Debt Rattle July 19 2024


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    Vincent van Gogh The red tree house 1890   • Trump Vows To Fight For Unity In First Speech Since Assassination Attempt (RT) • ‘A Different Donald
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 19 2024]

    Dr D Rich

    A Transformation Thursday night

    “Be Not Afraid” a modern hymn.

    My favorite lyric: “You shall see the face of God and live”

    Regarding the Republican National Convention.
    It’s supposed to be spectacle. That’s the entire point.
    Most find it hard not to get caught up in the spectacle.
    Like moviemaking.
    Here’s how it’s done when Hollywood “transformed” Moses and Charlton Heston.

    those darned kids

    XIII – “thou shalt not slope thy neighbour’s roof”

    a kullervo

    God’s will trumps free will.

    Dr. D

    Nothing to see here, just a sloped roof.

    Courageous Discourse,
    but everyone: Again, ALL people are starting with Crooks. Really? How did they know it was him? Did they ask him? Check with his mom? He had his wallet on him? What? Nope. Everyone starts with the conclusion, don’t ask where the information came from. C’mon. I expect we start there as is the SS news release, but really?

    At the same time, WHERE is the Yearick link from? Zero pickup on that line, although it seem solid, and it appeared immediately. Like faster than fast, so fast only Trump or Indian secret service could release it. What gives?

    “YouTube Tightens Stranglehold On Firearms Content – Blocks All Gun Related Sponsors
    The exploding popularity of gun channels runs contrary to the media assertion that American society is moving increasingly to the left…”

    More the point that they go ballistic only when “The Uni-Religion” is crossed. Of Progress. There can be only ONE. One Party, One Religion, One Viewpoint, One Future. MINE. So anything that suggests…well, anything, but cyclical nature of ebbing and flowing is verboten. Again, exactly as the Religious Right for the whole period they hate them so much. (I doubt people thought there was a linear future through much of Christianity, note the whole Renaissance/Post Renaissance with “Rise and Fall of Rome” etc.)

    “The Next Four Months Will Be A Political War Without Limits

    Wrong, there are plenty of, or even mostly limits. There’s no limit to everyone’s hyperbole though. How about every time you make an overstatement of fact like that, you have to bet $500 on it? How about we discredit the first human ever in the 21st century?

    “Globalist “Guru” Claims Trump’s Re-Election Will Mean ‘The Death Of Global Order’

    Trump will have nothing to do with it. You wouldn’t have succeeded anyway. We can all use somebody other than trump to pimp-slap you morons. This is a baseline as we can either 1) All obey and die, being abused forever, or 2) NOT. Guess which one people pick? And not just now, but always?

    You were never going to win, it was always a matter of how messy your losing was going to be. Trump makes it a lot cleaner and a bit earlier. That disappointing, and I see from everyone’s reactions that they have already decided Vance will be another 2 term, caretaker President of MAGA goals. As now written, 2024, not the 2016 “Arrest Hillary” line. Not a fan, as that will maintain American Empire for another leg, which is a bad idea. It may LOOK like a good idea, but it’s not, we need to shrink and align ourselves to reality far faster than that. In that sense, Vance and Trump are stopping “America First” and stopping the return to our values, but since this was run by Generals, Wall St, and CEOs, that’s inevitable. NOT run by the people, because, well, they didn’t stand up and choose that. They didn’t take action to be a negotiating force, a power bloc in their own nation. What can I say? Then you don’t get a chair; you’ll get whatever the Generals and CEOs feel like giving you. That’s more than the WEF, but that’s not a win to me.

    Talk about Vance leads to Russia v China policy. Trump has always been very clear, but just did an interview (omg, actually reporting things) about McKinley. Yes, the President around 1900. He is not for the recent Spanish-American war that made us empire, and was for VERY high tariffs. Etc. They’re saying we’re “Pivoting to Asia”, i.e. a war. Well…some are, they’re trying, Blinken. What Trump always said – at the debates, front page spotlight – HE DOESN’T BLAME CHINA. He’s not trying to attack them. CHINA is taking advantage of what OUR globalists let them, gave them, in their bid to ruin the United States. What’s China going to do, say no? You’re a moron, am I NOT going to steal all your chess pieces?

    However, Trump was like “Look, we’re going to have to re-establish manufacturing and jobs, we’re going to have to cut off imports, and that’s going to FEEL like we’re attacking you. But we’re not. And YOU understand all that, as you in China have the exact same situation. So can we work this out?” That is, warning: we are GOING to do this, because ultimately dgaf what happens to China, America First, but can you increase your domestic consumption and pivot to other markets so that we can all coexist?

    Also Trump dgaf about Taiwan. We was like Taiwan stole 100% of our, U.S. chip industry. (Over the decades this is true, and again, he’s shown elsewhere he’s aware Globalists arranged that, not Taiwanese) So he’s willing to let Ukraine and Taiwan drop. Saying take them? No, he’s saying THEY’RE NOT OUR BUSINESS. We’re going to stop intervening and ordering everyone around. If EUROPE feels like it’s such some g- d—med priority we won’t stop them if they want to pay for it. (Because, how would we?) Same with Taiwan. Why would a million U.S. soldiers die for a nation that is unemploying us and stole our industries? F that.

    This is extremely normal stuff. No malice to anyone. No war with anyone, wars are expensive. No subservience to anyone, we have interests. We state our interests and try to find a least-bad path to adjust and coexist. Generally this leads to few problems over millennia.

    However, the Team Global can’t have that. Their approach is “Everyone is the Jungle and we would kill them all as non-humans, even Russian orchestra players in Wales, even Serbian tennis players, now DO WHAT YOU’RE TOLD OR DIE.” If the people see deals being made, as all the nations and peoples are legitimate and reasonable, then the “Submit Or Die” (Submit AND Die) gardeners in Europe look like the maniacs they actually are, causing unnecessary deaths and demanding unnecessary control. So the UN/WEF can’t HAVE deals. The deal is: “Obey or else.”

    Americans aren’t like that and Trump shows that side, but really we’re just working back through the 1950s, 1910s, and not returning to Jeffersonian independence. And although it works for the people, it’s a Corporate structure, not a citizen one.

    That’s why Vance is a status quo, but a different type. Very probably that is realpolitick, the people are lazy dips—ts who didn’t lift a finger just now, so they’re clearly not going to out-weight and outplay all Corporate America and the wealthy class from sea to sea – and we’re not even talking the largely government merger, government tit guys like Boeing and Raytheon. I’m talking like MidWestern REIT funds in the Oklahoma Family Office, etc. So it doesn’t matter in the slightest what we SHOULD do, since with no weight and no action, it can never happen. Same as saying Bernie will set up a Copenhagen Democratic Socialist people’s paradise. No, you’re not, because there are only 3% of people who know what that is, much less lift a finger on it, you’re not going to take over the country. Not from Jamie Dimon and GM. Same here, but on the Right side.

    Politics is the art of the POSSIBLE. When the people won’t act to get a can of beans and cut the credit card, they’re fools and they are not politically possible. And it burns me to say that. Same as the Crypto Bois. When you sell your entire purpose and independent business model for a few satoshis, you don’t exist. You sold out. You have no weight, and will be rolled. Past tense. That doesn’t mean BTC won’t rise, but now it will rise when WALL STREET says so, not you. You think like an employee, not an owner. You act like the hired hand, not the Ranch Family. I didn’t MAKE you do that and told you not to, so you get what you get.

    “BlueAnon Watch: One-Third Of Democrats Believe Trump Faked Assassination Attempt As Conspiracy Theory Goes Mainstream

    Good. Now Left and Right are more together than ever. I’ll probably regret to ask, but what, exactly, do they believe? A: They have Feelz. So they Feelz it must have been. Me no like = Must be false.

    Speaking of, not suspicious at all that TIME actively removed “That Photo” from their cover. Nothing says “Honest news” like being entirely partisan. Like, at a minimum, IF the truth helps Trump they will suppress it. That is, lie. IF they are willing to do that, and openly admit it, what else might they be doing or lying about?

    “Something stinks about the whole Trump assassination attempt, and Joe Rogan can smell it.”

    Yes, how many coincidences in a row can you have? …However we may have to sideline the 12M shorts on Trump the day before. There are problems with that story and we’ll have to discard it in the “Maybe, unproven” bin. Oh well, that will leave plenty of time to investigate American Airlines shorts on 9-10 and hundreds of Covid buys the month before. SEC? Too busy jerking off?

    Tucker: Oh God they’re selling “Trump’s divine hand” and that “He’s changed.” Yeah, he’s REBRANDING himself as he knows the Left who has to vote for him doesn’t like his storms on Twitter. This is all eyewash as he was never radical or all that naughty on Twitter to begin with. Tucker is assuring America that the re-branding is real, put in a way they can absorb.

    “The Plants said they want water, not Brawdo.” Well, there are limits. He (meaning, including Tucker) has to get things done DESPITE the state of the American electorate.

    THEY those old News Anchors think they’re still talking for the American GOP, which hasn’t been Bushites in 10+ years. Like Vance having gotten burned, then down the rabbit hole with new motion forward every day. They’re dinosaurs, in a island bubble, a Jurassic Park fence. Like them, Tucker kept going. He was only some guy at Fox, but turns out he was the only guy at Fox to keep telling the truth and get fired. He still knows a lot he’s not saying, but when everything is a lie, at least choose to pull AS CLOSE to the truth and principles as won’t get you shot. Is that too much to ask? If everyone keeps doing that we might get real close after a while.

    THAT is why he’s popular and can appear out of nowhere with only a laptop cam, and Tim Pool, Candace Owens and 100 others too.

    “Max Boot’s wife has been indicted as a foreign agent.”

    Hard to fathom, and no reporting on it. Too busy re-printing magazine covers so they suck adequately for the USSR.

    “But as Haley walked onstage at the Republican National Convention Tuesday, Trump beamed.”

    It’s not her, because she doesn’t exist. It’s that there is a rebel power block of military industrialists who were going to buck and unseat Trump and perhaps assassinate him. Certainly, definitely illegally jail him. This means they’ve “Come to heel”, as much as these guys is possible, which isn’t much. That’s okay, MAGA and America First are taking fire from all kinds of places and need to get all kinds of things done they’ll now never have time to do, and they don’t need their own camp to be shooting at them too. It’s enough if they want to just go quiet and PLOT more shootings, which is about all they’re capable of.

    What happens in these cases is, once they are put to heel, they, the kingmaker, Don Corleone, don’t attack and cut them to pieces, the center saps them slightly, as they lose 1-5% a year, other people are elevated and offset their former size, after 10-20 years, their “Ideas” go away. Become has-beens, as they don’t have the MONEY to buy people and hire hit men.

    I’m sure we all disagree, but there are priorities: there are 20 other power blocs that ALSO Have blackmail files and hit men coming. Logically, tactically, as game play, those can ONLY be dealt with first. And that’s How Bush’s “Businessman’s Coup” survived Butler and FDR and Bush was around to Coup the country again in 2000.
    If anyone has a solution to this that nobody else has been able to solve in the last 10,000 years, I’m all ears.

    “This assassination attempt was the result of the left’s nine-year effort to demonize our friend, President Trump.”

    No it wasn’t, because it wasn’t Crooks. In fact, I was surprised to hear not that Crooks official story from the USSS investigation, but THERE IS NO OFFICIAL STORY AT ALL. None. Officially, Crooks is not even the official shooter yet. Uhhhh, wtf? I know he’s not and you’re going to lie about sloped roofs, you cow, but that

    ALSO means everyone commenting on it like this, like Gingrich, are just “Making S—t Up.”

    Again, like “Discourse” interview, what makes you think it was Crooks? What makes you think he got shot? What makes you think anyone called anything in? Rumor and innuendo? F—k man, I can’t take it. Sure USSS is f-ing me, but we can at least sit out here and not COOPERATE. Point at them. If we all stonewalled they’d look incredibly stupid claiming not to know who the shooter is or where the gun went. If we make stuff up, no one notices they never said anything at all. Then get away because right now, anything they said would be a lie we could arrest them for and send them to jail. (Not the lie, that the lie would prove abetting attempted murder)

    Anyway, THANKS newt, for helping the Democrats AGAIN. That’s the purpose you were born for.

    ““by the All-powerful Dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four Bullets through my Coat, and two Horses shot under me; yet escaped unhurt, altho[ugh] Death was leveling my Companions on every side of me.”

    “History has it eyes on you” — Hamilton

    Apparently such things are true and possible All humans everywhere, always have said so. I’m not going to go Progressive here and say all other humans in all time and space except me are illiterate backward, superstitious morons, while I alone am the apex of perfection. Like ghosts, if EVERYONE worldwide says so, and always have, it’s real.

    Question is, “Is that this case?” A: No longer matters. He’s part of “A Narrative” now. The Narrative is cooler than the truth, so we go with the Narrative. Humans always, always have. Magic – Black and White – is all about hijacking, directing, joining the Story. To get it’s power going your way. Not that people will reject and attack my fact-adhering investigation into Butler, THEY WON’T EVEN CARE. It will not compute. Whether I’m right or wrong will have no more interest to them than if the 1sq m archaeological dig dates to 2000B.C. or if it’s 2,600B.C. I, and all logic, am totally missing the point.

    …And in a sense, they are perfectly right. I’m living out MY truth though. This is MY task to state, promote, or adhere to what ACTUALLY happened. They can pick it up if they want, but somebody has to do it.

    ““What actions did the USSS take to remove or cover President Trump after a threat was known or detected?”

    We already know it was zero. At any time.

    Again, and we need to push this up: as Tim Pool said (for example) an HOUR before, they have people crawling around with rangefinders, they say, “Mr. President, you’re going to have to sit here for a while while we sort all this out.” In fact, they did. Trump was an hour late by then – again showing they (somebody) thought something was going on and in play. Again, we’re not talking about the dramatic tackle – that’s unnecessary, nothing is blown, no embarrassment is had when they call in on “All Channels” that someone is out there. Trump says he’s taking a 10 minute break, he’ll be right back, here’s the guest speaker. NO. They did NOT call in and that call-in did NOT reach the stage.

    Suuuuuuuuuure it didn’t. Somebody want to explain this. Local Police are lying about it? No. Way. Someone right in Secret Service was MAKING it happen.

    “• US Democrats Postpone Biden Nomination Process (RT)

    Double crossing their own candidate. Figures.

    Again, now they won’t have unity no matter WHO they pick. And we can also guess they planned it this was because WHO they planned to pick was G– D—–d AWFUL. What does that leave? Biden needs to get shot by MAGA in retaliation, cue that up. Heck, we all proposed that bulls—t months ago. Then Martial Law: No Election.

    Go ahead and try it. We know you will anyway.

    Here’s the point: Where’s all that “Violent Right-Wing Rioting” they promised us? Where the Civil War of Right shooting Left in retaliation? None. Zero. Buppkus. The WEF/DAVOS lost. THere is no American Civil War they so carefully planned. I’m not sure why, but although we most probably were past it, with the shooting we are DEFINITELY past it. I guess the Right feels like they won and just need to grasp the ring and use it? Then there’s no need to use other tactics except walking in and sitting in the chair. The Left can’t riot or fight as we’ve already seen. They’re rabble and without them being cannon-fodder morons throwing up smoke for a (socialist) government takeover, they’re irrelevant. Therefore: No Civil War. Past tense. We passed the test. It’s over.

    ““a group of Democrat megadonors were “dangling money to members of Congress” willing to publicly call on Biden to step aside..”

    Great idea. Too bad it means literally nothing if Biden doesn’t CHOOSE to go.

    “And it makes you wonder who’s running our country. That’s what I worry about,”

    Yeah! Somebody oughta do something about that! A Senator or something! Oh, that’s ME? — I – have the power and responsibility, I’M the jackass if – I – don’t know who’s running the government I’M SITTING INSIDE OF? Yeah, well, nevermind.

    Jesus on a Stick. Just like AOC “Somebody oughta do something!” You’re a CONGRESSMAN, YOU need to do something. Or what do we send you for? YOU can’t do anything? Oh do tell! Send me a long letter and I’ll ask the same thing: WHO HAS THE POWER THEN? If y’all don’t? Point. I’ll go talk to them if you’re just a bartender in D.C. now.

    “• Biden Accuses Musk Of Trying To ‘Buy The Election’ (RT)

    But Zuck + all worldwide Media combined wasn’t? Now here’s the point: This shows U.S. business is getting aligned. After all this wrangling, Silicon Valley is in line with MAGA under Thiel (‘cause Maga hates gays like that) We see MIC under Haley coming to heel. We see Wall St under Dimon coming to heel.
    Uh-huh. Detect a trend here? Rats. Ship. New ship.

    “• Von der Leyen Secures Second Term At EU Helm (RT)

    Sorry, WAAAAY too much facts and news going on, but I thought she wasn’t eligible for some reason? True? Nevermind – that’s law and rules and we don’t do that.

    “• Von der Leyen Planning To Turn EU Into ‘Defense Union’ (RT)

    Great! With what money? You’ve failed to get taxing power. Utterly. And have no credit.

    Kids Owned:

    Yes, but who’s this “We” stuff, weirdos? There is no “We”. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, nay, never, no We.

    “We” did not say the kids are the sole responsibility of the parents: YOU did. You made that up just this second. Why? Because in 1850 America, you think the kids wouldn’t be seen as the Community’s responsibility, the church, the VERY extended family’s even the ethnic groups? Nope. Dead wrong. You see “THEY had a village.” The very NOTION that that WASN’T true doesn’t appear until PROGRESSIVES MADE IT SO, by tirelessly destroying all human clubs and organizations and FORCING it back to the nuclear family…then destroying that utterly too. Openly, pointedly, and proudly, starting 1971. Mary Tyler Moore. Rhoda. Don’t need me no man. Men “R” Archie Bunker hateful wife beating cavemen. OBVIOUSLY the only logical conclusion is the take all their children and run away. …And so ’twas. 50 Years in a row of Male slavery.

    And it wasn’t a secret, they told you why the whole time. It’s all to be replaced with Utopia, aka “Socialism”. You won’t need a husband when you have Socialism. You won’t need a church, you have socialism. You won’t need the Odd Fellows Doctor-on-tap, paid funeral fund, you have Socialism. You don’t need a job, you have Socialism. F– the Black Church, your own Black community and rob them: you have Socialism.

    Now there is no Odd Fellows, no Polish Clubs, no VFW, no Catholic churches, no help groups, — no g– d—d BOWLING, no nuclear family, no extended family, it’s 2024 and what does this lady say we should do for an answer? Socialism. Wow, well butter my buns and call me a biscuit! How did that happen? What a coincidence!

    “The goal is this diabolical law is to break the parent-child relationship and put the state in charge of your children”
    Yeah, it’s like a plank of the “Communist Manifesto” for like 200 years. Surprise! Never saw that coming, it’s all a conspiracy theory.

    Every recent movie on Netflix. Again, what a coincidence. They told you then it happens. Must be a conspiracy theory.

    Yes, Ugh: spectacle. But yes, it’s to raise EMOTION, excitement. That’s what it’s for, and it’s a tradition and a good time, so oh well, let them have some fun.

    Dr. D



    Secret Service Whistleblowers Emerge Following Trump Assassination Attempt

    When the story of the “Willis” sniper confessing tell-all came out, it smelled bad because under the employment contract every SS agent signs, it most probably says something to the effect that anything you hear, see or smell on the job as an SS agent is TOTALLY top secret classified and you will be “Julian Assanged” if you squeal.

    So the headline ‘Secret Service Whistleblowers Emerge’ makes me think these agents are either very brave with a sprinkle of integrity or very naive and no too smart.

    Because if the Satanic Reptiles discover these agent whistleblowers, boy are they toast and will be made an ‘example’ of, up to and including ‘termination with ‘extreme prejudice’.

    Are these whistleblower agents trying to save their own reputations or the service’s?

    The jokes online about the ‘Secret Cervix’ are legion and growing exponentially.

    What young person would want to join a clusterfuck laughing stock shitshow like the Duh’merican SS?

    SS recruiting PR campaign

    Be All That You Shouldn’t Be

    Has a nice ring to it.

    Especially for Woketurd female agents:



    Former Uvalde schools police chief indicted for role in Robb Elementary shooting response

    “A Uvalde County grand jury has indicted former school district police Chief Pete Arredondo and another former district officer on charges of child endangerment, the first criminal charges brought against law enforcement for the botched response to the deadliest school shooting in Texas history”

    “Uvalde County District Attorney Christina Mitchell convened a grand jury in January to investigate law enforcement’s delayed response and to determine whether to bring criminal charges against any of the nearly 400 federal, state and local officers involved in the response.

    Law enforcement officers waited 77 minutes to confront the gunman, who was ultimately shot and killed by Border Patrol officers.”




    Still lookin’ for even a smidgen of Competence



    This photo goes with the Uterus deal above



    Meanwhile, the Empire of Lies teeters of the brink of Chaos



    The social and media dynamics in the US after the failed assassination attempt look to me like what people in finance would call a dead cat bounce.

    Hopium etc. I believe we are in a captured world but I still pray the USA can do it and recover their own country – the rest of us don’t have much of a chance.


    “Vincent van Gogh – The red tree house 1890”

    Can you see the changes due to the tenacious, firm or strong hold of life that has happened to the tree? Compare the effects of time on the life of the young trees to the old tree in the foreground.

    Go and Take a picture of this place, now, in 2024, and you will see the differences from 1890.
    New image
    The democrats must chose between an old leaky boat to cross a river or a newer solid boat.
    “pass the torch.”
    Kamala Harris picks as her running mate.
    “We don’t know who the Democrat nominee for Vice President is going to be, so we can’t lock in a date before their convention for a debate of VP.”
    Dementia problem
    ” how can he be our president for the next six months?”
    it makes you wonder who’s running our country.
    Found, a respectful retirement path

    “positive Covid-19 test”


    ……a group of Democrat (or Republican) mega donors were “dangling money to members of Congress”….

    Just in case if one feels small and does not know why.


    “Largest IT Outage In History” Sparks Disruptions Worldwide

    Early Friday, a global IT outage caused by an issue with cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike disrupted flights, banks, retailers, stock exchanges, 911 call centers, and media outlets. Experts say this could be one of the largest IT outages in modern history.

    Good thing we have a securit— wait, what? The world’s largest ever IT outage came FROM Crowdstrike? Did they hire a Boeing engineer or what?


    Biden bans US sales of Kaspersky software over Russia ties

    Russia-based Kaspersky antivirus shuts down its US business due to sanctions — offices to close by July 20

    US Govt is blocking sale of Kaspersky products starting 7/20. Banned from antivirus updates, realtime protection etc in September.


    BlueAnon Watch: One-Third Of Democrats Believe Trump Faked Assassination Attempt As Conspiracy Theory Goes Mainstream

    Same 1/3 of Democrats that wanted to send me to Summer camp and/or have me die of starvation or exposure in the gutter? Asking for a friend.


    In the news:
    A massive worldwide tech-outage.

    Bitcoin future does not look bright.


    If you want to watch a great show on Netflix, try Lost in Space. It is 3 short seasons, it is full of family values. It is multicultural, but in a realistic way — kind of how it was when I was a teen in California, and there were simply a lot of people with different ethnic looks and backgrounds, but none of the nonsense where close relatives are of such different ethnicities as to be genetically impossible. This was the first show that got my teen kids to start watching shows together with me.


    Bit long and I will have to find the time.


    Perception. Change is in the air
    Infrastructures covered in dust of neglect.
    Infrastructures running on initial hope of “forevor”.
    Repair man pensioned off with starvation pension.
    FIX IT!


    Wow, the Trumpers are having a wank-fest. Sooooo American.

    Don’t forget; onward Christian soldiers ….


    “I’m not supposed to be here tonight,” Trump said

    PR at it’s best. Not supposed to be, supposed to be by whom? Nonsense for the feeble brains.


    Dammit…I was just looking into that antivirus solution for a client who has a Windows XP system and a Windows 7 system, it looks like they have compatible software…I suppose I’ll keep looking. So annoying.

    In this vein, I have a medical office client that is again seeking to move from their in-house server EHR software to cloud-based software. From a business perspective, this is a logical move — it may save them money, and some elements of the practice may be simplified. However, my “spidey-sense,” honed by years of finding my own way through alt-media tells me that we may have rocky technology days ahead…will the internet continue to be “always available?” How frequent will data breaches become? Will cloud servers always be operating — or will they go down? There may come a time when there is a move back to on-premises servers, a need to reassert local control.


    Yep, the Trumpers now have their White Jesus, the blacks had their Black Jesus, now it’s the whites’ turn. Talk about PR at its best, this is resurection, has it been three days yet? The Americans are loons, their alternative media are talking about Trump in the same tones that the MSM were talking about Hillary. What is it about these people, they always think they have discovered the next God. He’s a reality TV star, get a grip!


    Uterus transplant…
    …because pregnancy and immunosuppressive drugs to prevent organ rejection are **so** compatible.


    Gah. Agreed. A woman’s brain is a female body part.

    You can only experience a Uterus as a female with a female brain, which only females have.

    Males that identify as a woman and then go around on high heels wearing flower dresses and chunky pearl necklaces with a clutch purse do not recover from strokes any better than other men

    Men who announce after their stroke that they are now Living As A Woman do not begin to recover better.

    The brain structure is different. We fundamentally think differently – not, as a vernacular euphemism, differ in opinion. Structurally, thoughts occur differently as physical electrochemical events in reality. Giving women an advantage in recovering from brain damage.

    IF we could tear apart a man’s brain and rebuild it with a woman’s brain structure, it would mean the actual death of that man. The maximum you could do is use the man as raw materials to create a brand new woman who believes and says she was the man.

    Maybe they should try a brain transplant instead of a uterus transplant.

    D Benton Smith

    Trump is going to be President (if he lives!) because the American people have correctly assessed that Trump really does mean it when he promises that he will do everything within his power to give them back the “American Dream” that they used to enjoy so much and miss terribly now that team WOKE is hauling the dream away by the truckload daily and promising to take all of it and forever.

    Some choice. Which nightmare to you prefer?

    Do you want to live in the lap of luxury by empowering your government to return the American Dream of perpetually robbing the world? Or would you rather have that meatgrinder consume you like dogmeat by continuing the current regime?

    Hint: Win or lose, that “American Horror Show Dream” ain’t NEVER coming back. and good riddance! Now its victims are at the door demanding recompense.

    You’re going to have to find a more honest line of work than letting your top criminals rob the world blind using your money, labor and wet-work, then throwing you a few scraps from their high table.


    I watched perhaps 50% of the RNC this past week.

    Lots of weirdos at the podium looking and talking like 80’s televangelists crossed with Dynasty (TV show from the 80’s) crossed with a current year megachurch deacon – like, the kind of church that has a waterslide and a gocart track. and a “worship band” with $300,000 in sound equipment.

    There was a shifty fellow ranting about “no more antisemitism” that did not raise my hopes for the Republicans at all. He legitimately creeped me out in terms of his facial expressions, body language, etc.

    A string of people talking about how we are going to have some massive military buildup. No, you fuckers. Live within your means. Budgeting is an actual word and words have particular meanings. Take budgeting into account when you consider maintaining 800+ bases worldwide and adjust accordingly, assholes.

    Ramaswamy was nearly the only speaker I saw who said really basic, decent stuff reasonably eloquently. The entire party should have adopted that exact space, talking points, language, etc. NORMAL americanism.

    Instead, they’re going back to the OTHER normal, of 80’s religious right folks burning D&D rulebooks .

    This is the time to play to the SECULAR history of the Republican party and the secular traditions of different sides being able to argue politically AND still sit down at the dinner table together. Ramaswamy at least gets that.

    The other thing would be, for the love of god, start eviscerating the Dems BY THEIR OWN stated goals and values.

    Systemic oppression? In all the cities run by Dems for half a century? Stop dem oppression?

    lost Roe v Wade? Haven’t the Dems been saying they want Roe V Wade to be permanent? Were they ALL retards who didn’t understand it was a court decision not a law? But in half a century they couldn’t even PROPOSE a bill let alone pass it? How many times did they have a majority in the house and senate? A super majority?

    THEY say they want it, their constituents say they want it. Is half a century too soon for the Dems to deliver on a core issue for their constituents? And with a majority in house and senate and also in control of the executive branch when Roe V Wade was struck down, did ANY democrat even TRY putting a bill forward, even after roe v wade was struck down?

    Why do the Dems not deliver on even their most basic promises?

    To pass the bill, you’d have had to do the one thing above all you don’t want to do. You’d have to spell out in writing what you want and then you’d have to discuss it. Most Republicans are for SOME abortion being legally available everywhere – you could even just start there, with a bill that covers rape, incest, and risk of death of the mother.

    If you wanted to expand from there, you could, but you’d have the situations most important TO YOUR OWN CONSTITUENTS nailed down really quickly. And to this day, have the Dems put a bill forward?

    Not to mention, all attempts to label the Republican Party as The Racist Party and somehow responsible for racism going back to what, the 1800’s? 1700’s? Should get a continual stiffarm to the face all day long every day. Just brutally destroyed. Infinite material for it.

    There’s so much hypocrisy involved on the Dem’s part, it’s like watching some huge bodybuilder get continually bullied by 3 scrawny 12 year olds. Just weeping and trying to avoid eye contact and not even trying to shuffle away. When they could just grab each 12 year old in turn and break them over their knee in 5 seconds.

    Not pro Republican, but a little merciless deflation of the Dems would restore some sanity to society.

    Post assassination attempt, NOW is the time to steer Dems towards admitting, at least privately, that they have behaved wrongly these past 10 years and that this ISN’T the america they wanted to create.

    And now is NOT the time to emphasize the religious right, But there it is. Useless losers conceding their enemy’s frame every time.

    D Benton Smith

    Preferring Trump over the Democrat (whoever they eventually settle on) is like preferring a loyal Mastiff over a rabid hyena.

    They’re both willing and able to kill and eat you, but one is more likely to try it sooner than the other.

    D Benton Smith

    It does not matter one bit whether the assassination attempt was real or faked. In both cases the event would have been absolutely impossible without the fully operational control of the entire governing apparatus of the United States, from the wizard behind the curtain all the way down to dog-catcher’s assistant.

    So why don’t we all just save ourselves a lot of rehashed work and start from there?


    “… then throwing you a few scraps from their high table.”

    With all the outstanding loans/leverage around the world, all the “scraps” will come with an

    D Benton Smith


    the “scraps” will come with an

    You can sure say that again! but that doesn’t mean they won’t try.



    John Day

    Incompetence Worse Than Corruption

    “Worse than a corrupt government is an incompetent one, not least because having the second characteristic does not exclude the first one.”​ ― Victor Bello Accioly

    “Joe Biden” failed to kill Donald Trump on “live” national TV​, at 11:11 GMT, with CNN cameras running​ to shock-the-world with the blowing-out-brains, like the Twin Towers collapsing on 9/11. All of the happenstance, incompetence, mistakes-were-made defenses were in place, and the isolated young lone gunman was on-task, well documented on the fairgrounds and police notes, with all but a red-carpet laid out for him, certainly a nice 10 ft. ladder.
    If Donald Trump’s brains had just splattered the podium, it would have been “mission accomplished” for globo-cap, like 9/11, like John Kennedy, like Bobby Kennedy, like Martin Luther King, but it was a FAIL
    The patsy sniper (and it may or may not be “Crooks”) was a good enough shot from his perfect perch,, but Trump turned his head just right as the trigger was pulled, heard the bullet whiz by, felt his ear hurt, saw the blood, and dropped down, as other people behind him took the fire meant for him. Trump was “unpredictable” again.
    The other, presumably professional, sniper on the water tower fired another 5-6 shots, with a different acoustic signature, right after “Crooks” fired the first 3. I could hear the difference. After that came one shot from the police counter-sniper, which took out “Crooks'” brain. Crooks had already tossed his AR-15 about 12 feet away and was crawling down the roof backwards, like he expected to be spared, to live his life…
    The “incompetence” defense will not hold water with the globalist overlords, not at all. The Imperial Court will be changed now. They may still try again to kill Trump, but they need to kill Vance, too, now, which may need a big bomb at the podium, or something like that, which takes time to arrange. Vance was a USMC Corporal for 4 years, knows shit from Shinola, and then got a philosophy degree, Yale law degree, worked for a prominent global finance “investment” company, wrote a popular up-from-the-bottom biography, and got elected to the US Senate, getting the “smartest Senator” accolade from Tucker Carlson.

    The Globalist Elites and Nationalist Elites both play the global capitalism game, but they play it to win differently. Globalists need “free trade”, where there are minimal tariffs and they extract value by controlling financial structures like SWIFT, and global shipping. Nationalists can profit with much smaller flows of trade, by taxing imports heavily, and raising their internal tariffs on necessities like oil and gas, shipped to other countries. Nationalists benefit from building a secure industrial base at home, and making most of what the country needs, as countries like Russia, the USA, and Iran (in that order) can mostly do. China has to import a lot of resources for their vast and industrious population, but is a manufacturing powerhouse, despite that weak core. India feeds the largest national population with rich farmland and a low carbon footprint, so has that form of relative self-sufficiency.
    It looks like the Globalists have lost, with nationalist elites ascending in Russia, China, Hungary, Iran, Turkey and Slovakia (Fico). A unity of government elites is necessary to carry globalism through the coming financial crash, where globalists need the emergency-powers of WW-3 to uphold their super-senior claims upon all of the stocks, bonds and bank accounts, as per “The Great Taking” analysis:

    ​ Here is 4 minutes of Trump telling his tale of Saturday’s shooting, which he says he won’t tell again. It has the part where he turned his head to the right just right, not more, not less. This can be explained by “chance”, which is valid, if you have never experienced a nudge from the Divine-Hand yourself. Trump seems to feel the Divine. He is basking in the love and adulation, but he is still quite full of himself, and a complete Zionist, not “Orange Jesus”, still impetuous and set to tear up the globalist pea-patch by preventing WW-3, even before January.

    Al Jazeera does the journalism on “unifying” 90 minute speech: Key takeaways from Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention

    I take the recently-excommunicated Archbishop seriously: Archbishop Viganò Warns Trump: ‘WEF Behind Assassination Attempt – They Will Try Again’


    American SS / German SS / Ukrainian SS (loud applause, standing ovation!)

    Black reperations MSM spokeswoman – how about child slaves ? Who did they belong to MS MSNBC ?
    “Lean Forward” you say ? It takes a village of retarded Liberal Scum you say ?
    How about NO. Mind your own business Karen cunt.

    “We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families.”

    Time for some “Youth Camps” for all our children. Not your kids….OUR kids. We’ve already stolen their minds and mutilated their bodies, lets finish the job. Full indoctrination my precious…

    Hitler youth camps / Azov youth camps / Bring on Camp Brave Trails….

    Trump or not, this Nation is fucked by its own accord. The Empire of Hate and Lies is consistent.

    John Day

    John Leake, writes about the incompetence defense for assassination, but not really for failed-assassination: The Smokescreen of Incompetence
    Tyrants deliberately place incompetent and compliant lackeys in ranking positions in order to mask the true workings of power.​

    ​Not-yet-silenced Alex Jones: What? Trump Shooter’s Parents Called Police Hours Before Assassination Attempt!

    ​ Cops Radioed “Blanket Tactical Channel” About Shooter After Rooftop Confrontation, Yet Nothing Was Done
    Three hours before the shooting, security for the rally caught Crooks with a rangefinder and let him go.
    ​ 40 minutes before the shooting, law enforcement circulated a picture of Crooks crawling around on the ground.
    Local PD notified the Secret Service that they had inadequate resources to monitor the building used by Crooks.
    ​ The parents of Thomas Matthew Crooks called law enforcement before the assassination attempt to warn them that their son was “missing” and they were “worried” about him.
    Local law enforcement observed Crooks leave the area and return three times, during which they took two pictures of him and reported the suspicious activity.
    ​ A Secret Service agent in charge of security for the event was on the phone with local and state police about the threat while the shooting took place.
    Crowds were shouting at the police to do something about the guy on the roof with a rifle for several minutes.
    And now for the kicker:
    After Crooks was positioned on the roof, one cop boosted another cop up to the roofline – only for Crooks to point his weapon at him. At that point, the boosted cop fell.​

    ​ FBI Releases Questionable Timeline of Shooting​ [similar to above]
    ​ The counter-sniper who ultimately shot Crooks HAD to have seen the shooter when he took aim from the roof’s ridge. The kill shot hit Crooks when his head was positioned 3-5 feet downslope of ridge​.
    ​6:02 p.m. Trump takes the stage.
    6:12 p.m. Crooks fires first shots. Crooks shot 26 seconds later.​

    ​More John Leake, Two Different Counter-Sniper Views of Crooks, North and south teams were on their scopes up to two minutes before Crooks fired. [mapped-out]

    John Day

    Will Cheatle eventually break and turn (new management) State’s Evidence? Honor among thieves? SS Director Cheatle’s Statement Has Zero Credibility
    Secret Service personnel knew the building to the north was not secured and they did nothing to correct the breach.​

    ​ It later appeared that “Crooks” actually used the 10 ft. ladder the police left up, not the 5 foot ladder he bought, though both are visible in aerial photos.
    Shooter Allegedly Brought His Own Ladder to Event
    Assailant apparently parked near event and carried ladder from vehicle to building, was apparently trying to crawl backwards to the ladder when he was shot in the head.​

    ​ Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said on X that according to new whistleblowers, “MOST of Trump’s security detail working the event last Saturday were not even Secret Service,” and were instead “drawn from the department’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).​

    ​ More John Leake, Trump & Other Victims Should Sue SS and Butler County Police for Gross Negligence.
    FBI cannot be trusted to conduct proper investigation. Trump’s lawyers should sue the Secret Service and Butler County police agencies to initiate discovery and demand preservation of evidence.​

    ​On the other hand: BlueAnon Watch: One-Third Of Democrats Believe Trump Faked Assassination Attempt As Conspiracy Theory Goes Mainstream

    John Day

    EU parliament refuses to condemn Trump assassination attempt, majority of parties reject Orbán-backed Patriots for Europe group’s resolution against political violence​

    MEPs Demand Total Boycott Of EU Presidency, Suspension Of Hungary’s Voting Rights Over Orbán’s “Peace Mission”​

    ​ RussiaGate 2.0: Donald Trump Has Opted for “Real Peace” Negotiations with a “Foreign Adversary”
    ​ Trump has confirmed: …“that if reelected, he would swiftly bring an end to the war in Ukraine​”, by speaking with Putin.​ “I will have that war settled between Putin and Zelensky as president-elect before I take office on January 20.​ I’ll have that war settled,” Trump said on June 27 during a debate with Biden, adding,​ “I’ll get it settled fast, before I take office.” (Quoted by Newsweek)​

    Speaking with Putin is regarded as an act of treason. This courageous statement, reminiscent of Donald Trump –the alleged Manchurian Candidate— is unlikely to be accepted by the “Deep State”, the Military Industrial Complex and the powerful financial groups which support the Democratic Party leadership.

    What will be the ultimate outcome?
    ​ “This is what Trump will do as soon as he is elected”: The ultimatum letter that “froze” the 26 EU leaders.​ Is that why they went to kill him?
    ​ Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump is ready to act “immediately” as a peace broker in the war between Russia and Ukraine if elected in November, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in a letter to EU leaders.
    ​ The letter is addressed to European Council President Charles Michel and the 26 leaders of EU member states and was written after Orban held talks with Trump in the US, as well as the presidents of Ukraine, Russia and China.
    ​ “I can (…) state with certainty that after his victory in the elections, he will not wait until his inauguration. (Trump) will be ready to act as a peace broker immediately. He has detailed plans with proper foundations for this ,” the Hungarian Prime Minister pointed out in his letter.​

    ​ Trump Reveals Key Pillars Of “Trumponomics”: Low Taxes, Sky High Tariffs, Powell Not Fired, Treasury Secretary Dimon And Much More
    Before the failed assassination attempt, before the catastrophic (for Biden) first presidential debate, Donald Trump gave Bloomberg an extensive interview in which he laid out the core tenets of Trumponomics 2.0 that will define his next presidency. Here are the key highlights:
    ​ According to the interview, if Trump wins, he will…
    ​ Enforce huge bilateral sanctions even though he claims “I don’t love sanctions,” he says. He keeps circling back to William McKinley, who he says raised enough revenue through tariffs during his turn-of-the-20th-century presidency to avoid instituting a federal income tax yet never got the appropriate credit.
    ​ Allow Jerome Powell to serve out his term as chair of the Federal Reserve, which runs through May 2026
    ​Lower the corporate tax rate to as low as 15%
    ​ No longer plan to ban TikTok.
    ​Consider Jamie Dimon to serve as secretary of the Department of the Treasury
    ​ Be ambivalent (if not outright hostile) to the idea of protecting Taiwan from Chinese aggression and to US efforts to punish Putin for invading Ukraine.​

    John Day

    ​ A Huge Financial Bet Against Donald Trump’s Company Was Made Before the Assassination Attempt​. Must be a coincidence, right?​ (Like bets before 9/11?)
    ​ So, on July 12th, a day before the assassination attempt, Austin Private Wealth reported a short position nominally equivalent to 12 million shares. It is huge: it represents approximately one-seventh of Trump’s ownership in the same company, or 16% of all available stock float not held by major insiders.
    ​ Is that a big deal? For my nonfinancial readers, here is a little introduction to puts. Austin Private Wealth’s position is in put options. Puts are financial instruments whose holder receives a payment if the underlying stock falls below the agreed price (the strike price) by a certain date. In such a case, the put option holder receives the difference. The more the stock falls, the more the put holder gains.
    ​ The standard American contract size is 100 shares, so Austin Private Wealth held approximately 120,000 put options, exposing it to potential gain linked to 12,000,000 shares of $DJT.
    ​ A sudden demise of Truth Social’s central figure, Donald Trump, would make the DJT -9.73%↓ stock worthless, making Austin Private Wealth a beneficiary of a gigantic payoff. Depending on the strike price, it could be a couple hundred million dollars.
    ​ What do we know about this odd financial bet? One thing to note is that it was made sometime before it was reported on the 13F filing: form 13F must be filed after the end of the quarter, and in this case, refers to the position as of the end of the second quarter, or 6/30/2024.​..
    ​..It is also plausible that this extremely unusual position is a coincidence. There are many reasons why TruthSocial does not have a bright long-term future. However, the timing of this unusually large put option purchase raises some questions. Had the assassination succeeded, Austin Private Wealth would have reaped a windfall! The only reason Trump is alive is that he turned his head away in the last split second.​

    ​One might hope and pray… Globalist “Guru” Claims Trump’s Re-Election Will Mean ‘The Death Of Global Order’
    ​ Yuval Harari is best known as a globalist “philosopher” or “guru” closely tied to the World Economic Forum. He is infamous for his Ted Talks and summit speeches declaring the coming abandonment of personal individualism and independence while elevating AI as the harbinger of a new technological religion. He joyously preaches about the fusion of AI technology with the human body to give certain elitist groups the power of “gods.” … I mention Harari often in my work because I believe he is a kind of litmus test for the true intentions of globalists. He’s a lot like Henry Kissinger in his New World Order zealotry – He has a hard time keeping his mouth shut about the greater agenda and this works to our advantage. If you really want to know what the elites plans are, look up past discussions by true believers like Harari…​
    ..In an interview earlier this year, Harari suggested that the return of Donald Trump would mean the “death of the global order.” He then gaslights, claiming that there is no fight between nationalism and globalism and that the idea of a “globalist conspiracy” is entirely a fabrication of populist movements. These people truly expect us to forget the censorship and oppression they attempted during covid.​

    Biden says ‘medical condition’ could prompt him to drop out ‘if doctors came to me’​

    “Absolutely” In The Race: Biden Campaign Calls Malarkey On MSM Reports​

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