Debt Rattle July 27 2019
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- This topic has 15 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 7 months ago by
V. Arnold.
July 27, 2019 at 8:41 am #48812
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterPablo Picasso Houses 1937 • For The First Time In 6 Years, No Central Bank Is Hiking • China Moves To Regulate ‘Blind’ Expansion Of Financial H
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 27 2019]July 27, 2019 at 11:18 am #48813Dr. D
Participant“ For The First Time In 6 Years, No Central Bank Is Hiking”
Silly. Haven’t you heard? We always lower rates below zero in the best economy ever. …Or that’s what the charts say: they need to be at zero %, NOW.
“Is This the End of Office of Special Counsel? (Alan Dershowitz)”
Nope. They did this back with Ken Starr and the boys, and also the time before that, and nobody learned anything. Not just recent history, a lot of the same
geriatric dinosaursfine gentlemen are there. But if they learned anything, it wouldn’t be Congress. It’s politics, not being productive.“Highest-Ranking House Democrat To Date Calls For Trump Impeachment (NBC)”
Great! For what? Template: “He spoke to X, on Y day, at Z time, saying Illegal A, concerning person B” Got one of those? Even prospectively? No one can delineate anything, of with anyone, concerning any action. I mean, at the least you should be able to accuse him! But they haven’t. What’s the charge, the specific illegal event in question?
But no one notices. At all. So I guess they get what they deserve.
“US House Panel Seeks Grand Jury Evidence”
…Or any evidence at all. “It was Colonel Mustard, in the Library, with the candlestick!”
P.S., it seems nobody noticed, but they already voted on impeachment last week and in a stinging rebuke it failed 3:1. Doesn’t matter. Never happened. We’re going on as if it, the previous 22 months, the Mueller report, and indeed all of 2016 never happened. Good luck.“Instead of grappling with the very serious reasons why working-class people of all races are disillusioned with the Democratic party”
Sadly, it’s worse than that. They’re not just passively disillusioned, the PARTY IS ACTIVELY DRIVING THEM AWAY. Tim Pool being a good example, when he reports that their methods aren’t working, or they are lying to the public – beyond being a reporter’s job, should be actively HELPFUL to their strategy and election — they cut him off and tattoo him as “Far right” “White supremacist” “Nazi sympathizer.” What? Like so much of the nation, he was a Bernie Bro, an Obama voter and to the left of Bill Clinton. But since they were for national borders and claimed to be for workers, and Trump has stolen the ‘94 Democratic platform, you’re not only telling these people they are Republicans, you’re literally telling them not to use our forums, don’t come to our rallies, and don’t vote because we don’t want you in our party. I mean, okey-dokey, but I’m not sure you’ve thought out what you’re saying.
In the meantime, if any reporters bothered to ask any actual questions of any actual persons, REAL neo-Nazis hate the President’s guts and think he’s a sellout, while the REAL neo-Nazis are supporting Ilhan Omar on Israel. I kid you not, but why say it, since no one cares about truth, or reporting. At all. This is while Trump is supporting gay rights and prosecuting all attacks on leftist personalities immediately, with the full force of the FBI. Some Nazi! supporting law, obeying courts, helping the other party…
So. 2020 anyone? Once the Democratic zealots have purged the Democratic base and driven them out of the temple with a whip into the orange man party? I didn’t do that. They did. And I can and did tell them not to, but it won’t matter.
Speaking of, I didn’t understand Trump’s clumsy fumble on telling the Squad to go back where they came from. That makes no sense since only Omar came from anywhere and she’s a citizen. Now his intent to keep AOC in the news and make the DNC rally ‘round is transparent, I can’t believe people even argue about that, or are shocked to find DJT has been punking them with the same pass-play every day, 10x a day, for 3 years, but the language was bizarre and senseless. …But we just found out:
He used THAT SPECIFIC phrase to “go back where you came from” because Omar used that phrase herself in social media exchanges a few years ago, ON Somali immigrants she disagreed with (that is, a guy who said if you came to America, you should become American; terrible, I know). So if it ever got too hot, he’d just trot out Omar’s own words – exactly like his words – then repeat his recent accusations of racism in the Squad, and by extension, DNC. He’s picking on Omar and not AOC since he’s well-aware the blackout has broken and Minnesota papers like the Star-Tribune are covering her immigration fraud and probably felonies. AOC may be awkward, but she doesn’t have a powder keg under her rear-end like that. Step A) Realize Omar is going down, B) Strap on flak vest of Omar’s own words, C) get Omar as tight to the DNC as possible, D) Tweet while giggling like a little girl, E) release detonator as now whole party looks like unhinged crooks, and F) Profit!
“US and Iran Stuck on Negotiation Ground Zero (Escobar)”
They did open this, but MI6 immediately vetoed any settlement by pirating a ship. The U.N. does nothing about illegal piracy and war crimes, ‘natch: another day in the Anglohood.
“If the Strait of Hormuz is closed, the price of oil will rise to a thousand dollars a barrel representing over 45 percent of global GDP, crashing the $2.5 quadrillion derivatives market and creating a world depression of unprecedented proportions.”
Yes, but then they can blame Iran and the Central Bank bubbles and real crooks get away scot-free. They don’t care who dies. They WANT a few hundred million to die. They just need an excuse, an event, to place the blame for 100 years, like the ridiculous story about Serbian assassins. Now will Iran negotiate, or will they help their enemies get away with it?
My guess is Iran is happy to let DeutcheBank take the blame instead.
July 27, 2019 at 11:45 am #48814V. Arnold
ParticipantPablo Picasso Houses 1937
I like that Picasso; quite a lot actually…
What’s next?
That’s the exciting part…nobody knows…July 27, 2019 at 12:20 pm #48815Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterIt is certainly curious, or did I miss something; they start off saying Trump needs to be impeached and then they seek access to grand jury evidence because they think they can dig up something there that Mueller didn’t write about but that can give them grounds for impeachment. That’s up side down for sure, it’s indicting someone for a crime and only then seeking evidence of that crime. Like saying: he must have done something! The day before the Mueller hearing Nadler really said Mueller had: ‘Very substantial evidence’ Trump is ‘guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors’. But if that were true, he wouldn’t need the grand jury files.
July 27, 2019 at 1:00 pm #48816zerosum
ParticipantStop the show!!!
Ask J. Assange for his proof of what he knows.July 27, 2019 at 1:02 pm #48817zerosum
We cannot believe what a convict says.
July 27, 2019 at 1:56 pm #48818John Day
I’ve been reading for the last few years that Hollywood pedophiles have an economic barter system that trades in children.
Those folks fly places, New York, Florida, Pedo-Island, planet Earth.
The big secret in the Epstein case is where the money came from. Now we see one source.
Accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Gratitude America Ltd. foundation somehow kept getting stock allocations in more than 40 underwritten offerings by Morgan Stanley, according to Barron’s.
“Gratitude America” is a cute name for this kind of arrangement, isn’t it?
There are spots in the flow of money that are sure things. Who gets the sure things? Why? to indicted power-elites, such as former friend, Jeffrey Epstein, Alan Dershowitz, has clearly and officially changed sides.
Here is an excerpt from his essay advocating elimination of the office of special counsel.
Dershowitz doesn’t want to lose this time. He “has skin in this game”.
The night before Mueller’s testimony, I was asked on a TV show whether it was a Hail Mary pass thrown by the Democrats. I predicted that it would be an intercepted pass. I was right. Even many Democratic stalwarts viewed the Mueller testimony as harmful to their cause. As a liberal Democrat, I share that view and it doesn’t please me. But as a patriotic American, I care far more about the implications of the Mueller testimony for all Americans and for the rule of law. of DesTroy has this article about Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard suing Google.
Google can’t explain why it took her campaign website offline for a few hours when searches for her name were peaking during the first Democratic debate.
The searches took people to the many news stories about Gabbard being an “Aassad apologist” and “Russian puppet”, instead. Good enough. Vineyard of the Saker, sad… Israel is the anti-Aloha.
What Tulsi Gabbard’s caving in to the Israel Lobby really shows
A very wise friend of mine wrote this about why Gabbard had to cave in:
I told you she is a single issue politician. It’s about wars without end. Everything else is Realpolitik and nothing is more real than Zionists controlling the politics and legislation in Washington. She would have no hope of surviving the next round of laws. They are going to make anything “anti-Israel” equal “anti-Semitic” and that will be a crime like it is in France. She has high ideals on only a single issue. It’s a great issue. But you cannot count on a politician to be a noble warrior. Forget anyone doing the right thing all the time. She shines bright on one issue. If she was really wise or clever, she would have abstained. So, she is neither.What Tulsi Gabbard’s caving in to the Israel Lobby really shows
John Helmer writes about another fading “justification” for war against Russia, Thanks Eleni
Ukraine shot down flight MH-17 and tried to blame it on Russia, as instructed by US/NATO. “Investigation” went where it HAD to go. Nowhere.Tom Luongo with Ukraine update. “Time is running out”, again.
It’s ok for the US to let Ukraine collapse, but not so much for the people who live there.
The last Russian gas flows can stop completely this winter. A sit-com comedian is now at the helm after recent elections, a Russian speaker.
Volodmyr Zelensky is in power along with Zelensky’s political party which won close to a clear majority in Verkovna Rada elections recently.
Zelensky’s Servent of the People party won 253 seats out of 450, giving him not only the presidency but no need to build a coalition government. is the most salient read I have seen of this odd occurrence, and China was part of it, not just Russia, South Korea and Japan. Who knew?
On July 23, a group of Russian and Chinese warplanes, including strategic bombers, conducted a joint patrol mission near South Korea’s territory under the annual cooperation plan, the Chinese Defense Ministry’s official spokesman Col. Wu Qian said on July 24.Russian-Chinese Air Patrol Mission Near South Korea Was Show Of Force To US Hawks
Something like WW-3 is underway, but it’s confusing. Michael Hudson clarifies. Hudson was the unintentional architect of the petrodollar system, which saved the western financial regime when the US ran out of gold and Nixon had to default on the gold standard. He knows how things work. You may want to scroll down to his summary.
July 27, 2019 at 3:26 pm #48819zerosum
ParticipantYes. Read Michael Hudson
For the beginners, he explains the elephant in the room.
However, his knowledge cannot get rid of the elephant.” …. the ultimate choice facing nations in today’s world is between socialism and barbarism.”
(This conclusion assumes the collapse of the present system and ignores other possibilities/probabilities. There is no time frame.)July 27, 2019 at 4:53 pm #48820seychelles
Participant“It contained negative information about people, including the president, who will have no opportunity to respond in a legal proceeding.”
Loosely translated, “I am being ‘crucified’ in a like manner and it just isn’t fair.” I always appreciate a ‘free’ platform and sympatico really engenders a nice, feel-good buzz.
July 27, 2019 at 5:10 pm #48821seychelles
Participant“And now a fretful silence will descend around this colossal goddamned mess as the momentum of history shifts against the perpetrators of it, and the true machinery of American justice is brought to bear upon them.”
Ongoing mess very unlikely to be “silent” and don’t get your hopes up about the “true” machinery delivering the goods. It’s all about distraction as the globalists finish off the dollar and its reserve currency status (read FASAB56, the final nail in the coffin of legalized UST theft) and joyfully but slowly pull open the curtain revealing that US trajectory into 3rd world status has become irreversible.
July 27, 2019 at 5:20 pm #48822Turfkiller
ParticipantSeveral articles here focused on how Robert Mueller did and not on what Robert Mueller had to say. They do this for a reason.
July 27, 2019 at 5:28 pm #48823seychelles
Participant“… there are multiple signs of cover-up and guilty demeanor. All of the magnetic tapes from the Apollo missions have been destroyed along with most of the plans. In particular, blueprints of the lunar lander are nowhere to be found. The astronauts, when asked to swear on a Bible on camera that they have been to the moon, reacted rather strangely and refused. The lunar rocks that were supposedly retrieved from the Moon and given out as presents have turned out to be either missing, indistinguishable from asteroids that have been collected by Antarctic expeditions, or fossilized wood from the Nevada desert…”
“All the world’s a stage.” Media mind sculpturing as practiced by the MIIC complex post WWII.
July 28, 2019 at 1:50 am #48824ezlxa1949
ParticipantMen in the Moon and all that…
What about the Lunar Laser Ranging experiment? Where US astronauts allegedly left a reflector on the moon for the laser beams of earth-bound scientists? And what about the Lunokhod arrays? See Wikipedia.
After applying Occam’s Razor I conclude that these alleged reflectors are actual reflectors. Etc etc etc.
July 28, 2019 at 4:14 am #48825zerosum
ParticipantYou read the propaganda from the USA. Do you want to compare it with the propaganda from Iran.
Do you want to expand your horizon?
Take the challenge read 28, 2019 at 4:51 am #48826V. Arnold
Good link, thanks.
Duly bookmarked.
I also read Fars News and Press TV; both excellent sources…
Western news is barely worth the time anymore…July 28, 2019 at 8:55 am #48827V. Arnold
ParticipantYes. Read Michael Hudson
Already read it; long and chock-a-block full of the real economics governing todays turbulent world…
But, no surprises for us who pay attention… -
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