Debt Rattle May 14 2021
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- This topic has 51 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
V. Arnold.
May 14, 2021 at 8:32 am #75236
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterPablo Picasso Woman Sitting Near a Window (Marie-Therese) 1932 (sold yesterday for $103.4 million) • Predictions On Outcome Of Mass Vaccination
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 14 2021]May 14, 2021 at 9:37 am #75237Germ
Patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 infection treated with ivermectin plus doxycycline recovered earlier, were less likely to progress to more serious disease, and were more likely to be COVID-19 negative by RT-PCR on day 14.May 14, 2021 at 10:08 am #75238Django
ParticipantHas anyone seen the University of Maryland Covid survey on Facebook.? Just because I’m paranoid it doesn’t mean that Fort Detrick is not also in Maryland.
Amongst the usual shite they also want to know how broke, anxious, hungry and depressed we are. Also why we will not take the vaccine. One of the options given was I do not trust the government.. How could they think such a thing?
May 14, 2021 at 11:23 am #75239Dave Note
Three points
Mid court
Nothing but net.
May 14, 2021 at 11:52 am #75240Polder Dweller
ParticipantThe graphs for Seychelles, Maldives and Bahrain seem to support Vanden Bossche’s theory, but the ones for Israel, UK and US don’t. Why is that? Anyone care to explain it to me or does it mean that Vanden Bossche is wrong?
May 14, 2021 at 12:05 pm #75241Dr. D
Participant“The rule is simple: Get vaccinated or wear a mask”
Or “Do as you’re told!!!”
Funny, Joe: that’s not what Governor DeSantis said. You planning on sending the 3rd Army down there to enforce your big mouth? Or what?
You’re in charge of nothing. Your rules have no meaning. We all know they’re frauds, as Fargo walks away with 100,000 felonies after paying Obama, and they put foreign citizen Assange in jail in a foreign country. You’re a joke and opening your mouth like that makes you look like a clown.
This is the same as someone claiming to be Napoleon. Really? Where’s your army? Who’s enforcing your commands?
BTW they aren’t wearing masks even in mask-mandate states anymore. Or not more than for puppet show.
“CDC Says Vaccinated People Can Largely Stop Wearing Masks (F.)”Guess what? The minute anyone can go without a mask, everyone will. That’s why they lied and unscientifically continued their anti-medical advice. It’s called “extortion.” It requires state-level violence.
“Scientists Slam WHO For Dismissing Wuhan Lab Leak Theory (DM)”
Yeah, but China who released it and Fauci who funded it said they investigated themselves and they said they found themselves innocent. That’s good enough for me.
“The first point that we make is that it was not Kissinger who created policy for Nixon, but the Deep State. Kissinger was just a messenger boy. ”
Finally we’re getting somewhere. Some normal reporters telling the truth.
“If I’d written all the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people – including me – would be rotting in prison cells from Rio to Seattle today. Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism.” — Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ‘72
Uh, yeah, that was 1972, 50 years ago. But I’m sure things have gotten a lot more honest since then.
Note Carter was clearly not in charge then, Kissinger was. So if Kissinger is the message boy, who’s the real President? Yeah.
Ah well, at least Brzezinski got to see his vaunted Ukraine plan fail spectacularly and his life’s work go down in flames. Soon to be the rest of these dottering dinosaurs, but they may get to die first, and certainly before being hung for war crimes like the Cheney family, but the rest of us have to live with their astonishing, murderous failures and complete ruination of America and all human goodness.Since ‘ol Kissinger was involved in Vietnam, why do they put him on camera as a credible, relevant, oh and as a “human being”? It really discredits your whole news agency. And Brennan, and Mika, and…
“One measure would prohibit the collection of medical debt for the first two years after a medical payment is due.” Whiskey Tango? Since you’re “medical” and therefore in bad health, did that just cut your odds of being paid anything at all in half? And then did the hospital double the rates on Millennials (and now Z) to pay for that? And you say we don’t have free health care. You do if you do this. And if you don’t work. Health care is perfectly, 100% free so long as you do no work. You’re on Medicare, Medicaid…
“Another would discharge student debt in the event of a debtor’s death.”
Have to wonder at this. First: since we haven’t had rule of law in 50-100 years, bankruptcy is protected in the Constitution, along with government being unable to make up and change contracts…you know, like demand you buy Obamacare and/or suspending rent? Anyway, that makes ol’ Clinton’s payback to Wall Street hilariously illegal. Illegal in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd order. Student debt cannot be different from other debt. Second, wouldn’t debts fall to the inheritor along with assets? So wouldn’t the student just not name an inheritor and therefore leave no one liable for student loans? Anyone? Yeah, just like MERS where they had no title and no claim, nobody fights, they just roll over and spread their…but this is a family show.
“Why Has Netanyahu Allowed for a Palestinian Uprising? (RT)”
In order to prosecute the “final solution” on the world’s largest open-air concentration camp, duh. If we don’t set off some rockets from Gaza that kill no Israelis, we won’t have phony justification to strafe a few thousand children based on their race. Problem solved. Genocide incoming. Reporters paid or arrested. (See Jimmy Dore)
Oh, and it’s all to win an election. Nuts-n-yahoo failed his government (again) recently. Suddenly: war! Wot a coincidence!
Since ol’ Elon collected BTC in order to keep the green-driver-killing ponzi he calls a car company alive, JPM came over when ETH was larger than them (yesterday) and paid Elon to hand them the private BTC keys and pay him to manipulate markets – his only skill. Actual BTC ammunition in hand, they dump it on the market and crush the US$/Wall St competition on cue with his useless, uninsightful statements.
Meanwhile, Elon, having bot DOGE, runs it up tweeting using the same scam, then attempted to dump it on the muppets the exact moment of his speaking on SNL. …But the market wouldn’t support his selling out to the rubes and tanked. So he’s still sitting on a ton of worthless Doge and needs to run it up again to give it another try, and therefore keep his arson company from imploding with its own fraud and failures, and keep bribe money to the SEC and NHTSA flowing hot. How else can you kill every car-buyer you ever met and not have anyone get suspicious? He has more dead people around him than Angela Lansbury and Miss Marple combined.
He’ll probably be completely successful in bailing out and making money in BTC, Doge, and anything besides cars and reality, because everyone continues to listen to him instead of arresting him for 10,000 counts of insider trading and felonious fraud.
Since America — and indeed the world, look at China – are all-in for complete robbery, fraud, theft, and indeed in his case, arson and murder, who am I to say? Until they would prefer non-arson, non-murder, non-felony injury, we’re clearly going nowhere.Down here on the ground, I have no idea how we can truly have help wanted and no takers widespread. …I see the sandwich boards. I struggle to understand it although it seems to be happening. I do suspect that the half-a-mil newly unemployed – note “newly” – are a large part the illegal immigrants wide open and knowing they are not pursued right now. Yes, everyone is unemployed, but not “newly”.
I agree people have found exploits to get by, but it’s largely not Greek-style black market under the table working, and they HAVE reconsidered and reprioritized. It’s true. But not that level and not that suddenly. If I find it, I’ll add.
May 14, 2021 at 12:21 pm #75242Polder Dweller
ParticipantMay 14, 2021 at 12:21 pm #75243Django
Pity Hunter S Thompson is no longer with us. I wonder if he shot himself? He did warn us after 911.
May 14, 2021 at 12:49 pm #75244Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterThe graphs for Seychelles, Maldives and Bahrain seem to support Vanden Bossche’s theory, but the ones for Israel, UK and US don’t. Why is that? Anyone care to explain it to me or does it mean that Vanden Bossche is wrong?
To be fair to him, he doesn’t call for some specific timeframe. Seychelles, Maldives and Bahrain are orders of magnitude smaller than the others, that may be a factor. He ends his article saying:
Covid-19 vaccination campaigns that are rolled out in the heat of a pandemic will inevitably breed variants that are more infectious and ultimately become resistant to vaccines. The smaller the population and the faster mass vaccination campaigns are rolled out, the faster infection, morbidity and mortality rates will rise. Based on how the pandemic is currently evolving in a number of smaller countries/ islands (e.g., Seychelles, Maldives, Bahrain), it is reasonable to assume that over the next coming months, or weeks, several other countries are going to show a dramatic increase in these rates as well.
May 14, 2021 at 12:54 pm #75245HerrWerner
Participant@WES Speaking for a friend who is a USA’n, it’s still possible to get ivermectin from India. Some vendors still accept Paypal which makes it easier since zhe’s USA credit cards won’t be accepted. IndiaMART is like Craigslist on steroids but once my friend made contact with an individual vendor and figured price and shipping by email, it was all good. My USA’n friend had sort of an agonizing wait, package went to India Post, then the trail went cold for about 4 weeks. Showed up intact and unmolested by the kind offices of the customs service. I presume you can count on a long delay, not many flights right now to USA to carry mail and goods, and the Indians are dealing with their covid crisis.
I’m speaking for a friend, of course, on that silly eye-ver-mek-tin thing (because like my GP I follow the Science™!) Though frankly my friend wouldn’t shy from using the horse-paste option if it came to it. 😉
May 14, 2021 at 1:34 pm #75246Polder Dweller
ParticipantThanks, but it’s exactly this point: The smaller the population and the faster mass vaccination campaigns are rolled out, the faster infection, morbidity and mortality rates will rise. that I don’t get. Surely more people, more vaccinations, more infections, morbidity and mortality. What difference does a smaller population make?
May 14, 2021 at 1:38 pm #75247Django
ParticipantHeadline from Grauniad
Second Pandemic Year to be Deadlier than First Warns WHO.
May 14, 2021 at 2:05 pm #75248zerosum
ParticipantFrom the horses mouth
Don’t mention Ivermectin; it’ll upset the vaccine rollout
12th May 2021 by Editor By Andrew Bannister
Almost every media house around the world has contributed to the marginalisation of Ivermectin. No mainstream journalists have investigated the evidence or questioned and debated scientists supporting it. It’s called an “animal drug” and dangerous. Ivermectin is seen as a repeat of hydroxychloroquine and not to be taken seriously. Belief in it, worthy only of derision.
Unless you know where to look, you will find hardly any positive information on Ivermectin. Social media makes it very difficult to say anything positive about it without the poster getting blocked from the platforms for lengthy periods. YouTube has made the promotion of Ivermectin, a violation of its policies. There is no public conversation in the media about it. It’s just ignored. Respectable medical journals are sitting with piles of Ivermectin papers on their desks that they refuse to publish without providing reason, despite at least one of them having passed peer review by two FDA reviewers. The book “Manufacturing of Consent” comes to mind where Chomsky and Herman look at how mass media serves the rich. It’s a David against Goliath fight, a cheap generic vs Big Pharma.New research from the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), on a group of over 3500 health care workers, using two doses of Ivermectin as prophylactic, reduced cases among health care workers by 83% in the following month. Mexico City has for several months been using a test and treat with Ivermectin strategy. A research paper by Mexico City Health, claims that, depending on dosing, they have reduced hospitalisations by 56-73%. India in its current destructive wave, has just taken the example set by its two most successful states, and authorised the use of Ivermectin in early treatment. Doctors who use it, swear by it.
In case you get sick, keep Ivermectin close by for early, household treatment, and you will prevent viral replication early and almost certainly, avoid hospital. You would have also built an immune response that will provide natural protection against future infections.
Herd immunity from allowing the infection of the people with strong immune systems, with the sick and old taking D3 Supplements, Zinc and early treatments with Ivermectin or HCQ/Zinc, is the ONLY way forward. We are at 73% herd immunity.May 14, 2021 at 2:16 pm #75249Doc Robinson
ParticipantI was looking for an update about Covid cases & deaths in Texas, and found this article from May 12 in The New York Times, of all places (it’s a guest essay from a writer in Texas).
Are We Following the Science or Our Tribes?
by Carrie McKeanA few weeks ago, my 10-year-old daughter, Cora, and I walked into an indoor trampoline park. Resuming full-scale kid birthday parties became socially acceptable here in West Texas months ago, but this was our first time back indoors like that. Though many of us were vaccinated, none of the guests wore masks, the place appeared to be at full capacity, and kids were laughing and playing together like it was 2019 again.
Depending on your ZIP code, this tale may make you shrug or shriek.
Now with the arrival of spring, the general feeling in town is decidedly prepandemic. Some locals joke that while the pandemic might not be over, we’re over the pandemic. Texas lifted mask mandates and other restrictions on March 10. A few weeks later Gov. Greg Abbott trumpeted results some liberals thought were impossible: “Today the 7-day Covid positivity rate dropped to a new recorded low: 4.95 percent,” he said in a tweet. “Hospitalizations dropped to a 6 month low.”
Though I’m vaccinated, many people I know are not, and it’s not because they’ve all fallen for fringe conspiracy theories. Many remain unconvinced that vaccine safety can be assured, given the compressed development timeline — choosing to bet on Covid’s high survivability rate rather than voluntarily injecting themselves with something they see as pushed by Big Government.
In our community, many of us have been back to in-person school and work for several months. Some people wary of variants are still choosing to stay mostly at home, but many aren’t. Both options are socially acceptable.
“You’re going to love living here,” [10-year-old] Cora told the new girl on our street. “It’s like coronavirus never even happened.”May 14, 2021 at 2:19 pm #75250zerosum
ParticipantThe new headline is everywhere Emergencies Chief: Second Year of Coronavirus Pandemic Could Be Worse
January 13, 2021 03:32 PMTherefore, I ask: “Could Be Worse”
1. Why are Vaccines are not helping?
2. Is herd immunity an illusion?May 14, 2021 at 2:26 pm #75251Noirette
ParticipantOn, …why has Net. allowed a palestinian uprising? …
General Sit: US – Isr. relations
— Joe B. waited a long time before calling Netanyahu!
— The US recognized the Armenian Genocide. (Contra Isr. as it claims the ultimate, crowned, victim status, others aren’t allowed. Erdogan was furious too…)
— Human Rights Watch has declared Israel an Apartheid State. Kenneth Roth did some TV interviews explaining, MSM interviewers expressed incredulity and disapproval.
— Joe B. has not yet nominated a US ambassador to Israel! The chargé d’affaires J. Shrier is doing the job.
— “Aid” to Palestinians cut by Trump has been restored. (Most goes to UNWRA, positive in the present state of affairs. The sums are pitifully small.)
— Efforts made to return to the JCPOA (Nuke deal with Iran, cancelled by Trump, negotiated by Kerry): Iran has even stated that the “US is serious” in the negotiations, surprising. While this looks like superficial ‘cancel Trump – return to Obama era’ it is definetly not totally excluded that some kind of re-arrangement transpires.
And then, for whatever reason(s) (maybe some of the above, or see post at top), a new conflagration is lit, and we see Israel directly murdering on vid. clips, with Israelis cheering in orgies of hate.
The WH spokesman, Ned Price, gave out the usual spiel about ‘Israel has the right to defend itself from vicious rockets’ (not a direct quote) but also said Palestinians have the right to security. Blinken is sending someone to talk to ‘de-escalate, tamp down the conflict’ – of course he should have gone himself.
To sum up: The signals are contradictory and it appears that no coherent policy is laid down, and various different impulses (classical Zionist neo-con, neo-lib anti-racist IDpol, alliance with KSA, and more) are clashing.
Human Rights Watch Report
(Worth sending on, to those who have no clue, and those who seek some ‘legitimation.’ HRW is respected in the Anglo sphere, right?)
Roth interviewed by CNN.
aid to Palestine:
May 14, 2021 at 2:33 pm #75252my parents said know
ParticipantPoor Marie-Therese looks like Hollywood’s version of the “Elephant” man.
At the garden store yesterday, I and mine walked in to the outdoor area without a mask (as usual). As we walked about, someone said to me “Good for you! I hate these masks!” She took hers off. By the time we left, most of the shoppers had removed them. This was not a profile in courage- the governor had carefully said those who were “fully” vaccinated could go without. I suppose people had gotten used to them, but taking them off is like a cool dip on a hot day.
BTW- how does “fully” vaccinated sit with “delay the second dose”? They have been f***ing with us for a lot longer than “now”..
Me: “You have no right to expect me to answer if you ask me if I’m vaccinated.”You don’t usually write much, Ilargi, but your pre-quips are great.
May 14, 2021 at 2:43 pm #75253Germ
Participant“The graphs for Seychelles, Maldives and Bahrain seem to support Vanden Bossche’s theory, but the ones for Israel, UK and US don’t. Why is that? Anyone care to explain it to me or does it mean that Vanden Bossche is wrong?” – Patience Polder, patience.
We’re just getting started over here.
“Meanwhile, a top scientist has warned lifting restrictions on 21 June is in doubt because of the Indian variant.
Cases in the UK have more than doubled to 1,313, Public Health England said.”May 14, 2021 at 3:02 pm #75254Dr. D
ParticipantCDC lifts mask guidelines, starting Day 1 of NY being anti-science, anti-Biden, anti-CDC. State of the greatest medical mass-murderer in history. Well everything old is new again.
So Joe is verbal long enough to say If you’re vaccinated, you don’t need to wear a mask and Jill doesn’t. DOCTOR Jill to you. But that isn’t what the CDC said, it was limited. NY says they won’t obey, they don’t care.
Texas of course already said they don’t care. South Dakota never cared. Michigan is too busy shutting off their pipeline during a gas shortage to care.
Biden wore one though vaccinated. On his Zoom call.
Bill Maher is vaccinated, tested positive (of course) then shut down his whole show although he and the crew were vaccinated and safe anyway. Or not safe. Or something. Maybe they all died, I can’t keep track anymore.
CNN breaks down crying with terror and disappointment that they’re free from masks and everything’s going well.
This is a week after the CDC director cried on TV saying it’s the end, Covid’s winning, we’re all going to die.
Anyone tell me what the heck is going on, or is this just Mad Cow Disease where everyone’s brain has melted. If you graduated from Harvard or live within 30 miles of the Capitol. Anyone?
…And they say I’M the crazy one.
May 14, 2021 at 3:07 pm #75255Doc Robinson
Participant“Another would discharge student debt in the event of a debtor’s death.”
Federal student loans (in the US) are already forgiven/discharged if the student dies, but private lenders can require co-signers for student loans, which would contractually put parents (or others) on the hook if the student dies.
May 14, 2021 at 3:09 pm #75256Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterThis is a week after the CDC director cried on TV saying it’s the end, Covid’s winning, we’re all going to die.
According to Fox, it took 45 days:
CDC chief moves from ‘impending doom’ to no masks for the vaccinated in 45 days.
May 14, 2021 at 3:14 pm #75257Germ
ParticipantThe specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent.
May 14, 2021 at 3:31 pm #75258Dr. D
ParticipantHere, cuz people believe anything: “did colonial pipeline have hacking insurance?”
“Colonial Pipeline has cyber insurance arranged by broker Aon, with Lloyd’s of London insurers AXA XL and Beazley among the underwriters, three sources told Reuters on Thursday. … Insurance Insider reported the news late on Wednesday, saying the cover was for at least $15 million.23 hours ago”
Huh. So there’s a motive. Pipeline rates might go up a while too. I hope Lloyds looks into it like I would. Now how can I hear just the headline and know to ask?
May 14, 2021 at 3:33 pm #75259Doc Robinson
ParticipantVanden Bossche expects a surge in Covid cases in Israel before summer.
How can it be explained that in Israel it seems that the massive vaccination has almost stopped the pandemic and no dramatic effects are being observed over people that have been vaccinated?
It’s just a matter of weeks for a surge in Israel to occur due to resistance of the virus to vaccinal antibodies in vaccinees. I expect this surge to occur before summer.
May 14, 2021 at 3:41 pm #75260Noirette
ParticipantHere the death toll World, from the FT (corona articles free to read.)
Of course reporting is overall bad, deaths ‘with Cov19’ (UK), deaths not logged (other places), etc. Who knows if this chart represents reality or the picture some would like to put forward? Anyway here it is, and shows…resurgence.
May 14, 2021 at 3:41 pm #75261zerosum
ParticipantWe can’t expect COVID-19 to go away; we should plan accordingly
We can’t expect COVID-19 to go away; we should plan accordingly
Posted on April 11, 2021 by Gail TverbergAlso, as I mentioned in the introduction, we are reaching energy limits. Even if in theory we could vaccinate everyone on the planet twice a year for COVID-19, we do not have the resources to do this. In some ways, the problem looks like a cost problem (poor countries especially cannot afford to buy high-priced vaccines), but it is just as much a resource problem. We cannot devote enough resources to this project without taking them away from other necessary projects. The vaccines are very much a product of today’s fossil fuel economy. We can’t expect to make vaccines with intermittent electricity.
May 14, 2021 at 3:46 pm #75262Germ
ParticipantMay 14, 2021 at 3:48 pm #75263Germ
ParticipantIndia – down we go:
May 14, 2021 at 3:52 pm #75264Germ
ParticipantHere’s our favorite monster again.
What a Pharma shill looks like.May 14, 2021 at 3:55 pm #75265Doc Robinson
ParticipantVanden Bossche expects a surge in Covid cases in Israel before summer.
These would be “breakthrough cases” of course. However, what happens if the breakthrough cases aren’t reported unless the patient is hospitalized or dies? The surge would be there, but we wouldn’t know it by looking at the government’s numbers. But the government will report all the Covid cases, whether or not they are breakthrough cases, right?
Not in the US. Effective today, the CDC will only report the number of breakthrough cases which result in hospitalization or death. WTF? How does it make sense that if you get a Covid case and aren’t hospitalized, the case is counted if you weren’t vaccinated, but not counted if you were vaccinated?
COVID-19 Breakthrough Case Investigations and Reporting
As previously announced, CDC is transitioning to reporting only patients with COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infection that were hospitalized or died to help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance. That change in reporting will begin on May 14, 2021. 14, 2021 at 4:18 pm #75266Dr. D
ParticipantP.S. they just shutdown the OTHER U.S. gas pipeline, the Mississippi River. Yes, the death of the bridge at Memphis has trapped the barge traffic from their routes. 30k cars move on that bridge per day, the law of large numbers. But underneath, all the gas not going in the Colonial pipeline is going on the water.
…I’m sure it’s a complete coincidence that the very day one clears, the other appears. It doesn’t resemble a wartime bombing at all. And I’m sure this girder hasn’t been broken quite awhile although it’s as rusty as every other corrupt, un-inspected, overlooked, paperwork rubber-stamped bridge in America.
But hey, what do I know? I only read stuff on the internets.
May 14, 2021 at 4:22 pm #75267Django
ParticipantDoes it provide immunity?
Only for the manufacturers ….Sorry I can’t post the cartoon but it’s brilliant.
Any links to the dead Maquaqe Rhesus monkeys would be very welcome.
May 14, 2021 at 5:00 pm #75268Germ
ParticipantNew guidance from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration is causing contractors to change their COVID-19 vaccine requirements, and many of them criticize the guidance as diametrically opposed to the Biden administration’s stated desire to increase vaccinations.
On April 20, OSHA released the new guidance in the frequently asked questions section of its website for COVID-19 safety compliance.
The question asks whether an employer should record adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccination if the employer requires the vaccine. OSHA states that if a vaccine is required, then any adverse reaction is considered work-related and therefore it must be recorded. Under OSHA rules, most employers with more than 10 employees are required to keep a record of serious work-related injuries and illnesses. Recorded injuries and illnesses become part of a contractors safety record.
This is the actual text of the new question and answer on the OSHA website:
“If I require my employees to take the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of their employment, are adverse reactions to the vaccine recordable?
“If you require your employees to be vaccinated as a condition of employment (i.e., for work-related reasons), then any adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine is work-related. The adverse reaction is recordable if it is a new case under 29 CFR 1904.6 and meets one or more of the general recording criteria in 29 CFR 1904.7.”
In response, several large contractors said they have changed or will change their vaccination policy to only recommend—not require—a vaccine.
May 14, 2021 at 5:43 pm #75269zerosum
ParticipantI just learned a new expression You Should Know About the Possibility of COVID-19 Illness After Vaccination
Updated Apr. 21, 2021
A small percentage of people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will still develop COVID-19 illness
COVID-19 vaccines are effective. However, a small percentage of people who are fully vaccinated will still get COVID-19 if they are exposed to the virus that causes it. These are called “vaccine breakthrough cases.” This means that while people who have been vaccinated are much less likely to get sick, it may still happen. Experts continue to study how common these cases are.Large-scale clinical studies found that COVID-19 vaccination prevented most people from getting COVID-19. Research also provides growing evidence that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines offer similar protection in real world conditions. While these vaccines are effective, no vaccine prevents illness 100 percent of the time. For any vaccines, there are breakthrough cases. With effectiveness of 90 percent or higher, a small percentage of people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will still get sick and some may be hospitalized or die from COVID-19. It’s also possible that some fully vaccinated people might have infections, but not have symptoms (asymptomatic infections).
Case definition
For the purpose of this investigation, a vaccine breakthrough case will be defined as a U.S.
resident who has SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen detected on a respiratory specimen collected
≥14 days after completing the primary series of an FDA-authorized SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. An
acceptable respiratory specimen includes a nasal swab, nasal wash, nasopharyngeal swab,
oropharyngeal swab, saliva, sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, pleural fluid, or lung tissue.
A case will be excluded from further investigation if: 1) they received a COVID-19
vaccine that is not authorized or approved by FDA; 2) the respiratory specimen that was
positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen was collected <14 days after completing the primary
series; or 3) the person was recently positive for COVID-19, defined as a positive test <45 days
prior to the positive test currently under investigation.Human subjects’ determination
CDC has determined the project is non-research public health case investigation. The objective
is to evaluate cases of COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough reported to CDC. It is not intended to
be a systematic investigation of all persons in the United States with SARS-CoV-2 infection
following vaccination and, therefore, will not be generalizable to a larger population.May 14, 2021 at 5:54 pm #75270Doc Robinson
ParticipantMore about the breakthrough cases not being reported by the CDC:
CDC Limits Review of Vaccinated but Infected; Draws Concern
But tracking and sequencing the cases helps in figuring out who may be more at risk, whether new variants evade the vaccines and when protection from the shots begins to wane. At the same time, those infected — some of whom are suffering widespread medical issues, even if they’re not hospitalized — say they feel lost as a result of the lack of information.“We shouldn’t be narrowing the focus, we should be broadening and develop a systematic plan,” said Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla.
At the end of April, more than 9,000 Americans were reported to be infected after being vaccinated, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention… The CDC says its numbers are probably an undercount, since their surveillance system is passive and relies on voluntary reporting from state health departments that may not be complete.
Michael Kinch, a former drug developer who’s now associate vice chancellor at Washington University in St. Louis, says as much information as possible should be recorded on breakthroughs. Cases that don’t rise to hospitalization are still important to track, he said, since symptoms that aren’t as severe for someone could eventually lead to hospitalizations. Non-life-threatening symptoms can impact someone’s life greatly, and evolve over time, Kinch said. “It’s essential that we stay on top of this,” he added.May 14, 2021 at 5:59 pm #75271Germ
ParticipantHow bureaucrats pervert science by selectively slow-walking of data processing…
W.H.O.’s not-so-live meta-analysis has now 4 positive ivermectin studies in the “pending data extraction” freezer (out of 12!).
Not as if lives were at stake…
May 14, 2021 at 7:24 pm #75272Dave Note
ParticipantFrom The Odd Couple
“…Shared neuroses led to jealousy and hostility. Kissinger privately assailed Nixon as “that madman” and “the meatball mind.” Nixon returned the favor, demeaning Kissinger as his “Jew boy” and calling him “psychopathic.” He fretted incessantly that Kissinger was getting too much credit for the administration’s accomplishments and repeatedly considered firing him. Still, Dallek writes, their common characteristics did even more to bond the two men, who formed “one of or possibly the most significant White House collaboration in U.S. history…..”
May 14, 2021 at 7:25 pm #75273DarkMatter
ParticipantIt appears that what Van Den Bossche is suggesting is like ADE on a societal level. ADE occurs when a sub optimal antibody attaches to a virus. It doesn’t kill the virus but does tag it to be consumed by a macrophage or other cell where it reproduces quickly and overwhelms the host. We have a sub optimal vaccine that allows the virus to get into a person but not be killed. It then reproduces in the person and because they are vaccinated they underestimate the possibility of spreading the disease so it spreads more quickly. In both cases:
* A virus attempting to reproduce
* A sub optimal defense that helps the virus enter the host
* A rapid increase in spread enhanced by the planned defense
Maybe Van De Bossche should call it Virus Dependent EnhancementMay 14, 2021 at 7:34 pm #75274Dave Note
ParticipantElon Musk as Thomas Edison
DED Talks:
Why Thomas Edison Was History’s Biggest Dick
May 14, 2021 at 8:09 pm #75275Dave Note
ParticipantVanden Bossche has the correct narrative.
The small island countries will react much faster than huge limbering monoliths.
Let’s see how Texas does towards the fall having vaxed a large percentage and then turned them loose to spread joy to the world.
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