Debt Rattle June 29 2024


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    Ivan Aivazovsky The Galata tower by moonlight 1845   • Biden Won’t Drop Out Of Presidential Race – Campaign Official (RT) • Robert Hur Emerges as
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 29 2024]

    V. Arnold

    Ivan Aivazovsky The Galata tower by moonlight 1845

    Wow! Aivazovsky is just spectacular.
    I love that you often use his art Ilargi…thank you……..

    V. Arnold

    Biden Won’t Drop Out Of Presidential Race – Campaign Official (RT)

    …and there, for all to see is the present state of the Union!
    Shameful and not worthy of the once great USA….


    Given that AIPAC is controlling all the POTUS candidates, why isn’t there a Jewish candidate. Would it not be more honest to get the Jewish boss to stand as POTUS rather than his butt fucks?


    There’s no way to “replace Biden.” He’ll never agree to give up power.

    Even if he did, they can’t run with Kamala, but also can’t catapult someone ahead of

    — Glenn Greenwald

    Really? You actually believe that Biden is in control of his career? How bad does it have to get before you realise that Biden is not controlling fuck, Biden campaigned in his basement in 2020, he had dementure back then, but the people who are really in power need a front man, and Biden is the best person they have for that role, they can blackmail him and threaten Hunter forever.

    Biden is a simple street thug, he did a lot of bad things and was not afraid to let people know how tough he was, but that meant that he was easily blackmailed; he is just another Epstein, he is being used and will be discarded when the people in charge make that move.

    Dr. D

    Galata Tower, Istanbul. Cities of those days seemed pleasant with a lot of human-scale unlike today’s cities I don’t prefer, even the Space Age ones. Paris remains human-scale in a sense, but also 2-5x too large, lost its environs, Market growers, countryside, etc. that make a city a city.

    “SCOTUS Overturns ‘Chevron Deference’ In Massive Blow To ‘Administrative State’

    This is more important than Dobbs. All modern overreach rests on this, starting with Nixon-EPA.

    Amazed by my complete lack of interest in the debate. I mean yes it doesn’t mean anything and is theater, but so is most everything else. What I’ve seen from Joe Biden is worth commenting as an insight: the Left which pays such close attention to some subjects – for instance how the world was suddenly created on 2/22/22 or on Jan 2020 and no history or medicine existed before – now won’t look at or pay attention to anything Great Leader says or does. It’s like he’s not there, just a placeholder, fine, fine, this is fine.

    Why? Because it doesn’t help them. Help them what? Win? I guess? FEELZ good, boost the ego as a success and power, they feeling broken and powerless. So, looking at him saps that, so they simply don’t look. This is a good note on the rest of their lives as far as I can tell: smallest thing becomes the biggest: Tiny Hands. Biggest thing becomes the smallest: treason, racism, union derailments, WWIII, Jack. Minute by minute, day by day, as engineered trauma.

    I just don’t care bc the debate was a conclusion foregone like 9 months ago, 3 1/2 years ago. It’s painful to sit and twiddle for half your life like that. Now as Kunstler says today, they have no candidates, as HRC etc killed the competition, so they can just not have an election, see how that goes… forever. Why not? Ukraine is our capital, the beacon of Democracy and they just did that twice where no one noticed. Good beta.

    I don’t believe for a second Democrats “only just noticed” and are “panicking” about anything. This could not possibly be more staged and engineered, only thrown by those d—ned states like Ohio who need a normal nomination process to print ballots. We kick out everyone else, pretend it’s Joe, “Suddenly notice” then go into a smoky room with fat, white males club (like Joe) and “Decide” somebody not a since Democratic voter would ever organically pick. And go right around the Strong Black Woman like the plague. Simple. Now shut up and do what you’re told, we arranged this last year, 18, 24 months ago.

    “Even if he did, they can’t run with Kamala, but also can’t catapult someone ahead of her.”

    Watch them.

    This is the problem with Republicans, Conservatives, and since Glenn is a gay communist, everybody else too: They believe there are rules. There are no rules. I make them up. Just now, in my mouth and I’ll shoot anyone else who has any dumb questions, capisce? Shuddapa you face and do what you’re told.

    Biden/Trump ad. That is a good ad, as Trump is shut up.

    Stewart certainly is right: this isn’t real life, and how things really operate, this is all puppet theater.

    “President Bidən is NOT FIT to discharge the immense duties of the presidency.”

    That’s okay, the President hasn’t been running a predominance of the office since Nixon. They haven’t been generally independent since Wilson. Too soon? P.S. there is no Santa Claus either.

    “• Biden Won’t Drop Out Of Presidential Race – Campaign Official (RT)

    Suit yourself. It’s like a dream to me. Okay, back to suspicions: IF Trump is running Biden like a hand puppet, so Gitmo doesn’t round up and hang his whole family including Jill, THEN not everyone is in on it. You can’t have like every DNC operative down to the dog walker on 5th Avenue know or what’s the point? No, it has to stop somewhere, and like 50 men in at the top. Everyone else has to believe it’s real otherwise, what’s the point of the op? That said, IF you were puppeting Biden for amusement, in an – apparently – vain attempt to wake Americans the f– up, when EVEN THIS doesn’t seem to alarm and motivate Democrats, THEN what would to do at this point? Sure you took another 18% slice off the DNC, made inroads in Black and Hispanic – even women support, as impossible as it seems, being so shallow they can’t no vote for any Biden or Justin who’s a handsome dreamboat narcissist serial-killer – but now what? You made your point, but this has to end sometime.

    What would you do? Well as I said, the DNC top mostly still believes Joe is real, except for those 50 guys, 2/3rd of who only suspect and can’t prove it, it would be treason and no one would believe them anyway. Well, if I were puppeting Joe, ASIDE from doing exactly everything that’s been done the last 4 years, I’d refuse to resign and MAKE THEM, make the DNC take me out, because that’s the most messy, ugly, public way to demonstrate they’re evil and we’re not a democracy.

    …So that’s exactly what’s happening. Does my theory or the Consensus reality make more sense?

    No, the logical answer is that “Biden had a bad cold”. In 1st July.

    “he also concluded that “at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

    Yes, and you see investigations, releasing exactly only this, to set the White Hat narrative, right on schedule with timing, signaling what they planned. Make more sense, or is it all really an accident? Not saying, just asking. A good story is plausible, unlike a bad one. The guys doing this are clever and have light hands.

    “they must find a more suitable candidate to replace him, The New York Times editorial board wrote on Friday”

    CNN stages the debate with perfect control over everything, on an unprecedented but perfect schedule to swap him. Then CNN themselves and the NYT “Just noticed!” Just now, honest!

    You know, we’re in WWIII, and there are at least two genocides running including one on me personally, do we really have time for this stuff?

    “A flash poll conducted by CNN revealed that 67% of registered voters who watched the debate felt that Trump had won.”

    Because this is the first honest poll in 10 years? Also them: Biden is 45% to Trump’s 43%. Yes!!! Biden is almost or actually winning!!! (This was from FOX. Yes, the rag run by the richest, most liberal, communist kids in 10 generations. Trust us! We’re Conservative Friends!).

    C’mon. If it was bad, they wouldn’t release it. They’re releasing bad, so it’s staged.

    This is taking off from Russia taking 3 new towns a day, and


    That’s up from a long-term near 800 so far, we’d round to 1,000 but take off for weekends. So, history buffs, what’s the average for WWII, both beginning-to-end and during say the Normandy>Berlin run? I guess that level wasn’t seen until Germany had lost, were still fighting, and smashed utterly from both sides. That’s a Brigade a DAY. Three Battalions. (All rough, squishy numbers). UK is saying they’re going to train a brigade a month. France is sending a battalion, perhaps the only one they own. Russia is killing them 30 TIMES faster, not breaking a sweat. They backed up into apartment towers, and siege locations as the only way to survive at all up to now, like Bakhmut, Avdiivka, now Russia has a FAB 3000 that will find shrapnel – like your eyeball – land a MILE away. No need for men at all, which is what I said when this started:

    RUSSIA CAN JUST NUKE THEM ALL. They CAN end the war in 5 minutes. They’re being very, very nice and choosing not to. Now they have this online, that knocks out a city block at a pop, where does Kiev think they can retreat and bunker into? Burrow their blood-funnels into NATO HQ in Brussels, like 1,000 miles away is where.

    It’s not nice. It does not make me laugh. Even Ze looks pale. And that is what they’re keeping your eyes off of in all this despicable nonsense with the non-election.

    Next move: as they say, they need the Patriot batteries – of which there are none – to defend even one airfield, so they can land one 50 year old F16 and keep this going. But the F16 is a nuclear jet and Russia will not allow either of those things to happen. …I dunno, blowing up every American military base in central Europe in one hour? Where Biden can’t react and doesn’t know what to do, being 25th’d? How about our election then, boys?

    Okay, the US retreats, leaves NATO. Exits, puts them on 6-month hold. Okay, then all Europe comes together, grabs their bootstraps and fights it alone without us? No, because they have NO ARMY. WE are their army, as I keep saying. We are their little b—h. And if with Biden we leave NATO? Hahahaha! The end.

    Ukraine does what then, being no NATO AND NO EU to whine and turn to? Well, since all the Nazis are already dead, the Ukrainian PEOPLE will become part of Russia and move on to pure space-age prosperity in hard work. Leaving an imploded, Somali-like Europe behind.

    These are the kind of logical ideas no one is considering right now. Not that it will happen, but they have a very narrow view: “Well, we win, that’s what!” That’s as wide as our Overton window goes. Not for me it doesn’t: since when does a nation with no tanks beat a nation with a million men and a thousand tanks just in reserve? In your video games on God-mode? Wtf dude?

    This is what happens when you have no reality at all. This is where #AntiLogos leads: everyone dies.

    “• Ukraine: US Starts Conflict And Tasks Europe With Fueling It (Dionísio)

    Really? That’s your diagnosis? Like that “A little pregnant” I guess it’s the guy’s fault because your daughter wasn’t in the room? What did – and after years of this stuff – Germany shutting up about NordStream tell you? Yeah, they’re all-in. Macron, not 10 days ago? Yeah, they’re all-in. To the hilt. UK drafting, incl women? They’re more all-in than all in. New election AFTER getting savaged in every election that’s been had, install a rabid Estonian chihuahua? Yeah, they’re ALL-IN.

    So as I keep saying, the U.S. — as with Trump in Germany, asking about gas and NATO GDP – says “are you sure you want to do this? This makes no sense.” Then backs away? Europe continues to beg, cajole — and doubtless blackmail – doing everything humanly possible to keep the war going and kill … Europeans. Ukraine is in Europe, but past that, every POOR Gilet Jaune in France, Germany, Poland, UK… It doesn’t matter you’re in Blackpool, Glasgow, 12 years old, never seen a Ukrainian in your life, you are DEAD. Of crime, drugs, roving gangs, because Europe got priorities, you see? This is how Gardens of perfect love and light act.

    The magic here is: Everybody blames everybody. Like all middle managers, everyone signed off on it for a year, but somehow it’s nobody’s fault. A-Maz-Zing! It’s Magic! Go into any corporation and ask about their last 10 projects (all failed). But we followed “Ze Rulz” and got DEI. Government is far worse.

    Give me a break. You have to know at all what’s going on to figure out what to do, and what you’re hawking doesn’t wash. Hawk Tuah. I spit in thy general direction. I know exactly who is responsible and I have all your names and signatures.

    “Ukraine is preparing a “comprehensive plan” for ending the conflict with Russia that should be ready by the end of the year,”

    Yes, at the end of the year everyone will be dead and Ukraine will have surrendered unconditionally. …There’ll be no one to SIGN that and admit it, but it’ll be the same.

    “a screen similar to a Japanese shoji: It is translucent, so one can see the movements of those on the other side, but there is no making out what they are doing. They are reduced to shadows.

    Yes, but I don’t care about your fantasy and willful blindness. Go ahead and be dumb I guess. I can only control me. Nothing mysterious or hidden at all.

    In NoKo, they are sending troops. Yes, of course they are. It may seem strange to you and I, but you, nations, WANT their army in battle because that’s the only way they can be at all competent: by doing. The sad part is, you can’t make up a war and kill people just to stay up-to-date. Then you have soldiers who know nothing, or are trained for the wrong war (and droning wedding parties) like ours is. You send them as to college, not to kill people or help anything specifically. And if Russia buys shells, they can sell cars to Pyongyang. They don’t need the shells, but the traffic is nice.

    “• Supreme Court Rejects Bannon Bid To Avoid Monday Prison Deadline (ZH)

    Who cares about USSC? That decision is probably appropriate, and certainly not to be rushed. Where’s Congress? Oh, run by Republicans: say no more.

    ““..the United States court in Saipan yesterday conceded, and the judge found that there is no evidence that any harm has befallen any individual anywhere in the world as a result of Mr. Assange’s publications..”

    So what if they were? And as said here, “Destroy” stuff on the Internet? Have they MET the Internet? Who is Assange as a person vs Wikileaks, Inc? Wouldn’t they have to talk to the owner? I mean, I suppose if he has had those docs in his underpants this whole time…

    OMG who cares???

    We’re Signaling. Can’t you see how hard we’re Signaling??

    “This is now likely going to happen”

    “It’s Happening!!!” — The Internet. “10 weird ways it’s happening local housewives crave.”

    Nothing is happening except WWIII which we’re ignoring. “The Revolution will not be televised” yeah, but they didn’t say why: because everyone is so moronic they could no longer understand. It’s what plants crave.


    Jon Stewart, as always, sums it up beautifully.

    Jon Stewart is great at his job, he has been working tirelessly to support Biden, he has been working tirelessly to deny reality regarding Biden, but eventually – always – reality wins. Today he saw a slight glimpse of reality (I dread to think what Biden is like without the ear piece and the meds) and now he is pretending that Trump is as bad as Biden, trying to project his own cognitive inadequacy onto the Trump voters; he is trying to say that “your candidate is also retarded”.

    Stewart is all the crime syndicate has left, people who will keep on telling the braindead Democrat Americans all the stuff they want to hear, helping them to ignore reality. Keep it coming Stewart, someone needs to help these demented Biden voters, same as someone needed to help people to get vaccines during the Covid scam, you are the man Stewart, they need someone who knows the language of “braindead”, you can speak that language, you can reach them, you could even call it self help.

    Maybe the left should look to release Biden from his current torture and allow him to go home? Fuck no, the left will fuck over anyone if it gets them what they want, the right does the same, as does the center.


    Empire of Lies Presidementia ‘Debates”

    Pedo Jo-jo was obviously the Masterdebater®

    Dr. D

    Making this up? Here’s Parks and Rec, like The Simpsons, this is when they were setting up HRC for the win, “MUST HAVE WOMYN PRESIDENT”!!!!!! For-EVAH!!!! Right there, in the clip “2020”. (same as Trump escalator)

    Now, what’s that about? Biden in handsome, it’s cool to fondle all over him, let him smell you n’ stuff ladies, that’s your job, social creds, Brittany sez so. No really, if to God I was only kidding, here it is. Please women, please, please, please, you are so very much better than this. This is while the same woman are trashing “Sound of Freedom” for saving children from rape camps and ending Henry Cavill’s career for saying it was hard to find a wife.

    You there in Canada can post your own links to Justin-Love 4-Evah! which was so bad it was here in the ‘States too, the women all thought acting like that was adorable and funny, getting a chance to let it all out. …No words. Sigh, like oh my god. Um, if it’s bad for men to elect a hot chick on basis of looks (far as I can tell doesn’t happen in America) then it would…spitballing…ALSO be bad for women to do that same bad theoretical thing men (don’t) do? Can I really just, you know, pop in a word here: don’t be disappointed? Nope. I fear JB found this about his wife too, like so many of us. Honey…um…I suspect that thing no mean what you think it mean? Deep breath, can I replay that clip for you on .5 speed? He said “Not the Nazis who should be disavowed entirely”?

    Listen to the voice which sounds different.


    Meanwhile over in Eurotardistan, an ancient little Austria village succumbs to ridicule…

    After Years Of Ridicule, The Village Of ‘Fucking’ Changes Its Name — To ‘Fugging’

    The village’s unintentionally profane name has brought unwanted attention to its population of 100 residents over the years.


    It became a tourist destination….


    The village had successfully stayed under the radar until 2011 when Austrian novelist Kurt Palm published his book Bad Fucking which used the relatively unknown town as a backdrop.

    The novel was subsequently turned into a feature film of the same name two years later, bringing a wave of unwanted attention to the village.

    In addition, the village’s name also inspired a pale lager called “Fucking Hell”

    – a clever pun since “hell” in German means “pale.”

    Bad Fucking


    Formerly T-Bear

    Every elected federal office holder holding the responsibility to initiate Art. 25 of the constitution and failed to do so quite some time back should be voted out of office and let another who might understand their sworn oath to that constitution assume that office. This goes for both parties and all independents as well.
    This generation of politicians has destroyed the constitution and the government it forms. An example of mass high treason. Destroy bipolar party politics; accept no less than five viable national parties minimum.
    Duhmericans, pull your heads out ….


    • Joe Biden Catches Cold (Kunstler)

    It’s obvious that the ruling blob now has to deep-six “Joe Biden.



    questioning the legitimacy of the current Pope

    The current Pope is a heretic and a criminal. Remember this:

    Matthew 18:10 from The Message Bible

    “Watch that you don’t treat a single one of these childlike believers arrogantly. You realize, don’t you, that their personal angels are constantly in touch with my Father in heaven?

    The angels watched the Pope fuck the little children and then watched him protect the other fuckers who were molesting children. Who the fuck is this pope, maybe he should be on trial and put in jail.

    Vigano is doing God’s work, maybe he represents God’s angels and is there to show the way to the other Catholics on this earth.



    “Death is Not the End”, released October 23, 1989

    If everything was broken in 1989, then what is the current situation?


    “then what is the current situation?”


    1: an intermediate state after death for expiatory purification
    specifically : a place or state of punishment wherein according to Roman Catholic doctrine the souls of those who die in God’s grace may make satisfaction for past sins and so become fit for heaven

    2: a place or state of temporary suffering or misery


    Figmund Sreud

    Andrew Korybko unpacks this debacle rather cleanly!

    “Biden’s disastrous debate performance last week made it impossible to deny his senility, yet the Western elite is gaslighting they were supposedly oblivious to this until now. […]

    The reality is that they knew about this all along but covered it up by lying that any claims to this effect were “Russian propaganda” and/or a “conspiracy theory”, all because they actually approved of the Democrats installing a literal placeholder in the White House who the liberal-globalist elite could control. It was a refreshing change of pace from Trump, who was much too independent for their liking despite his occasional capitulations to their demands, and it also reassured America’s allies who disliked him too. […]

    … rest at:


    D Benton Smith

    To all those who say that preventing Donald Trump from becoming President must be accomplished at all costs and no matter what I say, “It is never enough to simply defeat an opponent. It is also existentially necessary to provide a BETTER alternative!”


    Summer Wardrobe


    D Benton Smith


    If everything was broken in 1989, then what is the current situation?

    In point of fact it was broken in the run-up to WW2 when British Intelligence successfully infiltrated and rather quickly took over the Executive Branch of the United States (read “A Man Called Intrepid”, by William Stevenson). It was BROKEN in 1947 when that takeover was formalized by the National Security Act in 1947. The current situation is dire, for obvious reasons. The enemy holds the castle, the treasury and the armory.


    Who is/should be responsible for making/writing, “Rules and Regulations”, of the Laws passed by the Politicians

    We break down the overturning of the Chevron doctrine
    Nina Totenberg
    JUNE 28, 20247:24 PM ET

    Roberts said that time and experience had proved the approach unwise, misguided and unworkable. The 1984 decision, he said, is contrary to the framers’ understanding of our form of government. As he observed, in 1803, Chief Justice John Marshall famously said, it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is. That said, Roberts means, that courts, not agencies, decide what the law is. And if Congress wants to do something different, it should say so explicitly.

    JONATHAN ADLER: This decision will make it more difficult for future administrations to change policy without going to Congress. If there is a second Trump administration, they will find out what it’s like to get what they wished for, because in a lot of contexts, it will be hard to dramatically change the way various federal statutes are implemented.

    No. 22–451. Argued January 17, 2024—Decided June 28, 2024*
    The Court granted certiorari in these cases limited to the question
    whether Chevron U. S. A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council,
    Inc., 467 U. S. 837, should be overruled or clarified. Under the Chevron doctrine, courts have sometimes been required to defer to “permisssible” agency interpretations of the statutes those agencies administer—even when a reviewing court reads the statute differently. Id., at
    843. In each case below, the reviewing courts applied Chevron’s framework to resolve in favor of the Government challenges by petitioners
    to a rule promulgated by the National Marine Fisheries Service pursuant to the Magnuson-Stevens Act, 16 U. S. C. §1801 et seq., which
    incorporates the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5 U. S. C. §551
    et seq.
    Held: The Administrative Procedure Act requires courts to exercise their
    independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within
    its statutory authority, and courts may not defer to an agency interpretation of the law simply because a statute is ambiguous;
    Chevron is overruled.

    John Day

    Who, just WHO is going to “leapfrog” Kamala Harris.
    I am reminded of a saying from younger days, “I wouldn’t ‘leapfrog’ her with YOUR ‘dirk'”.

    Sorry, back to being more-appropriate.

    I still get emails from Bernie Sanders with petitions and stuff, from 2016. I got one yesterday about “how doe I feel about the debate” and “what should ‘we’ do”.
    It had a suggestion-box. I typed “Bernie Sanders & Tulsi Gabbard”, which might get a smile from Sanders, but the DNC CAN’T do it, because they can ONLY do dishonest and murderous things. They are completely excluded from doing anything decent or honest by their code-of-conduct.

    They have painted themselves into this corner, and I wish them epiphany and enlightenment, but they still have consequences coming.
    Pray for Divine Guidance, Hillary and Nancy. ;-}

    D Benton Smith


    Vigano is doing God’s work, maybe he represents God’s angels and is there to show the way to the other Catholics on this earth.”

    You’ve got that pretty darn close. The essence of the Pope is that he is and remains connected to God. If he breaks the connection then he is NOT the Pope from that moment forward. This is actually explicitly written into the Catholic’s ecclesiastical law, so what Vigano is doing is drawing that fact to everyone’s attention, and in doing so he remains protected by those same laws. The Catholics have been at this a long time (from the time of Jesus, actually) and EVERYTHING imaginable is codified into their dogma, in writing. This also not the first time in relatively recent history. At one point not so long ago (a few hundred years) there were 2 “official” Popes simultaneously over a period of 8 years. The oath breaker eventually lost and the good guy won by successfully getting BOTH sides of the schism to agree that he was correct.


    Unintended consequences

    If Joe Biden actually has to resign as president, he also loses the ability to pardon his son, Hunter, and peremptorily his other family members who shared bribery money received from China, Ukraine, and elsewhere.

    John Day

    Thanks Figmund Sreud!
    Andrew Korybko is all afire in that piece, even calling out 9/11. He uses an entire sentence to substitute for “Satanic” when describing the globalist-neoliberal-neoconservative “elites”, but I presume that he doesn’t want to turn away readers.


    Uncle Sam as a “Thinking man” at the top above.
    Some in here should be made to write that text below 100 times on the chalkboard with the slim hope that the message will get through their head.


    “Even kill babies after birth!”
    Yes … look at Gaza-Israel-Genocide.
    Yes … look at War.


    By Dionisio:

    ……..finally, they caused the ignition and, today, like a painter, in the perspective and security that only distance can provide, they enjoy their destructive work.

    I admire the visual of that quote.
    Absolutely brilliant work by the “machine” to hypnotize their own population and entire world for decades in a row that the US is the “force of god “while, yes, they had to “break a few eggs here and there when necessary”. War in Ukraine created a first serious cracks in that spell.

    Similarly, Israel will never have their “day before” (October 6th) back again.


    More thoughts on the “debate” (cough, choke, cough)

    “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people.

    On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

    ― H.L. Mencken 1920’s



    Duh’merica the Beautiful


    Out of touch with reality
    “I intend to win the election,” – Biden
    DO YOU REMEMBER Who has the “codes “

    D Benton Smith


    Biden is a simple street thug, he did a lot of bad things and was not afraid to let people know how tough he was, but that meant that he was easily blackmailed; he is just another Epstein, he is being used and will be discarded when the people in charge make that move.”

    Right again. You’re on a roll.


    Bernhard at has a different perspective on the debate aftermath.

    “The DNC Campaign To Oust Biden Has Failed”


    The Trump campaign has not announced this yet but the New York Crimes© wrote about it.

    Mrs Sheldon Adelson announced she would deposit $100 million dollars into the Trump election campaign.

    So what does she expect $100 million dollars to buy her?

    You know, like blatantly in your face ‘donor class’ Quid Pro Quo doing the silent part in public

    Apparently she wants the Empire of Lies to formally endorse Israel’s ‘annexing’ the West Bank and Gaza ‘legally’ into Israel Proper.


    No tongues please…..




    The Markster

    Formerly T-Bear yes five parties minimum would be great, five minimum participants at debate, coalitions to pass legislation over the corporate blockade, more vigor and voices in the public discussion.

    Except they’ll never let the on tv, or Facebook, etc.

    Oroboros I want that Tshirt SO. BAD. 2016 was a big middle finger to the establishment and so it may be again. ROFL


    Rep. Massie’s wife, Rhonda, has died suddenly. She was 50 (?)
    No word on how or why.
    And I only recently “met” the guy- and liked him quite a bit.


    Truth is washing away the lies.
    song “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head.”
    Be thankful that you are not a mosquito. Otherwise, those raindrops would feel like a cars

    D Benton Smith

    I’ve noticed how much people struggle with both the word and the concept of “Woke”. It might clear things up for them if they realized that “woke” is simply a disingenuous way of saying insane. They are synonymous. Woke is insane and insane is woke.

    It really is as simple as that. Notice that whereas sanity is characterized by truthfulness, workability and beneficial (good) result, insanity is characterized by the OPPOSITE. George Orwell suggested as much without just spelling it out as a concise declarative statement, but there it is.

    If you try to make some kind of sense from the babbling lunacy of wokeness or figure out why it is so cognitively disgusting it is because the PURPOSE of wokeness is the OPPOSITE of what any sane person would want. A sane person wants things to work and to live. Insanity (wokeness) want to fail and be dead. Hence all of the death and destruction and utter lunacy that follows in its wake.

    Devotion to truthfulness is the only cure., and by that I mean to say that it is the ONLY cure. Unwavering faith that the truth actually IS true requires dauntless courage because oftentimes you must bet your life to gain it.


    Sigh, like oh my god. Um, if it’s bad for men to elect a hot chick on basis of looks (far as I can tell doesn’t happen in America) then it would…spitballing…ALSO be bad for women to do that same bad theoretical thing men (don’t) do?

    Terrifying factoid for you: a majority of American women ALWAYS vote for the taller candidate. Always.

    Wasn’t there a scandal of DeSantis wearing thick heeled shoes?

    We want a REAL show of excess resources and you showed us a FAKE one. Your peacock tail was FAKE! Away with you, you are no alpha male worthy of National alpha male status

    Wasn’t that the nail in the coffin of his presidential bid, the lifts expose?

    D Benton Smith


    The back-alley knifings are moving out into the open. Massie pledged obedience to God, very loudly and very publicly. The Satanic Cabal can not let that kind of behavior go unchallenged because it will work and it will spread. So they killed his wife as both punishment and extortional threat.

    We shall see how sincere Rep.Massie will prove to be be in his pledge. This kind of cruel reality is what the word martyr is all about.

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