Debt Rattle June 24 2024


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  • #161968

    How much electricity can you get out of 500billion barrels of oil? AND, you don’t need no stinkin’ air conditioning, because it bloody cold in Antarctica. [Sorry about linking Newsweek]
    Maybe they have computing that games with a high probability of success- with the LLM only used for gaming probabilities?
    BTW, where does Russia stand on “AI”?
    And will the UK let ’em at it?


    Analysis/criticism of the debate/TRUMP/ISSUES is happening right now BEFORE IT HAPPENED.

    John Day

    @tboc: This is not exactly what you requested, but it is closely related, really good, and looks at COVID spread from early 2018.
    China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018

    China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018

    Mr. House

    So it was in China in 2018, but we didn’t notice here eh? So really the hospital system murdered most people who died from or with covid then huh?

    John Day

    @Mr. House: Read it and see what you think it says. It is pretty thorough. It does not say what you just said, though. That’s not the angle of approach.


    Dr. D said

    Oh and how can I forget top example yesterday, Norman Finkelstein. Born Jew, practicing Jew, on the speaking circuit daily for years taking fire and doubling up now.

    Hang on. Finkelstein is white and yesterday the white Jews were not Jews, remember? Your arguments remind me of a worm squirming on hot concrete; still trying to persuade me that my eyes are lying to me.


    You have to assume that if AI is in the public sphere, it has been in the government and military sphere for a lot longer. Given that AI is supposed to be able to work so much faster than human brains you have to wonder why it still hasn’t solved the USA’s hypersonic missiles cockup. Where are the flying cars we were promised back in the ’60s, where are the self-drive cars we are still being promised. If AI is so smart and so much quicker than humans, why is it not delivering?


    why is it not delivering?

    No smart human asked the right question.

    Dr. D

    I think it works like this: first they’re always working against themselves, but let’s ignore that part.

    Second, they think like farm managers:
    “There isn’t enough energy for Barn A and B both.”
    “Okay then cull half the cows.”
    “You can’t do that, there is no economy in two half-filled barns.”
    “Okay then, move all the cows from one barn into the other.”
    “Which one?”
    “I don’t care, you pick: the one that is closer and we can keep an eye on better.”

    Or in this case, the one that prevents a deflationary implosion in the reserve currency seat.

    Also more likely, Decision 1 is made by CEO PencilFace, with no logic and no intelligence or reason at all. Why? Because everyone from the Janitor to the super-double executive VP next to him is a pathological liar and suck-up. He hasn’t heard the truth since he was 3 and his daddy told him he was an idiot who would come to no good and amount to nothing. He’s channeling the Vril Maidens from the Locust People on Centruri IV or whatever those morons do.

    Every decision AFTER that is made by some foreman somewhere without asking. In this case, the deciders we don’t know the names of, moving down to the deciders we CAN know the names of but don’t (WEF, PNAC, Atlantic, e.g. Kissinger, Bzrezinski) and they hand it out to the illiterate, Spanish speaking coolies saying “Don’t gimme no lip.” Those are your Bidens, Ryans, Cruz, McConnells…

    So WHY would they do this? They only need half the energy not used, and as planet-thinkers, don’t care WHERE, specifically, that happens. They also need the OTHER part that’s working against themselves, as evil always works against itself, and NEED those people here to smash things in a different, unrelated plan.

    You see that everywhere: wind will get them enough slack to cut off Russian oil for a while, so track EXACTLY when they started this idiocy and you’ll know when they decided they were having that war. BUT– then NOTHING they planned worked at all, because they’re glue-sniffing morons surrounded by lying, conniving sycophants. After this becomes apparently, they’re too deep in and can’t fire all the liars because nobody would be left but honest people. And THEN how would we get anything done?

    Movie’s locked up but this is Peter Cook as the Devil, 1967, where he has only Pride, Avarice, Lust, Gluttony, etc as his minions. And he says, “You See? You SEE what God only gives me to work with down here??? This is all his fault.” So you expect, honest, hard-working EFFECTIVE minions, with lots of intelligent, practical, self-supporting ideas? No, sorry, that would be the GOOD team, not the Bad team. The bad team are a bunch of divided, siloed, self-serving nitwits by definition or they would join the Good Team and succeed.

    Here’s probably the best scene:

    And so what WOULD heaven be like?


    Assange Free!!!!
    Could it really be?!


    Julian Assange released from prison, WikiLeaks says, after striking deal with US justice department

    It is anticipated the Wikileaks founder will plead guilty to violating US espionage law and will be allowed to return to Australia, court documents say

    those darned kids

    an assange bot?

    a manchurian journo?

    a trojan aussie?

    if uncle sammy’s involved, fishy, fishy, fishy is always in the air.

    those darned kids

    i bet a few here will claim he’s now jewish.

    D Benton Smith

    The freeing of Julian Assange is an iconic event marking the turning of the tide, and I believe that it is very fitting that he be recognized as the hero that he is. He carved out his niche in history the hard way. Viva Julian Assange.

    D Benton Smith

    Imagine sitting in a locked room for 5 years while the keys to your cell are held by the most powerful, evil and ruthless Empire of the age, that wants you dead, vilified and forgotten.

    Dr D Rich

    Proclamation of victimization

    Christ Almighty


    Deadly Blaze Rips Through US-Sanctioned Moscow Electronics Research Building

    Governor Moscow oblast, Andrei Vorobyov, confirmed in a Monday statement that three floors of the building have been overwhelmed by flames. “The fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth floors are on fire,” Mash said Monday

    Over 130 fire and emergency services personnel, two helicopters, and 50 vehicles are engaged in fighting the blaze, which has spread to a whopping 5,000 square meters.

    Why do Russians make their super important electronics research buildings out of kindling, oily rags, thermite, creosote, and tesla batteries?

    Do they leave out advanced halon extinguishing systems etc to be sporting towards the fire or something? wtf.

    John Day

    God Bless Julian Assange.

    D Benton Smith

    I’m not proclaiming victimization. I’m saying Assange was not just smart enough to know how to defeat his enormous antagonist, he was brave enough to act on that knowledge, and then tough enough to stick to it. They lost. He won.

    Doc Robinson

    FWIW, this Yemeni news site reports that the Eisenhower was targeted two more times this week, coinciding with the decision to withdraw it before the end of its one-month extension in the Red Sea.

    Ryder did not specify the reasons for the “Eisenhower” staying in Germany, but media reports suggest that it requires urgent maintenance before returning to America… The decision also coincides with the escalation of Yemeni operations against it, as Yemen announced targeting the “Eisenhower” twice this week, bringing the total number of targeting operations to five since the beginning of the current month.

    Transfer of “Eisenhower” to Germany


    jb-hb said

    Do they leave out advanced halon extinguishing systems etc to be sporting towards the fire or something? wtf.

    Halon (or its eco-friendly replacement) would have blown out the windows. In critical data centers, such as those attached to exchanges, the halon is released into the room with the intention of replacing the air in a matter of seconds. The last one I encountered was in Sydney, about five years ago, the room was filled with inert gas in something like 3 seconds – and those rooms are big.

    That takes a lot of force, increases the pressure in the data center significantly (even though the system uses automatic vents to let the air out, and creates a lot of noise, enough to shatter the server hard disks. Hence, Fidessa and others used to provide a service whereby they keep a mirror disk in another exchange just in case the halon is released. It was tested by a few companies in Sydney and appeared to work successfully.

    God knows what such a system would do to a glass and steel building with loads of window area, probably blow out all the windows and let even more air in.


    Freedom for Assange. Biden did what Trump failed to do. Ouch.


    US Jews milking the Holocaust fable again, this time getting the US Jew-controlled government to do their dirty work. I wonder if they will be compensating the Palestinians for stealing their country? Of course not, Jews are victims, never the murdering thieving evil Nazis of their Holocaust fairytale.


    It’s the anti-semitic tweets that count, not the anti-white tweets, they are just fine. The USA will continue to be fucked until enough illegal immigrants make it across the border and fix the place. It could take some time.

    D Benton Smith


    illegal immigrants make it across the border and fix the place. It could take some time.

    From the perspective of the folks who were here when the Europeans stole the continent pretty much everyone else here is an illegal immigrant, and YES, fixing the place is taking a long time. Longer than most people think. But we’re getting there.

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