Debt Rattle October 13 2024


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    Max Ernst Ubu Imperator 1923   • Kamala Unwinding (Kunstler) • US Election ‘Too Close To Call’ In Swing States – WSJ Poll (RT) • The Scent of a H
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 13 2024]


    The Scent of a Harris Panic in the Air (Victor Davis Hanson)

    Sure, like either Trump or Harris have anything to do with the campaign, with the PR, with the anything the Jews are spending their money on to support these disckheads. Even Vance the Ponce is a Jew puppet, there is nobody there making decisions, which is why none of these people will be making decisions after the election. Get real folks, stop living in fantasy land.


    “Once a government has a monopoly on violence, the concept of public consent is meaningless..”

    All governments have a monopoly on violence, even in the USA, although the country folks somehow think that their combined retail purchases of guns will somehow outsmart the government’s 100,000 times more purchasing power of not only guns but of people happy to kill you with them, people who are not worries about having too much to lose. Jesus, the American alternative press is as bad as the MSM.


    WWIII as their legacy for Trump.

    • Biden, Netanyahu Closer to Consensus on Attacking Iran (Antiwar)

    Hang on, Trump has already declared his position, in usual retard fashion, that when it comes to Israel, WW3 is a good thing and he will support their use of US troops, pilots, bombs …. basically Trump will support Israel’s commanding the USA to bomb Iran and start WW3. Trump will solve the Ukraine conflict, but not the Jew conflict. Trump is a puppet with Netanyahu’s arm up his arse. Biden is the same – what would you expect from a country run by Jews (otherwise known as Zionists) who tell these people what to do?


    Trump’s Toughest Foe Could Be Harris Lawyer Marc Elias (Sperry)

    Wow, still pretending that there are fair trials in the USA; does anybody really believe this shite anymore? So we are expected to believe that this is a fair fight between foes in a neutral environment – like the gladiators versus the drugged lions? Believe me, cheating has been happeneing forever, that is humanity. Unfavoured gladiator, ooops, someone forgot to feed LSD to the lion.

    Sure, we even believe that men can magically become women, we believe that the government and judiciary is not totally corrupt, so tell me more, how will this fight play out. Whoever buys the DOJ – the Jews – controls the judges, all of whom had their balls removed at birth.

    Have you seen how a dog without balls develops, it is kind of sad – it is like women pretending to be men, like the big fat hairy lesbians who look like fat depositories, the ones who think they are so tough, they are so desperate to be men, Sad.

    I am so tough, I am a woman who can be a man and emulate a man, so I deserve to captain an NZ navy ship (RIP)…. although the use of the word Navy is a bit arrogant, 3 ships don’t make a Navy, but in NZ 3 lesbians “trying to be men” is apparently the definiton of Navy. Country folk, they have their own beliefs, a bit like Christians.


    WWIII as their legacy for Trump.

    • Biden, Netanyahu Closer to Consensus on Attacking Iran (Antiwar)

    Trump’s legacy will be the same as his legacy from his last turn as POTUS; totally inept, but fantastically arrogant, wanker. Why would it be any different? Because the Jews who back him have addes the totally arrogant RFK Jr, JD Vance (did they breed him in the last 4 years from HRC bio?), that military woman who looks attractive to men who haven’t had sex for 30 years, etc. Trump’s legacy is irrelevant, he wants the rich Jews to help his real estate business.


    Alpha Victim

    Dr. D

    Imperator: It’s Tops!

    “’2nd Moon’ Orbits Earth After Getting Stuck In Planet’s Gravity – Here’s Where It Came From

    In the category: they’re up to something. You want to explain to me how you saw an object this tiny? How it was captured in a stable orbit, since that’s a random arc + speed that’s a billion to one? Why since if that arc decays and it falls to earth, it’ll be a Tunguska event, which is what you say every other day for every other rock, for about 25 years? That we have to “Armageddon” send astronauts up there with space nukes. (“Now that we’ve discovered space, should we bomb it?”) AND, since it’s tinier than a meteor, what makes it a moon when you’ve never used that word before?

    How about this: it’s an alien mothership, like the Oumuamua was? It came in and is telling governments here to knock off the nuke talk, or we’ll photon torpedo your -ss. …OR, this is SUPPOSED to be that kind of object, because the last made-up fantasy distraction is a fake alien invasion.

    In any case, not real, not a moon, and since there’s not one relevant fact, not a story. Ask again.

    “Former Harvard Pres Claudine Gay Receives ‘Leadership And Courage’ Award Despite Controversy-Plagued Tenure

    Leadership and courage for getting fired for plagiarism. Sounds like Harvard.

    “Feds Find Million In Cash While Investigating Staffing Firm Supplying Haitians To Charleroi, PA Food Factory

    But open Black, chained slavery’s not a racket or nothin’.

    Elon needs to take notes: You see, THEY don’t have any problems. This is all pretty fine. Government loves it, protects it, PAYS for it even. THAT is the kind of cash you need to bribe to get things done. So, Call center Managers: compete with raw slave labor where the US government is PAYING the company $1,000/mo to own the slaves that work for free. …And can be summarily shot if mouthy. No? No corporate package can compete with that? Guess you’ll stay unemployed then.

    “Wray shaking”

    You know who else who’s hands are shaking on camera? Nutsy Mileikowsky. Seems like he’s under pressure.

    “Can Letitia be criminally charged?”

    Of course she can. And she should, as she would charge us for 1/10th as much behavior. But thanks to Republicans, that will never happen.

    “She ends as an historical prank on her own country. It must be deeply demoralizing to be used like that in front of the whole world.”

    I think she knows that. Body language people point out, she’s just a good-time gal. Likes to party, have sex, not take things too seriously, and laugh. No crime in that. But both she, and others have preyed upon her considerable weakness. Now you see why Trump was supposed to Coup the 2020, as the White Hats signaled they were going to do, or rather, have a contested election, take power that quite probably they had won, but then open a Civil War that breaks the United States the way Britain set up for us in 1860, sink our bond market, erase the dollar, and blame the world default on us. Joe and Kamala weren’t the best candidates: look at their poll numbers: they were categorically the WORST candidates, and least liked. They were the most EXPENDABLE candidates, the ones Podesta and the DNC didn’t mind having Trump hunt down and hang as rebels, so that they could get the EU/WEF war goin’ on over here. She’s just a puppet from that moment, BECAUSE they hated her most, BECAUSE they thought she was the most worthless candidate in the whole DNC, that she became VP. And from that moment they got locked into this moment.

    What happens if we DON’T have your Civil War? FBI, domestic terrorists? Where? Show me.

    None of this will make sense unless you can at least make up and explain to me something similar to my theory above. You don’t pick the worst, most hated candidate in America, one even the Black community can’t get behind, that you KNOW that, as a cast-iron fact wins 2% with everything WEF Millions thrown for her, and STILL pick and force install her. Why don’t you do that? Because then this happens. If Kamala lives, she’s a roadblock to everything after.

    Speaking of: why haven’t they killed her and blamed it on MAGA yet? Seems like a lock. They can halt the election if neither candidate is alive, right? That’s not really voting.

    And I hear chatter about if//when they take out either/both, then your 3 months early vote then counts FOR THE PARTY anyway. Does it? I don’t see why. What legal basis would that ever rest on? “Parties” don’t Constitutionally exist. There’s zero parameter for “Party” in our root process. In fact, it’s supposed to be State by State. (as per Electoral College, etc). In fact, there’s even an argument, he can be elected, kill Trump the day after, then they couldn’t Inaugurate Vance, although that legal case is much weaker.

    But where’s the chatter? I don’t see anything. So they have something planned, and I’m looking for their pre-releases, weird, pointless comments like the second moon story. I don’t see them yet, and also didn’t see them before Butler, but Luongo did. The world was frozen, nobody moved, everybody was perfectly relaxed and unworried about their impending loss, just like now. And then, pop.

    “• US Election ‘Too Close To Call’ In Swing States – WSJ Poll (RT)

    Yes, after a whole election cycle saying if GOP got over 6% of the Black vote, Democrats would never win again, they have 4 times that 6%, but that never happened, history runs backwards and forwards and math is optional. Lemon goes to NY CITY, New Jersey, and everyone hates Kamala with a passion. …But it’s a close election. She has visibly lost black voters, women voters, and latino voters…but it’s a close election. …Because she made up all those losses with Kangaroos, mate! She’s winning the demographic of cats and dogs, when we call them on the phone.

    Explain in tiny words. We know she’s lost, or sagged in every demographic, one by one. She hasn’t made UP a demographic anywhere, like Texans. Yet all 20 groups, which added each lost 2%, equals she’s been GAINING over all and matching Trump, who is gaining on his side.

    This is Wall Street MBS, AAA bond-slicing math here. Take 10,000 bonds each worth BBB, add them together, and when you’re done, we have 20,000 bonds, each AA-. Magic!

    It’s not close. When you’ve openly lost very demographic, one by one, that means you’ve lost the whole. But she does have the Porn vote, and that’s a huge demo in American. Now if only she could get the Diabetes vote, she’s be over the top.

    Speaking of, doctors to look into, along with the “Low fat diet” that removed all critical nutrition, added carbs, and allowed business to invent deadly chemical additives into all American food, they have discovered a new oil, C15, that may become a vitamin. What is it related to? Fatty liver disease and insulin resistance, two of RKF’s MAHA list. Where do you find it? All traditional foods, fatty fish, cod liver oil, I expect, but also real butter, not the pale sapped stuff you get here, hard cheeses of certain types and so on. So easy to get. But removed from the “Modern” diet. Process of C15 lack is to break down cellular structure, so widespread and not as direct to examine.

    Anyway, still thinking we’re going to have an election? Why? Is shutting off the power that hard? DoD who is happy to kill thousands and giggle about it on TV wouldn’t, couldn’t do that?

    Univision, “undecided Latino voters” in Clark County, Nevada”

    Fake candidate, Fake talk, fake events, fake country.

    “Town Hall”, fake word. Worn as a Skin Suit. There was some other word yesterday too….but I forget it. Everything’s fake, gay, lie here, so it hardly stands out. Did you see this though:

    Kamala’s “Men Vote” ad. OMG, Wtf? Apparently they have never MET a man? Ever? Every statement in there is a painful non sequitur, “I’m a man because I was born on the 22nd and eat peaches!” Um, what? Yes, you can BE a man doing that, but that’s unrelated to what makes you a man. All subtle stereotypes, and like every actor is gay. …Which is one way to be a man, btw. But LYING about it: that’s not “being a man.”

    Like a skin suit, the ad is some kind of warped animatronic robot, imitating a simulacrum of humanity, getting it close, but in the uncanny valley of awkward and disturbing. What was that, “The First T100 robots looked like rubber, we could pick them out right away”?

    Their sense of having mentally abstracted reality out of life leads to them seeing all things as mere stereotypes. Take 1 part black, 5 parts woman, add a dental hygienist, shake thoroughly… that’s it. That’s all you are. Socialism, where you are Tabula Rasa, can just be social engineered one way or another, by anyone with adequate “will to power”. This is why every time Conservatives speak they say, “Who told you that? Who’s your leader?” That is, Who is your master, your Engineer, in the sense of “Aliens; Covenant”. No HUMAN thinks, does, or exists on their own, they are merely flesh-robots to be programmed and discarded, which is the essence of our different views on the world. Feudal Vs Enlightenment, Socialism vs Democratic, etc. But it’s Alien Ant Farmer vs Tribal. Empire vs Rebel Alliance. Same thing, over and over.

    What I really ask is WHY? You were BORN a human: at least I THINK so, you LOOK like a human. You were in a crib, suckled on your mother. So WHERE did you get this totally alien idea-set from? Why did you ultimately choose that and not the “human”, tribal, organic way of doing and approaching things? As you’re human, and humans are great imitators, but really, how did you able to imitate these alien bug thingies? You know: with no soul or heart. “Diabolical Narcisissism”: purge all love and God from inside yourself. Discard it voluntarily. (Trauma)

    “Others wrote that the recent news is a warning from Democrats about their own insurrection, this time it being real and violent.”

    Actually, that sounds really good. At this point, with a proper election, and them being the rebels, the tables would turn and the Government would win with little resistance. Is that a good thing? Sure Republicans are in power, but the Government still exists as 1/3 the country. It ain’t gonna kill itself, and neither did Epstein.

    • Alien Enemies Act is Not a Viable Legal Basis for “Operation Aurora” (Turley)

    There’s like 20 lines to this. One: DID we ever END the last act of war? I’ve heard it said we’re under Emergency Powers, no? Two, DOES it require an act of war? Says who? Why would that – any of that – be necessary? Ever? Why not do the same thing but call it under the color of like the 20 laws they’re breaking anyway? They’re literally not citizens, that means nothing like “German/Japanese” camps apply. They have granted by court some rights to Aliens, but I don’t see why, if you’re not a Citizen, you have no rights, sorry, problem solved. Our laws apply to OUR people, duh. You have full protection of the law IN YOUR HOME COUNTRY, not gallivanting about the world. Go to your home country and you’re perfectly safe.

    I THINK being in a gang, which requires innocent murder to join, is a crime. I THINK running violent extortion rackets is a crime. I THINK dealing thousand kilos of drugs at a pop is a crime. I’m not trying to expel people running a taco truck: they’re last on my list and I probably won’t get to them. Why use this law at all? When they are picked up for common crimes, we discover they are not citizens either, and expel them. WHY would I jail them here it’s expensive, when I can make their nation jail them?

    Of course, we COULD pass a death penalty for shoplifting for non-citizen crimes, and then they’d all WANT to go home, real fast. Because “Commit a serial murder, running a multi-million drug family, worst case is you get deported?” I am SO there. I’d fly back in and commit crimes all day! TWICE as hard. And our worst prisons are Club Med to them. They ain’t skeered. But they ARE skeered of being shot by Cleetus.

    “Biden, Netanyahu Closer to Consensus on Attacking Iran (Antiwar)

    Great, but what ACTUALLY happened? Israel’s done f– all. They blame us because the purpose of the U.S. worldwide is to be at fault and responsible for everything. Want to remove some kangaroos from Queensland, have too many snakes? Blame the United States. Like to commit a genocide in Indonesia? Blame the United States. Hey, last I heard that was YOUR country. If you’re not sovereign and are just our b—h, then go before the UN and make that statement and admit it publicly we can all get on the same page. Oh, so you’re BOTH totally sovereign, completely powerful AND totally subservient as a FemDom gimp to the United States? Really.

    This was in Jimmy Dore there, above, all enemies must BOTH be totally weak, stupid and inept, “Russia is a gas station” and ALSO totally, infinitely powerful, controlling everything with a mere thought! Elections! They run every election worldwide! All of them! That’s how not-powerful they are. And it’s because they control every election that we’re all here…not elected by them and fighting…yup.

    All things = their Opposites. Every day.

    Back to Israel, remove your idiot-goggles and LOOK. What are they DOING, what is happening? Outside of your abstractions and words? As said, Israel is collapsing, they don’t have to lift a finger. No economy, no tourism, no farming (north), no Intel factory, no ports. Everyone believes in Israel so much they’re all leaving and going home. They are losing every war on every block of every front they open, winning zero of them. No air defense, no tanks.

    Btw, Iran, who has no nukes, we’re going to bomb their nukes, with the nukes Israel doesn’t have either. …Just so we’re clear. Israel stands up in public: “We are going to bomb you with the nukes we definitely Do Not Have. Be scared!”

    Alexander, Sachs, are like “Israel should do” XYZ, call a victory and withdraw for the flip side as every general has told them with every war game they would definitely, totally lose, and perhaps all Israel as a state as well. That’s ESPECIALLY if the “war” lasted longer than a few weeks, like 6. You schmarty-pentz, you IYI, NUTSY DOESN’T CARE.


    That’s it. That’s the ONLY fact on the field, and a perfectly simple one. Well-known. There is no Israel, that’s the ONLY fact you need to know. All the rest is just pointless jabbering and PR. Why is that so hard to understand? Because leaders never act in their self-interest before? OF COURSE he will kill all 30 million people in the middle east to skip jail for a few months. Duh. Have you never met a psycho before? They don’t mean nothin’ to him.

    So what is Israel DO-ING? Nothing. They’re losing. They did NOT attack Iran. They blew hot air out their lie-hole. The whole thing is the only way Nutsy can keep from going to jail is for the US to start WWIII on his behalf, so of course he did that. Aaaaaaaaaaand, then what did they DO? What did Biden DO? Nothing. He told them they’re all on their own, we are withdrawing ships.

    Also we are surrendering Ukraine to Russia, so we are enhancing RUSSIA, Iran’s backer. Iran is WINNING, getting stronger. By leaps. In S400s but a ton of other things, including this new Russian treaty. So Biden Surrendered to Iran, as it were, on the field. And no surprise, we shouldn’t be there in the first place, but how is he going to do that? You can’t have Cheeto do that, it has to be somebody else’s fault.

    All America (and world) has been propagandized with lies for 100 years, but their whole lifetimes from birth. If they just told you the truth, 2 billion heads would cry out in the Force™ then explode, like in “Kingsmen”. You can’t get that far. All those people work in every typewriter of every room in government. You can only get THIS far. So? Then get this far. And they did. We ain’t doin’ s–t. Get with it. America is NOT in Revelations. We are NOT in the war in Har Megeddo. We are home cooking beans.

    “• Biden, Netanyahu Closer to Consensus on Attacking Iran (Antiwar)

    Are they? Did they? Were you in the room? What actually HAPPENED? A: Nothing. We surrendered in two new places, over two more countries, that’s what happened.

    “• Biden Warns Iran Against Going After Trump – WaPo (RT)

    I mean, not that Iran wouldn’t like that, but now is not the time. This is the staging. So they’re going to shoot down Trump Force One, which is a fat -ss target, then blame Iran? Sounds about right. Same as shooting DumDum in Butler, then immediately electing Haley with a Cheney chaser, immediately attacking Iran (coincidental buzz same week). They THINK the redneck base will go all hostile, let’s invade Iran, because the Globalists are such mouthbreathing Retards and too inbred from sleeping with their mother. They haven’t put their finger in the wind in 100 years. Aspnaz aside, that’s such a laughable idea, I have to turn to cartoons to come up with anything that removed from reality. Uh, no. Iran who?

    Oh the CHRISTIANS are going to fight on behalf of Israel? What Christians? If one in 300 have been inside a church in a year, I’ll give you $100. That’s a mere 1 million men at that level, and the number in Red, pro-war, military, military age is a tiny fraction of that. You’re now down to 10,000 candidates, all of which see what you’re doing in NC and Gaza. Now I had to use a lot of words to explain what they’d explain in one. “NO.”

    Even the people IN the military don’t believe the government. That’s reserved for blue haired PMCs in their pajamas in Fairfax.

    “• CBS News Faces Integrity Crisis Amid Bias Concerns, Missteps (JTN)

    Dore points out from his many guests that Reporters were supposed to be pissed-off blue collar smart kids, attacking power and privilege. Monopoly aside, what they’ve done is hand-pick all their talent from the Ivy League schools, sorting only for privilege and class loyalty. Then they wear “reporter” and “Rebel” like a skin-suit. Still bleeding.

    Rage On Behalf of the Machine. Taylor Lorenz, Swiss Boarding school girl, editor if the NY Times, crying on camera for being weak and bullied. Aw, she’s so powerless! Why are all you powerful, powerful unemployed Waffle House fry cooks picking on her?

    “• NATO Planning New Russia Strategy – Politico (RT)

    That is, “Losing”. As said, the U.S. is the top and only nation in NATO. No one else is providing s—t. And we’re 8% economy. Europe is still like “But you’re going to fight this war for us for free, aren’t you?”

    No, Virginia, there is no Santa Claus. You believed us, you fecking idjits. Sucks to be you, you weren’t warned? Never read a book before?

    “• Boeing To Fire 17,000 Employees (RT)

    Not that Boeing doesn’t suck donkey —-, but this is, like Dodge, like Harley, SPECIFICALLY ATTACKED AND INJECTED. Why? Destroy all the diamond industries and bring the U.S. down to Europe’s level. That’s what “Socialism” is. All equal. Equally poor, miserable, and attacking each other. So they are ATTACKING Boeing. ERASING Boeing. This is an effect of WAR, same as if they bombed Boeing’s factory floor.

    Get it? Try to add that to your sentences before you comment on these things, Disney, etc.

    Speaking of, everyone in Disney was fired. Feige still exists. All Star Wars projects silently halted. Guess they’re tired of failing, losing money…but more importantly, NOT engineering the human social structure. Every time they put out a movie, we reject it, AND they become more visible. Exposed. If it were only losing, they wouldn’t care. But we’re pointing them out every time they act. I hope they just lose and don’t become more clever about it. “D&D” was a totally woke, modern movie that got away with it and did it well, and I don’t want to see them able to run a Woke-Track of films persisting for decades like colon cancer.

    Speaking of winning, as we are winning in Disney, Marvel, everywhere, look on the bright side of the 99% pure rot they tried to put out. “IronHeart” seemed like a lock, easy to make movie. Spiderman was really good, its own thing. They gave up on Marvels. So the “Future is Female” Avengers is dead, dead, dead. Young Avengers (clearly planned) was pulled and is being re-based. Replaced by Dr. Doom as Downey again? Replacement Black Panther got creamed. The new Black Widow I think was a great, interesting character, extremely well-played by Pugh as Yelena. Just as Hawkeye was passable and just needs a better script. The new Captain America was mixed but his own 1st movie was really surprising, very based, just needed to be more personable. Gave up entirely on Daredevil and were forced to a run a reboot nuking all the Woke and re-focused on the original. Deadpool is always solid and was again.

    We’re slowly grinding them into complete submission, while waking up and powering up ourselves. Would you like it some other way, or does it always have to be “Them” while you sit on the couch?

    The country isn’t “Them” I say every day. It’s YOU. What are YOU doing? The country is YOU, YOUR job. Don’t worry about what the other guy is doing, what are YOU doing?


    Elections are theatre for retards. You’re ruled by jews who control and corrupt everything thru moneymagic. Doesn’t matter who “wins”, you fuckin lose 4 more years of jew inversion, perversion, destruction, debt, war, sickness and death.


    “I’m man enough to raw-dog a flight” could be the moment the black swan watchers have been waiting for.

    those darned kids

    america has been blabberwashed.

    those darned kids



    Accusations require proof, and action

    Overcome all the gimmicks, traps, and frauds, (that you have proof), or shut up.

    The mail-in ballots went out long ago and early votes are getting cast by the day.

    The overseas ballots that require no US address or voter verification are flooding in by the millions and four years of open borders has 10-million illegal aliens (at a minimum) dispersed around the nation, great gobs of them planted in swing states, processed through the DMVs and social services — with the requisite automatic voter registration — their ballots already pre-bundled for harvest.

    Last battle. Pot calling the kettle black

    Fill up the voter rolls with illegals.
    What if the Illegals vote for Trump!!

    • Dems Won’t Certify Election if Trump Wins (HUSA)
    He would be declared a winner only if he cheats. “[Trump] is doing whatever he can to try to interfere with the process, whether we’re talking about manipulating electoral college counts in Nebraska or manipulating the vote count in Georgia or imposing other kinds of impediments,” the politician told the news source. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., also questioned whether Trump would win the election fair and square, telling Axios that she doesn’t know “what kind of shenanigans he is planning.”
    Kamala Harris, (D), and Donald Trump, (R), are incapable of operating their gov.
    that is in decline
    and is bankrupt,
    and is lying about the truth/facts
    and that is in two wars, Israel and Ukraine,
    and trying to repair the damages caused by two hurricanes.
    The Times of Israel reported
    that the US and Israel will continue conversations on the plans in the coming days, signaling the attack is not imminent. NBC News reported on Tuesday that the US was considering supporting Israel’s attack with direct airstrikes of its own, although US officials said intelligence support was more likely.
    The Jerusalem Post reported that the US was offering Israel a “compensation package” of military aid and full diplomatic support if it only hits US-approved targets in Iran.
    The US has also committed to defending Israel from any Iranian response.


    Are you transgender enough to vote for a real man?

    Are you gay enough to vote for hetero og cisgender man who’s not afraid to love pussy?

    Are you Jewish enough to vote against Israel ?

    Real men vote boop-

    Are you oxymoron enough to beta cuck being a bottom down under ?


    Shills For Harris: Kamala Townhall For “Undecided Latino Voters” Curated With Avowed Supporters

    The event was ostensibly for “undecided latino voters” but Tracey quickly revealed that to be fradulent…

    audience members were flown in from around the country at Univision’s expense. Which is a bit odd, because there would certainly have been plenty of genuine “undecided Latino voters” in Clark County, Nevada who I’m sure would’ve been more than happy to ask Kamala Harris a question.

    For the record, I don’t think she actually used a teleprompter, despite social media allegations to that effect. I can verify that the event was already contrived enough as it is — no need to embellish any phony stories.

    You’re supposedly a journalist, right?

    And you’ve got this great story about a contrived fake town hall meeting.

    Naturally, being a TRUE JOURNALIST, you check nothing BUT effusively, righteously, encourage us not to even think that there could have been a teleprompter as well – preposterous!!! Don’t expose yourself as low-caste, low-value, by thinking it.

    You had one job. oh hey, what’s this?

    those darned kids

    are you mature enough to say something without saying, “caca, poopoo, peepee”?


    • NATO Planning New Russia Strategy

    The Collective West just wants to LOOT Russia.

    They have for CENTURIES.

    Simple as that.

    Has nothing to do with “ideology” or “values”

    Simple out right theft

    England, France, Germany and then Duh’merica

    Empire of Lies had 50%+ of World GDP in 1945

    Now Duh’merica has 8%

    Oh how the Mighty have Fallen.

    Twelve time zones of luscious resources to plunder and rape for.

    That’s all you need to keep inmind about the West.

    But the West smells like a Corpse now.

    And cannot be rescued, it’s too far gone, mentally, spiritually, financially

    It’s like viewing a gigantic Open Casket Funeral.




    Yep, sure does

    That’s a remarkable observation…



    Oxy- “full-throated” wasn’t bad, either. That one gave me the feeling that producers of this gem gave us all a wink. How did Lalala break into the political world, again?



    FEMA: Disaster Relief No Longer About Emergency Response, It’s About ‘Disaster Equity’.

    The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is supposed to be the government’s premier emergency relief organization in times of disaster, like the situation now faced by victims of Hurricane Helene’s aftermath in North Carolina and Tennessee.

    But according to the FEMA website, the agency now places higher priority on instituting Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity guidelines than on easing the suffering of Americans displaced by disaster.





    Sunday I’m a hoochie coochie Man blues !

    I’m a Man (with Bo Diddley) (Live at Academy of Music, New York, NY, March 25, 1972)

    Grateful Dead – I’m A Man, feat. Spencer Davis & Bruce Hornsby (Live 1989, Inglewood, CA, Dec 10)
    Master Davis re-emerges perhaps from the most unexpected of all places… Joining the GRATEFUL DEAD on stage for the Lady “Ma” Rainey classic “C.C. Rider” as well as the SDG Legend… This was his second stint with the band as a Guest, since he was already featured in the February of the same year… Furthermore, by this time, Bruce Hornsby was part and parcel of the GRATEFUL DEAD Ecosystem…

    On the Night, Garcia starts the celebrations with a superb Guitar solo followed by a SCORCHING B3 solo by Mydland… The fun continues with an unexpected surprise… A Strat SOLO from Davis, something he has hardly done in the early days… Goes without saying, Bruce on the obligatory Accordion all throughout…

    A Superb Take…
    Enjoy Loud…

    Democrats, lisp harder bitches.






    Curing World Hunger

    There’s an App for that!



    What’s happening in North Carolina and eastern Tennessee, and why is FEMA seeminly hampering rescues and reconstruction? From Ginger Breggin about lithium and quartz in those mountains. Scroll down to the middle of the article headlined with

    “Lithium in the Mountain Mines and the Department of Defense Wants It”

    I found this about the mining and Doug Emhoff on another site.
    How Kamala Harris’s Husband Doug Emhoff Profits From North Carolina Lithium Mines

    How Kamala Harris’s Husband Doug Emhoff Profits From North Carolina Lithium Mines


    DEI Jigsaw Puzzle Solution



    I never noticed that..

    And look what Californicate is!



    • Biden, Netanyahu Closer to Consensus on Attacking Iran (Antiwar)
    • Biden Warns Iran Against Going After Trump – WaPo (RT)

    Sounds almost like Biden is setting up a “two-fer”: try another hit on Trump, blame Iran, start WWIII. What could go wrong?


    Trump, if elected, will ‘wind down’ – ‘stop’ the war in Ukraine.

    (That might be v. difficult, heh, whatever, we will see.) Possibly, something might be arranged, Idk.

    He will support Genocidal Is – ra – hell to the hilt, while searching for some ‘peace’ solution that won’t be found. (Right now he is blaming Iran for attacks on his life!) He will engage violently in the ME, BIG TIME.

    Biden cancelled the killing and control in Afghanistan, the supposed ‘war’ on ‘Islamist’ terrorism, to concentrate on, Against Russia, as Hard as possible, via the proxy war in Ukraine.

    Since 50 years, the Dems and Reps have played a game of being ‘against’ the attacks the US makes via one party vs. another of the duopoly … When Bush J. invaded Iraq the only ones who objected mildly were ‘rad’ Democrats. Hey, was Osama Bin Laden really a part of the attack on 9/11, they said?

    Plus ca change plus c’est la même chose


    “Historically, America uses countries like condoms, to fuck the world. South Vietnam, Opium Afghanistan, Ukraine, Germany—America has used all these countries and thrown them away—like prophylactic proxies. ‘Israel’ has confused being God’s chosen people with America’s chosen people, which are, in fact, opposite things.”

    “American zealots, on the other hand, have not evolved at all. They will still happily watch ‘Israel’ burn just as they’re making Ukraine burn just as they’re trying to turn Taiwan against their own countrymen. They’ll happily watch Semite on Semite violence and Slav on Slav and Chinese on Chinese. The Americans are not just white supremacists, they’re human supremacists, they’ll divide and conquer the whole world as long as it multiplies their earnings. Americans are historical arsonists occupying the gas station, a historically bad combination.”

    Hamas Said ‘Israel’ Will End By 2027 And I Believe It

    Sun Tzu said, “To excel at defense means hiding oneself away in the deepest recesses of the earth. To excel at offense means striking from the highest reaches of the heavens.” The Resistance seemed to follow this policy literally.

    Resistance is never futile- it is an obligation and necessity for truth and human decency.




    Mister Roboto

    One big factor that I think might give Trump that final push he needs to win is the fact that a lot of people are very, very sick and tired of the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd and all their hysterical shrieking.


    Oreo Cookie Monster to the Rescue



    Why and HOW is Kamela possibly unable to speak extemporaneously?

    She was an Attorney General, right? So she was a LAWYER for years, right?

    Didn’t she have to make opening statements, closing statements, question witnesses, stuff like that? Is her entire history as an attorney fake?

    Is her EDUCATION as an attorney fake? Didn’t she have to do multiple classes in public speaking, debate class, participate in debate club, stuff like that, as part of her education to become an attorney?

    At the call center, when they gave me several “interim” promotions and then as an “interim supervisor” gave me a manager’s worth of squirrely newhires to manage, I had to run nightly meetings doing Q&A.

    I’m an introvert and received no training for this position. I avoided public speaking at all levels of education, never did a debate class. I guarantee I was able to, for 30 minutes at a time, answer questions central to my job in a reasonably coherent and meaningful manner. Because at least I knew my subject matter, I guess?

    How can she not answer pre planned questions from pre selected questioners? For this town hall meeting that was televised on a delay (to allow for editing no doubt) Does she not have enough time to prepare answers to the questions SHE CAME UP WITH?

    Where is her CAREER? As a lawyer, for years, coming up with things to say and saying them? If she had no career, she passed the bar exam, right? So she got an education in Law, at least? Which required learning to speak? Where is her EDUCATION?

    Not only who, but WHAT is this woman?


    Empire of Lies vs Eurotardistan styles of “Diplomacy”





    Someone brought up Oliver Anthony. In this video he takes a YouTuber into the back roads of Weat Virginia.


    @citizenx re: Inglewood show

    I attended that show, beautiful breakdown in the second set…Jerry’s delicate best!



    Relevant information

    As good a time as any to again post this summary from Oil Change International and Data Desk.

    A lot of people are directly involved, none of it happens by itself.

    Data Analysis
    Investigating the countries and companies behind Israeli crude oil and fuel supply chains

    March 2024

    In February 2024, Oil Change International (OCI) commissioned Data Desk to provide an overview of the supply chains that are currently bringing crude oil and refined products to Israel, focusing on fuel supplies to the country’s armed forces.

    The research comes in the context of Israel’s 2023 invasion of the Gaza Strip and in the wake of a 2024 ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that Israel’s actions may have violated the terms of the Genocide Convention.

    The primary aim of the analysis was to determine:

    • Which are the main countries supplying fuel to

    • What are the major international oil and gas
    companies supplying fuel to Israel and the Israeli

    The data was last updated March 8, 2024.

    Key Findings

    • Israel continues to receive a substantial amount of JP-8 jet fuel from the United States in the form of military aid. Israel has received three tankers of JP-8 Jet Fuel from the U.S. (specifically formulated for military jets) since the war started. One left the U.S. before the war started, while two have been sent since.

    The latest shipment appears to have been docked at Israel’s Ashkelon terminal on March 6.

    Tankers delivering fuel recently appear to have been turning off their Automatic Identification System (AIS) transponders long before reaching the country, presumably for safety reasons.

    Virtually all other shipments of refined petroleum products to Israel have dried up since October (presumably as a result of the broader Red Sea crisis).

    • Besides jet fuel, Israel’s military requires significant quantities of diesel and gasoline for tanks and other military vehicles. This research confirms that this is supplied by Israel’s refineries, which rely on regular imports of crude oil and feedstocks from overseas.

    •• Key countries supplying Israel with crude oil imports since October 2023 are: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan/Russia, Gabon, and Brazil.

    •• Major international oil and gas companies complicit in facilitating these supplies of crude oil include: BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, Eni, and TotalEnergies.

    • Azeri crude is delivered via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Pipeline which terminates in Ceyhan, Türkiye, where it is loaded on tankers. BP is the operator and largest shareholder of BTC (with minority partners Equinor, Eni, TotalEnergies and Exxon) and produces some of the crude oil delivered by the pipeline in the Caspian Sea in partnership with the Azeri national oil company, SOCAR.

    • Kazakh oil is delivered via the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) Pipeline, in which Chevron has the largest stake amongst international oil majors, followed by Exxon, Shell and Eni. These companies, along with Russian and Kazakh companies, have stakes in both the oil fields feeding the pipeline and the pipeline.

    • Two shipments of Brazilian crude oil totaling 260,000 tons have been delivered to Israel since the start of Israel’s invasion of Gaza. One arrived in December 2023, and the other in February 2024. This crude was supplied from offshore fields co-owned by Shell and TotalEnergies together with Brazil’s Petrobras. As a significant oil supplier to Israel, Brazilian President Lula, who has been highly critical of Israel, has the opportunity to help bring about a ceasefire by pursuing an oil embargo.

    • Israel also receives relatively small but regular shipments of crude oil via the SUMED pipeline. The pipeline receives crude oil from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Iraq and from Egypt through which the pipeline travels. All of these countries have condemned Israel’s actions in Gaza. The crude oil is loaded onto tankers west of Alexandria to make the short journey to Israel.

    • Russia continues to supply a steady stream of vacuum gas oil (VGO) for one of the key refineries in Haifa. VGO is generally upgraded into gasoline and diesel.

    Information on data sources and the full supply chain analysis conducted by DataDesk is available at:

    Data compiled by Data Desk, commissioned by Oil Change International.

    Source PDF:

    Posted by: Sunny Runny Burger | Oct 13 2024

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