Debt Rattle July 15 2024


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle July 15 2024

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  • #163707
    John Day

    Meryl Nass MD, Regulation using mock-ups: how Finland’s 40,000 doses and the EU’s 665,000 doses of bird flu vaccine were approved with no human data
    With an option for 40 million doses. This is a long post because I was asked for more details yesterday by a doctor in Finland​

    ​ A Midwestern Doctor, The Century of Forgotten Vaccine Hot Lot Disasters
    How the mantra of “safe and effective” has shielded countless compromised products from scrutiny and led to the same disasters continuously repeating.
    ​ •Producing a vaccine has many opportunities for error or contamination. Because of this, disasters continually occur from “hot vaccine lots” being unleashed onto the public. Remarkably, as the years have gone by, there has been less and less accountability for this (e.g., previously public investigations were held and people went to jail whereas now government tends to keep the hot lots on the market and deny there is a problem).
    ​ •In 1967, an eminent bacteriologist wrote a book detailing many forgotten vaccine disasters under the belief (he shared with many of his anonymous colleagues) that unless his profession was honest about the dangers of vaccination, the mistakes which led to those disasters would keep on repeating.
    ​ •Many of the disasters he detailed related to an excessively dangerous vaccine lot being released onto the market. Remarkably, many of the disasters he detailed mirrored what occurred in the decades that followed (e.g., this article discusses the documented DPT and anthrax hot lots which caused a tsunami of injuries in infants and veterans).
    ​ •One of the largest problems with the COVID-19 vaccines were the deadly hot lots that were released onto the market. In this article, I will cover everything we know about those lots and show their remarkable parallels to the century of hot lot disasters which preceded them.

    ​Another take on global climate epochs: New Evidence We Are Entering An Ice Age Termination Event – EXPLAINED​

    D Benton Smith

    As a recap of current events, it has just been demonstrated on international television that not only did the current regime of the entire US Govt and its institution down to the state and local level just attempt to murder the President, (and they tried to make him DEAD !) but that they bungled the job.

    Certainly everyone on THIS above-average forum of conspiracy theoreticians sees the above fact so clearly that it’s starting to sound repetitious, BUT the herd of humanity has not yet seen it that clearly, but they WILL (and SOON) because the message is being broadcast on multiple channel from multiple sources to enormous audiences all over the world. Attempts to suppress of the story have FAILED.

    What happens next is that the HERD will raise its head and take notice. Even the most placid go-along-to-get-along-guy draws the line SOMEWHERE, and a LOT of them draw the line at publicly televised attempted murder of a rival by the collaborating national, state and local governments across America is a step to far. They will say no, not for me, not this time. I will not go along to get along with THAT kind of shit.

    When they notice (and they will) then the herd will TURN, and this turn will be absolutely unstoppable. The Bad guys would very much like that herd to stampede instead of turn, but to accomplish that now (after transparently blowing the assassination, in front of the ENTIRE watching world) it would take an event on the scale of comet impact, nuclear war or supernatural apparition to distract the herd from what it is suddenly waking up to.

    Who knows, they might try one or the other or all three at once (there certainly are a lot of theories about that), but that won’t change the fact that the world is looking and seeing with keen attention like never before. Whatever it is they better be quick about it because they don’t have a whole lot of time.

    I’m seeing it hit critical mass and going BOOOOOMMMM! in days or weeks not months or years. But I always was a little quick on the trigger, probably because I’m seeing it a lot sooner and surer than most folks. A word to the wise.


    I posted about “Jonathan Willis” up at the beginning of comments today and frankly find it hard to believe a secret service agent said that. I’m pretty sure all agents have something in their employment contract swearing them to ‘secrecy’ and classifying EVERYTHING they do and see as ‘top secret’ with legal implications if they violate those terms.

    The DEI Twat who heads the SS has done her best to ‘cull’ the service of any actual patriots commented to the Constitution.

    If “Jonathan Willis” is the Real Deal, he should be booked on Tucker for an interview. If not, he’s a three dollar bill.

    No you don’t Stephan, you’re an old cunt

    D Benton Smith

    I just scrubbed through the international news and it is being dominated by the failed assassination story, more less along the lines I sketched out in my preceding comment. 24 hours earlier the story was being suppressed full-court-press, but that’s all over and the skyrocket is on its way up. I can’t wait for the big flash bang sparkle at the end. Wheeee, DAWGIES!


    Elon Musk
    @elonmusk. 19h




    If this is what’s being acknowledged, it’s probably double or triple that.

    This is after all the Empire of Lies

    Must keep up the reputation.


    John Day

    Sacramento Threatens to Fine Target for Reporting Retail Thefts
    ‘Newsom keeps insisting that reports of theft are dropping—well, now we know why. Not only are thieves let off … but now the victims are being threatened for even reporting crimes…’


    Larry Johnson:

    My Interview With Former FBI Sniper Chris Whitcomb — How Did the Secret Service Fail to Protect Donald Trump

    “Chris Whitcomb is an old, dear friend. We did some talking head appearances in the aftermath of 9-11 and have stayed in touch over the years. Chris served honorably with the FBI HRT as a sniper and, after retiring from the FBI, did some very interesting work for my former three-letter outfit.

    I have identified some of the Secret Service failings in preventing the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. But I turned to Chris to get a genuine sniper’s perspective.

    I think you will find his insights profound and informative.”


    Anarcho-Tyranny – selective non-enforcement, selective non-protection, selective incompetence

    Dr. D

    Okay, so, it’s not just sorta somebody pointed. We have by timestamp, TWO MINUTES of people, Audible to the whole crowd, yelling “He’s on the roof! He’s got a gun!”. Okay and no one said Radio: “Remove Trump”? That’s it. No shots, no tackles, just SS moves in and Trump leaves the stage for coffee while they figure it out? No? Are you kidding me? The crowd is literally rushing all over, grabbing policemen. NO ONE hit the radio? The RADIO. Too hard, I guess. It’s too big a decision.

    Okay, two scenarios: EVERYONE was in on it. The local police who flagged him through, longarm in tow. The Boss, the new agents, everyone? No. That makes NO sense. If you bought everyone off, it would leave huge tracks, no deniability, and more importantly, no need. You just need ONE guy, on the edge, to like, Oopsie! The other “Weaker agents” “slow radio”; problem makes itself. They’re legit, they’re doing their best all replaced from above just this week! Blind midgets with no drawing technique, “on accident.” But you only need this ONE guy. Who knows the ONLY possible roof in the ONLY area, with the ONLY ladder, and nooooooooooobody checked it, past, present, or future?

    Anyway, so what makes more sense? In a “Normal” event, they have one guy get through. One agent blinks. Okay that works, that makes sense, I thought that was mostly where we were.

    Here they have EVERY agent blink, all at once, for 2-10 minutes, STARTING with the local police WAVING HIM THROUGH?


    And he “found the hole in the armor”, one kid, having never looked before, no shooting skills, no allies, no radio, no maps, no handler, just Haaaaaaaaaappend to find the ONLY location, first time, no help?


    And he was going to take the shot, having no practice, having no known motive. Certain to be killed. Instantly. For no known vendetta.


    Okay, how about my theory, super far out? They KNOW there is a game in play. I don’t know what they told Crook, but they, the police, KNOW he is supposed to be there. So when Crook arrives, they’re expecting him. They – at least some people – are expecting the shot. So they wave him through. Then when they say “There’s a shooter! He’s on the roof!!” Secret Service is like, “yeah, we know.” …Or some do.

    The problems here are different: each one that hears it expects the very next second to be the shot they’re expecting – or 1/3rd of them are. But they keep shouting. One minute…two minutes…three minutes… going wrong, going too long…hard to explain. They’re on the radio to the sniper – who we’re hearing is local police SWAT? — telling him no, wait. They may have even told him not to take the shot he took.

    NOW some of this begins to make sense.

    Okay, either 100% of the whole detail were in on it — and don’t just put a cheeseburger poison in his coffee? 4 years ago? OR only SOME of the detail are in on it. And if they’re in on it and it goes through, then A) They are the good guys, B) They are the bad guys. …Which leads back to the first part: 100% bad guys? Nope, he’d long since have been gone, in much cleaner ways.

    So there are Good Guys LETTING it happen. And if they are, Why? Back to my theory.

    Okay, another thing: Trump was SUPPOSED to have been “Convicted felon” this weekend. With SS detail removed, or in NYC under NYC Police — all Bragg, all the time hand-picked detail, perhaps. So this was all put in motion – let’s say as a push-button option – as far back as that Congressmen posting the Tweet about felons. Buuuuuuuuut, he wasn’t. And so he had MOST of the normal, already proven, already-didn’t-kill-him-100-times detail still there as usual. No new, private-security billionaire crew trying to transition. Yet they ALSO knew there was a shooter out there. He was activated. And if they stopped him at his home address, they would only send another kid they DIDN’T know, didn’t have a leak, a name of.

    So what would you do?

    Which makes more sense?

    C’mon, write me a novel. A movie script. You tell me.


    inside geek/gamer joke. either you get it or you don’t…


    “Which makes more sense?”

    If there was no bullet hitting Trump’s ear, If there was a plan that if anyone ever takes a shot at him, he’s going to do a particular thing… if he has an explosive Hollywood blood pack to slap against his ear after ducking, THEN the alternate theory makes sense.

    I have wondered if Russia did the same general thing. State Department. Calls up and, with a Narcissistic gloatsneer, says “Wonderful Nordstream you have there, shame if something happened to it” assets positioned to freak out Russia, plan is to continually stress out Russia with threats to Nordstream – Russia responds by blowing it in such a way that it perfectly fits with threats.

    That seems intuitive to me. That fits THOUSANDS of instances I worked in Executive Escalations when I projected vulnerability so that an NPD caller could throw themselves on perceived red meat, get drunk on perceived power, make unreasonable claims/demands, and get shot down. Throwing red meat out there IS the reasonable way to deal with Narcs. You get them drunk on narc supply so that you CAN document total insanity and shut them down.

    If a bullet actually hit his ear… you cannot plan that at all. As far as planning goes, that’s the same as making a plan to be assassinated.

    Maybe that WAS the plan. Maybe there was a whole chain of responses planned for Trump actually dying and that was the plan, thus Trump’s raised fist, don’t care about a shooter, “I’m supposed to be dead” Maybe it was one last chance to die to assassination with even better optics. Maybe Trump is really THAT on board with a plan to save the US. Considering he COULD be sipping a margarita on a yacht in between golf games in retirement, he IS choosing a whole lot of trouble for no personal gain. It seems more likely he got on board to do whatever needs to be done and is NOT in charge – if there’s any coherent White Hat plan going on at all.

    D Benton Smith

    They don’t all have to be in on it for all of them to be part of it. It’s standard operating procedure in ALL intelligence-controlled operations to compartmentalize EVERYTHING. In fact, the only guys who need to be in on it are the ones who are controlling it, and even they know only about the PART that they are controlling. For example, the cop who let the shooter walk to the building with a visible rifle in his possession does not have to know anything except the order that comes to him over the earpiece, to “Let that guy through.” That’s it. The cop gets an order from his superior officer to , “Let that guy through through” and the cop lets the young man carrying a rifle through the check point. Nobody knows nuthin or even needs to feel that they did anything wrong or contrary to their assigned responsibilities.

    D Benton Smith

    It’s kind of like the way everybody else in this zombie park just does their job and goes home without giving a second thought to the fact that their “job” was part of a giant (and HIGHLY controlled) military industrial propaganda industry that slaughters young children playing football in Gaza. Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t see, and don’t disobey … or else you won’t have a job to feed your family with or pay the mortgage on that big house in the ‘burbs.


    This ear match photo of dead crooks on roof and crooks in a blackrock ad make me take back my assertion from yesterday. Scroll down to the gory pic and the right ears match pretty well- the dead ear looks deflated, but that could be a loss of blood and deadness. I can even make out the wormy ridge- so no earpiece.
    oops. FWIW

    Many in the crowd behind Trump duck, but many others do not. Puzzly-puzzle, wonder why…


    DEI hire compliments of Dr Jill Kill





    A True Artist


    D Benton Smith

    With no intended nor insinuated disrespect to either Larry Johnson or Chris Whitcomb (indeed, Whitcomb is a relative of mine) , but they are BOTH lifelong habituated participants in the HIGHLY organized mechanism of the Military Industrial Complex, which proves beyond all shadow of doubt that they are BLIND to certain aspects of the outfit that they have worked for all their lives. If they weren’t blind then they would never have worked for them.

    I’m not talking through my hat about this. I’m telling you the way it actually IS. About 1/4 of the adult members of my extended family going all the way back to the Law Offices of Abraham Lincoln have worked for that complex, and I assure you that every single one of them was just like Larry and Chris. They were sure that they were “doing the right thing”, they were all EXTREMELY well paid to “do the right thing”, and the “right things” that they did were Illegal and never to be spoken of even to their closest loved ones (until an uneasy conscience, senility or one too many of too many whiskies loosened their lips.) The other 3/4 of my clan were too moral and sane to get involved in that shit, and so were never invited into the turkey shoot.


    NYT Headline: FBI Hunts for Trump Rally Gunman’s Motive as RNC Kicks Off

    Ok fine yes first who tf is JD Vance?

    Wait what, motive?!?!? YOU, NYT. YOU, you miserable never-ever good faith actor miserable mean spirited shits, YOU. For a decade!

    Calling Trump Hitler and Republicans Nazis since 2015

    Who, who on earth in all of history is most assasinatable? Scale of 1-100 who is 1,000 assasinatable, at leat to normies? HITLER. Cosmic fucking coincidence you said Trump was Hitler how many times? Can Ai or some weaponized autism person COUNT for us how many times NYT said Hitler? (You’ve already set an intern to ctrl-f “hitler” and start scrubbing your history, no doubt)

    Hey, back in 2015, weren’t, at every normie political rally, like happens at every mainstream political rally for a new presidential run, weren’t psychos “punching nazis in the face” and worse? Cosmic coincidence (anarcho-tyranny) law enforcement/protection was never stepped up to stop it?

    What’s more righteous than attacking Hitler-following Nazis? And they DID attack people? And how did you REPORT on that, NYT? “Trump followers inflammatory – so much violence at Trump rallies”

    Immediate reaction to Trump getting up after being shot “Fight Fight Fight” — I have a problem with how inflammatory Trump’s rhetoric is. After being shot per YOUR last 9 years of rhetoric. no remorse. no apologies. no promise to change.

    but anyway, who the fuck is JD Vance and why do I care? It pisses me off that he’s so obscure I don’t even know whether to be pissed at this selection or not. based/not based? woke/not woke? neocon? bud lite drinker? dual Israeli citizenship? Don’t know.

    (Not Tulsi, not Ramaswamy, not RFK, what’s this dude’s street cred? Is this an act of defiance or did the shooting scare Trump into a blobist VP pick?)


    J.D. Vance, Senate Candidate, Urges ‘Mass Civil Disobedience’ After Biden Vaccine Mandate

    J.D. Vance: Ohio State’s vaccine mandate is outrageous ‘invasion of medical privacy’

    well alright then

    John Day

    Online posts falsely claims sharpshooter was told not to fire on suspect in Trump shooting
    CLAIM: A law enforcement sniper assigned to former President Donald Trump’s rally Saturday in Butler, Penn., says the head of the Secret Service ordered him not to shoot the suspect accused of attempting to assassinate Trump.

    AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Snipers killed the suspected shooter moments after he opened fire on the former president, bloodying Trump’s ear, killing one rally attendee and injuring two. The Secret Service and the Butler Police Department say they have no agents, officers or employees with the name of the person claiming to be the sharpshooter.

    THE FACTS: Following Saturday’s attempt on Trump’s life, a poster on the online message board 4chan wrote that they were a sniper assigned to the rally, and that they can be seen in a photo of two law enforcement officers on the roof at the rally.

    “My name is Jonathan Willis,” the poster wrote. “I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the secret service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at president Trump,” the post claimed.

    John Day
    Formerly T-Bear

    A WH photographer caught a bullet passing President Trump’s head. Notice where the hand is and consider reaction times. Five shots fired; 1 killing, 2 wounding, 1 grazing the ear; is this that or the one Trump heard wizzing by before he felt his ear? Where did the other slug embed?

    John Day

    6:37 minute video about 49 y/o USMC vet, PWT self-mad-man, JD Vance as VP pick for Trump

    Southern Culture On The Skids song: White Trash (don’t call me that)


    “There is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy,” posted former President Barack Obama on the X social media platform Saturday.

    Says the man who was responsible for continuous war during his presidency. Sure, I will believe that black Jesus really believes what he says and is not just gaslighting us, not. Never trust a liar.


    SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk has opened up about two alleged assassination attempts against him that have occurred over the past several months.

    One moment out of the limelight was just too much for Musk, he wanted some attention too. Bullshitter.


    Formerly T-Bear

    Great catch!

    Now, check out his hand after it goes to his ear. It’s closed as if he caught a fly.
    Was he checking for … a black fly, deer fly, wasp, hornet?
    Do you see a “white something” falling before he goes down?
    Did he knock out an ear bud as he was going down?


    Don’t blame the plebs, blame the rich people who are pushing DEI, the likes of Fink. Without the support of rich Jews like Fink and Soros, this DEI shit would have died a long time go. Put the blame where it belongs.

    Dr. D

    “Democrats Order Flags To Be Flown At Half-Staff As Trump Still Alive “ –Bbee

    NOT the Babylon Bee: every DEI Secret Service member. Now I see why they were picking on them which seemed dumb and uncalled for. What. The. H—?? (Dore)

    Can’t draw her weapon. Can’t holster her weapon. Doesn’t know what she’s doing. Doesn’t know where the car is. Can’t put her sunglasses on. Yeah, a real priority. ALL THREE OF THEM. All three women, in only one camera shot, complete clown show, public embarrassment, where the Butler Country High School Drama Club would be an improvement. You can’t put on your SUNGLASSES?

    Okay, but it’s Secret Service, right? Er, well…I don’t see even ONE of the men doing this. Sorry. I’m not here to explain why that is, you figure it out. Both Secret Service, same training, right? I don’t see Tulsi Gabbard doing this when she’s out in public. So…..

    Sigh. World’s largest distraction and waste of time when WWIII is on, but if we figure who made the calls that placed all these things, women 5′-1″ who never drew a gun before, we might learn something very interesting…

    Being fair, why didn’t I propose that Trump staged the whole thing, also a theory of the Left? (And fair’s fair!) Because, it’s the same theory I just covered: so then EVERYBODY knew? Him, of course, but his whole team? So SS, who works officially for Biden, no leaks? So then you have the same problems: TRUMP had bought off 100% of local police who let Crook through, bought off Agents that left the ladder, ran a…I dunno, mind control operation on the side for 20 year old Pennsylvania schoolchildren? Yeah, that doesn’t work for the same reasons. Back to theory 1: there were good people AND bad people in the teams, which make sense. Some knew AND some didn’t, which explains. Compartmentalization which as they say is ALWAYS done. It would be the world’s biggest departure if they DIDN’T do that, and DIDN’T use “Need to know basis.”

    So there are bad people? Then we identify and arrest them. Go ahead and claim 100% of all Biden’s Secret Service agents are running an elaborate con on America, the world, and the Biden administration to stage a fake assassination. Go ahead. I’ll see you and your evidence in court and we can all have a barrel of laughs. Everyone can explain what they thought they were doing when they didn’t cover the ladder, and ignored the crowd for 3 minutes of screaming, and we’ll see where it all leads us, yes?

    Wait: Biden is NOT already having that investigation? Why not? You can’t even categorize tax paperwork without being investigated, so what gives?

    That’s it, Day. Yearick’s the guy. I’d have to confirm the photo sources, but it’s so comfortable under this bridge with free wifi. Crook is a softie, young, no record, no training, no motive. Yearick’s a maniac, record, 30 trained, violent, antifa, MAGA attacker, and hard-cased in Ukraine. Okay, what does that mean? They pick out Crook, radio let Crook through, he comes up the ladder, BANG! Yearick shoots him in the face and dumps him in the water tank. Finishes the crime…then because Secret Service is personally in on it, he expects to be escorted out, while they all point at Crook’s body. Escape, close curtain.

    Except what? Yearic gets shotted. Where’s Crook? This obviously clears what EVERYBODY would know who had a lick of sense: NOBODY with No motive, no training, does this. Maybe they had different rifles, that’s why they’re running stupid shell game over .22 vs .223. Crook had the .22lr, pea shooter. Crook is a softie, bullied in school BOTH RNC and DNC, but his friends say he was blue, as all kids are. No training, no gun, no interest. Who signed him up to RNC? When? See, that solves problems where 27 of 31 shooters are from the left, all racist, antifa pedos, so I retract that for now. They made sure he was a Republican!

    Martin Gale.


    At least 100 million Americans just got the Democrat Liberal gay woke establishment memo loud and f’n clear.

    If you didn’t get the memo during 2016, or the 2020 lockdown medical tyranny…the blood spilled loudly on 7/13…

    There IS a civil war, it’s been going on for years in dead earnest with lives lost or ruined and AGAIN it is the Democrats that started it. The other side has been fighting it all along by NOT going crazy like them.

    Bullseye on Trump eh Brandon ?

    There is no denying we are now a Nation at war with itself and the rest of the world.
    Had Trump been “eliminated and taken out” what would have happened?
    Now there is time to reflect, realize they will try to kill him and you again,
    -resolve to self defense collectively.
    It is no longer a game of rhetoric, it is deadly serious and they are shooting.

    They also wish the shooter did NOT miss, and that Trumps brains were blown out for the world to see. Disagree, and they want your brains blown out too. This is an American internal War now.

    Over 100 million Americans know definitively…. they wanted blood and they got it.

    It’s criminal
    There ought to be a law
    There ought to be a whole lot more
    You get nothing for nothing
    Tell me, who can you trust?
    We got what you want
    And you’ve got the lust

    If you want blood, you got it
    Blood on the streets, blood on the rocks
    Blood in the gutter, every last drop
    You want blood, you got it
    Yes, you have

    It’s animal
    Living in a human zoo
    The shit that they toss to you
    Feeling like a Christian
    Locked in a cage
    Thrown to the lions
    On the second page

    If you want blood, you got it…


    Dr. D

    I’m so bored I’m drinkin’ bleach.

    Well that explains the f’d up ferenghi ears. He was Portland Antifi with cuts and loop piercings. Taken out when he shipped to Ukraine. Back for another little mercenary jobbie.


    jb-hb said

    J.D. Vance, Senate Candidate, Urges ‘Mass Civil Disobedience’ After Biden Vaccine Mandate

    Maybe simply to give Trump some credibility with the Covid anti-vaxxers during the campaign, something to use against RFK Jr. Once the campain is over, he will probably be just like Pence, who was used to get the Christians on board during the campaign. Selecting a VP for the campaign, not for the job.

    Dr. D

    CitizenX is on this same wavelength:

    I won’t clip it so you can get the effect.

    D Benton Smith

    Just in: Law enforcement forensics physicists have determined that the bullet that struck Trump’s ear was fired from a distance of 488 yards. The patsy was positioned and fired his weapon from a distance of 150 yards. Both were in zones that were for no explicable reason EXCLUDED from the official Secret Service security zone. I don’t think those facts require any further elucidation.

    D Benton Smith

    We are NOT a nation at war with itself. We are a NATION REDISCOVERING itself and awakening to the fact that we have been invaded and drugged and murdered by liars and thieves whose betrayal after trust was malicious and premeditated. If those hyenas have any sense left in their addled brains they will flee, and swiftly, because those foolish enough to hang around and try to evade justice are going to find it to be swift, inescapable, final.
    God is moving his hand.


    I’m no fan of Trump as everyone who’s read this column for any length of time knows. But even I, in that instant, recognized that if the flag goes up this nation has to have a President who, even if bloodied and bleeding, will rise off the floor and say FUCK YOU to whoever did it

    Can’t deny that Trump has balls, way more balls than I gave him credit for in the past. Denninger and Trump have missed the boat, the USA is sinking fast and will not be saved without one hell of a lot of messy turmoil. However, the election is now a different beast, the game has changed, this is getting more and more interesting.


    Nice rant jb-hb.
    J.D. Vance, from what little I know, is more, um, “right wing” than The Donald.
    He is not rino, AFAIK. We now enter an era where the VP is no longer chosen for repulsiveness. That’s got to appeal to any men who like being men.
    On a side note, Trump’s defiance has won over Denninger. Testosterone.
    So now there is the testosterone ticket and the other one.
    I’m sure glad it wasn’t Rubio.
    I am enjoying a convention for the first time in while. Rick Scott is talking now.

    D Benton Smith

    Reminder: the attempted assassination of the opposition by the incumbent regime was just TELEVISED to the whole fucking WORLD!
    This one doesn’t get swept under a rug. And on top of it all there are STILL multiple simultaneous crises that will ALSO go ballistic on approximately the same schedule (fast, faster, fastest ….. in near instantaneous progression.)

    The Dems SHALL NOT HAVE an electable candidate to put on the ballot until Joe leaves the oval office AND YET if Joes leaves that office under any circumstances the Dems LOSE CONTROL of the levers of power that are presently keeping their asses out of UltraMax prison cells (and graves.)

    Also don’t forget that when Ukraine falls (REAL soon now) the entirety of Europe will have no choice but to accept Russia as the predominant source of their energy, food and manufacturing materials REGARDLESS of US rhetoric and commands to the contrary (talk is cheap. Russian gas keeps the lights on and Ukrainian wheat feeds Europe.

    But don’t let any of that worry you overmuch because the US Dollar is still rolling strong …… like a runaway train of rusted out tanker cars loaded with old nitro in hot weather over broken tracks toward a rotted trestle over a cliff.

    All secure. Sleep easy tonight .


    Thanks God It’s nor Rubio. The guy who told deprived Americans if they feel “low”, to drive through rich neighborhoods and think that one day they too, can be as rich.
    He emits the same vibe as that Latin limp mental noodle Juan Guaidó, the hero of the ideologically adorned in here, as some savior of Venezuela from the “socialism”. Silly heads.

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