Debt Rattle November 9 2021
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- This topic has 85 replies, 28 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
Earth Monkey.
November 9, 2021 at 7:44 pm #91934
ParticipantI checked, it was moderna. I guess at the time he thought 3x the spikes would be good for long Covid.
November 9, 2021 at 7:53 pm #91935ctbarnum
Participant“It has been frequently noted that forums such as these have a tendency to attract the INTJ “Architect” type.”
That would be me right there.
November 9, 2021 at 7:53 pm #91936boscohorowitz
ParticipantJust because I fell in love with the expression when it was used to describe my apparel when camping last week, I share this image of me in a “Canadian tuxedo”:
November 9, 2021 at 8:06 pm #91937Veracious Poet
ParticipantIt has been frequently noted that forums such as these have a tendency to attract the INTJ “Architect” type.
Imagine that.
I’ve taken the Myers–Briggs test three times thus far in 1987, 2001 & 2018 with the same result every time ~ INTJ.
The more things change, the more they remain the same.
But they may be cynical about human nature more generally, assuming that most people are lazy, unimaginative, or simply doomed to mediocrity.
Prove me wrong. I double dog dare you 😉
November 9, 2021 at 9:08 pm #91938zerosum
ParticipantDid you hear …..The cry heard around the world
SNOB says,
“I’m the boss …. do as I say or you will regret not doing what I say”In other words …
“If people are in our health-care system are not recognizing the importance of vaccination, then this is probably not the right profession for them, to be frank.”
COVID cases in Canada tracker: how many new cases of COVID-19 today?
Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix are scheduled to speak at 1:30 p.m.More than 3,000 unvaccinated health workers in B.C. on unpaid leave, Dix says
On Nov. 1, health officials said 3,325 health-care workers, or about 2.6 per cent of the workforce, were not yet vaccinated and had been placed on unpaid leave.
Health Minister Adrian Dix said that as of midnight Sunday, about 122,000 of B.C.’s 127,500 health-care workers have been fully vaccinated, or almost 96 per cent. Another 2,064 workers have received one dose, while the remainder is not vaccinated and on leave.(11,000 of health care workers have recovered and now have herd immunity)
In BC At least 202,898 cases have recovered. (have herd immunity)
To date, ( November 9, 2021), approximately 4.1% of British Columbia residents have had a confirmed case of COVID-19. ( approx. 4.1% of BC residents have herd immunity)
Coronavirus Tracker,Canada
Active Cases
Recovered – (have herd jmmunity in Canada)
47,368,729November 9, 2021 at 10:09 pm #91939John Day
Participant@Susmarie108: Thank you for the exceedingly kind comment yesterday.
(Will you please retract it? The pressure is unbearable…)
John-says-ask-my-wifeNovember 9, 2021 at 10:14 pm #91940Susmarie108
Participant@ Dr. D: ” I’m not trying to ask Bosco out on a date here…no offense.”
Oh, so there are limitations and conditions? …I missed you Brother – but don’t make too much out of my saying it.
You reduced/restricted the potency of LOVE by placing a (defensive) “barrier” around it. Not sure why you felt the need to do so. To LOVE is in your control, you can CHOOSE it and share it. Why hold back?
One of my all-time favorite books, A Man’s Search for Meaning – by Victor Frankl, explores the concept of choosing. A strong case is made for taking on life’s greatest task – finding meaning in one’s life. The meaning of life comes through experiencing it, and then in choosing your response. Always turning! Turning! Turning!
Turn! Turn! Turn!
To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven
A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep
To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven
A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together
To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven
A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace, a time to refrain from embracing
To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven
A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time for love, a time for hate
A time for peace, I swear it’s not too lateLOVE to All.
SusanNovember 9, 2021 at 10:25 pm #91941John Day
Participant@Boscohorowitz: A plastic surgeon should excise that thing on your back with WIDE MARGINS, ASAP.
I wish you well.
November 9, 2021 at 10:29 pm #91942John Day
ParticipantNice Canadian-Tuxedo.
Shouldn’t you have a tuque on your head or in your hand to complete the ensemble?November 9, 2021 at 10:35 pm #91943those darned kids
virginia lost, mandate crumbling, approval rating near absolute zero?
next stop, nicaragua for some good ol’ freedoming!
November 9, 2021 at 10:37 pm #91944laffin_boy
Participant@ Mister Roboto:
It has been frequently noted that forums such as these have a tendency to attract the INTJ type.Sorry but as a strong INTJ my experience has been that this forum tends to be overpopulated by xNFx types (where x = either choice). To oversimplify, “T’s” tend to be less “guided” by their emotions and more by what appear to be “facts” – whether those “facts” are desirable or not. (research Myers-Briggs personality types to understand what i’m talking about)
If our host and those collected here to follow his thoughts were “NT’s” then the content here would be much more like the excellent Dr. Chetty video posted by Michael Reid. Because our real problem is not Covid or governmental stupidity. It’s not the “Little Managers” problem that our host can’t seem to move past. – it’s the horrifying fact that there’s a GLOBAL PLAN to replace all existing governments with the world’s first planet-wide Totalitarian Corporate State.
This threat seemed to come out of nowhere in the beginning of 2020 but the WEF has been working outside of our peripheral vision for years. And because their immediate problem is financial they had no choice but to spring this takeover now – before the global financial system goes “poof” – along with their make-believe “wealth”.
They may have jumped too soon – and we’ll probably know within the next 6 mos whether that’s true or not. But that only points out the scale of the human tragedy here – that our best hope to come out of this with any freedoms left at all depends on their ineptitude or poor timing rather than our response to it. Because the fact that we outnumber them a zillion to one has not helped us at all. For 2 reasons: (a) their use of their overpowering but invisible weapon – propaganda – and (b) the fact that their agenda is TOO MONSTROUS for normal people to accept.
So instead we rationalize with them. We explain sensibly how their policies aren’t medically necessary. Or fair! How they don’t seem to understand how science is supposed to work. But this response is not really aimed at them at all! It’s a response tailored to maintain our comfort level – our mythology that we still live under a rational democratic system of government. Because the alternative – the reality that we actually face – is too horrible to contemplate.
But if we actually had any cojones, if we were collectively willing to face the reality of the world as it is today this threat would be gone in a week. Instead I pray for their miscalculations rather than waiting for my fellow “deplorable’s” to give up their comfortable delusions.
November 9, 2021 at 11:04 pm #91945boscohorowitz
Participant“I’m not trying to ask Bosco out on a date here…no offense.”
I’m reminded of a quip by an old high school friend of mine. Paraphrased due to memory failure:
“So what if I’m easily fooled and prone to delusion? All I can do is wear a cute dress and some Chanel # 5 and hope that Fate mistakes me for an easy date.”
Sometimes it’s wise to be a tad reluctant of homoeroticism, especially with a man who’s known as:
Fwiw, I think you’ve given me the full loving measure: you accept me as I am. My motto is that ‘like’ is approval while ‘love’ is acceptance.
I love that scene in Frankl’s book where, rescued from extermination in a Nazi copncentration camp, he sees the little bird in the morning sunlight.
btw, it occurs to me that it may not be entirely coincidental that we escalated in Nam around the time Hogan’s Heroes did such a good job of defanging the culturally enshrined image of Germans as evil barbarians with no conscience. They tried to replace Nazis/Chinks with gooks but one too many picture of napalm babies en flambeau by our bombs for the hatred to stick.
By 1980, we had Iran and our new enemy: sand nigrahs.
Today it’s Russia, China again, and the unvaccinated. They appear to be going all-out.
John Day: outside the paramedic circle, I’m not sure that ASAP has a reliable functional meaning in the Euromerican medical complex. But whatever. Today is today. Tomorrow will be tomorrow. Sooner or later, somebody’s bound to be standing over somebody’s grave.November 9, 2021 at 11:06 pm #91946boscohorowitz
Participant“no particular message, but it’s duke, the greatest human ever to arise from the swamps of the potomac, and one of the principal reasons god invented america.”
Ain’t he just swell? Thx:) Didn’t know that video exists. You have made my day and my whole week just might never got off the A train.***
Regarding my old high school chum:
This fellow has never addressed his mental health issues and it shows: he’s a flat earther who believe the Rothschilds have giant underground tunnels crisscrossing the globe (with or without ley line associations — I forget), space travel is impossible including the fact that spaceships will smack into the Firmament, and jet engines run on compressed air sans fuel.
(He called me a “fucking ninny” for pointing out the countless ways that known physics makes this impossible. It was saddening but insightful and just plain fascinating. And he doesn’t even work for the CIA or NSA. He does it all on his own!)
Possibly the smartest manh I’ve known captured his essence here:November 9, 2021 at 11:18 pm #91947boscohorowitz
Participantlaffin boy: you’re welcome to swing by my place and physically inspect my cajones up close. Orally. With a mouthful of Listerine. My balls need gargling.
Get back to us when you have determined how to make humanity do your bidding and rise up together to Smash the Man and all that glorious stuff. I’m sure that you of all people have figured out a way to bell that cat. I’m sure you can make the Glorious Revolution and that yours won’t be even more disastrous than that against which it revolts. You are obviously The Man. Our own Little Lenin.
Meanwhile try telling us something that doesn’t already get said here about a dozen times a week:
” it’s the horrifying fact that there’s a GLOBAL PLAN to replace all existing governments with the world’s first planet-wide Totalitarian Corporate State.”
We already know that rich megabillionaires and such would like to rule the world. Really. We’d kinda noticed that. We disagree over how imnportant a factor this is, and how likely they are to succeed at it, but we have noticed that megalomaniacs generaly do fit their description.
Raul has his issues as do all human beings, but somehow I suspect that a crucial lack of courage or moral resolve is among them.
SInce you came out swinging ad hominem at virtually every soul-shadow in the room, I’ll reply in kind, per the Golden Rule:
November 9, 2021 at 11:20 pm #91948zerosum
ParticipantIf covid changes all the time, is it possible to acquire natural or vaccine immunity?
Naturally Acquired Immunity Versus Vaccine Acquired Immunity
Science and public policy seem to disagree over which one is better
By Jennifer Margulis November 9, 2021
“Vaccine-induced immunity can never be as long-lasting and robust as naturally acquired immunity,” said Lentz-Marino, who taught chemistry and biology classes at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts, for more than 20 years. “The human immune system knows what it’s doing. We are an incredibly successful species. There would not be close to 8 billion people on the planet otherwise.”November 9, 2021 at 11:24 pm #91949boscohorowitz
Participant“including the fact that spaceships”
notion not ‘fact’
November 9, 2021 at 11:32 pm #91950boscohorowitz
ParticipantRegarding global corp statehood, I read this book 10-15 years ago. The fact that the dominant emerging form of government is what is loosely called the “market state” is well laid out in this book without any need to rely on heavy-breathing geriatric baby-humping biollionaires. Greedy sociopathic rulers are as old as Chinese oracle bones. The size of empire has steadily expanded through the millennia, going as far as the resource/technology base of the time would allow.
Our modern consumer society would morph into market state-hood even if Zuckerberg had never learned to write hex code. When an entire species is bent on sucking the planet and all non-human life into scattered waste heaps, the concept of global corporatism is inevitable.
November 9, 2021 at 11:47 pm #91951those darned kids
Participantyou know, zero, my wife had the thing for 6 weeks last year, and i had not a sniffle. during that time i went nowhere, mostly to ensure i would not harm anybody.
now, my government won’t let me go in many of those places.
logic loses once again.
November 10, 2021 at 12:04 am #91952zerosum
Participantthose darned kids
I had the same experience for 2-3 weeks.
I later had a negative test for covid.
Will our immune system be up to the task of protecting us in the future waves?November 10, 2021 at 12:08 am #91953boscohorowitz
ParticipantThis seems pertinent:
November 10, 2021 at 12:42 am #91954Mister Roboto
ParticipantRaul has his issues as do all human beings, but somehow I suspect that a crucial lack of courage or moral resolve is among them.
I’m supposing you meant to insert the word “not” before “among”. 🙂
November 10, 2021 at 12:58 am #91955Mr. House
ParticipantIs this the same person who used to write here?
November 10, 2021 at 1:52 am #91956boscohorowitz
Participant“I’m supposing you meant to insert the word “not” before “among”. 🙂”
Indeed. So oopsies.
November 10, 2021 at 1:56 am #91957deflationista
ParticipantBeep. Bop. You’re a dummy. Boop.
Wow. The key FLCCC paper on their main protocol has been retracted after understating the true number of deaths in the treatment group by ~78%
— Health Nerd (@GidMK) November 9, 2021
November 10, 2021 at 2:08 am #91958boscohorowitz
ParticipantBannon is being generous. Beheading is humane unless you use a dull sword. Crucifixion or being burnt alive or merely pulled apart by an hysterical mob is more likely if he doesn’t suicide oe get taken out by a (presumably corporate) sniper a la JFK, which act will then of course be blamed on whomever seems to TPTB to be the most useful.
In the McCarthy 50s, nuclear alert drills weren’t just in school; they were mandatory for the public too. Don’t know if its universal or varied state-to-state etc. Mothers got sick and tired of having to freak their kids out and ruin a picnic just because Dr. Strangelove wanted to play with his air raid siren. By the time I was in kindergarten in 196i in Chicago, we had tornado drills not nuclear drills. Duck’n’cover was actually reasonably effective for these, although we usually went downstairs to the furnace room. No one in public or the workplace was expected to do more than otice that the authorities were testing the air raid siren system.
We don’t do those anymore although the nuclear threat is greater than ever. We do mass shooting safety drill, although I suppose those have mostly stopped.
Now we walk around with masks and demand vaccination.
This time around, when the people have had enough, it won’t just be a fadeaway of a former policy. As the body count rises, so will the propensity for civil outrage.
And, as Nicole Foss (and Noam Chomsky and virtually every celebrity) demonstrates, one can be a genius, yea, even a genius at holistic analysis as is Nicole Foss, and still be a stark raving moron concerning things that align with your sociopolitical outlook a certain way.
Seeing as how Trump fast-tracked the original Pfizer vaccine, Nicole’s attitude seems to be: Dump Trump but not his policies.
At the doctor’s office today, a modest clinic with maybe 10 practitioners, covidiocy reigns, of course. It occurred to me that most medical personnel don’t have time to vet the validity of the mandated covid narrative. They’re too busy keeping up with increasing regulations, medications, & regimes amid an increasingly insane payment system.They can’t afford to doubt the word from on high, not necessarily because it could cost them their job, but because they don’t have time to vet the Official Word from the AMA/CDC/NiH.
Ask your doctor abou…t what we told him to tell you.
November 10, 2021 at 2:08 am #91959zerosum
Its your turn.
Recommend a study that tell the truth and will help someone before their lips turn blueWow. The key FLCCC paper on their main protocol has been retracted after understating the true number of deaths in the treatment group by ~78%
November 10, 2021 at 2:11 am #91960boscohorowitz
ParticipantEven dumbbots need a hobby, I guess. It’s sad when someone is such a one-note johnny you can’t decide if they’re a robot or just a compulsive obsessive vendettaist.
November 10, 2021 at 2:29 am #91961Mister Roboto
ParticipantIt’s sad when someone is such a one-note johnny you can’t decide if they’re a robot or just a compulsive obsessive vendettaist.
Oh, I think it’s pretty obvious (the second one). The one INFJ virtue that seems to hold true most consistently is that we read people and situations very well.
November 10, 2021 at 2:34 am #91962deflationista
ParticipantBeep. Dumbbot. Boop. One note. Bop. Johnny. Beep. Vendettaist. Bop. Compulsive obsessinve. Boop.
"Sure, our paper was just retracted because 4 times as many people died using our treatment than we claimed, but here are some video testimonials!"
— Kyle Sheldrick (@K_Sheldrick) November 10, 2021
November 10, 2021 at 2:50 am #91963Mister Roboto
ParticipantYou don’t say!
Bill Gates saying the vaccines don't really stop transmission. FINALLY, people are saying this out loud. I was living on an island and it was getting lonely.
— Kim Iversen (@KimIversenShow) November 10, 2021
November 10, 2021 at 2:54 am #91964Mister Roboto
ParticipantGet outta heah!
Maybe it's time to realize it has nothing to do with human attempts to control a virus, but it's just doing what it does and was always going to do.
— Kim Iversen (@KimIversenShow) November 10, 2021
November 10, 2021 at 3:07 am #91965zerosum
ParticipantIts your turn.
Recommend a study that tell the truth and will help someone before their lips turn blueMeanwhile. The truth is going to come out. Durham Is Getting Close to the Jugular
November 10, 2021 at 3:32 am #91966chooch
ParticipantThe circulatory system is closed loop and the heart is the pump that pressurizes this system to keep things flowing. The pressure is still high enough in the capillary beds that fluid and proteins get pushed out thru the small gaps that exist between adjacent endothelial cells that make up the walls of the capillaries. But here is the thing, at some point further along the capillaries the pressure differential changes and the fluid and proteins are drawn back in the capillaries thru these gaps. The total exchange in a day is 20 liters out and 17 liters in. So, the orthodoxy that the contents of the shot in the deltoid muscle will drain into the nearby lymph node is false one.
A typical cell that the LNP will fuse with has 10 million ribosomes, the manufacturing material needed to crank out spikes. There is the potential to produce 150 million of these if the cell stays intact. These will be expressed on the surface and cleave off, free to move towards the lymph node our back into the blood stream thru the capillary walls. If the cell fails, potentially 10s of millions of spikes could be dumped.
Now, lymph node near the deltoid muscle is not that far from the veins that run below your collar bones. This is where the lymph gets dumped back into the blood stream just above the heart. So, its not to hard to image that many of these spike making factories that get cranked up in the deltoid muscle could be entering the blood stream with quite a payload. The heart is a powerful muscle. The pressure above the heart, where the lymph is introduced is around 5mm Hg. When it exits into the arteries it is around 120mm Hg. It’s not a stretch to think that these spike making factories might get ripped apart in this environment. Maybe not the first trip around, but maybe the second or third. Just a theory, I really can’t prove it. Athletes do have strong hearts. Coincidence? Autopsies could settle the hypothesis.
According to Malone, at a system level there is an amazing amount of spike protein being produced and ending up where it shouldn’t. Most doctors are void of this understanding and therefore don’t link these severe adverse events to the shots.November 10, 2021 at 3:43 am #91967Mister Roboto
ParticipantNovember 10, 2021 at 4:07 am #91968boscohorowitz
Participant“Oh, I think it’s pretty obvious (the second one).”
COnfirmation bias runs deep in all of us. WHile IU’m not invested in believing that the likes of def are human or not, the fact is that bots have gotten so good it’s become almost impossible to tell.
The “Turing threshhold” has been crossed. Not entirely. Long term study of the output of such entities will eventually betray something obviously not human. But they’ve become really really good. You mentioned knowing when someone is too emotionaqlly invested in something. I submit that it’s possible for you or I to become so emotionally invested in believing that sucn entities are or aren’t human that we lose objectivity — something a bot never does — thereby putting ourselves at its advantage.
One thing a decent bot studies is how emotionally invested we are in this or that.
November 10, 2021 at 4:09 am #91969boscohorowitz
November 10, 2021 at 4:16 am #91970Mister Roboto
ParticipantIt has also occurred to me that netbots could possibly have human minders who can occasionally chime in to throw the regular participants of a forum off the scent. I guess it just seems as though maybe we’re flattering ourselves just a tad by thinking we’re important enough here at TAE to have a bot “assigned” to us and our musings. (No offense, Raul, but the Internets are big ol’ place!)
November 10, 2021 at 4:22 am #91971boscohorowitz
ParticipantOne thing a decent bot does (not saying def is a decent bot, not saying he isn’t) is test various logical fallacies on people. Remember, a bot has virtually unlimited data storage/access capacity, depending on its owner. (arf!) It can literally prodfile each of us in minute detail, store that data, integrate it with other details… in that sense, they are far superior to us.
def seems determined currently to see how much traction it can get with the ‘but alternate covid treatments aren’t perfect nor are their promoters and marketers!’ fallacy. The fallacy being the idea that imperfection is a disqualifier, when after all, nothing is perfect except, maybe (just maybe) the core laws of physics, which if not perfect are at least supernally reliable.
Any decent bot already knows how easily humans get sucked into arguments via ego and accompanying facets like our sense of justice and fair play (but mostly our pwesshus widdle egos). That’s old ho-hum stuff for what I will call an agit-bot.
The bot doesn’t even care that much whether we doubt its humanity. So long as we engage with it, it’s doing its job and getting what it “wants”. Ignoring it is mostly futile so long as it can observe. Interacting with us is extra bonus pay but dicet too, because, if we merely toy with it, its data hygiene goes to shit.
It reminds me of something I wrote about my experience as a Sally Ann bell-ringer many years ago:
Shekina: during last Xmas’s bell&kettle gig, my friend Jay’d loaned me his Tibetan singing bowl. Same one I have now, up here. When struck, a singing bowl hums like a choir of tuning forks, the sound going through your body like that one second just before you realize you’re awake. All during the vicious freezing week before last Xmas, it’s soft bronze om toned incongruously warm through Albertson’s parking lot like a dinner bell for homeless people.
Tap bell; heads turn. Tots in tow would wrench free of their mother’s hand to stare at me, this wild Noel creature wearing a bird’s nest sprouting faux reindeer antlers of Xmas tree branches. With a red clown nose. But after they’d passed and their tiny attention spans had turned to the next moment’s revelation, I’d tone the bell and their heads would whip around, eyes wide. One lad kept his eyes on me the entire walk to the far end of the parking lot, head rotated almost 180 degrees, his Mom smiling at him, then me, then him.
Startled grownups would stare, sometimes almost angrily, hungry eyes howling like dogs at a passing ambulance siren. Recovering, they’d smile and wink as they entered the store. Exiting, they’d dutifully donate like they were passing through security at the North Pole and being scanned by a Good Kid/Bad Kid mettle detector.
It wasn’t a job, it was performance art, busking on an hourly wage, convincing others and myself to suspend their disbelief. Paid to be a convincing kook, I was disturbingly good at it.
I’d pretend I was a wind-up elf in a Macy’s Xmas window. It had to be subtle: a gently repeated slow-motion, a semi-wooden smile, not some break-dancer doing the robot. A good robot doesn’t try to act like a robot, it tries to act like a person. You have to believe the mythos you’re projecting for it to work. Imagining I was an android on the lam, desperately trying to pass for human in my camouflage Xmas troll suit, only my eyes showing. Like a black man passing for white in a Whites Only sauna. I think I got pretty good at it. Pawning myself off as a mechanical hominid posing human kept my mind off the cold.
Closing my eyes, I’d summon my muse, the Waltzing Woman, and perform. Imagine the Xmas ballet’s Nutcracker doing Tai Chi. The Terminator looking for the one last hope of all mankind to skateboard across the lot in order to saved a young John Connor from the Tehminatuh T-1000.I knew I was in the zone when people ‘knew something was wrong’ but didn’t get the robot act. Thought I maybe had a neurological disorder. Parkinson’s, maybe. And what could be more human than feeling like an outsider trying to fit in?
How do you mime being invisible? I’d like to see Marcel Marceau do that. Like household ghosts practicing Stanislavsky method-haunting, making you aware of them even though they’re invisible to your senses: be the ectoplasm! make them almost but not quite see you! smash the 4th wall!
Can you tell I miss that month? I soaked up all that unearned kindness like frozen earth on a sunny winter day. The view from where I manned my red kettle in front of Albertsons waves at me when I remember it. Stare at the same horizon for hours and it will burn its silhouette in your memory.I knew every tree, telephone wire, and chimney of that parking lot skyline on a first name basis, sensed their mood swings as the light and wind changed through the day. After sunset, they’d remain in virtual sight, mental sonar reconfirming their location, and I could see the wind move them even in darkness. When the wind picked up, this one spruce named Freddie the Freeloader did this shuffle groove with its limbs, like a busstop waiter dancing in place to his iPod.
By the end of the first week I had Pavlov’s Condition: when someone approached I’d unconsciously wiggle my bell hand like a dog wags its tail. I actually sustained a job-related injury: bell-ringer’s elbow, basically tennis elbow but with different etiology. Had to get a cortisone injection December 31st.
New Years Eve sucked big booze bottles. It was the pain meds my doctor gave for that cortisone injection that set me off. Opiates make me irrationally exuberant and suddenly anything goes. Doc gave me the injection that morning, squeezing me in a crowded half day schedule, provided me with a few days’ supply of Tramadol samples, some supposedly subdued synthetic codeine that nonetheless got me higher than belfry bats, and I drank quite a bit after that. Perhaps I romanticize my bell-ringing because of how bad things got afterward?Counselor, I was sober for a whole. goddam. month. Longer. A biblical 40 days. It felt as epic to me as Moses in the wilderness. If I could ring a bell in the cold all year I would do so if it would let me be a decent human being. O counselor! I have failed everyone!
<end>November 10, 2021 at 4:23 am #91972Mister Roboto
Participant“The Supply Chain Around Our Necks” at
November 10, 2021 at 4:23 am #91973boscohorowitz
Participant“It has also occurred to me that netbots could possibly have human minders who can occasionally chime in to throw the regular participants of a forum off the scent.”
They do but that too is a dicey practice if the change becomes noticeable: from a bot imitating a human to a human imitating a bot.
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