Debt Rattle July 19 2024


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  • #164203
    John Day

    ​ A group of mercenaries, led by an American, “The Chosen”, is documented to have done the same thing: Kremlin reacts to Ukrainian neo-Nazis executing Russian soldier
    Azov Brigade members are “fascists and should be eliminated,” presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov says​

    ​ Media Ignore Israeli Massacres While Fixating on US Elections​. After a 20-year-old gunman attempted to assassinate Trump on Saturday, the victims of Israeli bombs —many of them supplied by the United States — faded from view.​

    ​ Israel pounds central Gaza, sends tanks into north of Rafah
    ​ Israeli forces pounded areas in the central Gaza Strip on Wednesday, killing at least nine Palestinians, according to health officials, while Israeli tanks carried out a limited advance further into Rafah in the south.
    ​ In one Israeli air strike around midnight on a house in Al-Zawyda in the central Gaza Strip, eight people were killed, the health officials said. Another strike killed a man in Nuseirat camp, one of the enclave’s eight refugee camps, where 23 people were killed in an Israeli air strike on a school a day ago.​

    ​ Groups blocking aid to Gaza got donations from US and Israel
    ​ Several groups that have been blocking humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza have received financial support from donors in the US and Israel, the Associated Press reported on Tuesday.
    ​ The three organizations described as ‘far-right’ have reportedly slowed down aid supplies by either blocking trucks on their way to Gaza, or by causing traffic jams and even standing in front of Kerem Shalom, the main crossing into the Palestinian enclave.
    ​ According to inquiries into crowdfunding websites and other public records conducted by the news agency and the Israeli investigative site Shomrim, three groups, including one accused of looting or destroying supplies, have raised over $200,000 via contributions from the US and Israel.​

    ​ Israel Used US-Made Missiles and Bombs in Deadly Gaza School Strike​ [This same a​b​etting of war-crimes keeps being documented.]
    ​ Remains of two US-made munitions were identified at the scene of an Israeli strike on a school in central Gaza that killed dozens of people, CNN reported on Tuesday, citing weapons experts.​..
    ​..Patrick Senft, a research coordinator at Armament Research Services (ARES), told CNN that an image of the munitions remnants showed “distinctive screw housings, fin slots, and the internal mechanism of a GBU-39’s tail section,” a 250-pound guided air-to-surface munition made by Boeing.​

    John Day

    You too. Me too. All of us. Prepare a garden this fall. Meryl Nass MD, Control The Food And You Control The People
    Our grandparents and great grandparents produced much of their own food in their gardens or on their farms. Food choices in stores were limited, with little frozen food available and fewer fresh and canned foods for sale.​..
    ​..WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated that “a transformation of the world’s food systems is needed urgently, based on a One Health approach that protects and promotes the health of humans, animals and the planet.” ​…​
    ..We do not intend to allow a small group of globalists to control global food production and thereby achieve control of the population.
    ​ This is why Door to Freedom will place a major focus on turning this agenda around. We will encourage government (at all levels) to support small farmers rather than industrial giants, to improve animal husbandry practices, to incentivize enhancing the soil and to achieve a much healthier food supply for all.
    ​ Our methods include education, policy development, and working for change at all levels of government. We will use the same strategy we used to stop the WHO’s agenda. Basically, once people understand what is happening and what is at stake, they refuse to go along–whether they be citizens or political leaders.
    ​ Our first large project will be a 2-day Symposium September 6-7 (online only) titled The Attack on Food and Agriculture. Please join us, support us, and work with us to heal our food systems and our planet.​

    ​William Makis MD, Childhood Vaccine Injury – 5 year old Jonathan Daniel Ramirez Porter died suddenly after his childhood vaccines and flu shot – brain inflammation

    Steve Kirsch, BREAKING: Record-level data from Czech Republic FOIA proves that the Moderna vaccines increased all-cause mortality by over 50% (and the Pfizer vaccines weren’t safe either)
    ​ “Safe and effective?” Using this new data, we can finally prove that the COVID vaccines were not safe or effective for anyone of any age. No COVID benefits, and they increased your risk of death.​

    ​ FSH, Follicle Stimulating Hormone is a hormone, necessary for the development of a human egg into a form that can be fertilized, to begin a pregnancy.
    Pfizer Covid Serums Attack FSH Directly: Naomi Wolf Tears Up As Researcher Sonia Elijah Explains: “Isn’t That Shocking?”
    ​ “It’s Literally Attacking The Possibility Of Getting Pregnant At The Source.” Meanwhile, “Feminists” Predictably Silent On This Holocaust On Women; To Be A “Feminist” Is Now To Celebrate Annihilation​


    The Hand of God reappears nearly 40 yrs later…. Maradonna or Bust.

    World Cup vs US President…. divine interventions they say.


    “MOST Of Trump’s Security Detail Were Not Even Secret Service”: Whistleblowers

    D Benton Smith

    A simple but to the point analysis of Trumps relationship with Israel and what to expect from him regarding the ongoing genocide :

    Long story short, not good. Zionist Israeli money paid for his campaign (and more) and he is in their vest pocket. This is doubly obvious considering that his son-in-law Jared Kushner was recorded on tape trying to sell Gazan real estate property that is coming on to the market real soon now just as soon as those pesky Palestinians are removed from it.

    So, once again, choose which the less worse devil, but don’t expect much even then. He is NOT your friend. He is an old school Empire minded and yearns for the good old days everyone else who wants to go back to robbing the world the old fashioned way, ” What’s good for General Bullmoose is good for the USA.”.

    D Benton Smith

    Trump can be a little thick. Apparently it has not occurred to him that his friends in Mossad were totally aware of the plan to put a bullet in his brain (possibly even in on it), and didn’t breathe a word of it to him. Some friend. Trump still thinks it’s all about Zionist controlled money. Doesn’t yet believe that it’s God vs Satan. He’ll figure that one out when his Zionist friends betray his trust in what he thinks is simple greed. When the bullet doesn’t miss, probably.

    Dr. D

    “A Guide to Gay Paris: The best of the city’s queer past and present, from literary legends, cool DJs, and friendly chefs” –Condé Nast Traveler

    But: I thought all gay people were hunted in the streets and killed on sight! Always! That’s what Public School told me. You know, except the Openly GAY GENERAL of the American Revolution in 1777, among so many others? Like Hep, the top recording artist of the 30s? Like Cole Porter? C’mon, if you want hate and victimhood, you’re going to have to try harder than that, right? (A: actually no. Just saying it makes it fact, no one notices at all. P.S., article says all the art in the Louvre is super-gay.)

    Next article: “Will Trump’s Shooting Change Everything? or Surprisingly Little?
    Two theories on the political impact of the Trump assassination attempt.: – Vox

    What is it Cluster B types where it has to be Black or White, for us or against us, all or nothing. The mostest! Or the Evilililestestest. Evilly Evil with evil sauce! ORRRR. “How DARE You????” Yeah, that’s Vox and everyone in Brooklyn and Will’mberg. Totally. Mentally. Ill.

    Dr. D

    Kult: well at least you’re engaging, but our counter argument has always been, what part of “all three got 99% of their money from Government” says, “That’s a Capitalist system” to you? Capitalism = Government? That’s what we’ve been saying. (Not trying to speak for you JB). They didn’t get their money from a capitalist system since we haven’t had one increasingly since 1870 or 1913. Not only them, which could be the exception, but EVERY profitable, top company right now gets their money largely from government. From Tesla to Phone companies, Pharma to cars. It’s ALL government. Government all the way down. Again, so “All government” = “Free capitalism”? This is the point we’re trying to communicate: they’re not. Capitalism has less or low government, where they deal with violence, property rights, etc, and not much else.

    That’s why it’s the American system, since although they DO those things, 99% of present government is illegal and prohibited by our Constitution. So if they do or promote those things, they are against America. That’s okay if you’re European, you can do things the way you want to. It’s okay if you’re a king, like MBS, and want to do that, or what essentially “Communitarian” like Iceland succeeds at. Or whatever not-well-named, more authoritarian system like Russia uses. But until we discuss and repeal it, that’s the law in America, but also our culture, expectation, and desire. If it doesn’t “work” for us either, oh well, then we alone suffer for it, that’s our choice, just as Saudi Arabians do their king. But the point is, the present system is NOT Capitalist, reaching terminal levels, like 90%. NONE of the wealthy I can point at got their fortunes from ANYWHERE but government.

    A near-total merger of Corporation and State is what of two Economic systems? A: Not Capitalism.




    ” NONE of the wealthy I can point at got their fortunes from ANYWHERE but government.

    A near-total merger of Corporation and State is what of two Economic systems? A: Not Capitalism.”

    Who’s in charge?
    Who’s running things?
    Who is NOT getting their I.O.U. PAID?
    What happens when people cannot to put food on the table?


    The Empire of Lies



    I noticed this Woketurd had no reaction when Trump got shot.

    She just knew she had front row seat

    The buttered popcorn is between her legs



    From my childhood in the 50’s

    Duh’merica Over Promises

    It would normally be called Lying

    But The Present Situation is Punishment Enough



    NONE of the wealthy I can point at got their fortunes from ANYWHERE but government.

    a very illuminating book – The Arms Of Krupp

    the parallels between the Krupps and Atlas Shrugged are remarkable. Hank Rearden, slaving away at making Rearden Steel and driving fine automobiles in grey suits seems to be a mishmash of Alfried and Gustav.

    Gustav slaved away in much the way Hank Rearden is depicted slaving away to discover Rearden Metal – but to make steel artillery. He really REALLY slaved away until he had just a few furnaces and a humble cottage before he mastered it.

    Alrfried ran the business through WW2. Fine grey suits, fine sportscars. Very competent manager. (also relentlessly used the slave labor system)

    Various times, these self-made captains of industry (who rose to wealth on government contracts) have total freakouts when it starts to look like the government might NOT spend money on something or might not spend it with them.

    Before reading this book, my outlook was more along the lines of, ginormous businesses and the super-rich bend the rules, get favorable laws passed, regulations, that sort of thing.

    After reading the book, I realized how many rich people and ginormous businesses are fed money directly from the government – and then thinking how many contractors and subcontractors that depend on them, essentially the government is responsible for an even greater % of the GDP than people think.

    For anyone who would appreciate a disillusioning view of industry – as a perfect counterpoint to Atlas Shrugged – I’d recommend it. If you read it right before or after Atlas Shrugged, some of the comparisons are downright uncanny. Maybe Rand hung out with the Krupps.

    Post-WW2, the last Krupp sells off the massive business to, at least ostensibly, enjoy a self indulgent gay lifestyle in Brazil – but also the Krupps transferred all their wealth in industrial base into shadowy finance. Joined the Rothschilds and Rockefellers for all I know.

    TAE Summary

    The Best of all Possible Assassination Attempts

    * No shooter at all:
    – Just another Trump rally
    – Blah, blah, blah, Ho hum

    * If they had arrested the shooter earlier in the day:
    – Small story if it makes the news at all
    – The Feds doing their job
    – Dismissed by both sides as fake
    – Just another Trump rally
    – No Democrats saying something bad happened

    * If they had shot the shooter on the roof before he fired:
    – SS whisks Trump away
    – The Feds doing their job: Thanks Joe, for saving our candidate
    – Rally ruined
    – Claims of it being staged by both sides
    – Biden doesn’t try to call Donald

    * If the shooter had fired but missed Trump:
    – Trump doesn’t duck and is unceremoniously knocked down by SS and dragged off stage
    – Claims of it all being staged by both sides
    – No blood, no fist pump, no born-again experience
    – Big new story but not multi-day-24/7-martyresque coverage
    – Morning Joe not cancelled

    * If he had hit Trump but not killed him:
    – Trump is incapacitated
    – No fist pump, no Fight! Fight! Fight!
    – No Trump at convention
    – Everyone waiting to see if he can still run

    * If he had killed Trump:
    – Joe and all Democrats say what a great guy he was and that he’ll now be missed
    – Republican party in disarray scrambles for a new candidate
    – Nikki? Vivek? JD?
    – The same uncertainty that Democrats will have when Joe, I mean Jill, throws in the towel this weekend

    Dr D Rich

    Reply to #164220


    Way to go!

    Babushka Lady, modern day version, resurrected and this time ?positively? identified.

    Just like Umbrella Man, Radio Man and Babushka Lady from JFK’s fateful moment November 22, 1963, stoicism appears when and where you least expect it.
    And no, we’re not talking about paralysis. Those folk usually shit n piss their pants then go deaf, dumb and mute in the face of battle.
    Nope, that’s stoicism of the psychopath’s variety.

    Enjoy….read the comments too. Some Catholics never forget.


    jb-hb said

    I watched perhaps 50% of the RNC this past week.

    Lots of weirdos at the podium looking and talking like 80’s televangelists crossed with Dynasty (TV show from the 80’s) crossed with a current year megachurch deacon – like, the kind of church that has a waterslide and a gocart track. and a “worship band” with $300,000 in sound equipment.

    Ha ha, that is exactly what it looks like, Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, Jimmy Swaggart et al are all in town doing the RNC Church shite, raising cash for Trump instead of themselves, what is going on?

    The Trump Church of the USA versus the Woke Synagogue of the USA, what entertainment, like WWF gone all emotional and religious, bringing out the best of the USA; fake church and fake fighting. Fantastic.


    If Fuckaturd is praising Trump then you just know the assassination attempt was all part of the CIA’s plan; Facebook being their number one mind control system, Fuck being their number one bitch.

    Brilliant, the next episode of “Suck it up bitches” is just starting. Or, is it just the Israel-firsters consolidating?


    It’s funny

    I always thought that hand sign meant: “Flying Asshole”

    But I guess it all depends on who’s using it.



    “Who was on that WATER TOWER?”

    10 Witnesses Come Forward

    There was a large water tower off the venue that according to witnesses had a figure on top of it which stepped away seconds after the shoots then appeared after a short interval.

    Just sayin’


    Shooter at Trump rally bring his roof ladder to the site


    Mister Roboto

    A reproduction of a comment I made at James Howard Kunstler’s blog:

    As is par for the course in a major event such as the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, there are people on the Internet, and not just the TDS crowd, saying that Trump’s injury was faked and everything we saw was stage-magic as Trump and the Deep State colluded with one another to contrive a hoax assassination attempt. What makes this theory appealing is that the lapses of the people who were responsible for security at that Trump rally were so glaring, that it makes cynical people such as myself wonder if the whole thing was just a show staged for the benefit of the gullible masses as the Deep State selects Donald Trump for its new front man.

    The big hole in this theory is that Trump went to a hospital for that injury to his ear and had it treated there. A big part of this “alternative” theory I have laid out here rests on an assumption that Trump was sporting a fake injury. But for that to be the case, the hospital staff would have to be in on the conspiracy, and that is just too much of a stretch for me, and, I would hope, reasonable people in general.

    Dr D Rich

    @Mister Roboto

    Butler Hospital staff is/are bound by HIPAA.

    That’s 10 years and $100,000 per…

    HIPAA cuts both ways when it comes to disclosure and another thing when it comes to the truth.

    The 2nd or 3rd shooter hypothesis, evident from inception, gathers momentum.

    So many cliches


    I saw a [day of] video showing Trump’s hand go to his ear- but he did not touch it. That’s why his hand was unbloodied. (We don’t tend to touch fresh wounds). This is undermined by him saying his hand was [paraphrase] “covered in blood” at the convention. Nevertheless, it is true that his hand (or fist) has no blood on it in all pics.

    There’s a backlash coming.
    I have no more love for the politically religious than I have for the religiously political.

    Rabbit holes and laser pens-
    What’s a day or two ill spent?
    Scrutinizing with a lens-
    Squirrels can’t tell you what was meant.

    John Day

    Good Finds, Oroboros!

    I wondered who the black-hat woman, obviously doing a job behind Trump was. FBI huh?

    I really wondered if any images of the top of the water tower would surface, too. Shadowy figure up there.

    Dr D Rich

    One smart kid in fact from Appalachia was in fact smarter than a “liar” (Dr D’s oft used term)JD Vance Yale Law and veep nod who wasn’t in fact from Appalachia HAD AIR SUPERIORITY OVER THE NATION’S BEST OF THE BEST.

    That is if the FBI can be believed about anything related to Don Trump.

    Air Superiority….flew drones.
    Try it.


    @Mister Roboto You seriously think that a billionaire is going to let some hospital nurse fix his wounds? He has a travelling chef, a travelling arse wiper but no travelling nurse/medic? Why not, he has so many people travelling with him that you would think they would have a medic or doctor just incase someone gets a paper cut or has a heart attack. I very much doubt anyone in the hospital got to touch Trump, even if he had a scan of some sort, only the technician would be present, but my guess is that they took over a room and insisted on privacy.


    Clearly there were a lot of top anti – Trump haters involved in arranging his death!
    None ever thought of the possibility that Trump wouldn’t die!
    They all left their tracks uncovered!
    They were all so sure of themselves.
    They all had to be there to see history being made!

    Dr D Rich

    These disclosures about nursing aide (Dr D’s emphasis) Matthew Crooks all the time being the brilliant mastermind that JD Hamel Vance didn’t become until after JD graduated Marine Corps combat journalist school MAKES him seem more like a patsy manipulated by who in the hell knows who.

    Dr D Rich

    Over the past 6 days…..
    The viewing public has been treated to:

    1. The quasi-BEATIFICATION of Don Trump,

    2. The transformation of Hillbilly JD Hamel to VEEP RUNNING MATE JD VANCE

    and the…

    3. The transmogrification of Nursing Aide Matthew Crooks into Criminal Mastermind thwarting the very very best of Butler PD, Pennsylvania State Police, FBI, Secret Service, Don Trump’s personal security detail and presumably The CIA

    Dr D Rich

    Peter Thiel and The Palantir Boys are working overtime.

    You know, Pete Thiel, JD Vance’s personal venture capital benefactor to the tune of 9-figues…$200,000,000.

    If you don’t think Thiel and Vance share industrial-grade nuttiness then take a gander at Thiel’s sidekick founder from Palantir, Alex Carp.

    Running the country they are.
    Choosing the leaders like fellow looney JD VANCE they are too.

    Alex Karp a textbook study in Paranoid Schizophrenia and top shelf Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Alex’s ranting would make Jung, Freud and Hervey Cleckley blush.

    “Clearview AI is not the only Thiel-linked company willing to target Trump’s base, as Palantir’s co-founder and current CEO Alex Karp is obsessed with his long-time fear that the “far right” is going to murder him for his ethnic background. That fear, per Karp, “propels a lot of the decisions” made at Palantir. “I still can’t believe I haven’t been shot and pushed out the window,” Karp told New York Times reporter Michael Steinberger in 2020. Steinberger added that “if the far right came to power, [Karp] said, he would certainly be among its victims. ‘Who’s the first person who is going to get hung? You make a list, and I will show you who they get first. It’s me. There’s not a box I don’t check.’”

    Dr D Rich

    “Storyful sources and verifies content, and provides actionable digital media intelligence to help our partners gain competitive advantage.”

    Competitive advantage?

    I think by competitive advantage Storyful means Monopolizes the information like Harvard Business School and Yale Law teach their elite students.

    Storyful? takes credit for taking down eyewitness video from the Attempted Assassination of Don Trump. Nothing more could be in The Public Domain by definition.

    Storyful…..letting you know what you’re permitted to see.

    How many posters here defer to big Daddy, too?


    It doesn’t happen very often- I was looking out over my backyard and my neighbor’s 30+” red oak broke off ten feet up and fell, taking out a 12” cottonwood and another 12” red oak.
    Crack, and crack, crack- a tree-graceful descent to the ground.
    The weather? 77F, total calm, quarter to eight pm.

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