Debt Rattle July 12 2016


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    NPC L.E. White Coal Co. yards, Washington 1922 • Asian Shares Rally As Wall Street Strikes New Record High (R.) • Abe Orders New Stimulus Package To W
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 12 2016]


    I am consistently amused by the vast disparity in what we “know”, and what we proclaim as indisputable truth all must recognize. Current noise in the South China sea being my case in point. The international arbitrator appealed to by the Philippines has given them all they’ve asked for; China says “oh, hooey”, and the Western Press is all proclaiming “a huge barrier” to China’s expansion now exists-

    Meanwhile, the long article in WaPo about all this, citing the many voices claiming “significance” to the judgment, also contains this paragraph:

    “In rejecting the decision, Beijing is certainly not alone. No permanent member of the U.N. Security Council has ever complied with a ruling by the PCA on the Law of the Sea, wrote Graham Allison, director of the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. “In fact, none of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council have ever accepted any international court’s ruling when (in their view) it infringed on their sovereignty or national security interests,” Allison wrote in The Diplomat.

    The United States has never ratified UNCLOS, and rejected a 1986 verdict at the International Court of Justice ordering it to pay reparations to Nicaragua for mining its harbors, he noted.”

    Yup. “None. Ever.” So we know no one ever pays attention; but- the noise machine has been well fed; and a substantial number of partisans in all directions have had their emotions inflamed a tad more.

    Man, we’re weird.


    Man, we’re weird.

    Just hoping there wasn’t a question hidden in there somewhere.


    Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton. Way to fold, Bernie!

    “Bernie Endorses Hillary.

    How disgusting is that?

    Not surprising. Predictable in fact. But disgusting nonetheless.

    Not proud to admit that, over the past couple of months, I have preyed on naive liberal friends who actually believed that Bernie was going to act independently, take it to the convention, wreak havoc on the corrupt Democratic Party.

    I bet that he wouldn’t, that he was not an Independent, he was Democrat as they come, that he would endorse Hillary before the convention. […]

    During the battle over Obamacare on the Hill, I asked Sanders why he was supporting Obamacare when he stood for single payer.

    I pointed out what he already knew — that they are two different systems — Obamacare controlled by the health insurance companies and written by their lobbyists — single payer a public system that cuts the health insurance companies out of the game.

    Sanders snarled at me, told me not to lecture him and walked away in a huff.

    Into the arms of the corrupt Democratic Party.”

    Brilliant Bernie Burns It Down

    All those people who believed and rallied for him, gave him donations, all for not – he caved and has run into the arms of someone who, on the face of it, is nearly his exact opposite, Hillary Clinton. What a sell-out.


    I forget what thread it was in, but the Chrome issue appears fixed now.


    “Just hoping there wasn’t a question hidden in there somewhere.”

    Just bemused observations; but that is often where interesting questions are born- let me know if you find one.

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