Debt Rattle June 29 2017


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    Paul Klee Still Life 1929   • Banks Unleash Big Payouts After Fed’s Stress Tests (BBG) • Yellen Questioned As China Debt Surpasses 300% Of GDP (C
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 29 2017]

    Dr. Diablo

    Scientists Fear “Supervolcano” Eruption

    I’m a little lost on this fascination. Mankind has never seen a supervolcano, well, ever. Never and ever. We had Mt. Tambora, Krakatoa, and some others, but nothing like the Siberian Traps 250M BCE. They’ve almost never happened in geological history, either, like less than ten times? In addition, like most science they know very little and their predictions are still terrible going back decades — not that we shouldn’t try, but really, check your stats in the PeeWee league before claiming to be in the NFL. When you can predict anything having to do with volcanoes and earthquakes, maybe then speak. I don’t see any particular reason why Yellowstone should erupt now. More, should it erupt, there’s literally no body of scientific evidence that says it would do so as a supervolcano. Hyperbole much? (A: Nevermind, yes. Is there any other way to speak anymore?)

    Yellowstone is already active. It always has been. It may have been swarming 10x harder from 1550 to 1850 and nobody would know. As it’s seismically and volcanically active and always, always has been, it’s all the more reason to presume there is a pressure relief valve that operating correctly: we’re looking at it in the photos, it’s called “Yellowstone.” So since we have fine and normal activity, why would the activity not just increase measurably, perhaps even to the point of actual eruption, Kilauea or Etna-style? That would be the normal, scientific conclusion, not to immediately presume a world-ending cataclysm which tends to shorten careers.

    Compare that to something like Mexico where activity was capped and unknown, and suddenly in 1943, a volcano appeared out of an open field and decided to be 424m (1,400′) high. Problems? Well, for the farmer who owned the field. And yes, when Eyjafjallajökull or St. Helens blows up it’s a big deal. But only for those nearby and a nuisance for those further off. Yearly floods are no doubt orders of magnitude more destructive to people and property, as are hurricanes, typhoons, tornados, and possibly bees.

    So…what’s all the hubub, bub? Day not complete unless it’s the end of the world somehow? Or something else?


    Hi Diablo,
    You have to consider that it **might** be conditioning the masses to already assume a root cause of a disaster that might be caused by something else. By someone else. Financed by Debt-Money Monopolists, who shall not be touched, just like their debt-money system shall not be touched…

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