Debt Rattle June 2 2024


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    That kind of loaded question from a woman is extremely deadly!
    Your life flashes before your eyes!
    Any incorrect answer, will earn you a metal frying pan to the back of the head!


    Short on missiles, Ukraine is attacking Russian recon drones with FPVs

    This is an interesting rapidly evolving situation.

    Combat drones attacking each other.

    Skynet Territory©

    It was only a matter of time

    Terminators fighting one another

    We are here

    Meanwhile, back in the Empire of Lies Military Industrial Mafia, When F-35 Lardbuckets aren’t crashing at $100 million a pop, they need 70 hours of maintenance for 1 hour of actual air time.


    Clever Ukros take out Russia ReCon drone

    Only a matter of time before the Russians come up with a defensive strategy.

    Them Russians are plenty clever…..


    Meanwhile a generation of young Duh’mericans are preparing to be Conscription Meat Puppets (CMP) to battle The Putin



    Kinki Nikki

    What little brains she has look like they exploded out the back of her head to stage right



    Like a used tube of fluride toothpaste


    Commercial real estate is collapsing in DC: The Heart of Darkness

    So if ground zero for Grift is DC and even it’s commercial real estate is tanking with all that pilfered money sloshing around, where does that leave the other Duh’merican Big Shitties?

    Office space can be Virtual now, you don’t need actual brick and mortar “offices” to conduct graft & extortion business.

    Starwood acquires Washington DC building from Brookfield in a foreclosure auction:

    the winning bid was just 30% of the debt owed

    The building (1200 K Street NW) traded hands for $44M

    The outstanding debt was $142M

    Starwood plans to convert the 12 story, 390k SF building to residential



    Anecdotes of jumbo mortgages in default in Texas

    Guy usually swoops into middle-low neighborhoods to pick up foreclosure bargains.

    Now he;s doing multi-million-dollar homes in default.

    Even the top end is having it’s butt kicked


    Tucker riffing about democracy gone…


    Patrick Moore got it wrong yet again. By his logic, chimps and gorillas would be hairless, since they also evolved in tropical regions.

    People who reject the fundamental chemistry and physics of CO2 are forced to promote spurious arguments to justify their stance…..and fail every time.


    Jun. 1, 2024 427.43 ppm
    Jun. 1, 2023 424.43 ppm

    1 Year Change 3.00 ppm

    Dr. D

    Thanks, AFKTT, that makes my point better than I did.

    However, please count to 999,997 so you can know how big a million is, and how small a 3 is. 40 years running: not an inch of sea level yet! (Gosh I missed this. Puts simple clarity in life.)

    John Day

    @Dr. D Rich: Yes, I agree that good research MDs have a different skillset and drives from those who really like figuring out a difficult diagnosis.

    John Day

    ​ Houthis Attack US Aircraft Carrier, Destroyer in Red Sea – Military Spokesman
    Yemen’s Ansar Allah movement, also known as Houthis, attacked a US aircraft carrier, destroyer and a number of ships in the Red Sea, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saree said.
    The Houthi navy, missile units and drones have conducted six operations, the spokesman said.
    ​ “The US aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower was attacked in the northern Red Sea with several missiles and drones,” Saree said, adding that a US destroyer was also attacked in the Red Sea.​—military-spokesman-1118742664.html

    ​Video purporting to be actual missile strike on carrier USS Eisenhower, flying over the top of a burning US destroyer escort. (It looks real, but who can tell these days?)

    ​ Houthis claim to have launched missile attack on US aircraft carrier in wake of US-UK strikes on Yemen​ ​[Seems completely fair and reasonable to me.]
    The Houthis said the alleged attack was in response to British and American strikes on its bases in Yemen on Thursday​

    Michael Reid

    Today I watched on Greg Hunter interview
    05/29/2024 Chris Martenson re the great taking and once that ended it automatically switched to what seems to be an unreleased interview with Catherine Austin Fitts that got heated again like the last time and they seem to be ok with that. It was a very good interview.

    Catherine Austin Fitts says

    Washington is a criminal enterprise
    around the 32 minute mark and
    there is no electing someone president that is going to change this.
    You have a criminal syndicate operating the federal government
    and the time to say no is over the next 6 months
    It is a parasite on the country

    This is about the sane versus the insane

    coming to take everything in 2030

    Fed will keep everyone in a global debt trap

    Too bad the like was not present to include


    Russia has a message for the DEI Woketurd crowd

    Listen to their collective heads explode





    Another message comin’ at ya from Russia





    Make No Mistake

    I am not an Extra-terrestrial

    I’m a Demon



    1 Year Change 3.00 ppm

    AFKTT, you and your ginormous woke corporate allies fusing with billionaires and the government keep lying to us about everything INCLUDING climate change, with endless embarrassments – inserting probes into the hot ground, placing thermometers over hot tarmac, changing models to get the “right” outcomes, etc.

    Not because you deserve it, but because I am still a little bit courteous, I’ll start with the number you quoted 3ppm

    1 Year Change 3 ppm = 0.0003%

    CNN etc say humanity is responsible for 30% of CO2 changes

    0.0003% x 0.3 = 0.00009%


    This is incomprehensibly small to the human mind – most calculators make the most logical rounding calculation on this 3 ppm number you cite.

    I TRIED to get a website to show a visualization of 3ppm – a white square with whatever sized black square but it won’t do it

    …because statistically, scientifically, the percentage of the atmosphere you are freaking out about is ZERO. You round down nine ten millionths to ZERO if you have a brain cell left in your head.

    Please AFKTT the suspense is killing me. Tell us what it is you’re trying to get us to do about communist CO2 production?

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