Debt Rattle June 18 2023


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  • #137204

    Khazarian ancestry of Ashkenazi is basically so much rumor:

    I suspect pheonixvoice’s response to the Khazari-Askenazi thing is somewhat colored by her experience as a Mormon and the LDS church’s belief that Native Americans are Jews who sailed over a few thousand years ago.

    The Khazari thing started, btw, around the same time as young Joseph Smith was flirting with alternate Biblical history aka The Book of Mormon.

    Third rail? As in talking about Jews? Whatever. Not everyone has racially defined idees fixe. Some (like me) prefer to blame it on evil extraterrestrials. Who needs Jews or Illuminati when you got the Anunnaki?

    It’s like we can’t go a day here without some kind of Five-Minute Hate.

    Me, I think we need mandatory vaccinations against the boogie.


    Ah well. Carry on. Keep asking questions. (They don’t get their vocal harmonies balanced until the second half, alas.

    Alexander Carpenter

    Awkward dance moves are not unique to hipster-whitey, however recognizable that is in them (whoever that might be).

    And AFKTT is projecting his own religious-zealotry neurosis yet again, as well as his own anti-whatever and his “well-established” beliefs. Is his “non-science” anti-science, or just nonsense?

    D Benton Smith

    The pseudo scientific term “population overshoot” is psy-op crap.

    Alexander Carpenter

    And Wikipedia? Not a reliable authority about anything controversial. Not only not authoritative, but also completely corruptible.
    The Khazari “thing” started around a thousand years ago.

    D Benton Smith

    I just invented a vaccine to cure vaccines and was considering calling it a vaccine.


    On the magical thinking mentioned in the article that Red shared: magical thinking is absolutely necessary to human survival. But keeping it separate from one’s rational thinking is necessary lest we just go nuts individually and collectively. Instead, we mixed superstitious with science, creating scientism, the stuff of which superhero comix are made.


    Whitey danced just swell until the 60s freakout dancing craze followed by ‘idiot dance crazes’.

    Suddenly, after the hippies, we were supposed to ‘just feel it’, go out on the floor, and be cool and yet spasmodic. Blacks weren’t much affected by white hippy freak-dancing. They kept on practicing cool dance moves in a culture that rewarded it. It was a sport/art form/mating ritual.

    That’s my hypothesis. So there.

    But my fave dance song about groovy black music/dance mystique is one that wouldn’t make it through the censors today:

    Mississippi Mud

    Slightly more “racey”: More Mud


    “And Wikipedia? Not a reliable authority about anything controversial. Not only not authoritative, but also completely corruptible.
    The Khazari “thing” started around a thousand years ago.”

    Sources, then? You know, put up or shut up.

    As for wiki: all sources are suspect these days. Show me to the One True Data Source or deal with untidy reality as reported by those who will. I’ve read your remarks for some time and do NOT consider you a credible source. But I’m willing to be impressed anew.

    D Benton Smith

    Think of Wikipedia as bread crumbs , laced with cyanide. Like reading the New York Times.


    Hi Boscohorowitz. RE:” On the magical thinking mentioned in the article that Red shared: magical thinking is absolutely necessary to human survival. But keeping it separate from one’s rational thinking is necessary lest we just go nuts individually and collectively.”

    Gonna have to disagree. It’s magical thinking to think that magical thinking is essential to our survival. That is exactly what has gotten us in “trouble” across so many fronts. Your idea that rational thinking has a role in this is correct – as it could generate an implementation plan which would immediately move magical thinking into the INTENTIONAL realm . That’s the whole point: magical thinking without a plan (without answering the how aspect) is pure fantasy.

    LOVE to Dreamers with PLANS.


    Interesting new tactic by the Russians, Ukronaziland is proving to be a great place to test actual new combat procedures and see what works and what doesn’t.

    Take this experiment.

    The particularly stubborn section of Ukronazi trenchs dug in.

    Take an old tank, a captured Ukronazi T-55, and pack it to the gills with 6 tons of high grade explosives, rig it to be driven remote control, return it by driving it towards Ukronazi lines and see how close it comes.

    This one got stopped by a Ukronazi RGP but it got too close to save them

    Then detonate it near the trenches.

    It’s like a thermo baric bomb, massive shockwave sucking all the oxygen out of the surrounding air for a couple thousand yards, making a massive vacuum, then the oxygenless air comes back like a sledge hammer, killing even the cockroaches.

    What they learn from this will be perfected into a new weapons system for future use.

    NATOtardistan doesn’t have a clue what is in store for them in the near future.

    Coming to a battlefield nearby

    Dr. D

    It does get boring to talk about … the thing. Here’s a thought: as per Phoenix, suppose you know the Mafia Don’s son. Is he a good guy or a bad guy? Honestly, we don’t know. As per an individual, he may be a good guy. He may even be a good guy doing bad things since he has a gun to his head all the time, fishing for an out. …But, most likely, he’s just a bad guy. Those are the odds. Same with these families, and of course not that race, or any race for that matter. However we needed a name for them and Mafia X isn’t very catchy. We’re trying desperately to highlight their use of another group as a invisibility cloak and skin suit.

    Any one guy may be and probably is, good. That’s why we have courts, to establish such things openly. But that’s also why we’re not fools and expect the egg of a duck to be a duck. I can say that, but it would be as inappropriate, and frankly, racist, of me to assume them to be bad if ever I have to actually act on it, which in my job is seldom. In that case, I as I hope all others, would have to find actual crimes and actual events with actual guilt, and double-check with someone like a jury. It is said that a majority of the people in the “Bad Guy Club” are mostly weak, blackmailed people who are trying to hold it together enough not to have their kids trafficked then killed, much less themselves. That’s probably true, but I can’t let it go completely. I just give leniency on the same charges, and if we right the place, and you’re a good guy, you’ll both turn state’s, and you’ll understand serving time. …It is rumored, and likely, this is what “Trump’s” White Hat crew are doing, and having an easy time of it since truly evil people are pretty rare, and most got in over the head and would rather get out. They have the disadvantage of 1) They have to show the evil TO US, or we won’t believe it and just do it again, and 2) the truly evil people live an arm’s length away from the smallpox/nuke button on us, and go to sleep caressing it at night. They have to generally be kept believing they’re winning, or they’d absolutely nuke Zap, or Moscow…or NY.

    Anyway, family is nothing, since my dentist could be 100% genetic pure…but he’s still my dentist and not a mafia don. Just like the other Corleones in town, plumber and a pizza. Get real. Specific people do specific crimes they are responsible for, not their children. …Or as the Left would have it, their Parents either.

    Bosco: the point about Khazar is that they are NOT Semitic, i.e. not a Middle Eastern people at all. Ever. They were not dispersed by the Romans. They were never in Judea even once til now. They’re converts, albeit a very long time ago. (~300AD?) And that’s no crime but then you have no more claim to it than I do as a Christian, the progeny of a certain carpenter. They’re claiming the big Kahuna, that they ARE, were in Egypt, Jerusalem, and are owed something because of it. If I convert to Sephardic do I now own Spain, or do I own Jaffa? Neither, of course, I’m still some stupid guy. Creating such mistaken assumptions is how they — this mafia — make their daily bread, as they were called the “Name-Stealers” in 300AD and use the same trick now ‘cause it works. My point isn’t any of that, but to point out that they steal names, impersonate people, and which people they impersonate, who deserve our sympathy, even if they seem impossibly stupid not to notice a little better.

    Dr. D

    The deaths and tactics in Ukr are dreadful and gruesome. It makes me ill to know it. …However, if that is the truth, c’est la geurre. But they are men. Just like the thousands ‘dying suddenly.’

    Compassion isn’t dead in me although that’d be easier.


    My posts on Russian military tactic is more an exercise in watching the Russians, who have made plenty of mistake in the SMO, actually LEARN from their mistakes thru experience.

    As opposed to NATOtardistan and the Empire of Lies who don’t seem to be able to find their own ass looking for it with both hands, much less learn from their mistakes, you know, because they don’t make any mistakes, their infinite arrogance and hubris tells them they don’t so it must be true.



    Dr. D Rich,

    Follow up: Prigozhin’s back.

    Girkin, from a month ago,

    Girkin, today,


    Girkin, from a month ago,

    Anton Gerashchenko on Twitter: “Terrorist Girkin-Strelkov reveals who’s behind Prigozhin, making parallels with Russia of 1917.” / Twitter

    Girkin, today,

    Anton Gerashchenko on Twitter: “Terrorist Girkin-Strelkov believes that Prigozhin lost to Shoigu in their disagreement. Allegedly, a few days ago a meeting between Putin and Prigozhin took place and there are rumors that Prigozhin needs to obey Shoigu’s orders. In Girkin-Strelkov’s opinion, Prigozhin will now…” / Twitter


    Girkin, from a month ago,

    Girkin, today,


    “It’s magical thinking to think that magical thinking is essential to our survival. ”

    Looks like we need to define magical thinking and separate it from rational thinking. FWIW, I said what I said about magical thinki9ng based on rational ideation.

    But we could split these hairs ad infinitum, in the process focusing outwards rather than inwards…


    “Bosco: the point about Khazar is that they are NOT Semitic, i.e. not a Middle Eastern people at all. Ever. They were not dispersed by the Romans. They were never in Judea even once til now. They’re converts, albeit a very long time ago.

    More like 6-700 AD. I know the history, dude. The Khazars did NOT take over Judaism nor Jewish politics. That’s just another loony conspiracy theory. I’m fine with conspiracy theory, but not with unfounded lunatic nonsense.

    You guys FREAK OUT when somebody challenges the legitimacy of your Superhero Villain scapegoat.

    It’s inane, pointless, and why are we wasting time on all this Jewish nonsense?


    I think of wiki as wiki, period. I remember when it was born. I frequently check citations in wiki just like anything else I read, from college textbook to cookbook.

    Trust but verify. Mistrust but verify. If possible, verify and avoid unnecessary speculation.


    I’ve never cared much for the crab bucket metaphor, especially since I’ve sent about an hour in the back of a 60s station wagon with two-three large pots of live crabs after a day of crabbing on Pemlico Sound as a kid with my relatives down south.

    Never saw the crabs behave as the metaphor describes. I do know I hated the smeel and the sluicey sound of maybe 5-70 crabs running water through their gills. I don’t much care for crab meat, and loath how it is typically cooked: alive.

    But hanging around here makes me think maybe there’s something to it. Crab Mentality

    Hint: one does not prove oneself right by proving others wrong. Two separate issues.


    boscohorowitz said

    It’s inane, pointless, and why are we wasting time on all this Jewish nonsense?

    The Jews are playing a central role in the woke culture, the Ukraine war, the corruption of US justice and the general collapse of the USA. Their role appears to be central and in a majority, way in excess of their proportion of the general population. That is why we are spending time on the Jews, they appear to be a huge in-your-face driver of the current collapse and if you want to understand that collapse, you need to understand their role in it. They being the Jews who self-identify as Jews and are recognized by Israel as Jews. Sure, there will be plenty of said Jews not participating in the collapse, but anyone with any understanding of set theory would expect such a result. The point we are focusing on is the intersection of Jews and the gang tearing the USA apart, that intersection appearing to contribute the majority of the set of people tearing the USA apart.

    D Benton Smith

    Sure wish Bosco would cough up whatever hairball it is that’s obstructing his cognitive artery, but that’s the thing about irrational fears. They’re irrational.

    The lockstep coordinated assault on humanity ain’t coming from nowhere, and the Royal Khazarian Marching Band (operating under a false Jewish identity) are the prime suspects. My advice is to go straight at the dynastic Khazarians, by name, rank and serial killer . . . . and pay close analytical attention to the devious ways they use their minions to fight back and get destroyed on their behalf, like Russia is doing to Nazis in Ukraine.

    That IS why they’re losing, ya know. Even the small trickle of truth is just killing them. Imagine how scary when the trickle becomes a fire hose. Truth poses such an existential threat that they are literally compelled to stop it, no matter what. Keep up the threat and they will keep throwing everything they’ve got into the shredder, until there is nothing left to throw, including their anonymity.

    The bad guys know that they’re losing you know. That’s why they’re losing. Please show them no misplaced mercy until that job is finished. It’s the only merciful thing to do.

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