Debt Rattle October 17 2024


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    Israel Believes It Has Killed ‘October 7 Mastermind’, Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar

    Mr. House

    So Dr. Day, any guess on what Dr. Morgans next article will say? 😉

    I’m starting to think he’s a nudge unit, get people to accept the oncoming mess as global warming.

    Mr. House

    no chance it will say the exact same thing as the last 100 articles. Isn’t it surprising he hasn’t moved on yet, you know, to maybe consider possible solutions? Also interesting that he thinks people at the top have no idea what the real problem is. Deflection deflection deflection

    Mr. House

    He’s like deflationista, except instead of the jab its for “climate change”!

    Doc Robinson

    After being unused for any combat missions during the past 7+ years, B-2 stealth bombers were flown from the US to bomb the Houthis in Yemen, according to Bloomberg yesterday. Trying to impress Iran?

    Despite numerous strikes on the Houthis, the allies have been unable to halt its attacks. In a June assessment, American intelligence officials said Houthi assaults on commercial vessels in the Red Sea led to a 90% decline in container shipping through the area between December and February. …

    The B-2s flew to their targets from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. It marked the first time since January 2017 that the wing-shaped stealth bomber has flown a combat mission. Back then, two B-2s flew a 30-hour round-trip mission to bomb an Islamic State training camp in Libya.

    Each B-2 is capable of carrying as much as 20 tons of bombs, including 80 500-pound GPS-guided munitions.

    That article also said

    The B-2 is the only US aircraft equipped to use the Massive Ordnance Penetrator, a bomb that the airforce says is specifically designed to destroy “adversaries’ weapons of mass destruction located in well protected facilities.”

    Wikipedia says the Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) weighs 30,000 pounds, is GPS-guided (what about GPS jamming?), and “it lacks a void-sensing fuze and will therefore detonate only after it has come to a stop, even if it has passed the target area.”


    @John Day

    Why yes, I’ve noticed the drop in basic navigating skills in the public at large. Not just cars but moving through stores like pinballs bounce off bumpers. No one even makes an effort to pass on the right in public, you know, like you’re suppose to drive on the right.

    Next level of de-gradement will be people just deciding one fine morning to go down the freeway on the left.

    Way more vacate stares, a vapor of confusion drifting through the public square. A creeping dementia like Pedo Jo-jo but in younger and younger people.

    Maybe the iPhone generation never learned to interact with actually humans, everyone is just a cartoon video game character.


    And men looking for some basic support and confidence in themselves



    Cheering and celebrating the killing, murdering or executing someone is allowed if you identify the person as a terrorist and not identified as a freedom.
    (We are a sick society)




    Forget the Lawn you mean old man….



    It’s possible the traffic is worse because of massive illegal migration – they’re all being given driver’s licenses, aren’t they?

    Are the DMV’s overrun with foreigners taking their driving tests? Or are they simply issued a driver’s license so they can vote?

    Is anyone seeing a lot of foreigners in those driver’s ed cars taking their required driving courses so they can know the rules of the road and prepare for their tests at the DMV?

    But yes post notavax, driving is stupid.

    Also, people (and every time, notavaxxed) don’t understand jokes anymore. Simple, easy to understand, non Dennis Miller non obscure jokes.

    Nor do they sense that a joke has been told that they do not understand and laugh politely. They instead voice incomprehension.


    And now a word from our sponser, Mr Oreo



    The Joke is On You Suckers




    Noticed the same about jokes

    They’ve had Humor Lobotomies





    I have to communicate with sign language and picture memes, such are the times





    oxymoron – you’ve got a good and interesting singing voice.

    And for anyone who thinks rock is dead… new stuff (nostalgia is what they are calling this – I think it is more a matter of making the best of what’s already established and worked until we figure out the next thing)






    Justin Trudeau proves that the vaxxines drop your IQ.
    Justin is only getting caught for the grifts he did after being vaxxed!


    Covid IQ!!!
    Zelensky can’t understand why nobody understand/believe his “Peace Plan”


    Culture Warz – this below is also is NEW MUSIC

    Idunno about other cities but at the concert in Denver, women were lined up for a mile, having already purchased and holding roses to toss at the stage.

    NOT because this dude is a hearthrob. Not because they like the 50’s.

    No, more in the vein of Old World Architecture youtube videos entitled “Realize What You’ve Lost.”

    They want Romance – not romance, Romance – BACK. And in their romanticizing of romance, of wanting to remember a romance, a culture they never knew, perhaps they DO bring it back. This is what you get for killing culture. It tries to come back in the people who never even knew it.


    If Trump Wins, Guess Who Will Be In Charge Of Certifying The Election?

    But would she really just stand aside and hand the presidency to a man that she has described as a “threat to democracy”?

    Just consider what Harris said about Trump earlier this week…

    “A second Trump term is a huge risk for America. He is increasingly unstable and unhinged. And he is out for unchecked power and control over your lives”

    If she truly believes that Trump is going to end democracy in the United States, wouldn’t she feel compelled to take action?

    And I really hope that we see a very peaceful transfer of power no matter who wins.

    Unfortunately, many of our leaders continue to make statements that are not helpful at all.

    For example, Joe Biden just said that he is very much looking forward to seeing Donald Trump get sentenced and put away…

    Joe Biden said the quiet part out loud and admitted that his DOJ is working to jail Trump after the election.

    “The same guy who has three other major cases waiting for him when he loses,” Biden said referring to Jack Smith’s federal cases against Trump.

    “And by the way, 34 felonies,” Biden said after he sent his DOJ hatchetman Matthew Colangelo to New York to get Trump.

    “He got the sentence kicked back, but I want to watch that sentence,” Biden gleefully said hoping Trump is jailed.

    If Donald Trump loses this election, he is going to go to prison for the rest of his life.

    So the truth is that this election means everything to Trump.

    Of course this election also means everything to tens of millions of Americans on both sides of the political spectrum.

    No matter what the outcome is, I fear that there will be unprecedented chaos in our streets.


    One last bit of culture

    Culture has degraded greatly. But ALSO, all past culture is available, so long as you seek and can find it. Culture is actually on a high plateu (until the next thing comes along)

    So for Gen Z or later, you can participate in ANY ERA, in ANY subculture from any time period and do it quite worthily. So we have Gen Z doing 80’s, 90’s, and 50’s music all THIS YEAR. And it is GOOD.

    Just pick whatever you like and do it. All times, even the tiniest sub-sub-genres of any time are available to you – just PICK whatever pleases you.

    As a different kind of example, I give you Zamrock – it blows my mind that Zambia was making excellent rock music in the late 60’s early 70’s vein. It is not copycat or derivative! Those guys were simply participants, those guys were IN THE GAME, man. Fuck yeah. Respect. THIS is the western way – do awesome things and anyone can join, just be awesome. Geographically, temporally, whatever.

    The cultural game has changed in this way – you can make british late 60’s rock in Zambia and you can make 50’s crooner, 90’s Pavement, 80’s new wave, whatever you want. Free Play. Corporations, the major labels making quasi porn garbage did this. Record contracts are worthless. The field is wide open now. If Zambia can do it, you can do it


    Peacefull transfer of power may require the escorting out and/or in of those individuals who lost and/or won.
    Who will do the escorting? Will they have the training resources etc.?


    Selensky droht in Brüssel: NATO-Beitritt oder die Ukraine wird sich atomar bewaffnen

    from Anti-Mirror October 17, 2024 5:42 pm
    Who will finally stop the madman?

    Zelensky threatened at the EU summit in Brussels that NATO should either accept Ukraine or Ukraine would arm itself with nuclear weapons.
    The state has the possibilities to do so.

    On February 19, 2022, at the Munich Security Conference, Selensky threatened to arm Ukraine with nuclear weapons to the applause of Western political celebrities, which was one of the reasons why Russia intervened militarily just five days later.

    Thursday, October 17, 2024
    Zelensky’s full speech at Munich Security Conference

    Editor’s Note: The following is the full translated transcript of the speech delivered by President Volodymyr Zelensky at the 58th Munich Security Conference on Feb. 19 2022. It was published by the President’s Office and is republished here without changes. Zelensky delivered the speech in Ukrainian.

    “Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal in return for security guarantees, but Russia still invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea in 2014.”
    After the West’s extremely negative reactions to his “victory plan”, Zelensky seems to have completely lost his mind, as he has now repeated his threat to arm Ukraine with nuclear weapons at the EU summit in Brussels.

    “The West should not believe that Ukraine will accept a second Russian attack on Kiev. Before that, it will rebuild its nuclear arsenal, which it has voluntarily given up since the early 1990s. In 2001, Ukraine gave up its last nuclear weapon.
    The official specializing in weapons procurement said in a closed meeting: “We have the material, we have the knowledge. If the order is given, we will only need a few weeks to have the first bomb.”
    The West should “think less about Russia’s red lines and more about our red lines,” the official warned.”

    I really wonder when the West will stop these lunatics in Kiev that it itself created.


    Bubbles. The death of Sinwar will end …

    the Gaza war,
    and Lebanese War,
    and the West Bank War
    and the Yemen’s Houthis missiles
    and the attacks from Iran…..
    and the genocide by Israel


    jb-hb thanks re the voice – always wish for more texture but you get what you get and don’t get upset – I’m a drummer anyway truth be known. The new rock you posted is sooooo refreshing and outside my echo chamber so really happy to discover it thank you heaps. Big fat reverb snares wil always terrify me though.

    Dr. D

    I read recently that we are sitting in one place and time moves through us.

    Actually, that’s true and the best description: We are participating in the One-All Consciousness, which is all, and therefore outside of time. To have the illusion of time, we must be small enough to see it one frame at a time, but it’s still consciousness.

    That’s why it’s most like a dream — it’s just a similar experience of the same consciousness — and why all the paradoxes won’t apply. …Also including why time can slow down or speed up. Quite a lot. Been in a traffic accident lately? But really there is a certain temporal seizure that is very rare that stops time. As we know, generally time stops for us by unconsciousness, which is different.


    here is a description of the temporal brain seizure that messes with time


    Crystal ball
    Tuesday, Oct 22, 2024

    Press Briefing: World Economic Outlook
    09:00 AM – 09:45 AM


    Dr. D said

    I read recently that we are sitting in one place and time moves through us.

    Actually, that’s true and the best description

    Obviously we cannot fully know how time works, we can see it represents steps in a process and we can see how each step in time makes changes to our environment that remain after the time has passed. That we are sitting still and time is moving is not “true”, although maybe it helps you to think about time.

    An important aspect of time is that it controls your environment, not just you, so others in that environment are experiencing the present at the same time as you experience the present, with, here on Earth, very very minor oscillations which are of no consequence. What is more interesting is how your mind experiences time, if you have a quick brain, does your day seem longer than the day of a slow thinker? You can never tell, but the answer is out there if only we could somehow discover it.

    Events such as deja vu are a time-memory anomaly, caused by the malfunctioning of your brain, not the malfunctioning of time, otherwise all around you would also feel deja vu at the same time. As for the time in the past and future not existing, I suspect that is not true – obviously no evidence – but we can only access time at the present and we cannot move our “present”, that’s the job of a time machine.

    Of course, everywhere in the universe has a different “present” time, even though on earth they are obviously very close together. But consider sending an astronaut to a place where time is passing slower. When he comes back he has missed the “present” times where we are, they had “present” times somewhere else, collectively shorter “present” times than we had. Sure, “present” is infinitely small, but I am assuming we can integrate. How does the lapsed time of the astronaut relate to the lapsed time of the people who stayed on earth? The astronaut has less lapsed time, so is now younger compared to the rest of us, so how does this work?

    The astronaut moved between different time movement rates by moving to different locations. We do the same on earth but the changes are super small and not noticeable, so does time really flow or is it like gravity, it is just there (as far as we know) and is like a ticker that controls processes in the location you are at, similar to a clock in a computer that just enables the computer to calculate; faster ticker means faster calculations. Maybe time just prevents super energentic runaway where the universe just collapses because there is no restraining tempo; maybe it is a restraining factor rather than a propelling factor?

    Time. We know nothing.

    Dr D Rich

    Hell hath frozeneth overeth….

    From Scheerpost AND it ought to meet local standards as there’s no mention of the Jword or the other Jword.

    A few hand-picked selections:

    The same author recently went viral for an article that claimed that Israeli attacks against Hezbollah are “not intended to lead to war but are an attempt to reach ‘de-escalation through escalation.’” 

    Isn’t that shit right up your alley, D, and emblematic of the dialectic?
    Good God, “de-escalation through escalation” is more like Mr. Mysterioso’s “if you can balance this tack hammer on your head you will be able to hammer you foe with a balanced attack.”

    A little more, the author, an Israeli spy who possess access to the White House…hmm.

      White House Insider

      Ravid has quickly become one of the most influential individuals in the Capitol Hill press corps. In April, he won the prestigious White House Press Correspondents’ Award “for overall excellence in White House coverage”—one of the highest awards in American journalism. Judges were impressed by what they described as his “deep, almost intimate levels of sourcing in the U.S. and abroad” and picked out six articles as exemplary pieces of journalism.

      Most of these stories consisted of simply printing anonymous White House or Israeli government sources, making them look good, and distancing President Biden from the horrors of the Israeli attack on Palestine

    Dr D Rich

    Does any recall sheep-like bleating of Rittler, Sachs et al and posted on this site making the pantshitting (pissing) warning the world was about to be destroyed by thermonuclear holocaust?
    Apparently others remembers. Me too

      3) “check out this blurb from Scott Ritter”. Scott Ritter has been dead wrong about the Ukraine War for going on 3 years now, dead wrong about the Greater Israhell War for a full year, and frankly, I’d rather not….because convicted pedophiles make my skin crawl.

    Speaking of time:

    You know we have 2 Boeing employees stranded up in space at the international space station, with nothing to do.
    I am sure for them time is moving rather slowly, especially since their employer doesn’t give a dam about them at all.
    We could give them the “time” thingy problem, since they have the time to ponder such deep thingies.

    For Kamala, obviously she faces too much time before the election.
    This excess amount of time is allowing voters to discover more and more about her past.
    It would have been much better if the election had been held the day after being nominated as the deep state’s new president.
    If this had happened, then we all would be now laughing at her jokes!

    For the British labor party, time is rather short, as they are planning on sending 100 party staffers to help Kamala.
    Not sure how that will help Kamala,s British corruption is so different from US corruption.
    Americans just can’t seem to get British humor and might not laugh!


    Christ in the Desert- true reflection

    Time reflects movement, all movement reflects time.
    Change, growth, transformation, alchemy- nothing is static in the Universe, everything turning, spiraling, circles. Water flows in spirals, arrows spiral, everything turns in spirals. Similarly movement within stillness, stillness within movement. Yin/ Yang- at the heighth (apex) of movement returns to stillness, then movement returns. Nothing moves at the same speed for eternity- as time naturally reflects changes in energy.

    Measurable time for humans is inadequate. Quarks broke the human concept of measurable time- moving at such a speed it defied our current ability to measure.

    Can you measure a calm still mind vs a mind at the apex of its moving thoughts capacity?
    Your mind is constantly in flux, as are your smallest cells, never completely still til death, then another transformation begins to manifest. Growth to decay to growth…

    The Universe will continue to turn, transform, change well after your measurable self exists.
    Pre-manifest, you exist, post manifest, you’re gone- time being infinite movement is truly immeasurable.

    Just as one can never count the grains of sand. Our personal time alive is limited, the Universe measures infinite time and space, speed will always transform.

    Doc Robinson

    Since nobody mentioned these musings on time:

    “Talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time, so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time.”

    “We have the ability to see what can be, unburdened by what has been.”

    “It is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day.”



    MS garbage media are now calling for stories about vaccine injuries. Is this another slow turn of the tide?

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