Debt Rattle October 6 2024


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  • #170747

    Benton the Jew said

    Enjoy your thirty pieces of silver. Spend them quick.

    Thirty pieces of silver? Are you accusing me of being Judas the Jew? Ha ha, you are so lame. Keep waving that stick, just don’t fall over, you may do yourself an injury.


    Large New Zealand Navy ship sinks

    The New Zealanders pride themselves on their sea skills, this must be very embarrassing, it almost looks like they have caught the USA’s DEI Navy disease.

    D Benton Smith

    For general informational purposes people should understand just how draconian evil and VIOLENTLY anti-human the one child policy in China actually was and remains read the following sanitized clip from Chat GPT.

    “Penalties for violating China’s one-child policy varied based on local regulations and the circumstances of the violation. For single repeat offenders, common consequences included:

    Fines: Families that had unauthorized children often faced substantial fines, which could be several times their annual income. These fines were known as “social maintenance fees.”

    Loss of Employment: In some cases, individuals could lose their jobs or face demotion if they violated the policy, especially if they worked in government positions or state-owned enterprises.

    Social Services Restrictions: Families who violated the policy might be denied access to social services such as healthcare, education, and housing benefits for their additional children.

    Forced Abortions or Sterilizations: In some regions, there were reports of forced abortions or sterilizations as a means of enforcing compliance, particularly for repeat offenders.

    Legal Penalties: Some local governments imposed legal repercussions, which could include court action against families that did not comply.

    These penalties were part of a broader strategy to discourage violations and maintain control over population growth. The one-child policy was officially replaced by a two-child policy in 2015 and later by a three-child policy in 2021 in response to demographic challenges.”

    Tell us again how wonderful China is, @aspnaz. Tell us about broad involuntary sterilization and forced abortions.. Along with mass surveillance and AI controlled “social scoring” enforcement so that no one within China’s borders can escape.

    What happens when the CCP runs the WHOLE show? Sounds like the WEF’s wet dream, doesn’t it?

    On second thought, don’t tell us about it. If that Hell is what you wish for the rest of us then why don’t you just go back and live within it until they off you, too for some offense that you don’t even understand.. Just consider it a late-term force abortion


    @Benton the Jew

    The policy was adopted out of the fear of not being able to feed the projected future population; stop them being born or let them die of malnutrition. You forget that China had suffered many tragedies due to Mao’s great leap forward which they were still suffering. Mao was not a genius when it came to delivering the country from poverty.

    The one child policy was their solution. Whether it had the intended impact, or was neccessary, I do not know, but you seem to not understand China very well, or Chinese politics, so I suspect that is why you have to use the ChatGPT brain to supplement your own; I know, you are just the messanger, I am really talking to ChatGPT.

    I agree that China was a pretty challenging place to live 50, 60, 70 years ago, not that I was here back then, but I am talking about the present generation, not the Mao generation. Of course the current situation could not have emerged without Mao, the USA was determined to turn China into a corrupt western society, but Mao did not want that for his nation, Mao won.

    The USA is destroying its own middle class as it genocides the Palestinians. How does that give you the moral high ground? China is taking over from the USA in the same way that the USA took over from Britain, the difference is that China does not want a world war to satiate its greedy oligarchs, it does not need that, in China the CCP is top of the hierarchy and the corporations and oligarchs are beneath the CCP. The Chinese government would not make money out of war, oligarchs make money out of war by supplying the government. In America the oligarchs love war so they pay their politicians to start wars. In China the oligarchs would also love war but they have no way of starting wars, wars being a negative to the CCP.

    You should learn something about China, maybe even visit China.

    D Benton Smith


    You keep calling me Benton the Jew for some reason that I suppose makes some kind of sense to you but makes practically no sense whatever to me. I’m not Jewish. I’m Irish and Catholic, but have always gotten along perfectly well with ordinary Jews who are not of the rabidly Zionist persuasion. They are typically smart, funny, and kind, with only a small percentage of them fitting the Fagan stereotype that you seem to have acquired from suspect sources.

    Just as a hint, your imaginary insult makes you look worse than me, even if others believe it, so my advice to you would be to drop the “Benton the Jew” tack in favor of something more imaginative and/or humorous. Humor, I gather, is not one of your strong points.

    What I suspect is that you think that calling me Jewish is some kind of insult. Well, it isn’t. The only thing annoying to me about the misnomer is that it’s indicative of your state of mind (which is unpleasant), your apparently deeply ingrained prejudices (which are almost certainly largely due to you being raised in one of the two most endemicly racist cultures in the world (Chinese and Jewish), and the sorry state of your education, which is inexcusable for someone of your IQ. You need to learn some history. Your lack thereof makes you look foolish, and rightfully so.

    I would love to visit China, surely the most beautiful country in the world, but I’m short of time and probably won’t get around to it at this point in my life. I do however enjoy the documentaries and video tours available on line from time to time. My current favorite such YouTube channel is called “Little Chinese Everywhere” which is completely politically neutral

    John Day

    As Empire Of Lies Crumbles, Hillary Clinton Warns: “We’ll Lose Total Control” If Social Media Stops Censoring Content


    China only exists to serve it’s citizens because they are in bed with Jewish Zionist banks to fund the removal of Australian Coking Coal, regular shit coal, aluminium, natural gas, lithium, iron ore, food (ord river basin the latest), timber, rare earth metals including gold amongst a vast array of other assets and raw materials.
    Let’s call it what it is
    Usury. Sticking Jew into every line shows a poor research skill level as Vatican mafia amongst many others are part of the problem.
    Read more and then read more and then keep going.
    But yeah a lot of Jewish Zionists are strangling the shit out if everyone.
    China isn’t clean. Screaming apartments in lockdowns Shanghai destroyed your argument before you bothered tapping.
    But whatever.
    Also you called me a hiding coward recently, like I’m literally posting original videos on YouTube with my face and name telling Mossad Agents they are slurping bankers amongst other jibes.

    Who are you aspnaz? Name? Face?

    Anyway I’m kind of a nobody so I’ll go back to not giving a shit now – I got freshly picked oranges to juice.
    Thought so.

    John Day

    This is a very engaging intellectual look at the human vileness and philosophical roots of Karl Marx.
    When Decades Happen – Part III The Marxist Mind Garden



    ‘Anybody else sick and damned tired of hearing the refrain…
    It’s the jews….’

    We are never ‘sick and tired’ of searching for truth. It’s like digging for gold, – elusive and hard to find. Sometimes you think you have found it, but it’s not the real thing. And sometimes you stumble across it, and it stinks like shit.


    oxymoron said

    China only exists to serve it’s citizens because they are in bed with Jewish Zionist banks to fund the removal of Australian Coking Coal …

    Hang on. You Aussies wimpered like little girls when China banned the import of your coal for two years, then when they resumed importing your coal it is China raping your land of assets. Make your mind up, I know you are all paranoid about China, but you do seem to like them paying you all that cash for the coal. You were even going to build a port up north and ship the coal out over the great barrier reef at one time, did that project get canned? And you know why China started buying your coal again? Because they make stuff for you and so they buy your coal, so that you will buy their stuff, sort of like trading, they are keeping you happy even though they could get cheaper coal elsewhere. I doubt you need the coal, what with you banning the use of coal to produce energy, then selling it to China to produce energy …. nothing like being green! I understand you even demolished all of your coal fired power stations, didn’t just shut them down, went the whole hog. So without China your boys in the mines are not going to have jobs. Ooops.

    D Benton Smith

    @aspnaz’s primary fault (among many) is that he has difficulty differentiating things that are associated but different. When the cognitive process gets difficult, he just lumps them all together and calls them identical. Oddly, he makes the same mistake with good things as well as bad, but it becomes especially annoying when he defends it as sensible.

    I’ve noticed, without surprise that he does it most often (and most vehemently) when that accidental “stumble of faith” makes HIM right and everybody else wrong. Now where have I seen that kind of behavior before? Oh yeah, I remember, humans!

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