Debt Rattle New Year’s Day 2024


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  • This topic has 48 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by WES.
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  • #149570
    V. Arnold

    Artificial Intelligence my ass! Automated Tyranny is more like it, and every single AI system ever built was built to serve the guys who own and built it.

    Thank you DBS.
    “Critical Thinking” is a buzz phrase for the media.
    In fact few possess genuine critical thinking skills as should be evident by the blather vomited by most of the MSM on a dailey basis…


    From the link provided by Dr. John Day on the most recent Simplicus article, the most important point to note is that with so many FPV drones flying on the frontlines, it is now getting far too dangerous for any soldier to be caught out in the open for any length of time.

    This means there can be no big arrow German style Blitzkriegs, like in WW2. The Ukrainians found this out last summer, the hard way. Armor vehicles all get quickly destroyed as soon as they are spotted.

    Only well dug in and protected frontline soldiers can survive. It has now become very dangerous to even try and rotate soldiers in and out of the frontline.

    A while ago, I joked that frontline soldiers were now getting foxhole drone deliveries of water (vodka) and soon would be ordering pizza. Well now some are also getting their meals delivered too.

    Another consequence of drone warfare is it is now too dangerous for soldiers to group together. What that also means is there are a lot less soldiers up along the frontlines.

    Now you know why the Ukrainians are playing defense. It is also the reason Russia is only generally putting pressure all along the frontlines. Attacking is now very costly due to the number of cheap FPV drones flying along the frontlines.

    This might be a reason why Russia is planning for 5 or more years of war. If Ukraine stops wasting soldiers attacking then they can likely fight on for many more years.

    Ukraine and US/NATO may have run out of armor, shells, missiles, but they will never run out of 3D printed drones.

    This war might not end until somebody figures out how to defend against the use of cheap tiny FPV drones. Most current small drone defense solutions are very uneconomical.

    Is my six gun better/faster/smarter than your six gun?


    @ John Day
    Dug for more Interesting Info.
    Govt. Researchers: Flu Shots Not Effective in Elderly,
    This story was first published on CBS News by Sharyl Attkisson in 2006.
    Read the government study that found no flu shot benefit in elderly

    February 14, 2005
    Impact of Influenza Vaccination on Seasonal Mortality in the US Elderly Population

    Lone Simonsen, PhD; Thomas A. Reichert, MD, PhD; Cecile Viboud, PhD; et alWilliam C. Blackwelder, PhD; Robert J. Taylor, PhD; Mark A. Miller, MD
    Author Affiliations Article Information
    Arch Intern Med. 2005;165(3):265-272. doi:10.1001/archinte.165.3.265

    Laboratory Surveillance Data to Determine the Dominant Strain

    We reviewed annual Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report influenza summaries of viral subtypes that were identified in US laboratories during each influenza season; we considered an influenza subtype to be dominant when it accounted for at least 50% of all isolates that were subtyped in that season.26 Of the 33 seasons studied, A(H3N2) viruses predominated in 19; the remaining 14 seasons were dominated by A(H1N1) or influenza B viruses (Table 1).

    After the Simonsen study, many international studies also arrived at the same conclusion. You probably haven’t heard much about these “incendiary” findings. Too much money being made promoting flu shots?

    John Day

    Thanks Again, Ilargi, for maintaining this platform so faithfully and with intellectual honesty.

    Thank You, Fellow Commenters for being so communal, and sharing all of your intellectual possessions so freely and equitably here, just like real anarchists, or real communists, or even real Christians.


    When it comes to LLMs, think GIGO.
    The feedback loop leads to absurdity.

    D Benton Smith


    Yup, and it gives me cold sweats knowing what absurdity leads to.


    Whenever I think of A.I., I think of how the use and meaning of words exchanged between human beings changes over time and as the times change. It is a fluid living language. Add in tone and body language too.

    An example is using either the words “hot” or “cool” to describe something. Then add in the manner and tone of how we say such words. So “hot” and “cool” could be positive or negative!


    See what I mean! You didn’t hear my tone, or see my face, or if I crossed my fingers!

    A.I. will never be able to decipher what we really said!

    And if A.I. could decipher it, we most likely would just change the meaning of more words or combinations there of. We could simply speak with a finger pointing up or down. Think Newfie Islander outport English or pidgin English! Throw 2 Jamaicans together and watch A.I. have a nervous breakdown!

    However knowing this also requires us to be very wary of the usage of A.I. against us.


    about flu vax shots: The last time I took a flu vax was over ten years ago, and in that following year I was sicker more times and sicker worse than I’d ever been before. Maybe coincidence, maybe just me, maybe bad luck. It was a terrible year of viral infections one after the other for me. I’ve never taken another flue vax shot.


    Maybe as a result of the covid vax, more people will become wary of taking so many vaccines that we will in the long run end up becoming healthier?

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