Debt Rattle June 8 2018


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    B-25s fly past erupting Vesuvius, Italy 1944   • Why Bringing Assange Home Would Be The Best Possible Thing For Australia (CJ) • Julian Assange G
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 8 2018]

    V. Arnold

    Great photo of Vesuvius and a very interesting story regarding U.S. B-25 bomber loss because of the eruption; just click the photo.

    Assange’s treatment by his own government is disgusting. If I were Australian I’d be looking for new citizenship. Unfortunately that option is not available to me here. Not enough money honey; among other obstacles. 😉
    CJ’s article covers the cowardess and subserviance of the Aussy government quite well (a bunch of wankers).

    Dr. D

    Armstrong on cooling:

    Volcanic Activity Melting Ice at the North & South Poles

    This has a tendency to better fit the 100,000 year evidence; the periods long before humans existed.

    Dr. D

    Don’t worry, Ben Bernanke’s never been right before, why start now? Emerging markets are all crying uncle already, but that’s not the plan: the U.S. hasn’t harvested them yet. Why oh why do they fall for it 50 years in a row? Bestselling books exposing this were widely public 10+ years ago. At what point do you stop being sorry?

    A “beloved country degraded and exploited by sociopathic agendas…” Yeah, you and everybody else. Don’t think that nations on the “top”, Germany, the U.S., Britain, get anything out of it. At ground zero, their people are more exploited than anyone.

    I see they’re starting the beta in Sweden for the Eurocrisis plan. Import wildly different migrants from war zones until there is enormous trouble, then counter them with a state-level purge and violence. When the state moves, now with the support of the people to stop being burned and raped, they install a long-term totalitarian state that burns books (now blogs) and ruthlessly imprisons anyone who reports the truth. Problem-reaction-solution, and yes, they wrote this in white papers years ago. Of course we could have justice and liberty, prosecuting crimes and deporting troublemaking non-citizens with evidence and due process, but that’s so last century. Will Sweden fall for it? Probably. They haven’t shown any signs of awareness yet, and it depends on how much death and violence they force on the people first.

    This is why they hate the Trump plan so much. He’s simply telling Justice to enforce the law, same as WJ Clinton. They are then deported through courts, insurgents MS-13 are locked out, and re-entry is closed, like every nation in the modern age. But with due process there is no outsized violence, racial attacks, and excuse for larger government and police state. …Which we have plenty enough as it is. If this is diffused and we return to a normal immigration policy, what excuse will they use to kill people? It would be so bad for the environment if people could live in peace.

    “…there are some areas that the federal government should not leave and should address and address strongly. One of these areas is the problem of illegal immigration. After years of neglect, this administration has taken a strong stand to stiffen the protection of our borders. We are increasing border controls by 50 percent. We are increasing inspections to prevent the hiring of illegal immigrants. And tonight, I announce I will sign an executive order to deny federal contracts to businesses that hire illegal immigrants. Let me be very clear about this: We are still a nation of immigrants; we should be proud of it. We should honor every legal immigrant here, working hard to become a new citizen. But we are also a nation of laws.” DJ Trump, 2017 –William Jefferson Clinton, 1996 …Guess I should have put this on the list of historical ironies.


    Mediterranean A ‘Sea Of Plastic’ (AFP)

    Turkey may be the worst offender but do Westerners really have a leg to stand on when criticising them?
    Not because the West itself is a much worse offender when looking at this problem on a per-capita basis. But because the West itself supported and pushed for secularisation in Turkey to happen. Westerners in general look at the founder of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, with fondness. But Ataturk ensured that problems arising from the excesses of capitalism such as overconsumption would occur when he decided that best path for Turkey would be to emulate the West, not just culturally, for example by changing the Turkish language from an Arabic script to a Latin one, but also in terms of its world view.

    The world was now no longer God’s creation, to be amazed by and to be explored but at the same time to be treated with reverence and respect, as Islam (like most of other traditions by the way) had inculcated in the civilisations it produced. No, now it was a spiritless domain to be utilised and exploited.

    My apologies for pointing out the irony of Westerners complaining about other civilisations ruining the climate. They’re ruining the climate precisely because those in power, and to a large extent the general population too, have been brainwashed into believing that their traditions are no longer relevant and that by imitating the West, some kind of nirvana on Earth will be achieved!

    It’s almost like a tragicomedy!

    V. Arnold

    An interesting post; and if I understand it correctly; I agree.
    The west is lost and no longer has anything to offer to anybody; if in fact it ever did, have anything to offer to anybody.
    In a psychotic world, looking for reason is just another form of psychosis.
    One has to jump into the unknown, the chasm, with no visible bottom, to escape to reason.
    How many will choose that course?
    Rhetorical question; almost none…


    Millions of people are aware …
    Bernanke predicts collapse in under 2 years.
    Millions of people cannot move the mountain
    Wile E. Coyote is blind, deaf, and stupid.
    Wile E. Coyote dusts himself off and keeps doing the same thing over and over again.
    What does that say about what we do….



    As G-7 Fractures In Canada, Putin Meets Xi In China

    Watch what the puppets will do.
    The forum originated with a 1975 summit hosted by France that brought together representatives of six governments: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, thus leading to the name Group of Six or G6. The summit came to be known as the Group of Seven, or G7, in 1976 with the addition of Canada. Russia was added to the political forum from 1997, which the following year became known as the G8. In March 2014 Russia was suspended following the annexation of Crimea, whereupon the political forum name reverted to G7.[3][4][5] In 2017 Russia announced its permanent withdrawal from the G8;[1] however, numerous representatives of G7 countries stated that they would be interested in Russia’s return to the group.


    Dr D,

    I also saw that article by Martin Armstrong. The historical evidence about climate is overwhelming. Humans grossly overestimate their importance in that matter – like in so many others. Nature will take care of it in due course – hopefully long after I am gone. 🙂

    V. Arnold
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