “Aw Clevis, I thut YOU ware bringin’ the guns! NOW how we a’gonna kill thet there Mike Pence?” >>Next time I’m speaking with a (so called) liberal friend who expresses horror at the events of Jan 6, 2021, I’m going to paraphrase this. 🙂
January 7, 2022 at 8:49 pm #97308phoenixvoice
“As I have posted before, this is not about the number of deaths, it is about morbidity, what is the long term consequence of infection?“I’ve pondered this myself, and even run up against this idea in a conversation — how could I advocate “natural immunity” in the face of “long Covid?” (Of course, the question was a little silly — I was only advocating that those who had already suffered the misfortune of contracting Covid — I.e. MYSELF — not be required to submit to vaccination. This was back before we knew that vaccination doesn’t stop transmission….ho, hum.)
However, I now believe this argument is a non-starter when one considers that “long covid” can result from either the Covid virus or Covid vaccination.
Until we have a much, much more full understanding of the risks associated with the covid 19 jabs, there should be neither mandates nor social pressure to receive. We lack the data required to make a reasoned decision or recommendation.
January 7, 2022 at 8:54 pm #97309zerosum
Since you had covid …. would your test today read positive or negative.
January 7, 2022 at 9:08 pm #97310deflationista
ParticipantHowever, I now believe this argument is a non-starter when one considers that “long covid” can result from either the Covid virus or Covid vaccination.
Are you suggesting that you can develop long covid from the vaccine?
I assume you mean that if you are vaccinated, you can get covid, and this can lead to long covid?
January 7, 2022 at 9:13 pm #97311Figmund Sreud
ParticipantFrom a bankster I normally bank with, the latest health advise. Yes! Canadian banisters now dispense health device! Anyway, hear this shill* out:
The Omicron variant: A setback or the beginning of the end of the COVID-19 pandemic?
The Omicron variant: A setback or the beginning of the end of the COVID-19 pandemic?
*) shill: … Dr. Vipan Nikore, Chief Medical Director, TD Bank.
January 7, 2022 at 9:18 pm #97312Mr. House
Participant“I assume you mean that if you are vaccinated, you can get covid, and this can lead to long covid?”
Why wouldn’t you be able to get it from the jab? I look forward to this word salad and links to twitter.
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