Debt Rattle September 11 2024
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- This topic has 61 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago by
D Benton Smith.
September 11, 2024 at 6:29 pm #168742
ParticipantAI Entre-manures
I love creative innovation in the Arts
September 11, 2024 at 6:30 pm #168743Oroboros
ParticipantThe advertisers got hosed
September 11, 2024 at 7:01 pm #168744citizenx
Participantbut who except the racist, delusional few believe over a billion people can be made to goose step to the same tune.
? CoVid 19 Lockdowns and mandates were exactly that- billions of sheep in lock step goose stepping to the Shakedown Cult…. Fingers snapped and billions of people instantly submitted to become subservient slaves masks, messaging, injections…. Billions lined up for their 2 minutes of hate for two years.
A truly sickening spectacle. What disgusting horrors will humans NOT subject other humans to ?
Bio-weapons, bio-injections, completely non-scientific insanity behaviors by political “leaders”.
Billions of people overnight became slaves to Mommy and Daddy Govt…protect me harder Mommy govt, rape me harder Daddy govt. , torture anyone who refuses rape by Mommy and Daddy govtUnpleasant news flash- Billions of Humans have shown and proven they are retarded sub-human scum filth trash- no Nationalistic Flag required. That is what the “pandemic” taught those who still retain sanity and decency.
And back to the single thing they can’t understand: my not being vaccinated doesn’t risk you AT ALL. …If your vaccine works at all, right? Still over everyone’s head.
Proof positive they are brainwashed.
Billions trained for what to think, not how to think.The glazed look on their faces, a little drool, minds broken in total denial that just cannot compute what is true. Look closely, you can actually watch and see the cognitive dissonance short circuit their brains.
Why would you not drive alone with a mask on after taking 8 vax injections? duhumanity…
Trump making a strong case that he was the tough “wartime president”, while Cheney really was.
Trump’s completely OK with genocide, but it is being done wrong…
Maybe he’ll replace Bibi…Good reminder on 9/11
Cheney endorses Harris.Moral of this reality? Both Republicans and Democrats are genocidal sub-human filth.
Millions of Americans are ignorant delusional obese addicted retarded scum, as are billions on this new normal prison planet of ours.What are the odds when hundreds of millions of your fellow retarded Americans call YOU the enemy and want you dead for being truthful, honest and decent? The greatest humanitarian crisis intelligent life has faced.
Millions of CoVid cult Americans have lost their rights to ever be taken legitimately or treated with respect. Millions of genocidal Americans the same.
It takes a village to raise a child, and a Regime to destroy the village.
September 11, 2024 at 7:53 pm #168745citizenx
ParticipantWhen I first saw Biden’s speech, I was shocked by the audacity of his lies and the absolute certainty he had in his positions alongside his gross contempt for those who disagreed with him.
…on the basis of their beliefs and have a specific type of ego which under no circumstances will be willing to acknowledge its beliefs were incorrect.
Truth seekers vs ego “beliefs” desiring to be correct
True story,
Believing you are right, and Truth, are very different things.Truth- everything they believed was true was not during Covid. They were wrong and also lied the entire time. Police can legally lie to you, Politicians do legally lie to you, Corporations legally lie and pay a small fine (if convicted)
I don’t like lying, liars, or being lied to- any more than I like egotistical ‘believers’ being wrong and untruthful. Pretty fuckin simple.
Peter McCullough shares his opinion that Biden’s brain has a vaccine injury consistent with what he’s seen in many other vaccine injured patients
Epic ! Hahahaha… A summer-nami of Vaccine injuries.
If they were not such mandating a-holes, this might be tragic, but this is Monty Python genius level Karma reality. The betrayal by the Vaxtard Cult established the empathy they do not deserve.
Were 90% of the billions vaxd to die in the next 2yrs, it would land under Stalins definition.
One death is a tragedy, a million deaths a statistic.In the field of public health, we saw how this infectious form of mind control took over our political class as they became convinced the only possible solution to COVID was testing, masking, isolation, vaccines, and once those failed, more and more of the same regardless of how much the public protested against it.
Yeah sure- except in my neck of the Country, they embraced it like zealots as they continue today, despite reality. A Liberal ideology of insanity. They have shown a complete disregard for truth, they continue to lie, they have shown zero remorse or self awareness of mistakes, they are actively silencing and censuring.
“When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth,
the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them,
a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes
which impel them to the separation.”“That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends,
it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government,
laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form,
as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. ”Restore balance.
September 11, 2024 at 7:59 pm #168746Dr D Rich
Participant“Man Arrested for Creating Fake…”
One guy creates a fake and makes millions.
Facebook and Zuckerberg inflated viewership, membership.
Either Wells Fargo, Bank of America or both created fake accounts under managerial pressure, right?I say so what.
God bless ’em.
It’s my America.
It’s capitalism.
Thank God it’s not the CCP or Stalin’s RussiaSeptember 11, 2024 at 8:40 pm #168747John Day
Participant9/11 Is Not Over
We are not forgetting 9/11, as we still remember November 22, 1963, when John Kennedy was assassinated. We know we were lied to by the US government both times, but we still don’t have the complete story of either state-crime.
We may assume that the same Cabal that tasked George HW Bush to the grassy-knoll in Dallas that day launched the “global war on terror” with the Twin Tower collapses into pyroclastic dust clouds when the steel girders all disappeared in an instant, but how did they do it?
A lot of people died-funny in late 1963 and the next couple of years, more than 50, I read, but the technology brought into play on 9/11/01 is still onion-layers of mystery.
We had the COVID-pandemic that got about 70% of the adults of developed countries, and a lot of the children, injected with mystery Russian-roulette cocktails of death and disability, with a push for global digital “vaccine passport” IDs, with integral digital-banking features, as well as a one-world pandemic emergency government treaty, which has been interdicted, but is not yet dead, just hibernating in committees.
Without belaboring the point, we are the herd that the elite “owners” see the need to tightly manage and seriously cull, for best profitability as times get leaner.
There are other possible ways to manage our planetary ecosystems than the “Apex Predator” model, killing a bunch of the human herd when it seems appropriate to the Elite apex-predators.
Meanwhile, dodge the approaching culls. Stampede when appropriate. They are not finished yet.From 9/11/2023: It’s Still 9/11
From 9/11 2022: 9/11 World Of Lies
Professor Anthony Hall, The Continuing Lies and Crimes of 9/11 If You Don’t Know You Are Still Being Lied To, You Must Not Be Paying Attention.
On September 7 of 2008, I delivered my first public presentation on 9/11, an event that had happened 7 years earlier. I had been invited to share a podium with Dr. Kevin Barrett, a witty and erudite Muslim convert with whom I would collaborate often in the years ahead. Kevin had lost his academic job in 2006 at the University of Wisconsin. He was sacked from the faculty for incorporating into his curriculum material branded as heresy…
When I mounted the stage of the Stanley Milner Public Library in downtown Edmonton Alberta, the copy ink still smelled fresh on the xeroxed manuscript I was carrying in my hand. My presentation was entitled, “The Lies and Crimes of 9/11.”
The following day that text was published by the University of Ottawa Economist, Michel Chossudovsky. Michel remains to this day at the helm of Global where my 2008 essay remains the first article archived on my author’s page. …
..The old imagery of imperialism as civilization’s conquest over savagery, deeply permeated many symbolic aspects of the US-led Global War on Terror. This supposed War on Terror was used to explain many US invasions of Muslim-majority countries. In retrospect we can now clearly see that these invasions were meant primarily to serve Likudnik Israel’s— Greater Israel’s— expansionary agenda in the Middle East.
The people who attended the Edmonton event to hear Kevin and I speak were in my view quite distinctive. There was almost a full auditorium holding about 300 people. Each one of them had paid $15 to be there. That is the one and only time I ever held forth at a presentation where average people paid to see me hold forth…
..As I see it, the 9/11 skeptics have won the argument many times over. They have repeatedly proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt, the official narrative of September 11, 2001, is not supported by the existing evidence in the public domain. The 11 books by Prof. David Ray Griffen have been integral to a very large body of literature as well as of many hundreds of Internet documentaries devoted to showing the gross problems with the mainstream interpretation.
All that work, however, ran into a heavy wall of media and government stonewalling to protect the major vested interests that had much to lose if the bin Laden/al-Qaeda fairytale would have been dislodged to explain the identity and motivations of those really behind the events of 9/11. 11, 2024 at 8:41 pm #168748John Day
ParticipantProfessor David Hughes looks into a 500 page research book regarding the still-not-fitting right technical questions of 9/11/01. The conspiratorial oligarchic cabal running the US government is not the issue here. We might assume that to have been already established in the preceding 23 years.
In Defence of Judy Wood, Contrary to the “nanothermite” hypothesis of the “Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth,” the Twin Towers were evidently destroyed at low temperatures, revealing the reality of “Cold Fusion” Doctorow, ‘Dialogue Works’: edition of 11 September
Viewers will find that this is an expanded discussion of my article yesterday about the insanely reckless U.S. decision to grant Kiev permission to use NATO missiles and other long range weapons to strike the Russian heartland, a policy which will likely be announced during the visit of British prime minister Starmer to the White House on Friday…
..In his capacity as lapdog,(UK “new labour” PM Tony) Blair provided respectability for President George Bush, Jr. to proceed with the invasion of Iraq without the consent of the UN Security Council and over the objections of France, Germany and Belgium. Starmer is more proactive and indeed has moved out in front of the United States in willingness to supply Ukraine with his country’s most advanced lethal weapons systems with no restrictions on their use and to guide Ukrainian terror attacks on Russia. Other NATO countries have not objected but Germany and France are not following suit to avoid being identified by Russia as co-belligerents.
Russia has many different possible ways to respond to the attacks on its heartland but all those which are most appropriate in terms of severity, such as missile strikes against airbases in NATO countries which are being used to send F-16s aloft to attack Russia from Ukrainian air space or attacks on marshaling yards in Poland and Romania from which NATO weapons are dispatched to Kiev, are likely to provide Washington with the excuse it is seeking to perform a first, preemptive nuclear strike on Russia or to do something else that unleashes WWIII. Doctorow, The insane recklessness of Collective Biden*
*Collective Biden is the term which Russian talk show hosts have applied to the US leadership given that the presidency assumed a collective form when the physical Joe Biden slipped into deep senility this past couple of years.
I cannot say how close we are to midnight on the nuclear war watch. But a Third World War fought at least initially with conventional weapons is now just days, at most weeks away…
..Peers have highlighted the destruction of Ukraine’s best present and future cadres in electronic warfare by Russia’s missile strike this past week on the military communications institute in Poltava which is today said to have killed 700 Ukrainian and NATO personnel.
However, this seeming turning point in Russia’s favor is, as we speak, setting the stage for one further absolutely desperate and reckless act by the Biden administration to deprive Russia of its well earned victory by escalating the conflict to a world war.
What I have in mind is the near certainty that the United States and Britain have just agreed to give the Zelensky regime permission to use the long-range missiles which have been delivered to Ukraine, certainly including Storm Shadow and likely also the 1500 km range stealth missile known as JASSM to strike deep into the Russian heartland, and so ‘to bring the war to Russia’ as the Zelensky gang put it.
That is the sense of the trip this week by Secretary of State Blinken to Kiev and of the visit to the White House on Friday by British Prime Minister Starmer. Simplicius, European Antinomy Squeezes Zelensky from Both Sides as Kursk Front Crumbles
According to recent reports, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is working on a peace plan to bring Russia to the negotiating table. The plan allegedly involves Ukraine accepting territorial concessions, which could potentially lead to a ceasefire and a resolution to the ongoing conflict.
Scholz’s initiative comes as a response to the devastating electoral results in Turingia and Sassonia, and the looming threat of a potential defeat in the upcoming Brandenburg election. The Chancellor is seeking to reposition himself as a “peacemaker” and secure a lasting legacy...
..Ukrainian political scientist Ruslan Bortnik believes Zelensky came up with a new plan to end the war, Zelensky calls it ”victory plan” which he wants to present to Biden, Harris and Trump for approval this month.
1. Zelensky wants the US to allow long-range strikes into Russia with foreign missiles to destroy all military bases, airfields, ammunition and fuel depots within the European part of Russia.
2. The West (US/NATO) must protect Western Ukraine with Polish and Romanian air defense systems from Russian retaliation strikes so Ukraine could transfer own air defense systems closer to the battlefield.
3. The West must guarantee to be prepared to get more involved by sending ground troops to certain parts of Ukraine to free up Ukraine’s manpower which could be sent to the front lines. Zelensky believes after this campaign Russia would be forced to retreat, at some point Putin’s leadership would be destabilized and replaced, with the new leadership signing a peace deal...
..The victory plan is as realistic as Zelensky’s previous 10-point peace formula according to which Russia should withdraw troops and pay reparations...
..The more eye-opening admission pertains to the utterly widespread nature of desertion in the AFU’s ranks:
CNN spoke to six commanders and officers who are or were until recently fighting or supervising units in the area. All six said desertion and insubordination are becoming a widespread problem, especially among newly recruited soldiers.
“Not all mobilized soldiers are leaving their positions, but the majority are. When new guys come here, they see how difficult it is. They see a lot of enemy drones, artillery and mortars,” one unit commander currently fighting in Pokrovsk told CNN. He also asked to remain anonymous.
The majority of mobilized soldiers are leaving their positions? Mobilized are now the majority of the entire armed forces, so that can’t be a good sign...
..“During the war, Pokrovsk has become the administrative, political and logistical centre of the Donetsk region. Whoever controls Pokrovsk also controls the roads to the north and south,” said Major Serhiy Tsehotsky, the press officer for Ukraine’s 59th Motorized Brigade…
..This illustrates just how important Pokrovsk is to the region logistically and strategically, given its nature as a railway hub that feeds the entire region’s grouping.
Which segues us into the battlefield developments. I’ll leave larger updates for next time, as this Sitrep has enough geopolitical content to cover. But needless to say the Ukrainian front continues to collapse all over the place. No, Israel does not have a right to defend itself in Gaza. But the Palestinians do.
Basic morality and simple logic dictate that the right of self-defense belongs to the Palestinian people, not to their oppressor. And international law agrees. 11, 2024 at 8:43 pm #168749John Day
Participant Melania Trump Speaks on Assassination Attempt against Her Husband, ‘There is definitely more to this story, and we need to uncover the truth…’
In her video, Melania urges the public to get to the bottom of what happened on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania.
“The attempt to end my husband’s life was a horrible, stressful experience. Now, the silence around it feels heavy. I can’t help but wonder: Why didn’t law enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the speech?” she asked. “There is definitely more to this story, and we need to uncover the truth.” Service Boss Pressuring Key Official to Retire ahead of DHS-OIG Probe. If Plati retires, the DHS-IG won’t be able to legally compel him for an interview…
Tulsi Gabbard Destroys Cheney Endorsement: “A Vote For Kamala Harris Is A Vote For Dick Cheney” (Cheney ran the show on 9/11/01, as you’ll recall.)
83-year old former Vice President Cheney, who oversaw with GW Bush the invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Saddam Hussein, said in his Saturday statement: “In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.”…
..”I have a very simple message for my Democrat friends, my independent friends, and those who may not be sure about who they’re voting for in this election. Dick Cheney has just made the choice very clear”… “A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Dick Cheney, the architect of everything that has gone wrong in the Middle East for the last few decades,” Gabbard emphasized. Meryl Nass MD, regarding the Friday/Saturday symposium this past weekend: Quarterbacking the Food and Farmer symposium
As you know, Door to Freedom and Children’s Health Defense put on a 2-day, 17-hour symposium last Friday and Saturday, titled, “The Attack on Food and Farmers, and How to Fight Back.” Everyone said the speakers and content were excellent. There were 40 talks in all, and then a wrap-up with former Assistant Secretary of HUD Catherine Austin Fitts, attorney and farmer John Klar and myself
[Look at Day #2 at 7:07:27 time mark for that wrap-up overview here: . My talk is at 1:32:44 or so ]September 11, 2024 at 8:43 pm #168750John Day
Participant The main topic is the globalist moves to checkmate all humans into a digital cyborg slave economy, where those who do not comply as told will starve and be shut out of the economy for starters. Complete control of food supply and access is critical to that. Local food and home gardens, as well as independent farmers are being eliminated through regulations and monopolistic business practices, further concentrating wealth and power. Digital currency is integral. Spend cash and checks.
Habitually work outside that control-system and broaden your scope of knowledge and practice. Don’t become roadkill, please.The Speaker List, with biographies and resources is here:
My resource links are here:
Deciding where to grow vegetables
Preparing Your Kitchen Garden
Growing Food
Liberty Garden, Central Texas, Climate one 8a (Succession-rotation Gardening system)
September 11, 2024 at 8:44 pm #168751John Day
ParticipantSteve Kirsch, COVID vax: Some batches increase your all-cause mortality by 9X or more.
Buy hey, nobody who works in public health actually cares how many people are killed by the lack of quality control on these vaccines. They are “safe and effective” even when they aren’t. 11, 2024 at 8:47 pm #168752John Day
Pictured with Korean melons, producing steadily since late springSeptember 11, 2024 at 9:12 pm #168755TAE Summary
ParticipantSeptember 11, 2024 at 10:48 pm #168762Celticbiker
ParticipantIt doesn’t matter. The left wing and the right wing are attached to the NWO bird. It’s just kindergarten level theatre. Sad, but true.
September 11, 2024 at 11:11 pm #168763poppie
ParticipantThats a keeper
September 12, 2024 at 12:02 am #168764Celticbiker
ParticipantGod bless you Mr. Day. Gowing food is true rebellion in a nihilistic, Satanic, corporate, communist shithole.
September 12, 2024 at 12:02 am #168765Celticbiker
ParticipantGod bless you Mr. Day. Gowing food is true rebellion in a nihilistic, Satanic, corporate, communist shithole.
September 12, 2024 at 12:56 am #168767Dr D Rich
ParticipantMy lame attempt at sarcasm was to address the routine assertion by Drd et crew that the lesser 15,700,000 number are protected by the notion “all that many people don’t act in lockstep” when, of course, as you pointed out, ore than half the Earth’s population goose stepped to iL Fauci’s bamboozling.
I do notice the label ‘Nazi’ is used to tar and feather any disagreeable group that acts badly ie. Nazi Germans, Ukrano-Nazis, CCP-Nazi, neoNazis, Putin Nazis. Yet again as Lobaczewski explained early last century, we must use correct labels, analyze the behaviors oscientifically, and most importantly create a taxonomy through scientific study…naming, defining and classifying groups.
September 12, 2024 at 1:05 am #168768John Day
ParticipantThank You, Mr. Celticbiker.
September 12, 2024 at 1:33 am #168769WES
ParticipantMy main concern about the rigged debate is that it potentially enables the deep state to steal the 2024 election.
Everything that follows the debate, must be viewed in terms of whether it helps the deep state steal the election?
Kamala cheating before (prior access to ABC’s questions per her husband) and during the debate (pearl earrings), greatly helps the deep state.
It enables the MSM to run the narrative of a close election.I felt during the debate that the dems had a direct line to her.
This was evident in her sometimes delayed or slow start of her responses.
It also seemed to suddenly change her behavior.
The pearl earrings would be the perfect way to do this.
Her smirking would indicate her joy of knowing she was successfully cheating without anyone knowing.
I know something you don’t!We know Kamala only knows cheating as a way of life.
She has always cheated and thinks it is perfectly normal to do so.Again we must view everything that happens between now and the election in these simple terms.
Does this help the deep state steal the election?
Yes, or No?September 12, 2024 at 1:54 am #168770zerosum
ParticipantStealing the election.
Does it matter to the final outcome?
Will anyone be able to change the course of the future?September 12, 2024 at 2:57 am #168771D Benton Smith
ParticipantWell, duh, of course the Dems are cheating. How else could they possibly win? Does anyone on this forum think for a moment that they’re campaigning for popular votes? Why would they waste time, effort (and government money) trying to obtain something as useless to them as popular votes?
Kamala wasn’t pitching her bullshit to the gen pop. She was pitching to the only people she cares about AT ALL, namely the handful of oligarchs whose vast wealth, power and control are the only things she needs to “win” (by cheating) the purely theatrical production that is whimsically called a Presidential election. She needs to convince them that she can and will serve as their sufficiently competent puppet.
She doesn’t give a shit about the popular vote, and she cares even less about what anyone except that tiny handful of ultra-elite thinks about her. If you don’t own a fleet of private jets, a stable of high powered lawyers and pockets full of Federal Judges then just fuggeddabowdit, she ain’t talking to you.
By the way, the golden ticket that she’s offering them to lock the deal is her promise to tax-in-advance “unrealized income”, because (if you give it a little thought) guarantees the government’s ability to target and destroy ANYONE who lacks the RAW POWER to protect themselves from being taxed-in-advance for “unrealized” future income. Only the most elite of the most elite have that kind of juice, and those are the folks she is pledging allegiance to. It’s a club, and only a handful of uber-criminals is in it (which means NOT YOU).
September 12, 2024 at 3:15 am #168772D Benton Smith
ParticipantThis election, as per usual, is not a race between two candidates. It is a contest between two strategies. Trump needs 80% of the REAL popular vote to have any chance of beating the Uniparty’s cheat-machine. To pull that off he needs to persuade a few more of those pirates to jump off of Uni-party’s ship. He’s got a medium to good chance of doing that because that pirate ship is sinking fast but he’s got to be VERY careful because if he starts naming names or calling out blood drinking child murderers then they’ll simply kill him, and the next try won’t be a clown show like the last one.
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