Debt Rattle October 23 2023
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- This topic has 44 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 4 months ago by
October 23, 2023 at 8:38 am #145118
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterRoy Lichtenstein Femme d’Alger 1963 • God’s Chosen People and the “Moral” West (Paul Craig Roberts) • Israel’s Continued Existence Is Not Guara
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 23 2023]October 23, 2023 at 9:32 am #145119V. Arnold
ParticipantThanks for that Fred Rogers and Koko bit; some sanity in an insane world…….
October 23, 2023 at 10:18 am #145122Michael Reid
ParticipantThis 18 minute video is very good
The problems come from our leaders.
Most people just want to live and enjoy their lives
without interference from inhumane leaders
and when left alone will get along with each otherWe are being manipulated and have been for a long time
October 23, 2023 at 10:34 am #145123oxymoron
ParticipantI understand the central banks need to transition to cbdc’s it’s a new slavery system but like many here have alluded to it drastically reduces incentive and thus productivity so not great for business or the business of accumulation. Is anyone here concerned that the inflationary boom is in the early phase of popping that will lead to MASSIVE deflation and reduction in circulating money supply?
I can’t see clearly right now aside from trying to buy around 250 – 1000 litres of diesel to buffer transport/tractor costs.
The system dynamics are fucking crazy right now – excuse my language.October 23, 2023 at 11:01 am #145124Dr. D
Participant“Fugees Rapper Who Helped Launder Millions From CCP To Obama Campaign Demands New Trial, Claims Lawyer Used AI
As is par for the course now, he queered his case, then he can call for a mistrial. If it goes his way, he lets it, if it’s against, he keeps having trials until he’s innocent. Perfect! And both sides are doing this, as we see in DoJ, FBI, etc.
Meanwhile, not releasing any of the known videotapes of the Capitol, and creating whole spreadsheets arranging guilt, innocence, all the agents who were there we can’t get witness testamony from, well that’s just good justice. …You understand. The same agents defy Congress, refuse to turn over any documents…same thing. That’s a “LEGAL crime, don’t you understand. Unlike all those illegal things that are NOT a crime, but we put you in jail for anyway, like publishing documents, or not being within 100 miles of the crime scene.
Soution: we already have one. You’d have been sued and disbarred for the last 200 years. But “they forgot.”
“Eisenhower said if NATO still exists in 10 years then we have failed. That was 1955.”
What did Ike know, the dummy? He was just Supreme Commander of the army for 3 years, then President with complete Secret Access for 4 years. That’s how we know he’s a nut who has no idea what he’s talking about when he tells you directly on national TV. Just like Trump. He can read secrets. You can’t. That’s how you know when he tells you those secrets, he’s an idiot and wrong, and you’re super-smart and totally right. Chad on Twitter said so!
That is how it is now. Like everything else: inexplicable.
When you know everything and are practically perfect in every way, well then all other humans are a mere annoyance, and should probably be dismissed and/or shot, to tidy the place up.
“More than 2 million Palestinian people have now been without running water, electricity, food, medicine, for 10 days”
Ahhh, but you have to understand, if they could, they would do that to the rest of us. In Iowa, in Missouri. In Baltimore, clearly. It has nothing to do with one side being “Jewish” and the other side being “Palestinian”, those are just the masks. It has to do with them being “Human” and therefore must all be killed according to Davos, Club of Rome, WEF, and Tony Blair. [Insert every politician here.]
They’ll get to you, by and by. They bought up all your water companies already, they have installed smart meters. They’re going to cut you right off and call it the same happy doubleplus good as they.
We tell them not to, every day, all our lives, and they do it anyway, and we’re tired. That’s our reaction right now: why do the same thing to get the same results? We need a NEW thing, but don’t know what that is.
““..West Jerusalem has no experience of making long-term arrangements with its neighbors without relying on the US.”
Alexander who speaks expressly slowly and very long (but in a precise way I envy) ran down the 60s, 70s, and the Israeli wars. It was because Israel could take care of itself that the US supported them, or could support them then. See? If you have a people who need everything but provide nothing, ultimately you cut them off. If they are as equals, and need only small amounts, which are then turned to wins that pay off (as an unsinkable forward base to attack Muslims, like Saudi when they have you by the balls with the petrodollar) then you keep them. …Both Israel and Ukraine are the latter right now, and the US has less to give than any time in the last 100 years.
Also their “diplomacy” and indeed the whole government has no idea what they’re doing. They’re just running around. I’d say, “this is what happens”. As JB says, the NeoCons want it: they got it. So the WORKMEN of the State Dept, etc, are like “Okay then, here’s the steering wheel, suit yourself”, withdrawing all daily competence. ONLY the NeoCons – who are deranged, mouth-breathing, glue-sniffing neanderthals – are running things now. But they can’t. Their paradigm is made of contradictions, and they are unglued from reality at birth concerning things like “Time” and “Resources”. Again, WHY ARE YOU MAKING AYN RAND RIGHT? The PEOPLE have the competence. Stop ordering them and let them, like Libertarians, and they are emergent self-organizing magic.
In short, they can only exist as a parasite, feeding on the wealth and competency of the host. Withdraw merely your competency. So letting ONLY them run thing looks like this: Failure after failure, no plans, everything on fire and collapsing, as that is a reflection of their inner minds and mental state: Insane. Thus if you have a sit-out by the call center phone reps and the management mans the phones for … well, even 60 seconds, honestly. They’re useless, parasitical, work-preventing morons, incapable of human thought much less learning.
To my mind, that’s NOT A PROBLEM. That’s a solution. Why? Because the thing only SEEMS intractable. In fact, if Trump – or two monkeys and a Speak N Spell – get in there and hand it back to State, telling the Diplomats only the most basic things like, “No war”, “Get agreements”, they would straighten the whole thing back to order in like 6 months and look like geniuses. That is to say, the “Failure” is completely fabricated and unnecessary. We can fix it all almost instantly, with the mildest competency and intent at the helm. Obviously, or someone as mediocre as Trump couldn’t do it.
I know it doesn’t seem like, but think back. Trump says he’ll fix Ukraine in 24 hours, but he’s no genius certainly, he’d just cut off funds early for a war we lost, instead of later when it’s $150B more expensive. Then he’d cut what borders and treaty he physically has to. Same with yon Israel. They don’t exist without us, so you cut them off and they’ll do anything you say, like Reagan calling them the other day. If not, they’ll take what they can, like every other nation and people, and why not? If that works in the aggregate, it also works in the many details the diplomats at State know. You just TELL them and LET them. That’s their job. YOUR job is to take credit for all the s—t you didn’t do, sitting in a white house north of Richmond, smoking crack like Trudeau, the younger and the elder. (edit: sorry, it was shoeboxes of coke. My bad.)
“the problem is not specific political and diplomatic mistakes, but a fundamental inability to manage processes in the way the US and big countries in general are used to,”
Because they are morons who believe contradictory things, and therefore have no plans. I.e. they are Insane. And also deeply violent and vindictive, should a diplomat, or even general, attempt a working solution of their own. But no! Only the NeoCons must decide EVERYTHING. They don’t want your help and will shoot you (out of your career) if you lift a finger. Fine. You win. I’ll just push this broom in this bus station and you can tell me whether to push left or right.
“while urging the nation to adhere to international humanitarian law”
Contradictions. Which they never have, but we arm them fully anyway. But that’s okay! Both Israel and us are funding Hamas too! #Equity #SocialJustice.
“And YOU get a bomb, and YOU get a bomb…” and everybody gets a bomb. …Hey, why there all these bomb around? Where’d they all come from after 50 years of this? Mysteries the #Mentally Ill can’t figure out.
“• Netanyahu Under Fire as Former Leaders Demand His Resignation Amid Crisis (Sp.)
Same danger we’re under here at home. Since he’ll only be deposed and go the jail, he will escalate of course and bomb Iran. He has to, why not? I mean, if someone has the copy of the $200,000 check you just say, “Shucks you got me?”
“The rich are not like you and me…” — F. Scott Fitzgerald. No, they are violent psychopaths, purged of all human emotion. Diabolical Narcissism.Still, the protests prove Israel is more free than Ukraine or the United States.
“Hezbollah “will be making the mistake of its life” …pounded Lebanon (a foreign country, ie an aggressive war of invasion) with bombs…
The Arabs aren’t all that smart but you’ve forced them to be competent and find your many weaknesses. Israel has rhetoric and no escalation dominance. They’ve used 8,000 bombs in 2 weeks on a 25-mile area. Okay, great. They are out of bombs already and hit nothing. See what I mean? So all you have to do is withstand until they run out (like Russia and Ukraine) then walk in and take whatever. Israel demanded WE do all the fighting and WE be their escalation for free.
But we inexplicably have no bombs. I guess Congress doesn’t like to spend money anymore, and Raytheon doesn’t like to receive it? Yup! That’s how it is now: nobody likes free money. OR…the Pentagon needs to put down these rabid elements and needs the SHOW the American people as they only way. So they LET, or MAKE us run out so we literally CAN’T fight Neocon, Israel, K-Pop wars for them. Ooopsie! Sry, would if we could but we can’t so we won’t. They had to wait for the bombs to deplete and be pulled out of Israel to Ukraine. Ukraine is the only place large enough to take that many “without damage”. I mean, you wouldn’t want that many on Nicaragua or Belgium, right? But to purge a200-year anti-Russia propaganda project, kill all the Nazis in Europe, and hand the freshly-laundered country to Russia?
Even so, Vietnam was 60,000 in 10 years on a nation of 250 million, considered a catastrophe. Ukraine is 90,000 dead in THREE MONTHS on a nation of 25 million. TWICE the WWII casualties for the U.S. in a nation 1/10th the size. (20x WWII’s) I think like the stupidity of the American People in being shown and still licking Joe Biden, the good guys didn’t think it would take more than twice as long and 4x the expected casualties to get here. But what can I say? If you won’t stand up and stop it, it takes what it takes. Your choice. You will stop, or you will die. I’m past caring either way.
“• Israeli Minister Threatens To ‘Wipe Iran Off The Face Of The Earth’ (RT)
Hahahahahaha! Sure pal! Speaking of the Mentally Ill. Apparently this nitwit has never read about “The Persians” in the Torah before? So…here’s a country under sanctions for 50 years, of EVERYTHING. STILL are top thinkers, STILL have top military bases, STILL created world-beating rockets, drones, and now hypersonic missiles. While Lockheed and RollsRoyce can’t do that WITHOUT sanctions. Iran is MANY TIMES LARGER than Iraq, which we couldn’t hold, and further away. They are also essentially ethnically cohesive and know their enemy, i.e. the people who put sanctions on them and e.g. I dunno, people who declare they plan to kill them all entirely? Does that kind of make you motivated and cohesive?
I does me, when they in Richmond, tell me I’m hateful, violent, bigoted, useless deplorable and my purpose in life is to die or be killed and like it. Kind of brings it to your attention especially when they actually take measure to DO it, like poisoning your water in Flint and laughing hysterically for 20 years. (Roger and Me, 1989)
“• Would Israel Use Its Nuclear Arsenal If The War Expands Beyond Gaza? (ZH)
Better question: it would be a miracle if Iran didn’t also have nuclear weapons. Duuuuuh. And also a miracle if even Saudi didn’t. If they do, then they would have hinted such to Mossad. Okay, now run the same game theory again. These morons can’t believe it, but it’s not 1974.
““It’s Al Qaeda material. Official Al Qaeda material. We are dealing with ISIS, Al Qaeda and Hamas,” he said.”
Sooooo…you mean three people you openly armed and funded. Just being clear, making sure. You know, like how we armed and funded Afghanistan, Saudi, and BinLaden for decades before 911? THAT kind of “Material”, THAT kind of #Helping?
global gas markets have entered a “new and more uncertain” period that is likely to be characterized by slower growth and higher volatility,”
A great deal or even most of the challenge and volatility as caused by GOVERNMENTS, ON PURPOSE. They cut off all oil, screw the system with engineering-fraud costs like ethanol, then say “See? High gas prices, I told you. Peak oil/Climate Change.” Then use high gas prices as justification for MORE costs in CAFE mileage, complication and rules that make BIGGER cars, more expensive, instead of cheap simple small ones. E.g. I can make a 1.7l aspirated at 1,000lb for $10k but I’m forced to make a 1.2l turbo-supercharged with a 500lb battery at 2,000lb with 10 airbags at $30k. …That nobody wants and can’t afford. Not people, not companies, not mechanics, not environmentalists, not govt who is still mad peasants have cars.
Yeah it’s not better to exit the market and stop telling them to do all things and their #Opposites like a mental patient arsonist, but it’s also not worse either and it costs a lot less. Car today has push button, computer got confused, so it wouldn’t shut the headlights off. Until it was dead and stranded. Without the battery, also the keyless won’t work, you can’t get into it, so stick that in your Fargo, ND in January and smoke it. Dead Human. Thanks engineers, you really did your job right. #Save the Earth. Like is it too hard to have a paperclip hole to reboot your $50,000 car? Is that patent on that not expired? I’d rather have a ‘49 Ford with no heat, at least you know where you are.
#Helping. #Helping. #Helping. #Helping. #Helping. #Helping.
“This weekend, presidential candidate Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) became the latest figure in Washington to call for the expulsion of members of Congress”
Speaking of morons with no principles. But he’s a Republican, so… Again, one with ZERO support. So 5 voters and 5 Billionaire Donors support him, for 10 votes overall. Is he a Republican then? Not according to the Republican base themselves, he’s not.
“deny the right of voters to pick their representatives, but invite endless tit-for-tat measures.”
Yes but when you are TRYING to destroy the country and TRYING to create a Civil War like Tim Scott is, that’s a GOOD thing. Not an accident. Why do we keep attributing the highest good faith to people who have never shown any? I only attribute neutral good faith to people on the street, much less Best Faith to people who’ve proven the #Opposite.
…Oh yeah: Authority. We will grovel and lick any authority that ever lived, and if they kick us, twice as many.
“• ‘We Must Deport More and Faster’: Germany’s Scholz (Sp.)
George Bush AfD revelations:“Recognizing the vital need for immigrant labor”
You’re kidding right? Tell me Germans aren’t also this stupid. I still hear like on Jimmy Dore eg that “Americans won’t pick oranges” etc. At least Kurt was right on it with, “No the WAGES would have to increase.” To MARKET. You know, like “Capitalism”.
“I will give them a billion dollars to be Dickapedia”.
I would give them a billion to be honest again, but I suppose that’s asking too much. Why should they be when no one else is? It’s the PUBLIC encyclopedia. If the PUBLIC loves lies, you have a lying Encyclopedia. The government is US. The corporations are US.
October 23, 2023 at 11:07 am #145125Dr. D
Participant“The founder of a Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization is voicing his support of Jan. 6 prisoners and not shying away from endorsing former President Donald Trump as “the best candidate we have.”
“Mark Fisher—who stepped down from his leadership position at BLM Rhode Island, which he co-founded, and is now founder and executive director of the Maryland-based BLM Incorporated—has stood in solidarity with leaders of the Proud Boys and led vigils of prayer for the people he believes to be political prisoners.
“They’re lambs led to slaughter to be sacrificed as an example for all who might want to dissent in the future,” Mr. Fisher told The Epoch Times. “This is what the government does to those who express independent thought and want to stand up for what they believe.”
What he sees in the vindictive treatment of the J6 prisoners are similarities to how black people have been treated, he said, and his aspiration in establishing that connection is to find common ground.”
“The media made us its darling, which it loves to do, and it was able to make us its scapegoat when things started to go south.”
Mr. Fisher, a Christian who has a degree in theology with a background in being a pastor, expressed contempt for both the government and the media.
“I don’t trust the federal or state government as far as I can throw them, and the media is trying to stop us from uniting,” he said. “It’s the same media that caused the division between all of these marginalized groups in the first place to keep us at each other’s throats.”
What BLM Means
According to Mr. Fisher, people have misunderstood the original intent of BLM’s mission.
The name of the organization itself has led to anger.
“It’s not black lives are better,” he said. “It’s not black lives are greater or black lives matter more. It’s just simply black lives matter. That statement itself is so loaded that people have processed it differently through their own lens and experience.”
Mr. Fisher didn’t speak highly of the Democratic Party.
“It’s a racist party with racist policies that negatively impact black families,” he said. “Black people are stuck on that plantation, mentally. They’re slaves in their own minds because they refuse to see the big picture and how we’ve been used and abused by the Democratic Party with policies that are absolutely antithetical to what black people yearn for in this country, which is life, liberty, freedom, the pursuit of happiness, and a family to raise.”
“On Oct. 16, the rapper posted a photo of himself and President Trump, and another post stated simply, “TRUMP2024.”
“Look at how a black neighborhood in Fulton County cheered [in support of] Trump on the way to the county jail,” Mr. Fisher added. They know that the government is harassing him because they’ve seen it in their own lives, he said, and they recognize the persecution.”Sounds like we agree on almost everything.
“Blowblack: Coca-Cola Quietly Removes Black Lives Matter Support On Its Website”
Huh, it’s almost like they don’t believe in Black, White, anything, only #Fascsim, with a merger of Corporation and State also called #Socialism. If You’re Socialist, you are Black, and a friend. If you’re not Socialist, you are not Black, but an Enemy and Right wing White Supremacist Nazi Racist. You know, like Trudeau. Joe says so.
October 23, 2023 at 11:53 am #145126oxymoron
ParticipantDr D. That was hugely entertaining, informative and engaging. Thank you for your analysis and insight.
I could get huge on substack just plagiarising you. I can’t be bothered though.Do you write/publish anywhere else? I’m getting addicted now.
Feel free to not respond I wont take offence.October 23, 2023 at 1:28 pm #145127zerosum
ParticipantRead more … Read The Automatic Earth
LISTEN TO THE CALL FOR PEACEIt is time for the Military/political leaders to listen to the voice of the people, to learn to live in a new way. (PEACE)
The US leaders fears everyone.The US does not want a ceasefire, it wants war, (Gaza in the middle east – against Iran))
The US does not want a ceasefire, it wants war, (in Ukraine – against Russia)
The US does not want a ceasefire, it wants war, (against China)The US does not want a ceasefire, it wants war. (mercenaries soldiers, proxy soldiers)
The people, the oppositions to you and your desires/fear are not terrorist.
Admit your mistakes, take responsibility for your failures.
(ps. Calm your fears. Those in power don’t pay attention to zerosum and TAE)
———October 23, 2023 at 2:19 pm #145128Noirette
ParticipantAlastair Crooke on NEW RULES (> some good interviews, see also of Michael Hudson) Oct. 2023, 48 mins.
Israel-Palestine War: US Faces Catastrophe in Middle East.
Crooke describes a division in Isr. Politics, detailing some rifts in ethnicity/religion, interesting. Idk enough about this aspect to comment on it.
He says that a French Diplomat communicated a message to Hezbollah, stating that if the Hezb. attacks – opens up a Northern Front, Isr. and the US will attack Damascus and take out Assad.
Seems very credible to me. There are so many things going on behind the scenes, and so few clues…we are in a guessing game.
Dr D. – that was epic.
October 23, 2023 at 2:20 pm #145129Noirette
ParticipantSorry, I did not intend for that mega pic to show up 🙁
October 23, 2023 at 2:37 pm #145130tinfoilhatted canuck
Participant@ Noirette
“ He says that a French Diplomat communicated a message to Hezbollah, stating that if the Hezb. attacks – opens up a Northern Front, Isr. and the US will attack Damascus and take out Assad“My the chess game proceeds.
And President Putin’s likely play would be ….?
October 23, 2023 at 3:43 pm #145131Noirette
Participantheh, tinfoilhatted that is a good question -> 🙂 Idk.
John Helmer (not specially a fan, me) lays out Hamas objectives, Oct. 2023, maybe makes some points, quote:
1. Since 1943 the US and its European allies, including Germany (Olaf Scholz’s government, not Adolf Hitler’s), have aimed to liquidate the secular nationalist Arab leadership capable of co-existence with the West and a state for the Jewish people.
2. In Palestine Hamas has studied seventy-five years of lessons on the impossibility of coordinating Arab state war in the defence of the Palestine part of the two-state solution.
3. For more than a year, therefore, Hamas has prepared in well-kept secret an offensive against Israel to achieve five objectives – the first to demonstrate how inferior the Israeli military is, how vulnerable, how incompetent their intelligence on the Arab world. This has been achieved by the initial attack of October 7.
4 . The second Hamas objective has been to demonstrate the Israeli plan of ethnic cleansing of Gaza, genocide against the Arabs, and incorporation of all Israeli-occupied territories in a single theocratic Zionist state — Quod erat demonstrandum. The third objective is to hold out against the expected Israeli counterattack for long enough to activate the Hezbollah forces on the northern Lebanon front; Syrian and Iranian forces on the eastern Golan front; and the West Bank Palestinians, including the Jordanian Palestinians; the latter’s targets will be US air and armoured land force bases in Jordan. So far, so good.
5. The final Hamas objectives are to compel the vacillating sheikhdoms to resist US pressure; limit oil and gas supplies to the enemy markets; prevent regional land base and air transit rights being activated in support of Israel — so far, so good. And lastly, the fifth objective, to engage the friendly nuclear powers – Russia, China – to deter, and if necessary combat US forces in the region and Israel’s threat to fire its nuclear weapons.
October 23, 2023 at 5:08 pm #145132Dr D Rich
ParticipantWhat did Ike know, the dummy? He was just Supreme Commander of the army for 3 years, then President with complete Secret Access for 4 years. That’s how we know he’s a nut who has no idea what he’s talking about when he tells you directly on national TV.
And ordered the execution of Pvt. Eddie Slovik, American, Polish descent.
Ike served out his WWI combat tour(s) in scenic Subic or Olongapo…Presidential or Supreme Allied Commander kinda timber.October 23, 2023 at 5:30 pm #145133zerosum
ParticipantGrowth demand for peace /s militias in Iraq claim responsibility for attack on US military base in Syria
October 23, 2023 at 5:34 pm #145134zerosum
ParticipantMore demands for peace /s
Iraqi militia claims drone attacks on three US bases in eastern Syria
Iraqi militia claims drone attacks on three US bases in eastern Syria
Online News Editor October 23, 2023The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, a coalition of the pro-Iranian militia groups, said it has targeted at least three “US occupation bases,” using exploding drones that hit their targets “directly.”
It added the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) loaded with explosives have targeted the Al-Tanf, Al-Rukban, and Al-Malikiya bases in eastern and northeastern Syria near the border with Iraq.
The militia groups recently had warned they would increase attacks on US bases, if Washington continued to support Israel and its ongoing operation in the besieged Gaza Strip.
October 23, 2023 at 5:37 pm #145135zerosum
ParticipantOver 5,000 killed in Gaza by Israeli airstrikes since war with Hamas
Over 5,000 killed in Gaza by Israeli airstrikes since war with Hamas
Online News Editor October 23, 2023October 23, 2023 at 5:40 pm #145136Michael Reid
ParticipantBiden WH in hurry to get money to Zelensky, as time works against Ukraine
https://rumble. com/v3qyw1y-biden-wh-in-hurry-to-get-money-to-zelensky-as-time-works-against-ukraine.html
October 23, 2023 at 5:54 pm #145137Oroboros
ParticipantThe Empire of Lies is a Dead Man Walking
It has no functioning legal system
It has no functioning diplomacy
It has no functioning medical sytem
It has no functioning financial system
It’s running on fumes and cheap halucinations
October 23, 2023 at 5:55 pm #145138Oroboros
ParticipantOctober 23, 2023 at 5:56 pm #145139Oroboros
ParticipantOctober 23, 2023 at 7:10 pm #145140John Day
ParticipantValue Misjudgements
Gilbert Doctorow says European leaders have blinders on about the risks they are subjecting their countries to.
When does a regional war become a global war? What are the dangers of the present conflict in the Middle East for Europe?
Yesterday afternoon there was a less hopeful bit of news coming out of the gathering in Egypt convened by President Sisi between regional heads of state and European leaders. It turned out that the sides could not agree on a way forward. The Arab, Egyptian and other regional leaders wanted to agree to a call for an immediate cease-fire, while the European heads of government resisted signing to that bit of humanitarian common sense and only spoke in support of Israel…
..Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius, the Dutch justice minister, who is the front-runner candidate in the forthcoming elections to replace Mark Rutte as prime minister, warned that the Israel-Hamas war poses a threat to Europe because it is widening cleavages in society. She noted that “…it will get translated to our societies as well.”
Clearly the lady hasn’t a clue as to the real external threats to Europe that lie immediately ahead, and no doubt she is not alone among European leaders in this willful ignorance. Should the Israelis proceed with a ground invasion, the Arab neighbors may respond in a manner that follows the U.S. example, namely they will not participate militarily in the conflict but will impose economic sanctions against the European Union for its one-sided approach and for turning a blind eye to the acts of genocide that Israel is now committing against the Palestinian people in Gaza…
..Qatar has already warned Germany that it stands ready to cut off further shipments of liquefied natural gas to Europe… How long will it be before the oil producers of the region declare an embargo on Europe for its stance…? Arab, European leaders divided over Gaza crisis following Egypt summit
International leaders gathered at a summit in Cairo on Saturday to discuss solutions to the ongoing war between the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance and Israel, but failed to come to an agreement, as the divide between Arab and European leaders regarding Israel’s bombing of Gaza grows.
In his opening remarks, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi invited leaders to agree to a road map to end the “humanitarian catastrophe” in the Gaza Strip and revive peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. The road map’s goals included the delivery of aid to Gaza and agreeing to a ceasefire, followed by negotiations leading to a two-state solution, he said…
..“The message the Arab world is hearing is loud and clear,” King Abdullah II of Jordan said during his speech. “Palestinian lives matter less than Israeli ones. Our lives matter less than other lives. The application of international law is optional, and human rights have boundaries — they stop at borders, they stop at races and they stop at religions.”
“Anywhere else, attacking civilian infrastructure and deliberately starving an entire population of food, water and basic necessities would be condemned,” King Abdullah said. “Accountability would be enforced.” …
..No Israeli or senior US leader attended the summit, meaning no agreement to end the violence was possible.
Arab leaders fear threats issued by Israeli officials to drive Gaza’s 2.3 million residents into Egypt, in a repeat of the 1948 Nakba. (“Genocide”, by definition.)
That year, Zionist militias used rape and massacre as tools to expel 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and make them refugees in neighboring countries, the West Bank, and Gaza. This allowed the Zionist militias to conquer the land needed to create a new state, Israel, with a majority Jewish population.
Egyptian President Sisi said his country opposed the displacement of Palestinians into Egypt’s largely desert Sinai region, adding the only solution was an independent Palestinian state.
Jordan, home to many Palestinian refugees expelled during the Nakba and their descendants, also fears Israel will use the conflict with Hamas to expel Palestinians en masse from the occupied West Bank.
King Abdullah said forced displacement “is a war crime (“genocide”) according to international law, and a red line for all of us.” Aleks at Black Mountain Analysis has been getting flak from “both sides” about his analytical, non-partisan assessments of the current Mideast war. I appreciate his work and perseverance-under-fire. He has a lot of contextual and in depth analysis here. The Arap countries and Iran have been quietly preparing for an existential crisis in Israel/Palestine for decades, preparing broadly and deeply. Iran’s AlQuds force is dedicated to this “grassroots” work. Iran does not need to send an army overland to Israel/Palestine.
What can the United States do in the Middle East to help Israel? Apart from logistical support, absolutely nothing. And here is why: The United States has tens of thousands of soldiers in the Area. Some In previously-friendly states like Jordan and Saudia Arabia. Some in occupying functions like Syria and Iraq. There are almost no air defenses since the operations planning didn’t expect a large-scale conventional war against it in the Middle East. Why? Because divide and conquer was working fine. As long as the United States kept all Arabas fighting each other, there was no danger for the US to prepare itself for a big regional war against itself.
This ended with the reconciliation efforts by Russia, China, and Iran. Now all states are united (partly overtly and partly covertly) against the United States. It went down too fast.
The United States absolutely can’t assist Israel militarily in the region. It doesn’t have the strength/military power to do that. Don’t get me wrong. The US Army would still wipe the floor with Iran and all other Arab powers of the region combined. But only if it would concentrate its power and logistics on this region. Which it can’t. Helmer has a long and detailed strategic assessment from several viewpoints. Did you know that the Chinese Navy is shielding Iran?
US Afghanistan War veteran: “Suppose Israel and the US understand they are facing an existential survival future in which they must combat swarm attacks on three or four fronts — Gaza/Hamas, North/Hezbollah, Golan/Syria/Iran, and West Bank/Jordan, and they calculate the Arabs have at least a 30 to 60–day arms supply in stock, do they calculate they can withstand a multi-front offensive for enough time, resupplied by air from the US? If they calculate that they can withstand a 30-day multi-directional swarm, they must understand that, at a minimum, Israel’s infrastructure and economy will be ruined. In a scenario like that, even if they ‘win’, they lose. In terms of airlifting and shipping supplies, we’ve already seen that the Arabs can hit Israeli military and civilian airfields, airports and seaports. Defending Israeli infrastructure with their air defence capability is the main mission of the strike groups the US is deploying in the eastern Mediterranean and in the Red Sea.
Western societies like Israel cannot function without solid, reliable, electrical power and communications services. We can be certain that power generation, transmission and distribution will be targeted by the Arabs non-stop. The cell towers and central communications centres will be too.” …
..Moscow source: “When does the threat to Israel become so dire, they go nuclear, and when they do, against what targets will they fire – Hamas, Beirut, Damascus, Teheran?* The US won’t accept a Palestinian state so the only option left for the Palestinians, Arabs, Iranians, possibly Turks is to fight with this new kind of warfare whose objective is to cut into the flesh and bones of the Israeli adversary, and make life in that state unviable. Without a Palestinian homeland, all of Israel and the Arab territories become a battlefield. The IDF options then shrink to two – carpet bombing and mass killing of the civilian population centres on all fronts at once. If that isn’t sustainable or effective for the Israeli-American purpose, then option 2 is to attack Lebanon, Syria and Iran to stop the flow of reinforcements. But that’s regional war, and it can only be conducted by the Israelis with full US military participation. This becomes nuclear very quickly because President Putin has already placed the Kinzhal missiles in range of the US carrier fleet in the eastern Mediterranean, and the Chinese have installed their screen to protect Iran. It’s obvious that the race hatred policies of Biden and Netanyahu, and their belief that God has chosen them both as destroyers for their people, lead to the final, nuclear weapons solution. The Russians and Chinese can maximise their limited military projection by deterring, or if need be pre-empting a nuclear attack on the Arab cities or Teheran. For this to work, the Russians and the Chinese need to say more – loudly so there’s no mistaking what they mean.”MEMO ON THE FINAL SOLUTION FOR ONE STATE – ISRAEL OR PALESTINE
October 23, 2023 at 7:11 pm #145141John Day
Participant Israeli minister threatens to ‘wipe Iran off the face of the Earth’ (There are potentially more fronts than this gentleman is aware of.)
Israeli Economy Minister Nir Barkat said on Sunday that the Israeli forces would “eliminate” Hezbollah and target Iran if the Palestinian militants open up a “northern front.”
“The plan of Iran is to attack Israel on all fronts. If we find they intend to target Israel, we will not just retaliate to those fronts, but we will go to the head of the snake, which is Iran.” of billions of dollars in future revenue off the shore of Gaza, which fields are currently being commandeered by Israel …
War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza’s Offshore Gas FieldsWar and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza’s Offshore Gas Fields
South of Gaza Strip pounded by air strikes as civilians seek refuge (Genocidal War Crimes)
Israeli air attacks continue to pound the Gaza Strip. On Saturday night, strikes hit a popular cafe in (the “safe” south) Khan Younis and a restaurant in a bustling market area as people were buying food, leaving several casualties.
Over the last 24 hours, the bombardment has intensified. The majority of casualties – along with those injured and brought to hospitals – are civilians, with a significant number of them being children and women.
Israel has warned more than one million residents of the northern part of Gaza to move south for their safety, and the United Nations says more than half the enclave’s population is now internally displaced.
Hundreds of thousands of civilians are believed to be trapped in and around Gaza City in the north. 200 trucks per day, with working electricity, water and gas was the baseline bare-minimum in the open-air-prison of 2.3 million native inhabitants of Palestine.
17 more trucks with humanitarian aid enter Gaza Strip from Egypt via Rahaf crossing
According to the Al-Qahera al-Ihbariya, three of the trucks were sent by the Egyptian Red Crescent Society ‘incapacitates’ Syria’s main airports – state media
The aerial strike left one airport worker dead in Damascus, while the Aleppo airport is also out of service after the attack 23, 2023 at 7:12 pm #145142John Day
ParticipantHezbollah’s military wing said on Sunday it has attacked Israeli positions in Al-Bayad and Al-Malikkiya on Lebanon’s southern border.
According to a Hezbollah statement posted on its Telegram channel, anti-tank missiles were used. A thick plum of smoke was seen in Al-Bayad.
Earlier, a strike was delivered on an Israeli command and observation post in Yiftah. In response, Israel opened tank fire at the area near Blid in southern Lebanon.
Hezbollah said earlier in the day that three Shia fighters had been killed in an Israeli attack on southern Lebanese areas. In all, twenty-nine people, including three civilians and one cameraman have been killed over 14 days. Why America Is Out of Ammunition , Matt Stoller
Why can’t the Pentagon get weapons firms to ramp up production? A new report shows the military doesn’t track who owns its contractors, and has just two people looking at mergers in the defense base.
Defense is big business, and since the end of the Cold War, the government has allowed Wall Street to determine who owns, builds, and profits from defense spending.
The consequences, as with much of our economic machinery, are predictable. Higher prices, worse quality, lower output. Wall Street and private equity firms prioritize cash out first, and that means a once functioning and nimble industrial base now produces more grift than anything else. As Lucas Kunce and I wrote for the American Conservative in 2019, the U.S. simply can’t build or get the equipment it needs. (retired) IDF General Reveals Hideous Truth: “We have lost the ability to field an effective army . . .”
General Yitzhak Brick went even farther. He says “The current situation of the land forces is tragic, they are not ready for war. Emergency supplies are not available, exercises have stopped and the battalions have not trained in years. There is also no weapons training and education, and the army is not capable of carrying out an attack.”
Brick added that Israel’s ground forces and reserve system have been constantly ignored: “We have lost the ability to field an effective army and have become a one-dimensional aerial power that cannot win a war on its own.”
In his view, Israel’s ground forces are not ready for war. The warning follows a series of polls showing that a large portion of Israeli citizens have lost faith in their country’s future. might have to stay long enough to take all of the blame. Netanyahu Under Fire as Former Leaders Demand His Resignation Amid Crisis premier accused of destroying evidence to avoid responsibility for Hamas attack
In letter to attorney general, Israel’s Democracy Movement says Netanyahu has also been obstructing any future investigative committees 23, 2023 at 7:14 pm #145143John Day
Participant(“Married” to Bibi) Western leaders lining up with the Israeli regime in its genocidal barbarity are fully complicit in that genocide.
U.S. President Joe Biden, as well as Britain’s Rishi Sunak, Germany’s Olaf Scholz and the European Union chief Ursula Von Der Leyen, are among the Western leaders who have blood dripping from their hands.
They talk about Israel’s “right to self-defense” while the Israeli military pulverizes Gaza with indiscriminate air strikes and shoots Palestinians dead in the ghettoes of the West Bank. The Palestinian people in both enclaves are being targeted with genocidal ferocity as Israeli leaders denigrate them as “human animals”.
In Gaza for the past two weeks, a population of 2.3 million has been held under total siege without water, food or electricity. Nowhere is safe in the coastal area as U.S. and UK-supplied Israeli bombs rain down on homes, refugee centers, hospitals, schools, churches and mosques.Psychos on Parade… Western Leaders Complicit in Israeli War Crimes and Genocide
EU staff members express fury over von der Leyen stance on Israel-Hamas conflict
Letter with 842 signatures accuses European Commission of giving ‘a free hand to the acceleration and the legitimacy of a war crime’ in Gaza Gilbert Doctorow observes more complete censorship of alternative viewpoints in the EU than in the US, and thanks Donald Trump for that.
It is not in the least surprising that BLM have come out in support of the Gaza Palestinians, for reasons that go back to the Black Panthers. What they are calling for is an immediate cease-fire, urgent delivery of medical supplies, water, fuel, food into Gaza ramped up to at least the pre-October 7th rate of 200 trucks per day. American authorities are forced to accept the demonstrations of BLM in favor of the Palestinians lest all hell break loose in cities across the country.
I think of yesterday’s comments to the The Financial Times by the leading candidate to replace Mark Rutte as prime minister of The Netherlands, the current justice minister Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius, on the dangers that the Hamas-Israel war poses for Europe, namely that cleavages in our society will open up. Regrettably, that is the mindset of an authoritarian if not purely fascist politician. When everyone is perfectly aligned and there are no nay-sayers tolerated, then freedom is dead.Black Lives Matter and freedom of speech in the USA on the Palestinian question
The IDF is testing Hamas’ defenses. Israeli soldier killed during ground raid in Gaza, Israel’s army says
Hamas’s armed wing, the Qassam Brigades, claims to have pushed Israeli forces back into Israel during the raid.
The Israeli military has said one of its soldiers was killed by an anti-tank missile reportedly shot by the Palestinian armed group Hamas during a raid into the Gaza Strip by the Israeli Army.
Three other soldiers were injured in the raid on Sunday, said the statement that came as the Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, announced on its Telegram account that it had pushed Israeli forces back into Israel.
One Israeli soldier was killed, while “one was moderately injured, and two were lightly injured as a result of an anti-tank missile”, the Israeli military said.
The military said the purpose of the raid was to locate Hamas captives in Gaza’s Khan Younis area and to “thwart terrorist infrastructure”. is completely undefined, yet nobody likes the idea at all. What comes to my mind is a regional agreement where a Palestinian state with firm national borders is assured, so that Israel and Palestine are both safe states, with equal rights for all minorities within each state. No Jewish-only state, and no Islam-only state.
US and Israel mulling interim government in Gaza 23, 2023 at 7:15 pm #145144John Day
ParticipantUS forced Ukraine to reject peace with Russia – ex-German chancellor (further confirmation)
Gerhard Schroeder has claimed that Washington blocked Kiev from a March 2022 settlement that could have ended the bloodshed conducts nuclear test in Nevada hours after Russian move to revoke global test ban
The test came hours after Russian lawmakers said they plan to revoke the ratification of a global nuclear test ban treaty , Modern warfare is different. Battle for Avdeevka – Close Study 23, 2023 at 7:15 pm #145145John Day
Participant New Zealand is a Crime Scene: In one clinic, in one day 30 people were covid injected and all 30 have died
Before the recently held elections, Gunn was contacted by a whistle-blower and given documentation showing that tens of thousands of New Zealanders’ deaths are linked to the injections. “This is just one of the sites recording this type of information in New Zealand,” she said. “We don’t know how many further databases like this are in the country,” she added. Texas high school student collapses and dies after winning a cross-country race, the latest in a string of young athletes dying during competition
The reporter enumerates the “string of young athletes dying during competition,” but seems mystified as to what could be causing the increased incidence of sudden and unexpected deaths among young athletes—a conspicuous trend that began around mid 2021. Mortality Rates per 100k shockingly reveal Four-Dose COVID-19 Vaccinated Teens & Young Adults are up to 318% more likely to Die than the Unvaccinated according to quietly published Government Report
In a recent dataset released by the UK Government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), a surprising pattern has emerged regarding mortality rates per 100,000 in teenagers and young adults, sparking a wave of questions and calls for further investigation from public health experts.Steve Kirsch on the known carcinogenic DNA sequence in the Pfizer-shots:
Video interview with 3 experts reveals evidence that the drug companies knew about the SV40 promoter, yet decided to conceal it from the regulators dead, 2 critically injured in New York City fire caused by lithium-ion batteries, e-bikes (Get a regular bike suited and fitted to your body, and ride it daily.)
The store was located on the first floor of the building, while residential apartments were on the floors above. 23, 2023 at 8:29 pm #145146zerosum
ParticipantGenocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.
When has a genocide ever been stopped? Never has turned its incremental genocide of the Palestinian people into full-fledged genocide — with the unconditional support of the U.S. government.
“There is a plausible and credible case that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian population in Gaza.How many need to be killed?
1,200 non-combatant?
5,000 non-combatant?
50,000 Amas members and collateral victims
War Words of intent … before action is taken to stop it.
——–October 23, 2023 at 8:41 pm #145147citizenx
Participantblatant ethnic cleansing and it is receiving the full support of the United States…The US does not want a ceasefire, it wants war
Well golly gosh…wake me, when Americans wake up, from the collective nappy poo and cry victim.
Eisenhower said we have failed. That was 1955.
No shit ? Shall all Americans go back to writing with crayons, learning to read…and maybe listen too?
I mean, how hard is it for a Govt to lead its sheeple around? For the exceptional Nation, not very.High time for all Americans, the fuzzy sheep and the little lambs that they are, to get in line for the hot iron brand stamp- USA Murder Inc.
It’s not like Eisenhower warned us with the MIC confession, or MLK with “My Govt is the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet”, or JFK’s assasination…and MLKs. What will it take for Americans to realize their Regime is a murdering Institution? Nothing- because Americans ARE the regime.
My mother cried when President Kennedy died
She said it was the communists but I knew better
Would they drop the bomb on us while we made love on the beach?
We were the class they couldn’t teach ’cause we knew betterWe were born, born in the ’50s
Liberty Tree? No. Tree of Murder? Check
Destroy the root to kill the host. When the rest of the World figures this out, which they are- let’s just call it The Great Global Revenge. It’s inevitable and well deserved.I’ve been lamenting raving and ranting for years about how f’d up US militarism, endless wars, endless destruction and murder, endless debt truly is…only to be met with glassy eyes and yawns. Or better yet, around here with- “hey man, don’t be so angry, hey man don’t be so arrogantly pissed off about Institutional Vaccine genocide, human rights plucked away, total global murder and torture”
Tell ME now, what are we supposed to do?
…All the stories have been told
Of kings and days of old
But there’s no England now
All the wars that were won and lost
Somehow don’t seem to matter very much anymoreAll the lies we were told
All the lies of the people running round
Their castles have burned
I see change
But inside we’re the same
As we ever wereLiving on a thin line
Tell me now, what are we supposed to do?
Living this way, each day is a dream
What am I, what are we supposed to do?
Tell me now, what are we supposed to do?Now another century nearly gone
What are we gonna leave for the young?
What we couldn’t do, what we wouldn’t do
It’s a crime, but does it matter?
Does it matter much? does it matter much to you?
Does it ever really matter? yes, it really, really mattersLiving on a thin line
Tell me now, what are we supposed to do?
Then another leader says
“Break their hearts and break some heads”
Is there nothing we can say or do?
Blame the future on the past
Always lost in bloody guts
And when they’re gone, it’s me and you+ we’re supposed to resist and fight for decency.
October 23, 2023 at 8:43 pm #145148Michael Reid
ParticipantNeocons cannot be stopped, they will get war
https://rumble. com/v3r7xya-neocons-cannot-be-stopped-they-will-get-war.html
October 23, 2023 at 8:44 pm #145149jb-hb
ParticipantIn response to Dr D’s fun and epic posts today, I keep thinking of the staggering amount of resources required to bring about this state of affairs.
You have to be pushing really hard, continuously to make water run uphill all the time. How many dumb absurdities contrary to observable reality by peoples’ own eyes AND verifiably self-contradictory have gone mainstream, pushing out useful or meaningful things? Maybe there IS a certain natural ambient level of stupid in the universe some state of stupidity-equilibrium the universe always tries to reach absent any active forces working against it, okay. But when you push it the other way, further into stupidity, maybe you’re working against resistance there too.
Just one Example: If hormones occurring in the body do not define gender, how can blocking or adding them affirm it? If genitalia does not define gender, how can removing or changing genitalia affirm it? So are we done discussing it now? Enacting policies for it, spending money on it, wasting time in PTA meetings and classrooms on it? Are we done crashing the stock value of multi billion dollar entertainment companies, beer companies, and razor companies? No? WHY??? Endless sources of money perpetually generating antigravity.
Yes the shots had metal filings in them, extraneous DNA, RNA that reverse transcribed into your DNA, poisonous delivery systems, made you more vulnerable to disease, caused a host of serious side effects and death, sure.
But just on the face of it, any sub 100 iq person could have understood it just fine:
“We’ve had a problem with people getting burnt on things lately, so what we’re gonna do is, take this can of gasoline, pour it on yourself, and set yourself on fire.”
“What? Are you crazy? You want me to set myself on fire as a safety measure?”
“Not for your own safety, but for everyone else’s. It’s an emergency.”
Is this some special kinda fire or gasoline? Like, some kinda fire that won’t hurt me and makes me resist fire in the future??
“Oh no no no nothing like that. This is fire we’ve given our approval. So go on. Do it. Our patience is wearing thin.”
The spike protein was the dangerous thing about the virus. The spike protein is the thing the shot makes you produce internally.
I’m going to produce a ton of spike protein all over my body – my lungs, sure, but also my heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, reproductive organs, nerves, brain, much MORE spike… EVERYWHERE??? Because SOME lesser amount of spike could be introduced by a virus? WHAT?
“Well, this is spike protein we approve of exposing you to. Hurry up, I’m feeling impatient.”
And they were able to SELL this to people. Any fool could just think of getting hit with spike protein as getting burnt and understand how stupid this was by analogy. Yet almost the entire educated class along with a lot of other people bought it completely.
It takes way, way more energy to force brains out of alignment with reality. Aligning with reality is the path of least resistance. Whatever energy you spent on effing people up could have had a thousandsfold return on investment driving people sane as opposed to insane. Such that your cut for managing it would be greater even if a smaller percentage, which it wouldn’t necessarily have to be.
And if you need everyone to be NOT aligned with reality, then your PLANS are not aligned with reality. And what’s your power base? Printed money? Certainly not people. When everyone is super-demotiviated and doesn’t like you. And has been rendered incapable of helping you in any case.
October 23, 2023 at 9:38 pm #145150Michael Reid
In all of my years of study,
I just never expected to witness
the complete moral and intellectual collapse
of mainstream society,
yet here we are.
October 23, 2023 at 10:22 pm #145151Michael Reid
ParticipantThe Collapse of American Globalism: In-Depth Analysis with Hrvoje Morić
October 23, 2023 at 10:41 pm #145152Red
ParticipantNew Zealand is a Crime Scene: In One Clinic, In One Day 30 People Were Covid Vaccinated and All 30 Have Died
Oct. 22, 2023Former TV presenter Liz Gunn published a video update yesterday describing an instance of one clinic in New Zealand where 30 people received a covid injection and all 30 of them have died, within the same time frame.
Liz Gunn (Elizabeth Cooney) became internationally renowned for her support for the family in the Baby W case, where two parents objected to the use of covid-vaccinated blood in transfusions. The parents were unsuccessful in their court action to oppose health authorities seeking guardianship to allow surgery to go ahead. At the end of June 2023, Gunn launched a political party called the New Zealand Loyal Party.
(Related: Discrimination and Harassment of Baby in New Zealand Shows There Is No Limit to Covidians’ Intent on Death and Destruction and Baby W’s case raises critical questions: What is science and who is an expert?)
Before the recently held elections, Gunn was contacted by a whistle-blower and given documentation showing that tens of thousands of New Zealanders’ deaths are linked to the injections. “This is just one of the sites recording this type of information in New Zealand,” she said. “We don’t know how many further databases like this are in the country,” she added.
She explained that because the number of deaths is usually less than the number of those suffering from ill effects of the injections, then the extrapolation of the numbers that have been injured and killed “starts to become, frankly, eye-watering.”
The data shows that there are clusters of deaths. “People who attended the same jab site, and were jabbed one after the other, at consecutive times on the same day. We saw their jab date and we saw their date of death,” Gunn said.
She gave one of many examples to illustrate the point.
“On one day, 30 people were jabbed on the same day, at the same location. All are now deceased. And their deaths are in close temporal, time, proximity to each other,” she said.
“We are calling for an inquiry. Not just any inquiry. A full-blown criminal investigation leaving no stone unturned.”
“New Zealand is a crime scene.”
https://rumble. com/v3r1dov-new-zealand-is-a-crime-scene.html
October 23, 2023 at 11:08 pm #145153Celticbiker
ParticipantLike 911, you are witness to jewtheatre. its a hollywood production, to herd sheep, brought to you by Rthschild productions. If, after all we have been thru, you believe 1 fucking word these assholes say, your a fuckin retard.
October 23, 2023 at 11:24 pm #145154Michael Reid
ParticipantChina, Russia Deploy Forces MidEast, US Fears Superpower Conflict; Israel Delay As US Deploys Forces
https://rumble. com/v3r9e01-china-russia-deploy-forces-mideast-us-fears-superpower-conflict-israel-dela.html
October 24, 2023 at 12:09 am #145155Red
ParticipantThere is nothing reasonable about what’s happening to the long-suffering people of Palestine. There are no two sides in the bombing of a concentration camp. There is no possible act that justifies collectively attacking one million children, and denying them even water to wash the blood from their broken bodies. We are witnessing a public pogrom as part your regular TV programming. I am asking you to see past the propaganda and simply see what you can see. I know it’s hard to save lives in a pogrom. I know it’s nearly impossible. But you will live through this pogrom. So you have to ask yourself, can I live with myself? When history blows away the fog of war, and all that is left is the naked atrocity. To that question, I think of two stories.
One is that of Israeli’s oldest reservist, a 95-year-old war criminal named Ezra Yachin, now openly saying, ‘“Be triumphant and finish them off and don’t leave anyone behind. Erase the memory of them,” Yachin said while addressing Israeli troops this week, in a video that has since gone viral.“Erase them, their families, mothers and children. These animals can no longer live.”’ That is exactly what the Israeli troops are doing, with the full support of the United States. This is what you’re watching on TV.
Then I think of my 99-year-old grandmother, at this moment not bothering anybody. I remember that during the 1983 riots, my race (Sinhalese) killed Tamil people in the streets. Thirty years later I was on a train in Chennai, and it turned out the man next to me had been sheltered in my grandparents’ home, from the raging mob. This in no way erases or even diminishes the shame on my country, but I was proud of my grandparents then. I was ashamed that we made this man a refugee, but I was proud that my grandparents were brave enough to stand against the baying mob. So as a pogrom unfolds in front of you, even from afar, you have to seriously ask yourself. Will my grandchildren by proud of me?
October 24, 2023 at 12:54 am #145156October 24, 2023 at 3:16 am #145157Veracious Poet
ParticipantWell, decided to drop in & do a browse by, & everything hereabouts looks the same as last visit 10 days ago ~ Situation normal (*FUBAR*), just like everywhere else across the quagmire of Collective EG0ic Madness 😐
In all of my years of study, I just never expected to witness the complete moral and intellectual collapse of mainstream society, yet here we are.
Heck, that’s where *some* of us had crashed 25+ years ago…
At this stage of the implosion it might behoove a few *serious* minded folks to set aside the sundry basket of *problems*, begin to *search* for real reality solutions, i.e. if they anticipate surviving to rebuild on the other side.
I know many have tossed JFK Jr. out with the bath water, but he saw *core* toxicity a long, long time ago:
Well, I’m still hoping against hope for a revival of Spiritual Sanity, where all this babbling, blathering & associated whinging, obsessed with the latest greatest foolishness, is abandoned for proper use of finite results in the *now* 🙄
In the mean time…
October 24, 2023 at 5:57 am #145159VietnamVet
ParticipantTalking about Dwight Eisenhower and the 1950’s; it has been seventy years since the US Army and Marines, who defeated Imperial Japan, fought Red China to a draw in Korea on the 38th parallel. Now the crazies want a repeat of that war with both nations armed with hydrogen bomb carrying ICBMs and expect a better outcome with a western leadership who are incapable of signing a UN armistice or building a new Bamboo Curtain between the West and Eurasia. The Ukraine War between NATO and Russia would have been over with an armistice in March 2022 but Boris Johnson vetoed it. The stealth World War III now has two fronts. These conflicts are escalating unhindered towards the brink of a nuclear war.
October 24, 2023 at 6:15 am #145160₿oogaloo
ParticipantThere is obviously a big difference between Zionism and anti-semitism. And yet many would say that if you oppose Zionism, that makes you an anti-semite. That is obviously nonsense, but that’s what the propagandists would have you believe. But now the tide has shifted, and more and more people are rejecting Zionism. So the real risk is that this results in an eruption of anti-semitism around the world. The tragedy is that it will be harder to stop because the Zionist propagandists have successfully blurred the distinction between these two concepts in the minds of too many people. They have created a monster they will not be able to control.
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