Debt Rattle October 1 2024


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle October 1 2024

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  • #170191
    John Day

    Has anyone blamed Trump yet?

    Trumps out of the rotation today, it’s either Putin’s turn or White extremists to blame today.

    Tomorrows line up for blame includes radicalized Right, Fanatical Jihadis, or the Amish weaponized “horse and carriage” plot uncovered.

    Why does the US Regime offer unconditional support for two terrorist Nations?
    Why are both of those unconditional support Nations run by Jews?
    One a Jew dictator and the other a Genocidal Jew?

    Three terrorist Rogue nations- US, Is, Ukr – all Zionists.
    Don’t blame Zionists, its what they do.


    Has anyone got news on …
    1. The IDF air force, what’s left of it, ran to Cyprus
    2. 10,000 troops invaded Lebanon


    Lynch a Liberal, it’s good for the environment.

    Serial talking is not resistance.

    Hahaha, no but it’s a small start. At least historically we know that underground papers reporting behind the lines drove the occupying enemy crazy. Look at how the Libtards are trying to censure everything not in their little red books.

    It drives Liberals and Jews CRAZXIER when you tell the truth, they hate truth.

    Love for truth and honesty drives Liberals and Jews to hatred.


    You’re an ungrateful whiner. You don’t want information, help, well intentioned advice or anything else that might lift you up from that pathetic state of impotent victimhood you choose to wallow in.

    Hilariously, the Jews have a word that describes you perfectly. It’s “kvetch”.

    So much bs in one heart stopping statement.
    Here to HELP are you? thats the best retarded joke I’ve heard from you.

    “We’re from the Govt and we’re here to help…”

    It comes from Yiddish, where “kvetshn” means “to squeeze” or “to pinch”, and is used to describe someone who habitually grumbles or complains.

    Jews constantly steal, lie, murder, rape, torture for their “homeland only for Jews”
    You support Jew aggression. Check your bp, don’t want your self righteous heart to explode all over your keyboard.


    ….The Iraqi Resistance’s coordination committee released a statement after Iran’s response, warning US forces that if they were to intervene in a strike on Iran, or if “Israel” were to use Iraqi airspace to execute any strikes against Iran, then all US bases and interests in Iraq and the region would become legitimate targets…..

    …Earlier reports said the targets of the Iranian attacks would include military airbases as well as intelligence headquarters in northern Tel Aviv.
    Iraqi Resistance threatens US bases in event of attack on Iran

    Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee issued a statement, on Tuesday, threatening to target US bases and interests in Iraq if the United States engages in any hostile actions against Iran.

    The group warned that “if the Americans intervene in any aggressive act against the Islamic Republic, or if the Zionist enemy uses Iraqi airspace to launch any attacks, all US bases and interests in Iraq and the region will be targeted.”

    This threat follows the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) announcement that it launched several missiles at key military targets in Israel, in retaliation for the assassinations of senior figures such as Ismail Haniyeh, Hassan Nasrallah, and Abbas Nilforoushan.

    The IRGC’s statement emphasized that the missile strikes were approved by Iran’s Supreme National Security Council and backed by the Iranian army. The group further warned that any Israeli military response would be met with even more destructive retaliatory attacks. This is reportedly the first wave of such operations.


    Reply by Israel is now targeting what they can hit easiest: Gaza.

    The Gaza Strip is being hit hard. Schools, tents, the last standing homes, and a group of Palestinians who were walking in a “threatening manner” near the Nezarim corridor (Israel built this road to cut Gaza into two, dividing the north from the south.)

    Any cars that move are being bombed.

    Somewhere near a million Palestinians stuck in one small section in south Gaza. No escape.

    It is not a group of giant bombings, but one at a time, Israel is hitting everything still alive in the Strip and re-bombing apartments and houses that have already been turned into rubble. It looks like Israel is punishing the Palestinians because they can’t get back at Iran right this moment.

    Posted by: teri | Oct 1 2024


    friendly reminder-

    Israel calls themselves a Jewish State for Jewish people.

    If you don’t like Israel being referred to as Jewish- don’t blame me – Israel is a reflection on all Jewish people just as America a reflection on all Americans.

    They INDENTIFY as THE Jewish state- for the race, religion and home for all Jews.
    Don’t play disingenuous word games or turn around with the Jew “anti-semitic” card.

    When you literally repeat their words , they said, and they call you racist.

    Kind of like the Liberal use of “nigger” in rap music. They can use that word, they can hold it against you although you are neither racist or a slave owner, but you may never say that word- while they spew it all over you.

    Same with the gay community and feminists – they say and behave any way they want and hold you hostage for NOT being them. Fucked up.


    “Israel says Iran fired some 180 missiles into the country, a large number of which, it added, were intercepted.”

    The Russians do this to the Ukronazis and then see what works and what doesn’t.

    It also give intelligence on where IsRealHell’s missile defense systems are and how many.

    Next round Iran adapts it’s pattern for more missilles to by pass.

    Houthis found a hole in IsRealHell’s defense.

    They to will redeploy their missiles.

    IsRealHell’s anti-missile defense costs billions per incident.

    Iran’s missiles cost millions.

    Rinse and repeat

    Do the math




    Commies mouthing off…..




    A TOTALLY lost cause

    No hope for the Limeys goin’ all Full Orwell

    The Land of Shakespearean Tragedy



    Karen needs a Big Bad Bitch Slap®



    Dr D Rich

    I’m filing this one under chicken and EGG AND directed at DBS’s courtesy reply a couple days ago.
    Call it dueling sarcasm, the facetious side of Confucianism. Is the latter a real word?

    Anyhow and so it seems DBS appears to align with the Candace Owens’ school of thinking or vice versa.

    Candace on the forbidden subject:

    what we have right now is a pedophile ring that has assumed a ton of power in the world by pretending that any person who notices is antisemitic. My theory is that these people are not Jewish; they publicly present themselves as Jewish, but in reality, they worship and follow an entirely different faith, and it’s satanic. … These are demonic, monstrous people who are using Judaism to hide their actions.”

    Here’s the opposing argument from the author Laurent Guyénot:

    “My theory is the opposite: Jewish supremacists are using Satanism “to hide their actions.” The transgenerational sect of Satan-worshippers operating in total impunity at the highest level of Hollywood, Wall Street, and Washington—raping, torturing, sacrificing and drinking the blood of children in black masses—is a fantasy to deflect attention from the cult that really controls Hollywood, Wall Street and Washington.”

    “Assuming Satan-worshipping pedophiles (SWPs) do exist, they are self-hating individuals driven by perversion and ambition. How could they have any kind of loyalty to each other? Do they control each other by blackmail? In that case, they will kill each other when they can. Blackmailing will not make loyal. Therefore, SWPs can never be a driving force in politics, let alone in history.”

    “Only a community bonded by a common history and identity, an assumed common blood, a common ideology or religion, possibly a common hatred, and at the very least a common aim and a transgenerational determination to advance it, can have global political power and long-term influence on history. The Satanists have no power; that’s why you can denounce them as much as you can without consequence. (It does make you feel and look brave, though!)”

    “Surely there exist some nuts worshipping Satan in disgusting ways. But Satan is a Christian concept. Worshipping Satan means believing that Christ and Satan are waging a cosmic war, and choosing to side with the loser. Generally speaking, our ruling elites are simply not into this paradigm. You may call them “satanic” in the sense of “evil” if you like, but they certainly do not care for Satan.”




    Simple All Purpose Lie Detector


    Dr D Rich

    “When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, then you are ruled by criminals”

    How old is Snowden? 41?

    I admire the young people when they finally come around on their personal journey of self-discovery.
    Next thing Ed should do is bone up on narcissism, antisocial personality, projection, blameshifting, projective identification, deflection, psychopathy and sociopathy. None of the criminals see themselves as criminals. On the contrary their self-perception is being one fine dandy upstanding member of high society.
    Never piss on their parade of fellow travelers.


    There are intriguing and disappointing – though not surprising – continuities between Great Britain under the conservative Tories and the current iteration under a hardly less rightwing version of the Labour party.

    Keir Starmer has worked for David Rothchild for the last 16 years, in that time he rose to be the leader of the labour party, and now who do you think he answers to? The rich Jew parasites have brainwashed the British people against the Russians, all because the rich Jews hate Putin because he downed Khordokovsky, the oligarch who’s crimes were funded by Joseph Rothschild and who’s stolen assets, the Yukos oil company, was confiscated by Putin. Joseph Rothschild, the spoilt brat trust fund kid, then did what all trust fund kids do, he started screaming that it was not fair that he had his stolen goods stolen from him. He then started an anti-Russia campaign, at the same time the history of Khordokovsky was turned into the Bible v2, you can not believe what a saint this guy was. Even the FT has written PR pieces to turn him into the Jesus that escaped Russia. Unfortunately, the trust fund kid turned the UK into a Putin hating flock of sheep.

    Keir Starmer is the latest sheep farmer prepared to borrow money the government cannot afford, to do bad things to Putin … if only that fucking trust fund kid would stop screaming. You would think it would all end with the death of the elder trust fund kid, but no, the younger one is now on the case. As for the British people, fuck, they are just a human resource owned by the government, who cares what they think.


    DBS, your manlove for Dr D is quite noble. Fuckin gay, but noble nonetheless. Maybe he’ll send you a thank you card. You can put it on your mantel, next to your boy scout awards.


    Hughes has ruled the Skripals will not and must not be called to give evidence, neither in open court, nor by remote videolink, nor in tape-recorded voice, nor even in the written transcript of what English police claim the Skripals said under questioning in 2018. The two survivors of the only Russian Novichok poisoning ever alleged to have occurred outside Russia will not now be subjected to cross-examination or to any form of forensic questioning that is the requirement of the English criminal law, nor to their physical appearance in court that is their fundamental right under the English legal doctrine of habeas corpus.

    Britain is run by trust fund kids and laws do not apply to the trust fund kids or their pet projects, such as the demonisation of Putin. The Novichok poisoning fairytale shows us that those in charge in the UK do not care about the law, same with the Assange torture, the law does not apply if it goes against what the trust fund kids want. And we all know who make up the majority of those vocal trust fund kids, yes, the parasites.


    From Andrei Martyanov

    Ugledar Falls

    Ugledar in death cauldron

    Ukronaziland is collapsing, nothing between Ugledar and the Dneiper.

    Michael Reid

    Dear Dr D.,

    You are saying the narrative is not logic. You could say the same with many less words. Many words cause head aches.

    Show me your logic with fewer words without irony. And I appreciate your logic among other things.


    Head ache man


    Ugledar falls and an hour later Iran launches a 400 missile salvo at IsRealHell


    Iran missiles exploding in IsRealHell

    Sure looks like an awful lot of them got through despite Zionist lies, lies, lies…….



    The Dr D – Genocide Jew tag team are back in action. Dr D is free, which means he is happy to pay his taxes that fund the genocide Benton’s in Israel. Freedom, a rallying cry that distinguishes the idiots from the thinkers. The Australian Aborigines were probably the last society that permitted freedom, the freedom to do as you wish, walk where you wish and answer to nobody other than your family. But, look at the price they paid, they lived in nature, learned from nature, amongst creatures that would still frighten an American, with remedies for a lot of their ailments. But, look at the price they paid, they had to walk everywhere, no cars, no ecologists telling them how bad they are for the planet, no left wing authoritarians revolting against the government, trying to take it over from inside. Basically they suffered from no really decent politics. The poor dears.

    In America you cannot be free. The government has you by the balls from the moment you are born. You are theirs and you will work to make the government stronger; you are a human resource, nothing more, nothing less. You cannot be free in any modern society, the reason being the different nature of civilised people versus Aborigines. The Abos did not have portfolios of assets, they did not buy up hundreds of miles of farmland, they did not need that to survive. The western man needs that, his mental state is such that his rallying cry is MOAR, he just wants more, and if someone has not yet claimed that plot of land, you can bet your ass that some western man will turn up and claim he owns it, then you will never see his again, it is an “investment” which means he gets exclusive rights to it, stops anyone using it, until he decides to sell it. The western man collects assets, does not want to share, does not give a shit about his fellow man, he wants it all for himself. That is where government steps in, the western man needs big government to protect his collection of assets from the people who have no assets, to provide the western man with a way of stopping other people from using his stuff, protect his “private property”, as if the earth is anybody’s “private property”. Western man has imprissoned himself through his own greed, and anyone born into that system is also imprissoned, there is no escape other than removing yourself from the system through death.

    Of course there are occasionally revolutions to change the government; one is happening at the moment in the USA, although the majority still haven’t managed to work out what the revolution is all about. There was one in China, after the west had sufficiently corrupted the KMT, the China loyalists decided they did not want a western China, they wanted a Chinese China, and Mao grasped his opportunity along with a few thousand idealistic students. The government will change, but the new government will still have you by the balls. Human nature, freedom is not possible in the modern world.


    Oroboros said

    Iran missiles exploding in IsRealHell

    Do you feel lucky, Jew?


    In a nuclear war the missiles raining down in huge numbers will be nukes and will be raining down on the USA and Europe; watch the videos of Israel and imagine nukes. You think the Israelis would be able to defend themselves with their US nukes? Even their Iron Dome has been proven to be useless, but the Israeli plebs believed the usual Jew lies.


    Stolen Goods:

    I think one can thank the Square Mile in London for the common English expression that “possession is 9/10s of the law”!

    Doc Robinson

    Reported to be today’s statement from the political office of the Houthis

    …the Iranian missile attacks forced millions of Zionists to flee to shelters, serving as a real deterrent to the entity… the military operation sent a clear and powerful message to the American enemy, the main partner in all the crimes and massacres committed by the Zionist enemy over the past year… Yemen will remain actively engaged in the support battle until the aggression against Palestine and Lebanon ceases… The statement also noted the political office’s blessing of the Palestinian suicide operation in occupied “Jaffa” this evening…

    Michael Reid

    Dear Dr. D.,
    Irony and sarcasm are simply another way of lying and I am allergic to lies.


    Can’t Hit Shit:

    In case no one has noticed, Israel has quietly retired the US Patriot missile system from it’s fake Irom Dome mirage.
    Apparently throwing millions of dollars up in the sky, doesn’t seem to stop anything!
    Cheap pays no respect to expensive!

    Notice too that one doesn’t hear anymore about shortages of Patriot missiles.
    There plenty of Patriot missiles available now.
    But there is now a shortage of gullible customers to buy them!


    Notice that the Houthis have now added Lebanon to their Gaza list of reasons to keep firing missiles at Israel!
    The war is now spreading!


    D Benton Smith said


    So despite all the bad mouthing and grief you lay on DrD he still tries to do you an honest favor, but you just can’t let it be, can you? Just face it, Celtie. You’re an ungrateful whiner. You don’t want information, help, well intentioned advice or anything else that might lift you up from that pathetic state of impotent victimhood you choose to wallow in.

    But Dr D is lying, like your Jews lie, and the victimhood you see is probably from your Jew genes. Telling you that Dr D lies will obviously create huge cognitive dissonance in your brain; your intellectual idol is full of shit. Face it, be honest with yourself. Dr D is not Jewsus, although you obviously think he is, he is just another charletan selling snake oil.

    Dr D gives us the Hollyweird perspective, the whole world is a movie with good guys and bad guys, but the good guys will win. Sure, whatever, you can believe that shit, but it has never happened in history; history tells us that the good guys do nothing, that there are bad guys and other bad guys, the bad guys always win, although they may be fighting for different things. I suspect this “goodies versus badies” perspective comes from the American perspective of their founding fathers being such heroes, such good guys; you believe the Dr D movie script about your own country back then, so why not now.

    The myth of the founding fathers being such good guys is so ridiculous that the encyclopedia Britannica actually contains an article on where this ridiculous belief system came from


    ‘Exceptional Day’, Says Abu Obeida – Resistance Roundup – Day 361

    ‘Exceptional Day’, Says Abu Obeida – Resistance Roundup – Day 361
    October 1, 2024
    Below are the latest statements by the two main Resistance forces in Gaza, and the Lebanese Resistance Movement Hezbollah.

    (The invaders were met with “fire”)


    So Vance wins the VP debate tonight
    But by tomorrow morning, Walz will be declared the winner!


    Did you know? …

    Israel: 180 ballistic missiles ineffective and yet, will take revenge against Iran

    Iran: 90% of missiles successfully hit their targets in Israel.

    If the US takes part in “any hostile action” then US bases will come under attack.

    Pentagon says about a dozen interceptor missiles were fired.

    The US government quietly approved Israel’s, (Invasion ), military campaign in Lebanon, and assassinating most of the Hezbollah leadership,

    Over 1,000 people, including many civilians, have been killed and over one million displaced.

    Prior to the bombing and invasion, thousands of people in Lebanon were targeted by simultaneously exploding devices,

    Hezbollah: supports the Palestinians and has vowed to stop cross-border rocket attacks only after a ceasefire is reached in Gaza.

    Israel’s: goal is to “eliminate” Hamas completely, and it has repeatedly rejected public calls from Washington for a truce.

    • Biden, Harris Strongly Back Israeli Killing of Nasrallah (Antiwar)

    Biden, Harris Release Statements Strongly Backing Israeli Killing of Nasrallah

    Sen. Graham Calls for US To Strike Iranian Oil Sites in Response to Attack on Israel

    Hurricane Helene leaves devastation in USA.

    Bankers/Investors, laughing all the way to the banks.

    • Russia, China Settling 95% of Payments in Own Currencies (Sp.)

    Assange said : ”I see more impunity, more secrecy, more retaliation for telling the truth, and more self-censorship,”
    • ‘I’m Free Because I Pled Guilty To Journalism’ – Assange (RT)
    “..future wars are drone wars.” “Drone swarm battles are coming that will boggle the mind..”

    • Elon Musk Warns Of ‘Drone Swarm Battles’ (RT)

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