“Big defeat. But not a knock-out. Trump needs better advisers”
Personally, I think that it is best not to tinker with a disastrously and maliciously-designed sick care system. It is best to let it collapse and start again by putting medical professionals in direct contact with their patients – cutting out the insurance companies, most of the regulatory framework and the tort lawyers.
The system is designed to destroy the doctor-patient relationship – by controlling both doctors and the patients and turning them into antagonists.
People who look after themselves and the young subsidise massively those who don’t look after themselves and those who are old (like me). Pharmaceutical companies charge multiples of what the cost of ex-patent medications cost elsewhere. Very little of their money actually goes on research – it mostly goes on marketing in one way of another. Despite appearances, improvements to medications have been minor compared to the great breakthroughs of the past – diminishing returns. Pharmaceutical companies incentivise doctors to prescribe their – expensive – offerings over older, but just as effective, medications.
The Outrageous Ways Big Pharma Has Bribed Doctors to Shill Drugs (USA)
Individual NHS doctors receiving £100,000 per year from drugs firms (UK)
The USA is not the only place where this is going on. Someone close to me recently had a minor surgical procedure carried out. She paid much more for the hospital room for the 6 hours of her stay (30 minutes in theatre) than she paid to the surgeon plus anaesthetist – in Melbourne.
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