Debt Rattle November 2 2024


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  • #173149

    Otto Dix Ice drift 1940   • The GOP’s Closing Argument: ‘Kamala Broke It, Trump Will Fix It’ (Whedon) • National Climate, Polling Points to a Tru
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 2 2024]


    Watch this interview to understand what’s unfolding around us:

    Dr A Hughes, author of:
    “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy


    Dr. D

    “”Fraudulent” Mail Ballot Request Forms Found In Another Pennsylvania County, District Attorney Says

    Queer the vote. We have no idea who was elected. Well we’re not going to run a hanging chad 2000, are we just setting up for a military pause, with a military overseeing of it?

    “Joe Rogan Says He Gave Harris Campaign “Open Invitation”, Offer Still Stands

    As apparently it’s impossible for an adult American to write without lying, Rogan DID extend a super-offer to Harris. Anytime, but in Austin, as his show always is. That’s the “Experience” part of it. It takes 3 hours often to break people down enough to talk about aliens and not give three 5-minute canned talking points and run. But Harris is busy. Okay, granted. BUT THIS IS THE ELECTION. And the top platform for her campaign, no question. So should Rogan BE her job, the one she’s “Busy” with? Again, the VP has LITERALLY NO DUTIES.

    Here’s the kicker: SHE’S ALREADY IN TEXAS. She’s already flown around the country for like, Porn Sites. But no, she won’t go to Austin, but ONLY Austin, although she’s ALREADY been in Austin. She wants Rogan to fly out to…PA or something to do it. Which if you know anything about studios is ludicrous, he’s not an Antique Roads Show, it’s a big deal, with special stuff.

    So here it comes, “Why don’t you fly out and use OUR studio, with OUR people, with OUR rules…?” That is, with it all completely under their control, no “Jamie pull up that news fact for me”, cutting off the mic like Baier, with 10 handlers in the room and her magic earrings. Ah.

    And need I add: OF COURSE. Of course that’s why. But all this chaff being blown up hourly is just trying to hide this, that she can’t speak, or can’t be trusted to speak, and her OWN PEOPLE don’t trust her to speak, and have to control her. That’s what the blizzard of lies is protecting, very simple. And basically everybody knows it, which is good.

    “LGBTQ+ Activist Once-Featured In Apple Ad Indicted For Grand Larceny After Looting Nonprofit

    Actually a million dollar robbery is a step up. It’s almost always pedo stuff, so I appreciate it. Now Whyyyyyy? If I were gay (and maybe I am) I’d go ballistic on these guys for making us all look bad and putting us all in serious danger. Knock it off. What is the organization? Gays Against Pedos? Yes, that’s a good redemption, and you’d have to explain to me very carefully how that’s not a good idea.

    Anyway, this goes more with “No Rulz” “Nuh-uh, You Can’t Judge Me!” “Rules for thee but not for me” way they (the Left) seem to live life. Rules – any rule at all – are for the stupid Sky Daddy and We Hate. Him. So. Much!!!

    Again, that’s the Tabula Rasa. The world is a blank canvas we paint on. Not just the people, but the laws of reality. To be otherwise would be referring, be subservient to, something outside ourselves, and that’s intolerable. This is the root belief and orientation. Does the world, #Logos, God, exist, or doesn’t it? This is okay so long as atheists also can be “Spiritual” they are “Science” and so on: they are referring to something larger outside themselves, but linguistically this is slippery and you have to identify the subsets who call themselves by the same names. On the flip side, you don’t seem to find any highly religious, Godly Socialists, for example, or at least not any I can think of. Man is God. I Am God. I make the rules and unseat him from the throne, otherwise, why bother?

    Charles Hugh Smith is God. His quote as boss in construction was: “You want the job, you can have it: Here’s the binder, payroll is on Friday.” Yeah, no one takes that up, do they? And that presentation points out that being the boss, having the rules is all responsibility and no party in the back. You find out how limited you are, and what a miserable f—k up if you try to take that chair. No really, they want a one-sided coin, and who doesn’t? One with all the rewards and none of the responsibilities.

    ““Just a reminder RFK Jr. has no medical license, and has made wildly inaccurate claims about all sorts of medicines including childhood vaccines.”

    Again, radar: Are there any FACTS or examples in this sentence? Nope. Implications. IF something bad happened, would you like to name it, sir? “We named it last time.” No you did not. You imply from the first day “We” all always talked about this, and “We” all always knew. We know before you tell us, and the facts either were said long in the past, or you’ll tell us someday in the future, but never list them now. …That’s your lead-pipe cinch for: “It’s a lie.” If you HAD an example, you would USE it, of course. Of course you would: it’s a better case. Better sound bite. But you don’t, so that means you don’t have one. Not even one.

    “No one has ever gone to prison for the real crimes of January 6th.”

    And they let the guys who are in for trespassing – barely arguable since the police waved them in – rot with a life sentence. Nice going, Republicans. With allies like these who needs enemies? We’ll all stand up and fight for your next election so you can take your next 5star Lobby dinner and go from $60k to $60Million in four years. Gotta fight the good fight, amirite?

    ““..the national popular vote has favored Harris for months, but now has shifted in Trump’s favor..”

    Yeah, I still can’t quite track that. Armstrong and a source from Hunter said Kamala was near 10% to start. And that seems likely as the least popular VP in world history. Obviously, visibly, that has dropped. So all polls show her at 45-43? Okay, fine. So what are they basing the polls on, since it’s not calling people. Put another way, they are GUARANTEE fudge factor in every poll. They are adding it and KNOWING they are adding it. So how do they decide, at Rasmussen, HOW MUCH to “Make S—t Up” every day? If they just make s—t up, which we know they’re doing, why do the numbers bother to fluctuate? They could make it 45.00000001% every day, or 99.99999 every day like they did for Clinton. What’s the add here?

    It’s interesting. Like the Cooper interview (jaw dropping) we see the internal plumbing of how it’s done, which has to be with every level is lying to ITSELF. As said here, they don’t want you to DO it – that’s a male thing, simple – they want to you WANT to do it, to go out personally and lose boxes of votes without even being asked. Because You “R” Us. So what level in polling is direct calls, and what level is “Without being asked?” Really? Let me put it to you this way: what if an honest poll came out and it said Trump was 70/30 which is likely. Would anyone believe it? They’d attack it and sink the company in 10 minutes. Right? So you can’t tell the truth without sounding crazy, while everyone knows what the truth is, but can’t say it. (because they’re not crazy and know the consequences) Narcissist’s special. “If you cross me, woman, you won’t see me for a week!” …But it’s only Tuesday and I can see out of one eye a little bit now. THAT kind of narcissist’s special.

    “For instance, according to polling averages , only 28% of Americans say the country is going in the right direction, compared to 61% who say it’s on the wrong track”

    Pretty close proxy for the poll numbers. We both say 1/3 v 2/3rds. Aaaaaand that translates to “48.4 to 48.3% lead”? Huh? Is this the “New Math”? Where 10,000 BBB- bonds go in and when you’re done only 5,000 AAA+ bonds come out?

    “We owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well. Nowadays, people can go to all sorts of different sources for the news. And they’re much more questioning about what we’re saying.”

    Maybe. But you’re mouth-breathing retards. Barely sentient inbreds. There’s no human on earth who could swallow what you’re saying, it takes 15 years of prep school, from prep pre-school to Harvard to not throw up when ingested. “Men are Women” acktually. Socialism never killed no people. Hunter Biden wuz wronged, it’s okay for him to have sex with minors overseas.

    You guys live by Bernays, in a very specific propagandized Technocracy. That’s your whole “Scientific Dictatorship.” The whole shebang. And then you do the dead #OPPOSITE of what Bernays specifically told you: you can never allow the lie to get too big or people reject it. It can only be on the margins, plausible. Not tangible. It’s Bending, it’s Spinning. It’s not “Let’s report and demand the dead-opposite of everything people can see and experience.” That might – just might – cause them to wake up from propaganda and “Become much more questioning about what we’re saying.” Ya think?

    So again: THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A GENERATION OF PEOPLE AS STUPID AND INCOMPETENT AS YOU ARE. No elite world leaders were ever dumber, more ignorant, more arrogant, or more clueless than you are. You are the worst EVER, in the history of earth, and that’s really, really, really saying something.

    We are barely rejecting them, so what does that say about us?

    “The spectrum should be auctioned off,”

    You can’t, dummy, “Money” is not the public good. Maybe you should just enforce any of the 10,000 laws you have already? LIKE the FCC laws, Sec230, anything? Any law, any where, at any time? Try it: it’s so crazy it just might work. Then we’ll say, “Enforcing laws? It stops criminals? Who knew and why has nobody told me before????”

    ““All of these tax subsidies for solar, for wind, inefficient, uneconomic energy sources. Eliminate that.”

    I’d love to argue but he’s not wrong. We should be pushing green things, but this is the #Opposite of Green. Or environmental. Or energy. Or working. Overall, this is the practical side of “Uneconomic investment”. Socialism as Keynesianism says digging holes and filling them up again is identical to planting potatoes and digging them up again. Except one gives you a 10 boost in food and energy. One is life and the other is death. Other than that: identical. So we move $1Trillion AWAY from being put in a paper shredder, dumping all that diesel and those earth-movers into the ocean, on a rocket to space, and TOWARD something useful and productive. That’s what we all say, and Austrians.

    What’s more you win twice: you could merely win by NOT WASTING, and beating your head on a wall. But you ALSO win by moving that to something with material BTU gain. So it’s not a 1x it’s a 2x, and the economy would boom. Again, I’d like to argue, but that’s the fact.

    “The only people this will work on is low IQ morons, which tells you something about how the Harris campaign views American voters.”

    They are programmed robots, they have no intelligence or free agency that we, the party, and philosopher-kings, don’t give them. Tabula Rasa. I am God. I am alone in the world that I myself create. YOU do not exist. YOU are all NPCs who bend to my will at my first word. In fact, even SEEING headlines on “Fox” will convert you! We have to save da childrens!

    Ask them: don’t take my word for it. This is exactly what they believe. They are the smart people and everyone else is a moron who doesn’t count. Morons have to be Told, and if they won’t Do What They’re Told, they have to be shot.

    Please avoid sharing rush drafts/excerpts, which are subject to review and might create confusion

    Like this. Me, of a very small mind, I’m just “Confused” when: “Biden Calls on Deplorable Garbage Nazis to Tone Down the Rhetoric” –BBee. They didn’t mean “Deplorable Garbage Nazis,” they meant Deplorable Garbage Nazis. Who should be sent to camps and “reeducated”. Don’t you see the difference? Who you gonna believe?

    “Ever since the brash real-estate man from New York foolishly assumed he could “drain the swamp”

    Did he though? Or are you using your DonaldTelepathy? To me, he’s the furry mascot of a collective, which isn’t that hard to prove. And he knows it, although possibly not the extent. He was specifically placed, years ahead of time in “Home Alone”, WWF, and “The Apprentice” expressly for this purpose. Or rather to obtain and keep the potential warm if necessary. With Hillary’s killing (or non-killing) of JFK, he was the next man on the map. So your whole narrative makes no sense to me. “HE” is not a he, and “He” did not think he could drain the swamp, because his advisors have been trying this since 1963, including losing one ‘round under Nixon, who was removed by Woodward and the CIA (Proven fact). So they have SOME idea what the swamp is, how big it is, and what they’re up to with, say, worldwide trafficking drug cartels which are a dozen own private armies at command.

    I mean –I– know this, you know this, 65% of America believes the CIA killed Kennedy, so they know this. The only man in the country who doesn’t know is a billionaire who’s met and partied with everyone, personally, for 50 years? Pull the other one. See, REPORTERS are sooper-smart and know everything. Presidents who have read thousands of Top Secret documents, they don’t know anything about what’s going on.

    “• Moscow Names Only Chance For Middle East Peace (RT)

    Why would you do that? If you do nothing, Israel will cease to exist and all your problems are solved. Okay, and WHAT will it be like then? Well, probably like the settlers who lived there under the Ottoman Empire: everybody, all different sorts, in one big bucket. Silly, yes? Sure, except that’s true in Syria, Iran, Turkey… No one seems to have problems coming from it except Israel. Jews in Iran are doing just fine. Christians in Syria, no problem. For that matter, we have both in the United States, and Hindus too. Russia as well. And India, and China, and Canada. So you want to tell me what’s REALLY causing the lack of peace there? ‘Cause it ain’t religion.

    “Progress, change comes not smoothly in a linear way, but in bursts and spurts.”

    What is “Progress”? We seem to be Regressing at the speed of light. No joke: on Althist, he points out that every metric, like income disparity was the best ever after WWII, and is almost the worst ever in human history now. In ONE generation. That’s the fastest collapse in known history. No one noticed and is like “Why you all mad n’ stuff?” Jesus, get out more, read a book. That’s DEMONSTRABLY the fastest, greatest ANTI-Progress ever known.

    But Muh: Civil Rights! Jesus, get out more, read a book. Black situation is actually WORSE on almost every metric than before they started “Helping”. Crime, felon rates, shootings, fatherless homes, income, small business ownership, heck: infant mortality, straight down from the instant “Progress” touched them. We removed those second drinking fountains, but made sure 25% of all black babies were killed for it! Progress!! Again, like the Meme, that’s more than were killed in 1850 under the height of Black Slavery.

    Since the article is about Science, we’ve done the same thing there. We have a straight-line down in Science, in papers, plagiarism, fabrication, money, lack of debate and discussion, and so on. Every tenet and foundation of “Science” has been intentionally, methodically, removed, leaving a limp skin-suit that can be directed at will. That is to say, Science is Dead, Dead, Dead, and we can or might only resurrect it because we have not yet forgotten what it was supposed to be.

    “An amazing five hour feeding frenzy”

    Which side am I rooting for?

    So they have moved from Fallacy of Division: (All wheels are round. This biscuit is round, therefore, it is a wheel. Few black men are professors. He is Black. Therefore he is not a Professor.)

    …To Ad Hominem Fallacy: Ignore ALL arguments, and insult the man instead.

    It isn’t the specific error I had argument with. It was that they are all FALLACIES. That is, stupid, untrue, erroneous, wrong. Don’t just swap one with the others. It doesn’t make you look any better and possibly worse.

    Dr. D

    “We both say 1/3 v 2/3rds. Aaaaaand that translates to “48.4 to 48.3% lead”? Huh? Is this the “New Math”?

    Let me add that should be wildly opposite. The electoral college should benefit the President of rural states (ie Trump) by +20%. So if they are even on Popular, Trump should win by 20. If Kamala is popular by 45%, she should lose by like 35%-65%. Right? Explain.


    Make Duh’merica Healthy Again







    Trump Victory Means MSM Is Dead In Current Form



    The Pen Mightier Than the Sword



    Pro Tip for Duh’mericans



    Another Pro Tip for the Road……






    Excellent Election run down by Robert Barnes at the Duran




    Gaslighting Greentard Bullshit

    What a surprise










    Make Duh’merica Healthy Again (redo)

    Impossible at this rate!

    Rainbow Fentanyl: A Dangerous Trend


    “Parents should be aware of “rainbow fentanyl,” brightly colored fentanyl pills and powders which have been spreading through communities in the past couple of years.

    These drugs are brightly colored like chalk and candy, potentially making them more attractive to children and young people.

    Although these substances may resemble candy, don’t be fooled—they are deadly. It is important for parents to know about this fentanyl disguise and to keep it away from children.”


    Like please state the obvious once more, I must have wax in my ears


    Bathhouse Brry Sellin’ the Gospel Door to Door…..







    FBI ran ‘honeypot’ operation on 2016 Trump campaign – whistleblower

    This guy needs to be hung by the neck until dead

    Just sayin’



    Trump looking at traitor maggots Comey

    “Yes, he’s garbage”

    “Stuff in the back, I’ll take him to the station”


    Figmund Sreud

    … via Neutrality Studies documentary by the Turkish Harici Studio:

    those darned kids

    actually, the cubans would send doctors and the venezuelans would supply fuel.

    they’ve tried to help before.


    White noise/conspiracy/lies hiding the path to peace/truth/actual depopulation/change/reset/harmonization

    Jeffrey Sachs + Q&A | Cambridge Union
    I cannot find a copy of Putin’s 4,000 p. report

    According to Putin, the global elite believe the consequences of the US election are far too important to allow the American people to decide the outcome, and the 4,000 page report lists Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and George and Alex Soros as co-conspirators in the plot against the USA.

    Putin has patiently gathered evidence, but according to Russian sources, he now believes the moment has arrived to expose the globalist deception and enlighten the public about the elite’s true agenda.
    No one has ever gone to prison for the real crimes of January 6th. Liz Cheney destroyed a man’s life to cover up her role in the hoax. Here’s what really happened.

    (0:22) The January 6th Aftermath
    (5:24) What Role Did Liz Cheney Play in the J6 Committee?
    (12:18) Cassidy Hutchinson’s Pivotal Testimony
    (32:27) Was Hutchinson’s Testimony True?
    (45:24) How CNN Manufactured the Narrative Against Stefan Passantino
    (53:07) The Intimidation Tactics Used Against Trump’s Lawyers
    (1:00:28) The Crimes of Liz Cheney
    (1:11:07) Hutchinson’s Motives
    (1:20:30) The Destruction of Evidence
    (1:27:06) How Has Passantino’s Perception of Washington Changed?
    (1:31:58) Passantino’s Plan to Fight Back
    (1:37:06) Cheney and Hutchinson Campaigning for Kamala Harr
    • The GOP’s Closing Argument: ‘Kamala Broke It, Trump Will Fix It’ (Whedon)


    a man cannot serve two masters

    Choose one:
    A. Equal protection under the Law.
    B. Untempered Democracy
    “Professesor, what shall it be?
    A republic, if you can keep it.” asked by a lady of means, answered by Franklin

    “Struggle, it’s what we do.”

    Thankyou for the link F.S.

    The idea that the revolution was to end, that free human beings might voluntarily protect the rights of their neighbors children without struggle is to ignore the history of humanity. The revolution must not end until our star goes red dwarf!
    Pure democracy is anathema to the concept of equal protection under the law and individual liberty.
    A self governing people is a radical idea that remains a radical idea to this very moment.
    Does anyone still remember the Federalist opposition to a Bill of Rights? Does no one understand that but for December 15,1791 civil war would have come to the United States berore 1861?
    Has no one read anything penned by Paine or Madison? You were told to celebrate Hamilton in a musical for a reason.

    A Young Republican Club member celebrating Richard Nixon and Allen Dulles in the same breath? WTF

    Choose one:
    No one can choose for you, you cannot elect someone to make the choice for you
    ” That’s the fastest collapse in known history. No one noticed and is like “Why you all mad n’ stuff?” Jesus, get out more, read a book. That’s DEMONSTRABLY the fastest, greatest ANTI-Progress ever known.”
    That pen is not hobbled by consistency.

    Dr D Rich

    Error: Duplicate reply detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that.


    Wife: I can’t wait to listen to Cardi B’s speech for Kamela

    Me: I bet it’s autotuned

    Wife: No, I mean her speech.



    Junkie Einstein, we need you now more than ever



    History might show that the 2020s was the decade when the curtain was lifted on the censorship blob, a combination of MSM, government, big tech, nonprofits (fake fact-checkers), and globalist billionaires that work overtime to sow division across the nation, trick the American people into endless foreign wars, and artificially create a news flow environment favorable to far-left policies.


    Ron Paul “Revolution” Reignites After Elon Musk Asks Libertarian Legend To Join Department Of Gov’t Efficiency

    I’m starting to feel like I’m building my Fantasy Football team around all the players I think are cool. Not the ones who will win, just the ones I like.

    If they add Weinstein to some sort of science aspect of this team, this will confirm we are living in a simulation and I am playing fantasy football.


    International Team Successfully Restarts Animal Brain, Offering Hope for Heart Attack Treatment, Better Transplants

    International Team Successfully Restarts Animal Brain, Offering Hope for Heart Attack Treatment, Better Transplants

    Okay, now things are really shaping up.

    We re-start George Carlin’s brain and get him in there as Trump’s press secretary.




    Ladies and gentlemen,

    If you buy one Donald Trump before Tues they are throwing in one Ron Paul on top of an Elon Musk run (DOGE) Department of Government Efficiency

    This is a deal of a lifetime folks.

    If you are looking to write-in Ron Paul, vote for Trump to make it count.


    Otto got himself to some far flung places, beautiful painting. Kunstler, like almost everyone I come across, has his head shoved up the ass of the Matrix. The jew cave wall images, everybody stares at, yells at, comments on, stresses about, etc. Nobody walks the fuck out, into the sun, for a different view. Those that do, will be murdered. Nothing has changed since Plato. Different sets, same show.

    John Day

    Trump loses hundreds of millions of votes by calling Joe Biden a “retard”.

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