Debt Rattle October 6 2024


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    IMAGINE: #iran #Israel #Hezbollah FIGHTS BACK

    #iran #Israel #Hezbollah


    Don’t look back, she’s gaining on you Duh’merica





    …just to clarify, I don’t think the multi-generational anti King PTSD post-bronze age collapse was specifically and in a technical way anti-monarchy

    I think the fortress-villa, copper, chariot, king setup had something going on culturally, economically, politically that was so bad, it had cities and villas across the near east burning down once people had the iron weapons to do something about it.

    And afterwards, as a kind of shorthand – agh, yeah that Time of Kings was sure awful



    All’s well, there’s a compassionate god in heaven

    The Biden/Harris Administration knowingly released a total of 425,431 convicted criminal illegal immigrants, including 13,099 convicted of homicide and 15,811 of sexual assault into the United States.


    The wealthest man in the world feels it.




    Atlanta residents in Georgia biolab fire zone reveal huge smog of ‘chlorine’ filling sky: ‘It’s like the end of the world’


    Anybody else sick and damned tired of hearing the refrain…
    It’s the jews….


    It’s just a little weird that my country has sent Israel a limitless waterfall in free shit – trillions worth of hardware, military assistance, economic assistance, diplomatic assistance, intelligence assistance, espionage assistance, and cash.

    And yet billions of it came back to the US to lobbyists to cancel our own Bill Of Rights by lobbying for laws to make it illegal to be critical of Israel.

    Because when you’re just a beleaguered, back-against-the-wall victim, that’s when it’s time to curtail the free speech of millions of waitresses, steel workers, call center operators, taxi drivers, etc in a totally different country, the ones paying taxes or on the hook for debt for all the free shit. That’s precisely how you know you don’t have enough to spare and need even more free shit.

    The rich and connected have all their various ways to still exert influence. But clearly, it was time to stomp down all the little people – free speech was all WE had.


    … sick and damned tired of hearing the refrain…
    It’s anti-semitic

    Dr D Rich


    Kudos, man!

    You got the attention of nearly everyone and no one withheld their advice.
    Do you think it’s organic, you know, the coordinated approach to the “aspnaz dilemma” on this website?

    What a list!
    Here it is:

    Michael Reid
    D Benton Smith
    those darned kids
    Dr. D

    Dr D Rich

    Gang stalking?
    Nah….no no no.



    Where is Israel’s Strategic Infrastructure? | Infographic
    In addition to Hezbollah and other resistance groups, Iran has also warned that it will target infrastructure in the occupied territories.

    “Israel’s infrastructure is vulnerable,” is a phrase that is repeated over and over again by various Zionist sources these days as the conflict between the Zionist regime and the Lebanese Hezbollah intensifies.

    Recently, the Walla website quoted security sources as saying that Hezbollah’s arsenal poses a serious threat to Israel’s infrastructure, including ships and gas platforms.

    Two months ago, the economic newspaper Globes warned of the growing consequences of the war on the economy of the Zionist regime, which is at risk of severe damage to its infrastructure.

    In addition to Hezbollah and other resistance groups, Iran has also warned that it will target infrastructure in the occupied territories if Tel Aviv continues its adventurism in the region.

    Strategically Sensitive Centers in the Occupied Territories

    Tamish Gas Field
    Tamar Gas Field
    Haifa Oil Refinery
    Hagit Power Plant
    Everett Rubin Power Plant
    Leviathan gas field
    Majd Oil Field
    Gozar Power Plant
    Eshkol Power Plant
    Ashdod Oil Refinery
    Rothenburg Power Plant
    Ashkelon Oil Terminal and Depot
    Heltz oil field
    The power plant was built by Matt Hawaf
    Eilat Oil Terminal and Depot
    Where is Israel’s Strategic Infrastructure? | Infographic

    Dr D Rich

    Gangstalking and Howard Schultz and employment law.

    National Labor Relations Board panel affirmed on Wednesday a previous ruling that former CEO Howard Schultz had violated labor laws by telling a union-supporting employee, “if you’re not happy at Starbucks, you can go work for another company,” stating that it was an “implicit threat.”

    There goes the prime weapon of inhuman Human Resources and The At Will Workplace everywhere


    Peter 47
    Well, this is a lot of fun! (I’m 2 hours in). I grew up with a mom obsessed with Las Vegas, Hollywood, the mob…
    and a dad who watched Ruby kill Oswald on tv and said they had to get rid of him because he didn’t kill Kennedy.

    Allodial money! Where’s trivium when we need him?
    Peter- can you give a recap of the bleeped segments? I’d rather not join patreon, even if it’s “free”.


    gosh darn it nobody waited for MY advice


    “Ukraine is closer to Nato than ever!”

    Ukrainian gov bonds are closer than ever to being backed by EU taxpayers!

    Mental illness is wanting to know the truth!

    Que mala (Kamala) fund raising in California is all about her making more money!
    Attending to a hurricane would just be a waste of her time.
    No need to campaign either.
    In an election, it is ballots not votes, that count.

    Nato plans on reducing the size of it’s armies by 250,000 soldiers, due to a lack of enlistments.


    Nexus 1945

    AI assisted movie production turning out the Darkest Vibe I’ve Ever Seen




    CNN has aired a critical segment highlighting how Minnesota Governor Tim Walz enabled the largest COVID-19 fraud scheme in the country.

    This might have just sealed the election for Trump.

    Hang on. One minute nobody watches CNN any more, the next minute its audience is large enough to swing the election. What am I missing here?


    Dr D Rich said


    Kudos, man!

    You got the attention of nearly everyone and no one withheld their advice.
    Do you think it’s organic, you know, the coordinated approach to the “aspnaz dilemma” on this website?

    Ha ha, I do what I can, hence the “aspnaz dilemma”. People take themselves too seriously, it is good to throw in a hand grenade every so often or even one after the other continuously.

    D Benton Smith

    Dr D Rich

    Co-ordinated “Gang Stalking” poor dear @ass-nose because only conspiracy could explain why @Aspergers got roundly criticized by a dozen people all at once?

    It couldn’t POSSIBLY have anything to do with our not-so-friendly local Chinese troll took a foul smelling dump in the middle of our parlor and a dozen people (each one offended individually) by that act of scornful contempt for decency leapt to their feet all at the same time to call him out for it.

    ’s periodic swings between near sanity and open lunacy are not accidental. He talks nicey nice about your sacred cows to make you think that he’s on your side, and as soon as you signal agreement then he demeans you with the most scathing contempt that he can get his hands on. He thinks you’re SUCKERS, good people. He openly says so every chance he gets.

    I’ld like to see him try that in a small town. He would disappear so quickly that It wouldn’t even get reported to the Missing Persons Bureau.

    Y’all can trust him if you want to, but if you do so then do it with the common knowledge that he thinks you’re dumber than dirt for even listening to his bullshit. Evil is as evil does, and his vitriolic hatred and contempt for all things Christian, Caucasian and especially American are as vile and evil as they are stupid. He talks shit because he’s on a short leash, safe behind the chain link and protected (he thinks) by his handlers and masters. I’ve known other small yappy dogs a lot like that. open the fence and let them off the leash and they go quiet and scamper for cover faster than Epstein killed himself.


    Ben Rubin on female international leadership to change the US constitution via the US State department


    Red, Thank you. That is the best most civilized reply.


    “It couldn’t POSSIBLY have anything to do with our not-so-friendly local Chinese troll…”



    Bumped into an old friend who breathlessly told me she was going vegan to “save the planet”.

    This is all I could imagine….



    And my hillbilly neighbor would kill for this

    He’s definitely not into “saving the planet”.

    That’s quite the ride Jethro!”


    Michael Reid

    The Impending Economic Meltdown w/Investor Legend Jim Rogers, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen

    https://rumble. com/v5h9ug3-the-impending-economic-meltdown-winvestor-legend-jim-rogers-alexander-merco.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp


    Dr D Rich. You obviously think I was being derisive. I wasn’t. I recommend this sort of physical therapy to anyone who can’t break negative emotional patterns. I recommend it to you also.
    The mind projects attack and sees what is not there when it secretly harbours attack born of its own sense of vulnerability.
    You don’t have to do that.


    Rumors are circulating that not only is FEMA stopping people from bringing aid, not only is FEMA confiscating all the supplies they bring, but that they are giving those supplies to migrants. It’s so ridiculous, considering it is the 2020’s, sure, at least 50/50 chance of being correct.

    If so ….they did the meme, guys! They did the meme!

    Remember Puerto Rico being devastated, and much later they found those warehouses full of supplies, never distributed, intended for hurricane relief? Held back to create a scandal that Trump failed to send supplies?

    Julia Rob- Erin Broc– This nice former Coast Guard lady tells a tale… not sure what to believe, but it is far from inconceivable even though it should be.




    Everyone knows, feels in their gut, things are terribly wrong. We all have that in common. Nice to see a pg 3, other people piping in. The jew thing, sooner or later, you’ll have to face it. It all comes down to Money. Who creates it and uses it as a weapon? A false and evil world, where everyone is subjugated?jews., who want you dead. Real truth is a difficult and dangerous road to wander on, but you are being systemically destroyed, options no longer exist. Face it, embrace it. The alternative is submission to jewsatanists, a living Hell.

    Michael Reid

    When Decades Happen – Part III
    The Marxist Mind Garden

    D Benton Smith

    The DoD manufactured and steered hurricane Helene into appalachia and stalled it there to cause maximal damage, break dams, flood people out and kills folks.. That ain’t conjecture. That’s a straight up fact. If that’s what they call defense then I shiver to think what they would do if they didn’t like you.

    “Hey, redneck! Nice little town full of defenseless women and children yooz got there. Be a real shame if it got washed away by a hurricane or sumpthin’.”

    The picture of exactly who is doing what to whom should be coming into sharper focus by this time. George Bush the younger and creepier said it all. “You’re either with us, or against us, and we’re not accepting any new membership applications at this time. We have OUR democracy of the elites to protect from all you bible and gun clutching deplorable, so watch and learn.” (or something like that)


    Red said

    Aspnez instead of going on so much about the short comings of the west and its populations, which most here are well aware of. Why not extoll the virtues of the CCP upon us uninformed masses. Explain how the social credit system is so much better than anything here. How your life experiences are better under the Chinese government style of organization.

    Wow, you want more?

    Okay, let’s start with governance (the act or process of governing). China has an amazing government, they are not only totally competent, they also get things done. Example, the government has so far pulled more than half their people out of poverty and into comfortable, more productive lives. Another example, the government has built a huge transportation network across the entire country, from high speed trains to airlines, to highways, thousands of bridges etc etc. Of course, people in the west are propagandised, they think the Chinese live in squalor and poverty, but the reality is hugely different. Every Chinese person that I have spoken to about this is in agreement that the government is hugely capable, there is no comparison to any government in the west that I have experienced.

    Second, all Chinese people have ID cards and registered telephone numbers. When in town, they are monitored by the CCTV systems which are almost as common in Chinese towns as they are in London; maybe not quite as bad as London. Yes, you are on camera, but so are all of you, you just pretend it is not happening. With typical Chinese efficiency, the cameras are used to keep people obedient to the laws of the town; the classic example is the fine you will receive if you cross the road when the light is red. People in the west have these cameras when they drive through a red light, in China they also have these cameras if you walk through a red light, and the computer will use facial recognition to identify you and send you a fine. Of course, these cameras are very rare in the countryside, they are used to manage the towns. A lot of people I talk to are supportive of the cameras because they have pulled their fellow Chinese into behaving better than before; I would describe the Chinese nature as generally not too worried about rules and regulations, so many Chinese think the cameras have improved the Chinese behaviour. Me, I don’t care one way or another, the system comes with positives as well as negatives.

    Do you yet have facial recognition systems in the airports in the west? I walk through the airport and at every gate it takes me about 10 seconds to get through, no queues, the computer recognises me and opens the gate. No looking at passports etc, that is all already in the computer system, it is expecting me to turn up for the flight, so it lets me through. We still have to do the manual security screening introduced by the USA many years back and further enhanced after 9/11.

    Another consequence is that street crime is incredibly rare in most cities. Western statistics are full of bullshit about China, so I cannot give you a good site to provide evidence, but I know from personal experience that crimes such as theft and robbery are very low and violent crime is incredibly rare, with most children going to school on their own, women able to walk the streets at night, there is no significant fear of crime. Of course, China is a huge place, so I am not speaking for everywhere, but in the likes of Guangzhou or Shanghai any crime is basically invisible.

    Third, the Chinese love their food and the quality of raw ingredients in China is second to none. Of course, there is a lot of stuff a western person would expect that is absent, this is China after all and the huge number of different foods and preparations is still amazing. When I was living in the west, the Chinese food was nothing like the food you will find in China.

    Fourth, the Chinese respect their elders, so if an old lady pushes into the taxi queue or supermarket checkout queue in front of you, a Chinese person will usually let her in. It may be your “right” to go next, but people are considerate to their seniors. Seniors are not just the oldest, they are the head of the household and respected by all, automatically, they earned their respect by reaching a ripe old age. Respecting seniors has a sobering effect on society and teaches people that they will always have someone above them in the hierarchy … yes, Chinese society has a lot of hierarchy, there is even a hierarchy among siblings, cousins, etc.

    Fifth, back to the government, the CCP takes responsibility for the country. What I mean by this, the people of China know that if they want to run the country, they will have to join the CCP and work their way up the ladder; something that is probably impossible as a first generation CCPer. If they do not want to run the country, then stay out of it. The Chinese do not have to suffer the pretense happening in the USA today, the pretense that the wealthy do not run the country, that the people run the country. Most Chinese that I speak to also do not think that the people should run the country, they are quite happy to have a leader that is senior to them. That does not mean they agree with everything the government does, definitely not, but they know their place in society. Of course, there are still many people alive who lived through the Mao era, so there are many scars caused by the previous/first generation of CCP.

    Sixth, the distribution systems in China are amazing. All Chinese have mobile phones and will use them for buying online, paying for stuff, accessing government services etc. The Chinese have set up massive distribution systems where you can get your stuff delivered for very little extra cost. It does not matter where it is coming from, in most cases it is less than 5 USD to have something delivered across the length of China. As a result the online shopping industry is huge over here, and because it is China, you can buy anything and everything online, from US Keysight oscilloscopes to British Marmite to German Barley to a whole brewery … endless stuff and at very good prices, way less than you will be paying in the west.

    That’s enough for now.

    Peter 47

    I am not a member either

    D Benton Smith


    Hey, thanks for the stirring travel brochure. Sure would be wonderful if it were even partly true. Too bad that it’s all total bullshit.

    It does prove one thing however. It proves that you are ( AND HAVE BEEN FROM YOUR FIRST APPEARANCE HERE) a straight-up loyalist CCP cheerleader, brainwashed to within an inch of your life, and as short sighted and ignorant of consequences as a sackful of stale fortune cookies.

    For starters. China was still greatly leaping into mass genocide with the one-child policy (that aborted half a billion unborn human beings) and unhappily landing in a cess pit of poverty when it got the bright idea of bribing it’s way to greatness instead. Something to do with greedy and easily bribable Western manufacturing conglomerates, an equally greedy US president (Nixon) and one of greatest Zionist Jewish death merchants of all time Henry Kissinger, who was perhaps greediest of all. What old Henry yearned for was for him and his Zionist Cabal buddies to rule the entire effing world. That’s pretty greedy.

    At any rate, the deal was sweet as a hooker’s kiss. China would supply the slave labor, and the big Western Industrialist would supply the jobs and factories and patent exemptions by taking those jobs (factories, machinery, technology and all) OUT of the countries that created them (America and Europe) and shipping them all off, lock stock and barrel, to the Celestial Empire.

    One downside of course was that this left European and American skilled workers with no way to feed their families, but hey, ya gotta break some eggs to steal chickens, right?

    That warm stream dribbling down the backs of American and European workers wasn’t really what it FELT like it was, was it? Of course it wasn’t ! It was just trickle down economics!

    According to the salesmen (who curiously all worked for the government in one way or another) pointed out grandly that the vast hordes of newly unemployed European and North American working men benefited greatly by the cheap Chinese products for sale as a result now in the Walmarts and Dollar Generals that popped up like toadstools from sea to shining sea, driving small businesses into bankruptcy and financial extinction as an economic class.

    But there was ONE little catch. America couldn’t BUILD anything any more with all of its factories and manufacturing capacity gone to China, so the REAL GNP went to hell in the fast lane. But no worries! There was more money going around than ever. More than the world had ever seen. More money, in fact, than actually existed in reality, because all that fresh money was essentially counterfeit. Printed up from the vapor of false promises (such as the false promise of EVER paying it back.)

    hundreds of millions of Chinese were indeed elevated from the grinding poverty that is the REAL product of Marxist Communism ( the CCP), but that elevation was on the backs of the hundreds of millions of Westerners of were cast down, vilified and abandoned by literally traitorous politicians who were accepting countless billions in bribes from the largely CHINESE contingent of the Globalist (Satanic Zionist Jews-in-name-only)

    No worries for China though. By cutting ANOTHER deal with the West a conveyor belt of corruption was set up whereby Washington could counterfeit as much money as they needed to go on living in the luxury they had grown accustomed to, by selling Treasury Bills to China who agreed to always buy them in exchange for being able to sell their cheap crap into the West without tariffs or legal hindrances of any kind. Sweet.

    It WAS (and still is) a Ponzi scheme of unparalleled range and scope, but it sure was good until the bubble popped. The inflation of prices and deflation of productivity was masked by just ramping up the conveyor belt and printing moret tens of TRILLIONS of dollars to camouflage the hole.

    It all comes at a price, however, as the old saying goes. The piper must be paid. The lies come home to roost when the truth comes out, asit always does eventually.

    Having sold your honor, your freedom, your sanity and your actual for the sake of a ridiculously small and short lived material gain, civilization itself will now collapse. The difference, however, unlike the Bronze Age Collapse, this time the global collapse will take China with it, because China has played a starring role in engineering the whole damned mess. In a guaranteed predictable fashion, in an effort to forestall that inevitable event by even a few short months or years, China will now discard you like a used condom. Your purpose has been served and now you’re just another trouble maker of no further use to them.

    Enjoy your thirty pieces of silver. Spend them quick.


    A large number of Jews have arrived in Ukraine via Poland and are preparing to build the “New Ukraine.”

    Ha ha, Jews taking over the cosplay Nazi heartland, it doesn’t get funnier than this. White people really are hitting the drain. Kill off the Ukraine men, bring in the Jews to replace them.

    D Benton Smith

    Why don’t you just quietly scuttle back into the cracks with the other cockroaches, @aspnaz? Your continued presence here is an offense to common decency. Go rot somewhere else.

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