Debt Rattle June 2 2017


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    Bernard Pascucci Dancers on the Roof of the Opéra Garnier, Paris 1965   • President Trump Announces US Withdrawal From The Paris Climate Accord (
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 2 2017]

    Dr. Diablo

    The Myths About Money That British Voters Should Reject (Chang)
    This article was incredible, I see why you posted it. It’s as if a monkey pulled socio-economic words out of a sack and arranged them into plausible sentences. Nothing he says either makes sense or is true except by complete accident. Breathtaking example of the new universal irrational.

    25-30% Of US Shopping Malls To Close In The Next Five Years (LATimes)
    Amazon? Maybe. They lose billions a year and have never turned a profit. And if cloud services are any indication, they never will. So the question is: can you drive your competitors out of business if you borrow money and sell at a perpetual loss until they are all out of business? Ask Wal-Mart, the answer is yes. But that doesn’t make them an actual business. They’re a financial construct, one that could never exist in a free market of profit and loss.

    That said, the U.S. has what, 5x the sq. m/customer of any other nation on earth? So…perhaps we’re a wee overbuilt and a 30% drop would reduce us merely to being 1.5x more retail space than the next highest nation? Don’t cry for me, Argentina. Then we’d only have to have those few remaining companies be profitable, but don’t hold your breath. I believe NONE of the top Dow/Nasdaq companies are profitable. Uber burned through more money than NASA, and Musk is in the running for the greatest (corporate) welfare queen the universe has ever known. These guys make John Law and the Duke of Bourbon look responsible. But with financial and political reporting on caliber of Chang, it’s no wonder.

    “Buy Buy Buy!!!” –Cramer


    Gov. and Banks, all over the world, print and loan money.

    What do we, in the west, call loans with pretend collateral?

    China calls it ghost-collateral.


    I am constantly amazed how little is written in Australia about the failure of Renewable Energy. Right now, 3PM on Saturday, wind plus large solar accounts for under 1% of electric supply. You will not see this mentioned in any publication or on TV. Total silence.

    Wind Plus Large Solar Producing Under 1% of Australia’s Electric Supply on Sat 03 Jun at 15:05 (NEM Time)

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