Debt Rattle October 13 2024


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    You Know It’s Bad For Kamala When…

    Saturday Night Live has waited and given Kamala Harris a chance. Harris has failed miserably and last night the gloves came off.

    The show absolutely savaged her

    KAMALA HARRIS: “My campaign has raised a billion dollars.”

    STEVE HARVEY: “Oh, my lord. How are you not winning by a landslide?”

    This is like Ukraine is arguing with CIA/State Dept

    Blob turns on Blob?

    No, SNL is not some independent entity. The time to believe that was what, 8 or 9 years ago now?

    Why must we do these pretend pantomimes still?

    We’ll get in front of the fake Kamela Town Hall by criticizing hand-picking the question answerers but swear to you on a stack of bibles, you subhuman scum idiots, she cannot have used the teleprompter she openly used.

    Okay, so this is damage control, where you have probably done surveys or data scraped off the internet to see which aspects of Kamela’s image are “sticky.” and cannot be moved in the 20 remaining days, so you change your approach – see, we’re addressing the same reality you live in, see? We’re normal like you, sure we are.

    Dr D Rich

    “Pee Pee and Poop Poop” someone posted today.

    Here’s pee pee, poop poop and fart fart starting around the 2:30 mark.


    Dr D Rich


    You wrote: “Resistance is never futile- it is an obligation and necessity for truth and human decency”

    Yup, exactly.

    …except in the business world and the practice of medicine.

    The Businessification of Medicine. Don’t you know your doctors and that nurse CEO are permitted and protected in pulling a profit first and foremost for their self-aggrandizement

    Michael Reid


    What is happening.

    Peacekeepers attacked.
    Netanyahu orders UNIFIL to leave Lebanon.
    Israel has the right to extend itself say supportive western politicians.
    UNIFIL: Israeli forces crossed Blue Line, ‘destroyed’ main base gate
    The United Nations says Israeli tanks burst through the gates of its peacekeeping force base in southern Lebanon after three platoons of Israeli soldiers crossed the Blue Line.

    The UN peacekeepers said in a statement at 4:30am (01:30 GMT), two Israeli army Merkava tanks “destroyed” their main gate and “forcibly entered the position” while peacekeepers were asleep.

    “The tanks left about 45 minutes later after UNIFIL protested through our liaison mechanism, saying [the Israeli military] presence was putting peacekeepers in danger,” it said.

    At 6:40am (03:40 GMT), peacekeepers reported several rounds being fired about 100 metres (328 feet) north of their position in what appeared to be an attack with some sort of chemical agent.

    “Despite putting on protective masks, 15 peacekeepers suffered effects including skin irritation and gastrointestinal reactions after the smoke entered the camp. The peacekeepers are receiving treatment.”

    Posted by: Don Firineach | Oct 13 2024
    Massive explosion heard in Haifa

    Local sources reported tens of massive explosions in occupied Palestine on Sunday morning.

    Arab media outlets on Sunday morning reported that alarm sirens went off in the north of the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, including in Haifa.

    The reports added that moments later, tens of huge blasts rocked occupied Palestine.

    Zionist media also reported that a massive blast was heard in Haifa.

    Posted by: Don Firineach | Oct 13 2024
    The great emigration: Israel sees an unprecedented number leave the country

    Israel faces record emigration, with 40,600 leaving this year, numbers the country has never seen before.

    Posted by: Apollyon | Oct 13 2024
    They’ve been quoting this number (thereabouts) for the past 3 – 4 months now. I believe it should be substantially higher, probably in the range of multiple hundreds of thousands (5 – 10x)
    The 40,000 data point surely doesn’t include the more than 1,000,000 dual passport holders that are on extended overseas stays 🙂

    For example – Bibi’s Son has been reported to be living the good life this past year in Palm Beach

    I wouldn’t be so enthused with emigration from Israel, those leaving are very likely liberals, moderates, and those not advocates of a Hebrew fundamentalist or zionist super state, and those most likely to fill the streets with protest and vote against Likud. Which means the population in Israel becomes ever more monolithic and reactionary – exactly what the orthodox, ultra-right, and zionist and Netanyahu government wants.

    Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Oct 13 2024


    Sun, Oct 13, 8:20 PM (Palestine Time)
    50 Ambulances Arrive at the Scene near Haifa

    ISRAELI MEDIA: At least 50 ambulances arrived at the military base south of Haifa that was hit by a Hezbollah drone.

    Sun, Oct 13, 8:06 PM (Palestine Time)
    Air Raid Sirens Did Not Activate

    ISRAELI MEDIA: The drone exploded in southern Haifa without being detected, and therefore the air raid sirens did not sound in the area.

    Sun, Oct 13, 8:06 PM (Palestine Time)
    About 15 Killed in Drone Strike in Binyamina Area

    CHANNEL 12: About 15 Israeli soldiers were killed in a drone strike in the Binyamina area.

    Posted by: Exile | Oct 13 2024 17:44 utc | 36

    Posted by: Framarz | Oct 13 2024 17:18 utc | 27
    Seems like that the target of Benyamina drone attack was a Zionist army general, visiting that site.
    Current number of killed and injured: 70+

    Posted by: Framarz | Oct 13 2024

    those darned kids

    fema headquarters:

    Michael Reid
    Dr. D

    “”We’re from the government, and we’re here to make sure no one helps.”

    Well, we wouldn’t stop them with the previous “we’re here to help” so now we’re up a level.

    For better and worse, the Real Jack the Ripper, who seems to be the top suspect all along.
    The guy was insane. Who knew? What tipped you off? And makes more sense it’s not JUST the Masons. That was never enough.

    “American zealots, on the other hand, have not evolved at all. They will still happily watch ‘Israel’ burn just as they’re making Ukraine burn just as they’re trying to turn Taiwan against their own countrymen. They’ll happily watch Semite on Semite violence and Slav on Slav”

    Finally, someone who gets it. Now problem No 2: we’re under occupation by these maniacs, who will shoot us at the slightest provocation. We will, of course, shoot back (with abandon and with glee); however, we need to be sure to prevail in the ensuing gunfight. Unfortunately that requires a lot of circling. Nobody likes that part. But nobody can shoot to lose either. If we misfire, the planet falls. Hate to say that, but it’s probably true. Russia can’t do it with no American resistance pinning them down.

    That gets me to my other point for lazy, insufferable, despairing, conniving snots: So voting for MLK is the same as voting for Bergoglio? Voting for Buckminster Fuller is the same as voting for Klaus Schwab? Voting for Ron Paul is the same as voting for John McCain and Dick Cheney. Every Chamberlain is the same as every Churchill. Every Lincoln or Jackson the same as any Wilson or Bush.

    All the same, you see? They’re all the same club, right? Elon, who builds companies, makes objects that work, is the same as Boeing or GM, who fails and doesn’t. All the same. Ketanji is the same as Clarence, you see, RBG is the same as Brandais and Holmes.

    Right? That’s what all you sophisticated, worldly, cool guys say, right? All the same. All people are the same, all actions are the same, all opinions are the same, all votes are the same, all policies are the same. All. Outcomes. Are the same. Doesn’t matter, right? Fighting is the same as surrendering. Fighting Russia is the same as fighting against Russia. Leaving China alone is the same as nuking them. Right, boys? They’re all the same, nothing matters, right? We’ll all lose in the end? In fact, we lost last Tuesday!

    That’s your super-smart, final, cultured, well-thought opinion on the matter?

    Well, we disagree. Respectfully, caving in to every action and having them run roughshod over us is not the same as standing up and giving them hell 24 hours a day, every day of the year, every year since 1913. As you see from “1984”, we’ve already delayed them 40 years without breaking a sweat, they’re radically behind time and failing everywhere. In “1984” there was no real resistance, no waking. Now that they’re finally, “Raising the fancy curtain and showing the brick wall in the back” they’re finding almost universal resistance, everywhere on the planet. We’re shooting the f—k out of them every day and they’re being mowed over like grass. It’s so bad it’s getting so they have nowhere to hide, and we can pencil in each of their individual names, in Diddy’s book.

    But since voting for Galloway is the same as voting for Starmer, I guess we’ll never know, will we?

    Sure THOSE Americans will use the world and screw it, joy in killing any slav or Semite, but that only means we all have a common enemy who is every day more obvious to everyone. “Which” Americans did you mean, sir? Or am I right in guessing as other groups, all Americans are the same. Rogan is the same as McCain, the same as Kamala, who is the same as JFK, who is the same as Harvey Milk, same as Thomas Payne, who is the same as Patton, who is the same as Patrick Henry, same as Hersh, the same as Lemon, same as Anderson Cooper and Andrew Cuomo, who is the same as Teddy Roosevelt.

    Yup. That’s it. The collective punishment of collective guilt. Not a single individual to be seen. Big. Smart. Thinking.

    Dr. D

    You are all Just. So. Clever. I used to be just like you.

    D Benton Smith

    They had a name for those oh so clever people back in the day. They were called defeatists, and the name was both apt and deserved. Now they’re simply called “whatever”, and that name is both apt and richly deserved as well. Recognizing them is easy. Persuading them to climb up out of their apathetic torpor is the hard part. It’s hard thankless work, too, but someone has to do it because, well, the work has to be done.

    Back to work Doc.

    Dr. D

    What is with Kamala? She’s just who she is. She got there being who she is. You know, like as evil and open as she is, with other evil, open people who screw ever poor person in SF and CA and rub their faces in it: whatcha gonna do about it? I got a pen, and I realize, with this pen, I can ruin anybody’s life, even if I dismiss charges.

    And? And she changed to this level and they’re like “Shhhhh! Don’t SAY that in public!
    “Whaddya mean? WE all say that to each other, in public, every city county, state, all 535, and every Court Justice except for those squares in the Freedom Caucus, killjoys, amirite?”
    “Yeah, yeah, we SAY those things, but we say them CLEVERLY. Right? You’re going to destroy everything, so you say “We’re going to build Back Better.” We’re going to erase the U.S. off the map, so we say, ‘Free! Unburdened by the Past and what has been’. Get it?”
    “Well, you’re f—king up man, and it’s ruining it for everyone. Just get with the program and read the prompter.”

    “Okay.” …Then literally anything happens, and she doesn’t know what to say. Why? They’ve ruined her groove man. Got her constantly shattered, self-confidence, on eggshells. She’s never been like that before. She’s like “I SAID what you wanted! The EXACT WORDS!!” Well say it again: you said it wrong. “I USED the word salad all you guys use, how is mine any different?” I don’t know, but it’s different. Just repeat after me, from bar 9, pick up from the top…

    On top of ollllldddd SmooooooKey….all covered with fleasssssss!!!”

    Yeah, she can get it SOMEday, but she’s not a natural. It’s taking even longer, and harder to do because she’s just a natural woman, herself, more powerfuller than ever, why should she change for no man? What are they gonna do, tell her they’ll cap her? (They will, it’s just that threatening her would make it worse, the confidence, flow, and her backlash.)

    So that’s my read on the Kamala thing. And at this point, some people have given up, knowing voting decisions take time that they’ve run out of. They hoped to delay entering her to avoid exactly this, allow like 6 hours of air time to minimize her damage. They WANTED to fire her and bring in more old white guys, like Newsom, but haha, you did that one to yourself. If this was a meritocracy, you could. YOU said it was a race-ocracy, so eat it. YOU decided not to give that up.

    Uh, maybe you should have capped her and blamed MAGA like a year ago, when her whole staff – who deal with the dumbest, most abusive, narcissistic pinheads on the planet, and do it with a smile – all quit on her for the third time? Like maybe that was a clue even the bestest most faker-est people, who literally have a straight face when saying the most unpopular VP in world history, at 5%, was suddenly most favoritestist President ever, at 55%? Like even THAT team wouldn’t save you?

    Now you know what I think: I think they have Epstein’s flight list on 1/3 of her campaign staff, and are telling them “No, no! I’m really from the WEF! I’m on YOUR side!. Now just Pick Kamala and put her on OnlyFans, Trust me.” TO the other 2/3rds, they’re like….huh. Bad idea, but not my department, plausible I guess, aaaaaand ooops she screwed up. No. You dips. Yes she screwed up, but it was a specific OP. An ambush. A set up. Nothing happening now is natural, and CERTAINLY not her election behavior and VP pick.

    So as AG, she just went in, cackled, railroaded anyone she felt like, sprung anyone she wanted, went home, did coke and went to a sex party with Thiel. It’s trying to looking like she’s NOT doing that that’s all the problems here. And that’s been their problem and annoyance for some time. They want to do stuff, kill us all, rape, poison us, WITHOUT APOLOGIZING, without having to consider what we cockroaches think. That’s why Hillary and Kerry and the free speech thing this week. That’s why all corporations, always want this, Pfizer wants you to buy, like it or not, and eat it, like it or not, and die, like it or not, whether they bothered to make the product correctly or not. You know: like the BBC.

    True of every department and every contractor of government: Halliburton, giving contracts in NC as well as Fstan, Lockheed, Boeing, Eli Lilly, IDAGF, GOVERNMENT is going to MAKE you pay, and if it does NOT work, well, so much the better, they can buy it again.

    They’re very sick and tired of having to PRETEND they are doing work, PRETEND to care, and PRETEND to make up yet another idiotic cover story a 2-year-old could see through. So? Don’t. Be like Kamala. Just be who you really are, let it all hang out.

    Free speech. And then we can decide.

    Dr. D

    It’s called “Sloth” and it’s a Deadly sin. You are lazy AF, wouldn’t lift a finger to save your dog on fire.

    Yes, in the Christian Ethos, “Sloth” is a lot more akin to Depression and Fatalism than to laziness.


    citizenx – did you call me a cuck? I’m gunna give you a chance to apologise before I turn to the phase where I completely disengage from any comment you post.
    If you don’t apologise – I won’t mind, it’s for you, not for me. I’m not much of anyone really…
    My disregard for your comments will not be defensive or punitive but more in line with the idea of meritocracy. Comments WORTH reading are those which inform, enlighten and interest. Comments that offer only insult and defeatism are just a waste of my time. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    And now I’m off to go bang someones wife. Promise.


    I can say I am rather quietly enjoying watching the best laid plans of the Uniparty fall apart.
    It isn’t the Kamala bus that is losing it’s hubcaps and wheels.
    It is the deep state’s bus that is loosing numerous unimportant parts.

    But because the deep state is now loosing, one has to be very wary that they will do anything to avoid loosing power.
    Currently, we are being preconditioned for multiple future possibilities.
    None of them good.
    The loosing player is apt to upset the entire table.

    We need to be like the Russians who every so often, mention a possible chemical or dirty bomb attack is being planned.
    Just saying it out loud seems to stop such planned attacks because the element of surprise is eliminated and thus the motivation to carry out such attacks.)





    Winner Take All

    Good Luck with that 2024 “Vote”

    You’ve had four YEARS to straighten out the “election irregularities” from the last time.

    I’m sure it will go as smooth as deer guts on a door knob……





    What do you actually DO in real life, beside harangue and lecture us lowly peasants, here at TAE, doctor d?

    Michael Reid

    All America (and world) has been propagandized with lies for 100 years, but their whole lifetimes from birth.

    Michael Reid

    citizenx – did you call me a cuck?
    Comments WORTH reading are those which inform, enlighten and interest. Comments that offer only insult and defeatism are just a waste of my time. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    And now I’m off to go bang someones wife. Promise.

    And your “alpha victim” was directed at and enlightening for whom?
    Hypocrite ? Dish it out but can’t take it back?

    Glad you’re not dry humping your shovel again tonight. Pound away.

    Anyone here supporting Israel’s “right to defend itself” through mass murderous genocide, liberal wokeism or the Covid cult insanity will be getting an earful of rage, rightfully so.
    Tears of rage- I’d rather be a free man in my grave, than living as a puppet or a slave- sure as the Sun will shine. The harder they come, the harder they fall, one and all.

    To be perfectly blunt- there are way too many Cucks in the West, saying nothing, doing nothing, living like cowards. Where do you stand, if at all?

    To “out monster the monsters” or roll over and submit- easy choice.

    Which is exactly why a warrior code of ethics and morality is so critical to staying human while fighting monsters and not permanently becoming one. War is a monstrous hell, it’s not paddy cakes and good times. It changes people forever- America has become a monster from hell with its continuous wars of aggression.

    Defeating this monster is going to require intense brutality and violence, not sternly worded letters, voting, or hope and change. Society has gone way beyond that.

    Just read today that a 37yo (mother of 2) missing remains were found in a suitcase in a homeless camp here in Seattle. There are monsters all around us doing horrible things, our Govts have become horrible monsters- and we are all sitting around doing what? Crying and whining about being insulted by words on the internet?

    Police find body of slain mom stuffed inside suitcase in Seattle homeless camp — one year after she went missing

    Was she an alpha victim oxy? Gaza ?
    Hamas and Hez are fighting back.

    When, if ever, are good people going to shake off the restraints and actually fight back for decency?
    The apathy and cuckness is literally killing all of us- it’s killing humanity as we lose our decency to resist.


    I attended that show, beautiful breakdown in the second set…Jerry’s delicate best!

    Nice, I suspect we have been to some of the same shows- what a special experience it all was.

    Here is a gem-

    Hampton Coliseum
    Hampton, VA
    November 9, 1991

    set 1
    Tuning 0:00
    How Sweet It Is 2:20
    He Ain’t Give You None 9:57
    You Never Can Tell 20:25
    Run For The Roses 31:04
    The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down 37:02
    I Second That Emotion 47:50
    My Sisters & Brothers 57:40
    Ain’t No Bread In The Breadbox 1:02:15

    set 2
    Bright Side Of The Road 1:14:45
    Shining Star 1:22:25
    Waiting For A Miracle 1:37:40
    Band Intros 1:44:20
    Think 1:45:11
    I Shall Be Released 1:55:40
    Don’t Let Go 2:06:09
    Midnight Moonlight 2:22:20

    Wonderful World 2:31:25

    Too many highlights to mention- sublime playing


    Peacekeepers attacked.
    Netanyahu orders UNIFIL to leave Lebanon.
    Israel has the right to extend itself say supportive western politicians.

    If Hez attacked UNIFIL, there would be outrage from the West, and UNIFIL would likely return fire-

    BUT, for the chosen ones- no return fire and no indignation from the West.
    UNIFIL- open fire on the Ziojew terrorists, defend yourselves and do your fucking job faggots.
    Shoot to kill.

    Watch any of the thousands of combat vids from Syria or Ukraine-
    Russians say they are “working” as they put it, when they go into combat.

    What the fuck is the UN good for and wtf are they doing? Nothing.

    Peacekeepers ? Nope, fucking cowards.


    “Don’t you blackmail us with your Holocaust. Israel is a terrorist state

    “Sanction Israel, No more weapons from the US and West”

    It’s all so obvious that the US and Israeli Regimes are terrorist Rogue nations.

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