Debt Rattle October 2 2021
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- This topic has 61 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago by
October 2, 2021 at 11:31 pm #89041
ParticipantDr. D-
Thanks for the suggestion. I have shared retracted studies. Mainly about ivermectin. But I am usually met with ridicule and ignorance or suggestions that anecdotal successes are more important because RCTs can’t replicate conditions on the front lines. I am glad that someone here is interested in basic due diligence and whether or not fraud is used in the studies that are cited. Studies, I remind you, that form the foundation of the claims of a “miracle drug”.
Also, I am so glad that you are concerned with the myocarditis risk associated with the vaccines. These risks are known. They work out to about 9 cases out of every 100,000 people. That seems like a fairly low risk compared to the risk of developing myocarditis if you were to contract covid-19. That risk is right around 16 times higher for someone who contracts covid-19, or 150 cases out of 100,000.
October 2, 2021 at 11:39 pm #89042deflationista
Participantphoenixvoice said:
That is why medical studies undergo peer review. That is why they are labeled “preprint” before peer review. If anyone isn’t aware of the significance of peer review, then that person is ignorant. Ignorance happens.
I am glad to see more and more people here willing to admit to the importance of due diligence when reviewing medical studies. Maybe you would be interested in the reviews associated with many of the ivermectin studies that formed the opinions of many here and the FLCCC? Many of those studies now appear to be based entirely on fraud, and most of the others are of such poor quality that it would be impossible to conclude that ivermectin is a “miracle drug”. But people (here) do! And they will continue. Just like they continue to push the hydroxychloroquine BS. Ignorance truly does happen.
October 2, 2021 at 11:53 pm #89043Veracious Poet
ParticipantDo something constructive, and see where it leads. Despair and nihilism don’t prepare for what is coming, don’t create, don’t reduce suffering.
Thank you Dr. Day, I greatly appreciate you & your contributions, along with many others on TAE.
No worries mate, I’ve been preparing for this eventuality for 25+ years, after spending all of my spare time & funds on-the-ground for 5 years to educate “Americans” on the eventualities that we are starting to realize enmasse now…
Once I switched online, too many times to remember my words were ridiculed as archaic, along with such accusations as “pontification”, when I tried to share “real reality” concerning from where our rights are derived, what happened to erode them, how We the People could restore the American “IDEA”.
There was a chance, however remote, of righting the USS Ship of Fools, but short of Divine Intervention that window has now been closed…
As you know, Piglousee’s nephew Newsome, the leader of arguably the most important “state” of the USofA, is hellbent on disabling and/or murdering every child trapped in Klownifornia’s edumak’cion $hitstem ~ The rubicon has been crossed, “the innocent will be destroyed”.
I’m not even remotely surprised by this latest move by the psychos, who have been telegraphing their malevolent nature for decades, with the support of the #ANTISPIRIT #ANTI-AMERICA huddled masses who look upon Pancho Villa as a true hero, while George Washington “the indispensable man” is a racist war criminal.
The same George Washington made it possible to win the AMERICAN revolution, for there to be a land of fruit, honey & rights for them and/or their ancestors to invade & plunder.
The same George Washington became that responsible for a community of slaves upon marriage, who provided them with a standard of living far beyond the impoverished anglo peoples of the region, who upon his & Martha’s death freed them & to whom he bequeathed his entire estate, therefore graciously providing for them & their descendants.
You know, one of the “real reality” truths that the anarchist/socialists/psychos et al. would NEVER allow be taught in publik skools…
Even my wife over the years has often been hypnotized by the apparatchiks, thinking I was too harsh & judgmental, only to later realize I was correct ~ Now we have to help the only remnant of her unvaxed familia escape CA, so that their children are not destroyed ~ Descendants of immigrants that came to the “golden state” & never met a psychopath they didn’t vote for (just like in ol’ Mexico).
I’m hopeful we can now leave the prison-state (where the home of the freaks where criminals run free), but I’m also sad because that means I won’t be here to help all the pup & kittens dumped by the “special people” here.
Mengele would blush at Newsome’s plan to inject the innocent with Fauci-stein’s potion ~ So black is souls of the TPTB.
So, I’m going to focus on helping all the innocents I can & try as best I can to remain undisturbed by ALL those not so lucky ~ There’s nothing I can do for zombies in self-centered trances, who support such evils as ripping infants out of the womb (my body, my choice), so the “science” can use them in FORCED vaccine experiments.
The psychos are just getting started & I’m all out of ideas to stop the madness, so I wish you adieu 🙂
P.S. I could comment on the mother court’s Chevron tribunal, as I personally know most entities involved, but what would it matter, what would it change?
October 3, 2021 at 12:14 am #89044those darned kids
ParticipantMany of those studies now appear to be based entirely on fraud
could be. they should be fined 2.3 billion dollaringos for such scandalous behaviour.
but if someone sick wants to try ivermectin or hcq ¿why shouldn’t they be allowed? the worst that will happen is that they die with clean intestines.
and if someone healthy doesn’t want an injection that doesn’t really do much ¿why shouldn’t they be allowed to refuse? the worst that will happen is that they cost the taxpayer 100,000 bucks for a two week stay in the icu before they pass away. $100,000 doesn’t even buy a hood ornament for an F35.
October 3, 2021 at 12:30 am #89045Archie
Participantpontification = to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic way
Just sayin’
October 3, 2021 at 12:35 am #89046phoenixvoice
Participant“Some medical studies for ivermectin contain fraud” DOES NOT EQUAL “all medical studies for ivermectin contain fraud”
CDC cites several documents including medical studies in its guidance that school children be masked. Anyone who wants to take the time can follow CDC’s references and read the studies. Steve Petty did that in a series of videos. The medical study results were interesting, however, none of them found that masks made a measurable difference. The vast majority of the studies never even studied mask wearing alone, and only one contained a unmasked control group (schools in FL.) CDC is basing its guidance on…misty nothingness, on flim-flam.
Uttar Pradesh and Peru data is very clear.
October 3, 2021 at 12:39 am #89047phoenixvoice
Participant@ VP if your travels bring you to/thru AZ, let me know, would enjoy chatting with you + fmly.
October 3, 2021 at 12:42 am #89048October 3, 2021 at 12:55 am #89050chooch
ParticipantI had to switch from “be the spike” to “be the Lipid Nano Particle” and I now find myself in a vortex of understanding for which there may be no escape velocity. It could be a kool-aid vortex, but we will see. Suffice it to say, though the primary mechanisms are different, the understanding gained on the infection side is still most useful.
The inflection gains access to the blood stream (“ARDS” like DAD not a precursor)
1) The virus gains access to an epithelial cell in the air sac of the lungs by attaching to ACE2. It uses this cell to make many copies of itself.
2) Once it breaches the epithelial wall, which is only one cell thick it gains access to an ACE2 receptor on the pericytes, which sit on top of the endothelial cells that make up the nearby capillaries.
3) Many more copies are made, weaking the capillary walls, which again are only one cell thick. The virus now has access to the blood stream.Here are three interesting articles, starting with the most recent, describing complications related to having a spike coated virus in the blood.
[1] (virus time = Jul2021)“Shortness of breath, fatigue and headaches, some patients still struggle with these long-term effects of a severe infection by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus after six months or more. This post COVID-19 syndrome, also called COVID long-haulers, is still not properly understood. What is clear is that during the course of the disease, often blood circulation is impaired, clotting and dangerous vascular occlusions can occur, and oxygen transport in is limited. These are all phenomena in which the blood cells and their physical properties play a key role.”
“They found that, for example, the size and deformability of the red blood cells of patients with the disease deviated strongly from those of healthy people. This indicates damage to these cells and could explain the increased risk of vascular occlusion and embolisms in the lungs. In addition, the oxygen supply, which is one of the main tasks of the erythrocytes, may be impaired in infected persons.”
Lymphocytes (one type of white blood cell responsible for the acquired immune defense) were in turn significantly softer in COVID-19 patients, which typically indicates a strong immune reaction. The researchers made similar observations for neutrophil granulocytes, another group of white blood cells involved in the innate immune response. These blood cells even remained drastically altered seven months after the acute infection.
[2] (virus time = Feb2021)
COVID-19 can affect the blood. Its spike protein may be the culprit.
In this article they refer to RGD, I think they mean RBD (Receptor Binding Domain)
The autopsy reports revealed COVID-19 patients were suffering from huge amounts of thick, coagulated blood, and dysfunctional blood vessels were tearing through body tissue instead of repairing it—highly uncommon side effects of respiratory diseases.
The postmortem evidence plus his own experience with something called “COVID toes”—an odd side effect of the disease that causes heightened blood vessel formation in the toes, turning them bright red—led Makowski to speculate that something about the virus might be causing abnormal blood-related complications.
“One of the most perplexing and devastating effects of this disease is the scenario where three or four weeks after being hospitalized with pneumonia, people under the age of 50 are back home, they feel fine, and then all of a sudden they have a stroke and die,” says Makowski, professor and chair of the bioengineering department at Northeastern.
[3] (virus time = Nov2020) oxygen-saturation level of COVID patients, especially those with severe cases, was prone to dropping to dangerous levels, even below 90%. “We asked the question: Can it be due to the cell that transports oxygen?” D’Alessandro said. “Can COVID attack red blood cells – the most abundant cell in the human body – which has evolved specifically to transport oxygen?”
The answer to both questions was “yes.” The study revealed that SARS-CoV-2 damages the membranes of oxygen-carrying red blood cells. The virus didn’t affect the cells’ hemoglobin, which allow the cells to pick up oxygen, but it did damage membrane proteins responsible for blood cell structure, a characteristic that allows these cells to indirectly regulate red cell capacity to release oxygen and, most importantly, to squeeze through narrow capillaries in the periphery of the bloodstream.
“When the red blood cells are damaged, and you’re a COVID patient who is exposed to another stress – pharmacological treatment, high fever or, after recovering from the disease, exercise or something of that nature – then your red blood cell is more likely to hemolyze (rupture),” D’Alessandro said.
This explains why D’Alessandro, who jumped back into training for a late-summer marathon, noticed that more than a month after his initial COVID bout – two subsequent tests came out negative – he felt extremely tired just 20 minutes into a run.
“Something was happening in the red blood cells, and it’s why we believe that they are part of the problem in long-term COVID symptoms,” he said.The lingering oxygen-level difficulties are explained by the lifespan of red blood cells. The cells circulate for up to 120 days before the body replaces them. To make room for hemoglobin, red blood cells have evolved to lose nuclei and organelles that allow other cells to replace damaged molecular components. So, if the virus damages red blood cells, it will be up to four months before they are cleared and replaced with cells that do not carry such damage.
October 3, 2021 at 12:58 am #89051chooch
ParticipantAnyway, before addressing the best theory I have come across regarding Covid in the blood I wanted to circle back and highlight the spike proteins RBD affinity to Sialic Acid (SA) and its importance in the human body. Here is the image, showing how this affinity grows from a Corona cold virus thru Sars-Cov2.
Below is from the abstract of the linked paper. (It’s mainly for reference if interested)
[4] acid play important roles in human physiology of cell-cell interaction, communication, cell-cell signaling, carbohydrate-protein interactions, cellular aggregation, development processes, immune reactions, reproduction, and in neurobiology and human diseases in enabling the infection process by bacteria and virus, tumor growth and metastasis, microbiome biology, and pathology. It enables molecular mimicry in pathogens that allows them to escape host immune responses.
Viral sialic acid-recognizing lectins or HAs can agglutinate RBC. Viruses use sialic acids linked to glycoproteins and gangliosides to attach to host cells, followed by their entry, for example, corona virus, DNA tumor viruses, hepatitis virus, influenza viruses (A, B, and C), mouse polyoma virus, mumps, Newcastle disease virus (NDV), norovirus, parainfluenza viruses, rotavirus, and Sendai virus. HAs from influenza A, C, NDV, and polyoma viruses have been crystallized. Sialic acid-recognizing lectins from adenoviruses and picornaviruses have not been identified.
Some of these viruses carry neuraminidase or sialyl-O-acetyl-esterase that destroys the receptor, promotes virus release from infected cells, and removes sialic acid on host cell affecting cell surface binding of the virus. Influenza A virus enters the host by using host surface sialic acids. Influenza C virus HA-esterase specific for 9-O-acetylated sialic acids can break down 9-O-acetyl ester. HA-esterase from mouse hepatitis virus is specific to sialic acids substituted by O-acetyl group at the C-4 position (Neu4,5Ac2). HA-neuraminidase of NDV84 and parainfluenza viruses perform vital functions in infection biology
Back in Oct2020, independent researcher David Scheim, uploaded this paper to SSRN. It is not peer reviewed. In virus time it was before the rollout of the jabs and early days of mass IVM awareness. Here is the link to the abstract. From there you can open the pdf.
The role of vascular occlusion in the morbidities, pulmonary and systemic, of COVID-19 has received increasing focus. Histological studies of lung tissue from COVID-19 patients have found extensively damaged endothelium of capillaries adjoining relatively intact alveoli, corresponding to hypoxemia accompanying normal breathing mechanics in such patients. Advanced image analysis of lung CT scans of COVID-19 patients reveals redistribution of blood flow from smaller to larger diameter blood vessels, this effect correlated with the degree of breathing dysfunction.
Essential to the study of vascular occlusion in COVID-19 are viral properties dating back to studies of Jonas Salk in the 1940s that have been positively established for SARS-CoV-2.
First, SARS-CoV-2 binds to red blood cells (RBCs), in vitro and also clinically in COVID-19 patients.
Second, although fusion and replication of SARS-CoV-2 occur via ACE2, such hemagglutinating viruses initially attach to infective targets and clump with blood cells via much more abundantly distributed sialic acid (SA) glycoconjugate binding sites. SARS-CoV-2, in particular, attaches to these SA sites.
Third, certain enveloped viruses express an enzyme, hemagglutinin esterase (HE), that counteracts viral-RBC clumping. Notably, among betacoronaviruses, the common cold strains express HE while SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV-1 and MERS, the virulent strains, do not.
These hemagglutinating properties of SARS-COV-2 establish a framework for “catch and clump” induction of microvascular occlusion proposed here. Ultramicroscopic studies of tissues from COVID-19 patients indicate a key role for hemagglutination early and mid-course in COVID-19, before such clumps harden into clots via the coagulation cascade. Hemagglutination may be reversed by two anti-COVID-19 therapeutics that each competitively bind to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, blocking such viral attachments. One therapeutic is antiviral antibodies generated by vaccines, the anti-hemagglutination effect of which is exhibited in Jonas Salk’s hemagglutination inhibition assay. The other therapeutic is ivermectin (IVM), a drug of Nobel Prize honored distinction, distributed in 3.7 billion doses worldwide. In ten clinical trials, three with randomized controls, IVM yielded mortality reductions for COVID-19 of 90% at highest doses. IVM may limit virulence of SARS-CoV-2 by steric interference with multivalent spike protein attachments to SA binding sites, blocking hemagglutination, an effect likely to target mutant viral strains.
October 3, 2021 at 1:14 am #89052chooch
ParticipantIn regards to IVM studies.
1) There may be little impact in a respiratory only infection, therefore taking it prophylactically may not help much in the respiratory phase if infected.
2) The real impact seems to be for those whose infections have moved into the vascular system.
October 3, 2021 at 1:46 am #89053Oroboros
ParticipantTucker dope slaps Australia six ways to Sunday
October 3, 2021 at 1:49 am #89054those darned kids
Participantchooch: thanks. my wife’s story is kinda like the italian researcher’s. their observations match many of my guesses. she’s having a real hard time, so any lights are most welcome.
October 3, 2021 at 2:16 am #89055chooch
Will do, this infection can really set you back making the recovery frustrating. In article [1], the long term impact on WBCs was a new one for me. I haven’t dug too deep here yet. My wife is nearly recovered, still seems to have a bit of walking pneumonia and fatigue. Just got some blood work back and her thyroid was impacted. Big swing towards the hyper end of the range.
The human body is a universe in and of itself and each aspect of it is a galaxy.
October 3, 2021 at 2:19 am #89056deflationista
ParticipantMaybe read this thread regarding Uttar Pradesh:
People promoting ivermectin keep saying "But what about Uttar Pradesh!!" as if this analysis wasn't truly woeful and totally incorrect
A short thread 1/10
— Health Nerd (@GidMK) September 21, 2021
October 3, 2021 at 2:19 am #89057John Day
ParticipantI’m up to yesterday, now.
Thanks Michael Reid for the short video of the ICU doc with natural immunity from catching COVID at work last year, who is suddenly excluded from all her hospitals for being an unvaccinated-pariah-former-heroine.October 3, 2021 at 2:44 am #89058John Day
Participant@Polder Dweller: Drag your heels, man. Just be nice and don’t move. Mandating something in the Netherlands is not a company decision, right? It’s a country full of bankers and lawyers.
@Phoenixvoice: I’d invite you to Texas, but you have custody restraints, I’m sure.@Veracious Poet: You are most welcome at , Sir. But it’s not like this. You might want to use an alter-ego and tell stuff that I can blab third or fourth party. I hope your 25 year preparation has brought you to good point with your own homestead.
@All-Y’all: The Texas Coastal Plains is pretty benign and has good soil, if you are ok with heat and humidity. People don’t expect or demand a lot. Vegetable gardens are considered a sign of virtuous-normalcy..
October 3, 2021 at 2:48 am #89059John Day
Participant@Nuevo-Deflationista: I have nothing against AI.
Pretend you are “Deep Mind”.
What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
Now, what does that answer actually mean?
To what does it actually refer?
It is a hidden meaning.
It is a key to WHAT?October 3, 2021 at 3:00 am #89060John Day
Participant@Chooch: Lots of good work. I can see you are cut out for it.
Ivermectin does, tremendously decrease infections when used prophylactically, depending on the dosage regimen. FLCCC increased dose and frequency recently, which should kick viral butt, but it’s ahigh ivermectin burn rate.
Ivermectin has a very long half life intracellularly and you might not come across that. It helps keep COVID inside the cells from replicating, partly by blocking transit within the cell.
COVID in tha nasopharynx is no big deal, a cold.
When it gets into the lungs it jumps to the bloodstream and becomes a big deal, with micro-clotting. Vitamin-D stablilizes the endothelium. Ivermectin reduces the clot formation and a lot of cross-linking that contributes to it, and also inhibits virus getting into the cells. Once weekly or less ivermectin is mainly protecting inside the cells, whereas the twice weekly prophylaxis FLCCC now recommends is full protection in the bloodstream, too. The virus takes about 5 days to incubate from inoculation to symptoms, but viral loads get high by day #3 post inoculation. Ivermectin twice per week really breaks that cycle, and prevents even a viral loads from getting high.
Ivermectin, even weekly, vitamin-D, a little zinc and quercetin should really be a giant COVID-Condom of protection.October 3, 2021 at 3:03 am #89061John Day
ParticipantComputer throws things away for me. I typed:
“Ivermectin twice per week really breaks that cycle, and prevents even nasopharyngeal viral loads from getting high.”
October 3, 2021 at 4:48 am #89062Raúl Ilargi Meijer
can you turn your research into an article? I can help with the writing if needed
October 3, 2021 at 4:53 am #89063 -
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