Debt Rattle July 11 2024


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    $500 millions is not political interference when we do it.

    Biden meets with Zelensky
    Joe Biden will today hold a solo and unscripted news conference at the Nato summit, his first since a disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump

    The US president’s performance at that debate sent shockwaves through his re-election campaign and several high-profile Democrats have since urged him to drop out

    Critics have said Biden’s speeches in front of a teleprompter are vastly different than his unscripted moments, so all eyes will be on his 18:30 EDT (23:30 BST) news conference

    Biden has vowed to fight on and insists he is the man to beat Trump in the November vote

    A new Biden campaign memo claims internal polling shows there’s ‘no indication’ anyone else could defeat Trump

    On Wednesday, Hollywood star and Democratic Party donor George Clooney urged Biden to quit in a brutal column for the New York Times, suggesting the capabilities of his “friend” had declined

    Live Reporting
    Edited by Brandon Livesay


    But have we really exhausted all Biden alternatives yet?


    Trump Puts Spotlight On Rubio At Florida Rally Amid VP Speculation

    Former President Trump referred to Mr. Rubio more than a dozen times throughout his speech, at times hinting that the senator could be his choice for a running mate.

    Would you, I don’t know, like to skip all this pussyfooting around, inferences, insinuations, roundabout formalities and just… continuously kick me in the crotch and insult my mother from now until election results get officially posted? Would you rather just do that? Would that help streamline the efficiency of your operations in any way, sir?

    (Wait no – Trumpian Diplomatic 5-D Chess – Rubio and Zelensky will have so much in common)


    I looked upon the cherry tree, bent down with heavy fruit
    But still I couldn’t reach them- I needed help in my pursuit.
    So I went and got a hatchet, and I chopped that old tree down,
    And I stuffed myself with cherries: made a smile out of a frown.
    A year had passed; I craved the fruit the cherry tree had given-
    But all I found were dried up sticks: how stupid I had been!

    I hope you don’t mind, jb-hb, that I used your wonderful metaphor.

    My cherry tree this year was going to produce about four gallons of processed cherries, but a half-hour of pea-to-dime-size hail bruised every single one of them. They weren’t even useful for juicing. : (


    ‘Merkel would have prevented Ukraine conflict. – Orban.’

    It would be interesting to read an honest appraisal from Merkel on the direction her country is now headed. Not for the first time, do we look back and feel gratitude for her decision to stand for a final term. She played the balancing act with finesse, and ‘likely’ gave us four more years of peace, before the fallout from the Maidan coup d’état finally exploded into the fullblown Russia/Ukraine tragedy threatening to engulf Europe. Orban emerges as a brave statesman with principle, the likes of Scholz a weak despot.

    Figmund Sreud

    Article from Canada, … but just perhaps, of interest to USians?

    “It’s understandable that Canadians are anxious about the state of American politics this summer. Four months from the U.S. election, President Joe Biden is being hammered by the media while Donald Trump, a convicted felon, is being largely ignored.

    But it’s not Trump we should be worrying about; it’s his supporters. They’re planning a detailed dismantling of the American federal government, leaving the states free to do as they please — especially those ruled by Republicans.

    The blueprint for this dismantling comes from the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington, D.C. In April 2023 it published a 900-page document called “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise” under its Presidential Transition Project, also known as Project 2025.

    Through its extensive collection of policy proposals, Project 2025 sets out a comprehensive plan to destroy the U.S. federal government as we know it. […]

    Inside the Twisted Fantasy Project of a New America



    Withholding the info is lying.
    Journalists, are aware/know, the info from Tass. Did the advisors tell Biden ?

    MOSCOW, July 9. /TASS/. Russian forces destroyed four US-made HIMARS rocket launchers and up to 35 foreign specialists servicing these systems in a precision strike over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Tuesday.

    “During the last 24-hour period, the Russian Armed Forces delivered a massive strike by precision weapons against US-made HIMARS multiple rocket launchers prepared for delivering strikes on the territory of Crimea, and also against a Ukrainian military command’s meeting place.
    The goals of the strike were achieved.
    The strike destroyed four US-made HIMARS rocket launchers and up to 35 foreign specialists servicing these systems,” the ministry said in a statement.


    Check Dementia Truth
    Turkey will not be party to conflict in Ukraine, president says
    It is reported that the Turkish leader was skeptical about NATO allies’ strategy to provide more military assistance to Ukraine

    WASHINGTON, July 11. /TASS/. Ankara has no plans to take a side in the conflict in Ukraine,
    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told Newsweek.

    “We will not be a party to this war,” he said, commenting on a NATO discussion about whether the bloc’s instructors and troops could go to Ukraine.

    Newsweek said the Turkish leader was skeptical about NATO allies’ strategy to provide more military assistance to Ukraine.

    The idea of sending Western ground troops to Ukraine started circulating after French President Emmanuel Macron said in late February that some 20 Western countries taking part in a Paris meeting on further assistance for Kiev had discussed the issue.
    Later, the Le Monde newspaper reported that Macron planned to create an EU coalition to send instructors to Ukraine. Alexander Syrsky, commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, said on May 27 that he had signed documents allowing French instructors to visit Ukrainian training centers. Estonia and Lithuania also expressed readiness “to consider the possible deployment of instructors.” Kiev officials noted that they had not yet received specific proposals on the matter but the deployment of instructors could be “the first stage.”

    The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on May 6, slamming Macron’s statements as irresponsible and pointing to Western media reports about the presence of mercenaries from the French Foreign Legion in areas controlled by the Kiev regime.

    Figmund Sreud

    Who knew? ” [I]t is now official. What keeps the Russo-Ukrainian War alive is not the billions of dollars worth of weapons that NATO countries are funnelling into Ukraine, its is not NATO expansion, it is not Boris Johnson’s intervention to prevent a peace agreement in Istanbul, and it is not the refusal of Volodimir Zelensky to sit down and negotiate with Vladimir Putin. No, it is China!”



    Why would Zelensky buy a Bugatti when the country’s logo is Maserati? ; )
    A good while back some said we would be in the era of the trident.

    Here is a house for sale on the lake where we dock our pontoon. These things are popping up like turbocancer, replacing handsome little ranches and cottages from the 30s. It breaks my heart. I bring it up because this is the first time I have seen a realistic price for one of these tumors- so many claim to be valued at $10 mil or some such- keeping their taxes down in some mysterious way. I bet the same is true for Martha’s Vineyard.
    Oh- and they stay in them for only a few weeks in the summer.



    Yes, clearly a modest little middle class cottage!
    My cottage rests on concrete cider blocks and looks like a summer only cottage!

    My son bought an 18 foot pontoon boat last summer.

    This spring he bought a used 22 foot middle pontoon with a motor mount/well, cheaply.
    He then chopped about 2 -3 feet off the pontoon so he could add a 3rd middle pontoon.

    He had to cut out the extra footage and then weld the aluminum pontoon sections back together.
    Then pressure test it for any leaks.
    You would never know the pontoon boat didn’t come with 3 pontoons from the factory.
    Now my son has added aluminum and stainless steel to his welding skill set.


    Trump just got trolling that Kamala was a genius pick for ‘insurance’ to make enemies think twice before tossing him under the bus.

    So Rubio as a Trump VP? WTF?

    How about Tulsi Gabbard for VP

    That would scare the piss out of the DeepDipshite State

    Rubio is a Uni-party War Monger through and through

    Trump picks him and the Military Industrial Maggots will Zapruder Orange Jesus in record time

    Someone probably talked to Trump for five minutes or so and convinced him Rubio was a brilliant VP pick.

    Donald LOOK! Squirrel!

    Same shit as first term picking douches like Pompeo and Barr

    Bring a new kind of class to the WH



    A lot of people on the low end of the income spectrum have trouble just basically feeding themselves and their families.

    Depopulate ‘useless eaters”

    Over heard whispered in the corridors of Power: “Let them eat designer BBQ”



    Russian Lancet destroys Ukronazi howitzer

    Boy those Lancets just keep getting better with time


    Ahhh yeah. Midwest Great Lakes area, permeated with all those other lakes – Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan.

    A working class guy gets a little shack-ish house, with its own little el cheapo dock. Maybe an A-frame maybe not. Aluminum rowboats, pontoon boats, canoes, fishing, spiders, campfires and cookouts with fish, hotdogs, marshmallows, mosquitoes, frisbee and wollyball, tag in the woods at dusk, swimming out to the raft made of oil drums, catching frogs and releasing them.

    Just took a look on zillow. Holy #%#% they sure have filled up a lot of the north woods lakes with those monstrosities.

    I watch walkthroughs of mansions on youtube every so often and my conclusion is, the rich primarily exist to make more living rooms. Possibly their ultimate, true purpose of existence.

    As soon as they can, they add another 3 or 4 living rooms to their house, then make sure each bedroom is also a living room. Eventually the bathrooms and the closets are ALSO living rooms. Tour of Will Smith’s double decker bus! Cool! I’m in, what fantastic things will I be shown. Oh. Living rooms.

    And then of course they need to have 4, 5, or more homes. To proliferate living rooms even further. Sorry, my bad – seating areas.

    If you are rich and want an extra home with a view of a lake, THIS is how you do it: (I don’t understand how this is 8.5 mil)

    for pop-out, which I recommend


    jb – hb:

    The little cottage shack you describe is a very rare thing these days.
    If you have decent frontage and land, you will get bought out and your place leveled to build back better.

    If anybody got hold of my cottage, that is exactly what would happen
    Zero value would be given for what is now 3 generations of effort.
    Everything self- built by it’s owners over almost 60 years = a big fat 0.
    Hopefully my 2 children will delay this fate for another 30 years or so.


    It’s Vegas odds control the Fate of the Nation


    D Benton Smith

    The only thing that makes the actions of the Bad Guys appear to be irrational is the examination of their actions SOLELY from the perspective of someone who wants to succeed, survive, and live. For example, the United States is busy committing suicide by Russia, and it makes PERFECT sense to the folks who are poking the Bear,

    It is undeniable that the actions of the Bad Guys are transparently and obviously proceeding toward failure, death and possibly the eradication of human life (possibly all life) on the surface of this planet. That such failure might be INTENTIONAL simply cannot penetrate the fixedly and exclusively “rational” minds of self-proclaimed rational thinkers. But what if they examined the actions of the Bad Guys from a DIFFERENT perspective? Would it make rational sense then? Why, yes it would

    What if the actions of the Bad Guys were examined from the perspective of someone who wanted the OPPOSITE of success, survival and the continuation of Life?

    I think that it’s rather stupid of so-called “rational” thinkers (nonrational, actually, come to think of it) to steadfastly refuse to analyze how such an insane mind might actually work. Perhaps such intellectual refuseniks are insecure in their own grip on sanity.

    I say that the so-called “Bad Guys” actions(which is a perfectly apt name for them, since they proactively strive for it) make perfectly rational sense IF the goal of the adversary is NOT success, NOT survival and NOT life, but is instead the INVERSION of those things. If the desired purpose is the annihilation of all that is living, successful and good then they are right on target. If their objective is suicide, then they are being as rational as all Hell. Pun intended.

    This possibility (for which there are mountains of evidence) doesn’t seem to have occurred to the insistently “rationally objective” thinkers who for some reason believe that everything needs to make “good” sense to a rational being. I would point out that rational and good are NOT the same thing.

    To examine the situation from that perspective, however, requires that the analyst at least consider the possibility of an entity such as Satan, which they have been successfully brainwashed into believing is an ABSOLUTE non-considerable, non-possibility, and so dismiss it out of hand, without inspection, and ignore all evidence to the contrary. And yet there is an immutable MOUNTAIN of such evidence, much of which is about to fall on their heads like a hyper-sonic nuclear missile.

    That’s piss poor rationality, in my opinion, and consequently wrong.

    God exists. Your existence is proof of it. So does Satan exist, and if the world outside your window isn’t sufficient proof of THAT, then you need to remove your sensory organs from your excretory ones and have another look.

    Regardless of the lip service that people give to those two facts (either one way or the other) their actions reveal their actual BELIEF, and the consequences of those beliefs will be manifested just as certainly as effect follows cause.

    If the world is real then the power that made it is real, and to act as though it weren’t is supremely irrational, for which there are inescapable consequences.


    We can see when Trump lies and exaggerates and we laugh.
    Biden is so polished that only regulars can see that he is lying. If journalist don’t correct Biden then people believe Biden.


    Ladies and Gentlemen…may I introduce my Vice President Trump and the President of Ukraine, Mr Putin.

    Bwwwahahahahahaha…. fucking glorious !
    Sure looks like a Summer of sickness, pain and suffering for Brandon.

    Democrats and Liberals… holy f’n batshit retard crazy. Rocks are more intelligent and capable.

    Moar sub human retard Liberal woke trash in Oregon…. no really, see for yourself.

    Liberal woke scum of the earth, Biology plays cruel tricks of reality for woketards.

    DBS – haver you ever given thought to writing labels for Bronners soap ?

    What’s Up With The Weird Label on Dr. Bronner’s Soap?

    You’re Kamala Harris word salad on steroids,,, jesus f’n christ. Just human beings doing stupid shit you f’n whacko… shove your satan/ god bs up your ass, rotate, and stfu. Or, maybe you’re just a retarded ai bot ? God I hope so…. check yer meds.

    What if the actions of the Bad Guys were examined from the perspective of someone who wanted the OPPOSITE of success, survival and the continuation of Life?

    I think that it’s rather stupid of so-called “rational” thinkers (nonrational, actually, come to think of it) to steadfastly refuse to analyze how such an insane mind might actually work. Perhaps such intellectual refuseniks are insecure in their own grip on sanity.

    I say that the so-called “Bad Guys” actions(which is a perfectly apt name for them, since they proactively strive for it) make perfectly rational sense IF the goal of the adversary is NOT success, NOT survival and NOT life, but is instead the INVERSION of those things. If the desired purpose is the annihilation of all that is living, successful and good then they are right on target. If their objective is suicide, then they are being as rational as all Hell. Pun intended.

    This possibility (for which there are mountains of evidence) doesn’t seem to have occurred to the insistently “rationally objective” thinkers who for some reason believe that everything needs to make “good” sense to a rational being. I would point out that rational and good are NOT the same thing.

    To examine the situation from that perspective, however, requires that the analyst at least consider the possibility of an entity such as Satan, which they have been successfully brainwashed into believing is an ABSOLUTE non-considerable, non-possibility, and so dismiss it out of hand, without inspection, and ignore all evidence to the contrary. And yet there is an immutable MOUNTAIN of such evidence, much of which is about to fall on their heads like a hyper-sonic nuclear missile.

    That’s piss poor rationality, in my opinion, and consequently wrong.


    I would point out that rational and good are NOT the same thing.

    Wow, like mind blown. Is that why they are different words with different meanings?

    To examine the situation from that perspective, however, requires that the analyst at least consider the possibility of an entity such as Satan, which they have been successfully brainwashed into believing is an ABSOLUTE non-considerable, non-possibility, and so dismiss it out of hand, without inspection, and ignore all evidence to the contrary.

    WHAT ???

    keep it up fucktard and Satan just might copy and paste your word salad x 5 all day long… You make Dr D sound logical.


    Jb-hb: regarding the 8.5mil sky chateau – it is a lovely gaff. I can’t but help thinking, whoever moves in there is going to do their best reenactment of Dennis Hopper in George Romero’s Land of the Dead

    V. Arnold

    What is the best way to achieve lasting peace?

    It’s the wrong question…….

    Dr. D

    Citizen, you talk about evil and wrong being done all day, yet seem triggered by some other people’s conclusion being that Satan exists. Why? 1) Why is that a weird conclusion? 2) Why is that conclusion illogical? They certainly seem to be counter-productive for some reason. But most importantly, 3) Why do you care? Why is it a personal, emotional state for you that somebody ELSE might believe it?

    Don’t believe it yourself, fine, nobody asked you to. Maybe unlike every other person in America, we forgot that HAVING opinions, and coming to your house and oppressing you with them, are actually different things? Like, I haven’t seen anyone NOT come try to beat me with their opinions, we forget that it’s an option.


    citizenx said:

    Moar sub human retard Liberal woke trash in Oregon…. no really, see for yourself.

    The need of some people to belong to the in crowd is kind of sad. The protesters obviously have sufficient brains to work out that women have babies and men do not, but they have been swept up in the latest trend and they want to be one of the cool kids. Especially the fat, ugly, low-intelligence, purple haired types who believe that by fighting the system they will get friends in the cool crowd. Shame that they will still be fat, ugly, low-intelligence, purple haired types who are universally obnoxious to normal people want to go about their business without the bullshit of the left wing; I want to interfere in your life.

    It all comes down to human nature. The cool kids, the ones with sports skills, the ones who are good looking, the cream of the crop, they tend to be conservatives (not always, there are always freaks). The reason is that those people find it easy to live off their own efforts, because life is easy when you are a handsome, tall, athletic male, life is not so easy when you are a short, fat, ugly, spooty effeminate male. The luck ones find life easy, the unlucky ones bear a grudge and will use government and politics to try to make up for their ugliness, their lack of eating control etc. They cannot survive on their own, they are too horrible, so they gang up and follow the party line, even to the extent of making themselves appear stupid, for why do they care, they are already horrible. So they gang up and attack the cool kids, demanding that the government help them to rid the world of the cool kids.

    Then you get slime likes of George and Alex “Like my money bitch” Soros entering the game, they decide to use the fat, ugly, horrible squad to further their own agenda, so they provide money, the one thing that the fat and uglies cannot get for themselves because, let’s face it, customers just don’t want to see some bitch with attitude and six chins behind the Pizza Hut counter? The Soros Jews then pay these horrible people to cause trouble, they do not need to provide instructions, the horrible people will groupd together and attack the cool kids, and Soros also wants to destroy the cool kids, he wants the horrible people to come out as the victors.

    The evidence is mounting, Boeing is now infiltrated with the horrible people, they do not have the brains to run a company like Boeing, they are too stupid and, did I mention this, too fat, ugly etc. But, with the help of the Soros Jew and his Jew friends, they are being financed like the Jew army. They will bring down the USA if it is the last thing they do, and the Soros Jew and friends will be pleased.

    citizenx; Benton the Jew is a toe rag, the man’s mind is like Biden.

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