Debt Rattle July 28 2016


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    Marion Post Wolcott Main Street. Sheridan, Wyoming 1941 • Beijing’s Property Sales Surge 65% In 2015 (R.) • How a Chinese Highway Became a Boulevard o
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 28 2016]

    V. Arnold

    It’s really quite remarkable; here where I live, everywhere I go, restaurants, auto service centers (me there today), food courts in the malls, and at the tables on the beaches at resorts; nearly everybody is on their smartphone. My wife bought me one last month (Samsung J7) and while I checked my non-smart phone 4 or 5 times a day, now it’s more like 8 or 9.
    I don’t do facebook, twitter, snap chat (?), or uber; I do Line as my only social media.
    My friend Pui (she’s 32 yo), told me that when she gets together with long time friends in BKK; everybody is texting away on their phones while sitting at a table having drinks.
    I think this may mark the end of society as we know it; everybody in their own little bubble of isolation.
    I think Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 (the movie) was the prescient forerunner of today’s world; with their interactive TV and constant monitoring. Wow! 😉


    Wolfgang Schäuble Bails Out Spain, Portugal (Pol.)
    Situational ethics=no ethics. Zioglobalism in action.


    V. Arnold – it’s so weird to watch countless tourists take photos of nature Uluruu, the great barrier reef etc and then look at their photos on their smartphones and then post images to Facebook or instagram or whatever. They barely take the sight in – and don’t get me started on Selfies. Henry David Thoreau would moan


    Devila Merkel just keeps getting stupider and stupider:

    “Recent attacks in Germany involving asylum-seekers would not change its willingness to take in refugees, Chancellor Angela Merkel has said.

    She said the attackers “wanted to undermine our sense of community, our openness and our willingness to help people in need. We firmly reject this”.


    “Recent attacks in Germany involving asylum-seekers will not change our policy of bringing in cheap labor (keeping wages down and prices up). The people who put me in office have given me strict orders to keep the flood coming. Also, we are aware that divide and conquer works to keep the population in line. When you are fighting each other, you are not fighting us.

    We have also trained you well in political correctness, and all we need do is call you a racist or bigot, and you will back down. Don’t try and bring in a ‘populist’ leader because our money and media connections will destroy him/her; we will kill them if we have to. Yes, some of you will be raped and murdered, but we have an agenda and we will follow through.

    Nor will we end our wars against the Middle East countries that is causing this chaos and mayhem. They die, you die, it doesn’t really matter. This has nothing to do with compassion, otherwise we wouldn’t be destroying their countries to begin with. This is all part of our greater plan. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.”

    War on poverty. War on drugs. War on terror. So many programs and so much money to be made off of each one. Ukraine’s President is ousted, Gaddafi is murdered, Saddam Hussein is murdered, Assad is fighting for his very survival, Putin is bad, Russia is being bankrupted and surrounded – all happening on our watch – and here we sit.

    How many of you have called or written their respective politicians?

    V. Arnold

    Yep, I’ve seen that as well.
    Here it’s even worse than that though: The idea being, to visit as many places in a day as is humanly possible and traffic allowing.
    It’s why I’ll never go with a group of Thais anywhere, unless there is only one destination. They may spend an hour in one place, but almost never that long. My absolute minimum is 3 days in one place if it’s a day long drive to get there. Even that allows only one full day to explore. Fortunately my wife agrees with my POV on travel.

    V. Arnold

    How many of you have called or written their respective politicians?

    Why? The last time I did that was during the war on Vietnam; I even marched, twice, to no avail. “We” (the activists) didn’t cause the end of that war. It’s a myth that “we” did.
    So, here we are more than 40 years later in all war, all the time.
    Who ya gonna call, write to, or lobby to stop the MIC?
    Don’cha know, it’s a rigged game? The greatest show on earth, the DNC, just showed, loud and clear; you don’t matter, so go fuck yourselves and shut the fuck up!!!
    Capiche? 😉

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