Debt Rattle July 4 2022
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July 4, 2022 at 10:58 pm #110959
ParticipantCommunity Guidelines
Guideline: a piece of information that suggests how something should be done (Cambridge dictionary)
Suggest: to mention an idea, possible plan, or action for other people to consider (Cambridge dictionary)
Twitter cannot even tell the truth when playing policeman, when punishing people for lying. They have all the power yet they still can’t tell the truth. Reminds me of western government.
July 4, 2022 at 11:57 pm #110960aspnaz
Participant@Raúl Ilargi Meijer said:
Ever since the EU started, Germany was chided for its huge trade surplus. Now it’s gone. Anybody happy?
China is happy, they will soon have the largest operational German-car manufacturing plants. All they have to do is buy the distressed Mercedes, BMW etc and they will suddenly claim to be the world’s largest luxury car manufacturer. The more the west is squeezed with “stupid-rules” energy, the more China’s “no-rules” energy will win. I am still waiting for western governments to introduce the laws that only allow cars made in China to burn gasoline.
July 5, 2022 at 12:38 am #110961Redneck
ParticipantEverything that is happening in the West benefits China. The Chinese political system is also being installed in the West , censorship and authoritarianism . Is the WEF/deep state actually working to deliver us all to China, economically and socially? It sure looks that way.
July 5, 2022 at 1:32 am #110962Oroboros
ParticipantJuly 5, 2022 at 1:34 am #110963Oroboros
ParticipantJuly 5, 2022 at 1:41 am #110964WES
ParticipantSadly it looks like the Dutch farmers protest is going to end exactly the same way Canada’s trucker freedom convoy did.
July 5, 2022 at 2:03 am #110965aspnaz
Participant@John Day said:
People now are so broadly unable to employ their rational processes for simple preservation of themselves and their families lately.
Survival is a matter of problem solving and problem solving takes practice. Maybe we are being starved of problem solving practice?
For example, if I wonder how best to lay the concrete for a path outside my house, I can go to youtube and see loads of videos of people doing the exact same thing. When I was a child, Dad and I would work it out ourselves, and sure we sometimes did it wrong – usually over engineering it – but we had to think through the problem.
Has the ready supply of solutions impacted our ability to solve problems?
I grew up without any internet and only TV when in my teens, so I did a lot of reading and a lot of doing. The doing always involved an element of problem solving, whether building a tree house or a go-cart or just helping Dad with some gardening or some rapairs in the house. I can still remember sitting down with my Dad and working out how to wire two light switches – one by each door of a room – that controlled the same room light.
I can also still remember, in my thirties, reading my Dad’s brand new Readers Digest DIY manual and discovering all the things we had done right and wrong when working on the house.
July 5, 2022 at 2:13 am #110966aspnaz
ParticipantPfizer is trying to kill a significant portion of the population while the Dutch government is trying to close down sources of food. Given that WEF is pulling the strings of both, why is WEF not just waiting for the population to drop and then these farms will be redundant?
The only answers to come to mind and I think they are probably doing both:
- they are flexing their muscles to show you who is in charge: the more they beat you the more you will cower and accept their authority.
- they are hoping to kill a second wave of people through starvation or poor nutrition.
Every day it becomes more and more obvious to me that violence is the only way to stop these people. We used to have the power of going to the shops and choosing what food to eat, but now these people are going to take away that power and will tell us what food to eat. Every step is a step closer to slavery and although it will hit the city people first, it will end up hiting everybody apart from the oligarchs and their whores.
July 5, 2022 at 2:37 am #110967D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe Traitor’s Dilemma
By appealing to unbounded greed and unfounded arrogance the East lured the West’s treasonous leaders into betraying the “herds” which were the sole source and delusional substance of their own power in the first place. Having completed the bought and paid for task of dismantling their own nations and killing their own peoples what possible further need is there for such feckless tools? To trust or respect them in the least would be unthinkable, and to keep them on the payroll after the job is done would be useless. After all, consider what those treasonous maggots just did !
As for the newly enlightened mindset of the betrayed underlings (the so-called “herd”), having personally seen and suffered the level of sadism, and sheer incompetence so blatantly committed and admitted, well, they won’t have much use for their former masters either. A few dolts will miss the point (there are always a few) but the vast majority will have eyes freshly pried open by events so personally painfully obvious that even the idiots will have to see it. Utter betrayal of trust, deadly famine, pestilence, war and vaccine induced sudden adult death syndrome have a tendency to be noticed.
In this manner the so-called elites losing both grateful paymasters and loyal slaves. It’s already visible , and accelerating. Soon they will have neither, at which point they will have become, as the Brits would say it, “redundant” . . . . and we all know the consequences of that.
By wanting total loyalty and total betrayal, at the same time, they are thereby gored on the horns of their own dilemma.
July 5, 2022 at 2:48 am #110968aspnaz
Participant@WES said:
Sadly it looks like the Dutch farmers protest is going to end exactly the same way Canada’s trucker freedom convoy did.
People have very little power and what they do have is being removed. The Dutch farmers will lose their farms because the wider Dutch government is reporting to a higher authoritarian government in the same way as the Canadian government proved itself to be in the grip of a higher authoritarian government.
Unfortunately the people are not yet suffering enough to stand up and fight, but the day will come when the only solution is violence and by then the people will be so heavily monitored that they will have no way of pushing back. China is a good example of exactly this, they still respect Mao, despite his track record of continual failure, but do not adhere to any of Mao’s beliefs. They only believe in totalitarian control with the aristocracy (CCP) controlling the country and having the best jobs and most of the money.
It sounds as though the west will be forced through a Jim Jones phase, similar to Mao and his cultural revolution, but this time trying to get everybody to be “happy” as slaves: being happy as a slave means losing your individualism, sort of rings a bell, just like Mao did to anybody who was not an uneducated disposable pleb. You will be happy or I will put a bullet through your head for resisting.
The Jim Jones phase will be the most scary part of the great reset. If you do not respond to the torture they will put a bullet in your head or use you for some form of transhuman experimental shite, an extension of the Nazi medical experiments. That is probably the solution they will use for all the people who use “alternative” web sites such as TAE.
I call it the Jim Jones phase because Mao went all “religious cult leader”, something that I have some immediate knowledge of watching the evangelical christians convert the sinners in Africa. The first step is to recognise you are a sinner, confess your sins etc etc then Christ (Mao, Jim Jones) will save you etc. The same old playbook that has been around for centuries, trying to show you what a bad person you are and how this new cult will save you, turn you into a valid person, a good person. Sure, Jim Jones and Mao used murder, Mao also used torture, not sure whether Jones used torture, but I suspect he did “for your own good”.
And don’t fool yourself that the people in charge are not just as crazy as Mao and Jim Jones and all the other similar satan-on-earth devils.
July 5, 2022 at 3:05 am #110969VietnamVet
ParticipantIt is frustratingly weird that the rising authoritarian regime in the West has no single despot to rule the failing Empire. Joe Biden is certainly no Caligula. Instead, today’s Western Empire is a reign of Insiders — the very worst of rule by committee.
This post highlights it. The Insiders keep showing up. I first noticed the Spin Admiral, John Kirby, in the Pentagon briefings in 2014 during the Ukraine Coup. With the Biden Administration, he returned to the Pentagon. Now, he has been promoted to National Security Spokesman for the White House. He made no sense then or now. Where Victoria Nuland went, he followed.
Really, it is quite simple, if it makes money, it is greenlighted, no matter the consequences, from war to pestilence and famine. It is called profiteering.
An Iron Curtain must be rebuilt and manned to separate Western Europe from Russia. Or, if history rhymes again, the current proxy world war will escalate to the third one in little over a century and it will make the earth a desert. Any survivors will call it peace.
July 5, 2022 at 3:05 am #110970Maxwell Quest
ParticipantAlastair Crooke rips the WEF and Silicon Valley a new one in his latest article: The ‘Wrong’ Turning Brings on the ‘Fourth Turning’
The following is an excerpt:
World Economic Forum Guru of the Great Reset, Israeli Professor Yuval Noah Harari, has stated this explicitly, saying:
“If you have enough data, and you have enough computing power, you can understand people better than they understand themselves and then you can manipulate them in ways that were previously impossible and in such a situation, the old democratic systems stop functioning. We need to re-invent democracy in this new era in which humans are now hackable animals. The whole idea that humans have this ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’ and have free will … that’s over”.
Well, it was in Afghanistan that such a vision was stood-up over recent years. This was to be a showcase for technical managerialism. In very real terms, Afghanistan turned into a testbed for every single innovation in technocratic project management – with each innovation heralded as precursor to our wider future. Funds poured in, and an army of globalised technocrats arrived to oversee the process. Big data, AI and the utilization of ever-expanding sets of technical and statistical metrics, were to topple old ‘stodgy’ ideas. Military sociology, in the form of “Human Terrain Teams” and other innovative creations, were unleashed to bring order to chaos.
The fall of the western-instituted regime in Afghanistan however, so clearly revealed that today’s managerial class – consumed by the notion of technocracy as the only means of effecting functional rule – birthed instead, something thoroughly rotten – “data-driven defeat”, as one U.S. Afghan veteran described it – so rotten, that it collapsed in a matter of days.
July 5, 2022 at 3:13 am #110971V. Arnold
ParticipantIn our circle of friends there are now 5 down with covid…all vaxed of course…
So far none too serious thank the gods…July 5, 2022 at 3:19 am #110972Maxwell Quest
ParticipantJuly 5, 2022 at 3:47 am #110973those darned kids
Participant"We will never be fully vaccinated against Covid-19."
Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos says Canadians need to be "up-to-date" on their vaccines, which he describes as getting the Covid vaccine every nine months. #cdnpoli
— True North (@TrueNorthCentre) July 4, 2022
July 5, 2022 at 4:21 am #110974aspnaz
Participant@VietnamVet said:
It is frustratingly weird that the rising authoritarian regime in the West has no single despot to rule the failing Empire.
Maybe we are to be ruled by some amazing AI machine that will soon appear on our TV screens as our new leader. If the leadership commitee wants to stay anonymous, what better way than to pretend that AI is running the show and that the AI machine is way more clever than all of us, so should never be questioned? A sort of intellectual, mystic god, ripe to have its chips squeezed to give the right answer. Trouble with humans is that they tend to believe their own bullshit and then disaster awaits.
July 5, 2022 at 4:22 am #110975zerosum
ParticipantI’m not going into details. You are all intelligent. Connect the dots.
The battle is happening right now.1. Airports, airlines around the world are dysfunctional
2. Issuing of passport in Canada is also dysfunctional.Attitude, work ethic, liability, pissed off, over worked, unrecognized, unqualified, “not my responsibility, feeling underpaid, etc.
July 6, 2022 at 1:44 am #111040WES
ParticipantOne thing the Ukrainian do every time they retreat is abandon all their wounded (and dead) to the Russians. I suspect this reflects the Ukrainian’s lack of medical help within their own ranks and the fact that the Ukrainians know the Russians are more capable of assisting the wounded. It also likely reflects on the very poor state the retreating Ukrainian urvivors are in too.
Recently I saw some huge Ukrainian casualties figures of about 5,500, likely from a city the Russians took recently. About 2,000 were killed and about 3,500 wounded.
The recent closed cauldron has shortened Russian frontlines from about 78 miles to just 25 miles. Since a battalion usually covers about 3 miles of front line, this frees up about 15 battalions for 2 weeks of rest. So maybe we will see a lull in the Russian attack?
The Ukrainian gov has issued orders that all draft age men are not allowed to leave the cities, towns, or villages where they live. They have also demanded Nato round up all Ukrainian men in Europe and send them back to the Ukraine. More recently they have issued orders saying draft age Ukrainian women are now not allowed to leave their regions. All of this is obviously designed to make rounding up new cannon fodder easier, for the still in control, Nazis.
Clearly fighting this war to the last Ukrainian is becoming inceasingly more difficult. The Ukrainian cannon fodder that couldn’t escape the country, has often gone into hiding. I suspect the Ukrainian women will soon be joining their hidden men folk. Then who will be left to keep the hidden fed?
July 6, 2022 at 2:00 am #111041WES
ParticipantFor the Dutch farmers, the Dutch gov has now authorized the police to shoot the farmers in their tractors. So the Dutch gov has now crossed this Rubicon. Vilolence is now OK.
Freezing BDutch farmer’s bank accounts cannot be very far behind. I just hope Dutch farmers have taken notes on what happened in Canada and prepared accordingly. Their leaders will be soon arrested and jailed.
I saw where some Dutch under cover police dressed up as farmers and infiltrated a protest. Then they began trying to turn the protest violent. The peaceful protesters saw this and confronted the undercover police, forcing them to retreat to a police van for protection, but not before pulling out hidden police batons.
Hopefully the Dutch farmers succeed where the Canadian truckers failed. But I doubt it. It is probably already too late.
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