Debt Rattle October 30 2022
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- This topic has 59 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
October 30, 2022 at 10:07 pm #119665
Participant@ Alexander Carpenter – are you our new Deflationista?
October 30, 2022 at 10:38 pm #119667Redneck
I don’t mind if Ivan kicks Uky’s arse , I don’t mind if Uky kicks Russia’s arse. I don’t mind if Russia kicks NATO’s arse and visa versa. Get it?
As I keep saying I am just adding a little balance to a very one sided group who have very deep seated bias against the West and are blind to any faults on the other side.
Poland is just one example of almost all the Eastern European countries that have joined NATO because they were raped by Russia not so long ago and want to band together for protection from the same happening again. I used the example of Poland but I could have used the example of a lot of other countries in the East.
How about Finland for example.Search Results
Winter War – Wikipedia › wiki › Winter_War
The Winter War, also known as the First Soviet-Finnish War, was a war between the Soviet Union and Finland. The war began with a Soviet invasion of Finland …Russia is pulling down the Holodomor memorials in Ukraine , it reminds of the historical revisionism of BLM . Putin is rewriting history where Stalin is a really good bloke and every one should love and respect the man who starved six million Ukys to death so he could sell their grain for hard currency. They are denying their recent history , that don’t help the situation.
So can you see why it was so easy for the US to get Regime change in Kiev and why the majority of Ukys and the rest of Europe have no love for the Russians.
.Without this hatred and desire for revenge the US could not have triggered this war. The entire can of worms is a direct result of the Russian actions in Eastern Europe since they invaded Poland in 1940. If Russia had not occupied Eastern Europe and been so malevolent , the US could not have engineered the war, correct ? Do you agree? Only the Far East of Ukraine supports Russia , an estimated fifteen percent of Ukrainians
It is not to say Russia , Russia , Russia is a bogey man , it is not an anti Russian , pro NATO beat up , it is a simple statement of fact as to how the war was able to be engineered by NATO and why there will never in the foreseeable future be any love lost between Europe and Russia.
In Ukraine’s case it is all founded on Stalin’s treatment of Ukraine . I have already illustrated Poland’s case.
Russia has never atoned for it’s invasion and occupation of Europe , Germany has to a large degree.
The hatred between the Europeans and Russia will last for generations more unless there is a formal reconciliation process but both sides will have to want it. Until then I don’t expect to see any cooperation for a very long time.
So let’s see the Russians prove they have the capability and the stomach to take back their newly annexed territories there is no room for any more excuses.
As far as Australians fighting for Taiwan that is all hubris. We are an ally of the US and do their bidding. The US will not fight for Taiwan directly either , it will be a proxy war if it occurs. The anti Chinx sentiments are popular in Australia since the Chinx put sanctions on us for stating that it might be a good idea to find out how the Rona got started in China, it was not Taiwan related .
The real reason was that ASIO made some statements about the Chinx penetration of Australian politics and there political interventions in our Universities. They operate their own enforcement regime inside Australia against any anti Chinese persons , both Australian citizens and Chinese nationals.
You might have noticed our Deputy Prime Minister and Prime Minister in waiting is a Chinx and probably a CCP operative/sympathiser. They are very entrenched here and own huge sections of our economy. They are mercantile colonialists.October 30, 2022 at 11:05 pm #119668ezlxa1949
ParticipantZerosum wrote, “The countries of the center of world capitalism do not care much about the hungry, especially since the inequality caused by the current world order remains the main cause of hunger.”
During the Irish Potato famine, the island of Ireland was growing a quantity of grains adequate to feed the population, but Her Majersty’s government refused to divert the food to the needy because they “did not want to disturb the market.”
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
October 30, 2022 at 11:08 pm #119669Oroboros
ParticipantObomber the Oreo, black on the outside, white on in the inside, can’t control the crowd at his ‘rally’ chanting, “Fuck Joe Biden” over and over and over again.
— iBankCoin, A Reliable Source (@iBankCoin4tw) October 30, 2022
October 30, 2022 at 11:19 pm #119670aspnaz
ParticipantRedneck said
If Russia had not occupied Eastern Europe and been so malevolent , the US could not have engineered the war, correct ? Do you agree?
No, I do not agree because your argument is easily proven to be wrong. The USA has started many wars that are not supported by the people of the country: Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. Why would I expect the USA to change now, they consistently start wars not supported by the people.
One minute you are saying that you are not anti-Russia, the next minute you are blaming Russia for stuff that has nothing to do with Russia, such as Stalin’s rule: he was a Georgian, he was a leader of the USSR which Ukraine joined at the very beginning. Why are Stalin’s actions those of Russia and not those of the USSR, the organisation that Ukraine willingly helped to create? Why cherry pick the history of Poland so as to blame Russia yet you don’t cherry pick their history to blame anybody else, yet you claim to be neutral. Obviously you are not neutral, your religious fervour against Russia is self evident and causes you to write nonsense.
October 30, 2022 at 11:24 pm #119671aspnaz
ParticipantRedneck said
You might have noticed our Deputy Prime Minister and Prime Minister in waiting is a Chinx and probably a CCP operative/sympathiser. They are very entrenched here and own huge sections of our economy. They are mercantile colonialists.
Richard Marles is Chinese?
October 30, 2022 at 11:30 pm #119672cloudhidden
ParticipantIt would seem that some commenters conflate Russia with the Soviet Union.
Not the same animal at all.October 31, 2022 at 12:11 am #119673Dr. D
ParticipantI dunno, there’s a lot of history to go around. We’re hearing a lot of anti-Russia, in general news, we here become the counterweight to that, and then you become the counter-counter weight, or…simply the party line? See why it doesn’t go off well.
Oh yeah, there’s a lot in all those parts. I don’t especially care about either of them because they’re not my countries, but the thing has been run so badly they’ve given me strong opinions I don’t want. Of our own country antagonizing them, like everyone else on earth. And Ukraine, or translation: “Borderlands” have been a Western special-op for CENTURIES. The Vatican and West were meddling there to piss off Russia in order to shove back Eastern Orthodox rivals. The Holodomor was real and I used to mention it quite often. However, that doesn’t mean that Stalin’s enemies, who would have flipped his government, weren’t actually from there, because, again, the British and other countries are always there, always doing the same thing. “Charge of the Light Brigade.” This time Stalin got off the British/Western leash they assassinated the Tsar Nickolas for…and all his heirs of course. They were British family – as they’re all inbred with the Coburg Saxes – so it’s either more brutal, or the more’s I don’t care being an American. Let them. But I would expect they were using Ukraine as always to recapture Russia for the British/NY Bolsheviks they paid a fortune to install. …They did steal all the gold in Russia and sent it to London under Trotsky tho, so they broke even.
You have to understand, and from the “Poland Invades” article that — unlike the U.S. and Oz — there are no stable borders there. There is no “Poland”. There is no “Ukraine”. There is no “Germany”. Those ethnic peoples live all over and the borders change every 50 or 70 years in yet another war, going back to the stone age. So Russia has been “invaded”, and also “invaded” others. But most of the time, who can tell? Right now Russia has “invaded” to “make” Russians Russia. Which they already were. And already wanted. And the Ukrainians by shelling them showed they didn’t want it. Does that make any sense?
And no, it’s nowhere near just those four Oblasts, for example Yanukovych got about 50% of the vote, right down Russian/Ukraine lines, and that was pretty normal going back to Ukraine’s independence, which was a totally new event, as Ukraine wasn’t a country with these principles or borders ‘til 1990. Is that one of the youngest nations on earth? So which Ukraine are we supporting? Ivan’s? Nicholas II’s? Stalin’s? Khrushchev’s? Biden and London support Khrushchev, it seems, and no surprise. So Russia could take about half the country, which is well over 60% Russian support, and probably will. We’ve said this many times, including the people you disagree with, like Lira. They will carve off the rest in pieces as being too much trouble, and hand that trouble to Poland, but remains to be seen as you say.
Was Maidan real? Yes. All Color Revolutions are “real”. The same way the Summer of Love non-stop riots and murders by BLM and Antifa are “real”. There are ALWAYS grievances and differences, NATO and the Lettermen pay huge money, easily seen, to fund the dissent, pay the protestors (this was wide open and reported) and provide the fringe with guns and training. Poland’s no different. Sure, a lot of Poles, maybe 90% of them didn’t like the Russian control. I wouldn’t either. But that doesn’t mean MI6 didn’t send millions a month there to stir up trouble: we know they did and MI6 is very proud of it. When the USSR fell, they didn’t stop or anything, they stole Poland and then used Poland to steal Russia like all nations would. So is that “Real”? Or “Not Real”? If I pay $1M for your neighbor to hate you and give you a hard time, does he really? Or if I stopped would he stop too? The world may never know because MI6 and others will never stop.
Easy to see real conflict between Poland, Lithuania, even Finland, a little over that. What’s hard to see is the far harsher, irrational, unforgiving hatred of Russian ALLIES to hate and destroy them. Again, Britain and the U.S. were Russian – Soviet, Stalin’s – ALLIES. What did Russia do to us? Even after 1945? Not much really. We hated them on general principles of rival powers: ‘Keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down’ – 1st NATO commander. That was the PURPOSE of NATO. To destroy Germany like they did last week with NordStream. What? Why? Why keep the Germans down? For that matter, why keep the Yanks in? GTFO. Said so at the time. Say so every day.
What Atonement would or should Russia make? They were destroyed and their life expectancy dropped by 10 years. They were mercilessly plundered by the West. Don’t you think they paid and WE should be the ones to atone now? Poland said Ukraine never apologized or atoned for them either, if we’re all picking sides here. So maybe we should invade Ukraine and give it to Poland? The U.S. not only hasn’t atoned, but commits a new invasion and war crime daily, and use Australian help to do it. I could care less if anyone atones compared to just stop doing it, which is about all we can ask.
Like, as you say, China, which is making daily moves to do this right now, undermining nations, making trouble, buying politicians, setting up their own police. Who atones first? Them? Or us for doing the same thing to them since 1949? They only JUST stopped a color revolution there, with the Umbrella Fiasco, and we’re trying to cripple them, their chips, Taiwan, their food, and any other murder we can think of.
And back to Ukraine: no, the war is not organic, is obviously and enormously paid for, wide open in the news. Like if I pay your neighbor $50B to kill you, that’s CLEARLY not organic. By us, the U.S. U.K. and Oz, and Ukraine, as a country that sort of doesn’t exist is split several ways but at a minimum half and half Ukr and Rus, as seen in the entire 30 year history of voting. Russia is merely taking the 90+ Russia supporter areas (so far), not even the 80% voters that run over to the Dnieper. That’s actually UN approved, as it’s bloody Chapter 1, Article 1, “To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples.”
It was re-affirmed in 14 December 1960 with the “Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples”, which supported the granting of independence to colonial countries and people by providing an inevitable legal linkage [of] self-determination”
This of course is when the wind blows from the west and the UN can tell a hawk from a handsaw. All even-numbered days they declare every existing borders worldwide is sacrosanct (except our own) and you can’t just rewrite them or secede ‘cause you feel like it. The two legal principles are in direct opposition, so they simply pick whatever London and NY prefer at the time. It’s an even-numbered day today, so London sez Crimea and Ukraine are illegal votes, but India and Serbia are legal ones. When they lost in 2013 and Ukraine democratically voted to side (trade) with Russia, they called shenanigans and ran an open, paid, illegal coup AGAINST democracy and self-determination which remains to this day.
So…what do you mean? The only power is POWER. The only purpose is POWER. Law is what you can enforce with a gun. By murdering Russians. London enforced Ukraine with a gun in Kiev from 2013 to now. Russia is merely un-enforcing a small part of it. See?
October 31, 2022 at 12:15 am #119674Afewknowthetruth
Participant‘Political arguments? Yes, universal.’
Totally wrong, of course!
Science has absolutely nothing to do with political arguments. Hence political arguments are not universal.
What politicians and other with political agendas do is to ignore the science, or cherry-pick the part that suits their [political] argument.
Here in NZ, the politicians have politicised the meltdown of the planet to promote entirely fake ‘solutions’, and a criminally incompetent lawyer with a track record of failure, Rod Carr, was appointed to head up teh ‘Climate Commission, with a view to promoting absolute bollocks to the nation.
I shredded the fake narratives and phony ‘science’ presented by the ‘climate Commission. but it made no difference because the ‘answers’ were already decinded long before the ‘Climate commission even commenced ‘public consultation.
it’s all fraud and fakery, when it comes to the NZ government and most other governments.
Back to TAE.
You set you set yourself up for spectacular failure in your initial comment:
‘It took me a few seconds to find out that methane is only 2 parts per MILLION in the atmosphere’
By making that statement you have revealed that you had no previous knowledge of methane in the atmosphere: I have been following it since the late 1990s, when it was around 1800 ppb, and followed the apparent hiatus in the early 2000s which preluded the massive increase over the past decade or so.
By the use of the word ONLY, you have politicised the order to promote some undeclared agenda, but clearly with the objective of influencing others on this blog. Your comment haws little to do with the science. Because if it did, you would have written “Fuck me! The atmospheric methane level has risen from the pre-industrial level of 0.75 ppm to 2 ppm, and looks to be at the runaway stage!
And like most deceitful fuckwits and armchair critics, when confronted with clear and undeniable evidence that shows you are totally wrong, you resort to ad hominem attacks.
‘It appears that AFKTT can’t tell the difference between in vitro and in vivo’
I wonder just what qualifications you have, if any.
I have an Honours Degree in Chemistry and a postgraduate diploma in industrial technology. I have spent a lifetime teaching science -including chemistry, physics, biology and biochemistry, and saw nearly two years ago that the ‘Covid vaccines’ were a scam- and in environmental monitoring. Five published books on the matter.
I have never been proven wrong on any of this stuff., but I have been subjected to near-constant ad hominem attacks for speaking the truth that people do not want to hear.
I must humbly commend W Benton Smith for his comment a while ago, that my report on the history of oil and the current state of affairs was the best he had read anywhere.
Thank you WBS. I take it we are now friends after the little upsets of a while ago on the matter of climate change.:).
October 31, 2022 at 12:25 am #119675Veracious Poet
ParticipantOne wonders if the USSR would have pushed mRNA death vaxes on the troops (I seriously doubt it)…
Back in the good ol’ U$ofA, would the unwashed grubbers be alarmed by Emergency Powers (the fangs of the serpent) if they were used to launch nukes?!? 😐
Keep on keepin’ on TAE with the misdirection & propaganda regarding the few trees left standing, while the rest of the forest (humanity) has been reduced to ash…
October 31, 2022 at 12:45 am #119676aspnaz
ParticipantIKTT said
I have never been proven wrong on any of this stuff.
No, you have never accepted the proof of your wrongness, that is not the same as not being proven wrong. In your religion, there is no way to be proven wrong, the jihad must go on.
October 31, 2022 at 5:02 am #119677Veracious Poet
ParticipantNo, you have never accepted the proof of your wrongness, that is not the same as not being proven wrong. In your religion, there is no way to be proven wrong, the jihad must go on.
October 31, 2022 at 5:10 am #119678sinnycool
Participant@ aspnaz
It would be much better to do a bit of homework perhaps starting with something simple like the effect of carbon dioxide on the atmosphere before working your way up to methane, or even working your way up to a polite reply.
The existence of the greenhouse effect, while not named as such, was proposed by Joseph Fourier in 1824.[6] The argument and the evidence were further strengthened by Claude Pouillet in 1827 and 1838. In 1856 Eunice Newton Foote demonstrated that the warming effect of the sun is greater for air with water vapour than for dry air, and the effect is even greater with carbon dioxide. She concluded that “An atmosphere of that gas would give to our earth a high temperature…”[7][8] John Tyndall was the first to measure the infrared absorption and emission of various gases and vapors. From 1859 onwards, he showed that the effect was due to a very small proportion of the atmosphere, with the main gases having no effect, and was largely due to water vapor, though small percentages of hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide had a significant effect.[9] The effect was more fully quantified by Svante Arrhenius in 1896, who made the first quantitative prediction of global warming due to a hypothetical doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide.[10] However, the term “greenhouse” was not used to refer to this effect by any of these scientists; the term was first used in this way by Nils Gustaf Ekholm in 1901.[11][12]
October 31, 2022 at 7:00 am #119679DarkMatter
I’m not an Obama fan but the clip you showed is fake. Here is the original:
Obama in Michigan
It was one heckler and Obama was a little flustered but the FJB chant was not in the original.October 31, 2022 at 7:01 am #119680Afewknowthetruth
Thank you for that.
Unfortunately, people like aspnaz, anticlimatic, Alexander Carpenter etc. are completely immune to facts, and apparently live on a different planet to the rest of us.
On ‘their’ planet, data does not count; only ideology counts.
And on ‘their’ planet, if someone disagrees with their completely unsubstantiated, anti-scientific opinion, that person is subjected to ad hominem attacks. Relentlessly.
Of course, I would like nothing more than to be proven wrong about accelerating Abrupt Climate Change, cause by the severe imbalance in heat movement, dues to the huge increases in CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere. But none of these deniers of reality and deniers of abundantly clear facts ever does. All they can manage is a series of denials of reality based on zero evidence. And yet more ad hominem attacks.
We all know, well those of us with brains that still function properly, that when a person resorts to ad hominem attacks instead of actual debate, they have already lost the argument.
I tend to think of such people as like mosquitoes: always ready for a meal. And however many you swat, more appear out of nowhere.
I had a colleague who talked about ‘The law of Conservation of Naughtiness; if one naughty child was removed form a classroom, another would become naughty to fill the vacant niche.
So, even as atmospheric CO2 approaches double the long-term average and atmospheric methane more than triples the long-term average, even as temperatures surge, these ‘clowns’ will insist we are headed for an ice age and that the phenomena witnessed have nothing to do with CO2 or CH but are due to some other insignificant or totally irrelevant factor.
The really dismal aspect is that these uninformed clowns often contribute inordinately to the meltdown we are witnessing.
I’m very thankful I was born when ai was.
Pity the children, for they shall inherit a grossly overheated world, stripped of resources and stripped of wildlife.
October 31, 2022 at 7:13 am #119683Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantI recently acquired a large number of old magazines. The rapid devaluation of fiat money by central banks and corrupt governments was brought home to me (yet again).
1968 copy: 2 shillings
When Britian went decimal, that 2 shillings converted to 10 new pence.
1987 copy of the same magazine: One pound and twenty-five pence!
I am old enough to have spent farthings, and got something of value for a farthing.
For those who don’t know, a farthing was a 1/4 of a penny. And there were 240 pennies to a pound. So a farthing was 1/960th of a pound. And in 1955 it had value!
Sixpences, shillings, florins and half-crowns contained a lot of silver. Sadly, for reasons I won’t go into, lost my substantial collection. On the other hand, I have acquired a vast store of knowledge that is of far greater value that any silver coins.
October 31, 2022 at 11:30 am #119707aspnaz
Participantsinnycool said
It would be much better to do a bit of homework perhaps starting with something simple like the effect of carbon dioxide on the atmosphere before working your way up to methane, or even working your way up to a polite reply.
Interesting response. Why was my reply not polite?
My reply was
No, you have never accepted the proof of your wrongness, that is not the same as not being proven wrong. In your religion, there is no way to be proven wrong, the jihad must go on.
I assume that you object to the reference to religion? Are you of the same religion?
October 31, 2022 at 11:43 am #119708aspnaz
ParticipantIKTT said
Unfortunately, people like aspnaz, anticlimatic, Alexander Carpenter etc. are completely immune to facts, and apparently live on a different planet to the rest of us.
On ‘their’ planet, data does not count; only ideology counts.
And on ‘their’ planet, if someone disagrees with their completely unsubstantiated, anti-scientific opinion, that person is subjected to ad hominem attacks. Relentlessly.
Clever, turn it round and accuse us of “believing in a theory” while you yourself do the same. I think you will find:
– Climate change is observed through measurement, measurements which can be taken as fact. I think we all agree that the climate is changing, so there is not a lot of divergence on the facts.
– Why the climate changes is a matter of theory, unproven theory which is NOT fact. IKTT is upset that we do not agree with his thoery on climate change, his theory being AGW. An unproven theory just like all the other theories.I am open to any theory of climate change that can, within reason, be shown to be approaching correct. AGW cannot be shown to be approaching correct, it is still a very-much unproven theory. An unwillingness to change ones view from one theory to another theory means that you believe in your theory, belief in a theory regardless of whether it can be proven or otherwise. Belief of this sort is religious and hence I put IKTT in the jihad bin. That is not an ad hominem attack, regardless of who’s feelings it upsets. It is an observation, the sort of thing science is good at.
October 31, 2022 at 11:46 am #119709aspnaz
ParticipantIKTT said
We all know, well those of us with brains that still function properly, that when a person resorts to ad hominem attacks instead of actual debate, they have already lost the argument.
I believe this is the definition
ad hominem: appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect
Oh dear, the irony.
October 31, 2022 at 9:56 pm #119773Redneck
OK then , let em fight over country every day , I will order more popcorn.
I always use the word Russia when talking about the USSR or the present version of the Russian empire because they were are Russian empires. They were called satellites for a reason , because they were held in Russia’s orbit by Russia’s power. Moscow is where the president/dictator sits and Moscow is where the big celebrations and parades happen cause Moscow is the controlling power of all those under her .
This ,OH , Stalin was a Georgian shit , nothing to see here , no Russians involved here , look see Georgia! it don’t matter if Stalin was Chinese he was the dictator that ruled Russia and every thing he did was done by Russians to both Russians and non-Russians. I thought you were better than that.
Any way the Germans were arseholes , the Russians were arseholes , the US and all her allies are arseholes , it just goes around and around. One rise the other falls , todays good guy is tomorrows empire builder and mass murderer , to expect it to stop is a little naive. This right now there is about the least amount of war ever , more food , more everything , it can only go down hill from here. The tide starts to recede as soon as it hits it’s highest mark.
There is absolutely nothing you or I can do about it , we are powerless, every one on TAE is powerless, the truckers were powerless and I don’t think the Duchy farmers have made a difference either. We can rant and be rites and outraged and entertain ourselves but we are just dust under the feat of the truly powerful.
Maybe hitting a prominent politician’s husband over the head while regaled only in underpants will make a difference, not!
Don’t let it bring you down , i’t only castles burning. -
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