Debt Rattle October 11 2024


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  • #171198

    Jean-Francois Millet The Young Shepherdess 1870-73   • They’re Just Not That Into You (DeMartino) • ‘Too Late’ For Harris Rematch – Trump (RT) •
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 11 2024]


    Dropping like flies …


    Dr. D

    Picture, it’s a Play: “The Crucible.”

    “UN Says 900,000 Lebanese Displaced By War, A Quarter Of Country Now Under Israeli Evac Orders

    Under what rules can one country order their neighbors to all evacuate? Would you like to describe this for me, UN? I just called Riems and the Lower East Side and told them they have to evacuate or else, and they sounded kind of mad on the phone…

    “EU Unveils New Sanctions To Counter Russian Hybrid Warfare

    That’ll fix’r. Don’t know where they can go after the Steven Seagal sanctions though.

    “UN Accuses Israel Of Firing On Its Peacekeeping Force In Lebanon, Wounding Two 

    A nation in search of limits. Become a brat. That’s what happens if you don’t say no, whether in the U.S. or abroad. No worries since they’re going to cease to exist.

    So…Duran, Kissinger said Israel would cease to exist, or be “Israel” by 2020. Yes, when he was 99, but as we know, he was amazingly insightful to the end, the old villain. Second, they called Biden, there was a shouting match, and the press release is a jumble of chaos. Translation: American Generals are in Israel obeying, Nutsy called for final permission, Biden told them to f– themselves, they’re on their own. In an election year. Captain Lunatic over there figured no American President – nor anyone else – would go against Israel during an election. Hahahahaha! What a maroon! Of COURSE we would. We dgaf about you.

    “To be America’s enemy is dangerous, but to be America’s ally is fatal.” — Kissinger. (I think) How can you not already know that? Too soon?

    “Israel Arrests US Journalist Who Documented Damage From Iran Missile Strike

    In other news: it’s Thursday. Have you guys not read anything in the last 40 years? He’s alive. I don’t know if that’s good or bad, just thought I’d mention it. So good thing he’s not a soldier for the UN.

    Trump will drive down electric in half.

    …Corporations won’t like that. They’d rather get paid to NOT provide things. That’s why we have government protected Monopolies in a full merger of corporation and state.

    “Fraud Case”

    Maybe they should be sanctioned? Here’s half your problem: Whether you want to or not, it is your DUTY to sanction them. You may not WANT to, you HAVE to. You’re not allowed to prosecute bulls—t cases to harass citizens outside of law. That’s a MINIMUM. And the only way to do that is to PUNISH someone. But it’s against Republican principles to uphold the law or do anything.

    I hate this stuff, they’re like, “Oh brat misbehaved, threw a tantrum, beat up others around them with their senseless thrashing, ruined their own lives AND the lives of everyone around them, but! That’s okay, I don’t want to be the bad guy and DO anything. That would be like 5% hard.” …When letting them go on is like 85% hard, AND ruins both the Brat, AND the country. Look: suppose you hate the country. I get that. At least save your own kids, your own people, right? From prison and/or hanging in the streets? Do you care about looking like a maniac and losing? Start with that.

    “President Trump plays a video of Full Metal Jacket clips juxtaposed with real life videos of the modern woke military under Biden-Harris. What kind of military do you want defending you and your family, America?”

    One less than half this size. Maybe almost no military at all, as was originally designed (under the Swiss model). Who would we fight? We don’t have any enemy we don’t make.

    “• Dem Strategist Claims Trump Vowed To EXTERMINATE People With Eugenics

    This is over the top, but so was the accusation against the Kansas Professor. Calm down people. You know if you stop lying you can get more done.

    “Deranged Dem strategist on CNN claims Trump SAID he’s going to “exterminate” black and gay people via eugenics.”

    You mean like Canada or Planned Parenthood? If he’s going to do that, wouldn’t we seen some in the first term? Time exists. All time is internet time. The UniTime™ All events past, present, future, are all happening now, unconnected to each other. That’s why you can protest slavery, and a plantation owner in 1856 looks up and goes, “Whut?” I hear a thousand blue hairs cry out in anguish, then…silence.

    “He never talked about “exterminating” anyone, only about securing the border and preventing thousands of murderers and violent criminals getting in. Mills is clearly mentally unstable, yet another example of a rabid leftist engaging in this bizarre fantasy about Trump throwing them in detention camps or even worse, executing them, and contributing to the vile rhetoric that has almost gotten him assassinated twice.”


    Like this? They ignored it? Ignoring the Left, NOT putting anyone in camps, or trying to, even once, is the real crime here isn’t it? They’re a Brat in Brat Summer: you have to fulfill their fantasies or they’ll throw a tantrum.

    Anyway, sorry but we HAVE to let them run amok, at least in public. Run down the street smeared in s—t, banging into doors with their underpants on their heads so you’ll AT LAST know how crazy they are and what they’re capable of. Why? WE TOLD YOU for 50 years. 70 years. Every. Day. That did nothing, you wouldn’t listen, so the era of grab-ass is over. It’s crunch time, so you have to see it happen, then choose. I don’t: YOU do. If you’d paid attention and stopped it before now, we wouldn’t have to scare you to demonstrate half what Jones said was Not a theory, it was straight out of FEMA papers, CIA docs, and Kamala Harris TV interviews.

    So much as it irritates me and wastes my valuable time, the MORE this happens, the better. The MORE you see it and the MORE deranged they are: Kerry saying he’s 100% anti-free-speech for instance, the better it is for us. I mean: People: we had to tell them to tell you you were going to have to all be killed and eat the bugs to get your attention, for you to finally listen? We had to cartoon-run Klausenschwabber in a thong for a decade to get you to look?

    If that’s what it takes, I guess, but I don’t like it, and personally didn’t need it. I would have stopped this in 1956, it was already too crazy and too obvious then.

    “• ‘Total Killer’ – Trump on Modi (RT)

    Who? (Just kidding, Biden couldn’t remember/had no idea who he was.) No Modi is surprisingly capable, after this whole We’ll-go-cashless-digital-currency thing. Maybe he was right, he couldn’t have stood that pressure, but remained in power to get them back later. But following Indian politics would be a full time job. I wish I could do it, I’d learn a lot, but it’s not my thing.

    ““Nuclear weapons are “the biggest threat we have in the world today,” Trump argued.

    Lying again. No way, although I appreciate at least ONE Western leader taking them seriously and not deranged. I can think of a dozen. Bioweapons. Hey, whatever happened to Lahina? Yup, they don’t exist. Never happened. Any of the kids reappear? I guess we’ll never know, since the media will never write about it. What assassination? Google removed that from search, then said they’d sue anyone who used the photos. Yesterday Reddit nuked the site looking into who Mr. Crooks was, and where he had been. Crooks who? I don’t know any Crooks whose father has the nation’s most expensive lawyer at his command, being a home health aide n’ stuff. When you’re on minimum wage, who doesn’t, amitrite?

    Back to nukes: ours probably won’t launch and blow up in the silos. I hear half our subs are in the shop, so no help there either. In that sense, the world gets safer every day!

    “• Nearly 3 Million Americans Have Voted So Far. Here’s What We Know. (ET)

    Clickbait-y title makes me expect everything said to be a lie. Hey, um, aren’t ballots supposed to be secret?

    “Voters in affected counties can now request an absentee ballot in person up until Nov. 4,”

    Great! I expect at least 10 million ballots from Western North Carolina now.

    “Netanyahu is paranoid, he has a king syndrome, a god complex,” says Tsipis. “He constantly fears that someone might overthrow or supplant him. This paranoia of his grows more acute with each passing day.”

    As with Hogue yesterday, Nutsy is following the arc of Hitler, where at first his crazy aggression and throwing new risks can’t lose, then people get with the program of a one-trick pony and he can’t win. I say that and call him “Nutsy” each day because…Three…Two…One, Yup! All forgotten. I never said that, I never say that almost every day for 20 years, carry on…

    This has been a regularly scheduled test of the Mentally Ill. If you had actually been Mentally Ill, you would instantly reform to your previous shape and beliefs, ignoring and dismissing, rejecting and saying this test never happened. Denying reality each day = psychosis. Each event as it occurs, I don’t feel like thinking it’s true, so I just say it isn’t. …And the “Mentally Ill” part? Then a second later I ACTUALLY BELIEVE it isn’t, that this conversation never happened. Well I didn’t want it to! Hate is the only thing floating me right now, how can I let it go? I’ll collapse.

    Be like Elsa: Let It Go. You’ll still be there after, I promise.

    “reward his war crimes with 53 standing ovations. How can Washington be any more subservient to Israel than that?” –PCR

    Great question! I guess we’ll find out, as Congress is in session tomorrow.

    “• The Fall of Israel (Scott Ritter)

    As said, for us 30,000 foot thinkers, the question is already what happens after, because this is done deal, already fallen and past. Sad I’m still so far behind Kissinger tho. I’m just a Normie like that, I guess.

    “Prior to Oct. 7, 2023, Israel was able to disguise its true character to the outside world, convincing all but a handful of activists that its actions in targeting “terrorists” were proportional and humane.”

    Were they? To who? You just make s—t up? They’d been in trouble since all my life, some new affront or UN censure almost yearly. This discussion of their outrageous behavior was in papers and discussions since I was a child. So…clearly not disguised. Media Overton Window’ed maybe. But I don’t participate in fantasy like that. I only care if the actions happened, not what “we” say about them.

    “was able to run wild and essentially engage in a lot of sex crimes of a really horrific sort, against women, Justin Beiber.” But he’s a Canadian, so that’s the same as a woman to us Americans.

    “• Russia Calls Out US Deep State on Covering Up P. Diddy Sex Scandal (Sp.)

    White Hats tag-teaming it since the Media dropped it. At least it’s in the news.

    “• EU Committing ‘Energy Suicide’ – Gazprom CEO (RT)

    The release of the Danish Harbormaster (Everybody knew) is doing an Anti-suicide. Finally. Wondered what it would take to get your attention, as above. Do we have to trot out Klaus in a thong again? Please no. So all you have to do is say it’s the United States. You can do it!! …And then the only POSSIBLE conclusion is that you need to stop being allies with us, AND WITHDRAW ALL OUR TROOPS. But then we can’t be your little monster-army anymore, can we? You can’t blame us for your wars, can you? Well, good luck with your decision, boys, a certain President warned you. I can’t believe this is what it takes, or this long. God people are such knuckleheads.

    “Elon Musk even stood in line for six hours to shake Obama’s hand”

    No he didn’t. That’s the past now so we re-wrote it. Elon is now a racist, misogynist, and is Hitler, so that can’t have happened. Logic! …Same as the Trump voters in Michigan can’t have voted for Obama twice, although “the Maths” say that has to be what happened.

    “Dr D and Benton the Jew both carry so much water for the chosen; they should consider a pipeline, be a savvy servant.”

    3…2…1… Aaaaaaaaaand, they forgot. Just like I said they would. Not even 12 hours. Goldfish! Squirrel!

    Am I hitting a nerve here? Not a single response to specific facts or arguments. Docktor is a poopy pants! We don’t like his mom! Very clever, wtf, you guys are grown ass adults, and pretty smart too, break the spell, will ya?

    “The capacity for critical thinking has been so overwhelmed and subverted in my generation that they didn’t see the …control.”

    Critical thinking. Debate on the specific points offered. You can do it. The “Control” is being so clever that you ATTACK YOUR ALLIES instead of the enemy. …But the Enemy would never arrange for you to do that, would they? Can’t be that by attacking all allies, you’re the major force in the Israeli Army operation, could it? Use your head.

    This is why we call you Mossad’s greatest agent, but it goes right over your heads. A second later, it never happened. “This is a test of the mentally ill…”


    black hats, they’re selling like hotcakes
    There is news and there is history.

    Has the MAGA timeframe ever been defined?
    Which year did the US stop being great?
    What time frame is the Gilded Age to be re-established”

    Dr D’s white hats have a problem, they’re selling like hotcakes

    “I will cut the price of ENERGY and ELECTRICITY in HALF within 12 months. We will seriously expedite our environmental approvals, and quickly double our electricity capacity.”

    as we say in the South, “Bless His Heaaart”

    buy copper it’s gonna be Yuuuge

    the train to Newcastle is cancelled

    Dr. D

    Please be specific, what exactly are the Black Hats and why do you think they’re selling.

    Has the timeline been defined? Rumor has is 2026 for the 250th, officially, no. Bulls come and go, but bulls–t goes on forever. I think it’s bulls–t and we’ll just slowly crawl out of the hole we dug for decades. No one will notice that either.

    When did the US stop being great. WERE we ever great?

    When is the Gilded Age reestablished. If you haven’t noticed, it already has. It’s most similar to 1910 right now. Since 2001 or so, as Buffet said, “It’s a Class War and we won.” He said that in public so you’d get it, as a warning: nobody did.

    “Bless His Heaaart” Exactly. But something is still better than nothing: your choice.


    scroll to the top of the page and read, 30,000 foot thinker


    simile, metaphor, innuendo, cultural reference, symbolism
    Musk appears in black cap

    thick as a brick

    Dr. D

    “Lesbian Captain Crashes After Insisting Ships Don’t Have To Go Into Ports” BBee

    SAMOA — Lesbian naval commander Yvonne Gray reportedly crashed the HMNZS Manawanui into a coral reef shortly after insisting that ships don’t have to go into ports.

    “Ships in ports is old-fashioned thinking,” Captain Gray said, according to the ship’s log. “As long as I’m captain, this ship will never dock at a port ever again. Ports are for ports and ships are for ships.”

    Despite attempts by the first officer to undermine her command by warning that crashing into a coral reef could damage the ship beyond repair, Captain Gray stood firm against the obvious mansplaining by her crew.

    “I am a woman!” the log records her saying. “And I’m a lesbian!”

    “I can do anything a man can do — ”

    The HMNZS Manawanui, a survey and dive vessel, then crashed into a coral reef where it promptly caught fire and sank. Fortunately, the crew was rescued after Captain Gray heroically called for help.

    Though the crew is safe, an oil spill from the ship is believed to have irreversibly harmed the ecosystem, killing thousands of fish and setting back Samoa’s tourism for decades. Captain Gray says she is proud to be the first lesbian responsible for an oil spill.

    The prime minister of New Zealand proudly announced that Captain Gray would be given the rank of Admiral and put in command of the five remaining ships in their fleet.

    At publishing time, Captain Yvonne Gray was heralded as a hero and awarded the Navy Cross for showing extraordinary perseverance in the face of mansplaining.”

    Another first!

    Dr. D

    “Study: Everybody Else’s Sin Is Much Worse Than Yours” — BBee







    Speaking of ‘i am a woman’



    Hear Me Roar…!



    Project De-Population

    Running like clock work…









    Dark Brandon, still smellin’ like a Corpse



    Timeless advice never ages….






    True Dat!








    Remember the Blade Runner term: “Skin Jobs”

    Well they’re Here, they’re queer, deal with it





    The nigger’s talking to the brothers in the hood, from his 74 million USD mansion. Wow, so much empathy, he really connects with his fellow niggers in their squats.


    Lots of Netanyahu bullshit, lots of Netanyahu covering up the facts, lots of Netanyahu’s lies; Netanyahu’s boy is turning into his owner.


    Wow, Musk would collapse without governments feeding him money; I wonder which rich Jew is his owner, my guess is that Netanyahu is his manager, but maybe a Rothchild owns him.



    It’s a funny country if you’re willing to expand your definition of ‘funny’


    D Benton Smith


    You should be a little more discreet about you sexual fantasies. If your Commie bosses ever got wind of your Nazi fetish you could be in a lot of trouble.

    Somehow the image of a half dressed chinese guy in jack boots, leather short-shorts and a funny little Nazi hat just doesn’t cut it. Maybe a Yarmulke would be more “you”, ya know what I mean?

    those darned kids

    whoa, the aspnaz bot has been switched into BIGOTDRIVEPLUS 3000!

    to whit (to the tune of a very, very primitive song):


    the kikes are dancin’ with them spics,
    and the nigs and chinkies do the twist,
    while ol’ cracker laughs, and dago spins,
    micks and pakis jump right in!

    D Benton Smith

    I hear the The Village People are getting back together, so maybe there’s an employment opportunity for ya there, one that pays better than Chinese Troll. Can you sing, or just just kvetch with a heavy accent?




    There’s a New Kid in Town giving the Empire of Lies a run for it’s Money!


    D Benton Smith

    At least when the CCP takes over and runs Americas they won’t parade presidential candidates as absurd and humiliating as Kamala Harris in front of us all day long! Oh, wait, they already do. Oh, wait again, they already are! Well at any rate Xi isn’t a senile old pedophile gangster who delights in killing people and running an international organized crime ring. Oh, wait ……………


    Election promises:
    lies, exaggerations and fear, hate and anger

    Exit poll survey:
    Reporting winner, Illusion of voter registration, mail in, and early voters, absentee ballots
    US policy failures led to the destruction of Ukraine.
    Destroyer of civilizations
    ‘demand destruction’: high prices or limited supply of a certain commodity lead to lower demand for it and trigger a search for alternatives.

    John Day

    Regarding the Moscow – St. Petersburg nocturnal express:
    “All Aboard, the Night Train”

    those darned kids

    wrong train, doc. tbilisi is way closer:

    “i know you will..”


    New this year
    The campaigning adds in BC is about the party in power, telling us how bad the other party is/was

    lies, exaggerations and fear, hate and anger

    Dr D Rich

    Well, that is Obama’s schtick and has been his dance routine since day one….self-hatred projected onto his Barack’s Black-skinned Brothers.
    A made-man must behave this way as President Obama former lacks as much “substance” as Nobel Peace Prize conferred on him for nothing substantial.

    The parallels are remarkable…

    JD Vance equals Barack Obama

    One gives the impression he hates po’ whites and the other gives the impression he hates blacks for not behaving more white

    Pretend Appalachian Hillbilly meets He who Refuses to Pretend to be a Black man.

    “Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis” versus “Dreams of My Father”, who in the hell cares.

    Combat Correspondent versus Community Organizer….hahahahahaha
    For Drd that’s 4341 MOS versus no MOS at all

    One without his beard looks like a child diddler (the beard hides a lot) and Obama didn’t hide his affirmative relationship with Sean Combs P.Diddy the diddler

    Here’s one Community Organizer Senator Obama to another Community Organizer Sean Combs. One is obviously Lit.
    Does the internet lie?
    Keep it private boyz.


    Guys! Guys! There’s a cool new opera at the Met!
    From the NYT back page ad:

    “Tony award winning composer makes her Met debut with a powerful new opera about a female fighter pilot turned Reaper drone operator balancing the pressures of combat, romance, and motherhood…”

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