Debt Rattle March 12 2023


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  • #131039

    Dora Maar Model in swimsuit 1936   • Seismic Iran-Saudi Rapprochement Isolates US (Lauria) • Georgia Has A Huge Western-Funded NGO Sector (Trenin
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle March 12 2023]


    She flatlined three times, lost both legs and had a failing heart. Yet she told doctors she’s ‘the luckiest person on this planet’

    “When she caught Covid, no one expected her be hospitalized. She was fully vaccinated and boosted.”

    This is “luck”? Good grief.



    The tragic case of a 31 year old New Zealand nurse who died 4 days after her COVID-19 booster shot

    “Doctor and nurse deaths from COVID-19 vaccines were always going to be the focus of cover-ups. The reason is practical: the state needs doctors and nurses to enthusiastically push COVID-19 vaccines on their patients, and it needs these same doctors and nurses to stay silent about COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths.

    Doctors and nurses mustn’t know that their colleagues are dying suddenly from the same COVID-19 mRNA vaccines that they are pushing daily on their own patients.”



    Those in the know never got death vaxxed –



    The battle for Bakhmut, Patrick Lancaster 18+. Add the (.) between rumble and com.



    I’m lucky/fortunate that I’m not negatively impacted.

    TAE and RIM just told me things that I didn’t know before. The way that it is.

    Weather fluctuations, unexpected deaths, artillery and missile explosions,
    Increasing numbers of millions of people are starving/dying,
    Millions of people are leaving bad places and looking for better places to live
    Gov./politicians are lying
    Banks are hiding the truth

    My world did not change.
    I beat the odds. I’m still here.
    Old age keeps creeping up and hiding the causes of my health getting worst.


    “..With one single Sun Tzu move – Iran meets Saudi – China laid it all to waste….”

    The Empire of Lies laid to waste

    Sounds like a plan



    Not my fault.

    We did not lie. We negotiated. We wrote the conditions in a contract. We promised.
    Things changed. Your pension money got stolen.


    While all eyes are on war the WHO treaty changes proceed out of the spotlight.

    Following is RWMalone’s newest gettr link to his substack article

    Withdraw U.S. from the WHO now!
    Put a stop to Vaccine Passports and the Mandatory International Health Regulation updates

    Substack at RWMaloneMD
    Together with AlignAct dot com


    Did you know?
    Forwarded from
    Witnesses of Bayraktar
    In FPV flying, the most important thing is to develop sustainable drone control skills. The difficulty lies in the fact that, unlike “mavik”, electronics do not help you. The position of the quadcopter in space is controlled only by the operator with his fingers. And in my opinion, it’s as difficult as flying a helicopter.

    In order for me to make my first flight on the FPV, it took me 2 months every day to fly in the simulator for 2 hours. And even after such preparation, you will certainly smash your first drone against the wall. This happens to all pilots without exception.

    So if we want to see an armada of fpv drones in 2 months, then now we need to massively purchase TBS Tango 2 remotes (25 thousand apiece), install LiftOFF simulators on computers and put capable young guys behind the cars.

    Even if tomorrow the state buys a million FPV drones, we simply will not have pilots to control them. This task must be solved now. It doesn’t take much finance. Pilot training classes can be opened in any room where there is Internet and electricity. So what are we waiting for? The question is rather rhetorical.

    Alexander Kharchenko
    Western means to combat UAVs. Part 1

    It is unacceptable to talk directly about electronic warfare equipment with UAVs without mentioning the means of searching for them. In the West, the modernization of radar stations in service is being actively carried out in order to ensure the possibility of detecting and tracking small-sized targets of the UAV type.

    It should be noted that the use of radars taking into account the features of UAVs provides their detection at long ranges compared to OE and acoustic detection means.

    Thus, the AN/MPQ-64A4 Sentinel A4 radar currently being created in the interests of the US Army is an improved version of the AN/MPQ-64A3 active phased array three-axis radar in service with advanced functionality, including the ability to detect and classify small UAVs.

    Similarly, the Specter 2000 3D radar of the 9.2-10 GHz band, widely used in the German Armed Forces, has undergone special modernization to ensure the ability to work on targets with a small EPR. This made it possible to use it in several mobile and stationary complexes for combating UAVs created from 2020 for the German Armed Forces.

    Another direction of increasing the capabilities of existing air defense systems and means is the modernization of their control systems.

    For example, the Sky Capchae air defense control system produced by Israel makes it possible to significantly isolate the capabilities of outdated samples of anti-aircraft artillery and short-range anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM), including the defeat of small-sized and low-flying aircraft.

    The system includes an EL/M-2106 radar and an OE surveillance system, as well as a control subsystem. The data received from the radar and optoelectronic means are automatically processed in order to issue guidance and fire control commands for various connected air defense systems. It is known about the supply of this system to foreign aircraft.

    In the photo: at the top is the Sentinel radar, at the bottom is the Sky Capchae air defense system.


    Here is another of RWMalone MDs substack article links via gettr.

    Who’s on First at the WHO
    The CCP Runs It – and We Must Leave It

    Substack at RWMaloneMD
    In cooperation with the Committee on the Present Danger: China

    Figmund Sreud

    How do you make a good propaganda film? How do you expose it before it wins a truth-telling award and embarrasses the prize-givers — before they discover it’s a pseudo-documentary that has been nominated for an “Oscar” – before the white envelopes are opened before millions of people on Oscar night, March 12th?

    “Navalny” is a slick production full of easily-documented fabrications, disinformation, with lots of clever visuals to distract and manipulate viewers.

    … and the winner is, … :

    “Navalny,” documentary nominated for March 12th Oscar, is disinformation

    “Navalny,” documentary nominated for March 12th Oscar, is disinformation

    Dr. D

    “City Of Newark Humiliated In ‘Sister City’ Scam — Mayor signs treaty with nonexistent nation created by a fugitive”

    This is what happens when you graduate with zero competency for 20 years….

    “Proud Boys J6 Sedition Trial Halted After Leaked Chat Logs Show FBI Agent Said Her Boss Ordered Her To “Destroy Evidence”

    Yes, but just because it was the “FBI” and a day ending in “Day”. Hey wait! Isn’t it against the law to railroad White people? There are no white people in jail in America, how can this be???

    Wow with Trump. Herr Docktor says, Bim! Bam! Exactly what I was saying. What is J6 speech Twitter was desperate not to get out? The the President called for peace and ordered everyone home? What else? That “I know”, he says. That “We can’t play into their hands” and have violence…or a Civil War.

    That “We Own Ukraine” and we’re going to “Sell it” to Russia. …What’s the deal that was made, sir? Made between you two in 2019? What did WE get FROM Russia? I mean, first we deliver it, right? Then they help us get rid of our united enemy and hold the fort while our Good Guys are not officially in power?

    Biden: demonstrating the coup by like 20 guys in D.C. No public support. But do keep in mind they “Asked” no one to come, and put up all those “crosses” of some sort of covid representation art project, remember? And this could also be what they pulled on Trump, to show footage of hours and hours before the actual event. But even if exaggerated, it’s in essence correct. And the greatest Psy-Op in the history of the planet. Even including Covid, which we’ve argued much more about.

    TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in wars across West Asia. …One move leads it to waste.”

    That’s what happens when nobody wants what you’re selling. You’ve just moved too far from reality and self-interest. Even Bernays said so, as above. This is the end of most empires, and because they’re based on lies, they don’t realize it. They always use what works until they atrophy and over-use it.

    …Now, they realize it’s a LIE, and they’re going along – so easy prison time since they knew and helped evil for profit. BUT: they smoke themselves. Because it’s all lie, going back generations, enshrined in Yale, Harvard, NYT, they think they know HOW MUCH of a lie it is: that they’re so smart they have the accurate sense of what’s on the ground and really happening, and they alone are clear while everyone else is fooled, a rube. That NASCAR is the dumb one, not them. But they’re deceived by their own deception, every time. You can’t live in two minds at once. They think they’re on the pulse but the reality is 2-3x thinner than what they THINK is going on in their air-tight fart towers in Yale and RAND.

    Then you end up a year later, STILL don’t realize you’re losing, even though your headline speaker Kissinger told you so, and you’re making an idiot of yourself suing for last YEAR’S peace deal – you’re twelve months behind the curve, behind the facts. YOU’RE THE LAST TO KNOW. You’re the guy NOT in the room where it happens. Like Saudi-Iran. History is now happening TO you, while, “THEY are an Empire now, and THEY make reality.”

    …So head-jammed up the bunghole of their own lies they STILL haven’t realized.

    …Which as Putin-Trump axis this morning points out, is exactly where we want them to be. They lose, nationalism wins. No US$ dominance, no $$$, no army, no way to march around the planet making trouble even if we wanted to. That is: The End. No option of doing wrong. Yet the U.S. also doesn’t fall internally, it just needs to fix near-everything back home with all the money they saved and it’ll take a while.

    “Russia Should Lose, But Not ‘Too Badly’ – US Congressman (RT) “
    Like this.

    Lying to themselves, like this:
    Ukraine Is Lying About Casualty Ratios To Justify Holding Of Bakhmut (MoA)

    “Ukraine is endorsing a “dangerous claim” that its neighbor is a direct descendant of Kievan Rus.”

    Can’t you see how hard I’m signaling? Now why aren’t you obeying my signals? This just happened in Bakhmut: there’s a statue to the MIG there, and they were taking tour of duty photos in front of it. As Russia takes the area, Ukraine wastes priceless men, artillery, and time, to go back and blow up A STATUE. Not a soldier, a tank or something, A STATUE. Like Antifa soy-boys taking out Frederick Douglass’s favorite statue of Lincoln. Boy, we sure showed them! Our signaling is really going to annoy the teeth off them…as they roll over our whole front line because they are not interested in signals, territory, or anything else besides destroying every man in the whole Ukrainian Forces, one by one. What kind of war is that? Don’t you know you shoot people ONLINE?

    Speaking of – now with Twitter Hearings, exposes, DOCTOR Martenson (Peak Prosperity) is allowed to say certain things online again. Like maybe it came from a lab? Maybe vaccines allow 100% transmission and they — Birx — knew it? But there’s still one thing he can’t say, and it has to do with a country in East Europe that begins with the letter “U”. That is still perfectly censored but Twitter and everyone, so it must be very, very important to someone. Verboten, even.

    Wait, getting people “killed” with “misinformation” as a DOCTOR is safe and okay, but speaking of you know, soldiers shooting other soldiers in news is NOT allowed to be reported or to have opinions on. Even as we lose $150B…and give the nation we bought to Russia. Some animals are more equal than others. Kids starving in Blackpool? Know your place! We need these canned goods on the shelves of Kiev by morning.

    “Russia fires between 40,000 and 50,000 artillery shells per day,”

    And Europe makes 40,000 shells a YEAR. The U.S. still only makes 40,000 a MONTH, after an expensive panic-increase in production.

    Think about it though: It’s not like making bottle caps. You have to railroad in HIGH EXPLOSIVES. And metalworks. And high-security perimeter in the factory. So.. you have a new crew: what happens when a shell gets jammed in the power press? That’s right: YOU EVACUATE THE PREMISES and call the BOMB squad, every time. How you feel about opening one of those factories? As an investor? How about in your neighborhood? How about next to your railroad? It’s no joke.

    “Poland Builds Europe’s Largest Land Force (Az.)

    You are joking, right? They, We, NATO, just DID build Europe’s largest land force: it was called “Ukraine” and Russia knocked it out in seven days. 2,000 tanks? Poof.

    And I’m totally sure Poland can afford it and the people won’t get mad or nothin’ while they can’t get coal.

    “Biden ordered the Pentagon to transfer “precision aerial munitions” to Kiev in December.”

    Thus when they arrive and are fully on site, Russia blows them all up, plus everyone in NATO, in their “Secret” NATO treehouse base in W. Ukr. “Send all you want: they all burn the same to us” – Lavrov.

    “Set them all free, except for those few caught on tape destroying property and/or attacking people.”

    This sounds a bit crazy, but seriously: if they can demonstrate the State intentionally tampered, hid evidence, which seems a no-brainer, then they let them go EVEN IF THEY’RE GUILTY. Not kidding, this was the norm for decades, as a warning to other lying prosecutors trying to make a career. Human Rights are that important, eclipse the current issues even for murder, which this totally isn’t. In this case, we don’t even have that, since they have 2+ years time served. They should counter-sue for damages like $100k/year.

    Or you could buy them each a Killdozer, let them drive around.

    “More than $250 billion in Covid-19 relief funds were lost to “fraud” and “waste,”

    Well heck, half the SNAP funds are lost to “Waste” every year since 1960, so that’s nothing. The other part was it went OVERSEAS, to Nigerian Princes not even living here. Now THAT is new level of scandal.

    Bankman Fried all over again.
    • Silicon Valley Bank Employees Made Large Donations to Biden, Dems (GP)

    Knocking out DNC illegal funding, Part III. Ukraine, FTX, now this.

    ““I do think Dr. Fauci and the CDC changed the definition of gain-of-function research, so that Fauci has, like, this wiggle room, but they were juicing up this virus..”

    This isn’t “Gain of Function” it just “Gains the Function” of deadly viruses that never existed before and never would. That’s not bioweapons engineering when you create deadly diseases that can widely spread.

    Attack the Language. It’s a Leftist certainty. I hadn’t really understood this before, but it’s because their orientation is always to ATTACK REALITY ITSELF. “Reality” is their enemy; they hate WHAT IS. It would, should be different, better, it should change to suit ME.

    Speaking of, the Dutch Farm thing goes on, Raul should keep it posting, ‘cause it’s badddd. They are going to ERASE FARMERS who have lived there for 500 YEARS. They not only have to move to get his new pavement and condos in, they have to SIGN TO NEVER FARM AGAIN. So what are they going to do with the farm?

    THEY ARE GOING TO RE-FOREST HOLLAND. No kidding. Kill all the people, plant trees. First part of having that great Hunting Lodge I’m always talking about.

    There haven’t been forests there since the Middle Ages. They are literally “Going Medieval” on people, for Green.

    This is the Left, Socialists. ALWAYS ATTACK THE FOOD. Kill everyone widely. Make them so desperate that for their very survival they MUST obey and cooperate with the state to get a single bowl of gruel. Every where. Every time. They say “It’s an accident”; The world’s most consistent, predictable, reliable accident. Pol Pot, right back to Robespierre. CONTROL THE FOOD. KILL ALL THE THINGS.

    They “say” that they are “re-distributing” the farms to the “right people” like in Zimbabwe. Putting the “Smart People” in charge like Trofim Lysenko who’ve never lifted a shovel in their lives. Lo! And food goes down when we install people who are Loyal but have no idea what they’re doing! Who Knew???? (After the 53rd time in a row?)

    Top of Wikipedia: “The Holodomor, also known as the Terror-Famine” Terror. As in, war. Intentional. Control.

    THIS IS HOLLAND. THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL YOU. All Europe, bring you to heel. And Canada too. You are not ALLOWED to grow and eat food, EVEN IF YOU OWN THE LAND. Even if you can afford the bankrupting taxes. So listen up you hipster dummies in Williamsberg and Toronto: YOU are the ones who are going hungry and DYING, so pitch in the barracades with the Dutch Farmers now while you still can. Join the Resistance! (Nope.)

    They won’t. But that only shows the Third Horseman is loose and roaming widely: Famine. ON PURPOSE. No reason whatsoever at all.

    Will you knock it off now or do you need to die first? A: They won’t.

    E120 and E904. You will Eeeeet ze bugz!!! …For no reason at all. Sheer power and love of murder.

    Hey for fun, let’s get some there quotes of what they want for ya:


    Evidence of widespread cannibalism was documented during the Holodomor:[56][57]
    Survival was a moral as well as a physical struggle. A woman doctor wrote to a friend in June 1933 that she had not yet become a cannibal, but was “not sure that I shall not be one by the time my letter reaches you.” The good people died first. Those who refused to steal or to prostitute themselves died. Those who gave food to others died. Those who refused to eat corpses died. Those who refused to kill their fellow man died. Parents who resisted cannibalism died before their children did.[58]

    The Soviet regime printed posters declaring: “To eat your own children is a barbarian act.”[59] More than 2,500 people were convicted of cannibalism during the Holodomor.” –Wikipedia.

    “…Scholars universally agree that the cause of the famine was man-made,”

    No? They’ll kill every man in a country of 25M, erase it’s people sell off and re-distribute their women for themselves, end farming, shoot French women in the face, but NOT do anything naughty to YOU?

    Uh-huh. You go with that. I’m sure you’re totally part of The Club and none of the other Clubmembers would push you down the stairs.


    Silicon Valley Bank and the Empire of Lies

    The FED is directly responsible for blowing up SVB’s mortgage backed securities which put them underwater. Anyone at SVB on the investment side of the bank could see for MONTHS that the steady interest rate increases from the FED was going to crash their books. Hence the CEO of SVB and other officers started dumping stock months ago.

    Dowd speculates that the FED and Neoconjobs® are trying to push all the capital to the GSIBs (Globally Systemic Important Bank) before they usher in Central Bank Digital Currency(CBDC), the Orwellian Slavery System®.


    Venture Capitalists (in Silicon Valley) spend their whole careers assessing risk-reward with sophisticated analytics.

    Same folks thought it was a good idea to keep millions in uninsured checking accounts.


    Ed Dowd retweeted Michael Krieger

    Three things are needed to facilitate the rollout of the CBDC system.

    1) Make holding money in banks feel completely unsafe.

    2) Destroy competitors or make them unattractive as viable alternatives (bitcoin, etc)

    3) Economic collapse then tie welfare to CBDC.

    All are in play.

    So let the games begin

    #1 Provoke bank runs on all the banks that are not GSIB bank, like Chase, JP Morgan, etc..

    The Big Banks are essentially arms of the Alpha Oligarchs®

    Use celebrity actors who supposedly lost a shitton of money in SVB like Oprah and Prince Harry & Megan to go hysterical on camera to panic the Sheeple, not too hard, look at masks and Covidian Cult

    #2 Trash cryptos and especially Bitcoin, which is in a class of it’s own (legal trender in El Salivador by the by)
    Also make it impossible to store assets in Russia or China using sanctions

    #3 Collapse the Collective West economies with interest rates like Volcker’s 21% rate in the early 1980’s, ouch man, that hurt!

    After almost everyone is broke, roll out Welfare for All tied to Central Bank Digital Currency(CBDC)

    Prest-O Change-O!

    Total control of the Sheeple


    Jim ‘the Shill’ Creamer

    Pimped like the Manwhore® he is

    Loyal Servant of the Empire of Lies®



    Interesting to see where this goes


    March 12, 2023

    First Republic Bank employees fear job losses as bank nears collapse

    The US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has reached a settlement with First Republic Bank, and the bank has stopped processing wire transfer transactions.

    First Republic Bank has also begun limiting other types of transactions and is preparing for a possible bank run.

    SVB banking contagion:

    FIRST REPUBLIC BANK could be the next domino to fall

    Posted on 3/12/23 at 12:15 am

    “BREAKING: The FDIC is already on site at First Republic Bank trying to determine the best path forward to protect depositors. Things are moving way faster than expected given the accelerating bank run that has already reached a tipping point.”

    “Confirmed just now that First Republic started throttling outbound wires today.

    “Also by the end of the day today (Saturday) they stopped processing wires altogether.

    “The previous wording when trying to wire out of First Republic on Saturday is “wire will be sent first thing Monday”. Now the wording changed to “thank you for your transaction we’ll get back to you”


    The Bank thing started just as the Chinese announced the Iran – Saudi reconciliation deal striking the Gong of Doom® for the Empire of Lies® future in the Middle East and Asia

    Just a coincidence theory, nothing to see here.

    The Blood Drinking Satanists need to cover the financial collapse, hence Ukronaziland

    Squirrel, over there!!!!

    People don’t give a crap about the squirrels anymore, sorry



    Moral Outrage is Mostly About Keeping Up Appearances


    NATO’s Trojan Horse Behind Europe’s COVID-19 Response – Part 1: Vaccinating Europe With a Military Experimental Biodefense Countermeasure.

    Did the US Department of Defense, NATO, and the EU coordinate a military response, employing tactics like 5th Generation Warfare and military-grade tools to hide the truth behind the release of a US DoD synthetic bioweapon into the European member states under the banner of “COVID-19 vaccines”?

    21st century wire, March 8, 2023.


    It seems that Sasha Latypova’s work has spurred ppl on!

    From CH. All instituted certification procedures concerning medical products (drugs, vax, etc.) were by-passed, that was clear from day one.

    Re. the vax: Medical doctors and accredited pharmacists (here, they are licensed for a lot) were not allowed to administer the vax.

    Verboten! Vax were carried out in Bio-labs (yess), in special emergency facilities, all over the place, in pop-up tents by ‘pharmaceutical personnel’ – mostly ppl hired to do only that.

    See the official Gvmt. advisory for ppl who want the vax. It was updated in Feb. 2023 and shows that the only vax pharmacists and Med. Docs are allowed to administer is the Booster Bivalent Moderna.

    In eng:

    I know one person who was hysterically desperate for the vax and called, called, e-mailed her doc, but the doc refused, he was not authorised to do the deed.

    So…did this extraordinary state of affairs alarm, lead to the Gvmt., the MSM to question anything? No.

    All was blanked out, covered over, with blaring EMERGENCY! PANDEMIC! measures.

    Whee—wheeh the ambulances all over the places…oh…some of my neighbors were carried away .. ppl prayed ..

    I asked some ppl in the med. community (+ bio-tech, etc.) what gives? Nobody had any answers, it was just so, it was an *URGENCE*, everything was pas comme d’hab – not as usual.

    Idk the reason(s) why Docs / accredited were not allowed to inject, it has to do with SwissMedic (like the US FDA, but only for med products) who did not certify the safety etc. of the vax…and/or protecting Med. Docs. from liability suits / other reasons, idk.

    Note, nobody is discussing the topic, it is all in the past now.

    This is typical of what happened all over Europe, with some differences, which is why I post.

    Still, the confusions and ‘other’ make it that in CH only 70% are vaxxed with two or more doses.


    Fron the UK’s “Newspaper of the Year”

    Florida surgeon general’s Covid vaccine claims harm public, health agencies say

    “More than 13bn doses of Covid vaccines have been given around the world with little evidence of adverse effects, the federal agencies said.”

    Newspapers – The more you read, the less you know!



    @ Oroboros – there’s now an Inverse Cramer ETF.

    When he’s wrong (almost always) you win!


    The Rhode Island Covid-19: NON-“EMERGENCY” was extended today, 3/12/ 23, by Executive FIAT Through 4/10/23 (at least): Order 23-03 | Governor’s Office, State of Rhode Island




    Joe Biden’s image is being used to advertise elder/dementia care in Russia.
    What a hoot!

    Alexander Carpenter

    OK, Guys… What is the URL/WebLink to directly access the “New Tech Exclusive” ranter who is so entertaining and right on? What is his name (if he even tells us)?

    He is in the Comment 131056 above, from Oroboros.

    And is he the Worm Oroboros, or some kind of Mobius strip? We should all be so lucky…



    Thank for the Joe joke!

    The poster says “”For elderly people, attention is important”

    Not in the White House it isn’t.

    Dr Jill be pimpin her Jojo




    He is hilarious, wide range of interests, live in Holland.

    Will make you blow your morning coffee out your nose.

    Is Tomorrow Bloody Monday? Silicon Valley Bank in Focus


    A taste of hell for us armchair warriors:


    Democracy is coming to the USA. But not just yet. The extreme totalitarian fascism and brutality imposed on the masses needs to come to a boil that erupts puss everywhere first, with most people impoverished and very likely few million more murdered by ‘the government’.


    Nate does not understand that the money banks lend is not from depositors’ deposits, but apart from that, ‘all good’:

    Figmund Sreud

    Re Leonard and Democracy

    Sail on, sail on
    O mighty ship of state
    – you kidding me, right?



    Concentration of power, selection of ‘good assets’ for transfer to criminal enterprises and off-loading of ‘bad assets’ onto taxpayers, the blame game and protection of ‘authorities’ from responsibility etc. -all done deliberately.


    Well this has been an interesting 3 days. I worked for FRB for nearly 5 years. BofA for 9 years. Employed and worked with many SVB employees. I was working for BofA in 2008 when I put everything in cash, I’ve been spooked ever since. In in tech, not finance, but it all seemed cray to me. Will this be an interesting week, or will they just make it all go away? I guess we’ll find out!

    John Day

    Thanks Ilargi, for finding that “Intel Drop” about the hypersonic missiles hitting “allied” command/control structures last week, as Zerosum had turned up a hint about.
    I suspected as much with so much high-value ordnance deployed.

    John Day

    “The Real Deal” (Special Sunday Edition)

    Michael Hudson and Radhika Desai: No Room For Gunboats, a history of the Imperial Sterling System, and how it was changed when the $US moved-in.
    There is quite a lot of explanation of the economic events from WW-1 through the end of 1949, which is as well-presented as I have ever seen, then this:
    Everybody was complaining by 1950. The United States solved the problem in a way that nobody had expected. The Korean War — from the time America entered the Korean War in 1950/51, every single year its balance of payments moved into chronic deficit that got deeper and deeper until 1971 when it was forced off gold.
    The entire balance of payments deficit was equal to, year after year, to America’s military spending abroad.
    When I left Chase Manhattan Bank, I was employed by Arthur Anderson to do an analysis of the US balance of payments. I produced the charts and the statistics — they are repeated in Super Imperialism — to show the entire deficit was indeed U.S. foreign military spending.
    At that time, Mr. John McNamara, the Secretary of Defense, telephoned Arthur Anderson and said, if they supply [Michael’s] report, [Arthur Anderson] would never get another contract with the US government.
    So my boss Mr. Barsanti came in and apologized to me and said that they couldn’t publish it.
    Their art department had made very nice charts and he gave them to me. And I went to New York University’s business school and I published it, all these statistics, and a monograph summarized in Super Imperialism.
    The Federal Reserve, then, thought, “How are we going to cope with this?”
    They didn’t want to attack me obviously, so they attacked all the publications of NYU’s business school. They said that the fact that I found the Vietnam War responsible for the deficit and military spending doesn’t give confidence in NYU’s editorial decision.
    But then one of my students, at The New School where I was teaching international finance and trade, worked for the Federal Reserve and showed me their internal memos saying, “Yes this is true, we can’t let it get out.”
    All of this discussion about international balance and fairness, as if all the balance of payments deficits were international trade, ignored two things.
    They ignored, number one, military spending that was the key to the deficit, and that actually has been since the thirteenth century. War forces countries into deficit. War forces countries to borrow. That was why the Catholic Church, the papacy in the thirteenth century, legitimized interest-bearing debt to finance the wars — the crusades and the wars it was fighting.
    So this is a constant throughout history. It doesn’t appear in any of the “free trade” economic models. It’s as if governments don’t exist.
    And the other thing that doesn’t exist in this, saying that balance of payments equilibrium is all trade — they then say that all trade is a result of labor asking for [higher] wages. And the way to run a deficit is to institute a class war against labor. You want to fight the labor unions, you want to lower wage levels to enable countries to have achieved balance.
    Well what they mean by “balance” is obviously to finance this US-centered, military order, because the dollars that countries who are accumulating — when they weren’t asking for gold — were loans to the US Treasury by buying Treasury Bills that financed not only the domestic budget deficit — that was largely military — but also the balance of payments deficit.
    So the entire stability between 1951 and 1971, for 20 years, was provided by military spending as the United States put military bases all over the rest of the world.
    So what achieved balance was military — the military deficit. Not trade adjustment. Not investment adjustment. All of this is left out.
    Trade theory does not have room for the gunboats. And if you look at the balance of payments for the last 800 years, it’s all about the gunboats. That’s the amazing thing.
    And what we’re focusing on is the politics. International exchange rates and relations are not a function of “free market” arrangements. They are a function of intergovernmental debt — not so much private [debt] — and military spending. And governments paying their foreign currency by selling off their infrastructure.
    I want to make one final comment. When Radhika says that “stability is achieved by investing,” I said that was the US nightmare.
    That nightmare was imposed — the iron hand was the World Bank. There is a reason it’s usually led by defense department and military heads. The prime directive of the World Bank is, “No country should compete with major products that the United States exports — above all, grain.
    The one thing that the World Bank has opposed is other countries growing their own food grain.

    Trade Theory: No Room for Gunboats

    “Never Seen In Over 40 Years” – SVB Collapse Sparks Bank Runs As People Wait In Lines

    Yellen Says Government Will Help SVB Depositors But “No Bailout” As Fed, FDIC “Hope” Talk Of Special Vehicle Prevents More Bank Runs
    (There is good analysis in this article of how SVB had forced risk onto customers by making those businesses that took loans from SVB, tech start-ups, etc. do all of their banking at SVB, ​assuming a lot of risk​ from SVB​, for only a small premium. The bank got-over on them, they are​ now​ the hostages.)

    ​ They can only regret the widespread bank-run that will be brought on by failing to secure deposits.​
    ​ ​SVB Latest Developments Live Blog: Regulators Weighing Bailout Of All Unsecured Depositors To Prevent “Banking Panic”
    3:00pm ET Update: In a reversal of what Janet Yellen said just hours ago, WaPo reports that federal authorities are “seriously considering safeguarding all uninsured deposits at Silicon Valley Bank” – and by extension any other bank on the verge of failure – and are weighing an extraordinary intervention to prevent what they fear would be a panic in the U.S. financial system. Translation: bailout of all depositors, not just those guaranteed by the the FDIC.
    4:30pm ET Update: It’s getting to the point where every new “proposal” or “idea” being thrown about is worse than the previous one​..​​. Shortly after the WaPo reported that the Fed is “seriously considering safeguarding all uninsured deposits at Silicon Valley Bank”, BBG is out with a report that the Federal Reserve is also “considering easing the terms of banks’ access to its discount window, giving firms a way to turn assets that have lost value into cash without the kind of losses that toppled SVB Financial Group.”​ [This is good strategy, in my opinion. It supports trust in ​$​US banking.]
    ​ ​Such a move would increase the ability of banks to keep up with demands from depositors to withdraw, without having to book losses by selling bonds and other assets that have deteriorated in value amid interest-rate increases — the dynamic that caused SVB to collapse on Friday.

    John Day

    “It’s As Bad As We Thought”: CCP Money Flowed To Biden Family According Bank Records, Documents Obtained By House GOP

    ​ This article from Greece can be Google translated. It makes the case that a negotiated settlement to the war in Ukraine is (secretly) coming. That will realistically involve ceding to Russia all that is already declared to be Russian territory, merely as a practical matter.​
    China has an interest in peace, as does Europe. The US has interests in preventing normal trade relations between Europe, Russia and China. Ukraine stands to be an important economic corridor.
    I would like to point out what Hudson and Desai point out above, that “Ukraine” is being saddled with unpayable debt, making it malleable to western policy decisions, and subject to loss of both land and political sovereignty. Maybe Russia and China can offer “Ukraine” and Europe a better deal.

    Aποκάλυψη Αμερικανών: Το ΝΑΤΟ θα παραδώσει στον Ζελένσκι σχέδιο οριστικού διαμελισμού της Ουκρανίας – Πού θα είναι τα νέα σύνορα της χώρας;

    ​Here is another war news article in Greek, saying that a bomb-assassination of the president of Transnistria has been prevented, and many lives saved. It reports plans to invade Transnistria from the Ukrainian and Moldovan sides simultaneously. I keep wondering how many of the hypersonic missile strikes last week hit joint Ukraine/NATO command centers, preparing for Ukraine’s spring offensive (when the deep mud hardens-up). How are those secret negotiations going?

    Iran reverse-engineered an American TOW antitank missile of 1970s vintage. Russia has now sent multiple Javelin anti-tank and Stinger anti-aircraft missile systems to Iran for analysis and possible reverse-engineering, or development of electronic countermeasures. Greek again.

    Javelin και Stinger στα χέρια των Ιρανών: Η Ρωσία έστειλε στο Ιράν δυτικά όπλα – «λάφυρα» πολέμου από την Ουκρανία

    This analysis assumes a little too much. The US has only opened-the-option of blaming Ukraine for the Nordstream bombings; has not thrown Ukraine under the bus (yet). This puts pressure on Ukraine to accept whatever the US/NATO dictates. The Ukrainians are probably getting sick of this. Will Ukraine shift “enemies”?
    Tulsi Gabbard Explains Why US Threw Ukraine Under the Bus by Blaming Kiev for Nord Stream Blasts

    John Day

    ​ We may assume that Putin and Xi will meet in Moscow, but may not assume details. China just negotiated a rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which means that Israel has also had to make new deals with Russia, Cina and Saudi Arabia, or is doing so.​ Whatever influence Israel may have upon US foreign policy, that is now only part of the regional equation, and may soon be even less. The US is having something like Britain’s Suez Crisis moment.
    China has been speaking in a more straightforward way against American imperialistic foreign policy and double-standards. This seems to be accelerating in even the past week or two. China would probably not do this if there were any uncertainty about it backfiring. Since this is hybrid war, and finance is an important part, especially global trade finance, I suspect that China and Russia have an announcement to make about the “newcoin” global trade currency, which was detailed by Pepe Escobar, from a source nicknamed “S. Tzu”, who was the author of the Taoist classic, “Art of War”.

    Moveable Multipolarity in Moscow: Ridin’ the ‘Newcoin’ Train

    ​ ​BEIJING, March 7. /TASS/. The Chinese Foreign Ministry is unable to confirm information that Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Russia on March 21, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Wednesday.
    ​ ​”China and Russia maintain close contacts at all levels, but we have no information now about the visit you are asking about,” she said curtly to a reporter at a news conference.​ ​

    ​ At a moment where the bank-run has begun in the US, and the US is clearly losing, and secretly negotiating peace in Ukraine, and has been outed for blowing up Germany’s gas pipelines, the stronger a joint-statement made by China and Russia​, the more decisive it will be in rapidly unseating the remaining global authority of the $US, which is the “New Sterling System”, as above. Leaving behind an imperialist global trade system for something very much more like what John Mayynard Keynes proposed at Bretton Woods is discussed in that Hudson/Desai co-presentation. It is a noble objective.

    When Censorship Fails: Two Thirds Of US Adults Think COVID Likely Started In A Lab

    ​ ​Steve Kirsch:​ ​A new study covertly released by the Israeli Ministry of Health confirms what we know from the Medicare data: the COVID vaccines increase your risk of death over time.

    ​ I would entitle this “Ten bold faced government lies refuted”​.
    FDA and CDC Assertions in Doubling Down on COVID-19 Vaccination​ Peter McCullough MD​
    Letter to Florida Surgeon General Tells America to Expect More Tension Over Injuries, Disabilities, and Deaths


    In my memory, paychecks are issued on Friday.
    If people don’t get their paychecks there will be trouble.
    If the paychecks are good then the people will withdraw or not deposit their paychecks and the banks will get a double whammy bank run.
    We got a whole week to speculate our future.

    zerohedge is producing a lot of info on possible bank runs
    Fed Panics: Signature Bank Suddenly Shuttered; Fed, TSY, FDIC Announce Another Banking System Bailout


    Translation: the Fed’s hiking cycle is dead and buried, and here comes the next round of massive liquidity injections. It also means that the Fed, Treasury and FDIC have just experienced the most devastating humiliation in recent history – just 4 days ago Powell was telling Congress he could hike 50bps and here we are now using taxpayer funds to bail out banks that have collapsed because they couldn’t even handle 4.75% and somehow the Fed has no idea!

    To summarize:

    Signature Bank has been closed
    All depositors of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank will be fully protected
    Shareholders and certain unsecured debtholders will not be protected
    New Fed 13(3) facility announced with $25 billion from ESF to backstop bank deposits
    As we said earlier on twitter, “this is a regulatory failure of historic proportions by both the Fed and Treasury. Instead of preventing billions in losses, the Fed was worrying about board diversity and Yellen was flying to Ukraine. Everyone should be sacked immediately.”

    Figmund Sreud

    @ Dr. Day – “Never Seen In Over 40 Years” – SVB Collapse Sparks Bank Runs As People Wait In Lines

    Regarding above zero hedge article, … germane comments on this ( and lot more ) in following rant:

    … worth hearing out the whole vid. Both chaps make lot of sense. Explain a lot of intricacy of financial markets



    He banked at SVB, or was it at SBNY?

    BA TRAGEDY Veteran British Airways pilot collapses and dies shortly before he was due to captain packed passenger jet


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