Debt Rattle November 18 2023
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Home › Forums › The Automatic Earth Forum › Debt Rattle November 18 2023
Thierry Meyssan’s words, not mine.
I saw glimpses of the Waco massacre on the TV in the hospital a few times, as I walked by it that day.
So, you’re actively posting links to the blogosphere with info/opinions that you’re not sure possess merit and/or a zip code in reality, or that you even agree with?
Am I reading that right?
Well, since I only skim the headlines + maybe the 1st paragraph, I’m not sure either, what with the 24/7 Sea Of Noise…
Pity the foolz that bother reading/absorbing *daily* the thousands upon thousands of words representing “rhetorical” content you have linked 🙄
Perhaps enduring 3+ decades of truthers regurgitating info/opinions has made me jaded a bit (often asserting ridiculously/patently false claims), but don’t you think that finding a *core* solution, followed by a sincere effort to unify in absolute support, might make more sense given the perilous situation(s) “humanity” currently is facing?
(I know, wish in one hand, $#!t in the other…)
My vote still stands with Natural Law as the best *proven* legal system available:
No hope of that without Spiritual Sanity overcoming Mass Formation Psychosis 😐
Onward & upward with Analysis Paralysis!
@Michael Reid: My grandfather, a newspaper reporter, with a journalism degree from Harvard grad school, who studied at the Sorbonne for a year after he finished being an observer-gunner in a Spad, and a radio operator in WW-1, raised a family during the depression, built them a house with his hands, and was in OSS counter-intelligence in WW-2, as Major Robert H. Williams. I was the only one in the family who sought to understand his statement that the biggest threat to our American freedoms was “International Bankers”.
This is a link to a book of his, “Know Your Enemy”:
@VP Gary: Lighten-up, Man.
@ VP
I also vote for natural law
@ John Day
Thinks for the link
The more I learn the more I realize I know very little and most things that were taught were lies
The more I learn the more I realize I know very little and most things that were taught were lies
Ahmen to that…
School taught me that real learning was gotten elsewhere; and self directed was best….
The more I learn the more I realize I know very little and most things that were taught were lies
Hummm … MRI and TAE as mentors
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