Debt Rattle March 7 2023
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March 7, 2023 at 10:50 pm #130721
ParticipantWell that stupid Queen’s professional idiot who isn’t concerned about the Ohio train’s dioxins should look on a map as to where he lives, as Kingston, Ontario is right dab in the middle of that cloud of dioxins!
Sadly, so is my island summer cottage.
March 8, 2023 at 12:27 am #130722D Benton Smith
ParticipantSorry, you don’t get to ask me three questions in a row without balancing out the shooting match by answering one from me (but in anticipation of the event I suspect that it would have something to do with so-called human pollution, so called human overpopulation or something about hydrogen.) I’ll give ya my two cents worth on any one from the above list if you can answer why you think I’m wrong about anything I’ve said so far.
I have never claimed or even implied that I’m an expert on anything at all. I’m Socratic about that sort of thing, in that I know that I know nothing.March 8, 2023 at 12:28 am #130723WES
ParticipantThe country side area around Bukhmut, Ukraine is full of farmer’s fields lined by long rows of trees and bushes varying in thickness from 5 to 10 meters, perfect places for Ukrainians to dig in. They provide cover while providing a wide open view on either side against surprise ground based attacks from the front or rear.
Not surprisingly, the Russians have formed special battle groups to deal with these fortified wooded areas between Ukrainian farm fields. The systematic manner in which the Russians approach and attack these wooded areas turns them into death traps for the Ukrainian soldiers as they end up being trapped and unable to flee their positions because of the open fields on either side.
First the Russians cross an open field perpendicular to the treed area they are attacking. Armored vehicles follow in the same tracks of the lead vehicle in case there are mines laid. The lead vehicles fire high explosive rounds at the dug in Ukrainians directly ahead of them. Following vehicles behind the lead vehicle tend to shoot to either side of the lead vehicle. I am assuming all of the Russian vehicles are using infrared sights to locate the dug in Ukrainian soldiers.
Once the Russians reach the wooded area, Russian soldiers dismount into the cover of the wooded area and then advance in both directions along the wooded area. Once the armored vehicles reach the wooded area, they then turn 90 degrees, in both directions, and advance slowly parallel to the wooded area, shooting each new dug in Ukrainian position as they move forward. At this point, the Ukrainians don’t seem to be easily able to spot the Russian armored vehicles coming because of the trees and bushes on either side of their positions, so they end up being sitting ducks for the Russians. The Russian soldiers move through the wooded area mopping up behind their armored vehicles.
In addition, drones are used to keep an eye on the operation. Some armored vehicles stay back by the previous treed area to provide any extra firepower if needed.
So what initially was a strong position for the Ukrainians, is quickly turned into a deadly liability by the Russians, as the Ukrainians end up trapped and blind sided with no where to escape too.
Once one field’s treed area is cleared, then the next treed area is attacked.
What surprises me is the Ukrainians lack of anti armor manopods. I have read that US manopods are too complex, fragile, bulky, and can’t be used at such short ranges. The Russians don’t seem to be too worried.
March 8, 2023 at 12:29 am #130724Oroboros
ParticipantThe Woketards have even phucked up choclate bars.
Yes, hard to believe
But Jeremy has a solution
March 8, 2023 at 12:34 am #130725Oroboros
ParticipantMarch 8, 2023 at 12:40 am #130726my parents said know
ParticipantI’m posting this link a little late again, but concerning capitalism making a killing on covid, this BARDA website lists 105 companies at the trough (some have been pulled). It’s hard to kill such a growing industry.
March 8, 2023 at 12:41 am #130727Oroboros
ParticipantBlood Drinking Satanists
March 8, 2023 at 12:45 am #130728Oroboros
ParticipantEat Ze bugs!!!!
March 8, 2023 at 12:48 am #130729D Benton Smith
ParticipantMachiavelli made an interesting side observation, or maybe it would be called an advice, about tyrants who wanted to stay in business. He said that if was not very smart to harm people and leave them alive to get even with their antagonist later on after nurturing their grudges for a while. Hundreds of millions of vaccine injured people now have the rest of their shortened and damaged lives in which to contemplate various things to do about their new circumstances, and I think that revenge might be one of them.
March 8, 2023 at 1:00 am #130730kultsommer
I’m Socratic about that sort of thing, in that I know that I know nothing.
So since you can not disapprove it, you simply do not like what the article claims?
Good reason to “roll your eyes” while reading it.March 8, 2023 at 1:04 am #130731Dr. D
ParticipantThe problem wasn’t having a point of view, it was LYING. The good guys shouldn’t lie, and the bad guys shouldn’t lie. I could care less if he’s liberal. Lying is not a win for unity. This is just like the rest: Lie, lie, lie, make up stories, pretend. All that makes order, all the structures, the property, the wealth, the rules, are bad, bad, bad. And since America attempts to live up to principles of goodness, we have to lie, lie, lie about how evilly-evil baddy-bad it is.
Now I’m no fan of the boosters who whitewashed all the things. I appreciate and read regularly on the actual things that happened, such as in “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee” and others. You see, the problem is: I BELIEVED ALL HIS LIES. Oh yes. Just like Global Warming, human ecocide, Peak Oil, I believed every sappy, deadly wrong thing, and I believed that too.
Yeah, THEN I STARTED READING HISTORY. Actual things? You know: books? Letters? And guess what? He’s a liar. And you can look for yourself. Not only that, but lies were VERY DAMAGING to lives, to me, to children, to America, to ethics, human rights, to Hope.
Not only is every word of his lies damaging, but it gets worse. Unlike sappy boosters from the Rotary and PTA who are so transparent no one takes them seriously, he actually PRETENDS to tell the truth. He says: “Yeah these saps are all wrong, corrupt, evil, and discredited. Just listen to ME to give you the REAL story. Honest all the way.”
Except, worse than that, HE’S NOT. Not honest in the least. Only evil is real, not good. Only corruption happened, not hope. Only affairs, thefts, betrayals occurred, never faith and honest dealings. That is, he’s LIAR. He’s also a perjurer. He’s bearing false witness against hundreds of men, ruining their lives and their work. We just did this with the long discussion of Thanksgiving, the Pequoit, Squanto. Barely a footnote to the deluge of lies.
But it’s actually worse than that: These lies, these perjuries, aren’t just him being misguided, they are part of a PLAN. He has goals. He lies and destroys these lives and these works because he believes it will get him closer to those goals. Destroying the United States, our former peace and prosperity is just a minor, necessary step to achieve what are to him, far better ends.
Because the ends justifies the means. It’s okay to LIE, Perjure, Destroy, cause poverty, unrest, violence and despair because of it, because it will all be worth it when we achieve his One Great Thing.
But THAT’S not the worst of it: Because he also knows it. He not only knows they’re lies or doesn’t care, He knows that YOU won’t go along with him, not voluntarily, not on your own, not if given the honest facts. That’s WHY he has to lie: To deceive YOU. And that’s BECAUSE you won’t do his bidding, accept and choose his plan voluntarily. Not if he tells you the truth.
As such, IT IS THE PINNACLE OF VIOLENCE. Abuse, abusive husband? Oh yeah. You don’t get to decide, honey. I’M the Master: I decide. Actually punching someone in the face is WAY less violent, and way more honest. I prefer it. Then we know we disagree. We can take sides. We can’t do that with all the lying. It’s having a poisonous snake, a deadly traitor in the room, controlling the gates.
And so he DID bite and poison me. He DID let enemies in my mental gates, and his lies DID almost kill me. …Along with so many other liars. They — these EXACT men — kill thousands of children a year. Believing life if corrupt, ruin, despair, betrayal. Not that they exist, but that those ALONE exist. There was never love. Never honesty. Never help and cooperation.
And even THAT is not the worst of it. The worst of it is that this behavior, this deadly hypocrisy, playing loose, is exactly the same behavior I see in the Left all day, every day. “A little lie” here, “Little exaggeration” there. “They deserve it!” “It’s all for the greater good.” “I’m a good person, doing good things.” Attempting Great things, really. Surely we always have to break some eggs, amirite? “Surely you won’t mind?”
Day after day, week after week. New lies, little innuendos. “I’m your friend” “I’m your mother.” “I LOVE you.” “I have only your best interests in mind.” “See, honey, THAT is why I had to lie. For your OWN good!” Not for my good at all, not a little, itty bit. Nope, getting everything — I – want was just a happy coincidence! And getting to lie all the time, be seen as the golden white “Good Guy” is just a happy perk. C’mon, what harm can it do? I mean, isn’t America totally evil — REALLY — anyway? I mean, c’mon: isn’t my totally made-up fraudulent oh-so-profitable lie actually … True?
So yeah, I’m no fan of the happy-happy down the middle history guys. But they’re boring, transparent, and fool no one. But a devil you know is easy. Booster talk might get you to sign up for a war, I wouldn’t pick it, quite obviously I oppose it, but over the years builds things and is generally mild.
Lying about your best friends and family, while pretending to be their best friend and protector? Sorry, pal. No dice. Poisoning them in the dark, then running off with the kids? Yeah, no dice. I’ll find you. Then I’ll tell the ACTUAL truth about it.
March 8, 2023 at 1:12 am #130732zerosum
ParticipantTrudeau had Ursula give speech in the House of Commons of Canada
( An elitist and a wantobe snob)Ukraine Hawk Who Heads European Commission Has a Nazi Pedigree She Does Not Want You to Know About
Ukraine Hawk Who Heads European Commission Has a Nazi Pedigree She Does Not Want You to Know About
By Evan Reif –
Ursula von der Leyen is the scion of two aristocratic German families. She was born Ursula Albrecht, the daughter of a prominent European bureaucrat, CDU party leader, and former governor of Lower Saxony, Ernst Albrecht. The family carefully nurtured a cosmopolitan image as Ernst spent most of his life working for the EU and various precursor organizations.March 8, 2023 at 1:20 am #130733Oroboros
ParticipantMarch 8, 2023 at 1:26 am #130734Oroboros
March 8, 2023 at 1:27 am #130735D Benton Smith
ParticipantIf your objective is to be as annoying as possible within the unlimited range of anti-social stupidity then chalk up another first place.
March 8, 2023 at 1:32 am #130736my parents said know
ParticipantThe vexed (oh, hell, I’ll leave it with “vexed” instead of “vaxxed”) will not do much of anything. They have no power. They will become too disheartened to do anything. They have too much invested in the stance they have taken. The superiority they felt -to do good for others- will not be easily released. And finally, they will never let the “selfish” unvaxxed folks have the satisfaction of being correct. Consider how much they have been willing to sacrifice already.
If it ever looks like they might, you can bet the all-seeing eye of the internet will take its cue for the false flag, or major war, or next “deadly” disease we’ve all been anticipating.Someone on a website called “Rair” pointed out that crickets carry parasites- the sort that ivermectin addresses. These monsters play a long game, indeed.
Oh- the Rair website was pointing out that Gates and Zuck have been injecting wildlife and treating vegetables with mRNA covid “vaccines”.March 8, 2023 at 1:46 am #130737D Benton Smith
ParticipantYour life tip is well intended and I want you to know that it is also well taken . . . but . . . there is a red-line that I have set for myself both in life and on this forum. I don’t offer that as an excuse for my sometimes tactless behavior, but just as an explanation for why I push the envelope of propriety a little further than might seem gracious. The line is as as plain and simple to see as it is brutally frank. It’s the sometimes murky line between good and bad.
When a commentator (kultsommer and Bardi in this instance) propose things that approaches (or crosses) the line that separates merely preposterous from downright evil then I will tell them so in no uncertain terms, and add some sarcastic sting to it if I can in order to get their attention.
If that offends them, or even gets me kicked off the forum, then so be it. They shall not get a free pass.
March 8, 2023 at 2:13 am #130738kultsommer
….anti-social stupidity …
However, no problem as for your suggestion at the end.March 8, 2023 at 2:24 am #130739Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantMarch 8, 2023 at 2:29 am #130740John Day
Participant@Formerly T Bear: Certaily you misunderstood, Sir.
It is very clearly the answer of the US Gubmint that who blew up Nordstream was Anybody But NATO, and specifically Not the US/UK., four weeks after Hersh’s bombshell report, anonymous US intelligence officials tell the NY Times that the saboteurs are likely ‘pro-Ukraine, possibly government-trained Ukrainian or Russian nationals, or some combination of the two,’ but that ‘no American or British nationals were involved.’
U.S. officials said that they had no evidence President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine or his top lieutenants were involved in the operation, or that the perpetrators were acting at the direction of any Ukrainian government officials.
U.S. officials said there was much they did not know about the perpetrators and their affiliations. The review of newly collected intelligence suggests they were opponents of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, but does not specify the members of the group, or who directed or paid for the operation. U.S. officials declined to disclose the nature of the intelligence, how it was obtained or any details of the strength of the evidence it contains. They have said that there are no firm conclusions about it, leaving open the possibility that the operation might have been conducted off the books by a proxy force with connections to the Ukrainian government or its security services. -NY Times
March 8, 2023 at 3:44 am #130741V. Arnold
ParticipantFormerly T-Bear
US spies say ‘pro-Ukrainian group’ bombed Nord Stream – NYT
Anonymous agents cited unspecified intelligence to deny US responsibility for the pipeline attackFrom RT. “Pro-Ukrainian group”, you don’t suppose it would be the White House, U.S. State Department, U.S. Department of War by any chance?
LoL; nah; not a chance……….of course they have been known to lie a bit…..
March 8, 2023 at 4:40 am #130742Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantAirstrip Five is too small to compete with Airstrip Two, but we’re doing our best.
”Massive ball of fire’: Southern Motorway fully reopens after gas canisters explode on truck
Story by William Hewett • 7h ago
Fire crews have extinguished a massive blaze on a chemical truck on Auckland’s Southern Motorway that forced evacuations of nearby homes….’
March 8, 2023 at 5:42 am #130743John Day
Participant@DBS: I’ve read Ugo Bardi’s stuff for years, and he’s been calling our species savanna-monkeysfor a long time, and playfully explained it at least once. It’s a oint of writing style, as I take it. Anyway, he’s not all down on the savanna monkeys, aand has conceded in writing that it might be good for surface life in the long run that we brought a lot of carbon and even water to the service. The (Planet Of The Apes) jury is still out (and typing furiously until they achieve Shakespear)
March 8, 2023 at 9:15 am #130745Polemos
ParticipantWhat Ugo reveals about himself when he disparages all of humanity by comparing it to “Savanna Monkeys” is the terrified arrogance characteristically displayed by the not quite bright, and the thoroughly terrified.
—D Benton Smith
You diagnosed all of that from two words in an article title?
Does Bardi think monkeys are bad, stupid, humiliating, worthless or any kind of negative thing, and can you show this from either that linked article or from any other writing of his?
Or, for that matter, show specifically what you said about him are truths about him? You wrote that you were not going to do any point by point sort of thing, but you are saying he wants people dead, he is an idiot hiding behind arrogance, he is scared shitless, and lumping him in with many others, your They. If you are accurate, the accusations should have evidence from his actual words, not from categorizing a group of people whom you place him into (or else ask this talk about “the Jews” lately hasn’t really been about the faultiness of judging groups).
But if you are not accurate, then you are more than wrong, because you are making moral claims about his character that are not correct. If you don’t want to be judged by misunderstandings of your own words, as you believe you have been by aspnaz, do you think you owe that to others —to treat them as you would yourself be treated?
For example, you wrote
presumptive and unsupported pejorative dismissal of the human race as “savanna monkeys”, which clearly implies that both homo sapiens AND Australopithecus are in some unspecified (and thus inarguable) way less than worthy examples of what it takes to qualify as a life form that’s worthy of being seen as having some worth.
—Yet, did you read the linked essay all the way to the last paragraph, and then did you click the hyperlink ‘savanna monkeys” in the paragraph?
Compare the linked essay from that hyperlink to what you then write is what he should have written.
March 8, 2023 at 4:30 pm #130773Noirette
ParticipantMy parents said no, thx. for the link, very informative.
Here one link to Sasha Latypova, which lays out a similar direction:
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