Debt Rattle July 16 2024


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    Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, White

    Just a coincidence

    Nothing to see, move along



    Sowing discontent and dividing the country further; that was the aim of this “could be, coundn’t be” assassination attempt. The Democrat supporters will end up believing it was fake, the White Jesus supporters will end up believing it was real.

    The assassination was implemented in such a way as to get people fighting over it. What a success.

    Same happened with the Biden dementure “reveal”, basically revealing something that all the people on the “far right” already had know for years, but which the MSM munchers had hidden from their ears for just as long. Divide and conquer.

    Democrats versus Trumpers, the divide and conquer game is alive and well. The assassination attempt was fake, the “divide and conquer” strategy is the aim. People like Alex Jones etc. are a part of that strategy, knowingly or unknowingly, doesn’t matter, same effect.

    You are being played.




    The Rise of the FALSE False Flag

    “The Rise of the FALSE False Flag” published a few days before the Trump false flag.


    Has anyone located Maxwell Yearick? Is he alive?



    Oroboros said


    Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, White

    Don’t be anti-semitic


    Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Black, Jew




    John Day

    He was gonna’ do it anyways, but he was saving this stinging rebuke for a worthy moment.

    “This Is The Final Straw”: Musk Announces SpaceX Moving From CA To Texas After Newsom Passes Anti-Parent Gender Law

    John Day

    @Oroboros: You’re on a roll.

    : You’re better than usual.

    ​I saw a few short video clips of Trump at the RNC, and didn’t think much of it. Yeah, he looked a bit different, but I stopped on my bike ride to speak with a neighbor who recently experienced a loss, and she said that “he didn’t look well”, so I reran those spots in my mind, and said, “he was calm within himself; I’ve never seen him like that.” After dinner, now I have pulled up a CNN 4 minute video of him entering and walking up to the stands. Take a look. See what you think. He looks calm, appreciative, engages with kindness, and appears close to tears of gratitude a few times.

    Dr D Rich

    Oh come on John Day.

    They reminded Trump of his mortality and vulnerability in a very public way.
    Some call the method the come to Jesus moment.
    Do that to a child under age ~7 and a dissociative state can be induced. Those kids don’t get PTSD. Kids will dissociate.
    Trump’s brain is mulling about those thoughts.
    There’s not a small chance that soft, blubber boy will crack up over THIS.
    Trump has never known deprivation, want, need or existential terror in his overly protected life..

    What substance, what past events will DJT drawn on to overcome this deepest of psychological crises?


    Anyone else see the full Pandemic Amnesty Apology the Democrats offered ?
    No ?

    This is just not about Trump any longer. It’s way bigger than one man now.
    Everyone on the sane side of humanity, and those pushed beyond by the mandates, saw it during the lockdowns, then J6, then lawfare, gay trans grooming and mutilating childrens minds and bodies….

    Censuring and destroying free speech. 100 million citizens now know fully and completely that our own lives, our families and freedom are on the line… this ain’t just about Trump any longer. Cue Assange…

    There is a palpable sense that reality has registered, equipment checks are being made, and bayonets ready to be fixed. “Our patience is running thin…almost gone like Brandons mind”

    Reaction to Unity calls from the Lib Cult-


    Yeah, ok. I was just trying to ignore the whole assassination thing. I looked at Trumpy’s ear and thought that I did not see anything that looked like a wound. I have hunted Pennsylvania my whole life. I know what a wound looks like. I know what I can do with a 22 short, long, magnum and 223. This thing is horse shit.

    poppie- show me on the doll where the retard bit you…

    Dr D Rich

    There it is:

      considers Jamie Dimon to serve as secretary of the Department of the Treasury

    Trump responds to his existential crisis by turning to his faith and fellow Jew(s). Unless someone makes the case Dimon is Mormon, Catholic or Israeli.
    I learnt on this board those distinctions are important.

    Trump is being magnanimous?
    What happened to “fight, fight, fight”?

    Donald shit his pants (no shame there) and took the bigger psychological hit to his brain pan.
    Ultimately, Citizen Trump needs psychiatric care not the presidency.


    Dr D Rich said

    considers Jamie Dimon to serve as secretary of the Department of the Treasury

    We have been through this before in 2016. There are sets of people acceptable to the establishment for certain appointments, Trumps picks from those people. He could pick a high-school student to be head of the Treasury, but that person is not respected in the industry, knows fuck all of the subject matter (you only know if you work there), would never be able to do anything, would not even understand anything of the subject matter etc, so he has to pick an insider.

    Trump isn’t going to drain the swamp, if that is what you expected, there is simply no way he can do anything other than stuff that doesn’t really matter. The government employees are there, they will fuck everything up for him, so unless he gets rid of them, nothing changes.

    Do you really think that Trump’s policies will make America great again? No chance. He will probably put out a few orders about wokism, child protection etc, but nothing substantial. When he puts tariffs on China the cost of good in the USA will go through the roof and the inflation will be merciless. So he will choose a few high-profile goods to tarif, the rest will get through as before.

    Why do you think Soros and his friends put money in at the local level as well as the national level? They know that the best way to destroy America is to fuck up government at every level. They will get their global government, White Jesus won’t do anything, except maybe turn off the corruption pipeline to Ukraine and help the Israelis get rid of more Palestinians.

    Dr D Rich


    I’m not MAGA and I certainly don’t like Trump.

    However I understand and respect his grievance particularly given the unremitting and unjust pursuit of him and his proponents the last 8 years.

    I expect it from a President.
    Retributive justice is valid form

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