Debt Rattle March 19 2016


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    Jack Delano Union Station, Chicago, Illinois 1943 • Foreign Governments Dump US Debt At Record Rate (CNN) • If Caterpillar Data Is Right, The Industri
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle March 19 2016]

    George P

    “Migration is a fact of history.”
    No, not really. Migration isn’t the new black, nor a fact of history. Cultures don’t mix easily because some decadent hyper-rich rentier cabal, their desperate Cultural Marxist think-tank academia, their obedient lap-dog politicians and their journalist priesthood say so. And when mass migration does become part of History, it is a fact of History that the migrating populations don’t complete their migrating wave without previously exterminating the former indigenous people of the lands they reach. There aren’t enough resources for everybody, you see. Sorry about that.

    On the other hand, War is the absolute fact of History. Cultures clashing, cities burning, people dying. For our terrible, murderous species, war is the father of everything and peace is simply the continuation of war by other means. Despite the recent claims to the contrary, we are a war-like species of smart monkeys, competing each other for natural resources, wealth and power. This is our sin, our failure and our terrible beauty. A recent short historic period of “peace” (ask the victims of colonization, capitalism and imperialism about that) doesn’t change anything.

    This liberal fantasy that we have reached the end of History and now religions will cease to exist and blend into a New World Pan-Religion worshiping Mammon, the money demon and his symbol the US dollar, is a dangerous fantasy, by people who don’t understand history at all. For the diseased culture that substitutes the Warrior archetype with the Accountant, the Orator with the Journalist and the Laborer with the Hipster, is destined to be eventually absorbed not only by Islam, but by everybody.

    So no Guardian, you got it wrong once more. You cannot simply “absorb” a culture like Islam. You either respect it and live with it in peace and you trade with it, enriching your own culture with the best it has to give you and giving it the best you have to give, or you go on the offensive and wage bloody Crusades against it “to get Jerusalem back from the infidels” or “they have WMDs!” (or some other nonsense pretext) or you fight for your survival when it comes for you and your own, because cultural assimilation is coming your way and both your culture and your children will die if you don’t. But under no circumstances do you “absorb” Islam, especially with your now dead liberal consumerist Facebook culture, your dead on the water economy and your failed political system that cannibalizes the periphery to save the center that really, really, cannot hold. So please, pretty please, Guardian, abandon your glorious-industrialists-seeking-ultra-cheap-labour-for-their-global-machellerias classifieds, your We Are the World commercials and your wet von Coudenhove-Kalergi dreams for a Pan-Europa with an inferior multi-ethnic dark-skinned flock of “quantity”, which is easily controllable by the superior people of “quality” (wink!) and return to the grim reality. The sh!t has already hit the fan and unfortunately we are all soiled and no “absorption” is ever possible. Only conflict and a fight for survival.


    Hungary’s Orban making a historic speech about the flood of immigrants from different cultures that is threatening the foundations of Europe:

    Dr. Diablo

    Agree. Who is this pin-head who says migration can’t be stopped? Of course you never get 100% of anything but all recorded history shows it can be stopped–that’s why borders exist. It’s only a matter of what you’re willing to do to stop it. I’m not arguing whether they SHOULD stop them, but that it’s ludicrous, with all recorded history as our example, to say they can’t stop them. How dumb do they think their readership is? The sun rises in the West, and we’ve always been at war with Estasia.

    It’s like last month when the media went crazy explaining how we don’t have the technology to build Trump’s wall. Er…Hadrian? Anyone heard of this new thing called “concrete”? What are you denying? Of course we can. The question is whether we should.

    The real discussion is the insider’s present plan–seen in the TPP right here, and the synthesized migration–to erase national sovereignty. Why? However bad, Nation-states are the only remaining counterweight to money and corporations. Without governments holding them in check, however poorly, the citizens will no longer have any representation or protection at all. It’s The Big Dream. Or for us, The Big Nightmare. You decide.

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