Debt Rattle July 17 2024
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- This topic has 81 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 7 months, 4 weeks ago by
Dr. D.
July 17, 2024 at 3:50 pm #164003
ParticipantNote to any would be snipers out there. Take a close look at the photo of the dead perp. Snipers try to hit the mouth area so that the bullet destroys the brain stem. You will have a closed casket viewing.
July 17, 2024 at 4:07 pm #164004a kullervo
ParticipantIf it was a hit job by the Deep State/the Blob (courtesy James Howard Kunstler) it was a really sloppy one: where was the second line shooter? (Well, maybe there was one, but his job was not to aim at the main target, his job was to provide the required collateral damage.)
So, why isn’t the blob reacting against what’s going on?
Because they’re part of all the kabuki crapola: this is very convenient for not having to hastily remove/deep-six the senile President.
All in all, just another sting operation by TPTB (from which both Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden are mere sock puppets) – win win win.
Special effects have come a long way, baby.July 17, 2024 at 4:46 pm #164005those darned kids
Participantoh, my..
so, doc day, i truly think (and i’ve never met you!) you are the real deal, 101% buena onda.
i kinda saw a horrific photo in one (two?) of your posts above. i imagine that you wouldn’t post that unless it mattered a bunch.
is it fake? i hope so. i can’t go anywhere near it to see what it’s about. but the peripheral image i saw will stay with me for years, like some perverse echo.
once, many years ago, i briefly saw a similar image involving a child, and that image is a blight i just can’t seem to clear from my memory.
i am now, today, haunted again by that, as well.
i understand humans do graphically horrible things, and sometimes we need to see evidence of that.
what you posted might be relevant to something important, but my participation in viewing whatever that picture is about will make no difference.
i most humbly ask that such images are prefaced with some kind of warning..
[i stopped viewing/looking at violent images (except cartoons, of course. oh, and crazy american “foot”ball) many years ago, and i just feel way better.]
many thanks,
the artist still known as tdk
July 17, 2024 at 5:30 pm #164006D Benton Smith
ParticipantBy this time there are easily hundreds of millions of people who have seen the video of those first moments of Donald Trump’s appearance at the Republican National Convention and experienced the same internal epiphany of awareness, almost involuntarily. They all saw a changed man.
Now before going further into what that might mean going forward I want to have us all look backward for just a moment and recognize the existence of a phenomenon that should give everyone a deeply profound pause for reflection.
What I want to point out is that what you did in that nearly instantaneous moment of recognition that Trump had changed and that you were looking at a man who was significantly different from when you had last seen him, was miraculous. I will deliberately use that word again, advisedly. What you did was miraculous.
You probably didn’t give a second thought to how you managed to do it at all, but just took the ability for granted, like an unacknowledged gift out of the blue. Like seeing or talking.
In a split second you were able to assess uncountable millions of material factors revealed in an individual man’s physiognomy and action, then compare that observational “package” of information to an earlier comparably detailed memory (which may have been from days, weeks or even years prior to the present moment.) and instantly ASSESSED what those myriad of observable factors materially EVIDENCED that individual’s state of being at the time. AND how that hyper-extremely complex state of being would manifest in the visibly observable appearance and actions in the present moment. As if all of that wasn’t already a lot to do you THEN came up with a final (and decidedly certain) conclusion about what it all meant concerning present and future probabilities going forward.
And you did all of that in a span of time so brief that anyone would be hard pressed to measure it with a stop-watch. Even the most advanced leading edges of discovery of our so-called “sciences” CAN NOT EVEN BEGIN to explain how you managed to do any of that….. much less all of it, and in split second.
An AI computer that spanned the globe and used all of the energy in the sun could not match that performance, nor have the capacity of being aware that it had done so.
Face it. You are a walking miracle. If you are still unsure that you even exist then this comment is the wrong thing for you to be reading right now. You should instead be reading up on funeral arrangements for when you will no longer be with us.
Which brings us to the next point about how Trump looked and acted like a changed man during the short time that we saw him again after last Saturday.
First of all, don’t doubt the accuracy of your conclusion! (some bad actors will plant and nurture such silly doubts). Trump WAS DIFFERENT. Everybody noticed it. Tens of millions of other people came to the same conclusion at the same time that you did. No one says otherwise. If someone (anyone!) tries hard to sell some “otherwise” version of events to you, then that person is NOT your friend!
So what was the change (now THERE is a very deep question!) and what changed him? (deeper still)
I will leave you to ponder that, but be advised that the sharper pencils in the box have already pondered it to the bottom and know EXACTLY what it means. Go find those ‘quicker-out-of-the-gate’ guys and listen to what they have to say, and get yourself as quickly as possible to that point of conscious awareness so that you too know exactly how Trump changed and who changed him and the consequences will be.
Before ending I think we need to nail down a hard fact as quickly as possible so that it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. This fact is of extreme importance because it stems from the obvious ‘demonstrated-in-real-time’ fact that it does not now matter AT ALL whether the assassination attempt was real or fake.
If it was a staged event, then it would have been absolutely impossible to stage without FULL control of every government agency from the White House down to the local police department of Butler, Pennsylvania. If it was “faked” then it was by fakers who murdered at least two people in cold blood.
If it was a straight-up earnest, but failed, attempt at murdering Donald Trump then it would have been absolutely impossible to pull off what was actually done without FULL control of every government agency from the White House down to the local police department of Butler, Pennsylvania.
See the point? The point is that it is SAME unacceptably bad point in both cases and it is VERY important. It means that the way things stand right now (as proven very dramatically on Saturday) the ENTIRE governing structure (both top to bottom and from side to side) of our nation is under OPERATIONAL CONTROL by cold blooded murderers who are so confident that they did it in broad daylight right in your face. That goes either way, whether it was a “real” attempted murder or a “faked” attempted murder, it was organized from the TIP TOP and it MURDERED people!
Not everyone within those thoroughly corrupted structures is beyond salvage. Some of those people are being converted even as we speak because of what they are now hearing seeing and which they can no longer ignore as much as they have been.
The logical (and true) assessment of the real situation is extremely stark. Only a few of the pencils in the box have had the brains and balls to see it, but they DO see it and they are telling others about what they see, who will soon come to see it too. Most of our institutions, both public and private, have reached a state of operationally MURDEROUS corruption. It consists of a “division of labor” sort of thing. At lower levels the direct automated collaborative murders are committed by willing slaves who each does his part and refuses to see beyond that one little part of the murder that is their paid job. (the nice nurse who stuck the vaxx into the arm of an infant, child or pregnant mother, for example, or the news caster who just read their script and went home with the fat paycheck)
It will take a certain amount of time for the sharper pencils to sharpen up their audience, but in this day of electronic communications and Internet such data transfer happens really fast. Much broader and faster than was possible even 50 years ago. As this new awareness of simple fact catches on the awakening will not merely speed up. The “speeding up” of the speedup will speed up. It’s an exponential kind of situation, like Hemingway famously said, “Slowly at first, and then all at once.”
Heads up.
July 17, 2024 at 5:44 pm #164007Oroboros
ParticipantThe Competent are like a stopped clocks
They are right twice a day
July 17, 2024 at 6:03 pm #164008a kullervo
ParticipantWe won’t be awaken, ’cause we aren’t asleep.
We won’t be ‘saved’, ’cause we aren’t ‘lost’, just forgetful (of why The Everlasting Dissatisfaction wanted us that way.)July 17, 2024 at 6:25 pm #164009D Benton Smith
ParticipantI’ve heard it ventured from numerous online pundits that Michelle Obama will be the Democrat candidate and they’re probably right, especially since she and Barry have been running the United States executive branch for the going on 12 years now. But I think that even the Democrats know that she (nor any other) hasn’t got a snow ball’s chance in hell of getting elected. If they thought that they had any chance AT ALL then they would not have bet the farm on assassinating Trump. That botched job was an all-or-nothing high risk venture. The only thing they can do now is tip over the table in some way. They will try and fail at that, too. Soon.
July 17, 2024 at 7:21 pm #164011Dr D Rich
Participant“Is there a risk of escalation into a nuclear war? Because there is, when you have a buffoon running foreign policy, and we have got a lot of them right now in Washington, DC..”
Says a 39 year old that threw his white mother under the bus by publicly airing his mother’s dirty laundry in a book AND movie.
That’s the kind of resumé that gets you enlisted in the Marine Corps, Yale law, and veeep running mate I suppose.A guy that can’t decide what his last name is…
JD: “we got a lot of them (buffoons) right now in Washington”….
….but 39yo JD Hamel of many last names while employed in Washington D.C. isn’t one of those buffoons
July 17, 2024 at 7:30 pm #164012John Day
ParticipantWhat? Trump Shooter’s Parents Called Police Hours Before Assassination Attempt! 17, 2024 at 7:38 pm #164013Oroboros
ParticipantLarry and the Judge
Amended Trump Event
July 17, 2024 at 7:42 pm #164014John Day
Participant@TDK: I’m sorry. The 3 way picture of Yearick, dead-shooter and Crooks, for comparison, was first posted here by Oroboros, and I found it to be a very useful composite.
It never occurred to me (really, it just didn’t) that somebody might have a phobic type reaction to it.
Please accept my apology.
I knelt in the dirt street of Pinon Arizona, on the Navajo Reservation,and provided emergency care to somebody who looked like that, right after her husband shot her in the eye with his hunting rifle.
She did not make it, though she breathed for awhile.
Walking back to the clinic and treating the necessary strep throats and urine infections that day was surreal.July 17, 2024 at 7:56 pm #164015citizenx
ParticipantFight, Fight, Fight… !
Yeah well fighting monsters gets tiresome in the land of lies and insanity.
Yet the monsters keep coming.
Wouldn’t it be nice if all dealt with their own inner monsters and insanity before unleashing on each other ?Ice cream kid was just trying to enjoy life and have fun… i remember those times, long gone.
Gone are the days when the ox fall down
Take up the yoke and plow the fields around
Gone are the days when the ladies said, “Please
Gentle Jack Jones, won’t you come to me?”Brown-eyed women and red grenadine
The bottle was dusty but the liquor was clean
Sound of the thunder with the rain pourin’ down
And it looks like the old man’s gettin’ onTumble down shack on Big Foot county
Snowed so hard that the roof caved in
Delilah Jones went to meet her God
And the old man never was the same againReturn to simplicity….
July 17, 2024 at 8:15 pm #164016Dr. D
“And, although [Trump’s new] vibe is of course not in any way conservative in nature, it must inevitably function as a lethal acid to the progressive left. For one can be progressive only insofar as one has faith that the tide of history is behind you and you alone. Trump’s grinning arrival, astride his gleaming white golf cart, ruins their whole paradigm.”
Commenters then opine on how what’s happening isn’t THAT – not Trump at all, not even Conservativeism – but this loss of a RELIGION. Of Progressiveism, and “Progress” in general. That there’s a Second Coming any time now, a Rapture to the Stars of Mars, with electric cars, and they alone are immune from history and all sin. The apex of the Universe, the master of all, better than anybody is, or has ever been. Of course he, Trump, is an offront, a rupture, a collapse of all that, and in fact ALL REALITY is. Our failing to beat 14 year olds throwing sticks and stones, that we flee recklessly from, is an example. That every crack of every city, every rail, every farm, every road, every factory, every rule, every building, every factory is an affront to “Progress”. Great God Progress. So we/they deny it. Crusty is coming, Crusty is coming. Jesus on a White horse, but BLACK Jesus this time.
This helps explain why they are so IDENTICAL to fundamentalist Christians and the Christian Right they hate so vehemently. And why they also hate everybody else. ANYTHING real, but PARTICULARLY these things, is a complete collapse of their world view. Their MINDS. Their sense of self, purpose, and anything remotely related to avoiding a complete nervous breakdown. Safe Space”? Uncomfortable? No, complete instant collapse and irreversible ego death. That is why they are ACTUALLY fighting for their lives. Really. Truly. Not a turn of phrase, and are capable, will actually do, act out on, ANYTHING. …And that’s not odd at all, it’s normal for their condition, but you’re externalizing it. Projecting it for years, decades, instead of asking:, if the system isn’t serving you – even a system of your mind where ever-spiraling list of nouns makes you have mental breakdowns – maybe adjust your system.
YOUR system. In YOUR mind. Not the other guy’s action or system in HIS mind. That’s all the rest of us are saying out here. It’s not serving YOU. And we like you, so why not stop?
July 17, 2024 at 8:21 pm #164017those darned kids
Participantwow, doc, that’s heavy..
no problem. it’s not phobic, per se, rather, i’d rather fill up my cerebrellic hard drive with smells of honeysuckle and visions of duckweed and frogs.
if i were in a situation where i had to deal with seeing things like that such as an auto crash, so be it.
but if my viewing changes nothing, i think i can fathom the depths of human stupidity from descriptions solely.
change of subject alert!
got earwigs? i can mail ya’ some!
July 17, 2024 at 9:23 pm #164019poppie
Participantkultsommer. thats a good view. people at the top know how far down in their stack competency goes. You can see that at scale anywhere. Any person with a dry attachment to progress would focus on competency as being progressive. Not so much our world today. That says people at the top (with names and addresses) are playing a social game not progress.
July 17, 2024 at 9:52 pm #164020jb-hb
ParticipantCops Radioed “Blanket Tactical Channel” About Shooter After Rooftop Confrontation, Yet Nothing Was Done
“The fact that [the Secret Service] allowed a rifle armed shooter within 150 yds to a preplanned event is either malice or massive incompetence.”
Until you are at least willing to believe the blatantly obvious. Until you are willing to stop genuflecting to a faith you ostensibly disavow (but secretly implicitly do NOT) you will keep saying and thinking idiotic things like this.
There is NO INCOMPETENCE. There is only active or passive malice.
OR a staged event with Trump slapping a blood pack on his ear while ducked and fake dead crisis actors. Plausible?
The first step is to stop actively continually cooperating inside your head with abusers, if you want to not be abused.
Three hours before the shooting, security for the rally caught Crooks with a rangefinder and let him go.
40 minutes before the shooting, law enforcement circulated a picture of Crooks crawling around on the ground.
The parents of Thomas Matthew Crooks called law enforcement before the assassination attempt to warn them that their son was “missing” and they were “worried” about him.
Local law enforcement observed Crooks leave the area and return three times, during which they took two pictures of him and reported the suspicious activity.
Crowds were shouting at the police to do something about the guy on the roof with a rifle for several minutes.
After Crooks was positioned on the roof, one cop boosted another cop up to the roofline – only for Crooks to point his weapon at him. At that point, the boosted cop fell.
Both of them radioed the threat on a “blanket tactical channel” before the shooting, on which “everyone who was on the tactical channel heard it“
No, no incompetence. Passive malice, active malice, or deception.
July 17, 2024 at 10:05 pm #164023zerosum
ParticipantThe attacks, hate and name calling, (Hitler), have not changed/stopped.
They are using “workarround” by saying/quoting someone else did it (Vance?) before.
With a smile/smirk and a knowing glance.
It’s worse than watching “The View”July 17, 2024 at 10:06 pm #164024jb-hb
ParticipantDr D likes to bring his dribbles to a beloved crescendo. Like: “From each according to their needs”.
Then Ayn comes onto the stage. Grown man in awe with the “hero comics” masquerading as a literature? In the real world such a “heroes” are embodied in a grotesque forms of Bezos, Gates….even Musk.You’re like some weirdo who stayed in his basement playing video games ONLY when entering the cheat codes and playing on god mode, when confronted with some easy, common-sense way to accomplish something, like as a matter of form, insists on playing with the cheat codes anyway. Like it wouldn’t be “winning” playing equal to all those rubes slogging it out worrying about water and RAD levels, running out of ammo, and using their last stimpack.
You were just sticking the compensator upgrade on the standard Service Rifle in Fallout, you had no need to pull up the prompt with ~ and wait for the god version to load or anything, you just grab it and stick it on. Jesus.
In your compulsory perfidy, as always, gotta reframe the image of the person talking. NLP garbage.
Gotta purposely miss the point and then half-make it – what the other guy was saying.
YES. Ayn Rand is a total hack. The equivalent, for philosophy AND literature, of picking your nose at the dinner table. YES EXACTLY.
And it’s like you, as a high schooler, went to the kindergarten playground to gloat and then beat up a bunch of 5 year olds, only to immediately have one of them slug you and go down with a glass jaw. That’s the POINT being made, you perfidious bastard.
Ayn Rand being right over and over is a total disaster is utterly ridiculous – THAT’S THE JOKE – so please STOP making Ayn Rand right. You see? Which you already know – and how much effort did you put into it vs prospective yield and outcome? Just super, super silly.
Like, by purposely misunderstanding in front of everyone, then… actually what? We’re under obligation to NOT go ahead and notice? To not be Big Meanies? Do it again.
July 17, 2024 at 10:07 pm #164025zerosum
ParticipantBiden will be going back into the basement.
Biden got CovidJuly 17, 2024 at 10:30 pm #164026Dr D Rich
ParticipantJD HAMEL/VANCE/BOWMAN/BLANTON supposedly said the following after Trumpf tabbed JayDee 2bee the Veep running mate:
Vance: “A lot of people recognize that we need to do something with Iran—but not these weak little bombing runs. If you’re going to punch the Iranians, you punch them hard…”I guess Trump found a 39yo Shitbrain combat journalist to play tough guy.
“Punch” harder??? That 6ft 3in cream puff never fought his way out of wet paper bag like his new father figure.“Weak little bombing runs…”
That language and verbal posturing are so pathetic JD HAMEL-VANCE might deserve a little consideration before concluding he’s auditioning not for Trumpf but rather for the Jewish wing of AIPAC’s Congressional Blackmailing Team.
Unity and cohesion are always promoted before the U.S. goes to war…..someone said.
Trump and JD received their marching orders and they both appear to be goose-stepping in rhythm.July 17, 2024 at 10:32 pm #164027Oroboros
ParticipantLarry reveals that Trump’s normal Secret Service detail was pulled off the event that day because “they were tired”
Hmm, a coincidence I guess
Also, Larry said there was no centralized communication network in place where all agents and state and local cops could talk to one central authority.
Hmmm, again, must be a coincidence.
July 17, 2024 at 10:41 pm #164028jb-hb
ParticipantLarry said there was no centralized communication network in place where all agents and state and local cops could talk to one central authority.
After Crooks was positioned on the roof, one cop boosted another cop up to the roofline – only for Crooks to point his weapon at him. At that point, the boosted cop fell.
Both of them radioed the threat on a “blanket tactical channel” before the shooting, on which “everyone who was on the tactical channel heard it“
July 17, 2024 at 10:42 pm #164029kultsommer
ParticipantJimmy Dore and the guest. Common sense delivered on the silver platter and yet…..”it’s the communists, Marxists, libtards, wokestards and ….who are ruining my beautiful life”.
July 17, 2024 at 10:48 pm #164030aspnaz
ParticipantDr D Rich said
Unity and cohesion are always promoted before the U.S. goes to war…..someone said.
You can bet your ass that it will be all “Onward Christian Soldiers” once Trump is POTUS. There is no way that the owners are instructing MSM to all change tack together unless they are serious about getting the White Jesus to lead his people to death on the battle field, fighting for their Jew God, making the non-fighter money Jews back home even more wealthy.
Trump is supported for a reason and I suspect that his army of Jew lovers will be quite a sight to see and immensely committed. Looks like the USA will be a force to be reakoned with on the battle field; their equipment still won’t work, so they will still die like the battle field Ukrainians (not like the Nazis hiding in bunkers), in huge numbers.
Trump will lead his people over the cliff, then there will not be any Christian right in America and the country will be cleansed. The pied piper was a great story, second only to the White Jesus story; White Jesus leading the Christian Jew-loving children off to war to never be seen again; a war against Iran, Russia and China.
July 17, 2024 at 10:48 pm #164031Oroboros
ParticipantJuly 17, 2024 at 10:57 pm #164032kultsommer
Jimmy Dore’s video that I just posted spells it all.July 17, 2024 at 11:13 pm #164033kultsommer
ParticipantLearning about JD Vance’s background all the bells were ringing in my head due to the similar movie story that I watched on Netflix – just to find out that the “Hillbilly Elegy” is about him.
Who is rubbing our noses?July 17, 2024 at 11:21 pm #164034jb-hb
Participantyet…..”it’s the communists, Marxists, libtards, wokestards and ….who are ruining my beautiful life”.
Wokeism IS marxism IS communism. Go ahead and make a defense of wokeism as not marxism.
Since your current “strategy” is to not defend anything, I predict you will not. Also, if you favor Communism and you have read the literature, you already know it IS and the lines can be drawn easily enough because current-year marxism ie wokeism TELLS YOU and all the Frankfurt School Marxist Sociology Professors Who Hate You also TELL YOU.
They all TELL You in writing. I was aware of BLM before 2020. Went to check out their website, which on the front page, said it swore to tear down “capitalism and the american family.” Antifa using the same flag from street violence in the 20’s and 30s by marxists. Continually quoting marxist thought — you want to go with “Antifa is just an idea” or just double down on how silly it is to think Marxism affects modern day US?
You are – by choice – stuck in repetition of this same “pragmatic” tactic. Continually pretending amnesia and unawareness of the past decade. Continually, implicitly, requiring others — for civility — to do so along with you. Monkey see monkey do. “Can’t believe we got them to go into the Capitol after us” etc.
Nah, brah. I don’t think I will.
Lost my job to wokeists obsessed with a fake wokeist purification ritual/ loyalty test. Sat for HOURS on several mandatory corporate meetings in which I heard current year marxism THE ENTIRE TIME. Went to the library and saw it full of wokeist marxist bs. Watching institutions crumble, “abolish the police” (EXACTLY THE SAME TACTIC AND FUCKING WORDS AS MARXISTS IN THE 30’s OF THE LAST DECADE) turning cities to crap, having the Democrat party browbeating me with self-avowedly marxist thought for the past decade — but silly me.
Do you understand this doesn’t WORK anymore? Just for example, all the geek culture people who just wanted to be left alone as adults to enjoy their own subculture after having grown up receiving too many wedgies and locked in too many lockers, but then had hordes of batshit flying monkeys enter EVERY SINGLE sub-genre of geek entertainment and culture, educating us on EXACTLY current-year marxism? (why did the communist theatre kids emit a pteyradactyl scream and go after the GEEKS to “fight privilege”? ‘Cause you wanted to be high schoolers punching kindergarteners not high school theatre kids punching jocks, that’s why)
And now there’s a smooth ramp from Critical Drinker up through The Quartering, with stops along the way with Jordan Peterson, Jonathan Pageau, Benjamin Boyce, James Lindesy, TIK etc and I am hardly being comprehensive here — a smooth ramp from simple ranting about ruined geek spaces all the way up to understanding weird, abstruse marxist thought of the past few decades, name recognition of the originating assholes, names of the people retrofitting their ideas to originate wokeism.
(you should like this, Communist love to ask interrogation victims for names, make lists, declare who is “adjacent” or associated to whom)
Your “it’s just a dream go back to sleep” is way, way out of date. Nobody is buying it anymore. How did we learn it? We sure as hell did not want to. Waste. Of. Time. (marxism that is) We learned it from you. I don’t WANT your word salad bs nor the names of your thought leaders in my head. I’d be justifiably angry just for THAT. But here we all are. over the past 10 years. MILLIONS of people not buying it anymore.
July 18, 2024 at 12:12 am #164035zerosum
Biden tests positive for COVID-19, is ‘experiencing mild symptoms,’ White House says
Announcement came shortly after news U.S. president would miss campaign event
The White House said Biden planned to spend a long weekend at his Delaware beach house. It was unclear how long the sickness would keep him for the campaign trail.Minutes after the announcement, the president’s motorcade was on the move from taping a radio interview in Las Vegas to the Las Vegas airport. The president was returning to Delaware to isolate, the White House said.
The White House cited Biden’s doctor as saying he had been suffering from upper respiratory symptoms earlier in the afternoon.“He felt OK for his first event of the day, but given that he was not feeling better, point-of-care testing for COVID-19 was conducted and the results were positive for the COVID-19 virus,” the statement said.
The White House said Biden will be self-isolating in according with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control guidelines.His symptoms are mild and he has received an initial dose of Paxlovid, the doctor said.
July 18, 2024 at 12:47 am #164037kultsommer
ParticipantAs I’ve said, offered on the silver platter in the video Jay-bee. On-the-silver-platter!
July 18, 2024 at 12:52 am #164038Oroboros
ParticipantBREAKING: District Attorney Alvin Bragg Files 2 New Criminal Charges Against Donald Trump Including “Avoidance of a Targeted Projectile” and “Obstruction of an Assassination Attempt”
From the black woketurd communist
July 18, 2024 at 12:58 am #164039Oroboros
ParticipantThe SS will probably ignore this and tell Comer to pound sand up his butt.
Steve Bannon goes to jail for contempt of Congress, let’s see if Comer his any balls
Chairman James Comer and Committee Republicans have sent a letter to U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle requesting the following information be produced no later than this Thursday, July 18, 2024:
– A complete list of all law enforcement personnel, including Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security, and local law enforcement, with roles in protecting President Trump at the campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, 2024, including but not limited to the advance team;
– All audio and video recordings in Secret Service’s possession or custody related to President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024;
-Any memorandum or notice issued by the Director to Secret Service personnel regarding the Butler, Pennsylvania, assassination attempt on President Trump.
We also request the following information be produced no later than July 29, 2024:
– All documents and communications related to the Secret Service protection for President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024, including but not limited to any pre-site survey identifying security concerns and/or mitigation of security concerns and monthly Office of Protective Operations reports;
– All internal documents and communications, including text messages and email communications, between Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security related to President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024;
– All documents and communications, including text messages and email communications, between Secret Service and local law enforcement related to President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024;
– All communications, including text messages and email communications, among Secret Service personnel related to President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024; and
– All maps, aerial views, diagrams, and assessments in the possession or custody of the Secret Service of the setting for President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024.
– All remote surveillance data, including but not limited to drones, listening devices, remote cameras, and satellites, used for President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024.
July 18, 2024 at 1:03 am #164040Michael Reid
Participant@ kultsommer
“You can’t vote against the crumbling empire”
the illusion in the west
Best I viewed today
July 18, 2024 at 1:12 am #164041Oroboros
ParticipantKimberly Cheatle started at Frito-lay/PepsiCo
She runs a tight corn-chip ship
July 18, 2024 at 1:14 am #164042Oroboros
ParticipantSecret Service Director Kim Cheatle “She has close ties to the Cheneys, the Bidens and is responsible for the J6 deleted texts scandal”
July 18, 2024 at 2:26 am #164043V. Arnold
ParticipantMurders most foul have become the operational norm in the Empire of Lies; the Gulf of Tonkin is but a marker along the way…
July 18, 2024 at 4:32 am #164046Dr D Rich
ParticipantMore from…..
JD VanceHamelBowmanBlanton
Shop around for a loan? I felt so lucky to even get a loan that I was ready to pull the trigger immediately. The Marine Corps demanded that I think strategically about these decisions, and then taught me how to do so.
The Marine Corps excised that feeling like a surgeon does a tumor.
Clearly Marine material.
Obviously Yale Law stuff.
Definitely Peter Thiehl terroritory.I’m jealous….
………jealous he made hay throwing his mother under the bus.“…like a surgeon excises a tumor.”
JD Bowman and Scott Ritter, peas in a pod
July 18, 2024 at 5:15 am #164047TAE Summary
Participant* Trump
– His brush with death has changed him
– What will Trump owe Elon for $45M a month?
– The deep state can control Trump but it’s inconvenient
– Vance is 6’ 3” and threw his mother under the bus
– The first rule of the Fight! Fight! Fight! Club is Don’t talk about the Fight! Fight! Fight! Club
– Trump will lead us over the cliff* The Secret Service
– The Secret Service should have mass firings
– The Secret Service fears the slippery slope
– Snipers have beards
– A threat is only a threat if you care about the target; Some presidential candidates are more equal than others
– Snipers aim for the brain stem; Snipers can’t target Joe Biden.
– Malice or Incompetence: Occam Trumps Hanlon* And,,,
– Wokeism is Marxism
– Disney doesn’t want to offend alcoholics
– America: No rewards for competency, no consequences for failure
– The Deep State is getting sloppy
– Lying is OK as long as the liar and lie-ee both knows it’s a lie
– Stopped clocks are cosmic twice a day at 11:11 and 12:34
– I will say the only words I know that you’ll understand: Michelle, Ma Candidate, Sont les mots qui vont très bien ensemble
– NBC changes show name to Mourning Joe to prove he’s sensitive
– Biden tested positive for Covid in Vegas; What are the odds?July 18, 2024 at 5:20 am #164048WES
ParticipantCovid Tests:
It seems not that long ago every covid test returned a positive result.
So Joe keeps catching covid everytime he needs a time out!
How convenient!
So Joe has covid not dementia!
Obviously the sheeple have dementia!
They keep buying the excuse the roof was too steep.July 18, 2024 at 6:34 am #164049aspnaz
Ouch, the Democrats lost some money on that one.
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