Debt Rattle June 21 2021
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June 21, 2021 at 4:35 pm #77873
ParticipantIt’s interesting to me that all one has to do is label another an “extremist” these days to dismiss *all* their points.
Luongo’s take on Stewart strikes me as accurate- there was a new/old narrative to be catapulted on
behalf of the Few, and he was just the man for the job.June 21, 2021 at 4:43 pm #77874DarkMatter
ParticipantHere’s some comedy relief for you all. My daughter got vaccinated and is now visiting. In the middle of last night our smoke alarm started beeping. The alarms are hardwired and the guest room and master bedroom ones are connected. We smelled no smoke. My wife joked that maybe my daughter is shedding spike proteins and those set off her smoke alarm. In our sleepy stupor we had a good laugh about that. It turned out the battery for the alarm had just run down.
June 21, 2021 at 5:14 pm #77875upstateNYer
Participant@ phoenix: agreed, well said. That article on heart inflammation in teens is disgusting. I listened to an interview with Dr McCullough (cardiologist) and he mentioned heart inflammation requires 3-6 months of drugs, zero activity, no stress. And hopefully there wasn’t damage. This downplaying of teens having an adverse reaction this serious is utterly deranged. There’s a chance these kids won’t be physically “normal” ever again. Heartbreaking and infuriating.
June 21, 2021 at 5:15 pm #77876my parents said know
ParticipantFrom the SCF article:
“Causing pain on a subject that does not resist because he has no will, gives the sadist much less pleasure than would pain on a subject against their will.”
I guess this is why the compliant and trusting folks have to be culled first.June 21, 2021 at 5:21 pm #77877Mr. House
Participant@my parents said know
Isn’t that always the case? Hell it even applies to dating, nobody likes to date someone who agree’s with everything they say. A challenge is always welcomed, gives a sense of accomplishment.
June 21, 2021 at 5:30 pm #77878Germ
Participant“Inter Milan midfielder Arturo Vidal is receiving hospital treatment for severe tonsillitis and Covid-19 after testing positive while on international duty with Chile.
The 34-year-old, who was vaccinated against the virus on Friday, has been isolated from his Chile team-mates for 72 hours after initially being taken into hospital with the throat infection.”
Hospitalised with “severe tonsilitis” ? – Oh sure!
More likely blood clots on his tonsils! LOL.June 21, 2021 at 5:30 pm #77879upstateNYer
Participant@ Bill7: yup, “extremist” (or any) label, or even just disagreeing with ONE point a person has negates EVERY point that person makes and he/she is summarily dismissed. I’ve been pushing myself to read blogs, essays, listen to interviews with people who have some “points” I don’t agree with but other “points to ponder” well worth considering. It’s been a bit of an eye opener (mind opener?). We need to work on overcoming this either/or mentality. It’s destroying us.
June 21, 2021 at 5:31 pm #77880my parents said know
ParticipantAbsolutely, Mr. House.
A joke I mentioned last December:
Masochist: Beat me! Beat me!!
Sadist, smiling: I don’t think I will.June 21, 2021 at 5:45 pm #77881Archie
ParticipantOff topic but reading the comments to Luongo’s piece, I was pleased to see that el Gallinazo is still with us. Now if only Snuffy would pipe up we could arrange a TAE reunion.
June 21, 2021 at 6:21 pm #77882Maxwell Quest
ParticipantMister Roboto said: “I think Luongo jumps to far too many conclusions via his own manifestly extremist partisan lens for me to take his evaluation seriously.”
Yes, when I sense that hatred colors an article it’s difficult to take the author seriously. Like listening to someone talk about their ex, while the neck veins are bulging and the face takes on a red hue. Infatuation results in a similar blindness. Hardly objective information will be forthcoming. Then Tom Luongo comes right out with it in this line:
“My hatred for Stewart is nearly two decades old now.”
Just to clarify, I’m not a late-nite comedian consumer. The last time was when I was visiting my aging parents and we watched a recorded Jimmy Fallon show after dinner. Many years ago, I noticed how all of the late-nite monologs had turned into establishment propaganda masquerading as comedy. It was all one-sided, political, and agenda driven. And wasn’t funny.
So, my taking pleasure in Stewarts Wuhan Lab schtick was in no way an endorsement of either he or Colbert. They are both establishment tools, who were allowed to make their fame and fortune by pleasing their masters. In comparison, and who I appreciate now more than ever, George Carlin was the master of using comedic satire to initiate his audiences into the dark side of the status quo of which they were blissfully unaware.
June 21, 2021 at 6:25 pm #77883Dr. D
Participant“Bidadmin” The new wonder vitamin!
Caption this joke:
“The vitamin that makes everything smell like hair!”
“Keep women in line with Geritol/Bidamin”
“Tired Blood? Bidamin!”
(Yes those last two were real ads)Trying to take joy in anything while waiting. Interminable waiting. About everything.
June 21, 2021 at 6:27 pm #77884WES
ParticipantSo those who have been fully vaccinated are fully magnetic!
Those with only one shot of vaccine are only half magnetic,
The unvaccinated are not magnetic at all!So if you want to get a magnetic personality, get vaccinated!
For the unvaccinated, carry0 a magnet to to avoid the vaccinated!
June 21, 2021 at 6:31 pm #77885Dr. D
ParticipantI always liked Stewart. He meant what he said and made fun of at least one side, and a little of the other, in measure. What more can you ask? …Not like Colbert and the others now. I wonder what happened to amputate their brains.
Stewart was the same as ever, it’s just a shock because “Dude, Where’s My Party?” they took a rocketship to the Left and also with a few bad habits like trusting everything the CIA/FBI/CDC, anything “Da Man” says. The Left??? Wish I were kidding. So the guys against all hippies, plus the addition of billionaires and billion corporations, war companies, are all the heroes now.
…No wonder I’m so hard on them. But Stewart seemed to still have the same views as ever: Center-left, pointing out the obvious. I wonder if he’ll ever be allowed on TV again.
June 21, 2021 at 6:35 pm #77886Bill7
Participantusny said: “..I’ve been pushing myself to read blogs, essays, listen to interviews with people who have some “points” I don’t agree with but other “points to ponder” well worth considering. It’s been a bit of an eye opener (mind opener?). We need to work on overcoming this either/or mentality. It’s destroying us..”
Agreed; and I’ve been doing the same thing, esp since 2016. One can find interesting and useful ideas in previously-unexpected places.
June 21, 2021 at 6:56 pm #77887Raúl Ilargi Meijer
Keymaster“Inter Milan midfielder Arturo Vidal is receiving hospital treatment for severe tonsillitis and Covid-19 after testing positive while on international duty with Chile.”
Vidal plays for Inter Milan, just like Christian Eriksen. According to the team doctor, they were both fully vaccinated as per May 31. Haven’t heard anything about Eriksen’s vaccination after the first 2 days. A defribillator (heart starter) was implanted in his chest, and now he’s home.
June 21, 2021 at 7:01 pm #77888Doc Robinson
ParticipantAnother example of mainstream “news” disinformation, stoking fear and maintaining the narrative:
Unvaccinated Americans are at risk of an aggressive and more dangerous Covid-19 variant. These are the most vulnerable states
June 21, 2021 at 7:54 pm #77889upstateNYer
Participant@ Doc Robinson, CNN article. I. Just. Can’t. (starts laughing hysterically) I saw some anti-trump yard signs around here, pre-election, that said something like “Please just make it stop”. I couldn’t agree more at this point. The problem is, with this “please just make it stop” go ’round we actually have people being harmed and dying, and no one with any real power or influence has any intention of making it stop. It sure ain’t funny, and it’s more disturbing than anything I thought I would experience in my lifetime. I can’t be the only one finding it difficult to concentrate and maintain focus on work, etc., over the past year, am I?
June 21, 2021 at 7:55 pm #77890ctbarnum
Participant” But Stewart seemed to still have the same views as ever: Center-left, pointing out the obvious.“
While I did not explain this in the previous comment, I think that’s the larger point we are missing here. We’re living in a time where there are no ETHICS (or even the consideration) in nearly every institution imaginable; increasingly dysfunctional. Nothing works. Nothing. Some due to desperation to keep what little authority they have left and some due to the God complex.
I get it. We have to pitch some ideals for a paycheck, but what happens when everyone pitches those ideals? Then animals become gods.
Note after the break where Stewart went into “Science will kill us all.” The god of progress engulfing everything in its path and nobody will say no, because we believe them to be gods, when they’re animals just as the rest of us.
June 21, 2021 at 7:56 pm #77891ctbarnum
ParticipantYeah, he’s a tool. Still refreshing to hear that bit though.
June 21, 2021 at 8:02 pm #77892Mr. House
ParticipantTom Ridge former gov of PA and homeland security chief suffers stroke and is rushed to hospital to remove a blood clot, hmmmmm makes ya wonder.
June 21, 2021 at 8:03 pm #77893Mr. House
ParticipantSomeone should keep track of the number of stroke and blood clot cases this year compared to the prior ten year average.
June 21, 2021 at 8:04 pm #77894Germ
ParticipantA more traditional vaccine in developement.
It will be interesting to see what the adjuvant is, along with some long term data.
Like 5 years!VLA2001 is currently the only whole virus, inactivated, adjuvanted vaccine candidate in clinical trials against COVID-19 in Europe
Valneva Completes Phase 3 Trial Recruitment for its Inactivated COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate
June 21, 2021 at 8:05 pm #77895upstateNYer
Participant(Inter Milan players): Tonsils are part of the lymph system and thus fight infection. Dr Day or one of the other researchers who comment on TAE can weigh in, but I believe one of the leading drs who warns about adverse reactions with the vaccines discusses how spike proteins enter and can cause problems in the lymph system.
One question I’ve had, and maybe one of our in-house experts can help us understand this if they have time, how does a covid test determine whether the person is infected with covid or infected by the vaccine? We’re constantly hearing how someone has problems after a vaccine and “also tested positive for covid.”
June 21, 2021 at 8:06 pm #77896upstateNYer
Participant@ Bill7, I listened to an hour-long interview with a Catholic priest the other day. I “almost” didn’t. In the past I wouldn’t have. Glad I did. While I can’t get next to some of his principles, he had some pretty profound insights in other areas.
June 21, 2021 at 8:20 pm #77897upstateNYer
Participant@ ctbarnum: “I get it. We have to pitch some ideals for a paycheck.” You nailed it. Thank you.
I was going to let the colbert/stewart debate go, but the problem I have with someone like stewart stepping up at this point and “going public” is that he waited until it was relatively safe to do since the lab leak is beginning to gain steam within the accepted narrative. Stewart obviously doesn’t need to worry about a paycheck … he could have used his humor and platform months ago to begin poking questions at what’s going and not worried about being homeless and hungry. People would have maybe listened to him before it got this bad. This grandstanding after it’s safe to do so BS is nauseating. It also belittles the people who are literally losing their jobs, putting careers on the line, facing legal charges, and facing potential bankruptcy to push back against whoever these nut jobs are pulling the biggest con in history.
June 21, 2021 at 8:21 pm #77898Germ
ParticipantFrom Robert W Malone:
“1) An unlicensed medical product deployed under emergency use authorization (EUA) remains an experimental product under clinical research development. 2) EUA authorized by national authorities basically grants a short-term right to administer the research product to human subjects without written informed consent. 3) The Geneva Convention, the Helsinki declaration, and the entire structure which supports ethical human subjects research requires that research subjects be fully informed of risks and must consent to participation without coercion. Has that bright line been crossed? If so, what actions are to be taken?”
June 21, 2021 at 8:43 pm #77899Germ
ParticipantGoa’s tragic U-turn on early treatment (and ivermectin).
A demonstration of power by big pharma in India:
June 21, 2021 at 8:48 pm #77900Germ
ParticipantAlthough Ivermectin is not formally approved yet for Covid 19 in Indonesia, a state-owned subsidiary is ramping up production.
“Ivermectin Corona Therapy Drug Gets BPOM Permit, Ready to Produce 4 Million/Month”
June 21, 2021 at 8:59 pm #77901Germ
Participant@ Doc Robinson:
A three minute rebutal of the garbage presented by CNN.
The Delta (Indian) variant is a nothing burger.But they’re going to tell us that the kids are a reservoir of this ‘dangerous’ variant and therefore must all be vaxxed.
June 21, 2021 at 9:10 pm #77902Bill7
Participant> The Delta (Indian) variant is a nothing burger. <
I do not know yet; but when formerly reliable websites have to use scare-mongering headers implying larger things like “Delta Force” to sell this week’s OMGCobid! myootant..
June 21, 2021 at 9:30 pm #77903Germ
Participant@Bill7 – the UK data suggests the Delta Scariant has an exceptionally low CFR:
Covid19 has mutated, as all viruses always do, into a far less fatal virus.
It’s the damn vaccines that are the danger to our health.June 21, 2021 at 9:37 pm #77904Germ
ParticipantAnd you thought War was a racket?!
” … the names of six more companies awarded PPE contracts through the controversial ’VIP’ fast-track lane for associates of ministers and advisers. These six firms landed nearly half a billion pounds of public contracts – all without competition – and were uncovered in documents prised from Government ”
UK Crony Capitalism: They didn’t want to reveal these names
It’s been the crime of the century (TWO centuries even!).
June 21, 2021 at 9:52 pm #77905Germ
ParticipantVaccine Manufacturers are very. very powerful …
Jeb ’em all and let god sort it out …“On the one hand, one corps of the health fascists wants governments to ban — without a shred of evidence — all alcohol for all women of childbearing age, a preposterous example of coercive healthism so extreme that could easily fill a post of its own. On the other hand, another corps of the health fascists breezily endorses — no need to worry about that side effect nonsense round here — covid mRNA vaccines for all but all women of childbearing age, despite animal studies showing that the vaccine is very likely (we can’t yet say certainly, as we shall see presently) preferentially concentrated in the ovaries. One blasted precautionary principle so large it can be seen from space, another blasted precautionary principle so small not even an electron microscope could detect it. Truly, the WHO is NUTS.”
June 21, 2021 at 9:53 pm #77906Bill7
Participant> It’s the damn vaccines that are the danger to our health. <
Agreed. When it comes to Da Covid, I think “vaccines” should always be in scare quotes.
June 21, 2021 at 10:00 pm #77907Germ
ParticipantWe’re entering a whole new world of nonel vaccine therapies.
Oh, the money to be made.
Jab ’em all and let god sort it out.Thought provoking:
” HIV Now Sets the Pace in the Bogus-vaxx Race
‘HIV’ and ‘AIDS’ are just as bogus as the ‘novel coronavirus’ and ‘Covid.’ Yet they’re now setting the pace in the vaxx-development race. ”June 21, 2021 at 10:03 pm #77908Michael Reid
Participant@ Bill7
It also belittles the people who are literally losing their jobs, putting careers on the line, facing legal charges, and facing potential bankruptcy to push back against whoever these nut jobs are pulling the biggest con in history.
“Well put
June 21, 2021 at 10:06 pm #77909absolute galore
ParticipantMore satire from the new hotbed of satire, the New York Times:
Why Undocumented Immigrants Are Resorting to Unproven Covid Cures
Shut out from mainstream medicine, some immigrants in the U.S. are buying expensive, unproven Covid therapies or turning to the black market.Uh, what mainstream medicine would that be? Take veraflu until you turn blue, then we’ll pop you in icu? I can’t read the article because not a subscriber, but looks like it covers people in the country illegally (now known simply as immigrants), how off patent meds are rubbish, how not being here legally puts you at a disadvantage, and …vaccines. Just a guess, since these are a few of their favorite things…
June 21, 2021 at 10:06 pm #77910upstateNYer
Participant@ Germ: Dr No is awesome. 🙂
June 21, 2021 at 11:10 pm #77911John Day
Participant@Dr.D: Yes, that same filling in around the edges of the Prometheus story that jumped out at Madamski, jumped out at me, too, and for the same reasons. Madamski and I danced a little around such edges of speculative interest briefly. She said I like science-fiction, but showed herself to be a better versed aficionado than I, while tangentially appearing to pish-tosh it.
I thanked you once before for a peek into yourself.
I thank you again, Brother.
Prometheus Busted, Michael Murphey: 21, 2021 at 11:52 pm #77912John Day
Participant@Germ: Thanks again, Man, like every other day. Keep the research coming, Brother.
@ Archie: Glad you found el Gallinazo alive somewhere.
@Upstate NYer: We had some yard signs before the election that said: “Chinga tu MAGA”, which was at least colorful and not pathetic. They stayed a couple of months, too.
And Also: I could not get an answer when I queried the C19D list about the question of whether being filled-to-the-gills with spike protein is known to make your COVID PCR test in your nose find spike protein and show positive, or not.
I have speculated around this and related questions and my speculation awaits some kind of affirmation or refutation.
@Ilargi: we assume that you will have great finds and reads most of the time, but the magnet article and CJ Hopkins, together are a WHAMMO! one-two NICE-HAWAIIAN-PUNCH!Has anybody here who got one of the vaccines tried the magnet test. I’m awaiting word from either of my sons, when they get home from work.
They are both engineers. They’ve got neodymium magnets lying around SOMEWHERE…
I feel like it’s all related, but cannot prove it. -
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