Debt Rattle July 31 2024


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  • #165279
    Dr. D

    The Peterson thing, I’m so confused, even from day one, back when it was just re-posts of his common, garden-variety lectures from Toronto in 2002. I’m like, “yeah, I’ve heard this senseless, circular bulls—t from professors for years.” They think they’re genius because as lecturers, not debaters, never have had their ideas challenged – or rather just discussed, hashed out — for years. That’s not a comment on them, anyone who gets this gets out of practice and then feels threatened until they get in the groove again. Okay? Already, step one: weird. WHY are kids watching these boring, normal, circular lectures of no special merit? I mean, I’m not sorry, but could you pick someone with better subject material? Or makes more sense? Something more applicable?

    THEN: the Left goes not just mental, but like nuclear cave-man Planet of the Apes Bananas on him. For being a boring, run of the mill professor discussing subject that are NOT EVEN part of the culture war. Not EVEN of special merit. Like just accidentally, occasionally, a topic comes up and since it was 2002, NO ONE HAD EVEN INVENTED THE WOKE RULES YET. And they, all Canada, lost their ever-loving minds.

    I’m looking at this just like the Planet of the Apes, I cannot wrap my head around even two of these five facts now. They make no sense independently AND no sense collectively AND mostly make no sense as a cultural revolution. Like: Randomly Pick man. Read man. Make up stuff to attack about man.

    This is like Gamergate: go mental on someone, for literally nothing, so all the people who — for example, were the intelligent web, unpolitical — now HAVE to be political and are dragged kicking and screaming because you burned down their clubhouse and railroaded them for terrorism. …Almost not a hyperbole. Almost.

    At this point ALL things happen. He confronts. He compromises. He withdraws. He examines. He continues. He drops out. NOTHING MATTERS. None of his actions – as near dramatic as death itself – have the slightest effect on his story or people’s reaction to him. The only thing he didn’t do was Obey and Apologize. But that hardly seems it, as others have done – or not done – and that also made no difference.

    Now we’re about up to his drug problem and dropping out, going solo. As stated, ALSO WEIRD, makes no sense: he is NOT Red Pilled, or not in any usual way. Does not get up to speed on his enemy, or in any way I can understand. Does not go through the classic reformed addiction round in any normal way. Does not continue the “Female literary archetype” talks, or adjusts them in ways that are not understandable. Does not lean into “Clean your room” and being a daddy figure, although perhaps the suits are a mere “branding” for his agent.

    The popularity which I’ve never understood, was also unaffected, up or down by his actions and response. Then took the vax while being part of the Red Pill Posse, and also signed up to a joiner, instead of going solo, AND the sort of joining organization, like a college, that will own, direct, curtail, and bedevil him (as it already has, or with Owens) when he JUST took it in the teeth for being part of the LAST organization. As said, a people-pleaser? well, he is Canadian.

    So I understand literally nothing about this, or anyone related to this, even Woke Captain America. Even that makes more sense: they’re just idiotic, group-think, uninformed attack-hicks. Woke will attack anything that moves just for moving, but who directed them to the attention of a Professor of Canadian Literature, I have no idea. Surely Shapiro is your better target? Than someone dissecting Gilgamesh and the story of the eternal quest? Nope: he’s STILL top-tier, and STILL says almost nothing relevant to the “Red Pill” discussion, or the Jacobins that hung him, even now AFTER they have done so.

    So, if you told me he is living out some archetypical story-arc, just like his own paradigm demands, and that is part of his “Manifesting” “life contract” or other New Age words, I would not be at all surprised. Sure don’t make sense by any other means.

    Nothing could be better than they make a literal supervillain about ‘Clean your room”, “Don’t be a dick” as nothing could better illustrate who they are, or which side you, as a comic-reading child, would want to pick. Half of the other X-Men were originally villains too.


    Musk, who owns social media platform X (formerly Twitter), took to it on Monday to accuse Maduro of “major election fraud.”

    Netanyahu’s mate, genocide supporting Musk, is not your friend, he is a deep state asset and will fuck you over when the time is right. Why would he get involved in something that is so obviously driven by the CIA?


    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov: “This is all very wrong. This is an absolutely unacceptable political assassination, and it will lead to further escalation of tensions..”

    And you are partially to blame, along with all the others in the Middle East who allow Israel to break all the rules of human decency and international law, but do nothing about it. You need to expel the rats before they destroy your home. We all know that the Jews do not adhere to goyim morality, they believe themselves to be above the law, they need to be taught a lesson.

    That said, Trump assassinated Qasem Soleimani for the Jews, so the chances of them being brought to heel by the USA is zero. I guess the choice is to bring down Israel and the USA or let them continue to murder and genocide whoever they want to under the protection of the good Christians of the USA.


    “This attack [on Haniyeh] was so blatant that I don’t think there will be any restraint on the part of Iran or Hezbollah..”

    USA starting more wars on behalf of Israel and the rich US and UK Jews.Something needs to happen to restrain what the world can see is an out of control Israel.


    Patron Saint of the Empire of Lies

    Bow before his mighty wisdom


    Amen Brother Joseph

    This is the primary operating principle of Duh’merica

    Dr D Rich

    Video evidence of someone running on the roof where Crooks was positioned.

    Around 6:08 PM


    Doc Robinson

    “Musk, who owns social media platform X (formerly Twitter), took to it on Monday to accuse Maduro of “major election fraud.”

    The “evidence” which Musk showed was a confusing local TV graphic that incorrectly repeated the combined 4.6% of the vote for the minor candidates, instead of listing the 4.6% only once:

    according to AFP (Agence France-Presse) which did a “fact check”.
    Misconstrued Venezuelan news broadcast fuels election misinformation


    Larry Johnson says Zionists are murderous criminal thugs and that Israel is an abomination that should be wiped off the face of the earth.



    “Black Kamala”

    Caption this:



    Looks like Israel is going to start WW3: It is only fair that Israel, the US Jews, the UK Jews and the rest of the warmongering parasites are wiped out first. I wonder how much the Rothschilds will be making out of this war? Why do we allow the world to be run by trust fund kids, it is absurd.


    Killing the peace negotiator does not look like that the warmonger will ever accept peace.


    Scary, expensive military toys, that the USA cannot afford to loses/replace,
    I have no idea what Iran/Hezbollah will do. However, there is No reason to waste bombs.
    The USA has all kind of military toys scattered all over the region that could be illuminated.
    The US navy is even bringing closer, floating sitting ducks.


    If a person has a booking agent, he is an entertainer. We may wish he were more than that, but it’s hard to know. The show must go on.


    Notice now that Joe is gone, the Ukrainians don’t need to put on an offense show.
    Actually Ukraine isn’t even being mentioned at all by Kamala!

    Too bad Mr. Z had to miss the show in Paris.


    #165278 Thanks for the awesome summary.


    Absolutely, top class med care would have fixed a ‘graze’ (ears, nose, head, bleed a lot! ..) of that kind rapidly, with nothing visible in ordinary photos.

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