Michael Hayden is really an ideal poster-ghoul for the neocon-commanded military-industrial-complex.
Merkel “should know her place”, but places change and no battle plan survives the first contact with the enemy, and so on.
There have been lots of different character assassination attempts against Ray McGovern, because he is damned awkward for the empire, and so clear and analytical, and has had a lot of facts supporting him.
In Ukraine, as in Greece, as in all of Europe and our whole world, this is a really important time to NOT go to war, as a means to work it all out.
We, the human critters on this finite planet, can see that there is less and less to keep going, that acceleration has changed directions already.
Shooting at each other as we plummet from Seneca’s cliff is the proper analogy right now.
Big test, 100% of grade, open-book…
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