Debt Rattle March 31 2022


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    Mark Crispin Miller as usual has posted very thorough analysis of the propaganda at work and how the media have been twisting the narrative to suit their agenda.

    No finer example is how the BBC has gone from this (2018 – Newsnight On Patrol With Ukraine’s Far Right Militia)

    To this (2022 ‘Children’ written in Russian near theatre bombed in Ukraine)

    So much can happen in 4 years… (Like COVID-19, duh!)

    As Gerald Celente has said for many years now “when all else fails, they take you to war”. Well, it has all failed – QE/Market rigging, Afghanistan/Guantanamo, Negative interest rates, Brexit, Trump and lastly the pandemic/great reset. The only thing they have left is to distract us all with World War 3!


    Check Zero Knowledge Proof Blockchain, there is cryptocurrency based on that now.


    As the effect on itself of the West’s Russia sanctions quickly became clear, I have suspected that one ulterior motive for spinning up this was was to give TPTB a way to propagandize the public into consent for radically higher prices, especially energy. This seemed to be a back-door way of forcing a reluctant public into the “green energy” scheme.

    Now Zelensky himself has confirmed that he is a WEF tool and that the public is being played:

    Michael Reid

    Regarding the mRNA injections

    My understanding is there is something in the injection that can be “scanned”, think police road stop to see if you have been drinking and driving but instead you get scanned for mRNA injection components and if not present then they have you for


    Awwwww…. Chris Martenson is concerned with an “awful study”?


    You are all cheerleaders for a narrative that you can’t let go of. You cherish your narrative. And you contort reality to fit it into your BS. It is tiresome. And fucking ridiculous.


    @Mr. House–not advisable to feed the trolls….. 🙂

    those darned kids

    “You are all cheerleaders for a narrative that you can’t let go of. You cherish your narrative. And you contort reality to fit it into your BS. It is tiresome. And fucking ridiculous.”


    not advisable to feed the trolls….. 🙂

    You are all literal trolls of society. I don’t know why I feed you.

    Mr. House

    you keep trying to feed us soylent green and we keep turning you away but you know the definition of insanity and all 😉


    I don’t know why I feed you.


    Hahahahahhaha. Time for your last meal. Slurp slurp slurp Faucis ass juices one last time then proceed outside for your curb stomping.

    It’s almost as if you don’t wish others good health or an affordable, effective, accessible, natural healing option. Slurp slurp more ass juices you ignorant scum.


    Replying to the question about wood stoves. I used a homemade stove, made from a discarded water heater, for 20 years. I posted the build as Shutterbugger on or
    These require collecting & cutting wood, dealing with ashes, and chimney cleaning.
    The local government and neighbors don’t like these stoves. They will complain to the fire department and claim your stove is illegal. Any insurance company will also object to it.


    It’s almost as if you don’t wish others good health or an affordable, effective, accessible, natural healing option. Slurp slurp more ass juices you ignorant scum.

    You seem healthy.


    All Inventories are being consumed
    “It would be the largest draw-down volume announced in the 45-year history of the SPR by a factor of 3.6x.”

    demand destruction
    1. restrict inventory for military and essential service
    2. raise prices so the snobs and well-to-do are the only ones who can buy
    3. release the 4 hoursemen

    Figmund Sreud

    The Empire of Lies (CNN) on the Left vs RT on the Right

    CNN spins with deceptive editing, the dog was rescuing the sheep



    Michael Reid

    Hügo Krüger: COVID19 Fraud Uses the Same HIV/AIDS Playbook, The Cure is the Disease

    South African civil and nuclear engineer Hügo Krüger discusses the HIV/AIDS fraud and how the COVID19 fraud is carried out using essentially the same playbook. People were tested for HIV using fraudulent false-positive testing, given toxic drugs such as AZT, and then many of them ended up dying from the drug which was then mislabeled as an epidemic. During the AIDS situation in the 1980s Fauci blocked a simple, safe, and effective drug called Bactrim, just like Ivermectin today has been blocked. COVID19 is the flu re-branded. Hügo believes the capabilities of so-called biological weapons is greatly exaggerated and is greatly skeptical of bioweapons claims, including in Ukraine. The bioweapon is AZT and the COVID vaccine. He’s interested in how the AIDS and COVID stories have been used for regime change and discusses the CIA-AIDS connection. As a civil engineer, he is skeptical the Social Credit Digital Passport system they are attempting to bring in through the backdoor as a Covid Pass will ultimately be workable.

    Hügo Krüger: COVID19 Fraud Uses the Same HIV/AIDS Playbook, The Cure is the Disease


    “Regime Change” Doesn’t Work, You Morons (Taibbi)
    From the longer story.

    “The plot is always the same. Our diplomats speak loftily of self-determination, civil liberties, and democracy. Then the local population does something daft, like attempting to nationalize their own oil or copper reserves or voting for a nationalist or socialist, at which point the CIA is forced to intervene and install a responsible leader like the Shah, Pinochet, or Suharto. If the new U.S-friendly leader hangs on, he or she over time becomes increasingly dependent on arms, “security advisors,” and World Bank/I.M.F. loans, mass-disappearing dissidents into fingernail factories or wiping them out with death squads, while also often raiding the treasury as a carrying charge for services rendered. This results in more domestic fury, leading to more calls for “aid,” until the by-now-hated U.S.-allied figure is steamrolled by a nationalist/communist/fundamentalist movement 1,000 times more hostile to the U.S. than anything that existed previously. See: Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and today’s Russia (hold that thought). ”

    Reminds me of Blackadder Goes Forth, Advanced War Tactics. (except not funny)


    re: Hugo Kruger, The Cure is the Disease.

    Sounds like a pharma/medical self-licking ice cream cone.

    Veracious Poet


    As the effect on itself of the West’s Russia sanctions quickly became clear, I have suspected that one ulterior motive for spinning up this was to give TPTB a way to propagandize the public into consent for radically higher prices, especially energy. This seemed to be a back-door way of forcing a reluctant public into the “green energy” scheme.

    Over the last week I’ve been pondering that very concept, though more as a solution to peak oil/gas, wondering if the World’s “owners” & “The Anointed” (including Putin, Xi et al.) have launched a massive disinfo psyop on humanity in order to taper off humanity from it’s addiction to cheap, but disappearing energy.

    Maybe Ukraine is just theatre to distract & grant cover, justify Russia cutting off the “deplorables” & “useless eaters”?

    Based on past behavior + modus operandi of the West’s superiority in all things Geopolitik, I wouldn’t be even surprised…

    Of course, the truth will never see the light of day & a lot of true believers like the worthless EU & renegade countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Venezuela et al. were not privy to the ultimate scheme(s).

    Out there, but not impossible given the shared interests of “the owners” from America to UK, China to Russia…


    Check Zero Knowledge Proof Blockchain, there is cryptocurrency based on that now.

    Peak stupidity.

    The evolution of human rights & quality of life will end not with a *BANG*, but a whimper…

    Veracious Poet

    Hügo Krüger: COVID19 Fraud Uses the Same HIV/AIDS Playbook, The Cure is the Disease

    Imagine that 😉


    The clip of Matt Graetz ended too early for me: I didn’t see that his motion actually passed. Nor did I hear anyone “screaming.” But I did enjoy watching it.

    On another note completely, I don’t see how Russia’s holding war crimes trials will impress the glorious west in the slightest, who will simply and loudly claim that the guilty are persecuting the innocent.

    Dr. D

    Reid: I have experience with a water boiler wood crossover from the 70s. It worked wonderfully for years, not terribly efficient, but wood is so cheap it hardly matters to throw more in. As water, however, 100% electric dependent, although the draw (if solar) is not that high. Last I looked the only one I could find was air-kicker. Which is good enough and might heat just not as well.

    EVERYTHING is electric now. They put circuits in… I dunno, spatulas and bluetooth teapots now. I would get a wood stove upstairs, because you can burn better with more attention, and more pleasure, but arrange an indoor/outdoor wood box. The core of which can be an old chest freezer. Note also: original steam furnaces did NOT need circulators. But the horn-instrument-style piping that let them flow is a lost art and very expensive (larger copper pipes).

    Wrote to add that greenhouses use the old kero heaters, of course, not needing the new ones either, as not a fire hazard. But better, they used to take the chill off and stabilize with a very specific long burning hurricane lamp. I can’t remember atm but it may be the “Jupiter” with a very large tank. Here’s one mentioning it:

    You’ve seen the “Wow, a candle under a flower pot is my crisco heat source” videos, but obviously it’s simply BTUs per ounce of fat/oil. Kero is stable, Lanterns are easy to have around and three in a greenhouse = X BTUs added per hour, very safely.

    Okay, lantern arcana: Not all lanterns are equal. Aside from unique ones like Aladdin (radium incandescents) and Coleman (camp lantern gas vaporizers favored by the Amish) the old Hurricanes have “Hot Blast” and “Cold Blast” two very different styles. The frame recirculates the air to heat it for outdoors and it is said reduce the soot. Cold Blast has better air circulation and burns brighter but faster. Both after 1912 will extinguish if tipped over.

    Don’t bother with cheap lanterns, like everything else they’re not worth your time. Kero film everywhere? Bad solder? Cheap feel, thin globes? They’re endlessly cheap to get a good user needing a part or two. And they can be electrified without destroying them for a very low price. So for instance, you could use the porch light or kitchen table lamp, pull the wires, fill with kerosene in a power out and not have to store the extra. And maybe get a tea warming plate for the top.

    I’m not sure some of the points and agendas going on, but I can guess this one: “The Slap” means open season on comedians. Those peacenik truthtellers that were giving profits so much trouble. Remember to track what isn’t allowed, then what suddenly changes? Twitter approves of ethnic genocide on Russians worldwide. And who else? Violence on comedians is now openly favored and not banned at all. Specific death threats, on named comedians (Chappelle, Burr) with named prices? No problem! That’s not inciting violence or hate! It’s Twitter love.

    So like all Nazis and religious zealots and lemon-sucking church ladies, they are opening an active war on comedy. Stay tuned.


    v. arnold wonders why hardly anyone calls out VP for his strange obsession with ye olde nigger dick and butt sex, not to mention the downright ludicrously bigoted implications that VP asserts as some kind of truth because, hey, VP spent a lot of time doing meaningless muscular repetitions to feed his physical vanity with a bunch who also love staring at their bodies in the mirror.

    My answer, v. arnold, to your question, is this: Calling a dickhead a dickhead to his face is a job for hooligans like me. But hooligans are chronically and reliably punished for being openly honest rather than discretely disingenuous, and the pay really sucks, especially with no good deed going unpunished and bad deeds being left to flourish.

    So you’re probably on your own trying to run off that weird kid running around your front lawn wearing a white hood and a black codpiece. But here’s a suggestion:

    What a Sweet Thang!

    Me, I just dropped in quickly to test whether casting pearls before swine is still the same old masochistic folly that it ever was.

    Your Soul and Mine

    Standing in the ruins of another black man’s life
    Or flying through the valley separating day and night
    “I am death!” cried the vulture for the people of the light
    Karon brought his raft from the sea that sails on souls
    And saw the scavenger departing, taking warm hearts to the cold
    He knew the ghetto was a haven for the meanest preacher ever known
    In the wilderness of heartbreak and a desert of despair
    Evil’s clarion of justice shrieks a cry of naked terror
    Taking babies from their mamas, leaving grief beyond compare
    So if you see the vulture coming, flying circles in your mind
    Remember there is no escaping for he will follow close behind
    Only promise me a battle, battle for your soul and mine
    And mine

    Really. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings to see one of yez stand up for something like a real human.

    P.S. I told Dr. John Day that if anyone posted here presenting as me, it was an imposter. In this case, the imposter is me wearing a ‘me’ mask. Self-imitation is the sincerest flattery.

    Veracious Poet


    So like all Nazis and religious zealots and lemon-sucking church ladies, they are opening an active war on comedy. Stay tuned.

    My wife’s BIL is a pro comic, that actually knows all the people you mentioned, I’ll ask him his take on it 😉

    I’ve got a feeling what his answer will be, as he’s a former prog lib that escaped mass psychosis formation following 9-11 (I had an effect on him, we’re like brothers now)…

    My take is that it’s just an outgrowth of a predatory culture that’s suffered a psychic break en masse.

    Funny how you mentioned “Church Lady” & it gave license to Bosco the clown to return from exile 😆

    Veracious Poet

    While every culture has certain norms, and abnorms, only a psychopath can dispute…


    Hey Bosco…’s the book coming along?


    TAE comments are above the pay grade of the riffraf who might have the time to read it. – the snobs


    British Armed Forces Minister James Heappey wrote in the Telegraph that “His failure must be complete… the Russian people empowered to see how little he cares for them. In showing them that, Putin’s days as President will surely be numbered… He’ll lose power and he won’t get to choose his successor.”

    Spoken like a true jihadi globalist, itching to put a Russian-Trudeau into office to replace Putin, someone who will sell Russia to the western oligarchs for nothing: the bloodless coup. Someone who will show the Russian people that western “care” is really about slavery in poverty. Someone who will destroy the east in the same way the western oligarchs have destroyed the west. Someone who will ensure that future generations of Russian children are “educated” to be illiterate and innumerate, thereby ensuring that they are not able to fight the ubermenschen, or what ever these mentally depraved globalists call themselves.



    “church lady” :

    Actually, I’d decided to pay close attention ever since the other day when you smeared that Magic Johnson shit, shit that was nasty even by your standards. I was curious to see if anyone would squeak. Seeing v.arnold take you on piqued my sympathy and curiosity.

    Not to mention that “I know you are but what am I”, the trope you employed via your “church lady” remark, is so junior high. But that’s a step-up for you, imo, and who am I to knock progress?

    Oh. One more thing… “My! What a Big Dick… you are. Shame about your penis, though.”


    I really gotta stop stooping so low. But the bigger the asshole, the lower the target. It’s like trying to kick a golf ball out of a French toilet.


    That is all. Everyone return to their usual safety zones and fling poo at the usual suspects, an it please yez.

    Veracious Poet
    Figmund Sreud

    Prolific Pepe Escobar:

    Meet the New, Resource-Based Global Reserve Currency

    … yes, snip first:

    We still don’t have all the facts, but a case can be made that after years of careful evaluation Putin opted to really go for broke and break the West’s back – using that trifecta (imminent blitzkrieg on Donbass; US bioweapon labs; Ukraine working on nuclear weapons) as the casus belli.

    The freezing of foreign reserves had to have been forecasted, especially because the Russian Central Bank had been increasing its reserves of US Treasuries since November last year. Then there’s the serious possibility of Moscow being able to access “secret” offshore foreign reserves – a complex matrix built with Chinese insider help.

    The sudden switch from dollars/euros to rubles was hardcore, Olympic-level geoeconomic judo. Putin enticed the collective West to unleash its demented hysteria sanction attack – and turned it against the opponent with a single, swift move.

    And here we all are now trying to absorb so many in-synch game-changing developments following the weaponization of dollar assets: rupee-ruble with India, the Saudi petroyuan, co-badged Mir-UnionPay cards issued by Russian banks, the Russia-Iran SWIFT alternative, the EAEU-China project of an independent monetary/financial system.

    Not to mention the master coup by the Russian Central Bank, pegging 1 gram of gold to 5,000 rubles – which is already around $60, and climbing.

    Coupled with No Rubles No Gas, what we have here is energy de facto pegged to gold. The EU Chihuahuas and the Japanese colony will need to buy a lot of rubles in gold or buy a lot of gold to have their gas. And it gets better. Russia may re-peg the ruble to gold in the near future. Could go to 2,000 rubles, 1,000 rubles, even 500 rubles for a gram of gold.

    Meet the New, Resource-Based Global Reserve Currency

    Anyway, … germane: interesting interview with Simon Hunt (Dr. Copper). Seems like Escobar and Hunt frequent same smoky bars. Both conclude that a ‘new reality is being formed: the unipolar world is irrevocably becoming a thing of the past, a multipolar one is taking shape.’

    Interview, … Part 1 today:

    … part 2 will be available tomorrow.



    Michael Reid
    My 3 season cabin has an underfloor hot water heating system. The loop is filled with anti-freeze so I don’t worry about freeze ups if I lose power.

    “Guess who’s back, back again
    Bosco’s back, tell a friend
    guess who’s back, guess who’s back, guess who’s back…..”


    Meet the New, Resource-Based Global Reserve Currency

    The Bear is Happy





    @deflationista said

    You are all cheerleaders for a narrative that you can’t let go of. You cherish your narrative. And you contort reality to fit it into your BS. It is tiresome. And fucking ridiculous.

    Yet you still keep coming back for more. Glad we can provide an audience for your rants must give you some sorely needed self esteem, something to compensate for your insecurities around considering alternative view points. If it helps you then we can put up with you, not that we have a choice.

    Michael Reid

    I have the approximately 30 gallons stainless steel hot water tank option that mounts on the back of my Kitchen Queen wood stove. It is plumbed to a curved 3/4 inch stainless steel that resides in the fire box. The tank is filled manually with cold water. The hot water is released manually from the tank into a bucket using a valve. It uses no electricity. The water will actually boil in the tank on occasion during heavy fires but there is no pressure buildup because the lids on the top of the tank are not airtight.


    Michael Reid

    You should consider making you Tekmar heating system a closed loop. Your HW tank looks more than big enough to allow you to put a coil of pipe inside to create the closed loop that you can fill with antifreeze.
    I don’t know what you are using for a circulation pump but mine runs on 12 volt and draws 80 watts. It’s connected through a thermostat to a 12 volt battery that will keep it running for weeks if the battery charger fails.


    @deflationista said


    Ivermectin: the largest randomized, double-blind trial yet conducted, with early treatment, indicates there is no difference compared with placebo. It doesn’t work. Period.
    just published @NEJM

    — Eric Topol (@EricTopol) March 30, 2022

    Ha ha, they as good as admit in the intro of the study that their aim is to further the take up of vaccines and to dispell myths about alternative existing remedies. Why would I believe any of this shite now, just reading the intro tells you that these people are willing to kill and lie to benefit their careers. Why bring out such a study two years after it could have been of any use to anyone is kind of weird, especially such a small study, they were obviously very keen to save lives … not.

    But, if you want to believe this nonsense then keep subscribing to, there is plenty more shite on that site you can lap up.

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