Debt Rattle November 16 2024


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  • #174572
    Dr. D

    Here’s your Boomer advice:

    “Butter is Seven Dollars”
    “It’s what?”
    “Seven dollars.”
    “Seven dollars.”
    “What is it wrapped in gold?? THat’s hilarious. Anyhoo, I got a yacht to catch, who know why people vote the stupid ways they do, or say the stupid things they say…” –Joe Scarborough.

    …Perhaps we’ll never know. Yeah, it’s so bad out here you can’t get them up to speed on what it was FIVE years ago. …Or if they, pure luck, have an okay job and you don’t.

    That’s it, the Great Depression. Like a World War, a Civil War, it’s reported all wrong. If you had a solid job in the Great Depression you were fine. You got by. IF you had a job. IF.

    Same thing now. IF you have a PMC gopher-cube job, why worry? …And then one day you catch a cold. Like “Logan’s Run” they just chuck you out the airhatch, never heard from again. Call coworkers, bang on the windows: Who are you again? “Bill, you remember me! It’s George Bailey! We worked together for twelve years!” “Who? Get thee behind me. I never knew you.”

    No. Joke. IF you had a job everything was fine. IF. What should be good people in good cities.

    Reminds me of Cullom, as a young man he told his father, “If you only had $100, in the Depression you could have bought the whole block!”

    “Yes, BUT NOBODY HAD $100.” There’s a lot more to that statement than you think. Do YOU have $100? That fire sale’s going on right now.

    What about Ukraine, you just stash some beans in the forest, knowing things can go bad. Bug Out. Good idea! Tops!

    FOR THREE YEARS???? Yeah I can buy your house for a can of beans. BECAUSE NOBODY HAS A CAN OF BEANS. That’s WHY the price is high. Sir.


    Things are bad. People are spending money they aint got.
    Look at the escape hatch going on in Toronto … T. Swift concert
    And don’t forget the other escape hatch … The Grey Cup
    Somebody put on a drone display


    German=Tardland has gone Full Orwell.

    Germany: Police Raid Pensioner’s House, Drag Him To Court After He Retweets Meme Calling Green Minister “Idiot”

    “After a 64-year-old pensioner retweeted a meme of Green Economy Minister Robert Habeck, in which Habeck was described as an “idiot,” Bavarian police raided the man’s house and arrested him. The crime has even been recorded as a “politically motivated right-wing crime.”

    Wow, you call a shitbag maggot like Habeck an Idiot and the cops break your door down and haul you off to jail for “Hate Crime”.

    Teutonic Thin Skin

    German=Tardland is doomed

    No cheap energy is the Kiss of Death

    Russia has it, German=Tardland doesn’t and never will this century.

    German=Tardland saying, “Hey buddy can you spare some gas?”



    Important dates to remember.
    New members of Congress meet on 3 January as per the 20th Amendment, then a joint session is held on 6 January to count Electoral votes to finalize the POTUS election process. Once done, a recess could then be called, but Trump isn’t POTUS yet, so there’s no reason to do so at that time.


    An excerpt from Hegseth’s book, American Crusade, Our Fight to Stay Free (2020) includes “Simply put: if you don’t understand why Israel matters and why it is so central to the story of Western civilization—with America being its greatest manifestation—then you don’t live in history. America’s story is inextricably linked to Judeo-Christian history and the modern state of Israel. You can love America without loving Israel but that tells me your knowledge of the Bible and Western civilization is woefully incomplete.… If you love America, you should love Israel. We share history, we share faith, and we share freedom. We love free people, free expression, and free markets.”

    The religious fruitcakes are back in power, this idiot thug is a journalist, probably hired because he talks shit well and is an Israel fanatic, but he’s Trump’s idiot. He’s an Israel jihad in one man.

    Some people on TAE claim that the USA is not a Christian country, well, this guy is talking Chritian religion and Trump will be sworn in with a hand on the bible. Wake up folks.


    Austria refuses to pay the negotiated price for Russian gas, so the Russians stop pumping the gas …. but somehow it is Russia’s fault, they are bad. Sad article where they try to portray the Russians as the badies where, in reality, Austria refused to pay, but that is good, according to ZH. Desperate and a little pathetic.

    Susan C

    Dear Oroboros
    Thank you for the wonderful memes. I often read the other comments but I delight in and am comforted by your wry sense of humor. Please don’t stop 🙂
    ~ Susan


    America bans enriched uranium imports, leaving lots of enriched uranium to be sold to Iran. Good thinking USA, without diplomacy and deal making, you just look like retards …. meanwhile the S-400s are being delivered to Iran to defend against the rabid Jews.


    Dr. John Day:

    After reading the article on the danger of statins, I am quiting my 40 mg dose tonight. I won’t miss the leg cramps one bit.

    I remember my doctor using the statin app and tge cholesterol chart before she put me on the statins. It all came back as I was reading the article. Unbelieveable!

    I am going to take my wife off her 20 mg dose because it could be making her memory loss worse.

    I am informing my brother because he suffers severe leg cramps, is borderline diabetic, and suffers from arthritis, all side affects of statins.

    Thanks for the heads up about statins and the corrupt drug companies.

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